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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
! ETflllT PAOFS. VAGV. fotttl DAILY EAST OKEflOXTAX, ?EypT,F.TOy, OREGON, TUESDAY. JAM'AKY 2rt. 101.'. U;ilii;aii!iitt nothing' excepted, nothing' in white reserved, all to go, at the f-2 II 1 SALE j? WOT 1 I! Jnllw MPAWM ft" A chandise with others. Embrodery Im hilinjr imported Swi?, Flouncing, Insertions. .rc EmlroiJeryf White Sale Price Sc Einbroukrv, White Sale Price 10c Einl.roiJcrv, White Sale Price. l.'e Emlroidcrv, White Sale Price 17c Embroidery, White Sale Price. i'(V. Embroidery, White Sale Price L'.'-c Embroidery, White Sale Price 'loo Embroidery, White Sale Price o.V Embroidery. White Sale Price 40c Embroidery, White Sale Price. Edging and .".Oc. Embroidery, White Sale Price t'.."c Embroidery, White Sale Price 7."c Embroidery, White Sale Price $1.00 Embroidery, White Sale Price Embroidery, White Sale Price $1..0 Embroidery, White Sale Price $1.75 Embroidery, White Sale Price.. $2.00 Embroidery, White Sale Price. 3f 5 7? 10 12C 14 16? 21? 23? 29? 33? 43? 45? 70? 90? 91-10 91-25 ?1.45 a plenty. .$2.r0 Embroidery, White Sale Price. 91.85 $3.00 Embroidery, White Sale Price. 92.00 $3.50 Embroidery, White Sale Price..... 92.35 $3.05 Embroidery, White Sale Price 92.75 NAPKINS $1.25 Xiij.kin?, White Sale Price, )-r dozen 93? $3.50 Napkins, White Sale Price, per dozen 92.75 $4.00 Napkins, White Sale Price, per dozen..... 93.25 $1.25 Napkins, White Sale Price, per dozen..... 93.35 $G.OO Napkin?, White Sale Price, per dozen. .. S I. Go i i Fancy White Aprons 75c Aprons, White Sale Price 49? 05c Aprons, White Sale Price : C9? $1.00 Aprons, White Sale Price 73? $1.25 Aprons, White Sale Price 89? $1.50 Aprons, White Sale Price 98? $1.75 Aprons, White Sale Price S1.23 $2.00 Aprons, White Sale Price ..... 91.39 Womens and Children. Muslin Underwear Any 25c Underwear, White Sale Price 19? Any 35c Underwear, Whito Sale Price..- 23? Any 50e Underwear, Whito Sale Price.... 39? Any C5c Underwear, White Sale Price.... . 49? Any 75c Underwear, White Salo Price 59? Any $1.0U Underwear, White Sale Price 79? An'v $1.25 Underwear, White Sale Price 98? Any $1.50 Underwear, White Sale Price 91.19 AnV $1.75 Underwear, White Sale Price 91.49 Any $2.00 Underwe ar, White Sale Price 91.G9 Any $2.50 Underwear, White Sale Price 91-98 Anv $2.75 Underwear, White Sale Price 92.19 AnV $3.00 Underwear, White Salo Price 92.39 Any $1.00 Underwear, Whi'e Sale Price 92.98 Any $5.00 Underwear, White Salo Price 93.98 Any $().50 Underwear. White Sale Price 9 179 SHOES AND SLIPPERS "Misses' $2.50 White P.uck SIi.k', White Sale 91.98 Dig Girls' $3.50 White Duck Shoes, White Sale 92.95 Women's $3.50 Wliite Satin Slippers, White Sale Price - 92.95 11? 79? I. 39? d. 49? i 11 Go over carefully Mrs. Housewife every item list- Tempting prices and reductions will prevail in ed below and then compare our prices and mer- every department and money saving will be here El el Doilies, Fancy Towels and Lunch Cloths 10c Doilies, Wliite Sale Price - - 8? 25c Doilies or Towels, Whito Salo Price.. 19? .'55c Doilies or Towels, Wliite Sale. Price 25? 5()c Doilies or Towels, White Sale Price 39? (!5c Doilies or Towels, Wliite Sale Price 49? $1.50 Lunch Cloths, White Sale Price . 98? $2.00 Doilies Set, White Sale Price $1.25 10c II tick Towels, White Sale Price, dozen.. $1.00 . HlcHelied Tiirkidi Towels. Wliite Niiln Price 19 o5c Lingerie Patiste, White Sale Price' kt yard 29? p 25c Nainsook, White Sale Price, per yard 19? 3 -5c India Linen, White Sale Price, yard 19? H Indian Linon, White Sale Price, yard !e I5:d Sheets. MxHO. White Sale Price 50c Pleached Tal.Ie Damask, White Sale Pr., v. fi.'e Pleached TaUo Dama.-k, White. Sale Pr., v Dotted Swiss and Curtain Scrims 15e Dotted Swiss, White Sale Price llf 45c Curtain Scrim, White Sale Price 33? 4le Curtain Scrim, White Sale Price 29? 20c Dimity, White Sale Price 14? WOiKILEWiRG Better Goods for Less Money ST01LE ! Save Your Blue Fidelity Trading Stamps illliH AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Pskllsbed Dally aod Betal-Weekt At - dietoo, Oregon, by tba ART OElvWOMAN PCBUUHINQ CO Official County Paper. Member Unit. Pre. Aaaoeiatloa. Eatsred at tbe postorflee at Pndlatoa, claaa Dregs, aa seeood-c- aail aasttar. tfetaoaaae ON BALI IS OTBKB CITIRS. latparlai Hetal News Mtaud, Portland, Oraroa. Bowaua Nawa Co., Partlaad, Oregon, ON riLE AT Cbleaao Bureau, W Bscortty Balldtag. WaaaLaftae, D. C Boreas, 601. fear Maata street. N. W. BCB8CBIPT10! BATBS. (IN ADVANCE) Pall f, one year, by nail fS.OO liaily, els atoDtha, by mall 2.50 fially. tire mouth, by mall 1.23 TJally, ooe moath, by mall 60 IeHy, one year, by carrier T.50 rially, mz montba. by carrier 8 78 f tally, three month, by carrier...... 1.95 Ially. one avonth, by carrier .M Weekly, one year by mall 1.50 tomi-Weekly, aix moDtha, by mall 73 feeoJ-Weekly, four montha. by mall... J0 THE WIDE SWEET ROAD. Take the wide aweet road to the daily toll, And the road of he aweet dream home, Where the atorm'a at rest and the waves aleep And the soft wlnda klsa the foam. Take the wide, sweet road to the roaring mart. And the aweet road home to the loving heart . Take the wide aweet ' road through the golden years. And make It a way so bright That the thought and the dream of Its pleasant bourne Will lead to Its joy at night. Take the wide sweet road neath the bright blue sky With a dream of the lips that you kissed bood bye, And home to her heart In the twilight place, Where the home and the heart are a common race. Boston Post. There is significance in the protest by the Farmers' Union organization against the proposed An Old Subject tonnage tax. on auto With trucks and In the Sew Meaning, protest by the Cold Springs farmers committee against the scheme to abolish the office of state highway engineer. Unquestionably those remonstrances are based on realization of the fact On the the auto truck used on good highways night Track may come to fill an economic need at ' I . . a, V- 4. ......... n. mg 10 oe expecieu nufu io jciu had such glib defenders and are the men who got away with the big swag any worse than the stool pigeons of the rostrum wno palmed off an empty can for a full dinner paid upon a too credulous people. Most of the industrial discontent in America arises from the fact thai within two generations. In most industries, the tools have been trans formed from small, present scarcely dreamed of. Only a cheap hand Implements into complex, week or two ago a demonstration was costly machines, and the further facta made in Portland for these farmers J that ownership of the tools has passed and It was shown that the auto truck i from the users to Incorporated capital was practical as a heavy freight car- and that when the owners cannot op Her. Cased on that demonstration It erate the tolls profitably they very has been estimated that the wheat of often suspend operations, leaving the the Cold Springs section could be. workers unemployed hauled to the Columbia over a good road at a price of two cents a bushel Wage earners want first an ade quate wage and security of employ- m E-H hi l l r t - t -". I i i : The COSY TODAY KEYSTONE SPECIAL "Fatty and Minnie Hee Haw" TWO-PARTS Fatty (Roscoe Arbuckle) is thrown of! a freight in the desert. Minnie finds him and decides he shall he hers Two Thousand Feet of Fun "On the Table Top" A detective story of two get-rich-quick men "A Yellowstone Honeymoon" The story of a bride who got lost Adults 10c Children 5c whereas It now costs several times that ment; after these they want a share sum to haul wheat uphill to Myrlckjof authority over their own labor and station and those who do so miss the its jiroduct the authority that rests advantage of the water freight rate, in ownership of tools and product. When such possibilities confront One school of reformers proposes people the subject of Improved high- public ownership and operation of in ways takes on a new meaning. There dustrles, to replare private ownership, can no longer be talk that good roads This Is state socialism, and, except as are wanted merelv for Dumoscs of to public utilities, It has not yet In- pleasure. They are desired for busl-! tercsted more than a small minority ness reasons and It Is not the city of the workers as a practicable rem man so much as the farmer who has edy, Interests at stake. When roads can i Another school proposes voluntary be used to reduce freight costs they co-operation by wage earners in ac nr. a iiiriirw hut n aten in the dl- ouirlng ownership, of the Industries rectlon of economy. I they serve. This plan, industrial co The road problem Is one deserving operation, has made gigantic strides of attention from able and broad during recent years in Europe and has minded men who look to the future gained some ground in America. Thus and to the general good! It Is no fur, In this country, it has been sp rit .hwt to h draeired into Dolltics plied chiefly to marketing of farm and it is a poor subject to leave in products, to buying of household sup the hands of men lacking clearness of plies, and to home building, thought or sincerity of purpose. In ' The United Mine Workers of Am ,i-,.iino- with th mud nuestlon may erica, proposing: to Duy tne nacne- the legislature put forth its best ef- Penman coal mines In Arkansas where fortg. I labor warfare lately stopped oper- J atlons, are In a way to carry the co After all, have men like Carnegie operative principle a step farther any more to answer for than have the than It has Bin In this country. who fof Tf the : Mine Workers can raise 'I'liiMiiiiin tipeuoinuers wno ior jf the : Mine Workers can In Uu? Same years have been golnfi hundreds of thousands of dollars to Cafcory. about the country carry on strikes-and they have preaching the doctrine hown they can by doing It they that our billionaire Industries must niiould be able as easily, and with bet- be coddled with the protective tariff ter warrant, to raise $200,000 to buy bottle or they will perish of the pip' the mines and operate them for theli and who have generally defended the ow account. If, doing so, they can party of privilege under which our prove that the former owners paid too great trusts were formed In accord- little wages and took too great proflta uncf! with the recipe for ''soup de (before the strike drove them Into 'bull-yon' two burkets of water and bankruptcy), that fact will encourage one 'on yon' "I Was not great graft- organized workers In some other In dustries to set up In business col lectively for themselves. If, as may happen, co-operative operation of the mines proves the for mer operators were paying wages as high as earnings permitted, that dis covery should be of value In dissuad ing the United Mine Workers from ordering strikes hereafter that are foredoomed to defeat. St. Louis Post Dispatch. The parliament in Iceland has vot ed to set up prohibition and soon It will be Impossible to have a "hot time" In Iceland. The Eastern Oregon State Hospital has been given kind words; let us hope the distinguished legislators will not stop with that. The Pender case Is still pending. W11ITLOCK FUEED ! AIDE AND .M USKS, ed under arrest In spite of his dip lomatic character and the pOKsesslon of perfect credentials, both flermau and Amerlonn. It whs only when Mr. Whltlovk became emphutlc In his de mands that the nurses were liberated and allowed to continue their Journey to England. K : . -V v - 1 If'- ONE DOSE RELIEVES A COLD-NO QUININE "PAPER COLD COMrorVD" K!D 11AD OI I)S OH GKIPPE IS a few nouns. P. Varallo, Harpist villi tlio Hall well (V)iiiMiny, at tlu Alta. "The Iloncw Cann) Fire." This book Is the story of pioneer life i:i Oi'pkoii. it has had a marve lou.i sale. it Is iTriHiMj . ui)iti)' iook. It tells the story of pioneer times, In a very romantic ni'iiiner, miii yet the author ha given much time Relief comes Instantly. A doso taken every two hours us til three doses are taken will en4 grippe mUeiy and break up a sevra cold either In the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-np nos trl'ji and air passages In the heavd,. stops misty (Mcharge or nos run ning, relieves sick, headache,, dullness,. feerlshness, sore throat, sneeslng,. trer.efs tnd stlffnea. Dcn't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and fnulfllng! Ease your throb bing heud! Nothing else In the world gives cui'li prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Compound," which costs only 23 cents at my drug store. It acts i w ithout r.niflanca, tastes nice, causes no lnooneri!tni"e. Ho sure you get tho Eeliulne. and labor to secure exact fact., con terning all that he lias written. This Is the book wliich'prcscnts tho "truth, more romantic than fiction." The author, Kcv. O. W. Kennedy, crossed the greut plains In tho ox wagon, In 18D3. Has mingled with the pioneers of Oregon for (2 years. Has associated In every department of frontier life. Taught the school in Umatilla Landing In 1869, when that was the only town In the county of Umatilla; was pastor of the church here In Pendleton In 1880. Now here or it lew days sellitiK his boos. A real guarantee on roofing ! A useless risk is to buy roofing not ffuaranteed by responsible1 mnrmrn. When vou tuv our roofina you get .the written Buaranteo' KOOftnjft. ot tne world a largest jffr ... , aaanataduran of roc- UKCJ JnOBl veOVie, JflZr .Prove their worth bythtteitotUtM Brand Whltlock, former mayor of Toledo, Ohio, now United States min ister to Belgium, who has had a num ber of clashes with the German mili tary authorities now In control of tho greater part of Belgium. Whltlock had trouble concerning the release of seven English nurses who were un der his protection and who, after faithful promises from the supreme authorities In Brussels that they should not be molested, were Impris oned at Mons, despite the presence there of a representative of Mr. Whlt lock. Whltlock's aide was also plac- Buy materials that last) i Atk your dealer for prod acta made by as they bear our name. Aap-all Roeftesa Roofing 1-plypiuTu-teeJ 5yera ( AUgrodtt nl jirtMt) .- -A a.l..U f., 2-ply fwranteed 10 yean tnaabt-atrtpan F-Mtio RooTaui C waX - Mstal Pateta OaWloaa Pala4s Sainala Staiaa R.inClTar TarCkMtiac ffiKL 3-pIy guaranteed IS jreart General Roofing Manufacturing Company WorUT largnl maKufOrtarrrt oj lioofinQ ani Building Paptn ftta-TatfcCltr fcalas Ckkxa rilbaaris PklUa.laala AUaata dmkal StUaki Cladaaatl KaanaCUr MiaaaaaaB SaaFraacbot Saattla Laaaaa Haaan Datral ,li.lUltliliii 1.