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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1915)
!. H 11 fl E10TTT PAGES. flAILT EAST O'mTPDLKTOItEOOy. TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1915. Vk(T. TTTRFF. Many Names on the Roll GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR fmwsrtmwifmtmmiMfi immsmmm Uiiuluil, i of Honor in the Schools KJiimmrniminnminnrimnn r'iiiiiiiiiiuujuiuijiuuiiiiiijuu.ijiii America's Greatest Cigarette The first semester roll of honor, Iewey nervals, Theo Hayden, Harry mumming mo names or ma pupns. mumrmaieiii, uscar race. trrOUM DELAYS THE SAILING OP DACIA QALVESTOV, Teias, Jan. Th Youn of the public schools neither absent nor tardy during the entire term be ginning Heptember 14 and ending January 22, has been compiled by the teachers and also the list of pupils who were exempt from examinations because of high standings In dally recitations. The following Is the roll of honor. IlawUiornn School, Mb R amber's room, first grade Kutherlne Hunter, Vernes Johnson, George Male, Maggie May Moody, El va Moyer, Lorena Ness, Margaret Ed na Rafety. Frank Zehrung. Mrs. Williams' room second grade Henry Johnson, Frances Moyer, Philip O'Donnell, Elizabeth Richard son, Mildred Stickler, Myrtle Smith, (Young Snyder, Cloyd Watt, Merle .MA UK IT THICK. tiLASSV, WAVY, LUXURIANT AMI HF.MOVK AIX DANDRUFF. Feshmen II, Meryl Agee, R. Harg ett, Harry Hays, Freeman Hendricks, An drew Harvey, Ousts Lorenzen, Walt er Bchnelter, Olney Baling, Immediate departure of th steamship Dacla for Rotterdam was practically caned off. Captain McDonald an nounclng that he would not sail un til storm, raging at sea, had sub- SldM USE "TIZ" FOR I TID FEE! SO -THL" FOR rUFFKD-UP, ACIIINO HWKATi, OU.IAMKKO FERT AND OOICNS. - s. - .' l.'i ..J V.. I ' V . Mis Anlbal's Room, third grade Wllma Arteburn. Vaughn Elder, Keith Elder. William Johnson, Reo Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, Austin lustrous and beautiful as a young Ford. Helen Candlsh, Ruth Edwards. after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Winifred Graham, Flleta Hall, Jennie JuJlt try this moisten a cloth with a Murphy, Alta Mentzer, Lucy Ruggles, "lt' Danderine and carefully draw Anne Shea. I It through your hair, taking one small Sophomores Leta Agee, Lucille atrand at a time. This will cleanse Bacr, Merle Best, Esther Enbysk, the hair of dust, dirt and excessive Anna Ouerrant, Amy Latourelle, Ed-lo'I and In Just a few moments you Ith Richardson; Daphne 8wearl'ngen, have doubled the beauty of your Hazel Strain, Clell Brown. Frank hair. Dickson, Eldon Evans, Sidney Morton, I Besides beautifying the hair at once Percy Osborne, Sterling Patterson,) Danderine dlsiolves every particle of Norman Stearns, Sheldon Ulrlch, Rus-' dandruff; cleanses, purifies and ln sell Wilbur. Ivlgorates the scalp, forever stopping Juniors Alice Ferguson. Marguer- Itching and falling hair. He Straughn, Maude fiuleste Ernest But what will please you most will Boylen. Cecil Curl, Everett Daubner, be after a few weeks' u when you Paul Kerrlck, Fred Peters, Emll Sel- will actually see new hair fine and beit, Detlef Struve.' downy at first yes but really new Kenlors Lillian Bovlen. Eileen ha'r growing all over the scalp. If 13 u L nr 0 IS) Bowling, Edith Burnett. Winnie Chle- u care for pretty, soft hair and lots MarnU mrnr. Km. Eddl- Ness, ionie Minnls, Hester Proctor, or u sureiy get a zt cent uouie oi Ralph Rude Jack Shull Wava Tay- Alrntt Sherman, Fonda Wolfe, Harold Knowlton's Danderine from any drug- lor Thlm Wllann i "., irui msnn. or luuri ivuum, uu juni w ii. Miss Rotto's room, fourth grade 1 t-'ommerclai room Verna Anlbal, n.rh.i niirnn. K.ith Cannon Pansv adge Allbrlght, Pansy Bybee. Mabel Cowan Mabel bennle Beryl Edwards, Croner. Marle Evans, Sybil Farley, ' pie varieties grown in and near Port Edna Hansen. Ethel Harvey, Douglas Emerald Creenewald. Floyd Hall.-land, if taken too good care of and Johnson, Leonard Love, Loye McQee, Deuc "' Janette Jack, Bern over pruned, will not bear, at least Nellie Morris. Norval Bundeen. Mo"' Arth"r Morris, Rosa Monteras-j not until quite old. Mlas Carpenter's room, fifth grade i11"1"' Mrl, Wilsey. remedy Is to let up on the Anatta Brown, Jane Cheaney, Eth- r.xnnpi irom tJimi, "pruning; to prune twice a year dls- elyn Horseman. Charles May, Cyril Tn'l,e ''"P11" are exempt from the trlbutlng the pruning between the McAtee. Thelha Myres. Fernle Peary, i""""n""on"- early spring and the middle of Juue Floyd Smith. Hawthorne School. ( t0 the middle of July. Do not water M1aie fi a -er'm rnim ssl f i arrfl A-- Fifth grade Annetta Brown, Jane tno murh nd ma nnrlnirlv n tna. uim Tn.'m.n TaV T)rnn.nn mih Cheney, Ebile Gervals, Violet Nolan, 'rur. SnmntimM thKA tr. r in Bylee. Zclma Cheney. Teddy Daggett, , ernile NoIttn. Bernlce Patterson, Les-j chicken yards, where the ground has! Elwood Delaney, Katherlne Gran- " luu Dmlla- heen kept quite moist and Is pretty holm. Vera Huey. Hazel Koch, Helen ' , th fraac Ruby Bybee, Chrlsllle heavily fertilized. Trees under these La Fontaine. Puul Llnsner, Elzo Love. ra,,on- Helen La Fontaine, Mabel conditions often do not succeed. Ada Mathews. Lloyd McRae. Cart m niun, Miner Kicn- -with the cherry trees that bloom Moll. Cnrl Myers. Nellie Oliver. Chris-; Br"on- ,,earl wtt. sn(1 fali to Mti j am aimoat certaln tllle Patton. , Esther Richardson, Ed-'., a- enzaoem powers, that the trouble Is sollinatlon. The ward Temple, Pearl Watt. Mnj Chirk. Flossie Gelnger, Effle Rlack republican can be grafted Into Mbui Oilman's room, seventh grace ,u")n norseman. neien those trees and will help them to set. E3 S3 Thursday Jan. 23th, Will Open Again Morning 9 a. m. Watch for big poster and advertisement in this paper TOMORROW Jexsle Bell, Elizabeth Bowers Ned Cheney. Harry Clifton, Ivan Crowe, Iiu's Do Castle, Flossie Gelnger, Har Koch Muybelle Wilson. Eighth grade Alfred Koeppen. Lincoln School. Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face In agony. TIZ" l magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous ex udations which puff up the feet the only remedy that does. Use "TIZ" and wear smaller shoe. Ah! how comfortable your feet will feel. "TIZ" is a delight. "TIZ" Is hnrmless. Oet a 25 cent box of 'TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad foet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot com fort guaranteed or money refunded SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS Wi: F.AT TOO MUCH MEAT WIIKH CIXKJS KIDNEYS, THEN THE BACK HURTS. old Goederke. Gwendolyn Horaeman. ' F!fth Eunice Hott, Harry trees to set a crop." Helen Koch. Flos.-le Penlund. Carl J, na Murpny. uiue woods, j or you can use a special strain of WnlnrhniiiA whlnh nan V ba.h ra i - from Eugene, which will help these Theodore Spencer, Frnnces StrnuRhn StrnuRhn Lee Temple. Mir Ruggles' room. elKhth grade Harold Butler. Mnry Karl. Elza Hunt er, Starling Llvermore. Du Vergne Llvermore, Delia Feebler. Huth Sear cy. Wlma Smith. Dorothy Walker. Lincoln SlxI. Mlns Mllhollen's room, first grade Margaret Oargal, Louise Hayden, Margaret McKeown, Myrtle Minnls, I ratn Edith Roehlk, Hazel Wheeiock. Rose mary Whlteman, Maxwell Manning. Alva Albert. Hubert Allen, Elvis Bow. man, Da r re I Case, Howard Dunham, Sixth grade Iva Beeman. Iva Mc- Keown, Alberta McMonles. Kisses are the coupons clipped from C . t i . , . ' ..... . . V . V. vcmn graie jneinia uiancnett, Odessa Sneckernaele. ElKhth crade Hlnnrh Purnlah IHHi Laura Kearney, Irene Speckernngle. Wa-Jilneton School. Fifth grade Ruth Purdy. Sixth grade John Beckwlth, Eliza-; beth Blydcnsteln, Ralph Chittenden, , Mary Clark, John Crow. Byron Ele-, -nh T7 1 r. .nl.. T.. I-Jt.. --. , - r noids. Glen Morton, Dorothy Hale, Ruls Parker, Cathryn Wilson. . Seventh grade Helen . Barnhart, Mallnda Eggers, Helen Idleman. Ma- Charley English Fred Griggs. Arburyre Mabrandi Matthew., George Meth. Charles Teterson. Jesse Thack- Mumm Dor0thy Newberry. Maude er Harold Green. ' ! Poston. Edna Sallng. Eula Simpson, Mb Maxwells room, first grade H,,en Roehlk. t.nd second grade-aien AlDert. nei- Elghth rrad( Bpst rle, Truman Gadwa. Mwt folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get slURKlxh and clogged and need a fltmhing occa sionally, else wo have, backache and dull misery In the kidney region, se vere headaches rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, arid stomach, sleepless- Eighth grade Dean Best, Hazel Cook, Vera Cook. Francis Daniels, RenA f?nl.B Dnrnthv TTarvj.1 Usmft Mrs. Halley's room, second A, third IInrtnettt Giadva HIckg iva Hod-n-BenJamin Griggs. Eugene Lester. ' 8nre E,va Kuper Gwendolyn Rog Donnld McCook, Adolph Heyden. tra Aiaxine Kern, i.orene King, itaiey i'e-i terson. Frances Ross, Frances Rog ers. Mrs. Richardson's room. third A HUrli Sciiool. Freshman class Dewey Tlieodore Hayden, Martha Gervals, Wilsey, una rounn ,s i.aer. Winifred Graham, Jean Reber. den Cheshire. Elma Klmbrell. Iiyton Sophomore class Sybil Farley, Mann. Myron McKlernon. Mildred Murcart rolu-onhv P(r an Vur-' Unrol li.m, rrth, 'r,Ki Phillips. George Rigby, May Far llllat. Winifred Wheelock. Grace; Junior class-Anna Bashor. Homer Blanchett. LeMer Brown. Beauford xInn LIIllan Prultt , Poroth y Bedwell. S l.ybee Robert English. Marie Hetch- AnKP,it Itowler MauJe Su9te Emlly er, fliaoie Aiciwonii, jMiiiiriinc f Oiuint M,iri-iirt Rtrmihn Jr-A r Nary, Richard Rice , i r. , . irm lie pn .nr nr MIm O'Connell's room, fifth B and Fanchon Elliott. Klxth H Ioni an i:nglin. Marguerite Luclle Gllllland, Humphrey, Alice McKeown, Edn;i Murphy, Clayton Rogers. Millard Viiuithn, IJa Uronson, Wesley Flctch-' h'enlor cla.-;!! IxMs Curl, Edith Pow ers, Clara Daniels. ness and all sorts of bladder dtaor- er. Carleton IjiDow Genevieve Thelps Iers. Iva McKeown. Alberta McMonles, You simply must keep your kidneys Ruth Minnls, Jens Torgeson. active and clean, and the moment you I Miss Klrkpatrlck's room, seventh B feel an ache or pain In the kidney innd eighth U Mabel Beeman, Chrls reglon, get about four ounces of Jad ty Holmngrcn, Esther Jenkins, Nellie, Salts from any good drug store here. I Nngle, Tottle Palng, Sydney Idling, take a tablespoonful In a glass of Helen Thompson, Marlon Hoagland water before breakfast for a few I.nura Kearney, Merle King, TROUBLES OF XOX- 1UAJOMIXG TREES S Over Stimulation from Water, Ma nurc, or Pruning Frequently tlio CauHo. days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and la harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralize the acids in me urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Palts Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent Hth-la-water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding se rious complications. A well-known local druggist says hn sells lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- LEGE, Corvnllls. Jan. 25. It fre-l McConnell. ' Wli!iurtn school. MIhs Lane's room, first quently happens that trees apparent- E3 ly healthy and vigorous refuse to blossom op hpar fruit Thli bapiI. tTT lnK 10 Professor Lewis, chief of the Walter Adams. Bruce Hawks, Seville 0rrKon AKrlcuItural CoUtge division I g Marty, Eldon Vaughn. Robert Tales. of horticulture, is generally owing toU MIhs Hretherton's '""" the vitality of th troBn "If nl, Charles Endlcott. George Ehrhart, ; .. 1wl8 ... lf tu . mllrh Mary Francis, Earl Holder. John Mor-; In,lnure cr ,rr,KtttIon watcr you!i luu. i..i,.iou. ui;.u mny force tnem entlre,y lnt( wooJ MIhs Campbells room, third grade Tnlg condltlon wouIJ bft apt to be Lou Blydenstcin. James Gebhart, ttllB .i,K . - ,. iiicnuru aiariin, xtonunu W"im, C(We ,t ma. be years before;S Trlece Perkins, Lewis Yates. Lyle they wlIl bear Teow Newton, I xoung, Jennie neaiey, Margaret Aa-,vorthrn Sr)V. Ktn- . TomnknB'E3 lams. Jessie UUgun. Pollnlv anJ In fat .n. ' Miss Lusted'a room, fourth grade j Bennle Koggs, lone Carden, Gladys - - ' Cook, Arthur Copeland, Carl Gulott, Verne Hale, Harold Hatton, Dorothy Henderson, Donald Hodgson, Clem Perkins, Jennie Rose, Bert Rose, Eve lyn Snyder, Curl Vaughn. Miss Deute's room, fifth grade ' TrA... 1 1 1 . . .1 , i T ...... i i. . T, I In a Ilttla book desired for expectant crnon Ilartnett, Alton McReynolda. mothen C(M11pi,.t0 ni),rucl J ma jvionierasieiu, uisie ram, uuri Stllwell. ' Miss McCully's room, sixth grade- Ferdinand Brcding, Elizabeth Blyden stein, John Crow, uialnd, Kennedy, Glen rfortoli,' Clyde Perkins, Hattle Peck, Charllo Snyder, Gilbert Struve, Thelma Baling. 1 Mlas RllHtvnrth'n rnnm'' ovsnih graue L.ena uaner, Helen uarnnart, your I S SPECIALi I - ... This Week Reduced Prices Including Faultless i ties and . Household Rubber Gloves. "' Tallman & Go. A Hint for Coming Filatemily m given in the use of "Mother's Friend." This Is an external embrocation applied to the abdominal muscles for the pur pose of reducing the strain on liga ments, cords and tendons. It serves to ease thft mind. IndlrAotlv has a most beneficial effect upon th Leading DrutfguU talr Si William Breding. Haxel Caldwell. Tel In Harvey, Helen Idleman, Helen neus sywem and thousands of women Roehlk. William Schumann. , hV" 7J!!2 Miss Humlltong room, eighth grade, went through the ordeal with mn "Dean Best, Hazel Cook, Franc la marknble success. "Mother's Friend" hos xaiiit-iB, ciiuiu .iuuaiv, Ainu v iniivu, .. v,iuiai luvur lor moro i Mamie Ilartnett, Chester Klrkpatrlck, lQ'on' yMl ' Jln ft,most vnry com Elva' Kuners Alvlna Roehlk Vera Tlm ty. "re '"'mothers who used it i f.'i ttm u w n o thfi,n,",'v,. their daughters have useil It Taylor, Lloyd Ulrlch. Wells McRey-,and they certainly must know what a tiolds. blessing it Is when they recommend It lllirh School ' ' f" wtraily. It Is iied very successfully to mirn rJiooi. prevent caklriK of breasts. Freshmen I Madeline Rurgess, "Mother's Friend" has been prepared !n Natalie Ferguson, Jean Folsom, Hel- the laboratory of Sradfleld Regulator Co en Isaac, Ruth Isaac, Margaret 804 Lamar Hldg., Atlanta, Ga., for mora ui, vvn .. ,hftn two generations and can be had ot ,;;.."".: A' ::.v ...i',? y tto coast. ..... iv i, x ... v..-.u, iwj mrnuii, ( write ti-uiiy Xur the little look. iiimiiiiiiniiiiiM j jiiuiiiuMM.MMMuiiuiiiiiimiiiuiiuimmmuMiimiummuiU f!!!IIII!l!!!!!!l!!!ni!II!llin!l!If!linn! . mi i ii mij in ii in ii i i i i ii in in 1 1 f: it in i ii nn m i it i ui ni l n i ,i t mini i mi Mil iii i.ii m n i i mi iii mm i . . mi t n n ii h i ' i h r m i i i t i"i ' iimmninmnii. l.....Huu..;....,.lH.Hmlii..1Mm.iiiliuiiUmiiim.iiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiaiimuiiuiiiiiiiiinuiiu H Ii I I i i " "i iiiitii i i i i i i i i i i i , , , ,i Vi II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I il H3 1 i : II i i I II II I ! II II II II II I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 B j m ii i f m ' m CEND your next I order for B 1 i r? rK b i i i i i m m -r v.miri t i t . i ra " 1 jo i 1 1 ! 10)10) RtU1?flMyf II I ! I i I I I r- ,A V r ia II i TH TUP I B II' w I I E C3 II I I I I I B I I I I I S Hi I II Ml' i I I I I I II W3K& fftr 11 II ll'.fT.IMII m nil iW II UII1U1HII III l I 5 m I I I I I I I1 cwiwv vtt avnaaan m i g I I ill EE I I I I VI I I I I I I I --1 l l l ) ttio-t ..... . , , II II I I I il i I i i kjo i sieD to- vour w pnhnn g I I I I I I I H X J -.-w III I I I I I r3 I J and tell Central "One". I ! If Wp'll rail fnr f nrAfY anrl ! fl i i ' il I I I I I I ... i I I I I I I m I I I I II m ff-k mfa mm A. I til I I I I 'I I I I VJIIrif I II r'r' III IIIFJaCfa 7ii i II I I i S3 ' Hj ia I -33 NO MATTER WHAT YOUR PRINTING I 1 1 NEEDS MAY BE, WE CAN FILL THEM ! ! I . . , , i S3 ' I . ' ! f 1 M i l I IMI I !!' I i 1 I I Ml! 1 11 . . 1 i 1 i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 j I I I I I I I I M I jiMiiiiMiiittiiiMnitiiimiHimiiMiiiiiiitiHiiiiiimiHiiiiii....M.M. I I 1 r.iiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiMinipniiiniiNiiiiNiMMinuMtitriitjiuMiiitniHuii,MiirMiMrir iiniiirii,iu;uiuiiKiiTiuiiiMTUTniMTTTi'iFTrrTiii'TTiiTiiiiT?iniTtttiffitt,itti,i,.. , u, uiim.m.ii.iim..iiiiii.iuiuiwuiuiuuuwuiuiuiwwu r1 i i 1 r i If vl