East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Strictly Fresh
Deep Sea Crabs
Little Neck Clams A
Eastern Oysters
Haines Shrimp Meat
Extra Special
2 lbs. for
New Stock
Kippered Salmon
Finnan Haddie
Kippered Black Cod.
Cod Fish Tablets
Kippered Herring
Golden Bloaters
Phone 33
1 08 E. Alta St
(Continued from page 1.)
Of Advertising in Brief
Ptr lint first Insertion lot
I'tr Ho, additional loartloa....6
Vt Us, ptr month 11.00
No loral takro (or m than -ie.
Coont 6 ordinary word to Una.
Locals will not b tao OTar tttt
'pboo and rcmlttaaet Boat seeoaa.
paay ordar.
Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney rtNp.
Phone 111, Kurlle Elliott dellca
teasan market, for your meat, etc.
For aale Good dry wood. 110
Thompan street, or phona 11X3.
WantsJ Oood, clean ran at tht
East Oreronlan office.
for rent 7-roorn modern house,
117 Oranre atreet Inquire John Vert
For rent One email room, aulUble
for ene or two people for housekeep
lBf. SOI Water at.
La Tim clfara, made In Pendle
ton. Ftre room houae for aale on north
aide. ' Corner lot Improved. ' Addreae
"W" thla office.
For aale Well drilling machine.
Inquire Chaa. Weaver, Book's Cigar
Smoke the La Tim a dear.
For sale II acre alfalfa ranch;
Ideal for atock and dairy, will con
alder trade. Box It, Richfield. Ida.
For aale Two modern cottages lo
cated on east Court atreet, eeron
blocks from Mln street Inquire of
Walters' mill.
Old papers for aale; tied In bundle
Oood for starting Area, etc Ho a
bundle. This office. ;
Try the La Bomer 10c cigar.
Man and wife with good reference
want work on ranch. Inquire
this office.
For rent Furnlahed housekeeping
rooms, with llghta and bath. 401
Thompson street,
For sale Household furniture,
practically new. Must be eold within
10 days, as property Is sold. Inquire
31S Garden street, or phone 192M
"Mutt" take the big loads and
"Jeff shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture van and storage warehouse.
Office 647 Main street Phone 13.
To rent Three room houae, furni
ture for aule. 611 Union street.
For rent Housekeeping rooms;
neatly furnlahed. '313 S. Main. Phone
24 5 W.
FurnlHhed housekeeping apartmenta
for rent Montlreatllll Illdg., 407 E
Court. Furnixhed room to rent; furnace
heated, electric lights and bath. Phone
540 or :9J.
For rent Three light housekeeping
rooma. hot and cold water and lights
Inquire 809 Garden atreet.
Middle aged widow wants work as
housekeeper or cook for widower or
bachelor on ranch. Mrs. Mary Tim
blln, Box II. Umatilla, Oregon.
Several email farms on Umatilla
liver particularly adapted to hog a,
dairy or poultry, 7t0 caeh, balance
on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent
See Berkeley.
Have your combings made Into any
style hair dressing by Miss E. Hart, at
612 W. Court Phone 368. W411 call
and deliver orders.
The Alta Houae and Barn. Head
quarters for farmers and stockmen.
Call and see us. Stephenson & Eng-
lar, proprietors. Phone 447. 702
East Alta street.
For rent I sections well Improv
ed land, 100 acres plowed, seed and
feed on farm. For particulars write
to Clyde Welttenhlller, Ontario, Ore
gon. B. L. Allen, Laurens, Iowa, or
A. F. May, Pendleton. Oregon
(Continued from page two.)
vided that the pledtfe of the body
qualified by law to srlv it I rerlvr!
guaranteeing' malnhnanre of a 11
brary In each blWinir at n er,nt of
Twenty five hundred dollars (12500)
a year, and Koven hundred and fifty
dollars ($750) a year respectively.
These donations are conditional r.n
sites Ming; given for these blldlnga.
It Should be noted that the Amount
Indicated Is to cover the com nt th
Library Blldlnga complete, redy for
txcupancy and for the nurooa Intend.
Before any expenditures on biMlnra
or plans are Incurd, the approval of
proposed plans by Carnegie Corpora
tion of New York must be secured, to
obtain which pleas send tentatlv
plans for Inspection.
Very truly yours,
By James Bertram, Secretary.
It Is the belief of the local library
people that the site adjoining the
north approach to the Main street
bridge will afford a splendid location
for the Institution and that a "frac
ture can be erected that will answer
many civic purposes. It Is not neces-
sary that the library be called a Car
negle library and It will probably be
known 'as the County Library.
BUN Before IxtrWature.
Bills now before the legislature, In
troduced by Rep. Rltner, .provide
that gifts may be accepted by the li
brary board and that the county may
aid In the erection of branch library
buildings. The title of the last nam
ed measure is as, follow-, the full text
of the measure being on file at the 11-
i brary.
An act to amend Chapter 117 of the
General Laws of Oregon Jor 1911 and
Sections 4347 and 4349 of Lord's dre
gon Laws to 'include any county in
the state and, without changing the
present limitation of the tax levy, to
no allow d'stribution of the Public
Library Building Fund as to admit of
branch library buildings as well as a
central library building; to authorize
school districts or union high school
f Mil
Jerry Ktone, prominent Adams far
mer, is in the city today.
It. E. Paddock of Walla Walla Is
reglHtered at the Pendleton.
C. A. Reeder of Helix was among
the visitors In the city yesterday.
David B. Wolford of Butter Creek
was in from hla home yesterday.
Roy P. Ward of Echo was one of
the over-night visitors In Pendleton
Max Hoffman, who lectured In the
city last evening. Is at the Kt. George
John Tompkins and W. R. Gault of
Athena were In the city last evening.
J. A. Hubbard and Roland Hub
bard of McKay are guests of the Bowman.
J. P. Hannan, O.-W. R. A N. speci
al agent, is among the visitors In the
Peter Weldert of Athena was num
bered among the visitors here yeeter
Oliver Dickenson was among the
people here from over the county yes
J. E. Lewis and wife, who formerly
lived near Helix and who are now at
St. Anthony, Idaho, are visitors in
Pendleton today.
J. T. Rea, traveling salesman for
the Union Meat Co., of Portland,
was here upon a business trip yester
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Malrn of Spo
kane are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Kim Morton. Mrs. Malrn be-i dlsl''lt;t to cooperate with counties in
ing a sister of Mr. Morton. This Is' Providing such branch library build
the first time In seventeen years that ln6: to remove the lim!tation of time
Mr. Malrn, who was a former res!-'1" 'hlch the aggregate levy may be
dent of this city, has been here and ' aled In order to allow school dls
he notes a great many chance- '. trlcts and union high school districts
. , and cities to qualify for cooperation
,. , , I with the county library system; to
Mrs. Will Penland returned this authorize the county court of any
morning from a brief visit at Helix, j county t0 acqulre 8lleg buUdng, and
i equipment by donation bequest or
Mr. bcJ Mrs. Carl S. Wheeler will gift for free public libraries.
leave Sunday for Portland from where County Branches,
they will sail In the near future forj The following data regarding the
southern California for an extended different branch libraries and their
visit. They will be Joined later in present maintenance arrangements is
Portland by Miss Viola Hawk, who in-! 0f Interest:
tends going to Fresno, California, to Adams Population 205; rented
spend a year. . room in hotel; council levied 4-10
mill, $41; raised by subscription, $87.
Miss Lola Rogers will entertain a' Athena Population, 688; rented
few friends at an Informal dancing store; council appropriated $160, more
party at her home on Water street if needed.
this evening.
Attention Pendleton Circle 527.
Called meeting Friday evening
January 22nd, at 7 o'clock for special
business. Moose hall. By order of
Guardian Neighbor. Adv.
Next "U and I" Club Dance
will be given Friday evening, January
22nd In Moose hall. Those who re
ceived Invitations are Invited Adv
IC1uro to Be Repeated.
By special request of the people of
Tendleton, Rev. Max Hoffman, who
lectured and demonstrated his spirit
ual power In the Eagle-Woodman
hall Wedneaday evening, very pleas
antly surprised his audience. Rev.
Hoffman actually talks with your
dead friends. He will lecture and
demonstrate again at the same hall
tonight at 8 o'clock. Donation, 25
cents. Adv.
rFr, rv rn r n"
! O R A .N (Q E S I
System of Rural Credits.
SALEM, Ore , Jan. 21. The house
went on record In favor of the feder
al enactment of some system of ru
ral credits that ahall allow to the far
mer a long time loan at a low in
terest rate. Dana Allen of Marlon
county had Introduced a resolution
and joint memorial to congress cover
ing the point. When it came to a
vote, Benton Bowman of Washing
ton county was the only member, to
say no.
The concurrent resolution provides
(or the appointment of a joint com
mittee to keep in touch with con
gress In urging the passage of such
a law.
Reserved seats for Richards
Pringle's Minstrels tonight on sale at
Pendleton Drug store. Prices, 25c,
60c and "5c. Adv.
J Echo Poulatlon, 400; rear of
bank; council appropriated $120.
Freewatef Population, 632; coun
ell room; council appropriated $27;
raised by subscription and tag sale,
Hermlston Population, $48; rear
room of land office; council levied
5-10 mill. $213; raised by subscrip-
Mllton Population. 1280: council
tlon. $16.
room; council appropriated $250;
raised by teas and socials, $82 60.
Pilot Rock Population, 200; Com
mercial club room; cared for by Com
mercial club.
Stanfield Population, 318; central
telephone office; council appropriated
Weston Population, 800; rented
room; council levied 5-10 mill, $125;
library board gave dinner, $5.
Rent Is paid In four places. The
others are temporarily furnished free.
All but one are on the ground floor.
All but two are on the main street.
;ovi;uxmext should see
that he gets it.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Every
worker in the United States is en
titled to a job and the government
should see that he gets it As a mat
ter of actual right, the worker, In ad'
dltlon, is entitled to sickness lnsur
ance and old age pensions, and above
all, a share In the profits resulting
from his labor.
Spectators at the federal industrial
relations commissions hearing were
amazed when the above declaration
waa voiced by Daniel Guggenheim,
multimillionaire copper magnate. He
openly characterized his own views as
socialistic, and said he believed a bet
ter day Is dawning for the workers.
"Employers are finally realizing,"
said Guggenheim, "that they must be
fairer to their employes"
NEW YORK. Jan. 21 J. Pierpont
Morgan will not be called at today's
investigation of the Rockefeller, Sage
and Carnegie Foundations by the fed
eral Industrial relations commission.
It was explained he Is needed Is
Washington in connection with
meeting of the federal reserve bank
board. Morgan will be Interrogated
later by the commission. He will be
asked to tell of the relationship be
tween corporations and their employ
Rockefeller, Junior, was a spectatoi
at today's hearing.
"I'm most interested," he said.
the commission's work. I believe it
is honestly endeavoring to solve one
of the biggest problems now confront
lng the United States."
David Guggenheim, multi-million
aire and copper magnate, waa the
first witness. He said he la familiar
with labor conditions in all his plants.
explaining he visited them at least
once and sometimes twice a year. He
also declared he received monthly re
ports from his superintendents- re
gnrding the conditions of his em
Don't forget Richards & Pringle's
Minstrels at Oregon theater tonight
aai O EE
Dozen - - - :...: 35c
Regular 50c and COc sellers.
Regular 30c value.
SPECIAL Let us sell you. a CRATE of our small, sweet
ORANGES Just right for keeping Crate. $2.50
POTATOES Good stock Saek 50
COOKING APPLES Box . ...... 50
Winesnps, Red Cheeks, Ganos, etc.
rhono 476. .Next Door to Quollo Cafe, C25 Main.
Ask Our Case or Dozen Price on Canned Goods.
J tf) pipl
,3 C?A $ ff;'
lx l A JL No
to our prices on
ladies urMRven,
Thay'ro Iho big noise in Pendleton fo Jay
Compai'e them with other stores.
Compare quality and worth, you
be both jury and Judge and we
know we'll get the verdict.
Closing Out All TRUNKS
We are going to discontinue carrying them
Every home needs one, so you had better get
yours now.
Every TRUNK to go at
Closing Out Ladies'
Regular $3.50 Silk and Wool Sample Union Suits
for ?1.93
Regular $3.50 All Wool Union Suits, all weights,
for 91.95
Regular $1.50 Fleece Lined Union Suite, at 75
Lisle and other Cotton Ribbed Underwear, 25 up
to f. t
Ladies' black and tan hose, per pair
Children's heavy ribbed hose, per pair
Lowest Prices on Mens Pants
Men's Cordurov Panta for ?1.65, ?1.95, $2.25,
$2.45, $2.85.
Men's Cashmere PanU for 05, ?1.23, 91.45,
$1.65, ?1.05, ?2.25, 92.45, 92.65, 92.85,
Men's Khaki Pants with cuff bottom for onlv 05
Men's Heavy Whipcord Pants for only 9125
Rovs Knickerbocker Pants for 35 45, 49
60, 65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 91.10.
Boys' Long Pants for " 91.00
Boys' Long Corduroy Pants for 9125, 91.45
It's extravagance to trade at
other stores when you
can save so much at
Drummers Samples
1 9 Big Busy Stores
Today . Today
"His Father's Son"
WARREN KERRIGAN playing both fath
er and son. The story is well construct
ed and holds the attention closely.
"Cupid and the Fishes
f'A Race for a Bride'
An accentric comedy in which the girU
father promises her hand to the one which
first brings in the justice of the Peace. One
of the lovers is thrown in jail, escapes, and
is followed by the Justice with a gun, he wins
Come and Forget Your Cares
Iftvld Smith sntl Panocrs with Richards & rrlngU Mliisttvl.x, Oregon TlKMtor Tonight.