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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
VAOK Kir.TTT. TVMT.Y T1AST OTCPflOTTAT, PFXPTETOy. OTEflO?? TW'KSDAV. .TAXr.MtV 14, 10 IS. ETOTTT PAGES. j1k it my RESOLVED You can't pret money any easier than by buying your groceries at our store. We jrivo you the best goods and best prices. Every woman who is a gxd buyer, knows that it is economy to buy at our store. Good things go further than tho poorer kind's. PHONBI96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleas :d Court and Johnson Sts. Newsy Notes of Pendleton ArreMott in Walla Walla. IVn fhephard has been arrested In Walla Walla upon complaint from Milton that he passed a no-fund check for 920 on the First State Hank of that city. Jajr funeral TliU P. M. The funeral of James C. Jay, who died yesterday, waa held litis after noon at 2 o'clock at the family home, 1400 West Railroad street. Rev. T. P. Weaver of the ChrUtlan church, conducted the services. CATTLE STEALING CASE IS NEXT III CIRCUIT COURT WALTKK (ilLMAV WILL FACE TRIL OV T1IREK DirTER EXT COUNTS. At the conclusion of the Carlston Currier Co. vs. The Peoples Ware ouse trial now going on, the first of the criminal cases will be tried. Wal ter Oilman, charged In three differ ent counts of stealing cattle on the reservation, will be the defendant The particular count upon which he will be tried first Is one charging him with Healing a cow from Fo-wa-kee, an Indian. Ttie case now on trial Involves a disputed account Raley & Haley are representing the plaintiff and Carter Pmythe the defendant. The cases fet to follow the Gilman case immedi ately are as follows: J.1 J. Gumm vs. TV. fi. Ferguson et al. B. H. Fix vs. Thornton, and Marie E. John won vt. Charles Ogilvy. It is possible some of these cases may be settled without trial. On next Monday, Jan. IS, the cases of the National Fire Insurance Co. vs. the O.-W. R. & X. and the Sun Insur ance Co. and Emry and Glese vs. the O.-W. R. & x., growing out of the fire which destroyed the Emry & Glese livery barn at Hermiston, will come up for trial. The damage suit of M. J. Moran vs. the O.-W. R. & X. Is set for the 19th. Commencing next Wednesday there will be a string of criminal cases as follows Jan. :o State vs. William Blevins; Jan. 21. State vs. Robert Johnson; Jan. 22, State vs. Frank Sls co; and State vs. Joe Bohl; Jan. 23, State vs. Glen Rust; Jan. 25, State vs. Carl Kirk and Arthur GulUford and on Jan. 26, State vs. A. A Simon. On Jan. 27 the case of J. H. Ferguson vs. S. R. Thompson will be tried and will be followed on the 2Sth by the murder trial of the State vs. Richard Burke. On Feb. 1 the case of Marlon Jack vs. F. G. Lucas is set for trial and on Feb. 2 the case of the State vs. Gee Eing. Wanted Centenarian Wlio Smoke. Are there any men or women about Pendleton who have passed the 100th milestone of life and who are users of tobacco? If so the East Oregonlan would be pleased to learn their names. There's a reason. Another SUxknuin lluy Home. Fred S. SennJohn Day stockman who recently purchased tho Alta feed barns, today purchased the W. A. Mumford home on Eust Webb street for $2600. The property consists ol the west half of lots 13 and 14. bock 70, Reservation addition. The deal was made through E. T. Wade and Mr. enn Is the 21st stockman for whom Mr. Wade has found a home In Pendleton during the past few years. II. S. Examination. Examinations for the close of tho semester start nt the high school to morrow und will continue until next Wednesday. H AiviimviI of Joblx'ry. OLYMPIA, Jan. 14. Repre- sentatlve Black of Pomeroy and Senator Metcalf of Tucomn were accused of Jobbing their associate, former Represents- tive Capron, by grabbing all the money appropriated by the last' legislature to send the trio to Europe to study rural credits. The charge was made In the sen- 4) ate by Senator Taylor. The last legislature appropriated 32GOO for an Investigation and provld- ed for a committee of three. Taylor say the first Caoron knew Black and Metcalf were on the way to Europe, was when they wired him there was only enough, money for two. New Public Hall for llennlston. That the new concrete building to be used as a public hall In Hermls ton is assured Is the statement of J. H. Strohm of that town wno in the city today. E. M. Sanders of Prairie City has already let the con tract and work will be started soon he states. Suit to Collect. John HooRstratt has commenced EDITORS DISCUSS suit In tho local court against C. W.I NEWSPAPEIl LAWS La Barre to collect 1612, Interest and iia attorney fees alleged to be due on a promissory note. Tetera & Tur tier of Portlahd are his attorneys. In Named Assistant Chief. Councilman D. D. Phelps Is now al so second assistant fire chief. The city ordinance specifies that a second assistant chief shall be appointed from the volunteer firemen and last evening Acting Mayor Dyer named Mr. Phelps for the position. Duok Season Close Tomorrow. Tomorrow, January 15, Is the last day of the open season for ducks, in der the federal law the migratory water fowl will be given protection from the hunters after January 15. Some of the hunters have been of the opinion that today Is the last day of the season but District Warden Aver 111 states that shooting will be permit ted tomorrow. In Jail for Cojitemi. Walter Wells, whose wife brought suit for divorce against, him several days ago. Is now in the county Jail. He disregarded a restraining order, en Jolnlnk him from entering the family home during the pendency of the suit was arrested for contempt of court and placed under $300 bonds. Fall ing to furnish the bonds, he is being kept in Jail. IiiH'xvtod Hospital Ram. Students of the high school class in agriculture yesterday Inspected the barn at the Eastern Oregon State Hos pltal and passed their Judgment up on the dairy herd. They considered the barn very modern In all respects and the cows of high grade. Cowan Is Hero. Charles Cowan, owner of the Irving, ton Heights property. Is here today from Seattle and will remain until to morrow evening. He is not contem plating any changes with reference to his property here but Is looking forward to new growth when the freight terminal Is located here. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan, 14 "Newspaper law" waa the subject of an address delivered today before the State Newspaper Institute by John II. I erry. of Seattle, nn acknowledged outhorlty on the subject . Besides the publishers and editors of newspapers of Oregon, Montana and Washington and the 150 students of Journalism of the University of Washington were In attendance. Perry's address covered the gen eral range of newspaper Jurisprudence paying particular attention to the "rights of privacy." He also went carefully Into the question of the at titude of the courts toward the press. The state newspaper Institute will be In session three days. May (Jet Italic Reanw. Walla Walla may add Babe Heami to her baseball team of the next sea son. A letter Just received by Man ager Bade from Manacer Dugdale of' Seattle offers to give Reams in set- tlement of a balance of 134 due Walla Walla for Pitcher played second base fr Boise two years ago and went from Boise to Portland falling however, to make good. Turk MaNsnero Hundred. PETROORAD, Jan. 14 The story of bloody massacres by Turks over running Persia waa brought to Tlfles by Souda-ed-Dowlah, former gover nor of Zerbaljan province. . He li quoted as saying the Turks murdered hundreds of Innocent Persians, ar laying waste all the country occupied. No matter what you wantyou can always buy it for less at this Big, Busy Store. REMEMBER! We buy for less-we sell for less. In many instances we sell for less than our one store competitors have to pay for theirs. 3sTev sliupe liand lmgs at 40, I Val lnces at 2, 3f, 50, ?1.0S. Kid gloves, $1.50 values, every day price only 08 Kid gloves in white, Muck und Ian at ulxnit a third less than elsewhere, 91.25, $1,41), SjSl.GO, $1.08. lC-Hutton white kid gloVcs. n good $1.00 vnlno nt $2.98 Sweaters aro mighty nice for these chillv winds, OS $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $ 1.98. Women's handkerchief at 1 2 1 2c. 5, 10, and 12 12. Good talcum powder V Mentions talc, powder 12 Colgate talc, powder 12 8 oz. Lottie peroxide 9 Colgate dental creiun 8, 19 Colgate- dental powder... 234 Women's kimonns in dainty designs, erejw, filk mull or messaline, 98, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $5.90. Women's flannelctto dressing Baequcg at a substantial sav ing over sale prices, 49, G9, 08. Hope Meiichcd muslin 7 12 Lonsdale bleached muslin at 8 1 3 Popperell S-4 brown slicrtitit at - 10? lVppcrvll 8-4 bleached sheet ing at 2 It PepKrcll 9-4 bleached sheet ing nt '. - 23 Foxcroft 8-1 bleached sheet , ing 21 Foxcroft 9-4 bleached sheet ing .J 23 3fl inch fast color percale at .12 l-2t. Johnson's percale 10 Red Seal dress gingham 10 Quality dress ginghams t 8 1-3. Umbrellas for tlieso ruinv days 40 C9, 08 $1.40, $1.08, $2.49. 98c Xew lot of White Lingerie Waists' in dain- Qflft ty embroidered designs, $1.50 values for vOv YOrr CAV DO BETTER AT Stic v(n.(72uo U K LEAI OTHERS FOLLOW Jt : i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 :: i r j 1 1 1 1 j i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j Occulists and Opticians, An Occulist is an M. D. possessing special knowledge for the ex- sj amlnatlon and treatment of the eyes with glasses, surgery, and medl- S ' r: cine. E An Optltion Is a TRADESMAN whose business Is to grind glasses, make and adjust frames and fill prescriptions for glasses as a drug- S sii-t fills prescriptions for medicines. E The Governor of Ohio when vetoing the Optometry Eill says. '"It is "S beyond question that the eye is so connected with the nervous and S general system that the subject of impaired or poor vision cannot E H properly be considered &a though it were a separate and independ- E ent function. j E E It Is an absurdity to subject ro delicate and important an organ E E as an eye to the commercial Ideas of a TRADESMAN. E E 9 'r .vst(m f testin? is too complicated for the XOX- E s MkPICALman, because it U a measure of the nerve power that E con-mis the ire. E 5 It is -superior t-v, end more accurate than the system which E Ej requires the u-c of bcllademnae or eye testing machines. E D.N. Reber, M. D. Occulist and Aurist E E Office Hours: A. M. to 5 P. M. Schmidt Building. E iJiistziiiiiiiitiiiiiii lit iiii i iiiiiiii in iiiiiiii: iiii i ii i iii mi 111111:1 ii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iti Would-bo Thief Get 15 Days. Jamea Morgan, a youth of 23 years, was this morning given 15 days In the city Jail on a charge of vagrancy and waa fortunate in not having more serious charge filed against him. He waa arrested Tuesday night by Officer Omar Stephens, when an other young man reported to the of ficer that Morgan had proposed that they steal some diamonds from a 1 comer at the Golden Rule Hotel. It is aUeged that on the night of Jan. 2 Morgan tried to steal the diamonds, entering the room which the lady had been occupying but becoming fright ened when he discovered that It was being occupied by a traveling man. Short Se.Jon of Council. Aside from the reading of the an nual report of the city recorder and the city water commission, there was little done at the meeting of the council last evening. A contract for he moving of Mrs. Stover's house on West Webb street to permit the changing of the Intersection of Webb and Tutullla street was approved. Councilman Cole declared some com plaints had been made by resident In the west end of the city of the practice of the telephone company In reinforcing weak poles with butts be cause of their unslghtllness. Manager liable of the telephone company waa present and declared that this was but a temporary arrangement until the company could rebuilt Its entire system. No action was taken though Individual councllmen expressed themselves as favoring the installa tion of new poles when old ones be come weakened. The street commit tee and city attorney were Instructed to look Into the matter. To pl-mivi Hoad mil. A meeting of the board of man agers, the roads committee and oth ers Interested In roads, la called, for the Commercial club room Saturday evening, commencing at 7:J0. The purpose of the meeting, aa announc ed, Is to consider the bill Introduce! by Senator C. A. Barrett for the abo lition of the state highway engineer and placing the duties of that office under the state engineer. i;Hinil-up, Horses Arrive. "Angel" and "Rambling Sam," the two Round up buckers which have been missing for two years, arrived back is Pendleton yesterday after noon In charge of Ben Jory who had Identified them at the Otis Elliott ranch on Pine creet hear the town of Hereford, and were turned over to Livestock Director S. R. Thomp son. Both animals are In good shape. According to Jory they ap peared at the Elliott ranch two years ago this next spring and have been there ever since. One attempt was made to make a work horse out of "Angel" but the one attempt waa sufficient. ANOTHER OLYMPIC HERO CALLED "PRO" TODAY TODAY. William Farnum The Original Ben Hur, also leading man in The Spoilers In Henry Bernsteins Great Play "SAMSON 99 As played at Daniel Froh man's Lyceum Theatre A Society Drama, not a Biblical Play in 5 Parts The story of a dock laborer who rose to be a Samson of Finance and Modern Society. Direct from Majestic Theatre, Portland. Head Photo-play Column for Gomplofo Synopsis Cc 7 lioc Inferred His Happy Ilonic. A choice between a second auto mobile and a happy home lay open to J. L. Stork. Hermiston blacksmith, and he chose the la'tter alternative, according to the testimony of the Plaintiffs in the case on trial yester day of Emry & Glese vs. J. 1 Stork. The Jury In the case evidently ap proved of his choice for the verdict was In his favor. The plaintiffs con tended that they sold a second hand car to Mr. Stork and that he gave a note protected by a chattel mortgage In payment. Two days later he re turned with the statement that his wife told him that If he took the car he needn't come home. At any rate he didn't take the car. The plaintiffs 1 'h-JtVK 1 Public Dance mdajr Klgfat. Pendleton Circle, Women of Wood craft, will five one of Its popular public dances In Moose hall, Friday night, January ISth. United Orches tra. Admission 60c. The generU public cordially Invited and a good time assured alL Adv. mm Hot Chocolate Hot Chili Hot Tamalej mad to your tat . FRESH CODIES EVERY DAY I'latt Adams, champion standing broad and high Jumper who la to be tried before the registration committee of the A. A. amateur meetings. His friends are loud In their denial of the charges and he will be backed In his defense by the New York A. C. of which he Is one of the rnont valuable point winners. Adams scored 11 points for team at the last U. on charges of professionalism were trying to collect upon the note Among other things Adams has been -the American and the defendant contended that ho 'accused of selling prizes he won at Olympic games, at Stockholm. had never received the car and there fore had not received any consideration for the note. valuable Chinese Fg In Peril. SALEM, Jan. 14 War has been declared on the Chinese egg. Not even In any form of disguise or con cealment can It make Its appearance In the state unless Its humble and distant origin be proclaimed boldly If a series of bills now being prepared by Representative Allen, of Marlon county, become laws. While these measures aim direct ly at Chinese eggs, they wlLL apply without discrimination to eggs shipped into Oregon from the state of Wash ington and other "foreign" parts of the United States and from other na tions. It will apply with equal vigor to crks in the scrambled form. In the form of eggnog, noodles or any other manufactured food product the In gredient of which are in part com posed of eggs' shipped In from any point outside the state. The BEAR LUMP COAL OT UTAH IS NOW HANDLED BY BRONSOH & RIGGLE Gat our prices before ordering Tel. 387-J or 577 Servian Ambition Crows, IIOMK, Jan. 14. Contrary to state ments hat have appeared In the newspapers of London, Paris and Bcr lln that an understanding has prac tically been reached about the Servian outlet to the Adriatic Sea, it Is said in .Servian official quarters here that this will not now satisfy Scrvla. It is declared that such a conces sion would have been satisfactory two years ago. when the subject was dis cussed at the Lnndpn conference, but that now, after a war In which her life and independence were risked, Servia could not accept a port or a strip of coast. What she now claims, It Is said, are the Servian regions pos sessed by Austria, Including Bosnia, Herzegovina snd Palmatla, which must be assigned to her through the principle of neutrality. THE ALTA THEATRE ONE DAY ONLY TODAY ONE DAY ONLY "The Wolfs Prey" This tells the story of a fascinating woman who uses her arts to draw men in her net for social and financial help. Pull of strong dramatic situations "His Neighbor's Noise" The Calf and the Baby" Admission Adults 10c Children 5c TOMORROW A Paramount Picture Starring Gladys Hanson "The Straight Road 9 Showing the efforts of society to reform a girl of the slums. A STRONG DRAMA