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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
EK1TIT PAGES. PAGE RF.VEN. DAILY EAST ORECOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1915 SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR IT'S GRANDMOTHERS RFXTPE TO RHINO HACK COIHt AND Ll'STRK TO HAIR. You ran turn gray, faded hair beautifully durk anl lustrous almost over flight If you'll get a CO-cent bottle or "Wyeth'e Bage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of thla old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are Bold annually, says a well known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It lias been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. All dandruff goes, scalp itching and falling hair stops. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wy eth'a Bag and Bulphur tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap pearanoe within a few days. sjiuiniiiuiiiiiiiuisiihiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiuiiiit: (Orpheumf 1 Theatre J. P. HEPERNACII, Prop. E . S 1 High-Class Up-to-Date 1 Mo'rion 1 mm 1 Pictures I FOK MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program change Sundays, Tuesdays, , Thurs days and Saturdays. EE Be Program in Today's EE Papr. HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii: t:iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!iiiimimiimiiiiii Pastime I Theatre S - s I "The Home of I Good Pictures" mw tm M, ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerlosa Picture :: Abao- lutely No Eye Strain. 1 A Refined and Er5rtainin Sbow for the Entire Family. Next to French Iiettourant Chanw Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. EE Adults 10c. Children under EE 10 years So. EE llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimnillllllllllllc ll!IIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIMIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIMi 1 PENDLETON'S P 0 P U- LAR PICTURE SHOW I THE f Mi mm I COSY I 3 S 5 Whero the entire family can EE 3 onjoy a hiRh-class motion EE S picture show with comfort, Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly I Mixed I Open Afternoon and Even- 5 EE inK, Chanpea Sunday, Mon- 5 day, Wednesday and Friday. 3 E Next Door to St. GeorRe Ho- B tl Admission 6o and 10c. 3 illUIIIIIIIIIUIIlllllIllHIIIIIIIIIllllllllllIlra CHICAGO WHEAT IN SHARP RISE (Wednesdays Market.) CHICAGO. Foreign demand for wheat and the forced covering of fehort sales, resulted In a closing ad vance of 2 5 8c a bushel in the Moy, end 1 3-4c In the July option today. Market had a very firm opening with (in advunce of 3-4 to 7-8c a buHhel. Htport that Sweden was a heavy buyer of wheat In Manitoba and that rowdderublo business In that direc tion was likely from this country, cauxed a stampede of shorts to get under cover. Advunce of 1 l-2d In the price of wheat cargoes on passage was an In (Illation of the extreme strength of the foreign situation. Paris bIho clos ed higher. WHEAT, May Open, 11.38 7-8; high, $141; low, 1.38 7-8; close, 3140 3-4B. July Opun, $1.25; high, $1.21; low, $1.24 1-2; close, $1.25 7-8A. COMMISSION' IDRM IS AIM)ITi;i AT SANTA MO .NIC A SANTA MOXICA, Col., Jan. 13. Santa Monica Is the latest Pacific coast city to place Itself under the commission form of government, un der the plan adopted at a recent city election," commissioners of public works, safoty and finance will have entire charge of the city's affairs Ward lines will be abolished. The first election under the new system will be fx-kl In December, U15. m:jih.ska m Miu:it 1)i:i.i:ks TALK INSURANCE LAWS OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 14. Opening a thrw days' spsnlon, lumber dealers from oer the state gathered here to day to attend the annual convention of the Nebraska Lumber dealers' as sociation. leaders of the organization say that the association will probably throw Its Influence on the side of an antl-dlscrlmlnatlon Insurance law such s agents In some sections of the state are planning to bring for ward for the consideration of the state legislature. WONT UK MISLKD. IVndMou (JtlM-n Sliould Head and 1IVI This Advkw. Kidney trouble Is dangerous and cftm fatal. Don't experiment with .something lieu and untried. . t"-se a tested kidney medicine. IVgln with Doan's Kidney pills, l"ed In kidney troubles -SO years. - Recommended here and every w litre. The following statement forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. Etta Eaton. 807 N. Eighth Mreet, Walla Walla, Wash., says: "I have found Doan's Kidney rills to be a fine medicine for a lame and aching back and trouble with the kidney secretions. This remedy brought me great relief. I advise all who are suffering from kidney trou ble te at least give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial." j Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply nk for n kidney rcmeay get Doan's Kidney Pills the samp that Mrs. Eaton had. Fof tcr-Mllburn Co., Props., Huffalo, N. Y. IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER TAKH SAITS TO FI.rSH JiWNEYS AM NIUTHAM7.K IKKITAT ING ACIDS. .Kidney and bladder weakness re suit from uric acid, says a noted an ihnritv. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass It on to the bladder, where It often remains to Irritate and Inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck or me bladder, obliging yu to seek reuei two or threo times during the night- The sufferer Is In conMont dread, the water passes sometimes with a scaia Inir sensation and Is very profuse; ngaln, there Is difficulty In avoiding Bladder weakness, most folks call it Wnnne thev can't control urina tion. While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, thla is rnnllv nnA of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salta from your phar tnnriot ftnri take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast, con tinue this for two or three days. This win nnutralljie the acids In the urine so it no longer Is a source of Irrita tion to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless, hta i. irinde from the acid of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with Uth- la, and Is used by thousands of toiks hn o snblnct to urinary disorders caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Knits Is snlendld for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Tir von have a pleasant, efferves cent lithla-water drink, which quick" ly relieves bladder troumes. CHICHESTER S PILL V-l THi:iHAAIONl UH.!M, A 4 lil-rhr-rm IHomonil llnind I'lll. In It. 4 4nid nrtilil-.V Tl.o no (Sir. Hut t I"r V DIAJIONS r.rt.N'l I'll.l.H. for lit r k non u Sic 1, !.itc .t. I n Krl H JANE ADDAMS TO J wish's V v'' i . V '( Jane Addanis, lnrur nn.i f,n'., . the Hull House In Chicago, who is Local Playhouses WHAT tae Pren Aent Has to Sy of Pretent and Coning Atfaacttooi 4 j& Pa-stinto Today. PLAY OF MIGHT AT PASTIME. 'SHiiuaui"' Is SUry of l"owcrful Man be held under state direction. but Not by Bible. ! Hew Tork is represented by twelve A tremendous photoplay has been f its JErgejft manufacturing concerns produced in "Samson," which will b Iillnois by nine and Ponnsylvonla "by at tlie Pilatline for two dayj thU four. Among other states renresent week. ;d ore: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Th's is not the biblical Sumson. I.'hode feland. 'olora to, Missouri, but a powerful prototype that witii 'uichlsan. New Jerey. .Wisconsin nnd llerrjlanean force tars down the- Ht TJrglnin. fortune whlh he ltiis amassed for: the woman he loy s. Samson" U a piny of many thrill-' Ing episodes. Straight from one to ..(l..,.N T with ever.rt-r.ewed force. seepin,' evrythlng lfore it, until at last the huxhand. with barel teeth, crushes his tnemy with his hands and gains the love nnd respect of the one worn-1 an. his wile It hns been called a perfect drama. one that must be seen to be appre , c!uted. William Furnum, seen here , m-er.tly In the leadinr role In "The Spoilers." takes the part of the dock hand who rise to wealth through tho strength of his hands. "Samson" s Henry rternsteln's moHtorpiece and for that reason if for no other It will be well worth seeing. Ikrnsteln does rot write things which we not worth while. Aside from Its' ImpoVtance as a great drama of finance, "Sampson" lrwenta a Btriklnjr moral., It Is not! set out so that it mny be read by all, tkose who see; 1t is woven Into the) story, subtly, powerfully, for. those who understand the working of a mind and body of Titank: force, i fore, aroused to wrath. For it is in "Samson's" anger that he arises to the greatest heights, where he begins to tear down the rreat structure .which he has Bpent Ms life U build up. ' The rlay tolbj the story of a am- bltlous mother who forces her daugh ter to nrry a man repulsive to her for financial reasons only. I cept the attent o s of he J " unpolished hbllnJ-a fT" hnd-nnd accepts the ajvancei of a onb hh the of WrniBhlP. has managed to amass a fortune from tt J husband's friendly marke Ups. The crash come when the the man mak e a pub lo "J1""0" his conquest. After t Is all over man goes rortn a great man ... . eyes of his wife and a greater one In the eyes of the world. -,.. Vtis picture cu...c . aire irom me , Jl K'l llllllil, miciw . .c ...... Remember, two days, Thursday and Friday. Com- WMlncKdar and Tiwrwiay. "Her Menacing Tast." two part Statements have been made that the Th'anhouser drama with Mtgnon An- threo women were known to each derson. ' other and knew all about Kogers' re Mutual Weekly No. 103. Up-to-' lations with them, though this ha date happenings, Including latest war been denied on the part of the pres newi. . cnt wlfo. SEE PRESIDENT 1 1 if. 7 ' H t scheduled to call on the president on Monday in on effort to toduoe him to veto the Immigration bill because of the literacy test bill. "Hogaa' Wild Ride" and "Steel Rolling Mills." Keystone split reel, comedy and Industrial. J l KTV KXIMRITION IS OrOTED AT COIXSIBUS COIXEMUS. O, Jan. 14 With exhibits from nearly a score of states i the Industrial safety exhibition open- ed here today under the direction Of j the . kulu industrial commission. It is the first exhibition of its kind to MltlXfiE !If!A(,IT 1 Lo,lys Elton Iiogers n lawyer of went there from the 80Uth the cen tral figure In one of the strangest Xnf,eMn "own. A woman who called hr- ef of nla chlM th?m bIchlorl4 of m w t ,s for 8onie day, they du,d. al. s0 took a tablet and hope f.r her WM u by the At the Mm(( Umfl t was learned wag marrod o ft of Prof. Gld.llngs of Columbia Vnl- verslty, perhaps the best known pro- fwsor In that institution They lived In an expensive apartment house in New York. letter it was learned that Jtogers was divorced some years ngo and that his first wife lives In New York. He has visited her regularly. w a . mi i r SWINE PRICES LITTLE LOWER (Courtesy Wednesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore, Killers were fitting on the price lid of the hog market today and for tops were not offering above $7 7.05 thla morning. There was quite a fair run of hogs in the yards overnight but some of the duff came direct to killers and did not 'enter the trade. , The weakness In the hog market here seems to bo but a reflection of the low prices that have been gen erally forced throughout the coun try. According to eastern advices Just received, killers there have been most persistent In their bearish ac tivity and have refused to take hold except when given price reductions. General hog market range: Pest light $7.00 07 05 Medium light 6 JO06.95 Good to heavy MS hough to heavy (.75 08 80 Stockera ( 0006.40 Cattle Run Nominal. Only a nominal showing of cattle was made in the receipts overnight at North Portland and some of these came direct to killers. The general trend of the cattle market is steady with prices practically unchanged at the recent range. ' General cattle market range: Selected steers $7.75 07 85 Good to prime 7-25 07 50 Good to, choice 6.6008.75 Ordinary to fair 5 7506 25 Pest cows 6.75 j Good to rrlme 8 6006.70) Ordinary 6 25 0 5.60 ."elected calves 8.0008-50 Fancy bulls 6.60 (.75 Ordinary 4 0004.2$ Handful of Mutton In. , Only a handful of mutton was re ported in the North Portland yards overnight. The general strength which has been shown in the market here during the last few months la continued, with latest sales at the former extreme top. General mutton market range: Old withers $6.0006.25 PeHt yearlings 6.50 Best ewea 5 00 06.60 Best test mountain lambs 7-40 07-50 Valley light lambs .... 7.25 07.35 Heavy spring lambs ..... 6.7507-25 Livestock Shippers. Hogs C. A. Smith, Alderdale, Wadh., 1 load; G. M. Hart, Gwendo Itn, 1 load; C. A Brown, 1 load; Will Block. McCoy, 2 loads direct to Union Meat company; F. B. Decker, Mount Angel, 2 loada direct to Union Meal company. Cattle J. C. Bettis, Getaway, 1 load. Mixed stuff C. L. Falk, Jr., Hal sey, 1 load cattle, hoga and shep; Barclay & Cummlngs, corvains. load cattle, sheep and hogs, direct to Union Meat company; F. B. Decker, West Stayton, 1 load cattle and hogs direct to Union Meat company. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contains Mercury h uiercury will surely destroy the sens of smell and coopletely deranire the whole erotem when entering It torouen rae mo surfaces. cch articles ehouid nerer tM used except M prescription from reput tv phvslclnot, -is the damage tbey will Jo la ten fold to the cihA you can possibly rti-iive from the. Hull- Catarrh Core, ncuufictured ky P. J. Cheney A Co.. To l6tt, ().. contain 'uo mercury, and h taken Intrnally, acting directly upon tfce blood and mucous aurfcoea of the ym. In tMiTln;.' Hall's Cctarrh Core be anre yop f the genuine. It la taken laterally and marie In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. lextlmoDbiw free. old by Itrucidsts Price 75c iw bottle. tjke Hflll'a Family Pills for const '.pat Ion. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FIX Kit AL, DIRFXTORS. JOHK S. BAKXR, FUNERAL DI rcrr and 1'ceneed einfcalmer Opposite postofTlce. Fuaeral parlor two fuaeral cars. Calls r pooled to day or slight. Phone 75. . T. B&OWN'S Fl'RNITTRE WORK Funeral director and llcenaeJ em aalmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or nlghi. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone tl PETERSON A BISHOP, ATTOR- 8IOMESTEADS. neya at law; rooms t and 4, Ssilta- BlT"S?wkN RE8BRVATION TO Crawford building. on 75000 acres for settlement; DOTjaLAS W. BAJLEY ATTORNET i fruit, timber, farm laads; send at Uw w,u practlce Q ut cenU with thia ad U, Wenatche. a0(, tnl courtfc Room, j , , Wu.) Dally World fr reUable data and 4 over Tay,or Hardw Co about thla grout regioa. ,X5PMNCE D LAND BDSO'ESfl !?SSf lands la Umatilla county. Loans on ''k' 2ity and farm property. Buya and FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNET lell. all kfiids of real estate. Does at ,aw omc gmlUl.Crawfora general fcrokarag bus I nee. Pays bnlldlsc axes and makes Investments for non- " rcsldnU Writes fir. Ufe and acd- 3. A. LOWELL, ATTORNET ANT) lent lasuranc. References, any bank conruUor at law. Offlca In Dee pain n Pendleton. building. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH. 8ec. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNET . at law. Offlca In Despaln building 3ENTLET A LEFFINQWKLL, REAL -- tate, fire, Ufe and accident Insur- PHYSICIANS. 4nc. agenU. Ill Main ttrtet Phone g ' OARF1 ELD, K HO7 " pathlt physician and turgeon. Of LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT D Jndd Block. Telephone: Offlct scrlptlon for county court, clixul 41 W: restdsno Bit J court, Justice court, real estate, etc " irmnwrr, for ssle at East Oregonlan office. jj c -cm VCTERINART SURGEONS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION E JO , ...- . make.1 a specialty of farmers stoe! C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. POI'NTT and machinery sales. "The man ths I Veterinarian. Residence telephone jts you the money." Leave order I 17: office tellcphont 10. ?t East OrogooUn office. 1 BURN Cole and Coa MIXED:--2 part of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power 6 Light Co. "Always at Your Service" Phone THE Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. OugIIq RESTAURANT Gus LaFontaine, Proprietor. 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY LIVERY STABLE 1 Thompson Street Between Court and Alt. riiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiuiniiniiiitniiuniiiiiiimmih- FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and cot a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna. Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendleton, EAST OREGOXIAN PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 102 for which please prive me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name Addresa. If sent bv mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS. RAIXT A RALKY, ATTOR.VET3 AT olw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNET AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER A SMTTHE. ATTURNBT9 at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRT. ATTORNET AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 Livery, Peed and Sale Stable Good Rigs at All Times AUT0I.10BILE FOR HIRE I Carne.y ft Iloer, Propfl. Telephone 70. COUPOi'J Ore., .1914 CO., SECOXT-HAXI DEALFRS, V. STROBILE, DEALHR I.V Nm H and second-hand good. Caa for all second-hand goods bougi , Cheapest place In Pendleton to fcaj household gooda Call nd get kit prices, lit e. Court street. Fat at !71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT cash or give trtf. for lrauila eountji farm. $50 to H0 per acre. Addreet, Box 11. Athena, Ort. AGEXTS VT ANTED. MONEY selling LITTLE NECK anj BCTTEU CLAM MEAT3 to con sumers and dealers in your hotnt town. AgenU Wanted. In? A Con roy, Alaska BIdg.. Seattle, Wish. MlSCELLANEOr. TRESPASS NOTICES, STALLION SEASON CARD3 and sal. is nir.r a of every description Drlnted at r.. aonable prices at the East Oregonlan. aare a fine lot of etock cuts thai our patron art allowed the fr um Of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST On Ionian makes a specialty of aut tlon salt bills, cards and adwrtlalag. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that wlU jur you of having a successful salt. BEAVER EN' GRAVING COMPANY i.-.-r;,v-: ' ii iTlii all Gm-j i - ft M .Mr