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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
DAILY EAST ORFClOXTAy, PEDT.F.TON OKFflOy. TUI KSDAV. JANTAKV H, 1015. FJGTTT PAGES. PR 31 mm SPECIAL im" VAQK SIX mm SOCIAL AND BANQUET vrfn pu r?n HELD AT ECHO 81 A. 3 Oj$ f n C n m EVES CHANGE TO T I If u This Week Reduced Prices on all Rubbar Goods Including Faultless Wcarever Water bot tlej and Household Rubber Gloves. Tollman & Go. Ledin( Dru&uO BOYS TO MAKE 6000 'okmi:i:i.y thk iu:muk or IWKKXTS, XOW AUK VOV. vi.n hfkoks. IjuU IitlnnilJi Thrmsdvc on HeM of frit 1 1 and Ar A anted thcj lirla Cn One of the ttoyv 1:imi:s W Officer Who U Itadly VtimniltM. I by r. m sarlk. i i (United rrc.s .:aff Corr.ron.l.nt 1 i 1 1 H1IU H 111. lUUuL MKMllKKS WITH AMU.l NV ntir.xns knjoy HI, OOCASIOX. Dam-liuc lm After lUlV)rH 1-and Owimy in TvW IrrtjraiKHi litoh ll-4rit TJvt rMwxl.r k iH-nU of line Mr. Shcrtdan Is Hold OiIhy Xois Xotm, (Special Crreroiu'ence. KCHO .Ore, Jn. 14. l"niir;i: A. F. A A. M. cf th EAT CABBAGE, FISH, SAUSAGE, NEW BREAD v ... .. . .v "!.. 1 rc-ys -who mad good In th" "e f ,ve vl''xl Bd 'nct n European war. 'Tu,.Uy fwnlng for the member Formerly fie despair of their par- arni tVir famiiio acl visiting broth ru Mid te.vhpr. ITivor Job Henry era. nrau-.. STth lottery Roy.! Field Ar- The com raw gathered at the W ..;;;r. an..i Lamv-u-.rroral William rom mhfrP a r,MMRt KvUj time ' u"r re i-i.'e regiment, WAJ enjoyed until Hum when thev un- Sgraee. For Umfd. Thr irer juvntr Dinu of Barking .-warcea nave won we little broni1 crosses wnun enable them to rlac 1 u"r i.oj!,fja rerment.!WAJ enjoyej until lfi p. m when .re row poru-ar heroes anj th prlJ j r rsj to Te.Ta Grill where an : the townj from which they were veiled haiuot of six couro con!JereJ the di..crao. PorL L . the "baj boyf "TAPirs 11 pi I'SI.V 1XH)H WllEX STOIACH CAXT 1 nrs IX. PIGITIOX. Do ome fools yon eat hit back tafte Rood, but work bad'j"; fennent Into stubborn lump anJ cauje a Ick. aour. EaAy tomaoh? Kow. Mr. or Mr. Dyspeptic. Jot thi down: Pape'n Diapepn!n d!feta everything leaving nothing to aour and upset you. There never wa anythtn ma the letter? V. C. after their name. and whkh nut them on the roll or DIGESTS. -n?'anJ" Greatest heroes for all Ume. xrkins in i..ex and Swansea, In Wales, are far apart, and Drain and Fulirr may never meet, but their to rie are sufficiency similar to tell to gether. Drain Is the son of a Barking la borer, and as a boy he never made any pretense about wishing to rise In the world. He hated school and play ing truant as often as b.e dared. HSs teacher at the little Back-lane church school remonstrated with him and punished him. but In vain. Drain's afe. quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach i sm'Jon In life was to mini cows. is disordered you will get happy re lief In five minutes, but what p'.eas He could not work op any enthosl asm for the three R's He understood es you mnrt Is that it strengthens ' co" nd preferred to be with cows end repulates your stomach so yon can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief some times they are slow, but not sure. Tapos r:apeps:n Is quick, pos'tiv and puts your stomach In a healthy condition so the misery won't come bark Tou feel different as soon as "Tape's Dla pepsin" comes In contact and when he was kept away from them and forced to go to school he made himself a general nuisance. He was placed In the WlUlamstown tru ant school. Job throve exceedingly on the reg ular life at the . reform farm and curiously enough, took readily to the physical and military drill part of the curriculum. He was a clean built, well set up youth of sixteen when " three years ago he was told and with the stomach distress lust van ishes your stomach gets well noiinal n mut cnoose a career gases, no belch'ng, no eructlor.s of undipested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Go now, make the best Investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin from any drug store. Toa realize in five minutes how needless It is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. leave his place of detention. He el ected to Join the army and entered the Royal field artillery as a "boy." "Boy"' Drain found horses quite as fascinating as he had formerly found cows, and proved ao good a horseman that on reaching the military age of 17 he was "mustered driver," and ap pointed to the 17th battery- He was eighteen and a half when the great war broke out, and his battery was one of the first In the field, having moved to France with the Irish dlvl- fcion. At Mons and during the famous MIM-TTT ilTTTi ! retreat. Drain did his duty, aad look- iKr rar irVCll e3 htleT n! Palr f un horses In fine 4 style, but It was at Le Cateau, on Au CLITVXT"ANv 0 ,"u l. i S'-t 2, that he had the opportunity The cialja tiu awn .-tTen .oT howlng that bad boys at school to 'tt It iiaz-h ! not necessarily Incorrigible counter Is btjr tjwuIt ! T0'" battery got into a tight com bitted tiiy 7 J. L. Boyer. pastor of the C;:'-4 Meth- dirt church- la the basement of the IIO.'O Rev. Eoy er ha established a sotjp kitch' corner, and It seemed certain that the guns must be captured by the edvancing Germans. Guns are the s. apple or an artilleryman's eve. and 4' the officers called for volunteers to en. He had I'i greats on the ""e i"''n- iiost or the gunners had firt dar V tfn killed, but with a comrade. Drlv "We are t' all who ;er Frederick Luke, the "Bad Boy of come." laid Tver. Eo;.T. "We'll 4 Marking" dashed through a hall of fir.d so -re war to fir.anc if "J"-u ana nucning nia teams Or hur.-'rM ,bss men In i'rou?ht back three guns In succes- the vlin ty proxjted the mln- ;-on- before the two heroes got the Us'.t to provide fool for them. third gun away the German infantry 4 ! re wunin a hundred yarus. but tno 4i444 444t' orsi ooy in me scnoor never flinched, with his comrade, galloped tack to the battery with the precious f.t-lj pieces. ioth were awarded Victoria Cross es, and one of the first things Drain received was a telegram from the mayor of Harking: "Heartiest con gratulations. The town of Barking Us proud of you " Then came a sim ilar message from the Walthamstow reform farm, and the teacher who had given him up In despair. The teacher who has some skill with the l,ru.h. Is painting a portrait of the hero to hang up in the -school In which he was reckoned the worst toy. And Driver Drain, V. C, agrees tht it was "worth while." Curious ly enough. Drain's father carried about with him all day a newspaper containing an account of his son's he roism and reward, without knowing a word about it until a fellow work man drew his attention to it in the evening. Lance-Corporal Fuller's story ia al most the same. The "Had Boy of Swansea'' was In corrigible until taken In hand by the hwansoa Industrial school. He too acquired a respect for discipline and J'.'n-fl the Royal Welsh regiment, In which he proved himself a smart sol-i)'t-r and w;ts soon promoted to lance corporil. He cheerfully performed all the duties -ntaI!ed by the "half of r.'.thin?" rank of which Kipling v rote, th-n tame the war, and the i Welsh wei in all the early fighting. It was at the battle of the Alsne, wh'-ri on September 14. near Chivy, Un- reiMiiK-tit suffered fearful Ione F'llbr's chance came. Outnum bered six to one, the Royal Welwh fought desperately to hold their po K.ili.ti. Officer after officer went down, funong them Captain Haggard tlu- Swinsea "bad boys' company commander, who fell, shouting "Stick It, W-lx!i." Nobly the bad boy and his few remaining comrades "stuck It." sir.'l when retirement was Inev itable, Fuller went back for his of ficer. He had to run a hundred yards under murderous rifle and machine Klin fire, before he found his cap tain. Captain Hazard, knowing l.lmsHf to be mortally wounded, or Ucre.l the plucky "non com" to go buck, but Fuller lnMsted upon pick ing him up and carrying him on his Khoulden to u place of compartive safety. JHE WHOLE EOCY KEEDSJPURE BLOOD TL? l r.- tie rzi-:-. ar..I all l'ie crrr.r,' f t Lie b ly riecd f r their t'Tf-r'ij (f,re cj Lealtli ot',in ' r, j.-trc hW; I. ar-r. ri: VI'k J. It Is jltive!v Lie y:a!o in llic in :a! :.i of v r. fjh, c.-it.irr!!, rlie:iTj.r:t!-T. r!y--'-r."i. 1. i f s.;. Iiito, thai I'rf'J feelinr. There is no o' t i like it. V sjr1; to fn 11m il un.! t-.-t it today. It .GOOD LIGHT Means HETTE31 BCSIXESS CHFF.RI I L HOMES ItETTEIt HEALTH AM) EYEKfCHT !! us wire ynr ht.nie and In sult our uxKlt-rn IJj:btlii lit turcs and lilet-trlcxd I n-talis-ttons all thcM retilreBMil tan le (ibtaliievl. May we iktvc you? Ek'Ctne and iras supplies, eleo trlc bKbt wiring tell wiring, gas pit. log, motors and dynamos. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 After the banQjet those who en Joyed dancing went to the L O. O F. hall which had been prepared for the occasion and danced for a cou ple of hours. Masic was furnished during the entire evening by the Echo Orchestra. Among the out of town visitors ere Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loughary of Sunfleld: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Means of Umatiya; Mr. and Mra Frank Sloan of Stanfield; Mr. T. D. Matthews and daughter. Miss Ada Matthews of Pendleton; Messrs. S. R- Oldaker. O. G. Sapper and Geo. Briggs of Hermlston; Harry Gelvln of Pilot Rock and Rev. Wlllson of Umatilla. The land owners In the Teel Irri gation District held their election of directors on Tuesday. Those elected were O. D. Teel, A. B. Thompson. Hugh D. Smith, G. P. Gigglnbotham and Geo. Roberts. The Paradise district election was also held the same day, but the en tire list of former officers were re elected. They are A. B. . Thomson Frank Sloan, Wm. Slusher, Joe Con nelly and Jas. Hosklns, directors, an J. T. Hosklns, treasurer. The funeral of Mrs. Peter Sherl dan occurred here yesterday from the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Harry Gelvln of Pilot Rock, of flciatlng. The members of Henrietta Rebek ah lodge, No. St. I. O. O. F., of which order Mrs. Sheridan was a member, conducted the ceremonies at the grave. A large number of sorrowing friends and relatives, many from other points, were here. Rev. Dr. Warner, district auperln tedent, was here from Walla Walla. the first of the week and gave very able discourses on Sunday and the following nights. Miss Zelpha Monkers was In town from her home In Morrow county the past several days visiting with the Misses Clephane and Daphene Gulllford. Mr. and Mra. Judd Rogers of Pen dleton, returned home last evening after attending the Sheridan funer al. Mr. Wilbur Swaggart of Heppner Ic a business visitor here. Raymond Walker of Stanfield spent yesterday here. Mr. and Mrs Charles EInzroth of Walla Walla came down to Echo yes terday. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells IIow To Get Quick Relief from Head-Cold. It's Splendid! In one minute your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream In your nostrils- It I penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed. up with a cold or nasty catarrh Re lief cornea so quickly. I "TIZ" HELPS SIRE, J13 FEET Cood-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. . Cood-bvo corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. xo more shoe tight ness, no more limpintr with pain or drawing up your face in aironr. TIZ" is magical, acts richt off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feet. Use "TIZ" and for- pet your Toot misery. Ah I how com fortable your feet feel. Get a 25 cent box of "JIZ" now st any druggist or depnrment store. Don't suffer. Have pood ., glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. Something to Amuse and Please Them. The "Little Ones" Best Friend. ANHA and EE en? A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get yours! IBB ILIL INrsro ID oil Mi J. rl WTWL HEIGHT, 25 INCHES Bigger iM L& These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like . trS ) indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES HOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS The East Oresonian is ffoinc to crive awav several hunrlrri ( w s r - of these dolls as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office One new paid in advance Subscription to the daily East Oregonifcn, by carrier for ;one month 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. Or for one new pai(J .in advance subscription to the daily Cast Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 months. 75c. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 5 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and. 10c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage lurry and go! your dolls nor, bacausofhis offer is for a limited timo only Coupons to be clipped will bc'found elsewhere in this p&per each day.