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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
v.r,v, rot'TT. DATT.V T1AST OT?rflOyi, rr-nT.KTOX, OKKCiOy, TIirKSIUY. JAXrAKV 11, 101.-,. ETfJTTT PAGES. AN IM'KI'KNDKNT NEW8PATEB rskllibnl IhiIIt and Hfml W'lly at fa lirtin, urtfon, by tb All OliM.OMA.N JLUHSlilNd CO. Official County raper. Ilrnilwr I'nltwl I'rMe Aworltiloa, Kaiervd at th pnatoffloa at rvodletua, Oraf oa, frrood rlw Bitll oiattt-r. taiopbon 1 ON KAI.K IN OTHER CITIKS. laprlal Uoiel News btand, Portland, Urtfaa. lloumtn Nrvi Co, rirlland, Oreffoo. o.N.KILK AT Oilroro Huretn, tt Security Building. Hni.lOfcton, li. C, burr 14, 601, toef mho liwl, N. W. NEW PHOTOGRAPH OF "LOVE WIFE" HUKHCRIITIOM RATES. (IN ADVANCE) Dally, net yrr, by mall f S 00 Dally, an month, by mall. ......... . 2 60 Wily, thrw uoDlba, by mall 1.23 fwlty, on math, by mail 60 (tolly, one yrar. by carrttr T.M 11 ly, all months, by carrier S 7 Dally, tbrr months, by carrier 1 Wi baity, on month, by carrier 63 -Weekly, not year by mall 1!N) aaal-Weekly, alt month, by mall 79 al-Weekiy, lour months, by mall... .60 MI.KXT SERMONS. The rose, belated till the frost, Puts fort Its leaves one sun- ny noon, Nor counts Its little life as lost Hecause the death blight comes a goon. The robin In yon wintry wood Flinps out a free and harpy son, While Icy fetters bind the flood, And tempests gather swift and strong. Great Nature's earth, In per- feet trust, Goes out to meet the darkest night; . The kart star of the diamond dust, That thrills the vaulted hea- ven with light. Shines on. Cod-bidden, In Its place. Tho' like an angry demon's hand A cloud drifts Jn before its face, It cannot reach nor understand. Shall doubts and sorrows blind our eyes To such sweet covenant and sipn? In Strength of Faith, O Soul. arise And clasp the Hand out- stretched to thine. Selected. In the aat there has been a ten dency on the part of some people to claim that In the Doing Our Part, matter of highway lmprorements Pen dleton has been anxious to have the county spend money but was back ward about doing Its own part along this. line. The report of the city re corder, submitted last evening, will ret such claims at rest. During the past year street paving work to the extent of 33 blocks was carried on here, the expense being t9,7?5.0:. Aside from that the cit? built the substantial Matlock street "bridge at a cost of $18,761 and the East Court street bridge over the mill race at a cost of 2ZZa. In other words a total of more than $90,000 was expended by the city upon high way and bridge Improvements. "We now have a total of six and a half miles of paved street and all the strictly city bridges are first class in every respect The trunk thorough fares are improved in every direction and that old joke about the roads be ing good until you reach Pendleton is a thing of the last Is our "economy'' legislature going to live up to its promises or will the session be devoted to Is It a Raid a partisan raid for For SKI1? spoil. The question may be fairly asked In view of actions thus far. Testtrday the house refused to be gin economy at home by saving some J9000 or $10,000 be eliminated need less clerk hire. An effort was made by Rep. Scheiibel to have the ways and .means committee prepare a bud get of appropriations so that the mem bers could at an early date get a line on contemplated expeditures. The motion was turned down with the ex planation by an organization leader that the history of this session should be a history of the republican party. There are other evidences that Iartisutishlp may be carried to ex treme lengths. For Instance the new governor has demanded that the In surance commissioner resign and an nounces thut Harvey Wells, treasurer if the republican central committee during the recent campaign, will be appointed to that place. Inasmuch as the term of the Insurance commis sioner does not expire until Jan. 1817, they are "going some" in asking him to resign at this time. Why such haste? vostigittc and exploit the opporti;nl-( ties open for manufacturing In Ore-j pon ns a result of the war and the , shifting of trade centers as a conse quence of the use of the Panama ca nal. It Is a businesslike proposal because there Is a field here for the develop ment of manufacturing. It would bo worth while to have an agency that could point out these possibilities and thu work for the establishment of new industries In various parts of tho state. If such work as that Is done Pendleton will get Its share, because there are raw products here await ing manufacture. Two letters have come to me con cerning investments In first mort gages on real estate Varlng that show clearly the Money Ratcw. varying cost of money to borrowers through cut the country, says a writer in the Chicago News. One writer asks me about the cer tificates Issued by certain New Tork mortgage companies which yield to the Investor t Vi and 5 per cent; he knows that investors buy millions of these every year, and he wants U know if they are safe. The other letter asks details about mortgage investment in the west that ! yield as high as g per cent, where ' Pun tViauA IS a hurl ami n . K a an a m f v v .-v liuui HllVt H V J 7A 1C i In answer I said, of course, that the big New Tork companies are well j managed, have a large capital and surplus (which stands as the invest-1 ors guaranty), and that they are perfectly safe In offering the return ! they do on the certificates they issue j against first mortgages on approved I real estate. j As for the high rate offered in the west, I have two circulars before me J I now, both offering Investments in the ' state of Washington. One is an of fering of $31,000 municipal district improvement bonds of a city of 13,000. They constitute a first mortgage lien against real estate estimated to be worth $143.000 the land alone In Mrs. Ma Sniffeii Walters Rogers. 1911 was assessed for early $11,000. tne '0Un8 common-law wife of Lorys .w . . o . . ! Elton Rogers, prominent middle aged And these bonds pay 8 per cent in- , . , . ' v j lawyer, for love of whom she desert- tere?t- ed her husband. Robers Is the fath Another circular offers two first er of the two children who the wom mortraees on Seattle rel est.ite m ' an Poisoned a week ago at the time ... , she made an attempt to take her own run for five years, one for $8,000, and, ' one for $10,000. Investor may take a portion of either loan as small as Interest on bonds 13.283.10 $300. and he will get 7 per cent in- Conduit 90.00, Kignt or way. i602; ie- - .- V ..v V jff..v: tit . ;"-' I ). .. J- vA" :m:4: - 'J .V.; i ;'" 'tT?V iii.ini FINAL CLEARANCE 1 aw ! 1 1 tin ore life. Rogers' legal wife Is said to be contemplating a divorce suit so that he may be free to marry the woman who Is now battling for her life In Lebanon hospital Ignorant of the fact that both of her babies died from the effects of the poison she administered to them. About 50 in the lot and include this seasons styles and materials plaids, blues, grays and some blacks, some Balmacaan, others set in shoulder sleeves, full length or three-quarter. These Coats On Sale Friday Morning Sizes 16, 18, 20 and 34 to 44. Worth the regular way to $20.00 Final Clearance 5)4 2 o Pendletons Biggest and Best Department Store We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps u GAIN' OF MORE THAN' $3000 IX LOCAL WATER, RECEIPTS (Continued from Page 1.) There are now 432 meters on rent al in the city, 188 having been Install ed during 1914. The meter rents for the year amounted to $392.12 as against $91.20 for 1913. The follow ing is a statement of the receipts and disbursements for the year: Cah Receipt for Year 1911. Water sales $ 31,495 25 Meter rents 392. ij Stock sales 274.50 Sale of bonds 40.838.95 Pump station 10.00 Work on county road .... 21.25 Freight rebate 59.25 Real estate 137 50 Refund gravity account. 94 02 Water sold to circus 5.00 Penalty 1.00 Gravity commissary sales. 773-61 Gravity Fill at Thorn Hollow 600.00 Sale of pipe 22. 81 Sale of tents and flies... 19.00 Miscellaneous 1.75 Meter repairs . s 1.15 Paid by city for overflow 3,000.00 House rent pump station 21.00 Barn rent at pump station 2. 00 warrants, $40.74; in surance, reservoirs, $60. Sidewalk. $178 91; grad-1 ing. $18.21; reservoir maintenance, $21.25; overflow repair, $150. 40; water refund, $5 30 terest nn vhatovtr ta Invnsta . gal fee, $1 00 io secure me is.uuu loan mere is interest on registered a lot said by the bankers who offer the loan to be worth $8,000, and im provements worth $21,000 and. on which there is Insurance of $10,000. Besides the borrower has made a fi nancial statement showing that he Is worth over $200,000. The $10,000 loan is equally well secured. Both are offered by a firm of investment bankers In business since 1891, with a capital, surplus and profits of near ly $700,000. Here, then, at opposite ends of our country lie our illustrations of the tre mendous variation in the value of money loaned on exactly the same sort of security. Go west, young dol lars, if you want to Increase and mul tiply so we might paraphrase Greely today. 606. 00 100.71 371.10 $211,059.97 EUGENE'S MUNICIPAL PUNT SKUWS SEMI-ANNUAL PROFIT ELECTRICAL AM) WATER VTILI TIES OWXE1) UY CITY ARE SUCCESS. EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 11 The semi annual report of the Eugene water board, marking the close of three years' experiment with municipal el ectrical and water utilities, showed actual profits of $15,187 in six months on the electrical business, or more than 100 per cent above the total costs of operation and interest on bonds. The report showed profits of $8131 in six months' operation of the water plant, or more than 50 per cent of the total cost of operation. Of the total $51,638 revenues dur ing the half year, the water and light board paid but $31,351 for operation and expenses. And of the total sur plus of $23,351 it expended $9972 for improvements, leaving a net surplus of $13,517. LUMP COAL Starting on Jan. a Ton 11 this coal will be' sold at the low price of $7.25 a ton, street delivery. Keystone Kimmerer Coal May be used for heating stove, kitchen range or hot water and steam plants. So soot or clinkers, burns to a fine white ash. fend or phone your order early to C. II. UROXSOX, Phono 387 J. ' . J. Baird, General Sales Agent Keystone) Kimmerer Coal. See Raird for special prices on car lots, Pendleton Hotel. f NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES C KWONG HONG LOW 116 Weit AlUSt., Upitalri.-Phof 4J3 illliiiliL Wounded Arrivals Arc Many. LOXDOX, Jan. 11 As many as 1000 wounded soldiers sometimes land in Southampton In one day. de clared Dr. Howard X. Real, of Wor cester, Mass., chief of the hospital at Palenton Eng. established by the American Women's war relief fund. Dr. Real spoke at a meeting held here In the Interests of the Institution. The Duchess of Marlborough presided. In his mesage to the legislature Governor Withycumbe suggests that a portion of the state I hm Ik' appropriation hereto Right lino, fore devcted to public ity work be used by a lion Kiluriid commission that w ill In- t 76,973.19 Cah pUbiirseriH-nts for Year 1911 Office expense $ 1,131.8- Clty maintenance 1,31810 City betterment 17,963.82 Gravity ' 15,470 67 Pumping, powij; and fuel 4,660.79 Meters 1,782.11 flock 336 61 Operating 680.76 Supervision 1,258 00 Reservoirs 1,556.68 Pipe line 3,378 25 Jeffery & Bufton, reser voirs 18,165.62 Jeffery & Bufton, conduit 18, 311. 10 A S. Bent Construction Co.. pipe line 102.339 63 Sinking fund 1,409.85 Gravity maintenance, $1 39.65; gravity oper ating. $550.10 689.75 Overflow pipe line Repairing reservoirs .., Clearing pipe line, $1.372 30; repairing 6, 398. 61 1,029 27 m 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii i f 1 1 1 1 ii i nn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L I Mow Open I iilongKongGafof E 4.XI) NOODLE PARLORS E Noodles f : AND E Chop Sueyf ; Outelde Tray Orders a Specialty, s Boxes for ladles and gentlemen, r OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. CHANGE IN FIRM The name of the Mark Moorhouse Company was changed the first of Uic year to THE MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT COM PANY. Wctdry X. Matlock lias been a half owner for some time.' ami IYcd-A. Laati has purchased Mr. Moorhouso's Interest. The new firm's motto Is: "PROMPT and EFFICIENT SER VICE." GIVE VS A TRIAL. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT GO. When The North Wind Doth Blow w S MERCHANTS' LUNCH 25c s E Special Chicken Dinner E E Sundays. E 548 Main Street! Next to E. O. Bids. Phone 608 pipeline, $19 03 1,391.33 TlI II 1 1 II 1 1 II II II 1 1 II II fl II III 1 1 1 1IC 1 1 1 1 II II I :ilf C HEN there is a forewarning of snow in the air, and the stock linger close to the shel tering windbreak of the barn; when the color of the sky fore tells that that 01c Boreos is coming to, claim his own men you realize the period of GOOD FUEL is at hand First ofional Oonb PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength But this season brings with It no anxiety, ;io fear and uncertainty for the man whose home Is flooded by the cheerful warmth of our best ROCK SPRING LUMP about See Oregon Lumber Yard aif A. H. COX, Mgr. Telephone 8. A Ita St., Opposite Court House riiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiiiiuinn'. 1 FOR 1 1 FUEL 1 I . mm I I : FIVE I Rock Springs Coal Good Dry Wood Slabs and Kindling I J aa hAmhmi sanaa mm bbm hbm hwhm m i a mm it's not the kind we keep but it's the 1 kind we sell I B. L. BURROUGHS I S Planing Mill and Lumber Yard S ?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiini!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii!i:iiic H a a aa) 5 a a