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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
Kid TIT PAf.KS. daily fast ottK;orr.. iM-xnn-Toy. oregox. Tiiri;sijAV, jantakv n, tr.i: .' Is- IS3 m 3 -iiiin7-J:iiifr,,'l Next Joy Jar ofl D) 3 ill. ft the national joy smoke R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salen 'Mil You fellows that didn't get just the gift you wanted in the smoke line for Christmas, you invest in a 16-oz. glass humidor of Prince Albert, This one real tobacco can't bitev the tongue, because it's made by a patented process that cuts out the bite and blister that damage your clapper. But if that somebody you were expecting a P. A. glass humidor from didn't know what's what in the smoke world, you've got the opportunity to find out today. How about giving a humidor of P. A. to the fellow who slipped you the wrong thing for Christmas, just to return good for evil? P. A. in glass humidors, for home and office use, is a sure way to pipe and cigarette joy. It's an even bet that you fellows who got a pound of P. A. in the crystal- t . . . . giass numiaor are rinding that it s harder to keep than New Year's resolutions. It's the best to bacco ever for pipe or for cigarette makin's, stays out in a cigarette paper and doesn't leak all over you while you're wrapping it up. Round-Up fn Rhyme is Feature Among Events of the Year 1914 The Pendleton Hound-up come In for extended mention in "The year In Hhyme'' which ha been publUhed by the Jthyme I'ubnshlng Co. of Kala mazoo, Mich. The booklet contains S3 pages, 13(8 vera, and mention H4 different subjects of national In terest. In the chapter on September 28 verses are descriptive of the Pen dleton show. They read as follows: The Itound-up's on at Fendleton. In .State of Oregon. Cowboys and cowgirls too are there And all the fun Is on. fir-at crowds came In on every train Toward even the day before. To be tliere early Tuesday morn. September, twenty-four. And name the prizes truit At this great carnlvaf. were won, 'PI" N.C Pm A. tmm mm Ar tehaeeo it told, fa Pomni cryttal.glamt kamidor, and in r A Samoa 5e loppy rod bag and lOe tub rtd timm. !l!iiHI'!'!s Battleship Grey The Newest Color liaryes Iiojr WIUi Bigamy. UTTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 14. Llman C. Uobblna, 1, claiming to be the son of a rich St. Louis man, and Helen Hardy, 15, were arrested, the boy charged with bigamy. ! From trail and road which lead Into The city's finest streets. Came cowboys and cowgirls, alo, And each the other greets. And prairie schooners oft were seen. With family Inside, Intending to for next three days In Hound-up Park abide. From nearby reservations, too Came many a buck and siuaw. Dressed up In brightest calico And every gay "gee gaw. All on their way to Pendleton, To Round-up Park to go, And for three days Just to enjoy The fifth great annual show. crowd of fifteen thousand cheers The big Round-up event. And witness cowboys and cowgirls Perform their wonderment. . Dressed up in all their gayest clothes, Of every color known, The weather, too. Just favored them Old Sol In brightness shown. And there were many contestant, Two hundred as we know, The gretest number In five years, Was entered for the show. And there was everything to see, And every kind of game, Bulldogging. and steer-roping feata, Too many here to name, Cut we have given some before, And written In their praise. To show how things used to be, In early western days. And all Is done In honor of Old times In that great land. AJid to keep fresh In memory The famous cowboy band. Those days of honest deviltry, " Of bustle, and of pluck, And when that saying oft was heard, That hearty "Let 'er Buck." And we must take the time to note, The "Western Ho" parade. The feature most spectacular, In all the Round-up made. 'Twls glittering and beautiful. And picturesque, and more, Its passing took full half an hour. Ere all of It was o'er. And now the Round-up we will give, The finishing of all, With eighteen tiouxand on the street, Upon the final day, And cheering loudly as they passed, In all their bright array. TIiom winning championship of world Are down upon the list, And all the prize given there Sot one of them been m tuned. Fred f-'raln won In bulldogging games And yet came forth alive. And took the prize In dollar. named, On hundred fifty-five. nod ."-ammy Garrett mentioned next. Wa) given second prize Forty-five In cash and hat. Of western shupo and sUe. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF race. And in the cowboy relay E. A. Armstrong won Prize the flmt, and silver cup, That making his third one. Allen Drumheller second won, One hundred fifty cash. Knapp Lynch one hundred dollars g't Third prize, In 'race most rash. And In steer roping contest, too, Tom Grimes won prize the first, A good four hundred all In cash- His luck was not the worst. Case Preston won the second prize. A very tidy sum Of Just one hundred fifty cash. That was most sure to come. Jack Fritz, the third, a cowboy brave, Won fifty dollars, too. For doing well the daring deeds, That he set out to do. In cowgirls' bucking contest, too, First, Bertha Blancett won One hundred twenty-five In cash, And saddlea - fine one. And Fanny Sperry Steele, also Wou seventy-five that day. And Minnie Thompson fifty got Third prise, to take away. And may these feats be long observed With all the best of luck. And now we will shake hands with all. Good bye, and "Let 'er buck." , Giiti.s: uk w tut you: mutt mki: it mux ii.rnv ani u i wvvr. Try as you will, ster an spMlc. tion -of Danderlne. you ennnot find a inglo trnce of dandruff or falllni! hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will pleas you most, will bt after a few weeks' line, when you sen rew hair, fine and downy st first yes hut reaIy new hair growing (t II over the scnlp. A littlo Danderlne Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. N.i difference, how dull, faded. hrl'tl.i fnd scraggy, Jiiat molxten a rlorh. v.ith Danderlne snd carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time The effect Is Im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavv, and havn an sppearance of abundance; an In rom parable luxtre, oftne and lux uriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 23 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store of toilet counter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured) by careless treatment that's all. SOLTIli:itXKIt.S ATTACK WATEIt WORKS COMPAXT BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Jan. 14 Hearings were scheduled today In an attack, by quo warranto proceedings, sgalnst the charter of the Blrmlng- fiam water Works Co. Suburban cit izens allege that excessive rates arc charged and false meter readings r practiced. D0N7 TAKE CALOMEL Instead of dangerous, salivating Culomel to liven your liver w-hen bil ious, headachy or constipated, get a 10-cent box of Cascareia. They start the liver and bowels and straighten you up better than natty Calomel, without griping or mak'ng you sick. SIX PLAYERS SIGN' TO PHY WITH SALT LAKE SALT LAKE. Utah., Jan. 14 Be fore leaving for San Franctoco, Man ager Cliff Blankenshlp of the local Coast league team announced that he had fllftied the following players: Second Baseman Charley French Pitcher Red Tonef, First Baseman Herbert Herter, and Outfielders Mar shall, Davis and Galena. AH of these players were members of Union asso ciation teams last season. Blankenshlp also announced that he had purchased Elmer Zacher from the Oakland Coast league team. The purchase of Zacher means that Ryan Zacher and Shinn will make ud Salt Lake s outfield. Fashion has already picked "battle ship grey" as one of the popular col ors for Spring showing, of course that fashion believes in keeping tim to the news. The war's influence will daubibss be apparent in many of thenewofcylcs. It will be interesting to watch them as they develop and, of course, the first authenic news of their coming will be found intheadvertisingcolumns of The East Oregonian. So industrious and so interestingly does the advertising keep step with the progress of the times that many people regard it as the most important part of their newspaper. HEW Y03PS UNDERGROUND RAILWAY SYSTEM PARALYZED BY SHORT CIRCUIT BIG BARGAIN i in wesi oiae Portland Residence The house Is Ihtrr&Mhty mod ern and was built I Mar ago at a cost of 1 10.000. It Con (aIs: Complete Cement B&S4 ment, .Vegetable and Fruit Room, Bath nl Toilet 1st Floor: Hall, t Parlors, Dining Room, Conservatory. Library, Kitchen and Pantry. Snd Floon t Bedrooms, 2 Sleeping Porch, 2 Bathrooms with Toilets, and finished Attic. Also a double garage. The ground with nice lawn is 50x100 on Marshall Street near 24 th, a most desir able residence section of the city. The entire property is of fered at a SACRIFICE price of $ 11.50s, on terms. Apply Donald Macleod 1221 Northwestern Hank rUdjr", Portland, Ore. 1 Br v:v :v(i5Vy;.-v: ' - . ' i y- .-V , 1 II ;;v?f'v--v - ' fr r r ' I" I II i trim jrm ... ... :V7 aiMi- i if iX:4-k:-A ft u i Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY njnnnt TT C -Chinese HVSVASLslkJ Style NOT TflMALES CHILLI COII CAR.'IE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS BERVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8u PAnce Ml Pendleton. Hm ine upper pnoiographs snows lines surroeutod during rescue work pho of nmbulnnccs waiting to rush suf- tographed after being revived with fopited pa-ssenicers to the hospitals, pulmotor. IVlow nt left a passenger U being One woman Is dead, scores were revived by means of the pulmotor. Injured and seven hundred suffocat Helow at right: Firemen who were ed when a short circuit of a feed ca ble tied up the entire subw In New York Wednesday. As a re-) suit of the accident hundreds of thousand of workers were an hour1 or more late In getting to their places! ot business. J Try a box of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets 48 Envelopes All for 25c at Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best