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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST ORIT.OXTAX. PEXDLETQy. OKEOOy. TliTKSlUV, JANTAKY 1 1. iu:.. v.iout paoes. I OUR JANUARY CI ear amice Sal is Growing More Popular Everyday. The values it offers are great Everyting in the store (except Contract Goods, Rubbers and some lines of groceries is reduced. Up to $3.50 French Flannel Shirts $1.19 Ht-reV ow of the liot bargains in die store; fine French flannel shirt. Manhattan and ether pxl iiiakes; nice soft, light and warm. Come in and have a look at them. They are real larjrains 91.19 50c Maharajah Silks 19c Tim 4 pieces silk in this lot; looks like a ' ('IIKCK li-UAU' not too heavy for house, Mreot or school -wear. Comes in brown, tan, Copenhagen anl navy; worth 50 yard. Jan uary Clearance Sale - 19 $1.50 Dress Goods 49c An assortment of 4 pieces fine dress goods. Mutable for dresses or extra .kirts. Comes in jrrvv, tan, brown and blue mixtures, f0 to 56 inches wide, formerly sold for $1.50 yard. January Clearance Sale "49 25c Sox 3 pr. for 50c KeinforceJ toe and double heel, heavy sole, mercerized top, extra pool wearers, in all the new colors and black. : for" ' 50 New House Dresses Sacrificed We have just received a large shipment of house dresses made of best quality gingham and percale. Xew spring styles. Trimmed with embroidery. Skirts have the new yoke effect. Waists, short sleeve and low neck, with col lars of pique. $1.25 Yalues, Clearance Sale Price. 9S 91.50 Yalutv, Clearance Sale Price $1.10 91.75 Yalues, Clearance Sale Price 91-29 92.00 Value. Clearance Sale Price ... 91-50 92.50 Yalues, Clearance Sale Price $1.75 "TRW. PURE FOOD SHOP" CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY, SERVICE All Other Depts. 22 3 Phone?, 15. UERMLSTOX CREAMERY LETTER Sweet, clean and fresh, the 2 lb. square 70 DAIRY LETTER Eresh and good, the 2 lb. . Wp roll FRESH OREGON dozen RANCH EGGS The 45 APPLES iood cooking varietv, box 75 EATING APPLES The verv'best of varie ty, box 91.00 to 91-75 ORANGES Hundreds of dozen, sweet, jnicv Oranges, T. P. W. Special Sale, :) W. 50 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE in our PURE FOOD SHOP. Lots of everyday needs, specially underprieed for this sale. CRANBERRIES JANUARY CLEAR ANCE SALE, 2 quarts 25 T. P. W. SPECIAL, the REST 35f COFFEE on earth. s c ESSE CLAIMED BY GERMANS "111 be used ex luslvely tv the mill tin)'. Thin !n believed to foreshadow Important movements of troops eith er to or from tin1 western battle front nnj may Indicate a concentration of force for u new effort to breuk through Die allien' linen ninl reach the lUlnlan and French coasts. THE WESTERN FBMT SERIFS OK Kill A( II TRUNOIES rfportfd to ii.WK hkfn 4 AITURU.D. Mr j. Henry Dixon Jones was host Artillery Duel Near Mi-nium Result , ea e.sterday afternoon at her Jut-k in Heavy Icn to (JalUr Trooiw, 'ten street home to the ladles of the Declare llcrlln Ri'itort IVtrogrml .North Side Krldge club. HonorH were Announce ReiHal of l lliliij In won by .Mm. Will Moore ln the tiluv. OiutaIa. .Mrs. Jones' iiui-sts outside tha iliili were Mi-h. Klmer Brewer and Mrs Frederick E. Judd. Mrs. Adolph Schaefer U entertain- BERLIN, Jan. IS. Oneral Ger man successes along the western front .especially the capture of a se- " " " . inic the Thursday Afternoon Club this uurx ,& puuuro 01 la muw, were an nounced In a war office statement. Artillery duels continued near Nleu port where the French suffered heav- lly ius a result of German shell fire, afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lee Moorhouse. MVs Vivian Hretherton. one of the The Fr-neh offensive at Lal.alselle hrs In the public schools. Is 111 and at Touveron Hill was declared ",,u "' 10 miena 10 ner ou repulsed with heavy losses. PETROGRAD. Jan. 13 An ties. The local chapter of the Loyal Or- nouncement of the resumption of 'r or Moose last evening Initiated fighting In Caucasia and of a Turkish another large class and. following the occupation of Tabrl. Persia was con tained In an official statement. In Caucasia the Tenth Turkish ar my corns, after being driven back. Initiation ceremonies, the wives and families: of the members surprised them by coming ln with baskets of good things to eat. An Impromptu rallied and Is making a determined bannuet and dance concluded a very stand. The statement says Tabiix enjoyable evening. was occupied by an alvunce guard of 1 the Turkish forces. I The statement also gave some de tails of the naval engagement be ! tween 'Turkish and Russian warships I in the Mack sen on January 6. "The Turkish transport Maria Ro setta was sunk by the warship Med I Jideh when the Turkish cruisers Rres I lau and HamJIdeh were encountered. The Hresl-iu's searchlights were shot away And both vessels fled. The Hrcs- j lau. by an error, bombarded the lurKbUi 11 oops near umun, conven ing them to evacuate their positions which were occupied .by Russian troops " For Your Baby. The Signature of Is the only guarantee that you have tha Genuine m 1 s Mrs. J. E. Mulllnlx of Hutte, Mont ant, und Mrs. F. Sparks of Dayton. Washington, sister and mother re spectively of Mrs. J II. Dunham, ure vlsltlnj- t the' Dunham home. Mis. Rex Wurd of The Dalles, Id expected t i arrive today to be th house K'ii-Mt of Mrs. Paul S perry. Judo and Mrs. Thomas Fit. Ger ald are today celebrating quietly the thirtieth ann'versary of their wed Hmf On January 14 1SS5, ln Van couver. Washington, the Judge clalm- prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, ed as his bride MUs Addle F. Brant lMI'ROVKMF.XTS COSTIXC OVFJt VIENV AaJn IS -All efforts of "f hat llt' '"ought her back to the Russian army to cross the Xlda lndleton where they have lived ever river have been . repulsed, according , ,ncr'' to an official statement. All yester 18 Tiio Pooplos Uarobouso Where It Pays to Trade, Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps SMALL SAVINGS hidJeu away are likely to be lost or stolen. Spent for f leasure tbey are gone and can never multiply, 'roperly invested they become the foundation of many a fortune. If you will systematically deposit a portion of your earnings it will surprise you bow rapidly your bant account will grow. THE American National Bank 'OF PENDLETON, OREGON Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 n rn LziLJ r M3 U 0 am nn K1S i llE LAND OF jSLW-SHINE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS CALLS YOU WIUi KLM.MKHTIME In WINTER. Outdoor and Indoor Sport Routing, Surf-bathing, Driving. Golf, Poj Tennis For rest and recreation, California la delightful. For Safety and Comfort, go via the Oregon-Washington Railroad 6 Navigation Co. through Portland. RETURN THE SAME WAY. CAIJIX)R.NI IS STAGING TWO IUG SHOWS Celebrating Completion of the Panama Canal Panama-Pacific International Exposition San IYatu4tfx, February 20 to Dcx-embrtr 4,, 1915. PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION San Ii-g, January 1 to December 31, 1915. They reprmetit the highent and beet of human endeavor ln the world of art, bcJ ence and Industry. H' IJotli of Them. Ticket, Information, etc, upon applica tion to T. I'. ORrien. Agent, O-W. R. & Co., Pendleton, Oregon. it. nrnvs, v. r. & i a., Wal'.a Walla, Wuh. BREAKS A COLD IN FEW HOURS-TRY IT! FIRST DOSK OF TAPE'S COLD COMPOI XI) RELIFAF-S ALL GRIPPE MISERY. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dese of "Pape's Cold Compound'' ta ken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grlpp misery and break up a severe cold either In the head, cheat, body" or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and nlr passages; stops nasty dicharge or noso running; relieves sick heuduche, dullness, feverlshneas, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Papos Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only 25 cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Don't accept a substitute. UNION MEN DEMAND REAL RAPID TRANSIT PHILDAELPHIA. Jan. 14. A large parade ln which several thou sand union men, representing, trade unions of many Industrie will par tlclpatc, will be held here today dem onstratlng the fight of the union men for a high speed transit system, Immediately after the parade a big masH meeting will be held at which representatives of the various unions and business men's associations will trge the installation of the system outlined by Director A. Merrltt Tay lor. l70,OtM MADE DURING YEAR (Continued from pace one.) report does not Include, receipts and expenditures for street improvements which are paid by the owners of property abutting on the streets Improved. There have been Issued by this of- d.y the Russians desperately strove HOW TO CURE A LA GRIPPE to force a passage, snvs the announce- COUGH. ment. but the Austrian artillery rak- "t'ouuhs that hand on" demand ed the enemy with a murderous fire, tttatment Stop and think! Reason The Russians were compelled to re- nnt common sense tell you that it Is tire, leaving hundreds of dead and f,,iy to 'yrin und bear It." Those wounded on the river bank. The war office claims the Rusnlarw the body and cause . soreness ind have been driven back In the C arpa-1 ,,.lInH )n th )n yield more Quick-! . , . ' thlans. It was denied the Austriunjij t0 Foley's Honey and Tar than - commander at Pnemysl had asked ' r nnv other treatment. Forty years i There have been for terms of surrender. Iierord of successes proves thl. For coughs, colds, croup and other d!s- AMSTERDAM.- Jan. 13, The Tel-1 treeing ailment of throat, chest, egraaf prints an announcement that end Inns;, larynx, and bronchial ordinary traffic over German rail- liib(s, you can find nothing that will ways has been suspended until Janu-! compare with this reliable remedy. ary 18, during which, period the line! Mid everywhere. Adv. fll'n l ,1 f f V. n .... , , O 1. . . 1 1 I I - rnrklnf la grippe coughs that wrench I" ' , .u . . ... .. .... mils, for the erection and repair of buildings of an approximate cost of 35 blocks of street paved during the year at a cost of $69,795.02. making a total of ap proximately 6 1-3 miles of paved streets In the city of Pendleton. In the line of betterments there has In closing I wish to thank th chalrman, CQuncIl and other officers of the cliy for the uniformly kind and courteous treatment accorded thl of fice during the year. I remain Yours respectfully, THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. Receipts anil disbursements 'of the city of Pendleton for Ihe year com mencing January 1st. 1111, and end ing December list, 1914. RcxvfptH. From cemetery $ 1,144 00 MYSTERIOUS THIEF LTtLS GEMS FROM BOSCH HOME Fire department .?S Taxes 47 C85 3S Fines 4.714 00 Licenses 21,943 (0 C5as franchise Rents been built or completed, the Matlock ' Interest on dully balance., 300.00 :.oo 504.71 THE EXTRA TAK on your Stomach and digestive sUm In very severe when wcakwvw Is allowed to develop. Slrkm-KM i.q sure to overtake yon. Don't remain In that con dition when you can help Na ture! m much by taking HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters ,' . '.: . A ' . A, ' . . xf ' -r, . v . 7 7,s - , O . 'l W V I r -r t t r- a ' .4 --s .. J -.- I 1 i - ,. ' -I ,', . v ;- f V " ' ' ' jOT street bridge, the Dyers mill race bridge, the fire alarm system and the voman's Jail, which are permanent and for the betterment of Pendloton. There has also been constructed the extension of the North Side sewer system, the Rush street Sewer, and the enlarging and rebuilding of the Court street sewer from Dyers mill east to the city limits. The expenses of the city were about the same as the year previous, except In the street and fire departments Interest and premium on . 103 23 Streets , 195 70 Surveyor's office 25. 00 Impounded stock ........ 58.75 Palancc on hand Jan uary -1st, 1914 26,951.27 Total for year 1103,712 39 Expenditures. Operating Fire department $ 6,33(12 which were necessitated by the paid Recorder I l',330 9$ fire department and the Increased i()re 7300 5 nrea of streets to be kept clean by! Lights Mm. Adolphim IliiHch. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 14 rrlvate and city detectives are vainly endeavoring to locate the thief who robbed 314,- 000 worth of Jewels from the coun try home of Adolphus Rusch 3d. The Rerns were taken from the drawers of Mrs. Hunch's dressing table. Defore her - marriage to Adolphus Busch, Mrs. Busch was Mrs. Florence Park er Lambert, divorced wife of Marlon J. Lambert, the millionaire chemical manufacturer. At the time the Dusches were married In 1913 he was thirty-eight and the mother of three children and he was a, youth of twenty-two. the city, There Is no warrant Indebtedness cutstanding, and the bonded Indebt dness of the city Is ns follows: Gen eral indebtedness bonds, 375,000; city ball bonds. $40,000; sewer bonds. 140.000; levee bonds. $77,000; and street Intersection bonds, $13 000. making a total bonded Indebtednesj of $2:i0.000, bearing Interest at the late of 5 per cent per annum. There Is In the sinking fund for the purpose of retiring the bonds at maturity the sum of $23,027-70, most of It loaned out on real estate secur ity at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. There are also outstand'ng street Improvement bonds In the sum of $110.(109.45. which are being paid und retired In Installments by the owners of property benefited by the street Improvement for which they were Issued. The purchase of the chemical com bination hoge wagon and the Instal lation of the fire alarm system caus ed the reduction of Insurance rates to the amount of $8000 per annum, nnd Is a source of congratulation to the citizens of Pendleton. No mention Is made In this report of the water department of the city for the reason that a separate report It, made by that department covering the management and finances of the wuter system of the city of Tendlc ton. There were 1272 cases handled In the recorder's court for the year, re sulting In the collection of the sum of $4714.60 In fines, as shown In tho financial statement herewith. The total expenses for the year was $95,014.86, of this amount the sum of $37,880.18 was for betterments and the sum' of $57,134.68 for oper ating expenses. The total receipts from all sources for the year was the sum of $103, 712.39, this Includes balance from previous year, leaving net balance on hand ln all general funds of the sum of $8,697 63. Rents Interest Streets Legal services .... City hall Library Sewers Health department Elections Treasurer Cemetery Licenses Street sprinkling ., City surveyor Street Improvement 6,005.55 700.00 12.958. 7 9 782 44 928 50 1.786 16 1.744 75 219.18 1,014. 650.83 00 3,161.71 1.429 35 70.75 Total for year 67.134 68 Iietterment. t 5 25 90 60 6.290.17 2,742.40 1,471.67 Star street bridge 18,764.65 Hush street sewer 41 3.9 5 Sewer system 3,339.34 Park 3.236 0O East Court street bridge.. 2,525.85- Bridges Levee Fire department . North side sewers City hall Total for year t 37,880.18 Making total expenditures $ 95,014.86 Leaving balance on hand In general funds .$ 8,697.63 Leaving balance on hand In Et. Imp 8. 685. 87 Total bal. In all funds.. $ 17,383.40 Respectfully submitted, THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder.- Alfalf hay for Bale. ' Farmers north of Pendleton on the O -W. R. ft N. and the Northern Pa clflc railroad, I can furnish you. choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight, quick delivery." E. C. Rurllngame,. Farmer, Walla Walla, Wash. Adv. I'M LITTLE! BUT OH MY! In this little advertisement I want to tell you of my LITTLE PRICES ON Candles, Xuta, Frulta, Vegetables, Groceries, Etc. A fine large stock on hand and selling fast. Tay our prices and save money. Phompt delivery makes us hs near as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St. ' Thone 536