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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1915)
TAOK F.KilTT. DAILY FAST OTCEflOXTAX, ?FXDT.ETOy. OTiEGON, MONDAY, .TANTAUV 11, Ml a. EinTTT PAOES. IV. RESOLVED You can't get money any easier than ly buying your proceries at our store. We civo you the best pooJs and best prices. Every woman who is a gx buyer, knows that it is economy to buy at our store. Good things 0 furtlier tlian the poorer kirn1. PHONEII96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Plecsscl Court and Johnson Sta. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Auto KI1U Ikc. The auto bua of the Hotel Pcndle ton rnn over and killed a little yet low dog on Main street between Webb and Alta 'street this morning. Hi East AlU OWng. The work of Improving the rail road crossing on East Alta street near the Pendleton flour mills br put ting vitrified brick between the rails was started this morning. lUrmtt I! lira Jm Grande Girl. Miss Ellene Peare of La Grande, has been engaged by Joint Senator Barrett of Athena to act as his prl vate secretary during the session of the legislature. She left Saturday for 8alem. Such to Collect. A suit to collect $2(3 93. principal and Interest alleged to be due on a promissory note, was filed In the cir cuit court today by C. W. Peterson against D. B. Jarman. S. V. Knox and Danson, Williams and Danson are at torneys for the plaintiff WILL MAKE SURVEY ' FOR GOLD SPRINGS ROAD VARMKRS TAKE INITIATIVE STEPS IX MOVE LOOKING TO HARD SURFACE ROAD. Convinced that a hard surface road iver which wheat may be taken by auto trucks and trailers will solve their problem the committee repre senting the Cold Spring farmers has taken stops to secure a preliminary tjurvey to ascertain the probable cost of such a highway from Cold Springs landing to German Hall. Upon their own Initiative the far mers have petitioned the state high way engineer to make such & prelimi nary survey and it is said Lyman Grlswold, assistant state highway en gineer, will make the survey very soon. He will start work this week or next and the expense will be borne y the farmers. After the survey has been made nd the committee thereby given ex pert Information upon which to pro ceed it Is probable a mass meeting of the farmers will be held and the gen eral proposition submitted to them. ALBANY Wire llEATElt FINED BY JUSTICE ALBANY. Ore.. Jan. 11. Charged in two complaints of beating his wife George Lutz, before Justice Swan, Pleaded guilty to both and was fined 320 and costs on one and the other was suspended pending good behavior. Learning that R. A. Robinson, aged TO was in the poor house, "8 county residents have petitioned the county court for an investigation Into the claim that in 190 he deeded to his son R. O. Robinson, and wife, land alued at 3C000. It Is set up that the son is iivlng here comfortably. Forest fires In British Columbia covered more than 300,000 acres dur ing the past year. Alfalfa Hay for gale. Farmers north of Pendleton on the O.-W. R. & N. and the Northern Pa cific railroad. I can furnish you choice alfalfa hay, cheap freight, quick delivery." E. C. Burllngame, Farmer. Walla Walla, Wash. Adv. Swimming pool "Mvossed. J. O. Convll, superintendent or Portland's parks and boulevards who has been secured to supervise the work of building a swimming pool In Round-up Park, was her again yes terday to discuss with the local com mittee the plans under way. The plans were gone over in detail, Mr Convlll having very definite Ideas as to how to secure the best pool for the least money. The actual work on the natatorlum will not be started until spring. Last of Trio ricked Up. Max Hoagland alals John McFall. leader of the trio of boys who escap ed from the Walla Walla penitentiary last October and who subsequently robbed stores at Milton and Weston, was picked up last week In Portland and extradited to Walla Walla, ac cording to Information received by Sheriff Taylor. Harry Kelly alias Martin McCarty had been picked up at Salem and returned to the reform school from which he was an escape and Pete Wldeman had been picked up at Athena by Deputy Sherirr W. Taylor and was sent to the reform phooi at Monroe. Wash., from two to fifteen years. nnwlrrn Cm tn La Grande. Tomorrow Pendleton will send her best bowlers to La Grande lor a match In that city for a $100 side bet. Both teams have one match to their credit and there Is considerable rivalry between the two. Tne Fenaie ton team will be drawn from the fol lowing seven men: F. J. McMonles. Nick Noel. Loren Hoover. Pat Mc Devltt Fred Book. Jack Myers and Herman Krebs. AH are top notch bowlers and they expect to bring back the money. They will be ac companied by a number of other men who are eager to see the match. Yes terduy afternoon the first team bowl era met the second string but were unable to make up more than 73 pins of the 180 which they spotted the others. Dlvorco U Granted. In the case of Rose Shuee vs. George Shuee. Judge Phelps handed down a decree granting Plaintiff a divorce and the custody of their three children. Buy New Autos. Senator J. N. Burgess has purchaa ed a C 37 Bulck and Maggie La Brasche of Athena has purchased a C-25 Bulck from the Oregon Motor Garage. Judgment lit Given, Judgment for the plaintiff hus been rendered In the cose of Rebecca Kern ley vs. Jean C. O'Rey et al, foreclos ing a mortgage held by plaintiff on the residence property of the defend ant In this city. For Non-Support. Glen Rust Is one of the Indicted men whose names were at first with held because they were not In custody. He Is charged with non-support, was arrested this morning and arraigned this afternoon. Indian ClUld Dies. Everett Wannassay, five year old son of Jason and Anna Wannassay. and grandson of the late Philip Mln thorn, died yesterday morning at at 5:30 o'clock of pneumonia at the home of his parents on the reserva tion. The funeral will be held at the Presbyterian mission at TutuUIa to morrow morning at 10:30. TODAY TODAY AY. LAST rilAXt'E TODAY. SEE THE MOST WONDERFUL PICTURE EVER. HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY YESTERD Robert Warwick In George Broadhurst's Truly American Play "THE P Y IN' FIVE ACTS Rolert -Warwick, who was the star in "The Man of the Hour" recently shown at this theatre, is assiste! by Barbara Ten nent. The most realistic flood scene ever conceived by a motion picture director. ,Tho bursting dam, with its ruling torrents is truly wonderful. Nothing like it has ever been done- in movli z pictures before. As a special treat to our patrons we are not raising the price for this feature. Remember, last chance to day. . Picture start 2:00, 3:15, 4 :30, 7:00, 8:15, !):30. A'. ' .: -.r;0: .: . i i . , - 1 -e:S. Admission Adults 10c Children 5c CO.MIXO TUESDAY Francis X. Bushman in "THE PLUM TREE,' "The Ladies' World" prize mystery tory. Large prizes are offered by this magazine to the ones supplying l! i i-Miig paragraph. rOMIXd TliniSUAY- "SOCIETY SAMSON," featuring William Farnum. Not tlie !iibli -turv. This picture starU'd at Majestic Theatre, Portland, yetsterday Sunday for four days; on the fifth day Thursday we show it Read all about it in yesterday s 1 ortland Ore puiiun. ' Two Indictments DlTnlTri. The Indictment against Anton Kraft, pending since last April charg Ing him with selling liquor to minors has been dismissed from the circuit court docket for lack of evidence and the Indictment against W. U Guer rant was also dismissed upon motion of the district attorney. Guerrant had been convicted upon another charge and paroled. the action for "lack of evidence," The cuse against Bohl was. dismissed more recently, Judge Tarkes ruling that an unlouflod revolver Is not u weapon under his Interpretation of the Ore gon statute. All three have been or rulKiuvl and have pleaded not guilty. Auto Shop Afire. At 3:30 this afternoon the Wither auto painting shop on Cottonwood street caught fire and the department waa called out The fire was aoon controlled. BURKE INDICTED. (Continued from Page 1.) Sirs. Wells Wants Divorce. Alleging that her husband. Walter S. Wells, has been an habitual drunk ard since Jan. 1, 1913, Mrs. Annetta Wells today commenced suit for a di vorce from him. She also asks that alimony In the amount of 30000 be awarded her and that the judgment for this amount become a lien against the residence property which the; own Jointly on Lewis street. They were married Sept IS, 1SS6. FJks Return Home. Having attended the class Initiation at The Dalies Saturday night, the Pendleton delegation of Elks arrived home yesterday, some returning on the morning train and some In the ovenlng. They report a very enjoy able time. A delegation of 175 Elks from Portland waa present to put on the Initiation work and a special train of Sherman county Elks attended. The Portland delegation brought a band and a "rube' band accompanied the Sherman county Bills. The latter al so had a beautiful goat its fleece dyed purple and Its horns and hoofs gilded. This was presented to the Portland delegation. named Yoyama from the Gibbon de pot William Blevlns. sometimes known as "Coyote Bill" und a frequent of fender of the laws, was Indicted on a charge of stealing shoes, knives and other merchandise from the second hand store of W. L. Bowlsby on Oc tober 16. Robert Johnson, accused of being the man who assaulted Mrs. May Hanna in this city on January 5, was Indicted on a charge of assault with Intent to rob. Walter Oilman, who had been indicted twice before, was made the subject of a third Indict ment, It being alleged that on Pept 1 he stole from John Crow a calf val. ued at $17. Not true bills were returned against Joe Ueuallen, who had been accused of Injury to a fence, and against Mike Llngren, who had been charged wljh larceny from a dwel ling. Seven other Indictments were re turned but the names of the persons are being withheld until the sheriff has had an opportunity to take them Into custody. In Its final report the Jury sets forth that It met first on October 1 for two days and again on January 5 until Jan. 9. that it had returned a total of 32 true bills and two not true bills. had made a brief examination of the property about the court house and had Inspected the county poor farm and round It In "good shape." "Its stock and equipment seem to be well cared for" the report says. The new grand Jury will not be drawn for several days. Judge Phelps wishing to use all of the Jury list for a few days for trial cases. s Mr potur Slictiilan Dies. From typhoid fever which she con tracted while a patient in a hospital at Walla Walla Mrs. Peter Sheridan died there at 10 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Sheridan was taken to Walla Walla several weeks ago to undergo on operation. She was operated up on nnd was recovering when she be came afflicted with typhoid from which death resulted She was for merly Miss Lora Harrison, a niece of A. K. Hammer of Echo and there Is much sorrow among her friends over her untimely death. Aside from her husband she leaves a child one year old. Administrator Ih Appointed. Mary K. Price, sister of the late William J. Turner of Pilot Rock, was today appointed administratrix of his estate which Is valued at about 35000. M. O. Lallue, George Shook and Earl Hurd were named appraisers. The signing of these orders was the first official act of the new county Judge, Charles H. Marsh, and it was a singu lar coincidence that the man to pre sent the first business to the new democratic official was the chairman of the county democratic central com mittee, Will M. Peterson. Circuit Court Meeting. The regular January session of the circuit court commenced this morn ing with the trial of the case of A. M. Seay vs. J. L. Hammock. The suit Involves the ownership of a team of horses. After the drawing of the Jury, the attorneys thought their cli ents would settle the case but this afternoon the taking of testimony was under way. Judge IjowcII Is for the plaintiff and L. A. Esteb for the de fendant. The caxe of Homer I. Watts vs. Moses Taylor will be taken up next. This Is for the collection of about 31300 alleged to be due for attorney fees In five different ac tlons. Grand Jury Thinks Differently. The grand Jury evidently had a dif ferent mind In two separate coses than did Justice of the Peace Joe II. Parkes. returning Indictments upon original Investigations despite the fact that the Justice of the peace had re fused to bind the defendants over to It for consideration. The defendants are Arthur Oulllford and Carl Kirk, charged Jointly with stealing cattle from Charles, James and Sam Nelson, and Joe Bohl, charged with carrying concealed weapons. The Oulllford Kirk case was brought In the ocal Jus. tlce court by Sheriff Taylor last Oc tober and Judge Parkes dismissed THOMAS MIURKEY, PIONEER, DEAD AS RESULT OF FALL WELL KXOWX MAX SCCCCMBS TO IXJUtY AFTER LINGER ING ILLNESS. As the result of a fall he suffered during the recent silver thaw, Thomas Milarkey, pioneer resident and prop erty holder of this city, died at five minutes after noon today at his home on West Court street. For the past week his condition had been very grave and little hope was entertained for his recovery. Mr. Milarkey slip. Ped on the sidewalk and fell about two weeks ago. striking on hia hip. An Injury from which he had been suffering for years was made worse by the fall and his age was a hinder- ance to remedies that would have been effective upon a youngr person Deceosd had been a resident of Pendleton almost ever since the city was founded and had acquired consid erable property here. He lived In Cmatllla county before this city was laid out. running freight wagons from I'matilla to Poise. He Is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Joseph P. Murphy with whom he made his home. Sales They Come! and Sales They Go! Not ei at tho Golden Rulo Store, our galea are every day in tho year round except Sunday. ' You don't pay more for your goods ono day than another. That's tho only right way. You ill agree with us if you investigate our prices. Men's Rluo Serge Suits, compare this ono with any $15.00 value elsewhere. Not sale but every day Golden Rule price of ?f.00 Our other Blue Serge Suits will compare favorablo with $17.50, $20 and $25 values, priced every day at $12.50, $14.75, $16.50. Fancy Stripe or Mixed Suits, also jdain grey in worsted or cassirncrc,, priced every day at $7.00, $0.00, $12.50, $14.75. , Overcoats, you can buy them every day at a third less at tin's big busy store $0.00 $12.50, $14.75. i Roys' knickcrbocker suits, a good $3 value, at $1.08 Compare this lot with any $5.00 valnea and priced at only $2.08 Roys' Blue Sergo or Fancy Mixed suits, should sell at $0 nnd $7.50 priced at $3.08, $4.08. 3 YOU CAN DO BETTER AT erne ?sr ?itrf S777T7T WE LEAD OTHERS . FOLLOW FIIKE OIKCK COLLECTION Ki:si:nvK rankers plan NEW YORK. Jan. 11. A plan for the free collection of checka will be discussed here today by the special committee of five governors of fed eral reserve banks. James B. Mc Dougal, governor of the Chicago re serve bank. Is chairman of the com mittee. The report of this commit tee will be presented to the gneral body of governors at their meeting In Washington on January 22. HEW WATER SYSTEM IS HELD RESFOHSIBLE FOR LOW RATE 50 PFR CENT REDUCTION IN LN Sl'RANCE DUE TO RECENT IMPROVEMENT HERE. Official Information to the effect that the gravity water system was re sponsible for 50 per cent of the re duction In Insurance ratea made here last fall Is contained in a letter which Messrs. Bentley ic Lefflngwell have received from James N. Me Cune. secretary of the Underwriters Equitable Rating Bureau, which or ganization rerated the town. In response to an Inquiry the local Insurance firm today received the following letter from Mr. McCune: Portland. Ore, Jan. t, MIS. Messrs. Bentley & Lefflngwell, Pen dleton, Ore. Dear Sirs: We are In receipt of your favor of the 6th Instant, making inquiry In behalf of the East Oregon Ian as to what proportion of the re cent reduction In rates for the City of Pendleton was brought about by the new gravity water work eystem. In segregating thla item of the re duction we may aay that approxi mately BO per cent of the total reduc tion for the town of Pendleton waa owing to the Improvements In the water works system. Trusting this la the Information you desire, Tours truly, JAMES N. McCUNE. Secretary Thla letter confirms the estimate made several days ago by Mr. Lef flngwell, who estimates that the re duction In rates made by the fire In surance companies means a saving of $17,000 a year to local property own ers. The two factors contributing to the reduction In Insurance rates were the water system nnd the Improved flra department. visibly depressed, hU friend aay, and thU had affected hta health. rw weeks ago he contracted a cold. ThU developed Into pneumonia, Mr. Wilder, who was born In Gene va, N. T., In 1IS9, became a pabUo entertainer at an early data and la this capacity appeared at one time before English royalty. Among his best known books are "The Beany Side of the Street" and "SmlUng Around the World." Marshall . Wilder I)lcs. .T. PAUL, Jan. 11. Marshall P. Wilder, the author and humorist, died at a St Paul hotel from heart trouble, complicated by a slight attack of pneumonia. Mr. Wilder had been In poor health for two weeks and last Friday was forced to cancel his vau deville engagement here. Since the death of his wife, more than a year ago, Mr. WUder haa been mil Hot Chocolate Hot Chili Hot Tamales madt to your tatte FRESH CZHDIES EVERY DAT 'on. X J GEO. HKNDUICK' TUNER AND REPAIRER OF PI ANOS. ORGANS, AND PLAYKRH. All work guaranteed. IImmo 219 M. PENDLETON, OREGON. A FINE COMEDY If you miss seeing John Barrymore tonight you will be the loser as he is one of the best comedians on the American stage today "The Edam) ffpomm nvyDonBoo Is also one of the best comedies ever produced and kept the audience laughing last night Tomorrow! TUESDAY! Tomorrow,! ANOTHER STAGE FAVORITE MISS MABEL TALIAFERRO In the Great Mining Camp Story "The Three of Us" Miss Taliaferro is also known as a great amateur athlete and is well fitted for the strenous part she takes in this play THE ALTA THEATRE Tho Houbo of Comfort Tho Homo of Quality