Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1915)
ETGITT PAOES. DATLY EAST OREfiONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, .TANUARV 11, 11)1.',. PAOE REV F.N. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Y4 CAN BRING BACK COIX)It AND LUSTRE WITH RAGE TEA AND SULPHUR. lien you darken your hair with Tm and Sulnhur. no one can tall, because its dona ao naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, tfcagh at homa la muaiy and trou bfcaseaae. For 10 centa you can buy at aay drug atora tha ready-to-use tonle called "Wyeth'a Sage and Bui phar Compound." Tou Just dampen a sponge or aoft bruah with It and draw thla through your hair, taking ota email strand at a time. B aaoralng all gray hair disappear, and after another application or two, yoar hair becomea beautifully dark ened, glossy and luxuriant. Tou will alee discover dandruff la cone and hair haa stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though bo d la grace, la a algn of old age, and aa wa ail efeelre a youthful and attractive appearance, get buay at once with Wyeth'a Bage and Bulphur and look years younger. CHICHESTER S PIUS, 4 klh.lmr III la IU4 Vrnc At- iiM'trua-tcia DlAMUND HltANU I'lLIAfc twi kavws i Dot. U1U, lif U Tall M AUtM. H T C SOLO BY DIXGCISTS LVLRYatlRE CM-l!!I!IU!lllIIIII!iiiilllllIiMI!llllllll!lllC (Orphouml Theatre 1 J. P. MEPERNACII, Prop. 1 : 3 High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN i 5 Program changce Sundays, Tuesdays, TTiurs- S days and Saturday. 5 See Profxam in Today! 5 Paper. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiin3 . -.. - - - - miiiuiiiiimiimmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii Pastime I Theatre "The Home of 1 Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST 5 in Photoplays :: Steady, a Flicierlew Ficturt :: AW E lately No Ey Strain. M WaeSSa SSB"S"""i 1 A Refined and Entertain in Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Rettaurant Change Sundays, Tuwdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, E e Adulta lOo. Children under s 10 years So. itllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllR e!in!SUIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII I PEttmTON'g P 0 P p- I I LAtt PICTURE SnOW THE I COSY m mm K t 5 Wher the entire family can 5 3 tnjoy a hish-claw motion g k picture show with comfort, S3 Fun, Pathos Scenic I Thrilling I a a Mi mm a nt Mat KlbM. V r 1 All Properly Mixed W . 3 J3 " esj a Open Afternoon and Even- 5 S inK. Chanfrea Snnday, Hon- 2 day, Wednesday and Friday. g I Next Door to St. George Ho- S tL Admission Bo and lOo. iiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR RECEIPTS SLACK FOR LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore,, Jan. 11. (Spec iul.) Receipts for the week have been, cattle, 1846; calvea, 14; hoga, 10,823; aheep, (1(6. CATTLE. With the exception of Monday'a run the receipt have been alack. Prlcea continue on a par with Monday'a market. Beat ateera brought $8.00; cowa, 18 85; heifers, $8 50. Outlook la ateady. HO OS. Hog recelpta were particularly heavy thla week, over 10,000 head coming forward, prlcea accordingly dropped allghtly. Tope being at toduy, SHEEP. All offering In the aheep flection are quickly taken, every thing avail able going at good prlcea. Lamba bring $7.(0 while yearling . wethen ell readily at ff.fO. The following aalea are representative: 104 ateera 1.051 $800 27 ateera 1081 7.76 28 ateera 1111 7.66 80 ateer 1211 7.(0 4 bulla ,...1861 6.(0 2 8Ugi 12(0 6-50 6 helfera 1161 6(0 2 calvea 241 8.00 1 cowa 1091 7-00 72 cowa 1141 6.80 1$ cowt 1183 6 65 24 cowa 11(1 660 218 hoga 211 7 36 371 hoga 187 7 30 1636 hoga 189 7.25 (69 hog 294 7.1k 298 lamba 81 7.60 111 lamba 74 7.40 645 ewes 113 6 60 841 wethera Ill GO 4 FA KM HRS WEEK COXFEK- 4 ENCE8. 4 4) Eighteen conference! dealing dl-j tectly and forcibly with rural prob lems In Oregon will be held during 1 to 7, according to R. D. Hetael, ex lorihlon director, formlne what la un doubtedly the moat Important aerlea ever held In the atate. The following leading industrial forces of the atate lll hold eeaslona: Slate Dairy Association. Oregon Jeroey Cattle Club. Ilolnteln Breeders' Association, fruit Inspector. Willamette Valley Editorial Axeo- elation. School Superintendents and Super- vlatora. County and School Fair Officials. County Judge and Road Supervla- on. Rural Minlatera and Religious Workers. Home Makers. Potato Growers. County Agriculturists. Tarmers' Organizations. Drainage. Commercial Club Secretaries. Peed Growers. City Market. Brick and Tile Manufaeturera. Beware of Ointments for Ontnrrh That Contains Mercury M merrury will surely deitroy the imm of smell nd completely dorsoire the whole yftrin irhi-n entering It throneh the mn com unrfneM. Snch article shonld new be imiHl etrpt on prescription from repot hie phynlrlsna. the damage they win do I ten fold to the food yon ran poMlbly drrlTe from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co.. To Iftln, (.. contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, sctln directly npon the blood and muenna aurfarmi of the system. Id burin Hall's Catarrh Cnre be snre yoo fi-t the gonulne. It Is taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co Tentlmonlala free. Pold br DruiTKlats rrlce 7Rc per bottle. Take Hall's Family mis for constipation. KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS TEU.S RHEUMATISM SUFFEK KRS TO EAT LESS MEAT AN'D TAKE S-LTS. nhcumatlfltn Is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well known author Ity. We are advised to dress warm ly; keep the feet dry; avoid expoaure; eat lcea meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism Is a direct result ot eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce urlo acid which la absdrbbd Into the blood. It Is the function of the kldneya to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the pbrea of the akin are also a means of freeing tha blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin porea are closed thus forcing the kldneya to do double work, they become weak and aluggtah and fall to eliminate the ur ic acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, even tually settling In the joints and ma elea tauslng atlffneas, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ouacee of Jad Salts; put a tableapooln. ful in a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning tor a week. This Is said to eliminate uric M,, v Hmulatlne- the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. ia a Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and la made from the acid of grapes inlcn. combined with uttv la? and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthla-water drink which helps overcome urlo aold and la beneficial to your kidneys as CHICAGO WHEAT SHARPLY LOWER (Saturday's Market.) CHICAGO. Wheat closed 2 1-2 0 2 3-4c lower. Thee was great action, both early and late today. ' The first thing In order thla morning wo a de cline of 2c In the May price to $1.38 7-8, Influenced by the curb rumors late yestcrdny and an uncertain feel ing. After the early dip the trade seemed to take the buying aide when a half dozen of the largest houses started buying. Ft. Louis claims of ac tive buying on wheat by southeastern millers and a remarkable strong re covery In northwest markets led by Minneapolis, gave a bull turn here which carried May up to $1.41 and July to $1.26 3-4. Evidently the trade became overbought on this swell. La Salle street leaders who were sellers around top prlcea of the year yestr day, turned to the selling side again lost hour today. Thla started local holders In a selling flurry and with no adequate short Interest In the mar left there was a violent break of 8c from the high point. WHEAT. May Open. $1.39; high, $141; low, $1.38; close. $1.38 1-8. July Open. $125; high, $1.25 $ : low, $1.24; close, $1 24 1-8. 1 Local Playhouses WHAT tha Preu Agent Hai to Say of Present and Coming" Art action J& J0 & Jatiiiio Today. Hundreds were turned away yester day. Last chance today to see Robert Warwick in "The Dollar Mark." A thrilling picture from the first moment to the last la the Robert Warwick picture of "The Dollar Mark," a William A. Brady play. The George Broadhurat story of modern capital and Its domineering ways are wonderfully brought out In this pic ture which is the mout gripping an American director haa made. The scenic backgrounds selected are of unusual beauty and the call of the outdoor la felt in every inch of Eastman. The mining district of Co bait. Ontario, I the setting for the greater part of the picture, and there la careful attention paid to the scenes taken on board the millionaire's yacht when Gresham Is determined to get to his bank In time to prove to the clearing house committee that he is solvent and In so doing, foils the Bay 11a attempt to take his mine from him. The conflict of determination and cleanliness In heart against tha mon ey power represented by Carson Bay lis Is one that gives "The Dollar Mark"' its breath of life and George Broadhunt has contrived some splen didly thrilling scenes which are as masterful as any he haa ever made In his wonderful career aa a playmak er. It Is not alone for the control of the mine that there la a struggle, but there Is a girl In the story who la sought after by the two big men. Al ice Chandler as portrayed by Barbara Tennant Is worth the struggle. . For a long time, there seems little hope for Gresham but the great moment comes when he Is able to save Alice's life by carrying her to safety through a wild day, In which both are at the mercy of overflowing waters from a dam. That unrehearsed, daring series if pictures la tha work of a genius. None other could have planned such thrill producing moments, and only a genius could have found the means to carry out the conception that made ao great a picture. It Is not alone on account of the gripping dam scenes that "The Dollar Mark" will mark an epoch In the motion picture world, but also because of the virility and unassuming Am ericanism with which the producer and author have filled tho picture, that It Is regarded by reviewers aa one of the most genuine American pic tures offered to feature film exhibit ors. . Admission, adults 10c, children Be Coming Tuesday, Francia X. Bush man In "The Plum Tree," the Ladies' World prize mystery story. Cosy Monday and Tuesday. "The Brtday Bouquet," a pretty one reel love story. "When Fate Rebelled," a one reel Frlncess drama. "His Prehistoric Past." a two-part Keystone comedy In which Chas. Chaplin as the tramp goes to sleep and dreams that he Is living In the atone age. If you like the Keystone atyle or comedy, don't miss this. No advance In prices. TVia nhnretnm established at Wash ington In Rock Creek Park through coronratlon between tho forest ser vice and the District Columbia, now contains 1200 trees, comprising 92 different speclea. JERSEY SCHOOLMEN TALK PEDAGOGY NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Jan. 11. With State Com mis- Bloner of Education Calvin N. Kendall presiding the superln- tendents and supervising prlncl plea of tho middle tier of coun- ties of the state today assem- bled here at tho Lord Stirling school and began a two days' discussion of school manage ment. These meeting are tho second of a sorl that Comnils- sloner Kendall has arranged for the winter months. The first gathering of the school men took placo at Atlantic City lust month and was attended by the repre- sentatlves of the southern counties, WOMEN COMBINE TO SPREAD 5 l.rrUs,-:V"V...y; I Mrs. John Jacob Artor. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Because they believe the "twilight sleep" childbirth method, originated In Frle berg. Germany, will insure painless birth, a group of farslghted women, among them Mrs. John Jacob Astor, widow of the multi millionaire who rerlshed in the Titanic disaster, have organized an association to giv the world of mothers authentic informa tion concerning the treatment. "In the first place," said Mrs. Mary W. Dennett, temporary chairman of the new organization, "we shall establish an office with a secretary to answer all porta of questions about 'twilight SPOR TS P.H.S. to Meet Walla Walla Friday Ni&ht FIRST IXTF.RSCHOLASTIC GAME OF SEASON TOMMY 1IOYLEX MAY CAPTAIN V. OF O. QVIXTET. Pendleton high school's first real interscholastic basketball game of the season will be played nexti Friday night In Walla Walla when Coach , Livingston will send his tos.ers( send against Tracey Cox s proteges. ine lo cal scholastics have had some good rractice playing with such teams as lone, Echo, La Grande M. I. A. and the "Kollege Kids" and should make thinKs more interesting for the Gar den City boys In basketball than they did in football. Speaking of the Walla Walla team, the Morning Union of that city has the following to say: Thus far the real mettle of this year's high school team has not been tried out In an lnterscholastle game. The teams will be evenly matched.. McGrun Is easily the local star with Rich playing & great game at guard, Schrelber looks pretty fair at forward and Z&ring haa lots of action at cen ter. He is not yet a veteran in throw ing baskets nor can he start a signal at the throw-lip as well as high school centers of the past, but he Is a fight er and Is Improving fast. Emlgh has been doing good work at guard. Rich mond has also been playlnir good ball for the squad. There Is yet time for . .h.rn in tViA rim tMm llneuD but i u wv. til. th first five c i, 1 cov ii v a --- i mentioned. Tommy Boylen. well known Pen dleton athlete, blda fair to be captain of the University of Oregon basket ball team this year. He is the only senior in the list of men likely to place on the team and, as no leader has been chosen yet the position will natur ally fall to him If he cinches a place on the team. Boylen has been play ing at guard so far this year and, de spite his being a lightweight, appears to have a hold on the job He played , guard in 1912 emergencies. and was equal to all Boylen will also probably find a Placo on the university soccer team ; BENTLET A LEFFINQWELL, REAL and Teter Crockatt. another h'h. estate, fire, life and accident tneur school graduate of this city. Is being, ance aont. 816 Main street Phone mentioned as one of the leading can- . dldatea for a place In this branch ' lEQALBLANKSOF EVERY DS coIIoko sports. .crlptlon for county court, drcui , , u.' court, luetics court, real estate, Iko Cohen the Frisco hoavywHBht . Oregonian offlca. whoso knockout punch resulted In tho death of Al Anderson of Everett In a bout hold In Seattle Friday night. camo to remlleton a couple- of win- tors ago for a battle under tho direc tion of Dudley Evans. However, ho GOSPEL OF "TWILBHT SLEEP" 'f' sleep.' We shall circulate pamph lets on the subject and arrange lec tures. Then we ahall further the in troduction of the Frlebcr mthni In the exiting hospitala. It already ex ists partially In ten New York hos pital. Rut our greatest aim ahall be to establish a teaching hospital where doctors from all over the cotintiy an come and learn this method of obviating pain at child birth. It Is our aim to establish a maternity hospital similar to the clin ic at Fricberg, where a skilled group of doctors who have themselves stud led et Filcberg will take charge of the work." and Dud had a falling out and the fans didn't see him in action. ' l; FIGHT DOPE. Ill BY HAL SHERIDAN, (Written for the United Press.) NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Jess Wil- ! lard, the big Kansas scheduled to minKle with John Arthur Johnson at Juarez. Mexico, in a battle for the heavyweight championship of the worj, may be no match for the black man but he at least Is the best white prospect In sight, JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cara. Calls responded to ay or olfht. Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral car. Call re sponded to day or nlgbt Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. HOMESTEADS. BIO INDIAN open "60,000 RESERVATION TO acres for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands: send IS - centa with this ad to Wenatcnee. (Wash ) Dally World for reliable data about thla great region. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO- MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and telle all kinds of real estate. Does t general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non. residents Writes fire, life and aecl- aent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN. M. P V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office tellephone SO. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ! j FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J ATTORNEYS. SEOOND-IIAXD DEALERS. iiiiniiniii'iMi'iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiu;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiniiii!iiiiiiui;iiimiimi, FOR IBS IT I Rock Springs Coal I Good Dry Wood Slabs and Kindling it's not the kind we keep but it's the kind we sell 1 ! B. L. BURROUGHS 1 Planing Mill and nmnrnmiiiinMnmnnmnnmiiiuniuiiiniiiiiiuiHiiniiiiiiiiiiinnininHiuuirnw The "White Hope" crop still looks like It has for several years past decidedly poor but the .big Western er appears to have a good edge over any of the rest of the white fighters as an opponent for Johnson. If the hampion heats Wlllard the hunt for . man to whip the negro might as well stop. Or at least a new crop will have to come up for Inspection. Frank Moran, the Pittsburgh fighter who went against the black man In Paris, never was conceded a chance with Johnson. He was simply picked" by the black and forced down the throat of the sporting pub lic. Looking back over the crop of "Hopes" of tho past few years Wll lard looms up rather well. Carl Mor ris, Jim Stewart, Al Palzer, Luther McCarty. Arthur Pelky and Gunboat Smith form about the most formid able of them. Morris never did ap proach the serious stage. Stewart soon blew up. Palzer fell before Mc Carty, who was later killed In a bout FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendleton, EAST OREGOXIA PUB Herewith please find fire "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please pive me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name- Address. If sent bv mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WIIIC1I FEATURE IS WANTED RALEY ft RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Offlca In Despaln building. CARTER ft SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American NaUoaal Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor' Hardware Company. PETERSON ft BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; room S and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. WU1 practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms L I, S and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled. wUls, deed, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND oonruUor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO petal physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd Block. Telephone: Office 141 W: realdonce SIS J AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONBS! makes a specialty of farmer sUc and machinery sales. 'The man tit gets you the money." Leave orJtr at East Oregonian office. FIVE Lumber Yard with Pelky. McCarty was about the best of tho bunch and the critic wouldn't even concede him an outside chance with Johnson. Pelky was a dismal failure and Gunboat Smith has recently taken several beatings. All In all, WUlard looks like a lene hope, and it Is pretty certain that few fortunes will be wagered on his chanc es of winning. He Is big and prob ably will stack up well against John son In six. Ha haa a "punch" too but there is considerable doubt as to whether he haa enough ability to land It on tha riegro. Many critics declare that Johnson will simply toy with WUlard. Convalescence after pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the grip, la some times merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there la no other tonic ao highly to be recom mended as Hood's Sarsaparllla. Thou sands ao testify. Take Hood's Adv. COUPON Ore., .1914 CO.. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NaT and second-hand goods. Cash sal fcr aU second-hand goods bough'. Cheapest place in Pendleton to has household goods. Can and get his prlcea SIS E. Court street. Phee !7IW. WANTED PARTY WILL. PAY caa or give tratf for Uraadtia, eouat farm, J 20 to 0 per acre. Address, Box IS, Athena, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS, ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION. wedding announcements, mboaa4 private and bualness stationery, ete, Very latest style. Call at East Orx gonlan office and see tamplea. TRESPASS NOTICES, STALLIOH SEASON CARDS and SALE DILLS of every description printed at re, sonable prices at the East Orgon!aa, We have a fine lot of stock cuu tasl our patrons are allowed th free oe of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OJU egontan makes a specialty of eue tion sale bill, cards and advrtlnJn We can furnish auctioneer, clerk anl advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. kuLlWLUL. ! 'tLJ.- M jiarf-t it! tiLAVCrv. cixurMv iivwj COMPANY i ii - i. ..i - .. v w (a i f r t w k r:t nil rii -ivT . ft i? ;.1 u "iJ e well.