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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1915)
EIOTIT PAdKS. DAILY EAST OKFIONIAN. PENDLETON, OKEfiOX. MONDAY, .TAXT'AHY 11, 101: PAOT FIVP Columbia River SMELT 5 pounds 20c Service' Qsillly Seclfall mm kill Tuesday Special January 12th Boiling Beef 13c "Pemeco HAMS ; BACON LARD BEEF PORK MUTTON NON EBETTER GROWN IN UMATILLA CO. PREPARED IN PENDLETON Fresh SALMON HALIBUT CLAMS OYSTERS SMELT SMOKED SALMON KIPPERED HERRING PICKLES, CHEESE, KRAUT Try "Pemeco" Meats One Month The Central Meat Market 1 08 E. Alta St. P Ml Bill l LOCALS Cb Advertising in Brief RATES. Par Hoe first InMrtloo lOe Per llaa, additional Per line, per Booth II. 00 No local Ukea for Im thD U.'e. Count 6 ordinary words to line. Loralf will not be tao over tb pbont and remittance oust accoov ponj order. Bmoke th La Ttma clfmr. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 22(11 Good winter quarters for horses and rigs at the Alta barn. Woman wants to cook and work on ranch. Addreas M. T. thla office. For rent Partly furnUhed home. Inquire at the Charlea Co. Tor aale Good dry weod. 10 Thompso . street, or phone 271 J. WanteJ Good, clean rata at the Eaat Oregonlan office. Far rent 7-room modem houae. 127 Grange atreet Inquire John Vert La Ttma cigars, made In Pendle ton. . 8. Whipple, teacher of violin, brass and stringed Instruments. Phone 221 R. Good dry. black pine wood. $1 SO per cord, 11.00 If sawed. Delivered Cea B. B. Genrala or phone 772. Try the La Homer lOo clear. Five room houae for aale on north aide. Corner lot Improved. Addreaa "W thla office. Old papera for aale; tied In bundles Good for starting flrea, etc 10c a bundle. Thla office. The Alta Houae, a good, popular, yet cheap place to atop. J. XI. Sheph eneon, prop. Try the West End Market for gro cerlee and meats, 1201 W. Alta ct Phone 772. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Several email farma on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hoga, dairy or poultry, 2750 cwh, balance on or before 10 veara. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. For anle Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, eeven blocka from Mtln atreet Inquire of Walters' mill. Aged pony mare for aale cheap or trade. Knight Clay atreet, Pendleton Phone 611, Kurlle It Elliott dclica- toMiin market, for your meata, etc. Wonted Three or 4 room houae, close In preferable. Addreaa O. A. T- Care Uox 622. For rent One email room, aultable for one or two people for housekeep ing. S02 Water at. Wanted to trade 1J11 Overland. 1912 Mltchel cara for work horaea. Ei Wright, Oregon Motor Garage. Lost Small ault case betweej Mil ton and Pendleton, containing babj clothea. Marked W. W. W. Notify L. E. Stuart, Uklah, Ore. "Mutt" take the big loads and "Jttl" ahowa the treed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 147 Main atreet Phone 232. Salesmen wanted to sell our fruit and ornamental nursery stock, rosea shrubbery, etc.; exclusive territory; liberal cash advance weekly on or ders; free outfit Taklma tt Colum bia nivcr Nursery Co., North Yakima, Wash. WILL IIGHT KAIUUTS. (Continued from page one.) uslnir xlnon aa a weapon. Stanfleld residents alone have subscribed en ough money to purchase 100 ounces of strychnine. The residents of Echo, Hermiston and Uutter Creek have al so Invested In thla poison and a day will be designated for Its distribu tion. The plan Is to have the poison put out simultaneously In all sectlona of the west end so that the bunnies will have small chnnce to dodge It. Mr. Jackson will personally super.ntend the mixing. He usea one ounce of strychnine to six ouncea of water and spread this over 16 pounds of chopped alfalfa. This he scatters in smaii quantities over tha rabblt'a country, taking precautions against It being eaten by sheep or cuttle. Of all of the methods for the extermination of rabbits, Mr. Jackson thlnss this the most officious. Last year ho visited this county also and conducted some experiments on a small scale. Arizona Legislature Convene. rUOENIX, Jan. 11. With a wo man member in each house the sec ond Arizona legislature convened. OUR STOCK GROWS DAILY W HY? BECAUSE WE HAVE THE VERY BEST FOR LESS MONEY TODAY TOMORROW AND NEXT DAY -FOR CAS H A Week's Groceries ,00 2 Cans Milk. 20 4 Loavee Bread ljf 4 lbs. Sugar 25 1 lb. Butter 35 15 lbs. Potatoes - 5t 1 lb. Coffee - 2o 4 lbs. Pink Beans 25 3 Cans Corn, Beans or , Tomatoes 30 2 Bars Soap 2 lbs. Prunes 3 lbs. Rico 3 lbs. Oatmeal 10 lbs. Flour Bulk Crnx .... Bottle Coal Oil.: 4 lbn. Vegetables $1.00 91.00 io - 20 - 23? 15? .. 20 ...... 5? ...... 5C" ...... 10 $3.00 Watch for these combinations others will follow THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phono 47(1. Next Door to Quelle Cafe, C2S Main. Delivery Order $ Given Prompt Attention HANDCUFFED MAN PICKED UP HERE MIKES ESCAPE AGAIN l-TWTIVK WALKS OCT OF HOS PITAL WARD AT JAIL IX WALI.A WALLA. L. L. Matlock of Portlund is In the city. W. P. Ward la up from hla home at Hanfleld. J. O. McCoy of Kcho is among the visitors In the city. W. K. McFaul of Kcho was at the Ht. George yesterday. J. L. Hammock la up from hla hmne near Echo today. F. II. Moea of Pilot Rock came In Saturday from his home. Walter H. Hlnkle In among the Echo people here today. I Headlngton of Hermiston was a Sunday visitor In the city. 8. V. Knox, pioneer attorney of Weston. Is In Pendleton today. Moses Taylor, well known Athena Farmer, U in the city today attend ing court. H. Norton Hobo, new editor of the Stanfleld Standard, is a visitor in Pen- dleton today. u, is. muarr, uaian notei man, was here yesterday en route home from a visit In Washington. If. L Watts, mayor of Athena and attorney of that town, Is here today on legal business. W. J. Warner of Hermiston la am ong the attorneys here for the open ing of the January term of court. C. R. Leeper. Walla Walla baseball star, and his bride arrive! today from Huker and are at the Pendle ton. A. T. Matthews, well known pro prietor of the business conducted by A. T. Matthews & Co. has returned from a visit In Missouri. Jack Flynn, representative of the Plake McFall pappr company who In henceforth to cover thi.-t territory has been here today. Kenneth O'Loane, I former salesman has been given a po sition In the house in Tortland. Mr and Mrs. Charles McBee are ! here today from Walla Walla, Mr. McBee being en route to Cecil, Mor row county, to visit his aon, while Mrs. will visit her daughter, Mrs. W. jJ. Wattenberger on McKay creek. i county with 831 and Ferndale third ilf 1 1 1 1 1 1 X f I f I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li f 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 r a f X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f II I f 1 : 1 1 1 f f J i 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 11 II with 282. The following are the cen- E . . . H uccuusts and upticians, s An Occulist Is an M. D. poe-eiwlng special knowledge for the m- arnlnutlon and treatment of the eyes with glnisi-s, surgery, and modi- 3 cine. zz sua figures In ell of the districts of the county having a school of two or more rooms: Pilot Hock 1; Tum-a-'S lum 110, Echo 232, Umatilla IS.j Ferndale 282, Hermiston 2277, Pen-1 H dleton 1453, Weston 278, Heasant View M. Nolin S. Athena 229, MH-; lon-Freewater 831, Helix 81, gtan- field 1S, Frultvale 110; t'klah Vincent 207, Adams 120, Holdman 43, Fast Hide 74 and Columbia 47. 70, S ................ XOTf.W AMUtK'AX fXYFUS joix ntf:xai cfitps I .... . t- Jtf-1 , I . l t A ; n h . ' William Thaw. PAP.IR. Jan. 9 Three Americans, William Thaw, Bert Hall, a former automobile rarer, and James Bache. have been transferred from the for eign legion to the French aviation corps, being the first non-Frenchmen eer admitted to this body. For the past three months they have been with the Anglo-American division of the foreign legion In the trenches fac ing Craonne. An Optltlon Is a TRADESMAN whoss business Is to grind glasses, zz make and adjust frames and fill prescriptions for glasses as a drug- gist fills prescriptions for medicines. The Oovernor of Ohio when vetoing the Optometry Bill says. -It Is beyond question that the eye la so connected with the nervous and general system that the subject of Impaired or poor vl.ilon cannot S properly be considered as though it were a separate and Indepenal- n ent function. . It is an absurdity to subject so delicate and Important an organ as an eye to the commercial Ideas of a TRADESMAN. f D.N. Reber, M. D. Occulist and Aurist 5 Office Hours: 9 A. M. to S P. M. Schmidt Building. r E Our pystem of eye telin is too cornplicatel for the XOX- E s MKPICAL man, because it ii a measure of the nerve jxjwer that 5 con'roU the ye. . E 5 It is emicrior .', ami more 'aeon rate than the system which . mjuires the um; of lK-lla'hnnae or eye tMin iLa hines. E niiiinniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." (Continued from page two.) I5utlte Kubeon, the Swiss-Italian picked up here last week with hand cuffs embedded In his arms, Is again at large. Having been taken to Wal la Walla Friday night by Immigration Officer Wells, he was placed In the hospital ward of the county Jail and last evening made his second escape from the oficers. Thla was the aub- etance of a message received by local: THIS XtMBEIt ofllccrs last evening over the tele-1 SAMI phone. I He had been placeJ In the hospital ward to receive treatment for his Tht-r are "01d l"'8 anJ K'rU arms which were In a serious condi- school at;e in Umatilla county, ac tion as a result of being bound round ; cording to the figures received from with Iron hands for 19 months. He! the various district by County Super wns not locked up during the day and! lntendent I. E. Young and checked by last evening while Jailer W. J. Hon-jhlm. This number ia Just about thejfo ,hp conpre(tatlonof that church by 7010 BOYS AND GIRLS OF SCHOOL AGE IN THE COUNTY PORTLAND MINISTER HAS ACCEPTED LOCAL PULPIT IS ABOUT THE AS C'EXSI S OF A YEAH Hf SHOWED. I5EV. SXYDEIt COMES TO FILL VACANCY IX PRESBYTERI AN' CIH'RCTI HERE, Official announcement of the res ignation of Rev. Jacob E Snyder aa rastor of the Piedmont Presbyterian church was made yesterday morning eycutt had stepped Into another part same as the census of a year of the Jail with a physician, the Ita!-' showed. Of the total 3363 are Ian walked quietly down the stairs and outride A man seated In the of fice heard hi in walk out but thought nothing of the matter. He had only about ten minutes start of the offi cers but In the darkness had the ad vantage of them. and 3445 girls. 860 r- T o an elder, who boyBisald that a meetlmr of the congrega tion would be held next Thursday From the state Irreducible school , nKnt to contilder the resignation, eaye It Is reported that there is a big market In Hawaii for box shooks for packing canned pineapple and pine apple Juice. fund, the county receives about 1.85 for each child of achool age in the county and this number will net the county about $13,000 from the state. In addition the county appropriates to each district $10 for each child of school age. the Portland Oregonlan. The resig nation probably will be accepted and commissioners appointed to ask the Portland presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relations between Mr. Snyder and the Piedmont iVresoyierian rhurch. which will leave him free to To census flcures show Pendleton take un the work at the Pendleton to have 1(S3 children of achool age. i Presbyterian church, to which place Mllton-Freewater la second in the he has been called. WHITMAN INAUGURATED AS NEW YORK'S GOVERNOR , . .mill II --V ii i l "" 1 in"" rrwiMin , --'.: .jLiii:'? ...... : It' '"-v. : i - If . A y - J r ' 1 x Un ill T - If- '; I r - ml Saturday afternoon a musical was held at the home of Mrs. C. S. Ter pening In honor of their grandson. Joe Hungate. The guests were children between the ages of ten and thirteen years, and their respective music teachers. The teachers present were Mrs. Fisher, Miss Annlbal, Mrs. Dick son, Miss Burnett and Miss Whiting. The program for the afternoon was aa follows: Popcorn Boy, Tommy, Marjorle Swaggert; Prize Pony, Ever-o-glad, Harry Mytlnger; AH Fools Day. Flor ence Mytlnger; Spinning Wheel. Al berta McMonles; Crlss Cross, Millard Vaughan; Trout Brook, Riders, Story, Trantella. Joe Hungate: Going to Camp, Thelma De Young; The Geese, Elma McAtee; Festive Dance, Daphne Daubner; Nothern Strains, Catherine Wilcox; Childhood's Garden. Mary Clark; Grandfather Clock, Dorothy Henderson; The Ghost Story. Lester Reetz; Rondo Caprlclosea, Miss Nella Annlbal; Solos, My Shadow, My Dear Gerualy, Visitors, Mlsa Ruth Terpen ing; Peek-a-boo, Cecelia Swart; Grasshopper, Heraldlne Horton; Waltz by Grieg, Dancing Wauelets, Alice Flnnell; Hunting at Relghatc. Helen Barnhart; Scherzo, C Andante, Mil dred Rogers: Song. The Boy ho Wouldn't Wear Rubbers, Dorothy Henderson. Mrs. James H. Raley will be hostess to the ladles of the W. C. T. U. to morrow afternoon at her home on College street It is national constitu tional amendment day and the follow ing program will be given. Song. Scripture reading and prayer. Songs, "Beyond the Dawn" Sanderson "Turn Ye to Me.'' Old Hundred Melody Miss Edna Coutta Address Rev. E. R. Clevenger Reading and Adoption of Resolu tion endorsing national constitu tional prohibition. A Quia: Relation of W. C. T. U. to the movement for national prohibition. Reading Mrs. J. H. Raley Reading, "The Present Crisis." James! Russell Lowell, by Mrs. J. C. Wood worth. Prayer theme. "Official Responsi bility" Mrs. Oever.ger Pendleton Circle. Women of Wood craft, will give a dancing party next Friday evening in the Eagle-Woodman hall. Last season this lodge gave sev eral enjoyable parties but this Is tho first It has undertaken this year. THREE FOLD PROBLEM HOTHEIC RIG MIXERS. DENVER. Jan. 11 Mine taxation. Inducements to prospectors and fed eral aid in the solution of the low grade ore problem will be considered by the convention of the Colorado Metal Mining association which be gan here today. Two hundred dele gates from 30 counties In the state ar iia attendance. j New Military Lace Boot Dark jrrey top, patent vamp, full leather, Louis heel, welt sole. Xew York toe. SPECIAL HUCE ?4.43 The Peoples Wefcouse Where it Tays to Trade. Save Your T. P. V. Trading Stamp?. ' - A tv .. , ... '. . .,. . .x.axnv (v.v.. 3 N T.I. -if .NATJi-JA'aU Governor Whitman of Now Tork, s eated at his doslc fn the cnpitol at Albany, immediately uration on New Year's day. Behind him is Lorrllard Spencer, the new ad utunt general. after hla lnaug- OrpheumTheatre MONDAY ONLY "The Ssnators' Lady" EDNA MAISOX ( m.HT HAW.EY Phe stood by him through thick and thin, had done much to make him a senator. Then her position as wife was threatened by a younger girl a butterfly What could she do? A big play true to life. "When Their Wives Formed ihe Regiment" Mrs. Groan and Grundy thought themselves as capable of bein soldiers as their husbands. Disguised as men they Joined, the army. What happens furnishes a world of laughter. 'lt. j : Nyjti i& " w""" - - i . . . . . N N. v. V 0 ORPHEUM THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday "Love and Surgery" BILUE RITCHIE ..GERTRUDE SEU1Y.. . .PAT1IE SEHUMAN SUirts off with a banx. A flirtation with a doctor s pretty wife, caught In the act; a flash of cold steel; a quick getaway over and through houses, lakes and then on to the ope rutlng table In tho hospital where the doctor Is to operate. Kecnicriitlon. Vhut Ii.hi pens hiUo and the final escape makes n comedy which Is f axt and furious. "Within An Inch of His Life" H. STANLEY EDXA PAYNE NOISIll.T MM. IS A drama replete with beautiful settings and crammed full of ac tion, pit-tol filial, lynching and ruulo snake.