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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1915)
EIGHT PAGES. vsc.t. four. DAILY FAST ORKGOXTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 11, 1015. r "l"M" "imWtaatH I lot of Womens and Misses Coats worth up to $ 1 5.00 for 83.98 V Wohlenberg Department Store Better Goods for Less Money We Give Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps. Ask for them. I lot of Women s Suits worth up to $35.00 for $7.98 OISIAY 3 G ANNUA C73 A VnS Ml A Women's Handkerchiefs Women's $1.25 to $3.00 Fine Handkerchiefs. Women's 0."c to $1.00 Fine Handkerchiefs Women's 35c to 50c Fine Handkerchiefs 98 1 45 23f Broken lines of high grade imported Handkerchiefs of Armenian, French and Irish mamifaeture. Perrins High-grade Kid Gloves included in this Sale $2.00 Gloves of Fine French Kid $1.7 j Gloves of Genuine Kid $l..r.O Glove?, one button, all colors CORSETS 91.79 91.59 ?1.19 In KAr.O CORSETS you pet all the style of Pari) froh from the shops of those who dictate in such mat ters. Be sure and ak for a Kabo, modeled on the forms of living models. $5.00 Cor?ets for $3.50 Corsets for $3.00 Corsets for $2.50 Corsets for $2.00 Corsets for $1.50 Corsets for $1.00 Corsets for . 94.19 $3.19 $2.69 ?2.19 91.79 91.23 79 One lot of Corsets worth from $3.00 to $5.00 for 91.39 One lot of Corsets worth from $1.00 to $2.50 for 59 Ladies Waists "Waists worth 75c to $1.00 for Waists worth $1.25 to $1.50 for Waists worth $2.00 to $2.50 for "Waists worth $2.C5 to $3.50 for 53 9S 91.63 91.9S $1.50 silk crepe de chine shirt waist3, low neck, come in black, white, brown, yellow and navy blue for 93.83 Waists worth $5.00 and $0.00 for 93.95 Women's High Grade Sweaters $8.00 and $7.00 Sweaters for $0.50 and $5.50 Sweaters for $5.00 Sweaters for $4.00 Sweaters for $3.50 Sweaters for $2.50 Sweaters for 95.95 ..... 94.45 93.95 . 93.45 . 92.95 91.95 Misses and Childrens Sweaters $1.95 Sweaters for .. $3.25 Sweaters for ... $2.75 Sweaters for $2.00 Sweaters for $1.50 Sweaters for ... 91.55 92.65 92.15 91.60 91.20 AH Toys l2 price WOMEN'S 35c FLANNEL SKIRTS - 23? WOMEN'S C5c FLANNEL SKIRTS 43 Womens Flannel Night Gowns o nn nnd 3(1.75 Gowns for 9159 $1.50 and $1.35 Gowns for $1.25 Gowns for 95c Gowns for 75c Gowns for 91.23 98 .. 79 - 63 All Women's Silk and Wool Dresses at lz Price The Hammering we are giving prices right through the store during this Jan uary Clearance Sale marks a new record in price slashing for Pendleton. fill Ones Houq Begun to Bfiindto All assortments that are not as com plete as they should be will receive a fasting price clip to hurry them along quick. This Just a Plain Siaiemsnt of Factsthat's all ! V V MY III .1111 1 J I I a U . v III fv I II V II if I 1 1 u 1 All Misses and Children's Coats at V2 Prices Infants Lawn Dresses in ages 6 mos. to 3 yrs. 35c Infants' Lawn Dresses for 65c Infants' Lawn Dresses for 75c Infants' Lawn Dresses for : $1.00 Infants' Lawn Dresses for &1 ": Tnfnnts' Lawn Dresses for 1 7f. Tnfnntj' Tjiwh Dresses for - $1.49 $2.25 Infants' Lawn Dresses for - 9179 $3.00 Infants' Lawn Dresses for - 92.29 $4.00 Infants' Lawn Dresses for 9319 . 23 . 49 59 79 98 All Furs a Vz price All Fancy Neckwear at price SILK HOSE IN ASSORTMENT OF COLORS 1 ' " ' . I- 3 PAIRS FOR , 91-00 Women's Dress Skirts at V2 price Women's, Misses', Children's and Boys' are included in this big' Clearance Sale -i Boys $4.00 high top shoes, made of full stock rhroine calf, sizes 1 to 5 1-2 for 93.00 Boys' .$3.00 blizzard calf bluchcr cut, unlined, sizes J to C for - 92.35 Boys' $2.50 calf skin, lace or button, sizes 1 to 0 9193 Little Gents' $2.00 calf shoes, laee or button; sizes 11 to 13 1-2 for - 91.65 blisses' $2.75 high top button shoes, tan or black. Good year welt, sizes 11 1-2 tol for $2.20 Children's $2.25 and $2.50 tan and black button shoes, Goodyear welt, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 for 91.93 Children's $2.25 oil pram unlined button shoe, Good year welt, splendid for a rough weather shoe, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 for 9195; sizes 5 1-2 to S for 81.65 One lot of children's shoes worth to $1.50, sizes 5 to 8 for - - - 9 Women's $1.75 felt slippers in lavender and blue 9139 Women's $1.50 felt slippers for 1. 9129 Women's $1.25 felt slippers for - 9105 Women's 90c felt slippers for 79 Women's $2.25 satin slippers in blue, pink, red black and lavender for ?179 Women's comfort shoes for .. 98 Women's $5.00 and $-1.50 shoes for .... 93.95 Women's $4.00 shoes for 93.55 Women 's $3.25 shoes for ... 9285 One lot of women's shoes worth to $5.00, they come in patent vamp, white tops, velvet tops, tan with cham pagne tops, champacTio buck, all cravenette, to close ifor . - 92.60 Women's $3.50 satin slippers in black, pink, blue and white for party wear for - 92.9o All Women's Coats and Suits at V2 PRICE 0 Store Misses and Childrens Flannel Night Gowns $1.00 Gowns for 75c Gowna for (!!c Gowns for Women's Bath Robes $4.50 Flannel Bath RoUs for $0.1)5 Flannel Bath Rolcs for - - 83 ... 63 53 93.45 91.95 Comforters $0.00 Silk Covered Comforters for 9 i.65 $5.00 Wool Filled Comforters for 9 13 $1.25 Laminated Cotton Filled for - 93.63 $2.75 White Cotton Filled for 9198 $1.50 Comforters, good grade for - 9129 CHILDREN'S $1.25 JERSEY PANTALETTES IN RED AND WHITE 89 Women's, Misses' and Boys' Underwear Children's all wool 75c nud S5c vests and pants for 39 Children's 05c Fleeced Union Suits for - 43 Boys' S5c Fleeced Union Suits for - - 50 Bovs' $1.25 Wool Union Suits for - 89 Women's $1.25 Fleeced Union Suits for 85 Women's $1.50 Fleeced Union Suits for. 9113 Women's $1.75 Fleeced Union Suita for 9135 Women's $2.25 Fleeced Union Suits for 9135 Women's $2.50 Fleeced Union Suit3 for. 9165 Women's $1.50 Wool Union Suits for..-. 9120 Women's $1.75 Wool Union Suits for 9115 Women's $2.00 Wool Union Suits for 9165 Women's $2.25 Wool Union Suits for 9185 Women's $2.50 Wool Union Suits for 9210 92.23 92.45 Women's $2.75 Wool Union Suits for . Women's $3.25 Wool Union Suits for Women and Childrens Muslin Underwear Women's 25c drawers, combinations, night gowns and skirts 19 Wemon's 35c drawers, combinations, night gowns and tkirts . 23 Women's 05c drawers, combinations, night gowns nnd skirts ... .: - 49 Women's 75c drawers, combinations, night gowns and skirts ... 59 Women's $1.00 drawers, combinations, nightgowns and skirts 79 Women's $1.25 drawers, combinations, night gowns and skirts 98 Women's $1.50 drawers, combinations, night gowns and skirts . 91.19 Women's $2.25 drawers, combinations, night gowns and skirts 91.79 75c Muslin Underwear will go for 59 $1.00 Muslin Underwear will go for 79 $1.25 Muslin Underwear will go for 98 $1.50 Muslin Underwear will go for 9119 $1.75 Muslin Underwear will go for .. 9149 $2.00 Muslin Undearwear will go for 9169 $2.50 Muslin Underwear will go for .. 9198 $2.75 Muslin Underwear will go for 9219 $3.00 Muslin Underwear will go for 92.39 $3.50 Muslin Underwear will go for 92.98 $3.75 Muslin Underwear will go for 93.19 $4.00 Muslin Underwear will go for 93.39 $5.00 Muslin Underwear will go for 93.98 $0.50 Muslin Underwear will go for 94.79 Ono lot of soiled Muslin Underwear, regular $1.50 to $0.50, to close for 1-2 price. German Silver Vanity Cases and Mesh Bags price