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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1915)
TCTf.TTT PAOTCS. TACIT. TWO. DA TIT EAST OHEfiOXTAX. PEXTUFTOX. OTCF.OOX. "MOXDAY. .T A NIT ATT Y 11. 1D1J. mm rtvrarvtm JANUARY CLEARANCE 'SALE Clearance time for us means saving time for you. We've got to lay our plans for Spring, but before proceeding with that important task we must clear our shelves and racks of all the Fall and Winter goods now on hand. We want quick action It is absolutely necessary. You want the goods. Help us to accomplish our object and we'll reciprocate by helping you to some of the Most Remarkable Bargains You've Seen in Years. Clearance Sale Prices that mean savings to you in Shoes. Art and Drap ery Department 75c mwA $1.00 fi fat Drap ery Materials, -Set. $1.25 aad $1.50 SuaTa Drap ery Materials, tOC These draperiea are SO and SI laches wide, ana oom In agreeable shades of blue, green, brown and red. Very suitable for overdrapes for living-room, dining room or den. 50c AND 5c ECKC CURTAIN "ETS, S9c. 4 S to SO Inches wide, colonial and bungalow effects. chance you can't afford tommies. Clearance Sale Price, 3 to. EXTRA SPECIAL, PLAIN ECRC BOBIXET. 50c Quality, 64 Inch width. Clearance Sale price.. . . .200 J5o Quality, 72 inch width. Clearance Bale Price . ...45c 65c Quality, SO inch width, Oaranoe Sale Price . . . .49c $1.00 Quality, 3 yd width. Clearance Sale Price ....59c Do yon nerd new bed-room curtain? If so this is Just the chance you have been waiting for. All of -oar 50a and 5o borOerrd scrims are going at X4C, It's about the best bar gain we have ever offered, in cluding as it does, the patterns and colorings most favored by particular housewives. 5c ECKC SCRIMS, S8e This season white, cream or ecru etamines or marquisettes are the most in favor for living room, er dining-room curtains. We are offering you these ma terial! in 50c quality, both plain and with hemstitched or drawn work borders. Clearance Sale Pric. SSc. 15c AXD 50c Scrims, Only 180 All new goods, including the best weaves In white, cream, ecru and bordered. Clearance Sale Price, 18c. 50o AND 75c CRETONNES, ONLY 36c. This includes a wonderful va riety of patterns and colorings, many of the pieces have the ' popular shadow effects which give a room such a soft, rest ful personality. Clearance Sale Price, S6C 85c AND 25c CRETONNES AXD ART TICKLINGS, 18c, Colorings suitable for all pur poses. tc jCRETOXXJCS, 6c One special lot of Cretonnes suitable Jor making curtains, covering comforts, etc. Short lengths of Caetonne and Comfort-satin, values to 50o iwr jar J lc. We are closing out a few pat Uran of J2 l-2c . silkoUne at l-2c per nl. Everyone will be eager to take advantage of this bargain, so you better come arly. CTRTALV EDGES AXD IX- Eirrioxs ac per tard Some pieces worth 10c and U 1-ic a yard. 1-4 OFF OX SCRIM CUR TAINS. Values from 12.00 to $10.00 per pair. All Nottingham Lace Cur tain", Loth ecru and white, 4-2 ITU. Values from 1100 to the pair. 25 PHI CENT REDUCTION ALL CLUNT DOILIES. Bert grade snloa-ltoen, scarfs aad square. $1.00 Values, Clearance Sale Price 75c Values, Clearaaoe Bale Price Me 65c Values, Clearance Sale Price 50o Values, Clearance Bale Price ,8e 55c Values. Clearance Sale Price ...27C 25c Valufes. Clearance BaU Price -l9c ALL PIIXOW TOPS BE. DICED. UK ISic. Most of them worth SOc. Ix 2 c. Floral and con ventional designs. Includes blacks. STAMPED TABLE RUNNERS AND CENTERS. Values to 10 1- c EMBROIDERY PACKAGES REDUCED, include gowns, covers, pillow-tops, "".-run B.n, children's dresses, and many other useful and beauti ful articles. U. 125 It-r Cent Reduction It 21-3 IT. ONE lOT OP 12 1-So YARNS, 8 OUts. Come in dark colors. Just the thing for Ited-Crotta work, 1-4 OFF ON ALL STAMPED DOUJES. We have pone through our entire shoo stock and have talon out all flio slow sel lers, all the short lines, all the special bar gains we could find and liave put prices on them that will make them go. Prices that will Astonish. You. Come and See. SHOE FINDINGS We carry a stock of the best polish made, no difference who makes it Be careful, don't buy just any old kind from anybody select the kind that will preserve the natural finish of tho leather, then your shoes will wear longer and look better. Women's all grey poplin shoos, plain toe, poplin covered hoel, welt sole, regular price $-.OOf now, $2.37 pair. ODD LOTS NO. 1. FOR WOMEN Some of every kind, patent, kid, suede, and gun metal, heavy and light soles, at exactly ONE HALF PRICE. 5 PAIRS Women's black English walk ing shoes; regular $5.00; sizes 3 1-2, 5 1-2, 6 and 7. Clearance Pr. ?3.89 8 PAIRS Women's black English walk ing thoes; regular price $4.00; sizes from 2 1-2 to 7; Clearance Pr. $3.18 10 PAIRS Tan English, our ?4.00 ones; Clearance Price $3.18 9 PAIRS Low heel black velvet shoes for children, sizes 9, 10, 10 1-2, 11 and 12; regular $2.50; Clearance Price pair $1.68 ONE PAIR 5 1-2 D, girl's size; Clear ance Price $2.48 20 PAIRS OF TAN SHOES for growing girls, low heel, button, sizes from 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 ; regular price from $3.00 to $3.50; your choice, Clearance Price, pair $2.16 CHILDREN'S PATENT VAMP, WHITE TOP SHOES Very dressy, combination and serviceable soles; sizes 8 1-2, 9, 10, 10 1-2, 11, 12, 13 and 2; regular price, $1.90 and $2.50; Clearance Price $1.38 and $1.8S 11 PAIRS Children's black suede shoes, sizes 8 1-2, 9, 10, 10 1-2. 11, 12, 12 1-2, and 2 ; regular prices $2.90 to $3.25. Tour choice, Clearance Price $1.59 MEN'S WORK SHOES Tan, elk sew ed and nailed sole; 7 pairs; sizes 6, 6 1-2- 7, 7 1-2, S; popular iiricr, $3.50 CLEARANCE PRICE $.. MEN'S WORK SHOES Extra heavy, double stitched sole; 4 pairs; sizes G 1-2, 9 1-2 and 10; regular $5.00; Clear ance Price $3.79 MEN'S TAN SHOES; J. & M. MAKE Mahogany shade, easy to keep nice. Blucher, overweight single sole, swing Lipt, this season's shoes; 35 pair; sizes from C to 1 1 : widths from A to D ; reg ular price $7.0b; Clearance Price, pair $5.69 GREY .SUEDES FOR WOMEN Dark and light shades, heavy soles built for service, high round toes. $5.00 Grades for $2.58 $4.00 Grades for $2.18 TAN BUTTON SHOES FOR WOMEN Almost .every size and width made. If you want some good everyday shoes you will not hnve a better chance at such prices. Regular $3.50 at $1 89 Regular $4.00 at $2.10 Regular $5.00 at $2.63 No restrictions on any button Tan. LOT ONE Women's House Slippers, Juliets, one etrap kid, low plain toe, comfort oxfords. Your CLoice 79 pair. BROWN SUEDE SHOES FOR WOMEN A beautiful dark seal shade, elegant ma terial, Goodyear welt sole, straight heeL Reduced from $5.00, regular price to $2.58. MEN'S SHOES 18 pairs of gun metal, medium sole, swing last Regular $4.00, now, during the sale, each $2.36 10 pair patent leather button and lace wide and narrow toes. Regular $4.00 and $5.00, now . $2.73 Baby's 50 soft sole shoes; your choice of 158 pair 1 10 f pair CHILDREN'S AVI GIRLS' HIGH CUT BUTTON SHOES Tan and black, only a limited number but they will move at $1.98 pair. Your choice. WOMEN'S BLACK VELVET SHOES, Heavy soles, straight military heel3, and round toes. $4.00 Regular Price for $2.18 Women's Patent vamp white Nubuck with round toe. $5.00 Regular Price, now $2.87 Comforters, Blankets Pillows ft 3 Our comforters are of best quality materials for the price. Come with w Ikoline and sateen cov ers of floral and Persian designs, all colors, pure sanitary cotton, wool and downfilled. ' Every Comforter reduced during our Janary Clearance Sale. $1.00 Comforters, Clearance Sale 89c $L25 Comforters, Clearance Sale 7e $160 Comforters, Clearance Sale $1.23 $2.00 Comforters, Clearance Sale $1.61 $2JJO Comforters, Clearance Sale $1.M $2.75 Comforters, Clearance Sale $2.21 $3.00 Comforters, Clearance Sale $2.ST $3.50 Comforters, Clearance Sale $3,87 $1.50 Comforters, Clearance Sale $3.72 $3.00 Comforters, Clearance Sale $3.08 $8.50 Comforters, Clearance Sale $4 68 $7.50 Comforters, Clearance Sale $5.11 I1LANKET SPECIALS. A better, more comprehensive stock of bed blankets cannot be found. We pride ourselves on them. Best quality, best In structure and finish. We are going to have 5 specials, at rVarnace Sale IYlcrs. 1ST LOT. ; Just two In this lot, white wool blakets, tan headings, slightly sollpd, worth $6. 08- pair, fult bed size double blankets. January Clearance Sale $2.83. $9.00 SFCOXI) LOT BLANKETS, $6.87. "ven In this ssortment. A double blanket, fuel weight, soft finish, all wool. Comes in peart grey, with pink and blue headings This Is an excellent blanket for 19.00. During our Junuary CJearaoe Sule while tficy last, $6.97. ' $15.00 3RD LOT BLANKETS, $7.48. Bagdad Hod Blanket come m pink and bloe. Just 2 In this Jot, 72x90 B'ze, full weight, finest finish, slightly soiled. Sold regularly for $15 80. Jitnnary Clearance Sale, $7 49. $5.00 4TII LOT RED BLANKETS, $3.77. Ten Blanket In this lot, fine grey, double size, with blue headings for general use at home and la the mountains. Worth 15 00 pair. January Clearance Sale $3.77. 3 Til LOT $2.50 BED BLANKETS, $1,87. 60 pairs double bed blankets In grey only, Larg est size, heavy weight with pink and blue head. Ings. German wool finish. Especially adapted for rough use. Sold heretofore at 12.50 pair. January Clearance Sale $1.87 Pair. SLIfiTlTLY SOILED PENDLETON WOOLEN MILL- BLANKETS GREATLY REDUCED. We tunic 17 Pendleton woolen mill blankets that were accidentally soiled In showing. A good as sortment. Tou will probably find Just the one you want Thry MoHt Go Regardless of Cost. PILfiOWS! PILLOWS! Our pillows are guaranteed to be absolutely pvre and sanitary, filled with feathers and down, largest sizes and heaviest weight covered with finest quality German and Linen Ticking. All reduced during our January Clearance Sale. . $1.75 Pillows, January Clearance Sale.. $1.88 pair $2.00 pillows, January Clearance Sale.. $1.61 pair $2.50 Pillows, January Clearance Sale.. $1.86 pair $3.00 Plllowb, January Clearance Sale.. $2.47 pair $1.00 Pillows, January Clearance Sale, .$3.28 pair $5.00 pillows, January Clearance Sale.. $4.19 pair $6.00 Pillows, January Clearance Sate.. $5.11 pair $7.00 Pillows, January Clearance Sale.. $3. 98 pair $8-00 Pillows, January Clearace Bale.. $6.86 pair $10.00 Pillows, January Clearance Sale. $8.16 pair 1 j COUPON f Tiio Pooplos 'Uorohoaso Where It Pays to Trae. Save Vour T. P. W. Trading Stamps COUPON I III CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S OVERCOATS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON BOYS' OVERCOATS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S SWEATERS CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S SWEATERS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON CHILDREN'S SWEAT'RS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON SMOKING JACKETS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON PAJAMAS & NIG LIT SHIRTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S MACKINAW'S. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S MACKINAWS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON CHILDREN'S MACK INAWS. CLEARANCE SALE TRICES ON MEN'S FANCY VESTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S BATH ROBES. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S SHIRTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S GLOVES. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S UNDERWEAR. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S NECKWEAR CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON "WOOL DRESSES. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON DRESS SKIRTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON SILK DRESSES. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON OUTING FLANNEL KIMONAS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S WOOL "WAISTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON WOMEN'S COATS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON GIRLS' AND MISSES' COATS CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON' SITOFS OF ALL KINDS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON MANY LINES OF GROCERIES. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES O.N BLANKETS. CLEARANCE SALE. PRICES ON COMFORTS. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES ON EVERYTHING except Contract Goods and Rulers. If you can't possibly come to this great clear' ance sale, send your orders by mail i We will care fully till them and ship them out same day received 10 OF STATE END COfiGRESS AFTER FAVORING TAX DECISION TO ASK AID MADE BY DELEGATES AFTER STIR RING SESSION. Ana B. Thomson of FjAo Is Rrr4Sl rndoVnU-OUuT Officer Are Cho hcii iuxolutloa OppoNlnjr AnU railroad l4-g1latlon Is Adopted by IXHocntca. Officer of Oregon Irrigation Congm for 1913. President, Asa B. Thomson, Echo. Secretary, Fred N. Wallace, Laldlaw. Vice presidents. J. W. Brewer, Portland; John Rlby, Vale; A, M. Crawford, 8alem. PORTLAND, Jan. 11. The Oregon Irrigation congress closed Saturday evening Its fourth and largest annual session. It had been a pacific and harmoni ous congress until its last hours when, as if to race beyond all memory of differences in past congresses It end ed with one grand, pyrotechnic cli max of combative eloquence. The mlllage tax for Irrigation upon which the Irrigation congress at Its morning meeting had taken positively approving position was the entire cause of the ruction. The delegates voted then en masse directing the re resolutions committee, which Itself had been in continuous executive ses sion for early 21 hours, to bring in a resolution asking the legislature to levy a 1-2 mill tax enough to produce $500,000 annually, with which to car ry on Irrigation In Oregon. A majority of the resolutions ccom mlttee brought In the resolution as per crders but recommended that It not pass. Two members of the commit tee, O. Lauragaard and Frank Sloan, filed a minority report favoring the tax. jxc Plan I Carried. The delegates were Incensed. For the first time In Oregon Irrigation his tory an Irrigation congress entered the lists with its resolutions commit tee on an Important Issue. The com mittee's obedience was punished; the proposition to levy the half-mill tax was carried with but a few scattering, negative votes. J. H. Brewer, chairman of the res olutions committee, Introduced C. C Chapman as champion of the commit tee's position and Mr. Chapman de clared that economy dictated adverse ly to a mlllage tax for Irrigation. J. T. Hinkle, a member of the legis lature and former secretary of the congress, called upon Joseph N. Teal, chairman of the state conservation commission, to answer and Mr. Teal said it was a false economy to refrain from a tax no property owner would feel when by levying It as much more could assuredly be obtained from the federal government. M. J. Lee of Canby said the tax would be unpop ular and William Hanley declared It was a small way to go about a big business. Mr. Hinkle said Willamette valley lumber Interests would support it because construction of Irrigation projects would furnish sadly needed market for lumber. Porter J. Neff of Medford strong ly stated that southern Oregon would approve the tax. N. O. Hedden spoke for It; and Abel Ady against It. Some rn miffirpsted that that matter of the government spending dollar for dollar with the state under tne taxation plan, be Included In the resolution. Mr Teal retorted that he had reason to believe the government would do more, but that If. peradventure the government did nothing. Oregon ought l. irrf readv rlitht now to foot It alone. Knch time local solf-dopendence In carrying on Irrigation development vim Tn n tloned there was applause. The congress passed an unusually l;irge number of resolutions, with the one exception, making no changes, In the report of Its resolu Hons constitute the real purpose and nsult of the irrigation congress, de fining as they do the general attitude of Oregon Irrigation Interests on legls latlon national and state, and voicing the feeling of the congress In organ ization, financing and administration of projects SuQcta at Sixty Af and rip experience Kcaa b pineal and uef alneM when meat! fed bodily powers are preserved by keeping; rich blood la th Teiflj, Nihm'i rvf sowkameal Is SornM I tmmUUm outc rick blood, ra lbs body and aDtvtilM ttMsnsttc taxJnick. hi ell-food I apart! (traxU te both body and bnia, It U NomrUhmtnt nmt AloXmL wm .'ii" '.".!' ''l-ai.M. News has been received here of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Helm. Mrs. Helm was formerly Miss. Chloe Stanfleld of this city. The Busy Bee Club will meet to morrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. John F. Oreullch, 110 West Court stmt Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Buchhols of Stanfleld were In the city yesterday enroute home from an auto trip to Walla Walla. , Complimenting Mrs. John Rest of Boise, who had been visiting her here, Mrs. Howard L Stephens entertained Saturday afternoon at her home, 410 Jackson -street. An enjoyable after noon at bridge was spent by Mrs. Stephens' guests. Honors in the play were won by Mrs. J. Newton Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Rust left this morning for their Jjome In Boise. Mrs. C. 3. Terpenlng of Pendleton gave a unique entertainment yester day afternoon In honor of her young grandson from Cheney normal, who Is almost a musical prodigy. Pupils of the different muslo teachers fur nished the program which consisted of Zi numbers. Nine of the pupils of Miss Malen Burnett, two of Minn Whiting, three of Miss Anibals, all representing the Malen Burnett school took part. The other eight numbers were furnished by the other teachers. Refreshments were srrved. Walla Walla Union. Mrs. J. Hopper was brought to La Orande last evening by her eons from Nolin, Umatilla county, where she has been critically 111. The trip ap parently did her no harm, as she Is resting comparatively easy today. I fJrande Observer. The blue lodge of the Masonic or der will meet this evening to recilve an official visit from William C. Bris tol, most worshipful grand master of Oregon. The South Hill Bridge Club la be ing entertained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. M Rice. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Ccmgh When you first catch a Cold (often Indicated by a sneete or cough), break It up at once. The Idea that M It does not matter" often leads to serious complications. The remedy which Immediately and easily penetrates the llnllng of the throat la the kind de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the Irritation, loosens the phlegm. Tou feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough'' Is one of many honest testi monials. SOc at your druggist adv. ASHLAND SURVEY TO CiO ON. SAN FRANCISCO TO OPEN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11. San Francisco's new municipal auditorium will be opened tonight. A grand fancy ball will be the first gathering under Its roof. The adultorlum Is generally classed as one of the 1915 exposition build ings. It was, In fact, built Jointly by the exposition company and the city. Unlike the buildings on the expositi on grounds, however, It Is a perma nent structure forming part of the magnificent group of civic center edi fices now In course of erection. Its cost was 2,000,000 and It is larg. er bv 6,000 square feet than New York's Madison Square Garden. The city authorities and the expo sition company will cooperate In making the dedication the most bril liant function of tho kind ever hrld on the Pacific coast. A Tewt for LWcr Complaint Mentally Unhappy rtiyloally, .Dull The liver, sluggish and Inactive, first shows Itself In a mental state unhappy and critical. Never Is there Joy In living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your liver active and healthy by us ing Dr. King's New Lifo Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your liver and purify the Blood. 2Ge at druggists. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve Committer) Will Spond Week Peson ally Looking Over School S)slem. VNIVKRS1TT OF OREGON, Eu gene, Jan. 11. During February the survey of the Achluml; Ore., school system Is to be continued and will be the first complete educational survey In Oregon of a city of Ashland's slxe. Fred C. Ayer, professor of education at the University of Oregon, has been, assembling Ashlund statistics through out the Inst year. Charles R. Frailer, superintendent of schools at Everett,. Wash., Is alxo a member of the com mittee, which will spend a full week, at Ashland personally inspecting the system. The Anhland school board re cently authorised completion of tho work. CASTOR I A Per Infants and Children. its Kkd Yra flara -Ahrajs E:tr Bean tho Signature SPECIAL This Week Reduced Prices on all Rubber Goods Including Faultless Wearever Waterbot ties and Household Rubber Gloves. Tollman & Go. Leading Druggbtf excellent for Piles. Adv. I