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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1915)
KTOTTT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORET.ONTAN, PENDLETON, OREflON, SATIIKnAV, JAXIJATty 2, 191S. PAGE SEVEN. TURN HAIR . DARK WITH SAGE TEA IF MIXED WITH SULPHUR DARKENS BO NATURALLY NOIiODY CAN TELL. IT Th old-time mixture of Bate Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray streaked and faded hair U grand mother treatment, and folks are again using It to keep their hair i good, even color, which to quite aon slbls, as we are living In an age when a yputhful appearance la of the great eet advantage. Nowadaye, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the age and the. muwiy mixing at home All drug atorei aell the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth'a Bate and Sulphur Compound" for about 60 enta a bottle. It la very popular be cause nobody can discover It has been applied. 81m ply molston your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what delights the lad It-s with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after ft few appli cations, It also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which Is so attractive; besides, pre vents dandruff, Itching scalp and fall ing hair. g uHiiiiumimiimiuiiiiiiiiiHiwiwiMfit; (OrpliQum! 1 Theatre 1 J. P. MEPERNACH, Prop. c S S 1 1 3 k-B I High-Class Up-to-Date Motion 1 1 Pictures I FOR HEX. WOMEN AND 5 CHILDREN I 1 H Program change E Sundays, Tuesdays, Thar- 5 H days and Saturdays. 5 6m Protrram in Today's H Papr. Siiimimiiinimimimiimiimmmiiiiii: LIVESTOCK IS QUITE LIMITED HAVOC WROUGHT BY JAPANESE SHELLS ON GERMAN PORTS jltiimiiiiitmiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiii'i I Pastime ! i I Theatre "The Home of 1 Good Pictures" (Courtesy Friday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore , There was only a nominal market today for livestock at North Portland. There was no hogs offering, one of the loads com ing direct to a local meat company, while the other went to a Tacoma packer. Both were direct shipments. On tho basis of what hoKS sold at late yesterday and afternoon, the lo cal trade Is considered steady at 17 -300)7-36 for tops. General hog 'market range; I!t light $7-80 7.25 Medium light . . '. 7 26 Good to heavy 7.10 7.16 Bough and heavy 6.7607.00 Etockers 6 00-40 Cattlo Remain Firm. While there were no real first clous cattle offering In the North Portland yards at the opening of the years trade, the market reflected conHlderable strength, and sales were made well up to the previous high average, quality considered. The market for calves is showing strength, end recent arrivals of qual ity have been quickly snapped up. General cattle market range: Selected steer 17.75 8.00 Good to prime 7.25 & 7-60 Good to choice 6 5096 76 Ordinary to fair 6.76 06.25 1tn rrktt'm 6. 85 Good to prime ( 606.70 Ordinary 6 2005 60' Selected calves 8.0008.50 Fancy bulls 6 60 06.75, Ordinary 4 0004 25 No Mutton on Rale. No arrivals were shown In the mut ton pens at North Portland over night. Trend of the market continues very strong with former extreme prices being offered for quality sturr. PORTLAND. Oret Jan. 2. Re Klllers nre bending every effort to relnu for th u..u hav h.. rtti secure their needs and are meeting CJ0. caiveSi g. hoK1!( 2S0J. aneePi 1273. SsMSlIM Ml Will fssssssWSsssssMMHrMl-r-rsMSsl Mill II III I " II I Ill 1 One of the wrecked gun turrets of the Ulis fort In the German fortifications at TiUng-tau, utterly demolish ed under the heavy fire of Japanese sjeice guns. ( WEEK BRINGS GOOD RECEIPTS with little success at this time. General mutton market range; Old wethers 16 0006 - CATTLE. That well finished cattle can bring Bent yearlings 50, good prices commensurate with their Pest eaxt mountain lambs 7.4007.60 1 quality was amply demonstrated Valley liRht lambs 7.25 07 85 Heavy spring lambs ... . 6 7507 25 "A Matter of Court" and "The Den tUfs Janitor," are two Blograph com edies. The Hearst Sellg News Pictorial'' showing the latest pictures from the European war concludes this perform ance. parftlnm Sunday. Claire Whitney In "The Lure." Every man, woman and child should see this picture of the under world, showing as It does how young girls are lured to a life of shame. This picture was presented at the Co. lumbU theater, Portland, at the ad vanced price of 20c for adults and 10s for children, but the management or IJveMtock Shlppcm. Hogs F. B. Decker. Gervals. 1 load direct to I'nlon Meat company: Chnrli s Ream. North Towder, 1 load direct to Carstens Packing company, Tacoma. Cattle A. F. McFe. WnshouKol. Wah , 1 load; J. W. Chandler. Echo. 2 loads; William Beavens, Payette, Idaho, 1 load. Cattle and calves John Hill, Pay ette, Idaho, 1 load. Mixed rtuff C. E. Lucke, Molalla, 1 load cattle end hogs direct to Union Meat company. IlrtUsh Steamers Overdue. BERLIN, Jan. 2. Amsterday re ports that 16 British steamers on the South American coast are overdue and the suspicion has arisen that they have been sunk by German auxiliary cruisers. Monday when steers went to $8 and; this theater has decided to put the cows to 6 85. There has not been admlmlon price at 10c for adults and much of a run this week, receipts 5C for children. The story': 5 ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays ;: ' Steady, x Flickerlcsa Pictures :: Abeo 5 lutely No Eye Strain. mm S A Kcfinod and Entertaining E Sbow for the Entire Family. 5 Next to French Restaurant mm 55 mmtm ss mm Wm S Chances Sundays, Tuesdays, mm Thursdays and Saturdays. Mi iss mam 5 Adulta 10c Children under j 10 years So. mm nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllHIIIIIIIIIIr: etiuiiiifllllllll!IIIIIIIIIUIIiU(il(lIIIIUIII5 2 PENDLETON'S PQPU- 5 LAR PICTURE SnOW f I THE I COSY I 5 Where the entire family can E n joy a hich-class - motion E S picture show with comfort, 5 Fun, Pathos 1 Scenic Thrilling All Properly I Mixed v 1 Beware of Ointments for Catnrrh That Contains Mercury m merrury HI surely d"tmj the wom of tmll and rtunplelely diTtturo the vhult vmrm when entering It through the inn rom mirfure. 8urh srtlrlwi ahnuld neref be Mte.1 e-ep( on prewrlptlon from repnt Rhl phynli-lnn. the (lamast tbey will do it ten fold tho good jna rsn polbly di'rlre from them. ItsU's Cstsrrh Cure, minufartured fcy F. J. Cheney A Co., To nn, (., contain tin merriir;, and la taken Internally, acting dlrertly npoo tht blood anil mtionna aurfarm of the TKtcm. Id hnrlnsT llnll'a Catarrh Cor h snr yon Jet the gr-nnlne. It la taken Internally and mail In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co Testimonial free. S"M hr lni?:tla'a Prlr 7V per bottle Take llail'a Family I'llla for eonatlpatlon. showing light no doubt on account of the usual holidays. HOG3. Light run of hogs were general all week, prices remaining steady with l;ut week's closing. Tops are today 17.30. SHEEP. A few more sheep are coming for ward than for previous weeks al though receipts are still far below normal. Buyers are willing to pay 17.50 for good lambs, IS 25 for ewes and $6.50 for yearling wethers. Tho following sales are representa tive: 134 steers 1193 8.0 S3 stftis 1250 770 178 steers 1117 7 50 46 Steers 131 7 00 321 hogs 7 35 1260 hogs 217 7.30 439 hogs 192 7 25 39 bog 165 7 20 78 cows 1161 85 . . v m c n FOWJI ma VO" cows 72 25 cows 1050 00 heifer 1800 6.75 calf 150 8 50 bull H8l 6 bulls 1350 4 60 l.imlm 72 7.50 ewes til "5 15 yearlings 52 6.25 IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS SAYS HACK ACHE IS SIGX YOIT HAVE BEEN EATIXtt TOO MVm MEAT. When you wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It Kerwrally means you have been e Local Playhouses WHAT the Preu Agent Ut to " Say of Prent and Coming AUiActiooi Orphruiu .Sunday and Monday. "Tho Master Key." Two mining prospectors Oallon and Wilkerson huve lu'i-n searching for gold. Gallon has made a lucky strike and is try ing to conceal Uio fact from his part ner, who already suspects Gallon's secret. One evening Gallon walks off eome dtcta-uce from the camp fire und While attending dancing school, Charlotte Baker rooets a fascinating youth, Paul, with whom she becomes Infatuated. Not being able to resist his declaration of love and promise to marry, she decides to elope with him, only to find herself drugged and taken to a resort of the underworld. I?ob Macauley, the celebrated de tective is called by the family and the case placed in his hands. Bob Macauley visits a department store, where his life would have been taken In making an arrest of a pickpocket, had not the blow that was Intended for him been warded off by Sylvia, a dainty little saleswoman, at whose counter the arrest was made. Bob becomes very much in love with her, but due to her poverty, she does Smith, not allow him to call. Going home one evening she finds her mother's condition necessitated the services of a physician. The physician prescrib ed country air as the only means of a possible recovery. Being unable to meet these extra expenses Sylvia ap plies to the manager of the store In which she Is employd for an advance ment on her salary. This L- refused and a short time after loses her po sition. With poverty and the ap proach of her mother's death facing her, sh is reminded of the kind lady( to Douglass, Lajole, Cross, Lauder, Delehanty, Cooley and Thomaa. Eddie Collins and Ty Cobb will get an even greater salay than Johnson, accord ing to the dope. If the reformers of the fighting game In this state have their way during the coming session of the leg islature there will be no more boxing. Despite the efforts of the boxing com mission to keep the sport clean the reformers declare the Frawley law doesn't abolish betting and brutal ity. They maintain that the sport as It Is now played Is still prizefight ing, pure and simple. It can be said that the reformers are not entirely without support and sympathy. When the last attempt wag made to repeal the Frawley law it almost met with success. Law makers from up state sustained the repeal vigorously as the sentiment toward the support In their districts was anything but favorable. During the time the reformera spread stories of frame-up flghtd, betting and gave Instances of brutal ity. The same tactics It Is believed will be restored to this time with the Smith Coffey bout which was fought early this month used as an Instance It Is alleged that during the fight ringside spectators violated the bet ting law and several witnesses can be produced who saw transactions made and odds offered of 11 to 10 on RURBJ We and Coal MIXED:--2 parts of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches THE huoiIq RESTAURANT Gus LaFontainf, Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated TloE roeeQDll 3g ir 517 MAIN STREET We have the exclusive 8ale In Pendleton of the good old I. W. HARPER WHISKEY which has taken Gold Medal awards at Xew Orleans. ItSS, St. Loots. 104, Chicago, 18S5, Paris. 1900. 93 Proof at 10 Cents a Drink or $4.50 per Gallon. BREDING, HANSEN 6 MILLER t Peodletoa Oregoa It is quite possible that despite the tullng of the National league that no club should report for spring train ing before March 1, several managers have ordered the appearance of their teams at least one week ahead of that date for practice. Suicide Nolo In Celt MARSHFIELD, Ore., Jan. S. The police doubt that T. H. Grlndred com- who offered her employment and de-J 'cJ he said he Intended cities to call. Once Inside of the house, she Is trapped and made an Inmate. Iiob dlfguL'd as a gas man, enters a house In search of Charlotte Pnker and to hU surprise, finds the girl he loves. Thinking this to be her dwelling place he denounces her, but finally finds that she has been trapped and at onre plans her escape. She Is finally restored to her sick mother. to In a note left in his cell from which he sawed his way out of the North Bend jail. He was reported as J iiled for theft an4 bound orer o the horses were missing. FREE coupon FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and get a "Four-in-One" mnslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll'' feature. No.. Pendleton, Ore.-- .1914 EAST OREGOXIAN PUB CO.. Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10$ for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Xame Addreea. K sent by mail add 2c for Dostara BE SURE AND STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED C(y. Sund-y's program will be the. Page Prush Country." a Kay Bee weMern In two parts. "The Message" Reliance drama, and a Keystone com edy. "His Second Childhood. No vaudeville. eating too mum meat, says a welt- MartM to draw a reap or his dlswvcry. known authority. Meat forms urlcnVllkrrson crawls to where Gallon la acid which overworks the kidneys in 'and l discovered. Gallon ruus and their effort to fQter It from the blood Wllkerson follows. A h:uid to liund and they becom sort of paralysed ' conflict follows. (Xallon shoots at and loggy. When your kidneys get Wllkerson who falls apparently drad. sliiRKlsh and clog you must relieve Gallon after endless .wandering rcwh- them, like you relieve your towels re- es a small town and tells tho sheriff moving all the body's urinous waste, that he and his purtner were held jip else you have backache, sick head- by outlaws and hU partner was shot ache, dizzy spells, your stomach sours, the sheriff and voluntuers necompaay tongue Is coated, and when the GaUon to the caoip whens all trace if weather Is bad yoa have rhumatlo Wllkerson Is gone. The sheriff or- twlngen. The urine Is cloudy, full of. dors Gallon's arrvst. TJmi boys brnd sediment, hannels often get sore, wa-hlin and evening coming on the cump ter scalds and you are obliged to fr ttw night. During the night the seek relief two or three times during , watcher falls asleep and Gallon creeps the) Bight. to the ramp fire and burns the rope Either consult a good, reliable fhy-: binding his hands and escenes. He slclan Bt once or get from your phar-i reaches tfnn Francisco and leaves by maclst about four ounoes of Jd f()r home. shortly after hoardinR Pnlts; tako a tablespoonful In a glass Bhlp ne iXida an oId thest whlch he SPOR TS CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FCNERAJj DIRECTORS. of water before breakfast for a fei opens. He takes out a curious idol. In 5 Open Afternoon and Even- S ing. Changes Sunday, Hon- s H day, Wednesday and Friday. E ' S Next Door to St. George Ho- 2 B teL Admission 5o and 10a. s autmiiiiiiimimiiiiimmimiwiiiMiiii?. days and your kidneys will then act thfl ncad of thS he hldM hIs mtp of fine. This famous salts is made hlf) mlnc Soon mutlny onmlcs nml fiom the acid of grapes and lemon fh Bhln Pflfrhnr fr r.,iton tun, Juice, combined with Ilthla, and has overbp,rd flnd ,8 wtttlUed up on an is been used for generations to clean ,;nd A wppk ,nter ho ,s rscued and ana sumuiaie siuggian Kiuney, uisu to neutralise sxlds In the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jad Salts Is a life saver for regular meat enters. It Is Inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent llthla-water drink. CHICHESTER S PIL I.ndlral Au jonr I'mi.i-i.t 1. 1 i i M-clc.U-ral'iwnioml Urnni( I'lll. hi Hi A n.l UnM H.rlJiU m f l 4, uh riu 1. . ;vn. Y TnU no lSr. it jmir v lnv-""'t. A.! f.r nwili; ..Tr.KS M.iiN.' intAPiit rn.i ,f,Li iti k luiww M I .t. i a I ot. A t v 11 H l 't SOLD CY CrX2G!3T5 CIFAuKLKt; returns to his homo and daughter. Five years ensue. He returns to his mines which ho begins to work. He keeps a diary and In this writes n no tation to the effect that he has been seeking for the secret of his lost map. He writes east for an engineer and young John Uoro Is sent him. "For the Defense," a beautiful Eclair. "On again off -Again," Joker. Mlrlnm Slas Is featured today In Knlem's sens'itlonay two-part drama, "The Fatal Opal." Arthur Johnson nnd Lottie Prlsco in "The Beloved Adventurer." "The Serpent Comes to Eden." SPOUT DOPE. BY UAL, SHEOiDAX. .(Written for the United Frees.) NEW YORK, Jan. 2 When Own er Comisky, of the Chicago White Sox, decided to select Clarence Henry Kowlund, a minor league player, as manuger of his club, various baseball critics here put tho matter down ac oiio of Comlskey's whims. Kowland has always been a bosom frUnd of Comiskey and held friendly relations with ex Manager Callahan and Run Johnson. Comiskey also figured the falling of several big leaguers who were appointed to lead his club and finally decided tq take the chance of giving the minor leag uer the position. Rowland Is among tho most favor ed minor league players In the coun try and If he can carry this popularity with him Into the majors both Com iskey nnd Ban JOHN 3. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embaltner Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral ears. Caiis responded to day or eight Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and UcenneJ em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cam. Calls re t ponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone (I, ATTORXETS. RALEY A RAUEY, ATTORNEYS AT aw. office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Deapaln building. CARTER at SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American Natloaal Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylot Hardware Company. IXSrUAXCE AND LAND BUSINESS EXABTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstract of title to all lands In Umatilla couaty. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and ells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage buiainees. Pays tsxes snd makes Investments for non- residents Writes fire, life and aed ; lent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C IL MARSH, Sec PETERSON A BISnOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4. Sraltk- Crawford building. BENTLKY A LEFFINQWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident tnsur- Johnson are certain tnce agents. 115 Mala street Phone that Rowland's knowledge and win-ji4 nln personality will offset lack or major league experience. Has anyone ever stopped to consid- LEGAL RLAXKS OF EVERY D scriptlon for county court clroul or how baseball salaries have grown! eourt lu"tl' ourt' estato, e Noted authorities here have taken the trouble to point out that Walter Johnson's salary next year will aRgre. gate tho total salary paid to the- phll. ndelphla Infield and .outfield players some fifteen years ago. It is shown by statistics that the for sale at East Oregonian office. VETERINARY SUIUir.ONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone sum of $16,000 was paid In salaries 17; office tellephone 10. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all stare and federal courts. Rooms 1. I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. SECOND-HAXD DKALFRS. V. STROBLE. DEALER INT Kinl and second-hand goods. Cask psj for all second-hand goods bougk'. Cheapest place In Pendleton to boj household goods. Call and get kit prices. Xlj E. Court street Fkese J71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY ca or give trs.o for Umatilla, eountj farm, 120 to J SO per acre. Addr, Buz IX, Athena, Ore. MliXTSXLlNEOUa, GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections msde. Roou 17, Schmidt block. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, unhnai private and buslcert stationery, eta, Very latest stylos. Call at Et gonlan offies and see umjloi FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND conmUor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Offlcs In DeepaJn bulldlr.g P1IYSICLVXS. E. 3. GARFlXLD, M. D. HOMEO rathle physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd B'.rtck. Telephone: Office Ml W: rssMenc Sit X ArdlOXEFRS. COL W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTIONKCI makes a specialty of farmer' stocl and machinery sales. The man tka gets you the money." Leave ordef at East Oregonian office. TRESPASS NOTICE 3, gTAIUO.-t SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlarw We have a flc lot of stock cuts tsat our patrons are allowed th free use of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR. egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and dvrtljinf We can furnish auctioneer, clrk an! advertising complete that wl-1 aaaure you of having a successful an