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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1915)
tact. TOT'T?. DAILY F.AST OKEflOyiAy. PENml-TOX, OKI-flOy, SATUR1UY. .TAXT'ATCV 2, 1015. TaC.TIT PAOES. AN INPLI'KSMCNT NKWHI'ArKR. rsklltbod Pally ai.4 He ml Weekly at ra- rtirton, Oregon, bj Xb tllT OKKKIIMAN 11 llLlblUNQ CX). Official County Paper. IfeBber Colted lrM Assoelstloa, OrtgaM. wcood r vail autter. Maphos 1 ON IN OTHER CITIES. tatMUiai Hotel Nra btaod, rortlaad, Dracoa. 1km nan News Co , Portland, Orffoa. UN FILE AT Ch1rg Bureau, Hit heourlty Building. ahlurtoo, L). C, bureau, 601, Kata street, N. BCBSCmrTION BATES. (IN ADVANCE.) Dal, on year, by mall 93 00 tl!y. alt oiootlia, by mall Jt.50 Mill, three ainoiba. by mall IM Daily, odc moatb, by mall .60 Pally, oot year, by rarrtar 7 tu Pally, all month, by carrier ft 75 Pany, thrr mootba, by carrier 115 pally, ooa muata, by carrier 69 Beat-Weekly, od year by mall 1 W ami-Weekly, alx mootba, by mall Tl aal-Waekly, four uooUxa, by mall... .60 a HKKOKS Or AMKMCA. HKKOKS Or AMKMCA. By Joajuln Miller Referring to the men whose deeds are to be celebrated by the approach ing exposition in California. O perfect heroes of the earth. That com.uer'd forests, harvest set! O sires, mothers of my West! How shall e count your proud bequest? But yesterday ye gave us birth; We eat your hard-earned bread today. Xor toil nor spin nor make re gret. But praise our petty selves and say How great we are. We all forget The still endurance of the rude Unpolished sons of solitude. What strong, uncommon men were these. These settlers hewing to the seas! Great horny-handed men and tan; Men blown from many a bar ren land Beyond the sea; men red of hand. And men in love, and men In debt. Like David s men In battle set; And men whose very hearts had died. Who only sought the?e woods to hide Their wTetchedness, held In the van; Tet every man among them stood Alone, along that sounding wood. And, eTery man somehow a man. They push'd. the mailed wood aside. They toss'd the forest like a toy. That grand forgotten race of men The boldest band that yet has been Together since the siege of Troy. old water board, chiefly on Messrs Moore and Jack, were due to the fact thoe men were broad enough to i-lund for the best interests of the city anil had the nerve to do their duty an they found It. There would have been no abuse or court proceedings hud the water board continued with the old plant with Its slimy and dan. Serous supply and had not crossed the path of the power and light com pany by securing a! water system that atheistic a wo have been led to be lieve. It Is true that the 'Intellect i.iil.s'1 at t'rance, thearlstocrney and tlie leaders of literary circles have manifested little interest In organized religion Hut among the great mnss ea of the people, which, after til. make the France as It will go down In history. It la likely the typical pop ular adherence to religion exists. However, no nation can have a surfeit of religion, provided It does not rUe In hypocrisy or opportunism or expediency. If It Is not with France a cajie of "the devil was sick, the devil a monk would be," human- eliminated the heavy annual electric pumping charge and contains a plan Jtv l t0 b congratulated. for a municipal electric plant If one should be desired In the future. Well informed people have under stood these facts all the time. Judge Lowell's course should make the truth plain to everyone. Hypocrisy and falsehood come very natural with some of our torles. After yelping for months True to Type, about "spineless di plomacy" the news papers of the aforesaid element, with some exceptions of course, howl Just as loud because of President Wilson's firm demand on England for justice for American shipping. In other words they Jeer no matter what the administration may do. The servile tory newspaper has no more patrio tism than a louse. If it had It would be unsuited to Its present task which is to assail and besmirch Wil- Fon and Bryan as much as possible so as to hamper them. In the task of governing this country in behalf of the reople and not in behalf of priv ilege. The bootwlpers for plutocracy knuw their business. Marion Jack and Will Moore have a rlht to charge Judge Lowell with insincerity and "Tike Only Crime of double dealing The Wtter Hoard." I n connection with his bogus campulgn to see that the water board la composed only of qualified mem bers. 1 Judge Lowell starred with the pro fession that to allow members to serve who were technically disqualified had a bad moral effect on the community. That was well enough. But he did not pluy the game through except with reference to the two men who had been staunch and true for the gravity water system. When the Dr. Beet case) was in court Judge Lowell "laid down,' to use a slang phrase, though according to the common sense construction of the law Dr. Best was the most disqualified man of the three. Since the November election Dr. Best's disqualification has been complete. Tet though he promised to bring proceedings JudKe Lowell after much barking and squirming has fi nally refused to do so and to cover up the weukrieiut of his own position indulged In cheap abuse of Mr. Moore and Mr. Jack. Jin1!e lyiw ell's nMitude and his own void (j!r ilfiooieh pr-'i.f of (li rlinrge ihis pHper made many months aVtto to the effect (he attacks on the A New Tork paper, feeling the t-ooting spirit, makes this sort of a crow: Aoihlng Over "Real estate oner rcndlcton. ators In New Tork sold in It 11 property assessed at $511,000,000 and probably vorth well over a billion dollars. Only three other cities in the country have an assessed valuation greater than this metropolitan volume of bus lress in a single year. Naturally there is some speculation in so vast a total of property sales. A better measure of growth Is the expenditure In spite of the war of $165,000,000 in new buildings and improvements. equalling the total assessment of Hartford. New Haven or Richmond, Va." A very fine showing and we will all admit New Tork is some town. But In proportion to its size New Tork did less building during 1911 than did Tendleton. Gotham has approxi mately 1000 times the population of this place. Now our building record as early as the first of December reached $170,000. Multiply that sum by 1000 and you have $170,000,000 or a record $5,000,000 in excess of what New Tork boasts. In other words New -Tork would be a greater city than it is if along with its large population It had the Pendleton zip. The suffrage movement, which has already prevailed in 1,710,000 square miles of United Greatest of States territory in- Suffrag Battles, habited by 13,891.- S31 persons, and casting 91 votes In the electoral col lege, enters on a new phase during the coming 12 months. From the west and middlewest the stress of the fight will be transferred to Massachusetts, New Tork, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In each of these four states a constitutional am endment must be approved by two legislatures before being submitted to the people. In each a suffrage measure has already passed one legis lature. The conditions under which the new campaign must be carried on differs of course from those under which past victories have been won. Illinois still remains the most easterly state In which women have a right to vote on propositions other than school is sues and bond referendums. Public opinion is less fluid as the Atlantic seaboard is approached. The opposi tion is more stubborn and the prob lem more difficult than the one en countered in the receptive west and the radical territory of the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. But the women are conscious of the magnitude of their task. They are perfecting the strongest organization with which they have ever attempted to exert Influence on official and pop ular action and accumulating the largest campaign fund they have ever commanded, more than $100,000 hav ing already been raised for use In New York state alone. A triumph In all four states would give them a preponderating voice In the choice of the next president. SLOGANS OF SUCCESS "Burning words" warm up no en thusiasm when they are merely "hot air." The "live w ire" also makes the best man to "charge" with responsibilities. Opportunity seldom knocks at the door of a "knocker;" No mistake Is an absolute calam ity If the maker only profits by It Opportunity never wastes much time sitting around warming a chair at a pool game. Success, mainly, is knowing enough to keep away from the lines of work you'd be a failure at. They never "rise to opportunity" who waste the morning in bed. INDIANS HAVE BI6 DINNER AT RESERVATION MISSION 121 RED PEOPLE TAKE PART IN NEW YEARS FESTIVITIES YESTERDAY. In point of size, if not otherwise, the greatest New Tears dinner held in this part of the country yesterday was the big spread at the Presby terlan mission on the reservation where a total of 221 participated in the task of demolishing enough food for a regiment of hungry Belgians. Robinson Mlnthorn was "boss" of the dinner and Albert Mlnthorn serv ed as chief of the reception commit tee. Three tables were served and there were 25 white people among the guests. At the conclusion of the dinner the chairman announced, through Rev. Cornellson as interpreter that speech es would be made by John Crow, Mr, Barber and others. The audience was doomed to disappointment as far as Mr. Crow was concerned but a talk was made by Mr. Barber. For the dinner an entire beef was served and among the other Items on the menu were 125 pounds of salmon; 100 pies, six dozen cans of fruit; 120 loaves of bread and other Hems. EASTERN OREGON EXHIBIT PLANNED FOR PANAMA EXPO $1000 HAS BEEN PROMISED CARRY PLAN THROUGH TO COMPLETION. TO If plans as made now are carried out Umatilla. Morrow, Union, Wal Iowa, Baker, Grant and Gilliam coun ties will maintain an eastern Oregon exhibit In the Oregon building at the Panama-Pacific exposition In San Francisco and this exhibit will be In charge of two men. With the excep tions of Grant and Gilliam counties, all of the above mentioned counties have already agreed to appropriate $1000 for the purpose of collecting, sending and maintaining the exhibit The plan Is to have two represen tatives from each county in charge of the exhibit at various times, each man to be on hand for a period of six weeks and then giving way to an other man from another county. Some of the counties of the state are main taining separate exhibits and the cost Is, therefore considerably heavier. The county courts and commercial as sociations of eastern Oregon decided that a better exhibit at less cost could be gathered If they would com bine (heir efforts. CLARK SAYS HE WON'T ' BE A 1916 CANDIDATE WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 Speaker Clark discussed the legislative situa tion with President Wilson and told A triumph in any one of the four, him he expected the administration would mark a turning point In the movement. If New Tork should de clare for suffrage other states would rapidly fall in line. The same thing may be said of success In Massa chusetts or Pennsylvania. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. CURRENT THINKING program would be finished without an extra session of congress. The speaker told the President the rules committee planned to bring In a special rule for considering the pro posed constitutional amendment for woman suffrage on January 12 and he expected a vote the same day. Speaker Clark said he had not dls cwuied with the president recent pub llshed reports that he would be a can didate for the presidency In 1916. He said he was not a candidate. Something to Amuse and Please Them. The "Little Ones" Best Friend. MIEN AMA annul jHEoip IDolla A Great Beautiful and 2 smaller dressed dollies for evei y boy and girl the city. Hurry and get yours! AVJUA ;wv p WH These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 7! INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES HIANCE GETS RELIGION. (Atlanta Constitution.) An Interesting report that has come from the scene of conflict In Europe is to the effect that tribulation has shaken the proverbial French skepti cism submitting for la a sentiment of religion. If that development shall prove to le accurately reported and not mere ly ephmemeral, the holocaust will not have been without Its compensations to France. Already there have been other compensations. In the suppres sion of the liquor traffic In Russia and France, and Its lesienlng in Eng land. Now, If religion shall ppread In Frnre as a rf-ult of the war, the h'j-torlan w!!I have something to mark up to the credit of the militarists. It Is doubtful If France, a a na tion. ever has been as agnostic o dm uu Hot Chocolate Hot Chili Hot Tamales made to your taste FRESH GAUDIES EVERY DAY MOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLES The East Oregonian is going to give away several hundred of these dolls as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office One new paid in advance Subscription to the daily Cast Oregoni&n, by carrier for one month1 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. Or for one newjpaidjin advance subscription to the daily Cast Oregonian by mail 1 1-2: months 75c. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly Cast Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 5 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Cast Oregonian and 10c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. (lurry and get your dells nor, because this offer is for a limited timo only Coupons to be clipped will be'found elsewhere in this paper each day.