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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
F.lnnT l'AOKS. SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR ITS GRANDMOTHER'S RIXJIPE TO UHIXO HACK COLOIl AND Ll'HTRK TO HAIR. Tou can turn gray, faded hair beautifully, dark un4 lustrous almost or night If you'll got a 80-cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Bulphup Corn pound at any drug store. Million! f bottlca of thia old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. All dandruff goes, scalp ltohing and falling hair stops. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wy eth'a Sage and Sulphur tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. 51ItinillUIIIllllIII!aiiilfltllMIIIIIIIlIIIIIIC 0rpSiQum Theatre J. P. IIEPERNACII, Prop. a s s H H E High-Class Up-toDate Motion Pictures 2 FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1 i H Projrram change Sundays, Tuesdays, Than- day and Saturday!. 5 Ss Projrram in Today'a 5 Papar. riuiuitimmnmiimmimiiiinmiimiiic DAILY EAST OREflOXTAN. PENDLETON, OREflOX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1014. PAGE SEVEN. CHICAGO WHEAT A LITTLE LOWER CHICAGO. Dec. 1. Wheat closed -4Cl l-4c lower. The one Import ant bcarUh Influence for the wheat trude appeared to be the absence of anything like the export demund which has been the chief support for th market of lute. A llttlo export business was reported by the Gulf at the hlKheHt premium on the crop. Cimh wheat news from Oniuha, Kans as City and Ft. Lou In Is bulllHh, and It Is hard to buy In largo quantities In the country. This feature Is mulct ing export business In that quarter. Heabord interest acted a llttlo bear Inn during the morning, a 'reflection of cable reports of more liberal Ar gentine offers. Considering the break In wheat, the decline In corn la moderate. Local trade seemed to be Influenced by the easier wheat market and corn was absorbed at the decline by cash and commission houses. 8t. Louis report ed an urgent demand for cash at l-2c to 1c. higher. Peoria and Omaha were firm and higher. WHEAT. Dec Open. 127; high, 127:' low. 125; Close, 128 1-2. May Open, 129 1-4: high. 120 1-4: low. l? 1-8: close. 128 1-8R ' July Open. 119 7-8: high. 120 1-8: low, 117 7-8; close, llg 8-8A. GERMANS PULLING DOWN A TOTTERING WALL ED. JACKSON 15 MADE CHIEF OF POLICE AT BAKER tMiitiimmimiiimiMtimiiuuiiiiiimii'i mm Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" DEPUTY KHKIU1T GETS NEW AP- I-OINTMKNT FORMER CHIEF NOT CANDIDATE. BAKER, Ore., Dec. SI Ed Jack- son, di-puty sheriff, was appointed chief of pollen of the city of Baker by Mayor Palmer and his appoint ment was confirmed by unanimous vote of the city commissioners. In moklng the appointment Mayor palm er paid a warm tribute to outgoing Chief of Police Riley who did not ap ply for reappointment and who had potlfled Mayor Palmer that he ex pects to take up a different vocation In the spring. Mr. Jackson was chief of police In Faker for four years and eight month until six years ago. He was first appointed by Mayor R. D. Car ter and served under him for eight months and was then appointed by Mayor Charles A. Johns under whom he served for four years. For the last six years, until lost April, he was steward at the Elks' club. Since April 1 he has been deputy sheriff under Sheriff Ed Rand. v . i 1 " 11 '" " ' 1 " ' :"') . i d"" V: it the' This photograph shows ho Germans destroyed LlUe in France. The wall left after the house was burned was pulled down and a pho tographer who was on hand took a picture as the great mass of brick and mortar was crumbling to ruin. Rony Man Taken "Bonos." JOL1ET. Ill, Dec. 31 George Dl mas owns the Roynl restaurant 'here. Ho was on watch alone early In the morning. He nodded. He slept. He dreamed that a bony young man en tered the store. Inserted a bony hand Into a drawer In the cash register and withdrew flOS In hills. George awoke. He looked In the cash drawer. His dream had been true. Local Playhouses VaJHAT the Press Agent Hsi to " Say of Pretent and Coming Arbactioes & & the this C C s I ALWAYS T1IE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickcrlws Picture :: Abeo- htely No Eye Strain.. 5 A Refined and EnterUinin 5 Show for the Entire Family. 5 Next to French Restaurant I Chance Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Adulta lOo. Children under s ' 10 years 5a tiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiin !!iiiiiniiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiit PENDLETON'S P 0 P U- LAR PICTURE Sliuw I THE I COSY ! 3 Where the entire family ean E ; 5 enjoy a hih-class motion E S picture show with comfort, 5 Fun, Pathos 5 nir 5 Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Stat of Ohio, city of Toledo, I,nras Coonty aa. Prink J. Cheney mtkea oath that h I en lor partner of the form of P. J. Chenj a Co, doing biinln In the City of T iMtn. Conn I y snd Htat aforwsld. and thai taM will pay ths sura of ONK HUN DURD KOLI.AU8 for each and eerT rase at Citsrrb thnr rannnt be rnred by tb est it IUtX'8 CATAHHII Ct'HK. KKANK J. CltENET. Hirnrn to befnr oi and knbwrlbcd Is oy prHce, this 6th day of December, i. I). It6. (Keall A. W. OLEA80S. Notary I'ublle nH"i Csfsrrh Cnre Is tsken Intemsll ami sets directly npoa tb blond ami mu rnus turte of ths sritem. Bio J for tas tlmonlals. free. K. i CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Hnlil by all I rmrclt. lie. Tik lull's Fsmlly lilts for eonstlpatloa EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS T.KK A CLASS OK SALTS HASH klli:VS IK ItKADDKIt iM)Tiii:its vou. TO Orjh,un TliunuIay-lYiday. Episode number thlrteeen In 'TerilB of Pauline." Hereafter series will be shown every week. "The Law of the IlanBe." Three part 101 Clson. Featuring- Marie Walcamp and Wm. Clifford. Relieving that Tex Foster the cattle klriK, has tou much Influence in Washington, Frank Smith and his foreman Curly runtle some of Foster's stock. Fmlth's eactern wife begs him not to do it and believes him Inno cent when he is arrested. He Is dis missed for lack of evidence and Fos ter's men try to lynch him. Smith's little daughter starts for the sheriff but falls from her horse and is pick ed up senseless. Foster is overcome at the child's plight and drops every, thing to take her to the doctor. Pmlth's men follow and the chase ends when he Is killed. "Fldo's Dramatic Career." L-Ko. Fldo a kicked about dog of the street goes to sleep and dreams that he gets revengo on everyone thut has been cruel to him. From his blissful dream he is rudely awakened by a hoso being turned upon him. The situations are unique in view of the fact that alt the participants are animals. "Sid Nee'a Finish." a Thanhouser comedy and the Mutual Weekly No. 101, giving the latest news from the seat of war. ragtime. Catherine Countlxs in Film. MUs Catherine Counties Is with Charles ltli hman, Clnro Whitney and Stuart Holmes in "The Idler" at the Fastlme Theater, beginning today. .The Idler Is Mark Cross, a young man of good family who In a fit of dare-deviltry has emigrated from Want Ad Sork Candidate. CHICAGO. Dec. 30. Democratic women of the Second Ward Inserted advertisements In Chicago newspapers soliciting aldermanic candidates. The advertisement read as follows: "Wanted Candidate for Alderman In Second Ward either man or wo man; must be progressive, aggressive rational and a democratic democrat with a political record which rings true and will attract the votes of wo men. Answer will be held confi dential." . "We want to find out Just who wants to serve as alderman and then Investigate them," said Mrs. M. S. Jones, chairman of the women's com mittee. "The one that has the best Qualifications we shall support." IX)S ANGELES VOTES ON CITY MANAGEK TLAN LOS ANGELES. Dec. Jl. Los An reles Is voting today upon a propo sition to place the city government under a city manager, who would be given complete charge of the execu tive and administrative functions of government If the plan is endorsed. Los Angeles, It is believed, will be the largest American city that has In stalled a city manager. Amendments to the city charter al so are being voted upon. These would make appointive the heads of municipal departments now elected by the people, with the object of eco nomical and efficient centerallzation of power and responsibility In the city management. Another amendment proposes proportional representation tn the city council. THAWING WATKK IMPES WITH ELECT1UC CTHKENT dn'y Harding receives a letter from a firm of London solicitors inform ing him that his father has died and that he In now Sir John Harding,' Bart He sets out at once to make or other, says a well-known authority ' .... . ,, . . ... -.ii . . I f illzntlon and to take up the station In life that Is rightfully his. But that LEWISTON. Idaho. Dec. 31 For the first time In the history of the London to the Far West. John Hard- Lewlston water department frozen Ing, also well born of wealthy par- water pipes in the street are being t-nts, but disinherited, la also seeking thawed with currents of electricity Ms fortune In the gold fields. One sent through the service connections. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form because tho urlo acid In meat excites the." kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly back ache and misery in tho kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches. acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bluddur and uri nary irritation. i Tho moment your back hurts ori kidneys aren't acting right, or If blad-l der bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good' pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and haa been used for generations to nusn clogged kidneys and stimulate tnem to normal activity; also to neutralise the acids In the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorder!. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent 11th-la-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious Kidney disease. 2 Open Afternoon and Even- g s ing. Changes Sunday, Mon- 5 H day, Wednesday and Friday. H Next Door to St George Ho- 5 tel. Admission 60 and lOo. 3:tniiiu:(Hiiiii!iiiiiiitiiiiiiniiiiii!iii3 CHICHESTER S PILIS 0 i if Jk. If l.nciml jour i'rwpn-, . m 'hlli.ti.rllaMmJ :i-ai 4 I'lll, III tied rii Uolil nirtallKVlV kiri, INIM llb Mil V ti i n? r Tour v t)rni-Hl. Atl'f", ''!. 111 tt-Tm S DiAb'i:.r i'.uanu riu.,(.-ta vart known M licit, a.'cit.Aln Rtlltt'l SflLDCKCRL'GQlSlSLllRVT.M very day he becomes Involved In a quarrel with Felix Strong and Felix Is shot accidentally during the dis pute. Harding Is accused of murder, but flees to Englnnd In time to escape the vengeance of a posse, headed by Simeon Strong, who Is determined to avenge his brother. Years after In London, Harding, who has married the girl both he and Cross were In love with before they emigrated, comes face to face with Cross and Strong. In order to win Lady Hard ing for his own Cross plots to have strong kill Sir John In a duel. Strong slaps Harding In the face In order thnt he may Involve him In "an af fair of honor" and avenge his broth er's death. Cross in the meantime lures Lady Hnrdlng to his rooms, where Sir John comes to seek her. Sho hides In Mark Cross' bedroom, but reveals herself at a dramatic mo ment when Hnrdlng springs at Cross' throat. Her spllendld nature, as shown In her denunciation of both men, ono as a husband without faith In his wife and the other as the would be destroyer of a home, overcomes them with shame. They shake hands and Mark, pnrtlng forever with Lady Harding, Is off "on a long trail." This plan has been adopted by Wa ter Superintendent Wagner, after finding that his men were unable to give relief as quickly as they had hoped through the plan of removing tho frozen earth and thawing the pipes. The wires were attached to th closest fire hydrant, and at the same time to the kitchen faucet at the house In trouble. A strong current of electricity was then sent through the frozen pipes, and it took but from three to ten minutes to make the water run, and not a foot of earth was disturbed. In one of the places the machine was attached and after being run for aome time no water appeared. It was found the house was served with a two Inch wooden pipe, which would not carry the electricity. HOGS GO UP TO TOP PRICES (Courtesy Wednesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore Hog prices re main steady at North Portland al though they were generally weak and lower at other American stockyard points for the day. Tops sold here this morning at 17.35. While three individual sales of single hogs were made at $7. SO, this was by no means the top price, At the extreme values In effect for swine at North Portland today the loal market continues around the top of the ladder for American prices. General hog market range: Pest light tl.Z0Ql.Z5 Medium light 7.25 Good to heavy 7.107.15 Rough and heavy .767.00 Stockers f.OO & M0 Cattle Situation Good. There was only a small supply of cattle reported on the market at North Portland today. Situation In the local trade continues of strong character with prices well maintain ed. Recent receipts here have found quick sales at the prices established several days ago. General cattle market range: Selected steers . , Good to prime . . Good to choice . Ordinary to fair Best cows Good to prime . Ordinary . Selected calves . . Fancy bulls .... Ordinary .0 7.75 . 7.25 7.60 . (.50i6.75 . 6.75 e. 25 6.85 , 6.5006.70 , t.255.50 , 8.0001.50 . 6.5006.75 . 4.0004.25 Mutton Run Nominal. Only a very nominal run of mut ton was shown In the North Port land yards over night Trend of the trade is uniformly strong, with val ues well maintained at the extreme Point for offerings. The scarcity of top lambs Is very pronounced. General mutton market range: Old wethers $6.0006.25 Best yearlings 6.50 Best ewes 5.00 05.50 Best east mountain lambs 7.4007.50 Valley light lamb 7.25 07.35 Heavy spring lambs 6.75 07.25 Livestock Shippers. Hogs Robert McCrow, Goldendale, Wash., 1 load; F. B. Decker, West Sclo, 1 load direct to Union Meat Co.; W. H. Block, McCoy, 1 load direct to Union Meat Co. CattleA. W. Silsby. Ashland, 1 load; John Magli, Brooklyn, 2 loads. Mixed stuff J. C. Davis, Shedd, 1 load hogs and sheep. Cole and Coal MIXED:--2 parts of Coke to 1 part of Coal will give you the same results in your coal stove as though you burned all Hard Coal. Think of the great saving effected by the use of Coke. Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 ARIZONA GOES ViTO "DRY" COLUMN TONIGHT PHOENIX, Ariz., Dec. 31 At midnight the bartenders In every sa loon in Arizona will set out the bot tles and refill the glasses for the last time, for with the coming of 1915, Arlfona, the heart of the once "Wild and Wooly West," will become "dry." A constitutional amendment, en dorsed by the voters of the state, 40 per cent of whom are women, was the instrument by which the change was affected. A comfortable major ity was established at the November election by the prohibition forces In spite of the efforts of the liquor In terests. The- amendment la eelf-op-erative, and carries heavy penalties for violation. Antl-prohibitlon Inter ests already have launched a fight against the law. Several of the ablest attorneys of the state, including for mer Attorney General Geo. P. Bul lard, have been retained totest Its constitutionality before the state su preme court. Open Day and Night Ifeala 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. THE ODuollo RESTAURANT Qxia LaFontain. Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heated 1 10 mom ill LjOD 517 MAIN STREET We have the exclusive Sale In Pendleton of the good old I. W. HARPER WHISKEY which baa taken Gold Medal awards at New Orleans, II 8 S, St Loola, 1104, Chicago, 1895, Paris, 100. 92 Proof at 10 Cents Drink or f 4.50 per Gallon. BREDING, HANSEN 6 MILLER PendlHoa Orego. FREE FOUR.IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" coupon Bring or send five of these Coupons properly sipped and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendleton, Ore.,, .1914 EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO., Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cutout feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Name Addresa- If sent by mail add 2c for postage. at. suim, Ai JJ o 1 A l ri WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FTXERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 7E. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORK Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re monded to day or nlgbt Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS, ATTORNEYS. RALET St RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHS. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. Carranza In accumulating riches is not the first example of accretion by Inertia. Cosy. "The Musical Doughtys." a comedy muslcnl team, la the attraction for; Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I "A Political Feud," a strong drama Hakcr Has 5-1 noli Snow. BAKER, Ore., Dec. 81. The second snow in the last two days started and ' Inside of an hour there was nn inch added to the four Inches of snow al ready on the ground, while the snow continued falling heavily. It has been snowing in the hills and mountains all day and reports from outlying points In tho county are that the present snow storm is by far the heav iest of the season and is already givlnir promise of blanketing tho mountains enough to Insure plenty of water for Irrigation purposes next spring. In two reels. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sella aU kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays axes and make Investments for non residents Writes fire, life and accl lent Insurance. Referenees, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Prea. C. H. MARSH. Bee. BENTLEY 4 LEFFINOWSLL. REAL state, fire, Ufe and accident Insur ance agents. SIS Main street. Phone 04. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DS scriptlon for county court, clrcul court. Justice court, real estate, eto for sale at East Oregonian office. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephont 17; office tellephone 10. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4, Smltk Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. will practice Is all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, I, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEO RGB W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Sckmldt block. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN "nm and second-hand good. Cask for all second-hand goods bougk". Cheapest place in Pendleton to baa household goods. Call and get kla prices. SIS E. Court street Pksae 171W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cask) or give tra for UnsaUHa eouotl farm, 20 to S0 per acre. Address, Box IS. Athena. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION, wedding announcements. mhu.i Private and business station, at. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore fonlan office and see samples. FREDERICK 8TEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office in Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building PHYSICL1NS. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMKO pathl physician and surgeon. Of fite Jujd Block. Telephone: Office Ml W: realdano &1S J AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTION!) makes a specialty of farmers' stoo) and machinery sales. "The man tka get you the money." Leave order at East Oregonian office. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SAT.n nn.T of every description printed at re sonable prices at the Eat Oregonian. We have a fine lot of stock cut. twi our patrons are allowed the free use of. AUCTION 8 ALES THE EAST OH egonlan makes a specialty of aue tlon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an? advertising complete that will assoM you of having a successful sale. fe &EAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY- fit I -M-O-JtS Oi ins