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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
EIGHT PAGES. PATTYV KAST OT? KGOXTAX, PENDLETOX, OTCEflOX, THURSDAY, TiF.CKMHKI I 3 1 , 1011. tagk FIVF SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION Start the New Year Right USE To)1! orJ Pendleton Meat EATS Company The famous "PENDLETON SPIRIT" has been attained only by, and In the direct result of. a com bination of Individual effort moulded together In one grand cause. "WHAT IS DONE FOIl OUU HOME TOWN IS IlEALLY DONE FOIl OURSELVES." ( You have or have not helped, by your pant year's efforts, to make thla the "HIGHEST CITY OF ITS KIZE OX EARTH." ' If you have aided, the results have amply repaid you for your efforts. If you have not, you can eaally realize that your added help, the coming year, will nerve to put Pendleton on the Map Bigger than ever. 'Tendleton for Pendletonlans." Let this be your motive for the coming year and strive to carry It out in Principle and Practice. Make It a realty and fact aa well aa a governing spirit. HOW? Upend Pendleton money In Pendleton owned stores and for Pendleton made- products. Money Is hat makes the mare go and creates good times. Let's keep Pendleton money in Pendleton where It keeps going round. . . Buy "Pemeco" Meats. Xone Better! : Grown In Umatilla County. Prepared in Pendleton by Pendleton labor. We sell It. STAIIT THE XEW YEAR 'AND XEW MONTH 'RIGHT Y ORDERING FROBI The Central Meat Market 10 EAST ALTA ST. PHONE 3S jjfjUllll LOCALS Cfc Advertising in Brief BATES. far line fir loatrtloa lot Per line, addlttoosl Insertion. . . .6e Per Um. r Booth 11-00 he loral takea fur Im tbaa U5c Count ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken ever the phone and remittance Bast accoa paoy order. Bmoke the La Tim a cigar. Phone I. C. 8nyder, chimney sweep. Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 12IR. Oeod winter quarters for horses and rigs at the A Ha barns. For rent Four room houae. phone 24011. Try tho L Homer 10c cigar. For rent Partly furnished bouse. Inquire at the Charles Co. For aale Good dry wood. 110 Thempeo- street, or phona 173J. Wasted Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. Far rent 7 -room modem house. 117 Orango street Inquire, John Vert La Tim cigars, mad hi Pendle ton. 8. Whipple, teacher of violin, brass and stringed Instruments. Phona IS R. Tha Alt House, a good, popular, yet cheap place to stop. J. U. Sheph enson, prop. Five room house for sale on north aide. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" this office. Good dry. black pine wood. 15 60 per cord, 11.00 if sawed. Delivered Cee B. B, Gervats or phono 771. Old papera for sale; tied in bundle Good for starting fires, etc 10c a bundle. This office. Try the West End Market for gro ceries and meats, 1S01 W. Alt cl Phona 771. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For aale Two modern cottages to csted on east Court atreet, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, $760 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent See Berkeley. Wanted Modern unfurnished 6 room house. Inquire F. C. this office. Girl wants position general house work. Inquire Golden Rule Hotel. Room 10. For rent One small room, suitable for one or two people for housekeep ing. 602 Water at. "Mutt" take the big loads and "Jeff" ahows tha speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 147 Main street Phone S3. For sale Modern aeven room houae and seven lots, with barn, close to school. S2&00 takes it Inquire or address "A" this office. Found On Court street, watch and other articles. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving prop erty and paying for this notice. Uncle Sam Has Declared War. On dlseaaed and Impure meat Gov ernment veterinarians inspect the meat we sell and let nothing pass but what is pure. Protect your home trade at the Oregon Market, phone 444. Now Years' Dane A dance will be given Thursday evening. New Tears' eve, at the Moose hall. Music by the United Orchestra. Cash prlxe will b,o given for best waltxer and best rag dancer. Every body welcome. Come and dance the old year out and the new year In. Ad mission 60c; ladles free Adv. MAGEK NOW WITH BRAVES , , v X,. , ; I; VV .. ;: v ' Dance Newr Yonr' Night There will bo public dance In Moose hall New Years night, Friday. January 1st. Big Pendleton United Orchestra. Admission, gents, 60c; ladles free. All are invited Adv. Fpvrorth IO true Social. The Epworth League of the First M E. church will give a New Year's social Thursday evening. December SI, at the honnf Mr. and Mrs. Daie Rothwell, ISIS E. Court atreet. for all Epworthers. A good program is looked forward to and refreshments will be served. Come and have a good time. Adv. J. K. Bartlett of Walla Walla Is at the Ht. George. Fred Danlelson of Arlington Is at the Bowman, W. J. Furnish, prominent Portland capitalist, Is in the city today. James Nolan came over from Pas co this morning on the N. P. train C. A. Gilbert, prominent Echo bus iness man, spent last night In the city. E. E. Geijft of Helix was a visitor in Pendleton yesterday and spent the night here. E. B. Wood, chief special agent of the O-W. R. & N., left for Portland on No. 17 today. Vernal Backman, well known high school student, returned on No. 17 today from Boise where he spent his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Len Shanafelt have returned frm a visit In Kennewlck. Mrs. Shanafelt returned yesterday and her husband arrived this morn Nielttrldcr Probe On. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 31. Ar rest of the alleged North River night riders on the charge of having driv en Mrs. Margaret M. Ross and her two sons from their North River ca bin and on other charges is predict ed by Mrs. Ross, who returned to Aberdeen after a conference with Governor Lister and Attorney Gener al Tanner. Mrs. Ross says both offi cials declared that the North River country would be "cleaned up" and that the attorney general's depart ment would carry on an investlga tlon of the alleged crime. For the Investigation Attorney General Tan ner said he would like to employ State Senator-elect E. E. Boner, of this city, as a special agent. Besides an Investigation by the state, Mrs. Ross says inquiry is be Ing conducted by the federal Interior department through Mr. Sharpe, In terior division superintendent, with headquarters at Portland. The fed eral government is Interested, she says, because of the homesteads in that section dispute over which led to a few of the present quarrels. The North River trouble started a year ago when Mrs. Ross alleged that she and her two sons had been driv en from their cabin by 12 masked men, who ordered them to leave the country. Twelve men were arrested and charged with the crime, but after being twice tried in Raymond all were released. CHARLES 8. WHITMAN. .7 '"7 Former District Attorney Whitman of New York City will be Inaugurated as governor of the state tomorrow. He was elected at the recent election over Governor Glynn. Eastern Oregon Rancher Die. BAKER, Ore., Dec. SI. Richard ( Hullck, a prosperous young ranche of lower Powder, died here after long Illness He had undergone ev-j era operations In an effort to savel hi Iff. Mr. E allele was St years old and unmarried. He was born in Lower Powder and liver there his en tire life. He Is survived by his moth, er, two sisters and four brother. SherWnral Mimw Hard hitting left fielder, long a member of the PhiiAiinhia -itinn. al league club, who has Just been ooia io me uoston Braves. It la be lieved that this deal was made to prevent Ma gee from Jumping to the reaerai league. (Continued from page two.) Mc.Vlno Go to San Diego. LOS ANGELES. Dee. SI. Bound to Hnn Diego where he will represent the president at tha exposition, Mc Adoo left Los Angeles this morning, accompanied by his wife. They went by automobile. pay eon ETQBB MAKP. THIS A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION, Resolved: "That I Will Send My Gro cery Orders to The Specialty Grocery." Mrs. Housewife. QUALITY-LOW PRICES-SATISFACTION HONEST FRESH EGGS Dozen 50 PURE COUNTRY RENDERED LARD, 10 lb. pails ?1.50 FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER DAILY. . SOUR KRAUT Our stock No.'l, real sour, and not too salt.v, . quart- rURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, quart If you like a pure rich vinopar ours will satisfy you. HOOD RIVER CIDER A real apple cider, quart 15 SALT MACKEREL, HERRING, SARDINES, SALMONS AND OTHER CANNED FISH-NEW STOCK. COFFEES THE KIN D THAT SATISFY-SO, 25 30 35, 40? and 45 pound. All brands. Extra Fancy EATING APPLES, box ?1.50 THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY. Phono 470. C28 Main. ''The Above Resolution Will Save You Money." NEXT DOOR TO QUELLE CAFE. J A reception will be Riven tonight at the home of Miss Lois Curl, 211 Washington street, for Rev N. Evan and family of The Dalles. The re ception hours are from 8 to is and all friends, both ladies and gentle men, are included In the invitation to call. Hev. X. Evans, wife and daughter, Led!, will arrive on No. 18 this even ing from The Dalles to spend New Years with Pendleton friends. MIks Ethel Newqulst was hostess to a number of her friends at a delight ful party Ht her home yesterday even ing, dewing, music and social con versation were Indulged in. Refresh ments were nerved. Those present were the Mesdames Earl Glllnnders, C. E. Grltman, D. C. Brown, L. A. Simmons, and the Misses Evelyn Kln mnn, Cora Town, Carrie Ward, Pearl Overby, Dora Myrlck, Pauline Myrlck. Minnie Renn, Florence Lusted Rachel Martin, Mildred Allen Katherlne Scott, Ethel Newqulst. FroiMi Plugs Aid Fire. LAKEVIEW, Ore., Dec. 31. While firemen worked at frozen water plugs flames destroyed the Sullivan and Barry stable and threatened the en tire south end of the town. The lack of wind prevented the fire from spreading. The blare was the third of mysterious origin. The loss was J5000 and was not covered by Insurance. Man to Got $830 for an Kye. ASTORIA. Ore.. Dec. SI. The case of John Martlnous against the Clat sop Mill company waa settled by the filing of a stipulation that the plain tiff secure a Judgment for 1850. The plaintiff, while working in the de fendant's mill lost an eye. India to Conserve Wheat. DELHI. India via London, Dec. 31. In view of the abnormal prices of wheut, the Indian government has de cided to restrict exports to 100.000 tons of wheat. Including flour, from December 1 to March 31, 1915. The exports will be confined to British possession's in which a stronK demand for the cereal exists. NEWS QF FARM AND RANGE AFTER reviewing our past years prosperous business, it is with the greatest pleasure and deepest sincerity that we in turn wish to our friends and patrons one and all A HAPPY AND Prosperous New Year A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith l)rtilvo Sues County. OREGON CITY, Ore.. Dec. Si. An action for $2000 was filed by Detec tive L. L. Levings against Cluckumns county for services rendered in the Hill murder case from July 23 to No vember 1. The suit is based on a contract signed by County Jude Anderson and Commissioner Smith on Julv 23. LevingH presented his bill to tho county court at the November torm. but the court delayed action on It ! until the December term, when it was disallowed. i Wool PritTS May Startle With ex ports of American wool to foreign countries continuing on a large scale the domestic wool situation grows more acute. The news has been con firmed this week of large sales of wool and wool byproducts for ship ment to Germany, ana other foreign countries are also active in the mar ket. Coming at a time when South America is the only free market for clothing wools outside of this coun try, this news has served to Increase the anxiety of the manufacturers who are now making ready to open their Fall, 1915. lines. It has been seml-offlclally an nounced that when the fall prices are ( made, In the first week of January, 1915. the advances will be of a startl-j lng character. The price of wool has not only gone up, but tne dyestuffs difficulty has affected the cost of dyeing to a very large extent. Sever al selling agents handling wool goods cannot name future prices, as their mills are not covered on raw wool and are Indisposed to buy at current high prices, at least until they see how the trade is to order for another season. . I Last week some large purchases of carpet wool were made from China factories, one series of transactions running up to 2,000,000 pounds. The advancing values have forced carpet manufacturers to advance their quo tations to take effect after the first of the year. The demand for wool underwear, wool hosiery, sweaters and blankets continues very steady for for eign use. Portland Oregonlan. Makes Our Tax Seem Small Re ports from other counties regarding their tax levies continue to make the Vmatllla county levy seem low In comparison. The county and Etate levy for Malheur county is 15.5 mills. The levy for Clatsop county Is 14.5 mills. The state and county levy for Vmatllla county Is eight and a hall mills. Hog Have Hydrophobia Addition al swine on Starkey Prairie are show ing signs of having been infected by the coyote which several weeks ago was slain at Starkey after having bitten several hogs In that vicinity. Some twenty or twenty-five hogs have been quarantined under state Jurisdiction, and some of them have been killed and the carcases burned. As fast as the quarantined animals develop symptoms of hydrophobia they are killed by the owners who are show lng every co-operation In Isolat ing the suspected cases and dispos ing of them as they arise. CITY ENGINEER IS LA10 OFF FOR WINTER MONTHS CITY COUNCIL TAKES ACTION LAST NIGHT AS MATTER OF ECONOMY. As a matter of economy, City En gineer Geary Kimbrell has been laid off during the winter montha. The council took this action last evening pursuant to a recommendation made several weeks ago by Mayor Dyer. Councilman Cole made the motion last evenrng. declaring that, while he was opposed generally to laying off a regular city employe, he believed the condition of the city finances at this time demands retrenchment some place. The funds now on hand will not any more than pay the fixed charges and salaries up to the time the city re ceives ita first revenue from the spring taxes, it was explained, and a number of the council predicted that it would be necessary to issue script before March 1. The city attorney gets 1125 a month. The ordinance requiring Oie plac ing of lights at each end of a street obstruction or excavation waa passed last evening. The lights must be kept from sundown to sunrise and must be visible 100 yards away. Vi olation of the ordinance calls for a fine not exceeding 325 or a Jail sen tence not exceeding II days. The ordinance deeding a part of VIncewt -street to B. L. Burroughs & Co. and the Farmers' Union Grain Agency for 3400 was passed. A drug store liquor license was granted to Koeppen Bros. Announce ment waa made that the brick for re pairing the railroad crossing on East Court street had arrived and the con tract had been let but that the O-W. R. & N. company wanted a little more time on account of weather conditions. NEHALEM FISHEIUlEX WANT OPEN SEA SOX NEHALEM, Ore., Dec. JO. A meet ing of the fishermen of Nehalem. Bay waa held here to formulate a plan to have the closed season on salmon removed. At present the 20 days from November 20 to December 10 are closed for fishing in tha river and bay. No other part of the county la similarly affected. Tillamook Bay has no closed season and the fisher men there have thts 20 extra days of fishing more than the local men. Emil Larson, president of the asso ciation, was appointed to take tha matter up with Representative T. B. Handley with the idea of having a bill placed before the legislature to relieve the situation. Not only are the fishermen Injured by the closed season, but the best part of the fishing comes Just when, the men cannot place their nets in the river. Business men of the val ley are working with the fishermen and giving their their hearty sup port. A strong resolution will be sent to the legislature asking that the re lief be granted. The fishermen on the river ar forced to go to considerable expense for their gear; in fact, much mora than those on Tillamook Bay, and they have been unable to clear them selves with the canneries or pay for their nets during the last six seasons. With 20 days taken out of the sea son, the fishermen here are greatly handicapped. They say they cannot see why they should be stopped dur ing a closed season when the fisher men on other waters of the county do not have to. I' 1.1 JI.A. 1 ALLOWED TO MAURY i SALEM. Ore., Dec. 31. Judge Bushey of the county court decided that S. T. Northcutt of Turner needa only a guardian, as claimed by his only daughter, Mrs. Eva Talmerton. Mrs. Palinertun recently secured an Injunction restraining her father, who is "8, from marrying or handling any of his money. He Is worth about $25, 000. Judge Bushey will name the guardian in a few days and in the meantime the injunction holdd good. PART OF imiRF. FUND USED ON M MA.MGAL LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31. That practirally $1700 of the Franklin bribe fund has been expended on be half of Ortie E. McManlgal. is set forth in a detailed report to the coun ty supervisors of the money compris ing the fund. The report was made by the district attorney's office at th request of the board, and Li on fll with the latter body. The report waa called forth by th district attorney's statement that only a part of the fund remains, the rest being charged to secret service work. The fund originally totaled $1000. The disbursement In question was dated some time after tho conviction of the McNamara brothers. While taking stock nt the end of the year we should try to close out leftover supply of moanness. i Miss Elsie Newqulst and Miss Erma j Gcddes of La Grande, are spending j New Years with Miss Newqulst's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. ,A. P. Newqulst. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. McKee and lit tle son arrived home today from Wel- j llngton, Kansas, where they had i been visiting relatives. Mrs. McKee ' and tho baby had been there forxsev ; eral weeks and Mr. McKee, who is i O-W. R. & N. yard master, left Dec. 16 to Join them. M. C. Mets and family, who have been here a number of times, arrived yesterday from Chicago and are guests of the Hotel Tendleton. Thomas A. Grimes and Miss Wini fred H. Perry were married yester day nt the Methodist parsonage by Rev. C. A. Hodshlre. Mrs. Arle C. Hampton l's entertaln- j Intf a fow friends informally this af ternoon nt her homo on High street. BELGIAN TROOPS CROSSING RIVER ON WAY TO FRONT Kaiser's Son to Command. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 31. The ap pointment of Princo Eitel Fricdcrlch. one of the kaiser's sons, to command the first brigade of the imperial guards, was announced. j I i'lk.c l . V ' ' . . . - , v'.--.' - t N' i - !.-,' , , - - , v ' I .. N lasf , i,u -i iw w!W . Mi0i ! i, r j lrLh- v v- --v -v- -i? j f