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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1914)
FAGE TWO. n.VTT V FAST OTn-nOXT W. PENDLETON". OTCEC.ON, TIIUKSPAY, DECEMBER 31, 1014. FTfSTIT PACES. 77s is the Season for the Ex pression of Good Will and We . . . . .. ii urn m ii i ! . Wish to Express Ours. Wi E have just closed the largest and best year in our history and therefore have much to be thankful for. We wish to express our good will to those who buy our goods and to those who don't. We wish all a Happy New Yearthat you may all succeed in all your worthy undertakings. Here's to you and your family, may you all live long and prosper. mm. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trade. Save Yoar T. P. W. Trading Stamp This store will be closed all day tomorrow, New Years Day SPORTSl SPORT DOPE. BY HAL SHERIDAN. (Written for the United Press ) NEW YORK. Dec. SO. Battling: Levinsky is hot on the trail of Jess Wlllard. If you'll take It from Dan Morgan. The latter Is the busy letter-writing manager of the battling one and he la agitating for a match. Danny haa Issued a "Green Paper." comparable with the vari colored pa per of the European countries, in which the literary manager gets the following off his mind: "Jens Wlllard to fight Jack John son " It sounds like a Joke after Gunboat Smith outpointing him in 20 rounds and Bearcat McMahon whipping him at Youngstown, Ohio, a short time ago. Battling Levinsky has been trying to get Wlllard into a ring with him for the past year, tut, up to date Big Jess refuses to box the Battler. Levinsky has whip ped every heavyweight including Gunboat Smith and Bearcat McMa hon. and stands ready to box Jess Wlllard under any conditions. Lev insky thinks "Wlllard is like a wood en Indian that cannot box and la so slow that he is in his own way. Now, 1f the promoters of Jess Wlllard will .sign up for Levinsky, the public will not be bothered with any more press stuff regarding Wlllard to box John son, since Levinsky will whip him without any trouble and convince the annrMnv world that Big Jess is a hue Joke." Helo! Of course Morgan is very much peeved because he has been Ig nored frequently by the white hope nmnaeers but It is an open question whether Levinsky has the punch. If he does manage to get a powerful whIIoii developed it is to be hoped that he will get the whole crew into one ring at one time and put mem away for good. And then retire. Amid all this talk about saving mnpv In the baseball business, re trenchments In salaries, limiting of routers and the like, comes one sug rpiilon from the far west which puts r - THE TURNING POINT D.'gin the .New Year by re solOiiK to take boiU-r rare of the dlgertiv system and hraUJi is assure. Should wenkliewi develop at any time, remember, a real flrwt aid iu Stonuv-h trouble is IIOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters I all other economies Into the shade. author of this newest and world beating idea of saving much kale for the poor, penniless magnates. They have been reading the memoirs of Russell Sage and the life of John D. Rockefeller with an occasional dip into Poor Richard's Almanac. After much careful study of these Immortal works the magnates met In secret extraordinary session and finally evolved the following rule; to-wlt, that the home management shall fur nish only two new balls to the um pires at the start of each game in stead of three as heretofore. Give Pittsburgh University a clean bill of health. The 125-year-old In stitution deserves the verdict. The wild rumors that have been circulat ed to the effect that there was pro fessionalism in the ranks of Pitt's crack football team were nailed to the mast today by K. E. Davis, grad uate manager of athletics at the Smoky City University. Acting on a suggestion recently made In this column that "where there was so much smoke there ought to be an explanation," Gradu ate Manager Davis has Irrefutably shown the smoke to have come from Pittsburg's factory chimneys, or from some of the so-called "Big-Four" class teams who were larrupped by the Plttsburghian clan at football last fall, and wanted to show an alibi. Manager Davis gives his alibi in the form of a pretty "complete history of every member of the team. At any rate, the history Is complete enough to dispel any idea that the Plttsburgs eleven had a taint of pro fessionalism in its system. If there are still remaining any unbelievers who want to be convinced, the his tories of the Pitt players may be had from the writer on application. Manager Davis' communication bv the way, conveys the rather inter estlng Information that, with two ex ceptlons, Pennsylvania furnished all except two of the regulars. Witn these two exceptions, all learned the rudiments of the game In western Pennsylvania high and prep scnools three of them at Eellefonte acad emy. Another point that might interest those who started the professionalism rumor is the fact that the eligibility rules at Pittsburg university are practically Identical with those of the hm cimtprn institutions, with the i,m exception of the residence rule Popular demand Inside the school thin vear will nut such a rule into .ffe-t before another twelvemonth according to Manager Davis. 4 Tonight at midnight the year 1H will die and the year 191S will be born. The death of the, old and the birth of the new year will be mark ed by many Joyous celebrations In Pendleton, watch parties, large and small, being the order of the evening. Ihe Hotel Pendleton will be the scene of a large gathering of celebrants. During the evening many of the friends of Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Vincent, Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Boyden, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson D. McNary. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson E. Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E Judd will call at the Vincent home for the old-fashioned "open house." various church organ izations have planned social rather- ENGLISH PAPERS DISCUSS PROTEST OF THIS COUNTRY GAZETTE SAYS BRUSQUE TONE OF AMERICA SHOULD NOT IRRITATE PEOPLE. LONDON. Dec. II. Commenting Expsrienccd Vcmta . Advise Gather's Friend Because. It Is mo perfectly as fa to use and has been of such great help to a bout of exjwcouit mothers, these wo men, experienced la this moat happy period, advUe the use of "Mother's Friend." Applied externally to the abdominal muscles Its purpose is to relieve the undue tension upon the cords and ligaments resulting from muscular exiunslun. Beneath the sur face Is a network of fine nerve thread and the gt-ntlo. soothing embrocation, "Mother's Friend." Is designed to so lubricate the muscular fltirua as to avoid the unnecessary and continuous tusglns upon this mjrUd of nenrea. Applied to the brreats It affords the proper oiawage lo prevent raking. There is acaro-ly a well-atonked lru tor anywhere but what you can oaaily obtain a bottle of "Mother's Friend" and rasa 'Mm' te Pall Mall Gazette said: "We should bear In mind that America haa never adopted the silky tone of European diplomacy. We shouldn't show Irritation at the brusoue word ings and numerous Informal watch ing of the note, and we should real- partiea are on the calendar for the ue there always haa been mutual good nlht-, will between the two countries " " " I "We desire to do everything in our Yesterday afternoon at .the home power." observed the Westminster of Mrs. J. W. Maloney on South' Gazette, "to mitigate the situation for Main street the ladles f the Presby- neutrals Yet to prevent our check terlan Missionary society enjoyed a In rrnih.r m on the United States' note to England "eary every town ana viiingo is a grandma who nereeir use4 It in earlier Intervene on the side of Germany and we are sure this Isn't the Inten tion of the American note." SHEEP CROSS ICE ON SNAKE WHEN FERRY IS IDLE 1800 ANIMALS ARE DRIVEN ACROSS FROZEN RIVER OX WAY TO MARKET. ROBINETTE. Dec. 31 Nelae West report made by Mrs. Chaffee to the police. Mrs. Chaffee estimated the monetary value of the articles at $10,000. The articles taken include Chinese ivory. Jade ornaments and Jewelry, among hlch was a signet rlgnet ring worn by the general at the time of his death. MILLIONAIRE BRIDE TO SUE MOTHER-IN-UW Some day next year the world may learn what is behind the mystery of the hidden fleets. CHAFEE'S TROPHIES STOLEN FROM WINDOW LOS ANGELES, Cal, Dec. 31. Vir tually all of the latet General Adna R. Chaffee's trophies, mementos of his campaigns in China and other lands, were stolen some time after his death, November 1, according to a ' I I I I III lilii.M I IIM.. ( - : .,::. - '':.:. , "' " -f i .' . - ..: -v.V i 3 . . . 'f . . : S J--- 'xv.'vm i .... , iX'- "' I ( , W r V ' . - . , ' 2 W ! Mjf i u ! Mrs. Keith Donaldson. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31. Mrs. Evelyn Willis Hunter Donaldson, the beautiful divorced wife of Keith Don aldson and widely known In New York and Philadelphia as the "mil lion dollar bride," has announced that Hhe will sue her mother-in-law, Mrs. William Lonaldcon.' for $300,000 for fake arreKt after an altercation. Mrs. Keith Donaldson spent severa hours In a cell and was finally released on $300 ball to keep tho peace. Mrs. DonaldHon was arrestea vn a charge of trespassing after a scene at the homo of her mother-ln-law. "I need money," sId the. "million dollar bride, "and I urn going to sue my mother-ln-law for $300,000 for the Indignities she has thrust upon me.'' social meeting. The employes of the eastern Ore gon state hospital are making plans now for a dancing party In the big! auditorium of that Institution next Wednesday evening. A number of town people have been invited to at tend. For the members of the organiza tion who are home from college for the holidays, the Phoenix Club met socially last evening at the home of Miss Muriel Perlnger and at 1 o' clock this afternoon enjoyed a lunch eon at the Hotel Pendleton. The hon or guests are Misses Helen and Mary, 8nd F Selgle crossed 1800 head of Johns. Miss Leura Jerard. Miss Zella hP on the Ice a mile above Rob Thompson and Miss Claire Raley. J D't,e tn mouth of Powder rtver e I Monday. The Ice was running so bad Mrs. James Johns, Sr.. entertained ,hat ,h could not cross. They delightfully the members of the North ,th"' ad to cross them on the ice Side Bridge Club and a few other or ,ak th" clear to Welser Flat guests yesterday afternoon at her an1 Poably would have lost many Jackson street home. Honors were ' tnen- won by Mrs. Q. D. Haslett- The' une hundred head of hogs crossed guests outside of the membership ln- tM riv'r at the mouth of Powder rlv eluded Mrs. Howard Stephens. Mrs.." ln lc. John Rust, Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, Mrs Snake river Is dropping very fast James Johns, Jr., Mrs. Robert N, Stanfield. Miss Elsie Gross (Walla SURPRISES MANY Walla) and Miss Alice Butler. IN' PENDLETON e The QUICK action of simple buck C. S. Terpening had a birthday, thor b"k. glycerine, etc. as mixed yesterday and it was made the oc- ln Adler-l-ka. the remedy which be cosion of a delightful surprise by cm famous by curing appendicitis. thirty-five of his friends who dropped " surprising Pendleton people. Man In upon him last evening without an-1 have found that this simple remedy nouncement and spent several enjoy- drains so much foul matter from the able hours In his company. A" huge system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves bouquet with appropriate congratula- constipation, sour stomach and gas on Hons was presented to him. A num- tne stomach almost IMMEDIATELY ber of extemporaneous recitations Adleri-ka Is the most thorough bowel snd musical numbers helped to make cleanser ever sold. Tallman & Co the occasion more pleasant. years. Expectant mothers are urged to try this splendid assistant. Mother's Friend has been prepared by Braddeld Regulator Co., 119 Lamar Bldg.. Atlanta. Ua.. for nearly half a eratury. Send f . r valuable Dttie bowk to expectant nivlbrra. WELL KNOWN MEN ON TRIAL AT HERMISTON I drUKKlsts. Adv I Mr. and Mrs. H. O. F. Eggers of 400 Jackson street, will have as din ner guests this evening Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Longmeler and daughter Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Anderson Mr and Mrs George A. Hartman, Jr., have returned from a holiday vis It in Portland. 10 NOW ENMESHED IN INDIANA FRAUD DRAGNET INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. SI. Five more men. Including E. E. Talbot, city controller of Terre Haute, and George Ehrenhardt. a member of the Terre Haute board of public works. were arrested at Terre Haute y fed eal authorities on an Indictment re turned December 2$ charging con W Phrtstmna with splracy to corrupt the election of November 3 last. After a his parents and sisters, Winn Stewart left this morning for Portland. The Moose lodge entertained its members and friends last evening at a dancing party in the lodge hall. An extraordinarily large crowd was pres ent and a most enjoyable time was had In the evening. llclglum to be Cloned. ROTTERDAM. Dec. SI. Beginning January 1 the German administration ln Belgium Intend to close the Bel clan borders against all comers. No pasports will be Issued or recognized Refreshments were served late ""I" th "l-ecial military pass. The cause lor mis unusual precau tUn Is not known here, but it is be lleved to have been ordered to pre vent espionage. GERMAN AMBASSADOR Af t'USED OF PLAGIARISM . AvtrpM-Dunmitlc Thief BOSTON. Dec. 30. Elizabeth O' Connell. who has had a varied career as actress, waitress and domestic and who has served one term ln Juil because she could not curb her desire for finery, recently retracted her plea' of not guilty of the theft of Jewelry snd money worth $1250 from Mrs. Henry L. Kincalde, of Quinc-y, and was sentenced by Judge Dubuque In Dedham to an indefinite term at Sherborn. Mrs. O'Connell. who Is also known us Viola Connell and Viola Elizabeth Collins, was sentenced to Sherborn late In November by Judge Avery In the Qulncy District Court, but appeal ed, and was remanded to the Ded- ham Jail In default of $500 ball. When her case was reached In the Superior Court she announced her decision to admit her guilt. She worked for the Kincalde fam ily until September, when she de parted suddenly. With her went a handbag containing $50 In nfoney and Jewelry valued at $1200. Colonel Kincalde started a search for her with the aid of private detectives and re covered a large part of the valuables. She was sentenced to 30 days Im prisonment In the Charles-street Jail. ii u leanieu lur a, uuij men. lomatIC circles aver th rh.r.. nd detectives were on hand to ar-1 plagiarism against Count von Bern- rest her for the Kincalde larceny rff, the German ambassador to when she was released, late In Nov- the United States, details of which ember. The Jewelry she stole includ- are printed In the current Issue of ed a diamond sunburst, a diamond the Nation, under th mnti a pendant, diamond rings, scarf pins study of Resources." "Enellsh Tn- Ambnsaor Count Von Bomstorff. WASHINGTON. Dec. Si Endless comment Is being made In local dlp- and clohtea. Woman Shoots Wildcat. LADYSMITH. Wis.. Dec. SI Mrs. J riuence In Count von Bernstorfrs Oration " The Nation contains cop ies of a letter from William Dawson, the English author of "The Evolu- W. D. Smiley brought down a large Hon or Modern Germany, and an wlldcat recently with her rifle Fac- other from Bert Edward Young, in Ing the animal with coolness until whlrh he points out the apparent it had approached within 40 feet of similar language and shadings be- her and was preparing to spring, she tween the work of Dawson and the gave It a bullet squarely through the oration "The Development of Ger- head. I many as a World Power." delivered The animal weighed 6S pounds and by Count von Bernstorff before the measured 4 feet and 1 inch from nose American Academy of Political and to tall. Though there Is a $6 bounty Social Science, was published as a on wildcats upon presentation of the supplement to tho annals of the eralp fit the office of the county Academy of Political aT.d Social Sol clerk, Mrs. Smiley has preferred to ence ln January. 1910. According to have her trophy mounted by a tuxl-. Young. Dawson's work was published dermlst. In 1908. at a to CHARGE OF SHOOTING DICK AFTER LAWFUL HOURS II LED AGAINST THEM, (Special Correspondence.) HERMISTON, Ore. Dec. 31. Rep. resentatlve elect, J. T. Hlnkle and Dr. Garfield of Pendleton were on trial before Justice of the peace E. P. Dodd on the charge of shooting wild fowl out of legal hours. The defendants were tried before a Jury and the Ter. diet had not been reached. There was much speculation on the streets as to the probable outcome. County Game Warden Averlll Is In the city to lend his assistance to the prose cutlon. Miss Stella Pearl was the hostess at a delightful luncheon at her home on South Hill In honor of Miss Lillian Littler who leaves Satnrday for Eu gene. Miss Pearl's guests lnrluitt the Misses Corliss Agnew. Fannie Todd. Maude Fhelps, Lillian Littler and Mrs. M. E. Pearl. now Fercey was the host Tarty V ednesday evenlnr. Miss Bessie McPherson entertained at cards on Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. E. Littler was delightfully surprised this afternoon when a num ber of her friends gave her a fare well party, each guest Just happening In for an afternoon chat. H. J. Longly ho has been In Port- nu ior several weeks returned Hermlston the first of tne week. M. J. Barthel returned to Hood River Tuesday after spending the hol idays at home with his family. Mr. Larthel is bookkeeper for the New Port Land and Construction Co., and Is there In connection with the Co lumbia Highway contract Miss Lillian Littler was the guest of friends In Pendleton over Tuesday. Miss Virginia Todd was the m..t of Mrs. Thomas Hawthorne ln Irrl- gon, Sunday. Mrs. Laura Headlngton made a bus iness trip to Echo Monday. Mrs. Harry Dryer was up from l matllla Tuesday. Mrs. J. I. Agnew ami Hnn-hinp MU Corliss Agnew returned from Portland yesterday mornlna- aftr a. visit of several days with friends In mat city. Dr. J. A. Campbell who snenf th holidays in Portland ' returnoil hnmo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson return. ed from their honeymoon trip to lortland and Salem Sunday morning. Mrs. Patterson was formerly Miss Nona lrvln of this city. A rabbit shoot Is belne nlnnni for the near future In the solthwest Part of the project Starting at the ennock ranch the line will drive north and west to the Fande ranch. It Is hoped that this drive will ma terially decrease the number of rab bits in this section. Again there looms above the hori zon the citizen who begins the new year by making loud and foolish noises. EVERY STREET IN PENDLETON. Has Its Share of llio Proof That Kid ney Sufferers Seek. Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed with urinary ills? Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look far. Use what Pendleton people recommend. Every street In Pendleton has Its cases. Here's one man's experience. Let S. P. Hutchinson, nroo. West End Chop Mill, 1610 W. Webb St.. tell It Ha says. "I was caused a great deal of suffering by a dull pain in my hack Just over my kidneys. For long time I didn't think it was caused by weak kidneys, but I often noticed that my kidneys were sluggish and that the kidney secretions did not pass freely. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved the pain In my back and trouble with the kldnoy secretions." (Statement given May 18, 1910 ) OVER TWO TEARS LATER Mr. Hutchinson said: "I still use Doan's Kidney Pills with very good results. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney I'ills the same that Mr. Hutchinson had. Foster-Mllburnt Co, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.