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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1914)
. pack no, it. DAILY EAST OREGOXTAy. rKXDT.ETOX, PRECOX, MONDAY, DECFDEIt28, 1014. KI01IT PAOES. y 1 mm RESOLVED Conic in anJ lot us show you fruits and vege tables. You'll buy when you SEE. Ye are willing to turn the light on our business methods. A liflj'j'v Xew Year to all and many of them. We thank our patron? for thoir buMiioss during the pat year. Xext year, same iri-;h.'k huhfjt quality, lowest prices. PHONE 96 STANDARD GHOGERY GO. Where all sre Pleased . Court and Johnson Sta. i JHOIi RUPPF.RT PAYS to me and deed for the land will be $100,000 I Kn BALL CXiVU delivered. If you accept the foregoing propos al, please attach the original of this letter to your copy of the contract. sign the duplicate and return to me If for any reason all of the above condition are not complied with, then this offer shall be void and the pres ent contract remain In effect with out modification. Tours truly, G H. PLUM ME It. Western Land Agent Offer I Gratifying. That he will gladly accept the gen . -EN ', Vt j i - '." i X'-v' 1 M ? ' i. : r I : Jacob Ruppert, Jr.. of New York City, one of the richest brewers In the country and fur several terms a member of congress as a representa tive of Tammany Hall, has bought 'the New Tork club of the American league for a price somewhere be twwn and $500,000. The iuh h,iB been owned since It was or-rnl-d by Frank Farrell and William Newsy Note's of Pendleton JuOk Parke 1H. fried to Philadelphia where It will be Justice of the Peace Joe II. Purkes placed aboard the flour ship which Is confined to his home with a severe in soon to sail. attack of rheumatism. Wood iuby Die. At 10:JO last night the five weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Woods died following an Illness since Its birth. The funeral will be held at the family home, 1X17 West A1U street tomorrow ariernoon ai i u - clock. Molitor Loading How lor. Adolph Molltor, formerly of this city, holds the high indiviauai age'ln the bowling tournament being held In Walla Walla. He naa partici pated In 15 contests and has a total of 2716 pins to his credit for an aver age of 181. His team Is also In the lead. ' Loafer Fle Pay. Pred'Koss. arrested for disorderly conduct In the Coffee Club rooms Sat urday was given five days In Juil mis morning. Harry Watson, another Coffee Club loafer, got a Blmllar sen tence while three others were given orders to leave The city. John Wilson, the boy with Watson was sent to Her-ml-ston where the Coffee Club man agement found a home for him. plvorcv TrU Op, The divorce trial of Ira Hughes vs. Edith Hughes la being tried before Judge Phelps today. IMonerr's IXincral Hold. The funeral of the late J. Calvin Coombes. pioneer of this county, was held this morning at o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church and Interment followed at Olney cemetery. lU'licutl to lie Insane. A man giving the name of John Wood, and believed to be Insane, has been picked up by the police. He was mumbling Incoherently to himself as he walked down the street. - He will be examined by physicians. Stole Stamps; Arrested. Chief of Police Kearney yesterday took off of No. 17 a man giving the name of J. F. Goetschlus, who Is al tered to have stolen $9.75 worth of stamps from Y. Axuma. the Japanese timekeeper for the O-W. It. & N. at Gibbon. The Jap had telegraphed a description and his apprehension was easy. In his valUe were found most of the stamps. He will be given a preliminary hearing soon. Government Seeds Here. The East Oregonlan is In receipt of a limited amount of seeds for free distribution by the department of ag riculture, the seeds being part of the allotment to Senator Chamberlain. The seeds received here Include peas, cucumber, lettuce, onion and radish. Parties desiring to secure packages may obtain them by calling at the business office. Farties Uvin? out of town may secure the seeds by mail erous offer of the railroad company' if thev make their requests promptly. Is stated by Mr. P.obinson. The con- " cession will mean some $45$ n him. n fop clfornlIl The condition Imposed regarding cul- w T. Thomnfmn. nr-siJent of the tivatlon will be no bar as the land, v.., nv .i mm. is already fenced and partly farmed.; Qf the-Panama.raciflc falr com. s iai(sr I'uruun ui ine anu unuer; . . . . jrt Portland where today he left In com- the Umatilla project was owned by! Vk "pany with two other commissioners other purchasers have rece ved treat- . , . .,-.. nuu iiiciiiwvia i"c . v u . ...... Farmer SimhI for Divorce. Charging her husband, Alfred P. Myrlck, of being morose. Burly, bestial and dnnKerous, his wife, Margaret1 Evelyn Myrlck. today Instituted pro ceedings for a divorce and, besides the decree, she asks for the custody of their three year old child, for 150 a month for Its support, for half of the money, notes and other personal property of the defendant and for such of his real property as the court may deem Just, for 1500 attorney fees and various other small amounts She alleges that the estate of her hus band Is worth 150,000 The defendant will fight the case and has retained W. M. Peterson to file an answer and croAs bill. Raley & Raley are Mrs. Myrlck'a attorneys. In her com plaint, Mrs. Myrlck goes Into detail In describing her husband's alleged cruel and Inhuman treatment. She declares she lives In dally fear that he will kill her. their child and him self as he has threatened. A num ber of times he has left home, she I charges, and as often begged to be! taken back. Finally, she charges, he agreed to allow her to live In his, house In this city, known as the Ar- nold house, without being molested' by him but declares that on Christ-j mas, while she was In Helix, he took, possession of the house and notified her that she would have to live with ! him. Rather Icy and Wet, Are You Prepared to Keep Dry? You know this is the kind of weather you need good shoes, and a good pair of overshoes or rubbers so you can stand up. Then too, a Raincoat will be necessary. Better come to The Golden Rule Store where you can buy what you want for less, you know we buy for less, we sell for less. l.udieu' rubberized coats that will lecp you dry ; why pay $7.50 when our every lay priro i only $4LJJ Tallies' rulilxM-izcil coats, the bettor kind, a $10.00 value at ouly $0.00 Ladies' cravenett Vain coat, a splendid $12.50 value at $0.00 Ladies' gcmiino galiordino tliH)ii rain eoat.f, you could not duplicate elsewhere under $17.50 and $20.00, Golden Kule price $12.50, 91 1.75. Kain coats for men in the different kind at about n third less than else where for wo buy them for less 91.08, 9000, 90.00 Men's genuine jraWrdinc slipon rain coats at only $12.50, $14.75 .!n f th. rnirn romr,nv win h " Francisco to attend the dedi. ,i,iv .:ction of the Oregon building on New lng of the San Diego fair and plans to be away about two weeks. people. MASSACRE OF CIVILIANS CURRIED OUT BY THE TURKS REFUGEES FROM SCEXE DE CLARE AGED MEX AXD WOM EN WERE PUT TO DEATH. PETROGRAD. Dec. 2 S. That the Turkish military' commander at Bush Kara. Armenia, ordered a massacre of the town's civilian population when S. Devery, former chief of police I j tne Russians approached was charged New York. They have made someb' fugitives from the scene of the Money out of It. but the club has aI,e?ed daughter. Even aged men never t.-en a Mg winner, and has 'and women and children were butch tern manaji d so poorly that It fall-! Prpd. it was asserted. It was said the ed t.i t-e the money maker it might homes of Christians w ere Invaded have been. T'.iseliall men feel cer- everywhere and looted while the oc taln thi;t unJr the vigorous manage i cupants were thrown through wln rnent of Cul. Rjj.;ert a club which 'dnws into the streets. According to would amount to something In big advices received only 30 men escaped. tin b Yoik. ir.ii:lit be built up in New I'l R('M F:itS fK X. P. LAXD rXDER UMTM.I.A I'liO. ,n:t T .irr rig gut ' f'.n'.ine1 fron; pc cne.5 lng cniidltinns 1 an.l 2 tht effect fho'jll 1-e the project mar. ?er a certificate to XoUop. There will be a masquerade iall at the German hall December 31st Four prizes awarded, two for ladies and two f-.r men. Adv. Mad Cat Is Killed. Mad dogs, mad coyotes and horses and cattle affected with the rabies have been reported often of late but this morning a mad cat was report ed to the police from 208 West Webb street. The feline had terrified the neighborhood, chasing children in doors, leaping up Into the air and per forming wierd antics besides emitting very savage snarls. Officer Alex Manning responded to the call sent In and, when he came In sight of the cat. It snarled at him and made ready for fight. A bullet between the eyes ended Its mad career. Rum Fatal to Woman. UEXATCHEE. Wash.. Dec. 23 While warming a blanket for her crippled grandson Mrs. T. W. Cowan's dress caught fire and she was burned so badly that rhe died a few hours later. tilBTS When she discovered the flames she threw the blanket around her and roll ed In the snow to extinguish the fire. Her husband. County Commissioner Cowan, of Chelan county, was sum moned from the court house, arriv ing at their home In Enttat Valley, 20 miles notrth of here, shortly before she died. After the funeral Tuesday the body will be taken to Colfax, their former home for burial. Four grown chil dren survive. if Hooch First Quality Rubbers and Overshoes For Leu Ladies' shoes in pun metal, vici or patent at least 25 per cent lea than vou will buy them elsewhere $1.08, 92.25, 92.40, 92.08, 93.50. Misses' shoes in the different leather at ?l.-iO, 910, 9i 90 Children's shoes, at the same rer cent savings, 40? 00?, 08?, 91.15. IWs' shoes built for the rough and tumble toy, at 9140, 9100, Men's shoes for heavy work or dress, button cr lace Our Shoe Policy is to Give You Better Foot Value FOR LESS 92.40, Ladies' never sdip foot holds 43? Ladies' storm rubers 40? Misses' storm rubbers 40 Boys' storm rubbers....- 58? IWs' role sole rubbers..- - 75? Men's storm rubbers CO? Men's roll sole rubbers OS? Children's 2 buckle overshoes OS? ics 2 buckle overshoe ?y3W'ivA top, 4 buckle over- X.UC3 1,1 iMen a 2 buckle overshoes Men's 4 bucklo overshoes 92.40 Ladi Ladies' Jersey shoes -. - at 1 You can do better at We Lead Others follow Villa Leaves Mexico City. SAN ANTONIO. Dec. 2S A Vera Crus dispatch to the Mexican consti tutionalist consulate asserted that Villa and part of his forces had evac uated Mexico City to save Torreon. where it was said the Vllllsta garrison revolted. Hour Slilppi to Ilolglum, Pendleton's contribution to the car go of flour being shipped from Am erica to suffering Belgium was load ed and shipped out today o-er the O.W. It. & N. which company as well as other railways have offered to hmi! th shinments without cost. In the Fhlpment were 8 4 barrels, costing i over 400. Five barrels were con tributed by the Echo mills and several Hermlston people were represented Notice j ine nour was bulrpu omu T in,., in tilll 1,M a rail sack. Desiues me name "i meeting Tuesday afternoon, the 2 9th, j was stenciled the fact rv r.rHor nf the irom rendition nr me JKKOMK OX TKAII, Ol' THAW procured from for general business, ind forwarded' commander. Adv. ' lief fund. that It was Belnlum rc- The shipment will be car- rW,!'Tnmim!;'l!r''',f"'t"!'!;ti'!!!'l!!!';' "t;'!rHT:!'!!!MII1!!!!!l!!!l Pastime Theatre Tonight THREE BIG ACTS The Incomprehensible Mental Phenomenon fa b nn 1 Ivsi if mm Pauline Ha" iff Who Has Mystified the Scientists of both Hempisheres. Ask anything you want to know regarding her PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE SHE KNOWS The Humorous Dutch Comedian FR5TZ ECAUFEUSMJ Burlesque, Magic, Crayon Drawings and Ventriloquism The Sensational Dancing Act La BqIo Albertine In Maud Allen's Famous Bare Foot Dance The Cleopatra Cobra Dance j Beautifully Costumed! Using Live Texas Rattlesnakes! j Entire Change of Pictures 1 Admission: Adults 20c Children 10c H iliffih EIS SUM PLACED IN TRUST FOR CARE OF INVALID SON OVKH HALF OK ESTATE OF IjATE MItS. HOtiEIW LEFT FOK THIS PURPOSE. More than half of the valuable es tate of the late Mrs. Caroline Kogers. who died on Dec. 5, was left by her to provide fr her son, Doc. F. Rog ers, who is a confirmed invalid. The will of the deceased pioneer woman specifies that 125,000 Is to be placed in tru.-t for this son wttn his sister, Mrs. Dixie Oliver, of Buhl. Idaho. The remainder of the estate Is divid ed among her six other children, share and share alike. The estate Is valued at between MO.000 and 150,000. For the most part It consists of 480 acres of land rear Echo. In her will she directs that this be sold and, after the 125.000 has been taken out. that $1200 be given each of the following children: Dixie Oliver of Buhl. Harry C. nogers of Echo, Judd S. Rogers of Tendleton, Lucille Gillette of Echo and Neva Rettlnger of Portland. It Is explained In the will that Edward 8. Talbott of McMlnnvllle, a son by a previous murrlage. had been given $1200 out of a heritage received by her from the Charles Sitton estate of Portland. Ralph R. Stanfleld Is named as ad mlnlKtrator nnd has already filed his bonds. The appraisers. Fred W. An drews. Peter Sheridan and ."am R. Thompson, were appointed today by Judge Maloney. Raley & Raley have been acting as attorneys in settling the estate. More American Glte Aid. PARIS, Dec. 28. It Is pointed out here that every day Americana .are doing something to win the gratitude of French people. During the past week Alfred 8. Heldelbash, president of the American Chamber of Com merce, gave 10.000 franca for the benefit of the French soldiers and their allies. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt contributed 125.000 francs to the American ambu lance and Miss, Julia Aylward gave 100.000 francs for war victims. Twelve children of Redlteley, Cal.. contributed articles made by them selves which were sold for HOI francs. . Miont and Kill Hfmxrlf. LOS AXOELES, Dec. 28. Edward Savage, 65. a real eetat dealer shot and killed himself. The, cau.e is unknown. William Travors Jmmie, NEW YORK, Dec. 28. William Travers Jerome, who as district at torney of New York county, conduct ed the propeeutlon that resulted In Harry Thaw being sentenced to Mat- tcnwun Inwine afjlum, in still the. riemeHlM of the young millionaire mur- derer of Stanford White. As special i.ttornev L',ner:il Mr Jerome will aid1 Deputy Attorney Ocncral Frank Ken redy in arranging for the speedy ex tradition of Thaw from New Hamp shire and In conducting the prosecu tion of Thaw on the charge of con- Hlru to t-M:ai from ilattfaWal. ill MACLYN ARBUCKLE With Willis P. Sweatnam in Geo. Ade's Comedy Drama Triumph "f Is Diiiiity teirea" A RHIllan Story of I-ovo and Folith With an Abundance of Laughable Incident. CAST OF CHARACTERS The Honorable Jim Hackler Maclyn Arbucklo Sussafras Livingston Willis P. Hweatnam Tlllford Wheeler.. Harold Lockwood Lucy Rlgby Daisy Robinson Kllas Rlgby William Lloyd Mrs. Rlgby Helen Aubrey Lortna Watklns Mabel Wllber Chick An,y Summers Jos. Whittaker Wellington A. Tlayter Arbuckle Is the Ideal good nutur'ed fnt man. He started out us a lawyer in Texarkana, but found more in ducements offered In ptage work and for many years has been the great exponent of American humor. George Ade's political comedy brings out smiles and laughter In his hands. Willis P. Sweatnam as the negro character will be remembered by for his work as the ruuman local stage two. years the many porter on ago. ?nn THE STOUV. Jim Hackler and Ellas Riby had been boyhood friends, and when together they enllsUd In the Civil War, both loved the same girl, who, however, favored Jim. In the army Rlgby In tercepted the lovers' mall, and after the war was ended made the girl his wife, and Jim has been his political enemy ever since. In order to defeat Rlgby for prosecuting attorney, Hack ler storms the convention ot his party, and secures the nomina tion for Wheeler without the latter's knowledge. Jim's youthful partner Is engaged to Rlgby' daughter, Lucy, but despite that fact he Is forced to make the race by the County Chairman. Wheeler, however, promises the girl he will not make a person al fight against her futher, and lives up to that agreement until Rlgby publicly asfalls him lit a political meeting. In an out burst of anger Wheeler thereupon mounts the platform and vlg oroUHly denounces Rlgby. A a result of thla action the en Kaxemefit la broken. At this Juncture Hackles discovers proof that Rlgby Is a thief, which he Is about to expose nnd disgrace his enemy w hen Rlgby' wife, toward whom Jim still feels tenderly, pleads with him not to publish the facts of her husband's guilt; and Jim's deathless love for the woman conquers his desire for revenge. Hackler, however, is equal to allmergencles. He so manipu lates political wires and so contrive the young man's romantic affairs that, as the smoke of battle clears away, the County Chairman and his political protege emerge triumphant, the for mer with a gratified vengeance, and the latter with his office and his bride. U crpnnr? n JliLS THE HOME of the PARAMOUNT PROGRAM Tomorrow "LITTLE LORD FAI'NTLEROY," to which all children under twelve years will be ad mitted free when accompanied by their parents. ,,,,,,,,!;,.p,,,.M....,.t.;i;;M.;tf.-M 'r!!!,!!!;'!::!:.!!!l!'!'!l!"!ll"i;!l!!!tt!Vi:!:i:!" '!V!;ri!!iiiMi!iviM'iiH',i,ii'V,',M,,M','''',,l,,,,,,,H,'HVV!Vf!!!M7""!f!!!!!!!!!??"' .' .immi.iiuuuilmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu