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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1914)
ETOTIT PAOE& EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR YOU CAN TIRING HACK CflXH AND LUSTRE WITH SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR. When you darken your hair with! Saie Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It a done ao naturally, ao evenly. Preparing thla mixture, though at home la muggy and trou blesome. For SO centa you can buy at any drug atore the ready-to-use tonlo called "Wyeth'a Sage and Sul phur Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or aoft bruah with it and draw Uila through your hair, taking on email ttrand at a time. r morning all gray hair disappears, and after another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark ened, glossy and luxuriant. You will alao discover dandruff la gone and hair baa atopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dla trace, la a algn of old age, and M we all deelre a youthful and attractive appearance, get buay at once with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur and look yeara younger. CHICHESTER S PILIS IIIAMN3 littNI I'lLl.a. be k SCLDCUIiUOG!STStlKTrtLM ijiiimiimiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiiiumi: 1 0 r p h o u m I Theatre I 1 J. P. MEPERNACn, Prop. High-Class 1 Up-to-Date 1 Motion I Pictures 1 mm M I FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN E Program changes 1 Sundays, Tuesdays, Tliurt- E days and Saturdays. Sje Program in Today'i 5 PPr. oiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiimia iiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiini I Pastime f s I Theatre "The Home of 1 Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST 5 in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerleea Picturea :: Abeo- lutely No Eye Strain. 5 A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. B Ktxt to French Restaurant E 5 5 Chancea Sundays, Tuesdays, 5 Thursdays and Saturdays. 5 5 Adult lOo. Children under 5 10 years So. nlllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlR llllala Ui1 ' t,U PHUiU.Vr TL i-a Vf. Fif fmr v It if itiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiimnimiimiiit 1 PENDLETON'S POPP- LAR PICTURE SnOW I THE I COSY I Where the entire family can S enjoy a high-clase motion H picture show with comfort, Fun, Pathos Scenic . Thrilling All Properly Mixed 5 Open Afternoon and Even- a in. Chanpos Sunday Mon- 5 S day, WeIno8(lay and I riday. Kext Door to St Gootro Ho- 5 tL Admiaeion 6o and lOo. 5 gtiiitiiiimuiiiitnunniniiiimmHiiiiiii DAILY MARKET ACTIVE THE LAST WEEK PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 28. Re relpU for the week have been: Cat tie, 038; calves, 9; hogs, 7122; aheep, CATTLE. Tho cattle market opened up for the week very, actively. Good qual ity of offerings was In evidence, choice steers going a high aa $7.76, cowfl touched the $6.80 level. Since Monday the rule haa been bulow nor mal with good demand. HOGS. A very keen hog market started Monday with a run of nearly 6000, top bringing 17. GO. Thla market has maintained Ha aupremacy In price over all other American markets for lome time, SHEEP. .With the exception of Monday'a run the receipt continue light The market on all classes of aheep la good and klllera take all offering! readily. Shipping to the' market could be materially Increased with out any decline In price. The following aalea are representa tive: 39 ateera , 95 steers , 22 steers . 17 ateera . 26 cows . 1 4 cows , 4 cows , 27 cows 1710 hogs 1208 hogs 1199 hoKS 171 hogs 1081 1211 1081 1181 ms 1079 982 1011 .182 188 178 126 2060 1300 238 7.75 7.50 735 7.25 6 60 600 6.85 680 760 7.45 7.40 735 5.25 4.76 8.00 7.35 660 6.00 bull bull ., calves 10 '9 Iambs 82 ewes 112 2 yearlings 109 MAN KII.I.KD IIY SHOUT anciiT TONOPAIf. Nev., Dec. 28 Adolph Meyers and M. E. Mould, In charge of the autwtatlon of a power plant here, were Instantly killed. In trying to locate a "short circuit" they had climbed a polo, after putting on a "first control." The current, how ever, leaped across and both fell to the ground dead. Meyers leaves a wife In Oregon. Mould a wife returned only two days ago from an eastern trip. llorwlih lVars Attak. HARWICH, via London. I-c. 28. A pfisslblo (lorman attack on Har wich Is Indicated by the following no tlce lKsued by the mayor of that Eng lish seaport. "Although an attack by the enemy on Harwich fortress not not expected at the present time and there Is no special reason for anxiety among non combatants. It Is considered desirable to notify the civilian population that In the unexpected event of belligerent operations the members of the local emergency committee and special con stables will direct every one as to the course to be pursued. All members of the civilian population are hereby required to act strictly In accordance with such directions." All visitors arriving at Harwich will be required to register. fttate of Ohio, city of Toledo, I.Qrt County es. Prank J. Cbtney mikes oath that n b enlnr psrtner of the farm of F. J. Cbenej ft Co.. dnlnx bnnlnMS In tht City of T idn. Count? ant! Btate'aforessld. and thtt M firm will tj the sum of ONH HUN Dltrn DOM.ARH for earn nd every cast of Catarrh that cannot be etird by the oaf if IIALL'8 CATAItltll rt'KR. KltANK 1. CnKNFT. Pwnrn to before me and kobarrltwd It my preawii', tbls 6th day of December, v n. ma. (8eal) A. W. GLRARO. Notary I'ublle flaU's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and arta dlrertly npnn tli blond and inn ua anrfarea of tb system. Bend for tea Muioolsla. free. K. J. CHENFT A TO., Toledo. O. old br all Prnrslata. 73c. Taka Hall's Family I'llla for eonatlpatloo KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS TKIJ.S RHEUMATISM SUFFER ERS TO EAT LESS MEAT AND TAKE SALTS. Rheumatism Is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well known author ity. We are advised to dress warm ly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism Is a direct result of entlng too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which la absorbed Into the blood. It la the function of the kldneya to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the pores o the akin are also a moans of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are eloped thua forcing the kldneya to do double work, they become weak and alugglsh nnd fall to eliminate the ur ic acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the ayetem, even tually settling In the Joints and mua cloa causing' stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the1 first twinge of rheumatism; get from .any pharmacy about four! ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon- ful in n glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. This Is snld to eliminate urle acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding tne biooa of these Impurities. Jad Salts la inexpensive, harmless and Is mado from the acid or grapes and lemon juice, combined with Hth- la nnd Is used with excellent results by thousands of folka who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you navo U llllHn IIIL fill' -n, '. ' i lltnia-water drink which helps overcome urio acid, and la beneficial to your aiuneya aa, wejj EAST OREfiONIAN, PENDLETON", OREflON, MONDAY, KITCHIN FOR HrprcwiUtlve Claude Kitcliin of North CurolitiH. WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. The way appears to have been clmred for the election of IW-jreientatlve Claude Kltchln of North Carolina as the floor leader of the democrats In the use .of I representatives to succeed ORcar W. I'nderwood, of Alubama. who has been elected to senate. Mr. Kitchln ranks next to Mr. I'nderwood on the Local Playhouses V47HAT the Preti Agent Hsi to " Say of Present and Cominf Attractions JP & J Orphouni Turxtlaw and Wednesday. "Redemption." Imp two reel drama featuring Violet Mersereau and Wil liam Shay. Biff Bill feared by the inhabitant of the western village falls In love with Mary, who turns him down for Harding; a worthless Rambler. Bill goes to the mountains and becomes an outlaw. Time passes. Harding casts Mary off for a new love and soon Mary becomes a mother. Fearful of discovery she carries It away and leaves It by the roadside and she flies of exhaustion. Bifr Bill finds the baby and through It his lost soul Is redeemed. A beautiful and touching story. "The Divorcee.' Powers, comedy drama, featuring Edna Malson. Mrs. Percy would rather be a cook than the wife of her husband. She be comes a cook a divorcee incident ally. She cooks all the hearts of her boarders Into her dainty dishes. A rollicking piece of fun. "The Shack Next Door." Univer sal Ike comedy. Ray and Louise are In love but must have 150000 before dad will give his consent. How they work the money out of dad makes a roarlnK good comedy. N Intlme. Vaudeville entertainment tonight. The Beldsco and Robeen Ben Hur Co.. arrived yesterday and have been busily ensaged'in preparing for their opening at the Pastime theater this evening. Among the features to ap pear will be the wonderful rsychic phenomena Taulinetta, appearing In a seance of mental telepathy In which she haa mystified scientists the world over. She answers any ques tions regarding the past, present or the future. Miss Paullnetta is a full sister of tho wonderful clairvoyant Anna Eva Fay. Frltj Kaufman, the Hammond Dutch comedian, will also bo on the bill In burlesque, magic, crayon draw- lng nnd ventriloquism. The sensation al dancing feature, Miss Albertlne, will appear aa the Serpent of the Nile In the Cleopatra cobra dance a beautiful dancing act of merit. There will be new reels of picturea In ad dition, making thla a program of un usual merit. The prices of admission will be 10c for children and 20 cents for adults. Cosy. Glllard and Roberts In a comedy skit will be the vaudeville attraction for Sunday. A good laugh act "The Panther," Two. Reel Bron cho. A stirring tale of the Canadian northwest, dealing with the passions of rough, primeval men and women "Wild West Love." Keystone. An other bunch of Keystone fun, this titno of the Western Bad Man brand with Just as many laughs as all those Keystones produce. "Tho Botter Way." othy Glsh In a fine pleasingly told. Majestic, Dor picture story, Ghv Club Was Splendid. The Oregon University glee club at the Hllght last night gave one of the very beRt entertainmnta ever pre sented in the city. From first to Inst it was superb. This Is the sev enteenth annual tour of the univer sity boys, and It Is the best one yet given. Albany Evening Herald. Tho Glee club will do in rcnaicion tomorrow nigni ui mo u'ljun ater. ' ; . . l: ; FLOOR LEADER Ways and Means committee, the chairman of which la usually the floor leader. There has been a re cent movement however to elect Rep resentative Finis J. Garrett of Ten nessee. Oarrett, however, has let It be known that he does not desire the position. There have been rumors that opposition to Kltchin came from adminl8trotion sources as he has shown an Independence of adminis tration iisfluences. SPOR TS 0 SPORT DOPE. (By Hal Sheridan. Written for the United Press.) NEW YORK, Dec. 28. The twenty one player limit Invoked by the Na tional League at Its recent meeting here will cut off many a promising youngster from his chances with a big team. Practically every team In the league has already signed from SO to 50 players. The number mu?t be cut to 21 by May 1. Many of the youngsters whom managers would like to retain during the season will get the axe before they have an op portunity of showing their worth. The Central Association and the Three-I are still furnishing the play er market with "comers." W. I Flannigan, who pitched for the Mus catine team last year In the Central Association, has been signed by the Giants. His six feet odd Inches of i height and a lightning like delivery are eald to be his features. McGraw also signed up Eddie Holloway from the Springfield team of the Three-I league. Last year Holloway made good as a fast man and a hard hit ter. Around the lobbies of the Waldorf ( and the Imperial during the meetings; of the National and International leagues here were Been many of the! veteran liz leaguers, released auer years of baseball service, Mike Don iln and Wlltse of the Giants were on hand pondering their prospects for the comlne season. Both were gingerlv fingering their unconditlon al releases. Germany Schaffer. the comedian of tho Washington club, will be missed next year. Many a lauh burst from the fans when Ger many was Indulging in his favorite "horse play." IX. TIIK CITY OF VOIR DRKAMS. When the Happy Pay Is coming there are slsns on seand land; Then the world forgets the shadows light la born at Iove's com mand; Then it is you reach the country of the pleasant vales and streams. Hoar Love's sweetest beaediction In the City of your Dreams." When the Happy Day Is coming you may see the light that lies On the higher fields of Eden, through the windows of the skies; Then It is earth seems like heaven In the far off glory-gleams, Then you read IJfe's golden 'story In the City of your Dreams. Hasten, Day of days the brightest, over land and storm-tossed sea; For the world Is weary waiting for the Joy that Is to be; From tho gloom we puss to glory brighter pfill the vision beams May we read Life's sweetest story In the City of our Dreams. Frank L. Stanton, AS MUCH AS r.VKU. ''Doctors do not bleed pool thoy used to." ' "Humph! Easy to see you haven't been getting any doctors' bills lately." Baltimore American. Where Win It FjkI? Here's o fellow patents a contriv- nnco to keep gins from falling out oi naramocM. "More macninery displacing men.' DECEMBER 28, 1914. CHICAGO WHEAT TAKES UPTURN CHICAGO. III.. Dec. 2. Wheat closed 1 3-8 1 6-8c higher. Not in weeks has the Chicago trade been ao divided In Its views as it was early lesterday. A large element In the trade seemed to expect an important reaction in prices without any spec! al news to Justify that position. The trade was without English cables The Argentine news was conflicting, and a lower cable from that quarter was the one bearish Item for the day. The trade had rumors of large ex port sales by a leading Chicago house. after the close Thursday. When that concern bought wheat openly the lost hour. It turned the entire local fol lowing to the bull side, short cover lng, sold out longs replacing and ex. port houses taking offerings at every opportunity. . Outside news and out aide markets were bullish. Before the close it was the most bullish ac tlon In the market for the week with May carried up nearly 1 3-4c over Thursday's close.. Kansas City show ed remarkable strength from the out set. Messages claim light country offerings. There was a rumor that a big eastern philanthropic Interest was again at work on the buying side of wheat, presumably to supply Belgi um and other foreign needs. Cash Bales were reported at 200,000 bushels early, with 300.000 buhela additional here after the close, and 400,000 bush els by the Gulf. Growing strength In corn futures early in the week developed into a big bull market Saturday, with prices marked up 1 3-4c to 2c all around at the best prices, and the close practi cally at the top. There was more talk of export houses buying In the open market than for some time. Country reports claim strong bids for corn from all quarters with other centers overbidding Chicago. South west markets were up 1 1-2 to 1 3-4c. Cofh corn here was 1 to 1 l-2c higher. Illinois points were reporting IS to 20 below zero and a heavy feeding de mand was felt all over the corn belt. Oats trade Joined in the strength with wheat and corn, but no such ad vance was recorded as in the leading markets. December closed l-2c higher. Cash market waa l-4c3-4c 'uti r-. i , , . . . a iiigner. snipping saies were i;rauea to 115,000 bushels. Seaboard houses made reference to activity among ex porters. No Important figures were given out. Traders in products were under the Influence of the bull action in grain late in the session, although brokers for packers were credited with selling stuff during the morning. Good all around advance was recorded on clos ing trades. . WHEAT. Dec. Open. 126 1-8: high. 127 5-8; low. 125 7-8; close, 127 5-8B. May Open, 129; high. 130 low. 128 5-8; close, 130 5-8A. July Open 120; high. 121 low. 119 1-2; close, 121 1-8B. 5-8; 3-8; Sldkan? Tulka Is Dead. LONDON, Dec. 28. A telegram from Calcutta announces the death of his highness, Sidkang Tulka, Mahar aja, of Slgglm, in the eastern Hima layas. He succeeded his father, the late Sir Thotub Mangayal, only a few months ago. SIrkang was the first ruler of his remote state to come into direct con tact with western civilization. He spent two yeara at Oxford university and afterward traveled extensively with an English political officer. At the opening of the present war he expressed a desire to be of any service possible to the British government. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cara. Calla responded to day or night. Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cara. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. IN6URAXCE AND LAND DCS1XBSS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buya and sella all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Payt taxes and tnakea Investments for non retdenta Writes ftro, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET A LEFFINGWBLL. REAL Mtate. fire, Mfe and accident Insur ance agents. SIS Main street Phone 194 LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT DR scrlptlon for county court, clrcu court. Justice court, real estate, etc for sale at East Oregonian offfc-e. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN. M. D V Of NTT Veterinarian. Residence teleihon 17; office teUephone SO tisiiiiiiiiiffif f 'tfiiiiti iiiisiii mm iiiiiiiijiiii ijiiii itiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiif liiiiiuiiiiiuitiiiitr FOR ?UEL 1 Rock Springs Coal 1 Good Dry Wood Slabs and Kindling 1 it's not the kind kind ! B. L. BURROUGHS I Planing Mill and Lumber Yard 1. ainininiiniiiiiiiniiiiuiiiitiiiiuniinuiiuiniiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiHiiinniv Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street HOPPLES, CHOP SUEY, C111HA PISHES rrpV'Q KWONG HONG LOW JslLt X W 1 16 Weit AlU St. Upttaki. Phone 4J3 Ell EE FOUR-IN-ONE niEaX "ANNA BELLE DOLL Brinp or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. Ko. Pendleton, "EAST OREGONIAX PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10? for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cutout feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name : , . Address ' If sent by mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS. RALET A RALET. ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Deapaln building. CARTER Sk SMYTH E, ATTORNHT8 at law. Office In rear of American Natloaal Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office OTer Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; room S and I, Smlta Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice) la all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. S, I and 4. over Taylor Hardwmre Co. GEORGE W. COUTT8. ATTORNET at law, estates settled, wills, deed. mortgagee and contracts drawn. Col lections mad. Room IT, Sckmldt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at la. 0f3ce In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND coajFUllor at law. Crfflc la Deapaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNET at law. Office in Dvuptln building .a . PHYSICIANS. H GARFIELD. M D HOMrO patV.H physician and mrgmm. Ot fee Jadd Block. Tlphoa: OfHc Ml W: r1,?ne S11 J AUCTION mil COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION! makes a specialty of farmers' etJC nd machinery h'. 'The man the gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonian office. PAOE SEVEN. mm mm mm we keep but its the we sell coupon Ore.,- .1914 CO.. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NaT and second-hand goods. Cask fva for all second-hand goods boot X', Cheapest place in Pendleton to baj household goods. Call ui get kla price. SIS E. Court street Pkaae 1T1W. WANTED PARTY WILL, PAY ca or give tr for Umatilla counts farm, t:o to (0 per acre. Aidr Box IS. Athena, Or. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION, wedding announcements, embose4 private and business stationery, eta, Very latest style. Call at East Or goal an office mi te samples TRESPASS NOTICES, yTALLlOJI SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonian, W have a fin lot of stock cuts tM our patrons are allowed th free ua of. AUCTION SA LBS THE K T OfV egonian make a ipeclulty of aue tlon el bills, cants and a d"rtUtlns. We can furnish auttlner. lrk an4 advertising com&M that eaaur nu t having u-cful sale COM TAN Y