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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1914)
VACT, SIX DAILY EAST ORFOOXTAK, rEXPLFTOTOREOOy. MONDAY, DECEMnER 28, 1M. EIQITT PAGES. 8HB POBE CflflflCE to 6 ot a Piono Or TiMno l'laver, Sewing Machine, Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, Hanjo anl other musical instruments at cost Ono double rood cry j-owcrful organ, new, at cost. All Hand Vacuum Sweep ers at half price. $15.00 best combination sweeper $7.50, ?I0nnJ?12. Swoopers for ?6, $S and ?5. Large O-Cedar Mips, ?1. Lots of oilier odds and ends almost given away. Electric Sweepers for ?15 and up. JESSE FAILING NEAR THE BRIDGE ADAMS II INJURED HI IS Mil ABLE TO BE AROUND Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TAUALES CHILLI CON GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Ersrythlnf clean and up-to-dats; FIRST CLASS SKRVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Wsbb and Cottonwood 8ta. Pbons SI7 Pendleton. Or GOOD LIGHT Means BETTER BUSINESS CH KKRtTTj HOMES BETTER ITEAIiTn AXD ETESIGIIT Let u wire row bucne and In stall ow nodern Llgbtinf Fix tor and Electrical Install dons all these requirement! can be obtained. fay we serve yon? Electric and ru supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamo. HRE STARTS PANIC; SANTA IS BURNED SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. IS. James Holsten, ranch hand, was aerl ously burned when his clothing Csueht firs -iI1a artlnc Cant Claus at a Sunday school ChrUtmaa do the novating-, WItKNXIK GREEN RECOVERS RAPIDLY ArTElt MOST THRILLING ESCAPE. Election of Officers of Sunday School will lie Hold January J Holiday Visitors Are Hcturalnjr to ' Their Homes Hand Continues Itho tloo Oilier Notes. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore., Dec. 28 Wrennle Green Is now able to go abgut after me injury he received In a runaway. Earl Slmonton was an Athena vis itor last week. Sullivan Reamer was In town Sun day. J. O. Hales, one ot the Adams far mers, was In town Sunday. Joe Lavadour and farmlly were In town Sunday. Miss Violet Plcard was In Walla Walla last week. Next Sunday, January 3. the elec tion of the different officers of the Sunday school will take place at the Baptist church. Mr. Harrah. Miss Bowling and Miss Fern Edwards were tree in a schoolhouse west of this city. The room was crowded with children and a panic averted only by the presence of mind of Mrs. Bert Lelk, who began playing the piano, Christmas Autolsts nit by Train. CINCINNATI. O., Dec, 2S. Hurry lng home in order to participate in Christmas festivities, an automobile in which four persons were riding was struck by the Cincinnati, Hamll ton & Dajton "Indianapolis Flyer" at the Coleraln-avenu crossing, the machine being thrown against the bouse of the station-master, killing him and injuring all of the occupants of the car, two of them fatally. Czar Holds 357,406 Foes. lo.mjo.n. Dec. :s According to a Petrograd dispatch to Reuter'a Tele gram company, the number of Ger man prisoners registered Is 1140 of ficers and 131,700 men; the number of Austrlans registered Is 3166 offl cers and 221,400 men. The Slav prisoners have asked for Russian naturalization so that they may be sent against the Turks. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 FIRST USE OF RESINOL STOPS TERRIBLE ITCH Jan. 27, 1914i "I suffered over eight Tears with eczema. It started in one little place and kept spreading until it covered my hands. My hands looked like they bad been burned by Ore and peeled off in large pieces until they were oniy raw ucsa. I was told it was eczema. It itched and burned me so that I could not sleep at night. I fried all sorts of eczema salves and one pre scription after another but nothing gave me any relief until 1 tried Kesinol Soap and Resinol Ointment, and after the first application my hands never itched or burned again, and were well in one week. I want every sufferer from eczema to know that they can find a cure in Resinol." (Signed) Mi3s Ethel Scott, Milstead, Go. Phvsicians have prescribed Resinol for nineteen years, for all sorts of skin troubles, pimples, dandruff, sores, ul cers, turns, e'e. Every drujrgi.-'t sella Resinol Ointment and I.csmol boap. I'M' LITTLE! --- BUT OH MY! In this little advertisement I want to tell you of my LITTLE PRICES OX Candles, Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Etc. A fine large stock on hand and selling fast Pay our prices and save money. Phompt delivery makes us as near as your telephone. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St Ph0ne 536 Mrs. Harve Roeebefrv was a Pen dleton visitor last week. ine iour Ed wards girls are now visiting at the home of S. A. Ed wards. They expect to spend Christ mas vacation here with relatives. John Adams who lives near Ad ams, was In town Sunday. Stephen Edwards, one of the clerks In the. Inland Mercantile company, was a visitor at the county seat Sat urday. sirs. Henry Whitley, who lives near McKay, Is now here visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. French and Mrs. Hannah. Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Boylen of PI lot Kock, who have been visiting here for several days, returned to their home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison were Pen dleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Rose berry Sunday. Miss Elder of Pendle. ton was the guest of Mr. and Mra Stephen Edwards a few days. The Lortte children came home Fri day to remain over the Christmas va cation. Church Sunday morning was real Interesting and a large crowd was present Revella Lleuallen who came dow from Walla Walla the other day re turned to his home Saturday, Ralph Wallan, who has been visit lng In Hermlston for some time, came home Saturday evening. Edgar Norvell of Helix, was In town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blake were In town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A Lleuallen motor ed to Weston Friday The Adams band met Monday ev ening after having not met for one week. Mr. Londell was present. The young people's meeting Sun day evening was real Interesting. The subject was "This Tear for Christ Mr. and Mrs. Florence are now moving from the road camp to Mil ton. their permanent home, Frank Krebs bade a trip to Ike Christopher's ranch last week. Frank Hyde motored to Pendleton last week to do some trading, Mrs. J. W. Schafer and son motor ed to Walla Walla last week to get the children who are attending the school there. The children will re main on the Schafer ranch 'during the Christmas holidays. Carrie Newman came up from the valley to spend Christmas with her brother, Frank Hyde. Fred Pell motored to Adams last week In his car. It was a business trip. Peter Embysk, who lives out west of Adams, drove to Adams last week on business. Mrs. Wallan made a trip to Pilot Rook last week Roy Ferguson was In town Monday evening to attend band practice. Harve Roseberry was In town Mon day. Florlan Gllnecki motored to Ad ams Monday evening to attend band practice, printing board for a term to begin January l. This will give him prac tically the position ho has held since Harris became' state printer a year ago. Plimpton was also manager un der Dunlway. . Lawronce will be superintendent In the printing office and this will save 11500 a year, the sulary paid the present superintendent Plimpton will be representative of the board in the printing office and will have active charge of the business end. The law provides that the state print er will receive a salary of 11800 and a similar salary will be paid Plimp ton. The temporary appointment of Plimpton, had It stood, would have thrown the permanent appointment Into the hands of Governor AVIthy comho, Trousurer Kay and Secretory of State Olcott. It became apparent to the board, after an Investigation, that even a temporary appointment of Plimpton would not stand. I-awrence was a member' of the last house of representatives, being elected from Multnomah county as republican-Progressive. He Introduc ed the compensation act and was prominent In securing progressive legislation along other lines. He has been lately employed as Instructor In printing In the Jefferson high school, Portland. hik'iii Santa Generous. SALEM, Ore., Doc. 28 Christmas was observed generally In the state's capital. Special services were held at the Eplscopul and Cnthollo churches and entertainments of various kinds were given at the state Institutions. Under the auspices of the Cherrlans Presents were distributed from a big Christmas tree on the courthouse grounds to all children who applied. Despite the rain more than 8000 per sons were crowded on the lawn. Rev. II. T. Marshall, pastor of the First Baptist church, delivered an address to the children. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus left nuts and candy In all the wards of the state insane asylum. Superintendent Lawson proyldod a big dinner at the penitentiary' and at night a movlng plcture entertainment was given. En tertainments were given at the blind school, the Industrial school for bore and the girls' Industrial school, not an Inmate of any of the Institutions being overlooked In the dispensing of lift". Only one modern sawmill Is oper. ated in the territory of Hawaii, & of SUNSHINE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS CALLS YOU With SUMMERTIME in WINTER. Outdoor and Ii.door .Sports Boating, .Surf-bathing, Driving, Golf. Polo Tennis. For rent and recreation, California Is delightful. For Safety and Comfort, go via the Oregon-Washington Railroad 6 Navigation Co. through Portland. RETURN THE SAME WAT CALI1YJKMA IS STAGING TWO BIG SHOWS ' Celebrating Completion of the Panama Canal Panama-Pacific International Exposition Kan Franc!), February 20 to December 4, 1915 PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION Ssn Dlcgo, January 1 to Due-ember 31, 1915. They!cnt the hlgheKt and bwt of human endeavor In the world of art, sci- enc and lnduntry. See Both of Them. Tickets, Information, etc., upon applica tion to T. V. O ltrion, Agent, O-W. R. & N. Co., Pendleton. Oregon It, IH'K.VS, I. P. A I. A.. Walla Walla, Wa:h. PENDLETON FOLKS . ASTONISH DRUGGIST We sell many good medicines but we are told the mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Ad ler-l ka relieves sour 'stomach, gas on the stomach and constipation. Many, report that A SINGLE DOSE relieves these troubles almost IMME DIATELY. , We are glad we are Pen dleton agents for Adler-i-ka. Tall man & Co, druggists. Adv. LAWRENCE MADE STATE PRINTER BY THE BOARD PLLMPTON IS FOUND INELIGIBLE BUT IS GIVEN ANOTHER POSITION. SALEM, Ore., Dec. 28 Arthur W. Lawrence, of Portland, was' appoint ed state printer by the state printing board to succeed R. A. Harris Jan uary 1. The board receded from Its action of a few days ago In appointing W. M. Plimpton temportary state print er, for the term heginning January 1, it appearing that he was disqual ified by a constitutional provision which says that only thoso who have had 10 ypars experience as a practical printer chall be eligible. The atten tion of the board was called to this position Thursday by a 'delegation from the Portland Typographical i Union. Saturday the board appointed Plimpton ns secretary of the state zaunici A Great Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl the city. Hurry and get yours! w'O IDollgj ID bgjo tap AULA L 4 V ) ACTUU HQEflT, 25 fHCHES ryjsp M Bigger jM M These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold- en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 7i IHCHES HOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS The East Oregonian is going to give away several hundred of these dolls as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office One new paid in advance Subscription to the daily East Oregoni&n, by carrier for one month 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. Or for one new'p&idjn advance subscription to the daily East Oregonian by mail 1 1-2 months 75c. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 5 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly East Oregonian and 10c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. (lurry and got your dolls now, becauso this offer is for a limited timo only Coupons to be clipped will be'found elsewhere in this paper each day.