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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1914)
EIGHT PAGES. DATLV EAST ORECOVTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 101 L PAGE FIVE IIOI1SOV. AI'TIIOK or SERVICE QUALITY T.P.IV. PURE FOOD SHOP CLEAN LI X ESS ECOXOM V S ERVI CE SANITATION PltOIIIHITIO.V AMENDMENT Iron iiiiiil in 9 "PEMECO" hams are produced from wheat fed hog9 from nearly fiinns. The process of (reparation for the table is scientifically san itary. The curing is accomplished by tho scientific application of the necessary healthful ingredients that retain that true wheat flavor, making them a delightfully dclicioiudy table comodity. You'll Always Find nPemecow Meats Fresh and Clean Why not give us a trial next month and send your orders to The Central Meat Market 108 EAST ALT A ST. GUITERREZ IS REPORTED TO HAVE RESIGNED HIS PUCE MEXICAN' PROVISIONAL PRESI DENT MAY HAVE JOINED WITH CAKHANZA. WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Reports that provisional president Gulterrez resigned and enlisted In CarYanza's DESSERTS ? I . . . . ( for your Holiday Dinners MONT ROSE PUDDING CARMEL ICE CREAM FROZEN EGG NOG in Pint or Quart Packers Nothing so nice as a finale for your Holiday spread FRUIT CAKES PASTRY Home made Chocolates and Bon Bons Ice Cream, Sherberts, Punches and Fancy Baking to Order. Prompt Auto delivery to any part of the city. Otto Hohb&ch, Phone 80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 We Still Have Them Holiday 5 D!rne rrt lM4rc rnA fnriJf at rilVva VIA 3 Tjirrrn size. soft, 5 WALNUTS TROPICS Good . -.-.Ym-, t i t vr S ASSORTED CANDIES, PEANUTS, MAPLE, CREAMS, FRENCH MIXED, LOZENGERS, CREAM DATES, ETC. Special pound 15 to 25 NUTS PEANUTS Fresh roasted, large size, No. 1 Stock. 5 3 quarts 2 E PEANUTS No. 2 Grade Special, quart j WAT "MITTS Tjirrro size. anfr. shell, extra snwial. lb 25t S ALJj Ul XliUli JXVlo mciuaine o.v ijinv una aimisuxu EGGS Strictly fresh, doz. 55. EASTERNS Guaran- 5 5 toed fresh, dozen 0? JUST RECEIVED Barrel large size, late keeping CRAN- 5 BERRIES, the pink colored kind, quart 15t? jjj 5 CASABA MELON Special winter shipment, sweet, ripe, - juicy muskmelona, tho pound .. v 5 SWEET SPUDS Fresh even stock, 6 pounds 2or s 5 SPUDS Extra No. 1 grade, solid winter keeper, sk. $1.25 E 3 ippr v.Q 1m ni anntl vmi n R-loT nssorlment of crood Eatrncr 2 and Cooking apples Extra Fancy Stock wrapped, packed 5 ... . , 1 11 rM-TT"7T?-KTT-T7TnC TTI1I1TVC solid and iree irom cuns. om.iiux.nuo, imo and NORTHERN SPYS. 5 S PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Just received a new s a barrel, gallon - 5 COAL OIL We now aro carrying a No. 1 BULK OIL. Send 5 5 . us your can this time. Gallon - 20 Let us quote you some of our QUANTITY CASH PRICES I ON GROCERIES. ' YOU WI LL BE SATISFIED WITH THE RESULTS. I THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY I rhono476 DELIVERIES PROMPT. 628 Main St I NEXT DOOR TO QUELLE RESTAURANT. :!MiiiiiiiiniiiMnmiii!nmiiiiinin:iiiini!iiiiniiiniiuniiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM EO POUR3D TUESDAY, DEC. 29th constitutionalist army were received at the constitutionalist agency. Agency officials admitted the reports were "unofficial and unconfirmed." One report said Gulterrez last night asked Central Vlllareat to notify Car rnnza he had resigned and would aid the latter. The aame dispatch stated the present whereabout of Gultcrrei was unknown but thut he was be lieved to be enroute to San Louis Fo- 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UUU VUUUIVil shell, extra snwial. lb dloC 5 value for, lb 15 n i rmtn 1 DTtr'TTT'n C PIIOXE 33 MARSH LIKELY TO ASSUME OFFICE AFTER JANUARY 1 biaix).m-:y awaits decision- oi si theme court in uxiox county case. Charles H. Marsh will assume the office of county Judge In all probab ility shortly after the first of the year. Judge Maloney declared this! morning that he Is waiting for a de-! clslon of the supreme court In the case submitted from! Union county be fore tendering his resignation. If the decision la In favor of the candi dates elected at the last election, then Mr. Marsh will be Judge for a six year term. If the supreme court de cides that present incumbents hold two years more, then Judge Maloney will resign In favor of Mr. Marsh. Tills Is the present state of a situ ation which arose over the discovery of a six -year term law shortly before the election In November. All over the state it was the opinion that the present Incumbents, served but four years and cadldates already had their names on the ballot. The elections were held and a test case has been submitted to the supreme court from Union county. The decision will' gov em In other counties also. Judge Maloney. has no desire to serve two years longer as his private Interests demand his attention. Ho feels, too, that Mr. Marsh made the race In good faith and won over hli republican opponent and is, therefore, entitled to the office. He has so ex pressed himself to Governor West and has received assurances that Mr Marsh will be appointed In the event of his own resignation. KUN Wife, Then Himself. SPOKANE. Wush., Dec. 28. En raged because his wife sued for di vorce. Murtln M. Loth, a butcher, beat her to death with a blunt Instru. ment while she luy in bed and then went Into the buck yard and blew his tirillns out with a revolver. n: 1 pita? . wtabUahod by the Duchew Tot Westminster at Lo Touquet In France, lti - - v-. . : ' 1,- - '. :"ir rV -1 ...... 1 , -i , .; ' . . r Ed Westgate 1m at the Howniun to day. M. V. Adams of linker wax In the city ypNterday, L. J. Allen of Corrallls was at the Pendleton yesterday. Alfred K. Franz of Athena was a Hunduy visitor In Pendleton. Fritz Lundstrum anil ICoxi-y Este of Walla Walla spent Sunday In the city. Mrs. A, P. Myrlck was a returning passenger on the N. P. train this forenoon. Carl Cooley returned today from Portland after spending Christmas with relative. A. D. Buholtz and B. W. Buholtz both of Nye are here today attending the Coombes funeral Mr. and Mrs. William Shannon and child were passengers on the train from Helix this morning. ' John E. Montgomery, local grain buyer, and Charles H. Marsh, secre tary of the Hartman Abstract Co.. left today on No. 17 for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. .Kennedy, for merly of this city and now located at Washtucna, Wash., have been here as Christmas guests of relatives. INDIANS WILL HAVE BI6 CELEBRATION NEW YEAR TITUILLA CONCrtEGATIOX PLAN NINO OBSERVANCE FOR FRIDAY, JAN. 1. Friday will be the greatest day of the year for the Indians of the Tu- tullla congregation. They will cele brate the beginning of the New Tear with feasting and services and, to better enjoy the occasion, will camp at the mission over Sunday. Long before the red man ever heard of the white man or Christianity, he celebrated the turning of the sun and the date corresponded almost exact ly with our New Tears, so that Jan uary 1 Is the one holiday of the year that has a meaning; to the tribes oth er than thar which the white man has put Into It. A big feast will be served at noon and this will be followed by services. To prepare for the celebration, com mittees have been arpolntd and are. now at work. Nearly ISO in money has been subscribed and there will be J a whole beef for the barebecue. Rob inson Mlnthorn will lie chief of the ceremonies. The commltte on finan ces consists of Pawns Motanlc, Rev. J. M. Cornellson. Annie Wannassay and Elizabeth Wayussus. William Barnhart will have charge of the ta bles. George Peters will be the crier and Albert Mlnthorn and Joe Allen will be a committee on reception and hospitality, for whlto people ag well as reds are Invited. The following donations have been made for the celebration: Philip Jones $15, Amos Pond J5, Joe Allen 15. Eltskaka $1. AU'ertj Mlnthorn $5, WaytMsua $1.50, Mrs. Philip Jones $1 50, Peter Corbett 50c,j Mrs. Peter Corbett $1 50, Owananita 60c, Ipnalautallkt $150, Minnie Mln-j thorn, $2 50, George Dakklpts $2. Tom Kotatan-s $1.50, Luke Minthorn $3, Edna $1.25, Julia Mlnthorn $1.; Mary Mlnthorn $160, George Kaleb $2, Awintokonmal $3, Lizzie Min-, thorn $1. Blllle McKay $2. 60. George Red Hawk, $2. Robinson Mlnthorn $15, Mrs. Columbia George $2. 50, Mrs. Joe Allen 50c, total $78.50. In addition Parsons Motanlc has glvfn a beef and Allen Tutawa he. same. HOSPITAL STAFF OF THE DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER Urn, -m. -'.. iriwi iat..).Miii. .... , , ......... .in ........ . "-i.m.H m- U has been pronounced the best war hospital the British army knows In I 1 1 1 11 '.' - : ' i i t - v I Representative Richmond P. Hob eon of Alabama has caused more of a stir in congress than any other member for many months In his fight for a prohibition amendment to the constitution of the United States. IJEST APPLIES IXH RIGHTS. (Continued from paee one.) has a petition now before the circuit court here which will come up for hearing April 28. In this petition Dr. Pent asks that final citizenship nanprs be cranted him and he names as witnesses to his character G. W. Bradley, T. D. Taylor and J. W. Ma lnnpw The case in point haa to do with the construction of the United State naturalization law passed In 1906. Un der that law it is prescribed that when an alien takes out first rapers and neglects to complete his citizen ship within a period of seven years his first papers become void. It has been the ruling that this law also In validates the first papers of such par ties as had taken-out first papers pri or to 1906 and had allowed them to run longer than seven years. County Clerk Saling says he had notice from the department that a protest would be made In the event action should be taken by such parties to complete their citizenship. He now says he has information from Mr. Hazzard, nat uralization attorney at Portland, that this order is rescinded and that no such protest will be made by the gov ernment In that event the question will be for the court to act upon. Today Messrs Will Moore and Marl on Jack had a letter from Judge S. A. Lowell informing them of Dr Pest s action' and saying the matter would come before 'the court for ac tion early in January- Accordingly Jud;e Lowell did not wish to take France. The duchess is shown in the front row, the third figure from the 3 Phone?, 15. NAVEL ORANGES Small size, sweet, juicy oranges, the dozen 20 MINCE MEAT Fresh ship ment, tho extra select stock pound 20 T. P. W. SPECIAL, the BEST 33 COFFEE on earth. STAR CUT GLASSES Set of 6 70 STAR CUT WATER JUGS Each 75 PLAIN WHITE CUPS and SAUCERS, set of C 80 PLAIN WHITE DINNER PLATES, set of G G3 The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pay $ to Trade Save T.P.W. Trading Stamp$ proceedings to oust Dr. Best from the water commission. It appears how ever that Judge Lowell was In error as to the time of hearing, it being in April. At the present time Dr. Eest U not qualified to serve upon the water board oh he is not a citizen of the United tates. I rglars Fight Policeman. RIV.- flSIDE, Cal., Dec. 28. In a revolver battle with two burglars who shot tA.i citizens. Policeman Schoen 8urg was shot through the foot to day. The burglars escaped. Posses are searching. Last night the thugs were surprised robbing the home of Charles E. Waite. Walte and his brother-in-law, Ulrich L. Vorls, at. tacked them. Both were seriously wounded. Joan's Dirthplace Safe. PARIS, Dec. 28. Domremy. the birthnlace of Joan of Arc. haa not been destroyed by the Germans, al though the report of the bombard ment of that village has been repeat edly announced. The report originated In the bom bardment of another village of the same name, but far removed from the place where Joan was born. Dom-remy-la-Purcelle, which is the full name of the latter village. Is In the Vosges department, a short distance north of Neufchateau, 50 miles from the German lines. CASE Of FRANK TO BE REVIEWED WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. United States Supreme Court Justice Lamar granted the appli- cation of Leo Frank for a re- view of the latter's conviction on a charge of murdering Mary Phagan of Atlanta. The ac- tion automatically stays the ex- ecution of Frank, s-t for Jan- ii rv 32 4 left. Mrs Phillip-, the matron, Is her right. a j All Other Department 22 HOLIDAY CANDIES AT SPECIAL PRICES 30 Grade, the pound.- 23 23 Grade, tho pound 20 20 Grade, tho pound., 17 15 Grade, lb 12 l-2 WALNUTS Extra fancy No. 1 soft shells, lb.-., 25 BUDDED WALNUTS, tho pound 30 DRIED LOGANBERRIES, the pound 35 1-2 pound packages 20 COOKING AITLES, the box 73 FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT, large size, each 10 Dozen 81.10 LOCALS Advertising In Brief BATES. Per line flrtt loMrtloa o Per line, additional losettloa tie Per Hoc per month f 1 00 No local taken for Im than i'c Count 6 ordinary words to line, Locals will not be taken ot the pbone and remittance most aceoov pan order. Smoke the La Tim a clgr. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. Whipple, piano tuner. Phone J26R. Cood winter quarters for boreea and rigs at the Alta barna. For rent Four room house, ptron 240M. Try the La Homer 10c cigar. For rent Partly furnished housa Inquire at the Charles Co. ror sais Good dry wood Thompson street, or phone J7JJ. lit anted Good, clean rag, at th &oi uregonian orflce. For rent 7-room modern house. 117 Grange street. Inquire John Vert. La Tlma cigars, made In Pendle ton. S. Whipple, teacher of violin, braes and stringed instrument. Phone 22f R, The Alta House, a food, popular, yet cheap place to stop. J. M. Sheph enson, prop. Five room housa fnr aal. - --.v. VU BUIIil side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W" thta office. Wanted Work by the hour by practical woman with good refer ences. Phone 791. Good dry. black pine wood. $5.59 Per cord. $6.00 If sawed. Delivered. "?e p. a Gervais or pbone 77$. Lost Brown purse containing $10. Finder return to this office and re ceive reward. Lost Bunch of keys between Main and Jackson. Return this office and receive reward. Old papers for sate; tied In bundlee. Good for starting flrea, etc. He m bundle. This office. Try the West End Market for gro cerles and meats. 1J01 W. Alta ct. Phone 778. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For sale Two molern cottages Io cs ted on east Court street, sven blocks from Main street. Inquire ot Walters' mill Furniture for sa?e and house for rent, close In. Enquire Mrs. Cooper. 313 W. Webb street. 10 to 12 fore noons. Several small farms on rmatiru river particularly adapted" to hoga. dairy or poultry. J750 cash, balanc on or before 10 years. 7 1-1 per cent. See Berkeley. "Mutt" takes the big loads anJ "Jeff shows the speed. PenlanJ Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 147 Main street Phone 339. For sale Modern seven room nous and seven lots, with barn, close t school. $2500 takes It. Inquire o address "A.", this office. Uncle Sam Ha IKH-Iarcil War. On diseased and Impure meat. Gov ernment veterinarians Inspect thai meat we sell and let nothing pas but what Is pure. Protect your home trade at the Oregon Market, phona 444. Dt'llcjiUn Market G. Kurrle, well known butchr, and P. O. Elliott, old time restaurant uiun. have opened up a first claj delica tessen market In the building former ly the Grand theater. They will keep cn hand all kinds of fresh ments. eU , and. will take orders for chicken, duka geese, alive, drensed or cker. tannines, s;it:rln, ct- un b fwvuirwif also all kinds of cooked rneita, bolUi'J latns an! plus1 feet Ad. WantiNl at fJri-e. Four good, capable In ly d'rnonitra. tors to dt'inomttruto and trvut Ap ply Monday between H in d 11 t Madam Kclene Ifiitttr Mr, Co, f".- spam UiocK. Adv.