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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1914)
ETOTTT PAOF.S. DAILY EAST OllEOONTAN". PENDLETON. OTIEflON. MONDAY. DEO EM HER 2K. 1 f 1 4. PAGE TTITJFE. When Housework1 Ij Burdensome I I r . X frSV. I 7 when von lira eauil BCTTM ara tvrftal.1 f vw need medicinal food not dfUn Or tlmillinta - . , Bcvrrs EMULSION la rick In wu t.iuc, ii euppuea tha rrelemenla to enliven th blood, reefer atrenrta and tha courage of health. 14-W UV YEARS HERE EIGHT ARE INJURED IX NEVADA WRECK RENO, Dec. 28 Eight peraona were Injured, none aerlously, at Im I CANCELLED AS RESULT OF AMI DEFEAT HID IS REATEN CHRISTMAS EVE BY FRANK IlAHHIEAU AT WALLACE, IDAHO. Several Reaflon Given for Low of Victory by Vancouver YoutJt Ap-jx-arniiCH Hero Wu Ilnnncd a feature of N"w Yeur Otlu-r Kport (OHNlp Interesting t FUn. The echeduled New Year'a bout BRITISH MAKE DASH AGAINST NAVAL BASE IN GERMAN 1 flEB lay. Nev., when the aecond aectlon of el.w?en B"d,"lde7n ?,f ""il? Southern Pacific train. No. 19. craah- tZT lP1ort,un1 ed Into the first aectlon, according; to advices received here from Imlay. The engineer Jumped and escsped unhurt Peat In C'luiUna Tusk. HOME, Dec. 28. Pope Benedict de-t voted the greater part of Christina to developing Ma plan for the ex-j change of wounded prisoner. I After religious services he apent eome time with relatives. He ex-1 pressed great satisfaction over the many message he haa received, es pecial ly from America, giving; strorig adherence to hln efforts to lessen the crueltlca of the war and hasten peace. BLIZZARD HEADED STRAIGHT IX) II EAST WASHINGTON, Dec. Si The weather bureau here predicted that a city has been cancelled as n result of .Anderson' defeat by Frank Burrleau at Wallace, Idaho, on Christmas eve Anderson a anconda threw up the sponge in the third round and thia allowing of the ono-time near-champion decided the promoters to aban don the Pendleton go. , ' Anderson lays his defeat to the weather, a bad foot and stomach trouble. The cold weather prevented him from training;, he aaya In a Port land Interview, and the bodily ail ments made It hard for him to stand up agaltuit his opponent'a blows. Carl Maya, who will be remember EIGHT ENGLISH KIIIPM GET HV HELIGOLAND AND LAUNCH HYDROPLANES. IlomlM are Hurled at Ga Works German Repel Attack With Air elils and Aeroplane Doing; Dam age, It Im ItoKrted Attack In Made Doeember 25.- BERLIN, via wireless to Sayvllle, L. I., Dec. 28. An attack by Brltlnh warships and hydroplanes upon the German navy baa In the North Sea, of which Wilhemnhavcn and Cux haven are important centers, Is re ported in a statement from the ad miralty here. ' Attacks were made during Friday a statement iHsucd through official channels averted. "The admiralty reports today," the statement asserted, "that on Decem ber 25 eight British ships made a dash Into the German bay. Hydroplanes convoyed by them advanced against the mouth of the German rivers, and hurled bombs at the anchored ships there, and the gas tank near Cux- n! n II m in H Mn simiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiim "a"" BBW iUihiiliiiliiUlulliilUilitillil illii iii i big; snowstorm, possibly a billiard. League last season. Maya waa Boise's ed as Boise's blonde hurled In the haven without hitting them or doing Western Trl-atate league In 1912, will be a member of the Boston Red Sox team next year aa a result of hla re markable showing with the Provl dence club of the International would strike the east The storm waa aald to be rushing to the north from Alabama and Georgia. In dlKtrlct 4 of the forest eervlce, with headquarters at Ogden, Utah, lightning caused 36 per cent of this year'a flrea and campers 27 per cent. When NO REASON FOR IT. Pendleton Cillrenx Way. Si iow a There can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tor tures of an aching back, the annoy, ance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangera of kidney ills will fail to heed the words of a neighbor who haa found relief. Read what a Pen dleton cltlxen aaya: Mra. William McGregor. 711 Lllleth atreet, Pendleton, aaya: "I waa trou bled more or less all my life by weak- best bet In 1912 and local fans still remember the great duela he had with Jesa Garret of Pendleton. That fall the Portland Northwestern league club drafted Maya, and, de spite a bad start, he developed Into one of the stars of the circuit. After setting the Portland Coast leaguer's champs down with five hits and giv ing them a severe drubbing in this annual city title event, Maya waa drafted by the Providence club of the International league. This past year Maya led the pitch era of the International league and practically pitched Providence Into a pennant The Red Sox grabbed him and as the Red Sox are being groom ed as the winners of the American League rag thia coming year, the blonde boy may rise to national fume. Just now he Is In the limelight by reason of a newspaper controversy with Manager John J. McCloskey, formerly of Ogden. McCloskey haa been accuaed of discriminating any damage. The hydroplanes were fired upon and withdrew to the west "German alrthlps and aeroplanes reconnoltered against the British forces, and hit with bombs two Brit ish destroyers and one convoy. Fire broke out on the latter. Fog pre vented a continuation of the fight ing." How close the British vesnels ap proached to the bases of Wllhelma haven and Cuxhaven, the statement 3 3 t X-V I 1 vv m YOUR choice of any Ladies Suit in the Department, no restric tions, everyone included, both ladies and misses sizes, most of which ranges up from $25.00 and as high as $45.00 CO Fe .Alexander Bept Store Pendleton's Biggest' and Best Department Store Save Your Green Trading Stamps m CD era H I I IJ if j m im nmu nniiiiriiiiin mn in JininiTriiiziiiS iiiiiii "It waa necessary for the British ships to remain In the neighborhood to pick up the returning airmen, and a novel combat ensued between the most modern cruisers and the en- BASEBALL HritlNh resulted in one of the most thrilling, actions of the war, with wamhlps, hydroplanes and balloons Involved. The German rivers referred to are the Weser and the Elbe, from which does not say, but the attack of the'emy's aircraft and submarines. By swift maneuvering, the enemy's aub marlnes were avoided and the two Zeppelins were easily put to flight by the guns of the Undaunted and Are- thusa. "The enemy's seaplanes succeeded PROSPECTS me oerman navai operations are con-j in dropping their Domes near our ducted. Heligoland, the famous Is-, ships, British fchips remained, for land naval base of Germany, Is 45 three hours off the enemy's coast miles northwest of these two rivera ! without being molested by any eur Wllhelmshoveji Is on the Weser face vessel and safely re-embarked river and Cuxhaven at the mouth of three out of the seven airmen with the Elbe. Plxty-flve miles northeast I their machines. Three other pilots re f f Coxhaven Is Kiel, from which com- j turned later and were picked up by munlcatlon with either the Baltic or I British submarines which were stand North sea la possible through the In by. Their machine were sunk. ness of th kidney My hands and feet swelled and sometimes my whole against the blonde player. Ha has de body bloated. A .teadv ntln In the died the accusation and Maya glvea email of my back and aldea annoyed ma and when doing my work. It was hard forme to atralghten after stooping. When I did atoop, sharp twlngea ahot through my back and aldea. Dlixy spell and headachea nniLER EXPLODES him the lie, declaring he was twice turned down without a chance be' cause he happened to possess cotton locks. were common and I couldn't rest well. In the morning f felt all tired out. It would be hard to describe the misery I went through. I tried many remedies and apent a great deal of money for doctors' treatment, but got no relief. Finally, I eaw Doan'a Kidney rills advertised and the first box helped me. Continued use cured the aches and prilns In my back and regulated the action of my kidneys." Price (0c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mra. McGregor had. Foster-Milburn Co, Props, Buffalo, N. Y. i AS SHOPPERS LEAVE CHICAGO. Dec. 28 Aa the last of the Christmas shoppers were leaving the Julius Oppenhelmer department atore, a boiler explosion occurred In the basement setting fire to the building. The structure waa destroy ed. Several firemen were hurt by falling walls. Two apartment houses also caught fire and ten families were made homeless. HEADACHE STOPS 1MU 1 E Sing at I(ta'8 Fountain. SAN FRANCISCO. Oeo. 28.' Mme. Bernlce de Posquall and John Mc Cormnck sang to a crowd estimated at 100,000 persons at Lottu'a foun tain. Dr. James' Headache Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few momeuU to Dr. James' Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cent a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, aurest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and din tress nowl You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache and neuralgia misery is noedless. Get what you ask for. DIFFICULT REPAIRS. Thomas A. EdlMoh said recently of aeronautic: "Within five years the North Pole will be reached In a 40 hour trip and the globe will be encircled in a week. "But tho type of aeroplane must be changed," continued Mr. Edison, "before such flights are undertaken, or otherwise the aeronauts will be talking like the automoblltst who, after buying a cheap car, visited the salesrooms and said: ' 'You aald when you sold me my four horsepower runabout that you'd supply ail part broken?" " 'Yes, sir,' said the salesman. ' 'Then,' said the other, "let me have at once, pleaBe. a first and third rib, two front teeth, one left ankle bone and a nose bridge.' " Uniuorsify of Oregon ?fl fPfl flflP km AT TDEflTBE TUESDAY, DEC. 2911) TICKETS $1.00, 75c, 50c Tickets on sale at Pendleton Drug Co. canal. German warships have been kept tucked away safely In the Weser and Elbe rivers, and the attempt of the British to bombard these with aeroplanes, after approaching as close as possible with destroyers and fast cruisers, la a direct result of the raid which the Germans have made upon British vessels and ports. The Brit ish admiralty haa made no announce ment of the raid reported by the Germans ONE AIRMAN IS LOST IN RAID ONTHEGERMANS MACHINE IS FOUND WRECKED A ITER D.IRIXO ATTEMPT. ON NAVAL RASE. LONDON", Dec. 28. Assisted by light cruisers, destroyers and subma rines, seven British naval airmen, pi loting seaplanes, made a daring at "Six of the seven pilots returned safely. Flight Commander Hewlett is missing. His machine was seen wrecked about eight miles from Hell goland and the fate of the daring and fkilmul pilot d unknown. "The extent of the damage by the British airmen's bombs cannot be e timated, but all were discharged at point of military significance. liomlxj Dropped on Rrossela. "On Thursday last. Squadron Com mander Davies, of the naval air ser vice, visited Brussels In a Farman bi plane for the purpose of dropping 12 bombs at an airship shed reported to contain a German airship. Eight of theae bomb of which six are believ ed to have hit. were discharged at the first attack, the remaining four on the return flight. Owing to the clouds of smoke which arose from the shed, the effect could not be dis tinguished. It was learned today that the Ger man airman who visited England on Christmas day dropped a bomb near Rochester, which is only 23 miles east southeast Of St. Paul's London, III WALLA WALLA ARE NOT VERY PROMISING tack Chrbtma dav on the German! "d seven mile from Gravesend. The . I t . - i i i a I W-I llajM atiiliaW naval base of Cuxhaven. at the mouth of the Elbe. fix of the airmen returned safely, but tho seventh, Commander Hewlett, It Is feared, has been lost, as hi ma chine waa found off Heligoland, w recked. Damage X"t Asocrtalncd. What damage waa done by the bomb thrown by the attacking par ty could not be ascertained, but the J (jerman report of the affair says that the raid was fruitless. The enterprise of the British navy In thus attempting to "dig out" the German fleet brought about a battle In which the most modern of war ma chines, the British squadron, Includ ing the light cruisers Arethuea and! Undaunted, which have been engaged in previous exploit on the German coast, were attacked by Zeppelins, seaplanes and submarine. Rapid Maneuvers Avoid Submarines. By rapid maneuvers the ship were able to avoid the submralnes, while the Zeppelins found the fire of the cruisers too dangeroua for them to loinh did no damage, as it fell In Ihe! roadway Try TIiIm for Neuralgia. Thousands of people keep on suf fering with neuralgia because they do not know what to do for It. Neu ralgia is a pain in the nerves. Wliat you want to do is to soothe the nerve Itself. Apply Slan's Liniment to the surface over the painful, part do not rub It in. Sloan's Liniment penetrate very quickly to the sore, Irritated nerve and allays inflammation. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cent of any druggist and have it In the hoifse against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joint, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailment. Your money back If not satisfied, but It does give almost Instant relief. Adv. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS HOLD EIGHTH SESSION N ORTHWESTERX FRA N C H I S E WILL NOT AGAIN RE AT TSMFTED, IT IS SAID. Garden City Is Not Ready for North western League Rail This Year, Declares August I lade Former Backer of Team Have Had All They Waut of Uie Venture. WALLA WALLA. Dec. 28 Walla Walla, Dec. 28. Walla Walla will make no bid for the open berth In the Northwestern league. Thia waa made practically certain when Au gust Bade, who has always been one of the leading figures In baseball in thl city answered the letter of In quiry from John M. Barnes who ha the franchise to place. In hi letter to Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bade said he does not believe that Walla Walla 1 ripe for Northwest ern 'leag'ue ball thl year. The in creased amount of money that would have to be spent, together with the small gain In class of ball over the Western Trl-State league, would not go with the local fans, who are to say the most not enthusiastic over baseball thia year. There 1 considerable deficit left from last year's game, and It would require 13500 to start the season in Class D ball. For Class B It would take more than the $10,000 rateed three years ago, and It Is rot likely that those who have stood the brunt of the financial burden for the lat ree years will want to shoulder a pew and heavier one this season. Whether there will be organized baseball at all Is a question . In such nn organization as has been working here for the past three years, not a single town on the circuit haa made money, and with finances somewhat tight, as they are now. It I extreme ly doubtful If any move wilt be made or finished if it Is made. The only possible circuit that now appears is Walla Walla Pendleton, Baker and Botee. But this does not appear any too bright, and Boise ha not said a word regarding the matter. I One thing is certain there will have to be new blood and new money if there Is a club In Walla Walla thia year, for the former backers have had about all they want. Bomb is Exploded in Church; One is Killed SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. In the midst of the mystic service of an oriental cult, a atranger Identified only by the name of Vevara. jester day entered the crowded little audi torium of the Hindu temple here and at the very feet of the officiating Hin du swaml evploded a bomb which literally tore the bomb thrower to pieces, probably fatally wounded Swaml Trlgunatlta, the leader, and threw scores of worshipper, mostly women. Into a panic. The stranger entered tha temple while the awaml wa in the midst of his address on "The Divine Peace," and with loud step that attracted the attention of all the member of the cult, walked up the center aisle until he reached the rostrum on which the awaml waa conducting the aervlcea. Explosion Rock Building. While the eyes of all followed hi actions, wondering at the meaning of hi strange conduct, the man wa seen to withdraw a small white package from hia black fedora hat and strike it three time on the rostrum. A his arms descended for the third time there wa a fearful exploaion that appeared to rock the entire building, filled the air with debri and flying glass. Blood and fragment of the body of the bomb-thrower, apat tered the congregation, for the mo ment transfixed in their aeat with the horror of the action. Motive Cannot Be Found. A dozen or more were buried be neath the shattered Interior of the place of worship Then followed a panic-stricken dash over chair and the prostrate forma of the Injured. The form of the bomb thrower hurled through the air for a distance of SO feet from the platform where the explosion occurred. The police are at a low to explain the motive behind the act of the bomb thrower, a there 1 no definite evidence at hand. It 1 euggeated that the act might have been inspir ed by vengeance by a fanatical mem ber of the cult The bomb thrower wa recognised aa one who had frequented the week ly meeting of the aoclety. dixturbln the even tenor of the meeting with impertinent question. SENECA SMITH DIES SUDDENLY AT PORTLAND PIONEER EX-JUDGE OF CIRCUIT tXJURT PASSES AWAY IN 70TII YEAR. CHRISTMAS FICTION. keep up the fight. German seaplanes dropped bombs, which according to the British account, fell harmlessly Into the sea. The Germans, however, reported they hit two destroyer and their convoy, the latter being set afire. The Brltlah ships remained In the vicinity for three hour without be ing attacked by any surface warship and picked up the seven pilots and their planes. Commander Relieved Drowned. The others were picked up by sub marine, but their machines were sunk. Commander Hewlett, it la thought, waa drowned. The Official Press Bureau gave out the following statement today: "On Friday, December 25, the Ger man warships lying off Schilling Roads, off Cuxhaven, were attacked by seven naval aen plane piloted by Flight Commanders Olive Hewlltt, Boss and Kllner, Flight Lieutenant Miley and Edwards and Sub-Lieutenant Blnckburn. Attack Made In Daylight. "The attack was delivered In day light, starting from a point In the vi cinity of Heligoland. The seaplanes were escorted ly a light cruiser and destroyer force, together with sub marines. As these ships wero seen by die Oermnns from Heligoland, two Zeppelins and three cr four hostile Zeppelins and several submarines at tacked them. CHICAGO, Dec. 28. Farmers, manufacturers of agricultural imple- I ments and agricultural experts from several universities attended the op ening session here today of the eighth annual meeting of the American So ciety of Agricultural Engineer. Improved types of farm machinery, construction of farm houses and buildings will be discussed at the three days' meeting. Among the speakers will be Dean E. Davenport, University of Illinois; Dean R. S Shaw. University of Michigan; Dean A. Marston, Iowa Etate college: Dean U. c. Price, Ohio State University: Max Fntltz, Allla-Chalmers company. MUlwaukee, Wis.. E. B McCormlck, United States department of agricul ture; L. J. Smith, Winnipeg, Canada; E. C. Gee, College Station, Texas; C. A. Ocock, Peorl: . 111., and C. I. Gun neaa, Amherst, Moss I cbrltmns QwnTcl is Fatal. j WASHINGTON, Pec. 28. George Scherhye, alia George Weaver, S5 years old, Fhot ana Kined his wire following a quarrel at their home here. Scherhye then rushed to his mother's .home nnd committed suicide in her presence. "Now remember, Tommy. Santa Claus brings presents only to good little boys.'' "Oh. but Charlie, really I wasn't under the misletoe!'" "Just what I wanted!" "Boys we'll have just one more drink!" "Tttis beautiful vase, originally IS. 50, marked down to 98 cents." "Oh. Cousin Hiram and Aunt Me htahle so glad you dropped In on us!" "Well, I wasn't expecting anything from Jack, anyway.'' "Papa wanted to give us an auto, but an auto is so much trouble, you know that" "The boss down at the office gave me another raise." "I got nothing. Well, you know I told you I wasn't expecting anything." THE RI SE WORKED. Ache and Plu of rheumatism are not permanently, but only temporarily relieved by external remedies. Why rot use nn internal remedy Hood's Saisaparllla which corrects the add-j rifled scream greeted the remark, and It of the Mood on which rheumatism j the young lady was able to put in her depends and cures the disease? Adv. call A young lady took down the receiv er and discovered that the telephone was In use, relate the Christian En deavor World. "I had just put on a pan of beans for dinner," ahe heard one woman complacently Informing another. She hung up the receiver and wait ed. Three times she waited, and then, exasperated, she broke Into the conversation. "Madam, I smell your beans burn ing." she announced crisply. A hor PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 28. Ex Judge Seneca Smith, pioneer Port land attorney, a former heavy prop erty owner and one of the most prom inent residents of the state, died at his home at 839 Front street Saturday night after an Illness of several months. He was 70 years of age. Judge Smith came to Portland as a youth with the parents, who cross ed the plains behind the regulation yoke of oxen. He waa educated in the schools and colleges of thl state and was admitted to the bar here. He devoted his life to the practice of law. and was more than usually successful In the pursuit of that profession. While he was without personal po litical ambition, he always took a keen Interest In civic and economic affairs and at various time wa .prominent in the councils of the dem ocratic party. In late .year he was a close friend and adviser of United States Seitator Lane. He was we.ll J known throughout the state and had friend everywhere. Seneca Smith was a native of Indi ana. He was born on the banks of the storied Wabash August 16. 1844 His father for many years was a prominent manufacturer near Laporte Ind. In 1S47 he started with his family for the great northwest which seemed to offer greater opportunities for hi talent and actlvltle. The family arrived In Portland then a village in the fall of the same year, but within a few weeks after arriving here the father died. The widow and eight children, of which Seneca Smith was the youngest but one, survived. After the death of the husband and father the family moved to the Mores Valley, in Yam hill county, where they lived until 1S52. when the widow married J. C. Geer, grandfather of ex-Governor T T. Geer. She died four years later. Not a Total Loee. "How did your wife' garden torn out?" "Much better than ahe expected. Seem her onion bed produced llllea of the valley." IE" GLADDENS E, TIED FEET f "TIZ" makes sore, burninf;, tired feet fairly dance with delight Away po tl e aches and pains, the corns, calloiues, blisters aud bunions. "TIZ" drawa out the acids and loisons that put! up your feet. N matter how hard you work, bow long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "T1Z" bring a restful foot com fori "TIZ" is won derful for tirnl. aching, swollen, smarting tet t. Your T-et jut tingle fjr joy; shoe never l.uit or seem tight. Get a 23 cent hot of "TTZ" now front any dmist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller the, keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. "Oh. the Tears Ye Waste." For every masculine red nose you see, there is hidden away somewhere where you can't see them, a pair of woman's eyes, red with weeping. CASTOR I A For Infants &cd Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought of CSaffitcicZiii Baars the SPECIAL This Week Reduced Prices on all Rubber Goods Including Faultless Wearever Waterbot ties and Household Rubber Gloves. Tallman & Go.