DAILY EAST OREC.ONIANT, rENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC EM PER S.t, 1014. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE EIGHT. ft'" $ A": I 3 .-. 0 - ul p. RESOLVED Fill the children's stocking and load your holiday tables with the wholejsine goodies we sell. Luster Drown. A Merry Christmas to All P.uv your Chrtmas groceries, nut?, candies and fruits from us and pit the ho?t quality, they will cost you no more than in ferior goods sold by others. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all .. e Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Trains ltnnnlnff Lata. On account of snows In states east of Oregon all trains from the east are running late. No. 17, due her at noon, yesterday did not arrive un til after 4 o'clock. imlille Dane rrlday Nlht. The only dance In Pendleton Christ mas nlgM will he held In Moose hall Music by big United Orchestra. Ev erybody welcome. Admission 60c Adv. Xotfc to Pay. Th Schubert-Taylor Clothing Com pany Is dissolved. All accounts must be paid at once. SCHUBERT CLOTHIXa CO. (Adv.) Skating at Ilertnlston. Skating is the popular pastime at Hermlston these days, according to John W. Campbell who was up from the project town yesterday. The government reservoir Is froxen over and also a part of the new reservoir and both places are scenes of skating parties every day and evening. The tecent snow spoiled the Ice surface to some extent but not enough to keep the skaters off. Ilaxkcthitll Canto Tonight. This evening In the high school gymnasium will be played the annual holiday basketball classic of Fenaie ton with the school quintet shooting for one basket and the ex-hlgh school stars who are now playing on college floors pitching the ball at the other The collegians will number among them some of the fastest basketball mm ever turned out by the high school but they will be at a dlsad vantage In not having practiced to cether. The high school team is K. Smith and a man named Tierce The gun was not loaded but the three men did not know It and were not In a position to appreciate the matter as a Joke. He was arretted by the po Ilea who declare the colored man to be too dangerous to be at large. He will be retained at the city Jail on a charge of disorderly conduct and the case will then probably be presented to the grand Jury. Mca-liam Couple Marry, At the Rjiptlst parsonage yesterday afternoon at 3:J0, Frank It. Alget and Miss Mabel E. Raker, a popular pieacham couple were united In mar rlage. fast one this year ana tne promises to be a pretty one. start at 8 o'clock. game It will University of Oregon m n?n? m nnfo) TUESDAY, AT THEATRE DEC. 29th TICKETS $1.00, 75c, 50c Tickets on sale at Pendleton Drug Co. Annov filrls: Arrested. E. McClalr, a cobbler who formerly run a shop on Cottonwood street, tm. rw.i.td bv Chief of Police K.amv vesterday on a charge of an noying young girls and this morning h. nald its into the city coners. un young lady reported that he accosted! her as she was mailing a leuer in a street box. ordering her not to drop the letter and then molesting her as she walked down the street, sne siep- i.tsi atom and teiepnonca 10 th notice. While the chief was look In for the man, another complaint was made by a man who stated that. while walking home with his young daughter. McClair stepped between them with the order to him to "beat It," and then striking at him. The rhlpf wcosmlzed the description of the man and soon had him in Jail Biff Choir for Xma Masses. Two high masses will be held at the St. Mary's Catholic church on Christmas, one at midnight Christmas eve and the other at 10 o'clock In the morning. Three low masses will also be held. A large choir has been practicing on the Christmas music. ! The choir Is composed as follows: So pranos, Mrs. Guy O'Melvlny, Miss Al ma Scheer. Miss Nadlne Blakely, Miss Mamie Mark, and Miss Adeline Thome; altos. Mrs. William Cahlll, Miss Minnie Thome, Miss Clementine Molltor and Miss Louise Cahlll; ten ors, Carl Hemmelgarn. Leo Molltor, James Bannon and Eugene Molltor; bassos, J. R. Kay, Ed Hemmelgarn. George Phelps, August Bauer and Guy O'Melvlny; violin, Bert McDon ald: cornet. Robert Barney; pipe or gan. Miss Mae Paulsen. Bakery Auto Struck. On Its lnltlul trip on the streets, the Hohbach bakery auto was etruck by the Kirkpatrlck automobile sever al days ago and has since been laid up ior repairs, a rear wneel was torn off and the back end smashed Poor Tots to Get Presents. Through the charity of several lo cal women, some poor tots In the eut end of the city will tomorrow evening receive a visit from Santa Claus. But ror these ladles old Kris Krlngle ould undoubtedly have passed the houses by and In one there are Beven children supported by a mother who has been deserted by her hUBband. Will Remain Here A while. Alger Fee, son of Judge James A. Fee, will remain In Pendleton for several months but plans upon return ing to Seattle eventually. He states that business conditions are very Quiet on the sound.. He was admit ted to the practice of law in the state of Washington while in Seattle. Powder "In Bad" Again. Charles W. Britton, the colored bootblack better known as "Powder" is "In bad" again. Recently he was liberated from the eastern Oregon state hospital to which Institution he had been sent as the result of long use of "dope" and yesterday he flourished a revolver about promis cuously, drawing it upon three dif ferent men. Jerry St. Dennis, George 'OTI"'!'!!!!''!!!!!!!'!!!! He rati!! TIm mm WHERE THE FAVORITE PLAYERS PLAY THE HOME Or GOOD PICTURES Stole Poultry, It 8 Allied. One Moses Baldwin is this afternoon receiving a hearing in the local Jus tice court on a charge of stealing poultry from Ernest French, a Tutuil U creek rancher, lie was arrested yesterday. Baldwin was staying at the French place and In the absence of the owner, according to the story of the complaining witness. rnniFhr and sold seven turkeys and two geese. Cash Lost Is Dta-overcd. FOSSIL, Ore., Dec. 23. An Inves tigation of an apparent ehortaee in the accounts of the irMir ..t Wheeler county revealed that th nl. lKed deficit was a balance hlrt In the hands of the treasurer that had not yet been deposited In th hnnk It Is the treasurer's custom to make a aeposlt of county funds once each month, and more frequently if taxes' are coming in freely. He made thi deposit of 17000 October 10 and It would have been made whether the state accountant had come to Fossil or not. he saysT The county court considered the bill for experting the county books was far too high, it being eight times the amount charged by private experts for the same amount of work. Wilson to Reappoint H. c Hall WASHINGTON. Dec. 22 President Wilson, It was learned plans to reap point Henry Clay Hall, of Colorado Springs, Colo., member of the Inter state commerce commission, whose term expires January 1. DKItlTAXTK MUST WORRY ALONG ON $20,000 A YEAR . General Film Company Offers "The Golden Beetle" TODAY FOR LAST TIME Admission 10c Children 5c 3 I! h S. M Coming Thursday and Christmas "THE THDEF" From Editorial Page New York Evening Journal t We sincerely Lujjc that the producers will jiaradc "The Thief all over the Uuitrd Sta'x'?, in all the cities and towns. t t - -- .' HANIKL. FKOJIMAN'S NEW YOKK LYCEUM THEATRE SUCCESS, "THE THIEF" BY HENRI BERNSTEIN. Featuring Dorothy Donnelly Creator of Madame X AND RICHARD BUIILER AND AN ALL STAR CAST. 316 Gorgeous Scenes A New York and London Success lMi.su IVuuelvi pown. in this production are valued at $5000.00. Direct t l'stiiiu' 'Tliejitre from Majestic Theatre, l'ortl.ui'l, Ore. KKMEM HER CHRISTMAS I'VE AND CHRISTMAS DAY. MoniKits Miori.n votk. says ;nroiu pinchot i i i . ;V: Gifford Piikliot. NEW YORK. Dec. 2 J "The best way to make good citizens Is to make citizens of our mothers and let them in turn be trusted with the making of good citizens," said Gifford Pln chot before a large audience In the Suffrage Shop on Fifth avenue. "I do not believe, however, that univer sal suffrage will be a 'cure-all' for our evils, as long as a nation exists It will have certain problems to meet." 22 lu-Iow In Nevada. ItENO. Nev.. Dec. 22. Elko was the coldest place In Nevada, the offi cial temperature there registering 22 degrees below zro. JUST ONE MORE DAY LEFT To Do Your Christmas Shopping In Tomorrow From Early Morning 'til L&te at Night Get in the crowd and enjoy the wonderful values in Xmas presents offered at this big busy store. Men's necktiea 25, 39, 45, 60. Ties, box, Buporters, hand kerchief, clasp and stick pins CO, 91.23, 91.40 Leather fob belta and - hill book - OS Shirts for Christmas gifts at U9, OS, $1.49 $1.08 Gloves aro always appreciated 25, 49, 98, $1.45. Sweaters for men, women and children for Christinas, at 49?, 98?, $1.49, ?1.98 92.98. Extra heavv all wool sweaters 93.98, 94.98, 95.90. Dolla, all sizes, dressed at 25? 49?, 98? nnd up to 9"-50 Kid body dolls nt 98?, 91.49, 91.98, 92.49 Folding co-carts for dolls at 91.69, 91.98, 92.49, Whv not a silk petticoat, at 91.98, 92.98, 93.98. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT Christmas 912.50, Ladies' coats for 97.90, 99.90, 914.75. Children's coats, a splendid assortment to select from, 91.98, 92.98, 93.98, 9 1.98, 95.90. Or a tailored top ' skirt at 93.08, 91.98, 95.90. Kimonna mako suitable ejfta, 91.98, 92.98, 95.90, 97.90. Dainty waists of mescaline, crepo do ehino or taffeta at 91.98, 92.98, 93.98. Tablo linens niako irpod Christina eifts, yard 49?, G9?, 98?, 91.49. Silks for waist or dresses at 49?, 79?, 98?, 91.49 Wool, goods for Christmas gifts, yard 49?, C9?, 98? and 91,'19 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW I'M LITTLE! - BUT OH MY ! In this little advertisement I want to tell yon of my LITTLE PRICES ON HOLIDAY TABLE NEEDS Candle, Nuts, Fruits, Vegetable, A fine large stock on hand and selling fust. Groceries, Etc. Pay our prices and save. money. I'nompt ueuvery manes us as near as your icieiuione. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St Thono 536 ETTEt HURRY UP To Get These Timely Articles at Such Low Prices FANCY NECKTIES in holiday boxes cut to, each 29? Fancy. Holiday Hoxes SUSPENDERS, cut to, each 39? A LARGE VARIETY OF INITIAL HANDKEUCIUlir M in silk and linen at prices cut to 15?, 19?, 25? and 39? each. Men's and Hoys' warm GLOVES and MITTENS, fleece lineJ, just the thing for thee cold days, from .. 15? pair up WE ARE PREPARED TO COMPLETELY FIT OUT THE MEN AND B(l PRICES THAT ARE AI50UT ONE HALF OF WHAT THE OTHER STORES ARE ASKING. ROYS AT Mii-.v . W Main and Court Sts. lN! " : ' . i illlllllllllllllllllll , urn nnnn n n c 1 Former H. H. Wessel Store Pendleton, Ore. J M 4 ifSj iS4 2& M 'Ski 3 tl THOMAS JEFFERSON Playing the Part Made Famous by his father, Joseph Jefferson 'RIP VAN WINEOX 99 MHtltMtMMIIi 31 Its Helen Anita Do Witt. NEW YORK, Dec. 22. With the annual Income of $20,000 allowed her Ly the courts until she becomes of n?e 'MlRfl Helen Anita De Witt, a p. Moachlng her 18th birthday, will be launched on her career In fashion, ut le society one evening of this week, when her uncle, J. Hornblower De Witt, will present her at a dance giv en at Sherry's .. Here are some of the items that whl eat Into Miss De Witt's Income during the year: Warfl. ro)p, $9000; entertainments, $2000; riding horse, $1500; French maid, $500; flowers, cards and Incidentals, $1000; share of expenses In maintain lug town and country home, $6,000. When MIhs Do Witt becomes of age she will receive a one Blxth Interest in a trust fund left by her grandfath er. AuguHtus C. Downing. Thin In. Krest, will amount" to more than $1,-000,000. Do you realize that not a week passes that you do not have a chance to see the work of some great actor or act ress on the screen at The Alta. Good pictures are edu cational. Todays picture should be seen by every one who likes to see the greatest artists of stageland. Comedy Day Tomorrow Comedy "False Pride Has a Fall" STARRING DOT FARLEY Day ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I I mWIIIHM'IMMIIIIIIMMWIIHHHH'M" '!'V,"!;:MI!l!!MniM!IIIIM'MIIM!MlMli'M)H;;Mi..:;..('jM''m .i.iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliitiili.l.iit 4.14.11 i:i1ihii.n,iii;.i,.iii.ii.il.i:ii,i,.i.;i!,i;'.luiiHiii,iiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiihi;!iiu;ii