TACT. TWO. DAILY EAST OKF.OOXTAN". rEXDTF.TOX. OKFOOX. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1014. ETflUT PAOE& ; , vl ft ami mjr lj union yum Ksiii idiiiiua J i cjui uiiusio g You'll find this great store best prepared to meet your every want j with, new "quality" merchandise. Every department is fairly running g over with America's best products goods with a name and reputation $ that add extra appreciation to gift seaming from ThePeoples Warehouse. 8 This storje will be open till 9 o9 clock tonight and tomorrow night. Lambs Wool Slipper Soles ((Answer v4 ft VQToYou ft XMAS6IFW I s s s 8 S 8 s s All sizes. ' CHILDREN", 25 pair W03IEXS, 35 pair HEX'S, 50 pair In Women's Slippers. .Fink, blue, old ro prev, brown, fawn, red, wino and black in comfy and Juliet stjles ?1.50 and ?1.75. Brown kid Borneo and Faust slippers for men. Turn sole, for ?2.00 pair Give "Him" a Pair of Nice Dress Gloves 8 Imported Japanese Kimonas Don't forpet that wo have the best as sortment of imported hand embroidered Japanese kimonas ever shown in this city. Colors are lipht blue, pink, rose, lavender and purple. . Embroidered in roses, wis teria and apple blossoms. Lovely desipns. Your choice only $12.50 $2.50 VELOUR RIBBONS 85 Beautiful velour and novelty ribbons, the greatest line ever shown in Pendleton. 3Iake handsome baps. A good many of these ribbons sold originally up to $2.50 per yard. Your choice now 85 BOUDOIR CAPS We have a new lot of most attractive boudoir caps, made of super quality of lace and ribbons ?1.25 to ?2.00 CHRISTMAS FURS Furs make royal gifts. They're sure to bo appreciated. We have them in seta or sinple pieces. Muffs and scarfs in black and brown mink, red fox, brown fox, Chi Ja linx and blue fox, each ?2.00 to ?60 Neckwear Handkerchiefs for Men Handkerchiefs are the universal gift. Everyone gives them and what little re membrance could be nicer. Our stock is very larpo. AT 10 AND 15 wo show pood soft finish, ready to use handkerchiefs, nar row hem, also a pood initial. AT 20 we have an exceptional hand kerchief. Pure linen, plain, narrow hem, soft finish. AT 25? AND 35, plain and initial handkerchiefs. Pure linen, fine qualities, good values. Compfete Line of Christmas Gloves s s 8 s s s s 8 8 S s 8 We are better than ever prepared to please you with, dress ploves this Christ mas. Every new and wanted style is here. Mocha, kid, buckskin, chamois, etc, lined and unlined, all sizes and colore at 91.50 to ?5.00. Dainty Tea Aprons We have many pretty styles, made of flowered materials, trimmed with lace and ribbons. A very inexpensive and accep table Christmas gift, 35 to 79 SILKS SILKS There isn't anv thing better to give than a silk WAiST or DRESS. Hun dreds of yards of beautiful silks in plain colors, plaids, stripes and floral effects, in messaline, poplin, taffeta, charmeuse, crepe de chine, etc, 26 inches to 54 inches wide. The vard 50s to 2.50 BED SPREADS A large assortment to select from, beau tiful desipns, of crochet and Marseilles make. Come plain hemmed, scalloped, frinped and cut corners, any size and Each to ?10.00 weipht. Xo man was ever known to have enouph ties, an extra one or two is always wel come. We are prepared for an enormous neckwear business ; all the late styles and colors, beautiful materials, qualities that have no equal in Pendleton. Come in and have a look at them, 23, 33, 50, 75 up to 2.50. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION to the fact that we carry the LARGEST ASSORTMENT of PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS GOODS in the city, outside of the mill. Bath Robes, Bed Blankets, Indian Robes, Couch Covers, Steamer Rugs, etc These make ideal Christmas gifts. Let us show you. LUNCH CLOTHS' And Napkins to match in plain white with satin floral effect and conventional designs, hemmed ready for use. Cloths ?1.25 to 96.00 Napkins, doz. 93.00 to ?G.OO ir M T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP T. P. W. SPECIAL, 2 clasp kid gloves in black, white, tan and brown, pr. 9150 "CENTAUR," finest French kid in black, white, tan, brown, grey and navv. Pair I 91.75 TWO BUTTON . GLOVES, heavily embroidered in self or contrasting color, many novelties. Pair $2.00 GLOVE CERTIFICATES ISSUED FOR ANY AMOUNT, if you do not know the size. CHRISTMAS RIBBONS AT 25 YD. We have an immense showing of the most beautiful ribbons, suitable for hair liows, etc., G inch taffeta. Extra value. Choico only, yard . . 25 jft 3 PHONES, 15. 8 8 8 CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS 22 8 8 8 Your CHRISTMAS TABLE SUP PLIES here in endless varieties. Your eleventh hour needs filled here. T. P. W. Service together with Quality. Service together with quality FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Extra choice assortment for tomor row shoppers. SWEET APPLE CIDER, CRANBER RIES, FIGS, NUTS, RAISINS, MINCE MEAT, TURKEYS, BANA NAS, APPLES, ORANGES and GRAPE FRUIT. SHOP EARLY. Many suitable gifts can go selected in our CROCKERY DEPT. STAR CUT GLASSES and JUGS, WINE GLASSES, GUERNSEY COOKING WARE, PERCOLATORS, DINNER- WARE, Etc. CHRISTMAS CA N DI ES-Make your purchases here now. FANCY GRAPES, NEW DATES, PRESERVES JELLIES, MARMA LADE, CANNED FRUITS and VEGETABLES, an assorted case will make an appreciated pift. 8 8 r; -, ,11.77 CPU XXI The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS fl COUPON I j Mm. Fred Bloch arrived home yesterday from Porllund where (the had been visiting (or two weeks. Mrs. Clnrk E. Nelson left yesterday for Portland to spend the hollduy. Mr". Kelson will leave tonight to Join ber. Mrs. Hoy Alexander left yesterday for Walla Wulla to spend Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abbott. She will be Joined by her husband on Chrlntmas day. Carl Cooley will leave tomorrow for Portland to spend Christmas with hli parents and slater In Portland. In honor of the Greek letter men home from college for the holidays the Pendleton Pan-Hellenic Club gave a banquet last evening In the Hotel Pendleton dining room. Twenty fra ternity men were present for the oc casion. After the banquet adjourn ment was taken to the Commercial association rooms where- muslo was enjoyed. Besides the college students John W. Campbell of Hermlston was n guest at the banquet. MIhs Jessica McEwen of Athena, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Mlsa Daisy McPherson, who Is at tending the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, la home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cresswell have returned from a visit of two weeks In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Matlock enter tained the employes of the Pastime theater last evening at their home. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. a mm Don't Neglect THROAT Troubles because the swollen fflands .I Inflamed membrane often affect other tissue and Impair their healthy action. SCOTT'S EMULSION afford great relief because us coa Urer oil Is apeedliy con. Tf rted into germ-reslstint; tissue the glycerine U curative and healing, while the combined emul ion strengthens the lungs to avert lung trouble. BrnfdB lIRQTITlrTU uJ gU- UJ1. vwf - - - 14- INSIST ONSWiw flli C. terra 1 1 tuu m I ' irilMeu I sF-iAUlI I GOVERNOR MAY GO WITH SHIP TO BELGIUM WEST HAS BEEV ASKED TO AT TEND FEKSONAIjLY to dis THiniTING SimJES. Library News if 5Tr 2 ci S: 5 55e !e e: iS i if Jf?- f fS1 ?5ir ADAMS FARMER IS RECOVERING FROM INJURIES WREN ME CKEEN. SERIOUSLY HURT IN RUNAWAY. IM PROVING SLOWLY. (Sneclal Correspondence.) ADAMS. Ore.. Dec. J3. Wrennle Green, who was seriously hurt a few days ago in a runaway. Is now im proving alowly. Mrs. Ella Bowling went to Pendle ton Tuesday, where she Intends to remain for a few day. Mr. Winders, the hotel proprietor, went Tuoaday to the mountains to e iure the Christmas treej for Thura Ouy evening. Clark Maxey, who resides at the Jesse Hales ranch was In town Mon day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs. who live near Adams, were In town Mon day. Je ljtvadour and family were in town Pumlav. inch May berry made a trip to He Hi Sunday. 1 Mr. Londell of Athena, waa In town Monday. Roy Ferguson, who lives near Ad ame, waa present Monday evening at band practice. Harve Roseberry, who lives on one of the Lleuallen ranches, was in town Monday. Mrs. Charles Dupuls was in town Monday. Mrs. Hunter was In town Monday. Mrs. Will Boyer was In town Tues day. Mrs. Alfred Marquis, who lives five miles out of Adams, was In town Tuesday. The daughter of Mrs. Lou Murray is how here visiting her mother. Mrs. Kyle McDanlels was In Pen dleton Saturday. Frank Krebs was a visitor at the county seat Monday. Delbert Wilson of Pendleton, waa In town Sunday. Kyle McDanlels, the principal of the Adams schools, was a vlxltor at the county seat Saturday. J. Harrah, the hifch school teacher, was In Pendleton Saturday. John Adarnn, one of the nearby farmers, was in town Monday. The chapel car with Mr. and Mrs Driver left Monday morning for Mil ton. They expressed themselves as having enjoyed their visit to this community immensely. It Is hoped tney will return. Alaska Want Gootlials. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. It is re rorieu mai colonel Goethals, now ! ud of the Isthmian canal commis sion, may later be placed In charge of the construction of the government railroad In Alaska. Colonel Goethals desires to remain at the Panama canal until It Is oper ating smoothly, but he may do that and then take charge of the railroad work In Alaska by the time the plans are completed. If Colonel Goethals Is to be sent to Alaska later he prob ably will be consulted by the engi neers of the Alaska railroad commis sion when he comes to Washington next week and will be asked to go ever their surveys before they are submitted to the presldnt for approval. lirltNti Itombnrd Turks. PARIS, Dec. 22. The Havas Ag ency has given out a dispatch from Its correspondent at Athens, who quotes a meiwuge from the Island of Tenedos to the effect that the re cent bombardment by a Britten fleet In the Gulf of Saros, Immediately north of the Dardanelles, completely destroyed the TurklHh barracks on shore and seriously damaged the for tifications. The Turks, panic stricken, flod to tne interior. , Woman Hurt; Rube Raved VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec, 22. Although Mra. J. B. Markman was knocked unconscious and her shoulder -roken when she fell downstairs me ls-montha-old babe and a cut Riajts pitcher that she arrled were un hurt Mrs. Markman slipped on the land i-.Ig and fell the entire flight She v.as hurt seriously but physicians say that she will recover. CITY WILL GIVE ITSELF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT ROANOKE, Va, Dec. 22. This city expects to make iUielf a Christ mas present of an auditorium and ex position hall. A campaign of contri butions for the past few weeks Is ex pected to result In sufficient funds to make It possible to erect a building to fill "a long felt need." A number of new copies of fic tion that has proved to be very popu lar in the past few years have been placed on the fiction shelves of the public library today. Union. Atkinson Greyfralrs Bobby. Bennett Burled alive. Burnett Secret garden. Churchill Crisis. Deland Awakening of Helena Ritchie. Deland Iron woman. Dickens Great expectations. Duncan Dr. Luke of Labrador. Farnol Broad highway. Ford Honorable Peter Stirling. Fox Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. Fox Trail of the Lonesome pine. Gordon Black Rock. Gordon Glengarry school days. Gordon Ban from Glengarry. Gordon Sky Pilot. Grey Riders .of the purple sage. Harrison Queed. King Inner shrine. King Street called straight. Lincoln Cap'n ErI. Lincoln Mr. Pratt. Lincoln Cap'n Warren's wards. Locke Beloved vagabond. Locke Septimus. London Call of the wild. Major When Knighthood was In flower. Martin TUle, a Mennonlte maid. Montgomery Anne of Green Ga bles. The public lbrary will be closed on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day. K S. Swct Is President. LEWISTON. Idaho, Dec. 22. E. S. Sweet, of Grangevllle, Idaho, was cho sen president of the Northwest Live stock Association; D S. Wallace, of Iewistnn, vice president, and F. M Rothrock, of Spokane, was re-elected treasurer. These officers will later choose the secretary. Subscriptions to next year's premi ums, now being made, already reach a total of $15,000. Special Induce ments will be given to boys and girls in Judging contests to Interest them selves In the livestock Industry. lirlstnuiH Mail Moxlnir. ' WASHINGTON. Dec. 22. Post manter General Burleson, In a state ment issued promised tho public "suc cessful dispatch and delivery" of Christmas parcels and letters. The vast bulk of mails, he said, already has begun to move and was being handled promptly and well. The "mall-your-parcels-enrly' sug gestion recently made by the depart ment, had good effect. Traffic be gan in large volumes earlier than last J'ear. Samllnavlan King Meet. MALMOE, Sweden, Dec. 22. King GuBtave, of Sweden, King Haakon, of Norway, and King Chrlstlon of Den mark, arrived here for their confer ence, at which they are to formulate an agreement designed to combine their respective Interests during the period of the war. The meeting of King Hankon and King Gustavo was of unusual Inter est, since It was the first time that the rulers of these countries had met since Norway severed her connection with Sweden In 1905. The confer ence Is expected to establish closer relations between these countries. Wliurf Washed Away. OVNARD, Cal., Dec. 23 Several hundred feet of the Hueneme wharf, j property of the Heuneme Wharf and Warehouse company, was washed away by heavy seas. The damage was placed at several thousand dol lars. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. Tfea Kind You ta Always BougH Sears the Signature SALEM, Dec. 23. Regarding a suggestion from the Oregon Belgian Relief committee that if he would announce that hp would go personal ly to Belgium with the Belgian relief shop to attend to the distribution of. supplies, many would be Induced to contribute, Governor West said: "While It is going to be a rather difficult matter for me to adjust my affairs so as to meet this situation, I feel It my duty to respond. How over, I will endeavor to give the com mittee a definite answer within the next few days." Uonvali'MYnoe after .pneumonia, typhoid fever and the grip, la some- times merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there Is no other tonic so highly to 'be recom mended as Hood's SarsaparlHa. Thou sands so testify. Take Hood's Adv. Victorious Rrlton In Port. MONTEVIDHO, Deo. 32. The British cruiser Invincible, which took part In the naval engagement off the Falkland Islands on December 8, In which four German crulsrrs were sunk arrived In the roadstead off this port. Sir Frederick Sturdee, the British Admiral who commanded the squad ron. Is aboard the Invincible. Tho English colony gave a brilli ant reception In honor of Vice Ad miral Sturdee, In which the members of the French colony participated. RESINOL GORED AWFUL ITCHING IN ONE NIGHT New York. ''T!.e tWxi on my hand rot red and r'.ujli. R itched and I began to -crt'!i it, It itched so that sometime I could not sleep all night. I was sutfcrini; cry imicli. I used salvo uihl , but they did rot seem to l:i!p r.o. Thi went on for six or seven 1.101. tl;.. Then I tried Lesinol Oiiriu i.t and n-M,:ol Soap. I used them one nip lit. In tho morninp, to my surprise, my hand was all well and the trouble La never returned. This ii t'le r.!.so'ut. trr.th." (Signed) Miss Celm Kleii'.nian, 01 Columbia HU, April 0, 1 :ns. Not!.im; v e c.n s.iv of P.esino! equals what oUiem, Mich a Miss Kleinmin, say of it. It d'Ts its work quickly, easily nnd ct littlo cot. If you are suffering from til. in trouble, wliv don't you try TWino! Ointment and Reslnol Soap. For trial sire, fr?e, write to Dept. KK, noinol, Ualtimore, Md. Sold by oil druists. Tho Pink oi Health is every woman's rijsrht; but many are troubled with sallow complexions, headaches, backaches, low spirits until they learn that sure relief .may be found in gEECHfipiS DtncOnm tl Sc!l V!m I Wotmi wits ttry Bo. &U mryvlim. la Vnv, Itc, lit. Special Holiday Prices on Parisian Ivory and all Leather Goods Tollman & Go. Leading; Druftbti Chairs for Christmas: A some- thing that admits of such great variation insomuch as there are so many different styles and so many different finishes. Some are wicker, some are wood and some are upholstered and all are of a gener ous size. They are to be had at $5, at $6, 7.50 and up to $17.50 Should be delighted to show them to you. Will send them wherever and whenever you wish. Second floor The Peoples Warehouse