iwr.r. t"k;ijt. TUTTA FAST OTCTC.OVTA. PFXPT-FTOV. OKEflON. T11UKS1UY, PKTKMUKU IT. 1014, ETOIIT PAGES. - Resolved TIii:t if vnii .ny rcrios ONCK our mftlioiLs will li.i! trade. XO UODY can liol.i a raihllo to us in our line. WeVc t die tls. our pnv . w..A a, 1 1 , trr j i vxvtx nx-ru'V. w war.t vour trade. Fruits of all kinds. we will pivo von for vour aisms. Unx-eries, Candies, Fiirs. Date?, PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all . c Pleased G)urt and Johnsnn Sts. Newsy Notes of Pendletonl llulkllng Addition to Home. O. S. Toung has taken out a per mlt to build an addition to Ma dwell tng house on Aura street. Will Visit In Old Home. O. F. Steele, well known Nolln res ident, came In thU morning on the motor car and mill leave on No. IS for Cap Glratdeau county. Missouri, hU old home, for a visit He has not been there for IS years. Tent Woman Arrested. Chief of Police Kearney and Offi cer Manning this morning arrested Irene 'Young, a woman who has been occupying a tent In the east end of the city and who according to the po lice, has conducted In K t brothel of vice. She has been In the city Jail before. i-uiimuoraDie worn when done At present the arrangements are awaiting "'iiiiMcuon or rrjjnt of way negotl at Ions. More Tcachcre Arrive, Six more applicants for teachers' certificates reported this morning for me examinations being conducted at me court bouse. Those who are can dldates for life certificates will re port Saturday. To Soil nail Tickets. The ladles' clubs of the city, hav ing In charge the annual Library Bull on New Years' eve, will start their ticket sale tomorrow. A committee has been appointed to canvass th city. The proceeds from the ball arc given to the library. AnL t 8 just one veek from tonight when Santa vill be frolicking around. & AKK YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT FORGETTING SOME lKAIt ONES? DON'T WORRY ABOUT Jtt WHAT TO GIVE, HUT JUST MAKE UP YOUIt MIND WHO TO GIVE T(M, COME TO THIS BIG, CJ IIUS Y STORE WHERE YOUH TROUBLE WILL HE EASILY DISPELLED. WE WILL GLADLY K HELP MAKE SUITABLE SELECTIONS FHOM OUH IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF INEXPENSIVE f GUTS, AND HEM EMBER YOU CAN BUY IT IIFRE FOR LESS. K ' ....... - Z Men s ties In rancy Doxes, aiso seis oi ut, . handkerchief and stick pin and clasp, 39c, 69c, 98e. $1.23, $1.49. Aatlonery In fancy boxes make dainty presents and this big busy store sells them at about hulf others ask, 10c, 15c, 2&e. 4c, 69c, 98c. In Remodeled Building. G. W. Hooker, who has been run nlng a florist shop In half of the room formerly occupied by r. O. Elliott's restaurant. Is moving two doors south Into one of the rooms made from the old Grand theater. Mr. 'Hooker Is also agent for the Oregon Journal The Place for Xmas Candies is Tli Place of Strictly Pendleton Industry. Oar Candle are mmlo to eat. Eastern candle arc nude to sell For Such to IX Tbe Delta. MINSTRELS BANISH DULL CARE (Continued from pare one.) Pendleton Gets Ught Snow. Snow of the light and dusty variety has been falling In Pendleton nearly all day. It began before breakfast this morning and has continued al most without interruption. However, It U so light that at press time the ground was hardly more than covered. A FIDE PRESENT Await jou in our Optometry Department Give jikasure and comfort v tivin? a rair c,f ' fi Prop er Fitted Lens anv l-oautifiil ideas mountings. in Dale Roihweil With Win. Ilanseorn THE Jeweler Oiee-lIJ. Others In the ca.t are Jane R:!ey. political bosses (George Baer) her charming son (Ray Crystal) who Is preparing for hla wedding and had wVcted George Darveau as the dim pled brllemaid; and Clarence Bean, stenopraplier. All the parts are ex ceptionally good and the farce 1 a high flying success. "The death of the Gladiator'' la a ferio-comic scene that may well send Sullivan and Consodlne scouting. Ciive Cheshire is the Roman senator. Lou Ptoelhammer, "Archald" the gladiator, and Don Saunders. "Penny Ante.' the fair daughter. The glad iator Is "half shot" by the' enraged parent and the combat la something wortn seeing. The closing scene of the perform ance rresenta old plantation melodies un several good numbers. Among them the "Teasing Moon," sung by R. E. Chloupek and chorus; a quar tet composed of Messrs. Baer. Chlou pek. Dickson and Scott which made a hit with the new version of Tipper ary. "It s a Long Way to California" and the Dark town wedding as finale. Lou Johnson is the bride, Roy Buch anan the groom and Lee Drake the parson who tells the "contestant" to join hands. The minstrel chorus Is composed Of Glenn Storle. Brooke Dickson, Cecil Cole. C. O. Rinehart. Hal Corby, Dick Ma berry, Walter Rose, L. G. Frailer. Chas. Vlnier, Alfred Fiti Gerald. Glenn Finch, Clarence Bean, George Fhelp. Walter Freeman, Frank Hayes, Harold Brock. Volney Bybee. Nat Kimball. Roy Wissler and Gar lanJ Gray. The orchestra Is also worthy of iraijie anl the following la the per sonnel: Wm, Goedecke. Trev. Sharp, Tert McDonald, H. M. Warren. Rob ert Hfirny. Charles Kelly, Wesley Whipple. HaJ tishop. Arthur Cody and Mt.. W. V. Humphrey, accom pany. Tl.e committee having general chaise of the Klks Minstrel Is com posed of Jack Gibson. Roy Buchanan Jamea Este. Frank Downey and Jack Watson. Wade Prlvett served as electrical manager. II emit on Promises 1SOO Rabbits. That the Hermlaton sportsmen will supply 1500 rabbits for the shipment to be sent to the Portland poor la the statement of J. D. Watson, bookkeep er for the Western Land A Irrigation Co., In a letter to E. E. Cleaver who Is directing the Pendleton end of the big Sunday shoot Mr. Watson states that he and Herbert Strohm will leave between 30 and 40 men on the west side of the project Sunday morning nd are confident they will bag 1500 rabbits. Bud Anderson May light Here. A New Years battle between Bud Anderson, the Vancouver-Medford lightweight, and Sammy Goode may be a sport card offered to Pendleton fans to open 1915. Dan Downey has entered Into negotiations with the scrappers with favorable results. An derson Is now In Wallace, Idaho, where he Is to nuet Frank Barrleau on Christmas day In a 20 round go. Goode is a Portland boy who has 8htwn considerable class as a battler. 'C and I" Club Dance Friday. The next of the series of Invitation I dancen to be given by the "U and V club will be held Friday evening, De cember 18th, In Moose hall. Adv. Ills Epidemic of Mampe. That the epidemic of the mumps which caused the closing of the Uni versity of Oregon this week until aft er the holidays, had assumed seri ous proportions is the statement of Bertrand S. Jerard, who la home to spend the Christmas vacation with hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. J rard. Tbe epidemic was spreading rapidly and the disease waa In a se vere form. Young Jerard lives In the Beta Theta Pi fraternity house, the first closed on account of the disease, and states that seven of the young men in that house developed mumps L1 withm four days. No Rock Crusher Work. Owing to the fact the city rock crusher Is in a delapldated state and cannot be made rtady for use except at heavy expense it Is announced the plan of running the roc crusher has been abandoned. However there will soon be some city and county work here in the building of a little con crete bridge at the west end of Webb street. The Iron for this bridge will be here within a few days and the work will be taVsn up as quickly as possible, says Mayor Dyer. The work will be done by force account and not by contract. If arrangements for rlKht of way can be perfected it i said the county will shortly undertake the building of a cutoff at the end of Eat Court street, connecting with tbe paved end of the street. A new bridge is also contemplated across the Uma tilla river there. All that work will be by the county and will provide Ihe PASTIME THEATRE Offers EDMUND BREESE Supported by Claire Whitney and Stuart Holmes in Alfred Sutro's great Play The Walls of Jericho IN FIVE PARTS. - S -1. V ldJ n Produced at, James K. llackett Tlieatre for one year. A scorching arraignment tit modern society.' An cx jose of their frlvoltlcs and lisslpatlons. The triumph of two continents. . ... Picture starts, 2:00, 3.15,' 4:30. 7:0, 8 15, 9:30, afternoons, Evenings, Admission, Adults, 15c. ChiMrcn, Cc. Rend photoplay column. kdhurn I'ntll Friday. ancil met enlv to adlourn last Council Ad The cou o.rmiiK. ii was late wnen a quorum arriveo ana the aldermen, having tick eta for the . Elks' minstrels, voted to adjourn until Friday evening at 7:30 .no matters of . Importance were to have come up last evening. Officers Acq Here, ; U. S. Deputy Marshal Dave Fuller Is In the city today serving subpoe lines to Indians and others wanted as witnesses In the federal court In Portland. E. B. Wood chief special agent of the O.-W. R. A N., Is also here Would Meet Pendleton Again Manager Hoover of the Pendleton bowling team thla afternoon received s letter from Dan J. Scott manager of the La Grande bowling team, ask ing lor a match on the local alleys Saturday evening. Mr. Hoover de clares the team here ts willing to meet the La Granders and will write them accordingly. Mr. Scott states that the team of La Grande will come ty auto If the weather permits. Committee to Investigate. At a meeting of the Cold Springs road committee held here this fore noon R. O. Earnhart and J. E. Mont Komery were named as a subcommit tee to Seattle and other points to In vestigate the use of auto trucks on hard surface roads. The committee will also Investigate further Into the feasibility of a railroad from Cold Springs landintr to the Holdman coun try. Among other duties the commit tee will make a trip to the portase road At Celllo to look over that road and its rolling stock to ascertain If It would be desirable equipment for a farmers road here. Banks Funeral Tomorrow. . The funeral service over the re mains of Mrs Sarah Banks who died here day before yesterday will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Brown undertaking chapel. The service will be conducted by Rev. F. Weaver of the Christian church. The deceased was '43 years of age and was the mother of eight children. She was a native of Iowa and came here two years ago: A daughter Mrs. L. J Stover lives at (11 Pine street and a sister, Mrs. E. Waters at Goshen. Wn.. the latter being here now to attend the funeral. 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Suitable Sug gestions as Gifts for the Men Folks Get him one of our blue serge suits, our prices are at least a third less, better see them. $9.90, $12.50, $11.75, $16.50. Men's suits of fancy worsted, : plain greys ' or' neat stripes at : $7.90, $9.90, $11.30. $H.7S. Overcoats for these cold days certainly would be appreciated and you can save from 13.50 to 16.00 on every one here $9.90, $12.50, $14.73. Mackinaw coats are very popular this season for men, wo men and children at $398, $1.50, $4.98, $3.90. Boys' knlckerbocker I suits with Norfolk coats In mixed effects' or blue serges at 11.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $1.98. 1 ( I i The Gentler Sex Would Appreciate Any of These for Xmas Gifts Shirt waists - for her would make a suit able gift, 88c, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98. A good warm coat would be very, suit able. Block , plush, carlculo or fancy weaves, $8.90, $9.90, $12.50, $16.50. Tailored sulu in long or short model Jack ets lined with heavy satin at $9.90, $12.50, $16.50. Tailored skirts, some with long tunics, others with yoke ef fect are the very smartest, $3 98,.$ f. 98 $3.90. MlHHva' coats In fancy Scotch weaves or bluck. $7.90, $8.90, $9.90, $12.50. Children's coats, 2 to 10 year sizes $2.98, $3.98, $1.98, $3 90. fc'C 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Let Us Help You Make Your Selections From Boys' 600 shotTepeatlng air guns $1.23. $1.19. Kid body dolls, with long curly hair at 49c, 98o, $1.49 and up to $3.98. - ' Dressed dolls from the smaller one at 2."c 49c, 9So up to the big baby dolls at $3.98 Character dolls, all sizes 49c, 98o and up to $2.98. Doll go-carts, the collapsable kind at 98c, $1.69, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98. Doll beds and cradles 23c, 69c, $1.23 Toy lawn'awlngs for the doll... 69c, $1.23 Then there are tin dishes, tin cooking uten sils, toy animals, games, ratlers, muslo boxes, air guns, pop guns, trains, books nt 1c, 5c, 10c 13c for the little ones to the 25c and 49c for the grownups. Table squares -r dresser scarfs 4Hc. 69 98e, $1.49 Why not a sweater coat 98c, $1.49, $1.08, $2.98, $3.98. Silk petticoats make accept able gifts at about half you would pay elsewhere, at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98. Furs Nothing more appre ciated than a fur neck piece and muff at $3.98, $3.90. $7.90, $9.90, $12.50. Wool robes In fancy patterns $1.50, $5.00, $6.00, $8.50. Wool blankets would be ap- Some of These predated; then too, our prices are less, $3.98, $3.98, $1.98, $3.90 Table linens, why not a nice linen for a Christmas gift 4Bc ftfev eftr 11 5.V II 4 i " - -. ? - . Handkerchiefs by the box, I Oo f.Vv 9.V !t&r Jle Silk dress patterns at yard 49c, 79c, 98c, $1.49.' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Wool dress patterns at yard 49c, 69c 98c, $1.49. Kid gloves are always good taste. 98c, $1.23, $1.49, $1.98. Mooho Had Rabbit Feed. , The Moose held forth last evening in their hall, with a large Initiation followed by a rabbit feed. ' Twenty three new members were added to the lodge roster and, following the Ini tiation ceremonies, the candidates and about 80 other members with their families eat down to the banquet ta ble to enjoy the rabbit stew and oth er delicacies. The rabbits, more than eighty In number, were bagged near the government reservoir by Dave Craybeal, Sam Copplnger and E. Klrkpatrlck. The following were the candidates Initiated: Marlon Fayne, John C. Mitchell, Royce Franklin George Doherty, David Cowan, W. O. Catherman. Will Bredlng. Marion Deardorff, Emmett Collins, Eugene Williamson. L. L. Boynton, Walter Irwin, U. W. Beeman. C. II. Brown, Henry H Howell, S. B. Couch. Wll Ham C. Hughes.v Joe Blackwood, George Daubner, Walter Hartle, Ray mond Marks, Kyle Guerrant and Philip Guerrant s 8 re You can do better at We Lead Others follow 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 WOULD BRING ABOUT CHRISTMAS WAR TRUCK Senator Km yon. WASHINGTON, Dec. 17. Com menrlatory telegrams have poured In on Senator Kcnyon of Iowa as a re ult of the resolution ho Introduced In the senite requesting the warring na tions. In the name of the United Slates government, to declare a twen THE HOME of the PARAMOUNT PROGRAM il ran ALT A f mm TODAY Daniel Frohman Presents The Celebrated Society Drama "CLOTHES' STARRING HOUSE PETERS AND ClLRLOTTE IVES, Olive Sherwood, a pretty girl, living In a mid went city grows tired of tlio quiet life and longs for the gay otic of fashionable Now York society wltb Its finery. At length she la able to go and Is Introduced Into the gilded circle where she la petted and happy. After a while envy and Jeal ousy of her artificial world overshadow the Joys. Eyll Influence of which she Is unaware threaten her. Through a crucial episode she barely es caea tragedy. It Is a true story in many respects: of tho life It depict. House Peters has an unusually . good charm and dbtplay flnlslict! acting. TOMORROW The Dainty Magnetic Little Actress Marguerite Clark I IN THE FAMOUS PLAYEIl PRODUCTION "WILDFLOWER" The Introduction of MIm Marguerite Clark to picture lovers is a most happy one and In "Wild- E flower" we have a delightful subject. A drama of the depth and shallows of human life, a de-' I llghtful tale of sweet Innocence and eternal youth admirably exemplified In the personality and , mannerlMiM of Miss Clark. There are many tender pawagea, many humorous touches and aome tinged with sadness, but "Wlldflowcr" sheds her fragrance through it all as a thing of beauty : and symtwl of purity. Among the rant supporting her are Harold Iockwood and Jack Plekford. 1 ADDED ATTRACTION Something Different See how the U. S. Army transports its supplies, etc, in time of war with 3 iimHiMiHiHiMmiHimiimlMiiMiiHHtimHtHmillHMHimnlHHililillllHllllim !lllll!!l!IIIUilli:illl!lll!l!!IIIIIIIIIIIUII!ii!!lJ!ui!ll!!llll!llIIIII!llllllll Uays. I alll ty day truce over the Christmas hoi