FlflTTT V.KGTA. DAILY EAST OKEGONTAN, PEKDTFTON. OREGON. TIH'KSPA Y. DECEMBER 17. 1f14. vnv. SEVEN. HOG MARKET IS UP FIVE CENTS (Oeurtesy Wedneaday'a, Journal ) I'OHTLAND, ore. Hog prlis were lifted tc to 10c In tin. North Portland yards for the duy with ul-a of top jra thla morning til $7.3!'H'7 40. There wua duly u smull run reported In the yard over night und some of thruie cuina direct to klllirs from tlx-ir country buyer. The local niurkel K"ln stands at the a end of tlie leading stockyard market of the country In regard to swine values ,and the situation here la very strong at the higher price. Oeneral hog market range: Heat light I7SSU7.40 Medium light 7-21 Good to heavy 7.0017.10 Hough and heavy 7-76 Blockers COO 0140 Good CatUo Are linn. While there was not a alngle arriv al in the cattle pens at North Port land over night, the trend of the trade la enowlng atrength for toft atuff and there la every Indication that $7. CO for host will be maintained. The demand for poor atuff la atlll at low ebb and aalea In thla line can only be made at extreme low quota tion. General cattle market range: Selected steers 17.30 0 7-60 Oood to prime I SO 7 :3 Good to choice 1.60 1.75 Ordinary to fair 5.75WI28 Beat cows 6 90 ? I 00 Good to prime 5fi.85 Ordinary 6 25 5.10 Soleeted calves 8 00 Fancy bul'ji 25 6 8.75 Btata ef "hto. cly of Toledo, I.oraa Cimotr Freak J. Cheney intke oath that be If Motor ptrtoer of the frm of T. I. Chnj Co.. doing bimlneu In the City of To Imfch Conoir aod Hide afrealit. ind that aM firm lll lay the sum of (INK lit M pliri IkH.I.AHM tt each and ererr rss of Catarrh that rannut h enred by to um ef UALL'H CATAKItll t I KE. FI1ANK J. HI EVICT. Avora to hefnre roe and nhvrlhe4 It my prewKire. tbla lib day of I Xx ember A. I). IW. (Heal) A. W. Rl.EAPON. Notary I'ublle Haira Ostarrh Cur If taken loternall; and art directly op"B the blnod and mn cone rtv of the ijratem. Head fur tat tl moo la la. fre. f. i. OHKNKT A CO.. Toledo. O. Hold be all lrork'lta. 7ic Tak Utile family HI Is for eonatlpatloe IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER TAKR KAI.TS TO IT.I S1I KIDXEYS AND NKI.THA1J7.F. 1KKITAT IXG AdltS. Kidney and bladder weakneaa re ault from uric arid, says a noted au thority. Tho kidneys filter this acid from the blood and paaa It on to tbe bladder, where It often remalna to Irritate and Inflame, caualng A burn ing. scAldlng aenaatlon, or setting up an Irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or threo times during the night The sufferer la In contant'dread. the water rajuM-s aomctlmea with a scald ing serration and Is very profuse; again, there la difficulty In avoiding It IlladJer weakneiw. moat folks call It. becauM! they can't control urina tion. While It Is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, thla la really one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pbar maclKt and take a tablespoonful In gtam of water before breakfast, con tlnuo this for two or three days. This will nontmllzA the acids In the urine so It no longer Is a source of Irrita tion to the bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally airnln Jad Palts Is Inexpensive harmless, and Is made from the acid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with llth i n i. nueil bv thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid Irritation. j Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects wkntcver. ti... .. hiv ii nteasnnt. efferves cent lithla water drink, which quick ly relieves blodiler troumos. SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR ITS C.KAXIMOTHKK'S KKCirK TI) llltlXG HACK COM HI AX! M STKK Tt) HAUL You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get a &o-ccni nmut r "Wrath's HnEO Btld Sulphur Com- im.m.l" at nnv drua store. Millions of bottles of thla old. famous Sage Tea Recipe Are Bold annually, sas well known druggist her, because it .ioun. tha hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Thnu whose hair Is turning gray becoming faded, dry, scraggly and thin hava a. aurDrUe awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes ana our inok. hrnme luxuriantly dark and beautiful. All dandruff goes, scalp Itching And fAllIng hair stopa. Tbla Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattrActlve folks aren t ixanla ca mil tl i tin Slt busy with Wy- eth's Sage And Sulphur tonight and you'll b delighted wltn your or handaome hair And your youthful ap pearance within a few days. S PILIA " t UK IIA1IU ;I!BAMK A HRlN A J .,aiM.( r O.amani I'll I. l Itrd A UnlJ "'" VV si The IJon. on of thp mont power lu the Ftralta of tyigellan after two colliers. Ordinary .' 4 00O4 25 Mutton Tral I Strtmf. Quite a fair run of mutton was shown In the North Portland yards overnight. Receipts were the great eat of any day this week to date. The trade continues In a very strong po altlon with prices well maintained. General mutton market range: Old wethers . 008 25 Best yearlings " Best ewes 4.75 0 5.00 B-et e mt mountain lambs ' 7 60 Best east mountain lambs Valley light lambs 8.25 (t 7 25 Heavy uprlng lambs 6.7S ".J5 IJveMtot-lc Shipper Hogs J. T. Cooper, Condon. 1 load; O. K. Warner. Lebanon. 1 load; H. w. McKwen, Goldendale. Wash. 1 load. fheep Slusher Bros.. Condon. 2 loails, Gwendoen, 1 load; A. l Bunnell, Fullbrl'dge, WuMi'., 2 loads; T. A nine, Corvallls, 3 loads. Mixed stuff Bedmond Lumber A Produce Co., Bedmond 1 load calves snd hogs; W. II. Block, Mc Coy. 1 load hops and heep direct to I'n'lon Meat Co.; J. V. Dlnsmore. West Pelo, 1 load hogs and sheep di rect to t'nlon Meat company. Local Playhouses ATHAT tha Preu Aent Hal to " Say of Present and Comlnf A tt action J Orj'liciiin Thuolay and lYIdsy. "Perils of Pauline." episode No. 12. Kach episode is mora thrilling and exciting than the laM. Don't miss any of them. "The Line Blder." Eclair two-part drama, featuring Edna Payne and , Bolurt Frazler. The young line rider, was fearlejis, both In loving and flKhtlng. He ran a desperate chance ( when he went after the cattle thives. . but his reward waa unexpected and great. "The Storm Bird." Powers. Fea turing Edna Maison and Bay Galla gher. Jack, the mate, defends the cabin boy from the drunken captain. Later he flghta the captain when the latter attempts to force his attentiona on Jack's sweetheart. It Is the cabin boy who prevents the captain from carrying out a fiendish revenge upon Jack and the girl "Father's Bride." Joker comedy. Hubby marries against father's wish es and the household Is In a state of consternation when a telegram Is re ceived stating that father will arrive that evening. They fix up a clever plan but It Is upset by a tipsy bache lor who gets In the wrong apartment. However, father forgives them and all ends well. SOCIETY SHAM AT PASTIME. Hollow imnm f "Inner Sr-t" sliwn In Wall of JctMio." A dramatic arraignment of the sham of society, the hollowness of some of the "Inner sets" of London with their card playing, flirtations and frivolity Is shown In "The Walls of Jericho," s thrilling lenlure coming to the Tas tlme for Its first appearance here to day. Edmund Breese, who .player on the legitimate stage before ho went Into the movies, la taking the leading role. Miss Clairo Whitney, featured In a numler of powerful dramas now on the screen, is playing opposite him. Ileallsni In each of the 800 scenes la one of the strong points of the play. The story of the production of the film has some thrills of Its own. for Miss Whitney, during the making of the drnma. was In two automobile collisions within 30 minutes and nar rowly escaped serious Injury when her oar backed Into a heavily loaded automobile truck. While the pictures of an Interior of a moving train were being filmed with Breese In the eye of tho camera, the platform on which the machine was placed was aide swiped by a tree close to the track and the photographer and director brushed like flies from the speeding train. Neither was hurt Breese plays Jack Froblsher, an Australian sheepman who has be come wealthy, married a peer'a daughter and given her the advanta ges of London society. After ho dis covers the hollow life that his wife In living, he finally blows down "The Walla of Jericho" around her heart, diverts her attention from amuse ments and brings her back to hearth and home. "The Walls of Jericho" will run through Friday night's performance Cny Wednesday and Thursday. Maloy and Mack In eccentric sing ing and dancing will be the vaude ville act for these two days. A good novelty set and highly amusing. 'A Mother of tho Shadows." two Beel Kaybee. .A spirited story of early Indian warfare In which an In dian girl married to a voun" l'""'"" nnt and dlsplsed by him, save tha fort In a heroic way and so proves her loyalty. Mutual Weekly No 9. Late war BRITISH DREADNAUGHT WHICH SANK THE NURNBERG ful war verls of th flrnt line of the long chaHe that began after the Brit- news; aome mor modern danceji and other Interesting events. "Other People's Business." Key stone. A comedy of busybodles In a amall town, put on with all the Key stone zip and vim. Saloonmen Said to Have Lost Nothing in Copperfield Raid PBOl lTS ILLEGAL I7X LAItE GOVI UXOIl AM) OTHEUS IX ItEPLY TO Sl IT. PAKER, Ore.. Lee. l!7. Denial that the CopperMeld saloonmen lost n.oney which they would have made In the liquor business at Copperfifcld was made a part of the answer of G.ivernor West, B. K. Lawson snd Yun N. Walton to the suits brought by H. II. Stewart and Antone Wari.er Mid bv Winiarn Wiegand for reoov ? of J7500 damages for the deatr'1-!. Hon of their saloon business. Th" 'wisv.fi was filed by Frank T. Co.lk-r of Portlund, Attorney for Governor V't. i Toe Aiifwer declarea that the Cop perficli! aaloonmen made money but ths: they did so only fram the ille pa 1 .isiness of conductln gambllnT jMrie. foi drinks, etc.. and that the H iior Ivsiness was run other at a ! .). Bui-lnc lx-prrl"n Cltnl. The answer declares that the Cop perfleld saloons were battling against each other In the limited field for bus. lncs, at a time of business depression and that no one was making money legitimately. It is contended that the principal part of the bUHiness which the gov ernor closed consisted of gambling halls Instead of saloons, and that therefore the governor certainly was empowered to close them. The an swer also alleges that the plaintiffs were Illegally rectifying liquor which they kept In bulk and stamped fraud ulently ns bonded goods. It is de clared that the saloonmen mixed al cohol and water with the liquors and otherwise illegally rectified them. Xolso Injures Health. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17 Don't make unnecessary noises, is the ap peal made by the department of health and charities In Its weekly bulletin In tho Interest of the public health. It soya; ' The matter of the suppression of noise dhectly concerns the health and welfitre of our people, and it Is for this reason that this department ha Indorsed the protests Is against and Is desirous of co-operating with any ef foil to bring about a fupprcmion of all unnecessary useless and prevent able noises especially those which dl turb the rest and sleep of the people of the community affected. "No sensible person who lives In a hirire citv. which Is the center of so many and varied activities, expects to find the quiet and calm of th country Put every citir.cn has th) rij:ht to expert that the period of the day that he sets aside for rest and sleep fhrll be dlstrubed as little u j issible. "Fuithermore, It Is really surpris ing with what equanimity the vast majority of our people tolerate and nuleVly adjust themselves to noises that are really necessary and which i.rrve some useful purpose. The cam-M'iL-n Is not analnst noise, but against unnecessary and preventable noise the hundred and one harsh and dis cordant sounds for which there Is ab solutely no excuse. "It must be borne In mind, too. thnt there are thousands of nlsht workers In the city who must get their rest and sleep during the day time, and that they are especially de ferring of every consideration and protection from unnecessary and pre ventable noises." Rowt for Kidneys Says Iootor. Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Greenville. So. Car., says that In his 30 years of ex perience he has found no preparation for tho kidneys equal to Foley Kidney rills Pain In back and hips Is an Indication of kidney trouble a warn ing to build up the weakened kidneys, make them vigorous, ridding your blood of acids and poisons. Foley Kidney Pills will help any case of medicine ..cmfwy cmfwy cmfwypta kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. In 60c and $1.00 slues, fold everywhere Adv. Tiro Costs Must Do PaUI. NEW TORK, Dec. 17. New York ers on whose premises fires occur, "due to their own wilful and culpa ble negligence," hereafter will have to pay the fire department the cost of extinguishing them, according to a statement by Fire Commissioner Robert Adamson. Tho commissioner based his state ment on a decision In his favor ren dered by the appellate division of the court In a suit which ho brought ngalnst a corporation for $1500, the cost of fighting a stubborn fire In a big factory building which the cor poration owned. lirltlah navy whkh caught and de- iHh a'luadron had deatroyed three SPOKANE GIRL IN CAMPAIGN TO STOP "MASHING" "MASH THE MASHER" IS SIGAX OF WOUKIXG MISSES IX WASHINGTON CITY. SPOKANE, Waah., Dec. 17. "To stop mashing, smash the masher," Is the war cry of 60 Spokane working girls who are taking apeclal physical training in an evening course conduct, ed by Physical Director C. 11. Hunt of the Lewis and Clark high school and Jack Carnahan, captain of the high school football team. At the request of the girls, a course In aelf defense has been organized by Carnahan In the high e'.hool gymna sium, und everything known to the boxing und wrestling sciences, aa well as practical "sword'' work with the umbrella and Jlu Jitsu tactic, will be taught the girls, several of whom weigh above the 150 pound mark. "The girls contend." states Mr. Hunt, that both men and women po lice have failed to atop mashers from forcing their attentions on young wo men, chiefly because the masher makes no advances until he finds the girl alone. They believe that a couple of ahort hooka to the Jaw, a Jab from a skulfully handled umbrella, or a forced back flip on a hard pavement will do much more than moral suasion to make the masher understand that hla presence In the vicinity is unde sirable. Chloroform Man It Busy. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. "The Chloroform Cash Man" la at large In the Hronx. He visited 15 families re cently In apartment houses on the south side of Eat One Hundred and Kortv-first street. He worked quick ly, first waving a handkerchief over ltu stole more- III U ultima . u v . ... - - - . than $1000 In cash and many small I pieces of Jewelry. Among those robled were Rubin ticker, of No. 40; Wolf Friedman. No. 4H. and Louis Jadlker. No. 470. The victims have given the burglar hla name. None awoke until five hours after his visit. WIZARD EDISOX o obeys his win: Mrs. Thomas A. Edison. Mrs. Kilisun. wife of the "WUard of Electricity." made her husband stay at home the day after one of his motion picture plants was destroyed by fire, despite the fact that Mr. Ed ison was extremely desirous of visit ing the ruins to make arrangements for rebuilding. Mrs. Edison -convinced her h'.island that she could attend to affairs Just r.s well a himself, and went oit and took entire charge of all details necessary at the ruins of the smoking $5,000 000 plant. f if KJ&A atroyed the German ruUer Number ether German craloers and captured CHICAGO WHEAT LOWER AT CLOSE CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Closing prices for wheat were at a loss of 8-8c for both December and May. The market opened with an advance of l-4c for the former, but May was unsupported At the start and showed a loss of l-8c While there was a strong tone for pot wheat abroad, little change was shown In quotations. WHEAT. Dec Open, 11.19; high, $1.19 1-4; low, $1.18 1-4; close, $118 3-8A. May Open, $1.22 8-8; high, $1.22 7-8; low, $1.22; close, $1.22 S-8A. The Uinta mountains of Utah, In cluded within the Wasatch, Uinta and Ashley national forests, should be come a favorite recreation region, be cause of the many small lakes with in depressions scooped out by glacial drifts. Seventy such lakes can be counted from Relr's peak, and one particular township, 38 miles square, contains more than a hundred. JUST IN TIME. Sonic Pendleton reople May Walt Till It's Too Late. Don't wait until too late. Re sure to be In time. Just In time with kidney Ills Means curing the backache, the diz ziness, the urinary disorders That so often come with kidney troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills are for this very purpose. Here Is testimony to prove their merit. Mrs. W. H. Bennett. 835 N. Fifth St.. Walla Walla, Wash, says: 1 had rheumatic pains In my limos and a lame and weak back My kidneys didn't act regularly and the kidney se cretions were scant. I was feeling so poorly that 1 knew I must do some thing and I used two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. They gave me great relief." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bennett had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props-, Buffalo, N. Y. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN 8. BAKER FUNERAL DI rector And licensed embalmer Opposite postoffloe. Funeral parlor wo rur.eral cars. Calla responded to lay or night Phone 75. I. T BROW?rS FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em Almer. Most modern funerAl pArlor. morgue and funeral ears. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS UARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to All lands In Umatilla county. Loans on Mty and farm property. Buys And lelsj Alt kinds of real estste. Does e.n.ral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non- residents Writes flro. life and aocI lent Insurance. Referencea, Any hAnk in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH. 8ec 3ENTLET LEFFINGWELL, REAL atate, fir, life And' Accident lneur tnce AgentA. til Main street. Pkone LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT DE scrlptlon for county court, elrou) court Justice court real estate, r for sale at Eaat Oregonian office. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN. M D V OCNT1 Veterinarian Heslilcnre telephoni 17; office tellephone 10 YOU GO TO SPOKANE on the Northern Pacific Railway I.EAVi: I'EXBI.I TOX J:.V P. M. ABBIVE SPOKANE. 10 FOR CHICAGO Close connection with through train, running via. Minneapolis ur. 1 rit. Paul. Fast time TO ST. LOUIS Through train from Pacific Northwest, via St. Joe and Kansas City. The Famous Dining Car Service On all transcontinental trains. The Great Big Baked Potato Served on All dining cars. TO SEATTLK. TACOM., EVERETT, RELLIXGHAM, VAXCOlTEJt, B. C. IORTLAXD, and points beyond, have your tickets read via this routs. Winter Excursion Fares TO TLORIDA During December. January, February. Return Limit May 31. Tickets Full information Berths. W. ADAMS, Ai-ent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. ClWlton A. G. Til 517 MAIN STREET We have the exclusive Sale In Pendleton of the good old I. W. HARPER WHISKEY which has taken Gold Medal awards at New Orleans, 1IS5. St Loois. 1904, Chicago, 1895. Paris. 1900. 92 Proof at 10 Cents a Drink or $1.50 pr Gallon. BREDING. HANSEN & MILLER Penoleto Oregoa THE Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. Duello RESTAURANT Gus LaFontaine, Proprietor. FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of these Coupons properly ginned and 10 to the East Oregonian office and pet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Dell" feature. No. Pendleton, EAST OREGONIAN PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 fcT which please pive me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name Address. If sent hy mail add 2c for postape. BE SURE AND STATE WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS. RALET A RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building CARTER A SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Offlc In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company, PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys At law, rooms I and 4, Smith Crawford building;. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in All state and federal courts. Rooms L I. I and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY At law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at Iaw. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consuUor At Iaw. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY At Iaw. Office In Despaln building PH T S1C1AN 8. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D HOMEO pathle physician and surgton. O flee Judd Block. Telephone: Office Ul W- raMnc Sit J AUCTIONEERS. XL W F YOMNKA. AI'rTTONRaV rnskr a mn-tltr of fr-pr st ' machinery ile "The mar t. ets you the money ' lv. it East Oregonian nfrtc ml P. A. Portland, Ore. Bar Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Ileated coupon Ore.,. .1914 CO.. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN N and second-hand gootts. Cash sat for all second-hand goods bongk'. Cheapest place In Pendleton to baj household gooda Call and get Ala crlces. Ill E. Court street Paeie J71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT casa or give trac" for Umatilla county farm, ISO to J0 per Acre. Address. Box IS, Athena, Ore, MPsCELLANEOUR. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION A wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see sarajles TRESPASS NOTICES. 8TALLI0.1 SEASON CARTS And SALE BILU of every description printed At rea sonable prices At the East Oregonian. We have a fln lot of stock cuts tkal our patrons are allowed th free oj of. AUCTION SALES THIS EAST OH egonlan makes a specialty of aoe tlon sale bills, cards and advertlaln We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an4 advertising complete that will assur vow of having a successful sale -!'! '.Hi.. 11-J-J. . , ' ' t BEAVER ENGRAVING CO M PA M Y v .v.. 1 I