t EIGHT PAOES. DAILY EAST ORECOXTAN. PENDLETON. OREOQN, IHERSPAY, PECEMP.ER 17, 1M4. page five SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION F08M Fresh Every . t Day from the Biggest Shippers on the Coast - If It's Fish, You'll Find It Here Friday, Dec. 18th, We Quote fiteelhead Salmon , 15c pound FANCY STOCK SMOKED 1TSII. No. 1 Stock, rrenh Halibut 12c Pound f COM MI1IA IUYEll SMELT, HIUST booth's Kippered Salmon IHc pound OF PEA SON IJJic pound Hooths Alaska Black Cod I He pound Hill Neck Clm 6c pound - Hooths Kippered Herring 15c pound D?cp Rea Crab . I0o each ... Halnc. Hellclou. Khrlmp Meat 35c pound I o0th - GoIJen ,oat"- 5c each Eastern Oynter. solid pnek Oc quart ,,,ue Hta1 Cw(1 F1h. pound tablets. . .15c each Olympla Oysters, solid pack 1. 10 quart Pooth'a Finnan HaddJe 16c pound Our PEMECO Meats arc Always Fresh and (lean. ' Get tho Pcmcco IYo.XTlt Habit. The Central Meat Market KEkVS OF FABTJ JISD RJUSE 108 EAST ALT A ST. P1IOXE S3 LOCALS Q Advertising in Brief RATF.8. Per lint first Insertion 10 Per Ho. additional Insert loe....Se Per lift, per Booth II W No ioral tikm for Ires tbao 'J."t Count 6 ordinary words to Una. Lorala will ot be Uko otr tb pLD tod rtmltUBca Boat accos pa ay ordsr. Smoke tha La Tlma cigar. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney iweep. Ceod winter quartern for horaea and riff at the Alt barns. Try the La Homer 10c clear. Tor aale fiood dry wood. 110 Thompson street, or phona 17JJ. WanleJ Good, clean rag a at tha Eaat Orcgonlan office. For rent 7-rootn modern house, 117 Orange atreet Inquire John Vert. La Tlma clgara, made In Pendle ton. The AHa Ifouae, a good, popular, yet cheap place to atop. J. U. Sheph enson, prop. Kite room houae for aala on north aide. Corner lot Improved- Addreaa "W thla of flea Cood dry. black plna wood, ff-10 per cord. 1 00 If sawed. Delivered fee B. Ii. Genrala or phona 771. Old papera for aale; tied In bund lea. Good for starting flrea, etc. 10c a bundle. Thla office. Try tha West End Market for gro cerlea and meaU, 1)01 W. AIU ct Phone 771. Free delivery. SatlsfaC tlon guaranteed. For aula Two modern cottages lo cated on eaat Court atreet, seven blocka from Main atreet. Inquire of Walter!' mill. "Mutt" takea tha big loada and "Jeff ehowa the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and worega warehouae. Office (47 Main atreet phone III. For aale Modern aeven room houae and aeven lota, with barn, cloae to school. U00 takea It Inquire or addreaa "A" thla office. Several email farme on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hoga, dairy or poultry, 1760 cash, balance on or before 10 veara. 7 1-1 per cent. Fee Berkeley. j Whipple, piano tuner. Phone 22IR- Anyone wanting nice fat geese or chickens, phone 262W. For rent Partly furnished house. Inquire at the Charlea Co. For aale Express team, wagon and harness. Apply at thla office. Wanted Girl for general house work. Mra. John Vert, 607 College. For dressmaking; a loo for nice room. Mra. Frledley, 120 Lee atreet Woman wants position for general housework. 117 V. Court. Phone 14SM. Wanted Poaltlun a h oum keeper. Address It. Qulnn, Pox 31. Plymouth Wash. Lost Sunburst brooch. Finder please return to thla office and re celve reward. Young woman with smnll child want work on ranch. Address Box S. Helix, Ore. Middle aged woman wishes poaltlon aa housekeeper. Can give references. Apply t thla office. Learn to dance In three private 1 norm. J. H. Merryman, Hotel Pen dleton. Potatoes, cabbage and onlona. Fine line of cigar and tobacco. All klnda of soft drinks. Stationery I all kind. A good atock of randy for the holldaya. Demotfa Store, (21, Mala atreet N'otlre to Pay. Th Bchubert-Taylor Clothing Com pany la dissolved. AH accounta must be paid at once. FCHCDEItT CLOTHING CO. fld.) I Werner Union pirturea. At the Alta theater tomorrow and Futurday there will be presented mo tion pictures showing acenea at the recent Farmers. Union convention at The Dalle. The plcturea Include the parade In which local delegates ap peared. The picture wll be of Inter est to all nu mbers of the organization and .ther. W. W. HAURAH. (Adv) ra-ton EieJianse Kltotx. I rc,ljS. Dec. 17. Several shots were exchanged by the Mexican fac tions at Naco. Conora, today, accord lug to a telephone message. No bul lets. It whs ssld. Ml on the Ameri can side of the boundary. Mliat K-ll at 11.10 Tn highest j.r!- yt paid here f'T !.'. heat thiM s'-rinon and In b.Mry re flvcn Mvterday when several lots s-iM at 71 10 Ier busel. The Uryi rX Jot S'dd, according to curr'-nt reports, t'ritlst ed of 10,000 bushels belonging V E. P. Marshall and W. J. Furr,ih Jo ad dition there were some small pur chases made by the local mills. orij of those selling to a mill being Andy Pet bier. Thi re has been lit'Ie W)i-it S' lllnit of late owing fj the fact the crop has almost passed out of the bends of the growers and to the fur ther reason that many of thoei who still have wheat propoee to hold un til Kprlng In hope of hlrher prices. I Now a IVmif Norman A. Humphrey, for 30 years an employe at the Iiyera mill, la now engaged In farming. having purchased the Charles IClnehart leases when the latter bought the Pierce ranch In I'nlon county. In addition to the Rlnehart land. Mr. Humphrey also has E00 acres additional. He waa in town yesterday on a ahort Urip. a IV Keevln In Oregon Many parts of Oregon produce enormous quantities of alfalfa and other plants which should be made to yield honey. At the present time farmers are mak ing but little use of the nectar be cause many of them do not under stand the value or ru-thods of handl ing bees. In order B aupply this In formation and thus rtimuUite the bee kep,ng Industry, the d-partmT1t o! entomology at the A?ncj:tjral Col lege has urrar.Ked a o.urw of lectures and demonstrations on bee-keeping for the next regular Fhort Course, January 4 to 5. In add.tinn to this work et-ral practical Iwe-keepers of Orcjron wlU rhw th-ir methods of handling bees. fxtiidon Ycm4 Salt- C1e. Th wool auction sales clo-d jehterday. Alout K"fM) bales were offered and crosebreds Vere In brisk demand, tut ' Ltt tlcbt a moct pieisii-t ax.d verj merinos again drape-J TT.e feature j profitable iti-ir.g was tpi.t at the of the fi.les was the setback In the home of Mrs. Tfcomas L Crowner. price of merinos, amounting to 10 per j ;oi Thompson "street where the mtm c nt for the finert and 3'i i-er cent for ; ber of the L'eihole Campl-re Gls inferiors, due to the absence of C-.n-jwere del.htfui:y ettertajed ty SU tinTital and American d-rr.and. to- Mark.a !ve.. tn guard iao of the ao cether v. ith the poor quality f many j ciety. A contest la home-craft was of the offerings w hich have been ly-1 held in which the g:r worked for J C. Rhodes Is ainonz the Stanfield I ,n ln warehouses n the Continent. , honors During the Utter part of the I1AIK.EU IXU It)KTT- ! 1 , i jght vavxvs Aicirrs , r . - - rf . . : ; criA iviu c oiiuppiiig v ' 'K itf MTUuexriowAL aa ( re- ' r 22 Days Before Xmas Have ycu everything you need? Read carefully the list of sugges tions be!oiv, then come in and let us help you choose. I.AI'.'I-n- MtRUFVK fUrPI.It4 MLK AMI Ill I'E l KIMoA WAISTS LAUIIST HPkli:MI"l TAMIY CAs:S i.IATS" IIAMikniCirPS l'AXO' HIT P1S rra iiiin Admiral Charlea fi. Badger. oently retired commander-in-chief f the AtlanUc fleet "a fold the bouae corrimittee on naval affairs that our navy should have at least 41 first clae dreadnau?hts In tha Crat te, 100 aubmarlnea, aapie air craTt t the various types and an adequate number of auxiliaries. Admiral Eadper la now a member of the gen eral naval board. LIII S' -U K II'jE, ALL ;ljfr: rCY -TlTIoERY TACT IUi:BO. CUT APTiOXS iriK)ii: aps HLK Pl.TTItXTS TAf.8 ttlXA CIVI.S LU'Uy CLOVI l"VP.RElaA PirvDLJ.TOV IMIX I.O;r" IJG-.IGS fOT SOTS n ils hllJi rOMITRTXEA IM1 TELE DIXDH- ATIOXS tMAS P.EIX rA.xcT or.K I Wohlenberg Dept. Store JL5 fiT Tcur tiie FiI Ertr Ocj-ls -ty Tradirg ?ta.rr.p. Fcr Les Mer.ey. r i? S 3 It TV sV vv v? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 rwa thi fa W. H. Phannon of Helix la In the city today. Sheriff T. D. Taylor la In HermU ton today. E. W. Harnman of Echo Ment yea terday In the city, H. Panlster of Enterprise, Is a Ruest at the Powman. j (Coctlsned from p&ga two.) ts ikjW v:s.tr :r a few da: with ' Dublin. I Asa secretary on th Royal b-r fjii. Ciltin H'jtsnia. at Vaa-1 Arr!"5!r-jr! Comrr.Ujrton cf Aostrili iLcaAageles (tie to beetle acq-j4!nd with ar.at- ( tera pertalalrg to the farm and th . , . vexirg irot'.ni of the fell as weU Lertcre To-orro- Xlgftt. u k:a4r ,.eTrj ,cb AM trarltf ortA. K7 ",:tr? ! k"wn: Ccn. w-X b delt with tomorrow .t in drte. adacatloaal eh err and a-;tajt( SocUl ani other phase, of dsl affair, actely tetereed la ttt- u ,lfe !Te a ting togerher a crowd to th Fjar-rg , j.,. lectBre. atiriltg rocra ahoulj t at ; in bucr w'jili ice ircxure in ui theater tomorrow tight 1 clrawuls of 16.OC0 b "' offered. I in j reg- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiriiiiiniiiiiii I OUR EllOTTO residents ln the city today. Robert Burns, O-W. 11. A N. offi cial. Is over from Walla Walla Earl Tulloch has returned from a visit to Wutsonvillc, California. William Hoggard of Stanfield Is transacting business here today. I-tcher Ngrv ) made h trip from Helix on the morning train O. 15. Gordon and family are Istered at the Hotel Pt. George. James H. T. Scott. Milton attorney. Is paying a visit to Pendleton today. Mr. and Mra. T. O. Krauae of No lln are spending the day in Pendleton. Bert Sherwood of La Grande came over ycMerday and spent the night here, H. Casteel. prominent Tllot Rock reeldent, was a Pendleton visitor yes terday W. Dollons, division superintendent of the O.-W. R. ft N., la over from La Grande George IL Sutherland of Walla Walla a as a guest of the Pendleton last evening. D. C. Erowncll of Umatilla came up this morning from bis home on the motor car fr or,. I fr r .1 WuHulM.retr ! of Echo are spending the clay in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Spencer of Ad ams are In the c ity today on a shop-j ping expedition. Francis Stntts of Echo Is among j th. day's vlsltorj in the city from over the county. J. R. Hendricks and C. W. Parrottj of Nolln wore incoming pnnsengei s 1 this morning -n the motor car. J William Ituthcr. accompanied by i his in.'llier caiin ill from Helix on thj Not tin in Pac-fic traiti tills morning Al'er Fee, Fori of 3udt 'and Mrs , Jarm; A. l-'ee. is here fsr the hid:-! days, lit I pr.idUiiip l.iw ft Seattl ' ; now. J W. J Haney and George Martin Stanfield residents, wrre aioard tue This accounts for the heavy with- a trefTtlum !fi t C iv thrr fa-! Bmi.iK.r.'rr -f t- v r.f OregTa tteater tomorrow t'ght ere tat wi.j coca:n ai lemsi a lew lbs from the Tj.- th. schoC'2 bc-ard wlU rrestje, acd Mayor D:-er ha prori to aay a few words T-.e letsrer w::i be a-eis-ed cn the j'-alform It aeveraJ of su i iiim:ss axd hysteria. even;:.c. delicious refreshment were served fT the ruertf by CurL Lois Hampton atd Darnels. The men.Urs present were the J!i-e') Myrcl Parlotte. Kuth Ter- . Hirt ltnro'P.X l.KXa. eiruBt i 1 Eoi.bi-rr. ra-h:ce I-aajels. Loi , itutiona cs Oxford. Lctdon aid ;(')irl. I.i-s Hamftc-n. Meta N;c. ax- V-el Crowner. One cannot s.i y that s-lfi.-hnes is; n sponsible for riervousnesa and yet ; rim'i. -Kiionab!' it often is a consid- i erable factor in causins nervous ail-, The self-centered Individual who Is A I arty of Athena Ldx-s. cc.rf rontlnually thinkin; of hi own com- M- Fay L Grow. Mrs. Marvel; fort nd who mant'ests annoyance J W'atw. Mr.. Byron Ilswk. and -r. , over every trifie which Interferes !- Vinor.t momr-d to pBd.tl v ith his particular occupation or ac-, J-"f-t-rday. returning last eremrtg. j tv:tr ts running a decided risk. Withj advtrcirg age a marked degree of lr- Mr Charles H. Day of Dayton will litalfility is almort aure to follow. arr!' this evening to l-e a ruest of If a "selfirh attitude Is cultivated j Mr C. S. Jerard. tnd consldiTation Is demanded for cjea ci i-e c.j. A. L. Fjarlitg tis tr-ade social eroHDr a n--iaX at -2 1 sice kis gradaaUcn from s-jch well koon la- grai-ia of special Interest to every man. wo-ran acd chill of achocl aga !n th. comaualty. After fcU le-rture In Peniletoa Mr. Srarf.Eg has placred a series ef dlar coarsa througho-Jt the state and th. b.gh!xrig c4!it:s la Washingtoa. Wiiii Wilii ta tr.et likely fc th text I'-are A Jr. Indhl-ltifll whims without confiiera tion for others, this readily grows to be little leg tban a mania. Our ner vous systems are delicately adjusted and once the mind weakens its con trol it is apt to become a factor for pain and discomfort. SAMUEL i. DIXON. M. D. O.mmlKsioe- of Health, for renr.1-vanla. IU KAck; WII4. KIJJ' HIMSMr Vr. C. P A. Lonergan is ettjoy-ir-r n. visit from her mother. Mr Mary FiKh of San Francisco. Dr. and Mr J. E. Cromb and Mr. Charles Ib ecard cf Stanfield tre v--i'.(.Ts in rendleton today. Mrs. P J. Hecenian. tnother of Mrs. Frank E. Box den. left Tuetfay fcr California to spend the winter. She ALTATiiiE Friday flight U. S. Army Test Pictures of the Jeffrey Quad Truck Dr:re. rt-ars and braies c-c a3 t-r.r a heels, and caa travel air road at ary time while laiel to Its capacity. Can trt;! a dj-tie c;ac.-y l-ad. FRANK C. RIGGS CO.. Distributors 4 1 "MORE VALUE FOR LESS MONEY" 1 A BOX OF Ol'It FANCY flHADE AITLKS MAKES A DANDY XMAS GUT. - E 3 Sa 3 3 NEWTOWN PIPPINS. SPITZENHEMS an.l SOU THERN SPY 8, EXTKA FANCY, PAPEH WUAP J'ED, EAItTJE J?JZE, lioxt Pucked Solid, box ?1.50 mmm, mmw, pausnips, onions and CAHnAUEVclioicvnfhf-' - . 1 '. SWEET POTATOES Smooth, bright md, the kind that bake good, 7 pund ....1 - - 25 DRIED PRUNES, tt rmp, ITALIAN VARICTY. 2 iKund a - , - DRIED APltlCOlSPpfHUttl-Oood stock, 2 lU tt5 CttRON, iiU for vour AinoB vtYX, NAVEL 'OJUNIjES Tho w-ason'R i-Wu-cst, wirt bin) lo'obt juicy fruit, Awn - - SO JAP OKA NOES, Social---Sfo. 1 rock, Aotav 15 wrf, ri and juie-y. OTHER www i ORANGES, do. 40?, 50 and C0 SEE OUR DISI'EAY V)F IOXTRA FANCY APPLES. FRESH FiflS. d. hZf, IJIITTJ'.R-Fr.vh daily. S ! u h,.n tt o.miA f t. P.fWt.ll' ! thla morning. Richard (PuJe) Devlne, who is at-' tending the University of Washing I ton, la exjiectad to arrive home for the holidays Saturday. Elmer Storio and James H. Fturgis came over from Walla Walla yester day and uttended the minptrcl chow latt evening, , F. M'Pmlth, trainmaster, and Trier j Anderson, nwlittant roadmaster for the N. p., came ovr front Pnacd this tnornlcg. VlIK UU TIMES AHEAD. 1 RAISINS, CURRANTS, HHS, DATES, CltRO 5 LEMON AN D ORAN0E PEEL, new crftjv, fvcryihi I THE SPECIAITY CASH GROCEflY I B JW75 DELIVERIES PROMPT. G2 Main St. B NEXT DOOR TO QUELLE CAFE riniti!tini!iiiinKf!ttiiuiumiiiiiM!tiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii5 (Tha Baltimore Fun ) From one end to another this coun try Is ringing with a chorus of op timism. From the president of the United Ptatea down, from bank pres- S! Ident and corporation head and plain H J business man, coma statement and ' Interview and letter expressing a be S lief In good times ahead, and very S j rear nhead at that If a period S' prosperity la not to be our due, Insn Ejall the exports have gone wrong. B ! The Pun la glad of thla, of course It la glad that time are bolter, and promise to be very much better, and It is glud that It was able to be fore most among the papera of the coun try In spreading the glad tidings. Its fcppcinl financial section of ten days r.go striking the keynote of the chor us of prosperity that now fills the country. M;iy our antlcfpationii be fulfilled, abundant ly. in good measure, pic e l down and running over! And may us inut'li us can be overrun into the dcsulato nations of the other rieinls- lii'ie! H ti 5 Si Vf ii Wi ,! in ! iK t ;.Thp STORE If I will, thr : l Christmas 1 j,SPlFOT;lj 1 Jp JK'ii i try io c-r::j y..y.r el liet vf iwfi;l i:ifle a:; J it wij With Xmas Only Six Days off, how near are you through Your Gift List? i.iV ill UMBRELLAS .f rvt-ry liiij abi c.-I t. URKJSJI TOWELS in j'.a!n ii-c 1 ,'. -red Ufii. STATIONERY of quality, in I'lnetntf Vxc. DEI) SPREADS, b, a!I..'j Ld r.:t c.er?, ill irl-i. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Ecfcerxo-!'..--? rf'. SILK UNDJ;i:WEAR itt vtt cr Iri. L. rl A. n?. KID C WVES in tLc xawt v.rxi tLiic. FURS il child. lLi't or voivj.a. KNJTOOOIS, ir.i luir.": og;. twf Vrf. els!- au j !.n. HANDKERCHIEFS, initial or j-lain litace. MX'KWEAR, U.mJ wbir!y f,-r r..i"L. Charlie llerzog. manager and short slop of the Cincinnati Reds, whw bus Just signed a contract to continue us manager of the tea in for a period of two ears Jn rejling lo a cjut a to whether he intended to make any tludes be Slid: "Well, inoet of he tl.i.lH.f.elji ine w i : ! i to Clviu r Willi c'liu'li.iuiti, but hey all visnt ller rig as psiuenl for auy player ur playns they des.ee to send to our team, i : 1 1 J think JlerKog will bate to U k Willi the Uuin " ;d"ro r '!. v PENDLETON LATH LoLi:- AND LLANKLI x trc 1 :,, i , I ot ' 1 L .! . fr :u tii j iJ vii it ii.' 1.. t THE LAST ioldH F TRIMMING 7 VOI R XMAS TALLJ; in i jij:j!:wj:rv dept. -il:,v iv ,-:..? ,r v.i-h j 1. i.'v -,f 1- rrl-r. IV. r''..'.,- ,:.v -t ,,:.v . 8 u i ii if i? ii iV aa i? ii ii ii ii (5 s 1 r v fy J I e'. e- M- H"Y Joys i hj: iiii; run me K it vi ii Id I C C 14 i HU HiUAUiiUUi UUjJI. uiuiu