daily east otctt.oni at. rKXPLEToy. onEc.oy, Tnrrcsn.w. pkckmrku it, iot4. nr. tit rAOFR. s j TV ft! o sir VAC.T. VOVTl. fig life. races I r $ PIVE him, her or the children something to wear from The Hub and you will give the present ideal. Our stock is composed of new goods just re ceived and representing the best on the market for quality, style and wprk- mansmp. uur modern methods ox merchandising and operating a great chain of 19 stores enabi es us to sell for less than other stores EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. PS: CORIE TO THE HUB AMD SAVE MONEY. 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Fine New Winter Suits for Men $-.".00 Men'? new all-wool Winter 'Suite for only I ?16.50 $20..ri0 Men 'a ner all-wool Winter Suits for onlj $12.95 $20.00 Me n's ne w all-wool Winter Suits for ' only ? 14.75 $lS.r0 Men's new all-wool blue scrpe suits for only $0.05 $17.."0 Men's new all-wool Winter Suits for only : $12.95 $10.00 Men's new all-wool Winter Suits for only ; $11.S5 $1.1.00 Men's wool-mixed Winter Suits for only . $10.00 $14..10 Men's wool-mixed Winter Suits for only $9.85 $12.50 Men's wool-mixed Winter Suits for only $7.10 Younjf Men's Suits with Ion pants.. $4.85 MEN'S NEW MACKINAWS. Plain t.rown Mackinaw coats for only $3.95 Plaid Mackinaw coats $4.95 Plaid Mackinaws for $3.45 Men's stripe pattern Norfolk Mackinaw coats for $5.S5 Men's Hack , and brown coats, with belt for ' ft plaid Mackinaw $6.85 Cordurov pants for men. all colors $1.65, $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.65, $2.S5. Just received the lamst line of sample hats ever shown in Pendleton. AH latest styles all sizes and pricee. : 1 v NEW WINTER OVERCOATS The latest for men Ralmacaan Overcoats, regular $23 Overcoats $14.50 Regular $22.50 overcoats $12.95 Men's regular $16.50 overcoats for $12.95 Roys' regular $8.50 overcoats for $5.50 The latest patterns in boys' suite, just re ceived and now showing for the first time. We have them at $1.95. $2.45, $3.45, $4.25, $4.95, $5.85, $5.95, $6.25. Boys' heavy blue overalls 33f Bovs' knee pnats 35, 45f, 65f, 85, 95. . Nelson knit sox, regular 3 for 25c kind, our price 4 for : 23" Black and tan cotton sox, regular 3 for 2."c kind, our price 4 for 25 Regular $.1.00 John P. Stetson No. 1 oualitv hats, our price $3.35 Same in $1.50 grade, our price- $2.95 Khaki pants, an exceptional bargain, pr. 95 Fine large line of new Suit Cases and Trav eling Bags at.. - $1.45 to $7.85 Tmnks $5.45 to $12.45 Men's wool and fur lined drivin? gloves fr 83. $1.00, $1.20, $1.45, $1.85, $2.45. Men's dress shirts, golf and military collars for 45, 49, 65, S5, $1.00, $1.25 Miscellaneous Gift Suggestions Fancy Arm Bands in nice Christmas boxes, - regular 50c for only 25 Regular 50c President SusjK'Dders, for only , 35 Initial Linen Handkerchiefs, i for 23f Silk Handkerchief for 25 35 and 50 Men's neckwear, fine for gifte. Regular 50c ties for 23f; regular 75c ties for 35f Men's linen initial handkerchiefs, 2 for 25 A NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF FLAXXKL SHIRTS, all sizes, stylos and colors for' 85, 9S $1.25. '$1.45, $1.65. $1.85, $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.65, $2.S5. A large line of sample sweaters. Why pay more for a sweater when vou can buy the same tiling at the Hub for 50 per cent less than others stores flak you. Paris garters for men, pair 15f Men's heavy wool sox, 2 for 23f? Men's extra heavy wool socks 25 Men's sample auto cloves, the nicest you could bnv for Christmas present. Priced nt $1.45, $1.65, S1.S5, $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.65, $2.85. A large assortment of men's sample dros gloves for.... 45 85?, $1.00. $1.25 WE CATER TO f,1EH, WOPEfl AHD CHILDREN 8- MEN'S SHOES Men's gun metal button shoes; Goodyear welt ; regular $5 shoes, our prieeu. $3.85 Men's gun metal button shoes ; late, last ; Goodyear welt Regular $4.50 shoes for . $3.45 Men's tan button shoes; Goodyear welt. Reg ular $5.00 shoe, our price. $3.65 Men's heavy dress tan button shoes; Good year welt. Regular $ 1.50 seller our price 1 iper. pair '1. $3.45 Men's gun metal blucher, wide toe; Good year welt. Regular $.1.00 shoe for $3.65 Men's heavy "J omo'' shoe; chrome tan; double stitched welt. Regular $C.0O sel ler, our price only $4.50 Men's chrome veal work shoe; Goodyear welt, with rawhide slip sole. Regular $5.50 shoe other places, our price only $ 1.25 Men's carpet slippers in gray and black for only $1.25 New Over.-hoos and Rubers for men, women and children. CHILDREN'S SHOES Children's kid button shoes, sizes 1 to 4 for only jl 60 Children's vici and gun metal button. 8 1-2 to 12, for $1.20 Children's tan vici kid button shoes, stifclied ft down skuffer soles, sizes 3 to 5 for $1.4o Children's vici and gun metal "District 76" Drummers Samples irMIBHIiiJiB 19; Big Busy Stores 1 h 1 Goodyear welt; sizes 6 to 8 only- $1.45 Samo shoe, sizes 12 to 2 5-55 iv Jattle gents' 6atin button; 0 10 12 i-z p Littlo gents' kangaroo blucher, from 8 l-2to ' 12, per pair, only $1.-5 Boys' heavy tan blucher District 76 shoe. 8 1-2 to 11 1-3 for only $1.65 Same shoe, sizes 12 to 2 - $1.85 Bovs' pin metal button Hamilton-Brown L)w S 1-'" frt 1 ? for $1.65 Same sh.e 12 1-2 to 2 Same sho sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1- LADIES' SHOES Iadien patent leather, mat ton, button shoe. Goodyear welt, medium lie!, regular $4.50 shoe, our price .. - $3.45 V Indies' patent button hhoe, cruventtte top, th latest hel, Gocnlvear welt, regular H $3.50 she, our price $2.85 Indies' Unch made, low hud, patent luittnj v4 mat top. R.-gular $3.50 shix-s for $2.85 V IidiiV low heid, gunmetal button ; Gotnlvenr Repuar $3.50 ie for only 9 52 La $2.25 for.. $2.45 mm it 8 a idit s' low heel vici kid button sho, Good year welt, npilar $".50 shot1, price $2.95 welt ; ts. our $2.95, Vf Ladies' tan button hn-s, (Juoilyear welt; cravenrtte top. Regular $."5.50 sellers. tirwn Ladies' patent buttr'H shoe, br"adtl top, 3 StXKl llK-1 Rigular price T t t f 1 Jnlies Iiir toitxi c rr.nv. black and I $1.45. iM.i'ij snoe. our 04 $3.45 carpet Mipver in wine, JwJ :due for 95(, $1.25. i AH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. rnbllabcd Dallr od Hml Wkly at Vim dlrtoo. Oregon, by U KABT OBKUONU.N PCBLISUINQ CO OfflcUl County Paper. Member Cniud Prm imclitlo. Batertd at tbe postofflr at Peodltoa, Oracao, u rrood cLua nail matter. lepfcooa 1 8CDSCBIPTION RATES. (IN ADVANCE) Dally, 4 year, by mall .45 00 all mouth, bj mall 20 balls, three mooiiia. by aiall iJii lailj, out moatb, bj mail bO Daliy, oh year, by carrier 7.60 Dally. aU month, by carrier B .75 Dally, three meotha, by carrier...... Dally.vae aouoth. by carrier. ....... .63 bemi-Weekly, oue year by mall 1.50 Keml-Weekly, all uoDtba, by mail 73 il-Wkly, four moalha. by mall... JAi tue 'lij;ys op mounixg. Tbe valleya of raaminr are p.uity with aleep, Tbe beautitul valleys the dream folk keep; And LilXle Chilil. rulblcjj bex eyes, luuks out To what the cbetp In Lb vales are about. And bears h;it tbe robblns are trj iK to say In books of tbe phantoms of rooe-of-May. Tbe valleys of morslos are laden I with dream. And rhadowa of dawning are sweet on tbe stream. tianclng In silver and crimson, i and bright With delicate, dewy, quaint pat terns of Jfght. That, little one, rubbing her i UU m . . Through tender leaf-lattices of . ; the green trees. The valleys of morning I know they are there At the end of the street of tbe cities of care; And children are leaning and waiting the word Of spring on the lips vt tbe wonderful bird That knows it Is morning Le ; fore it Is day, Aad knows it is rprlug before it Is May. BoHton Port. i Tbe danger In the plan is that it win place eoormous power In the hands of the Innpectors. Through control or corruption of such Inspec tors it would be possible for the bay ing Interests to work great injustice on the farmers. It is complained that this very thing is done in Canada where tbe inspection plan Is in vogue. It Is asserted the inspectors will grade wheat low when it Is being sold by farmers and that wheat purchased at second grade prices will be sold abroad as first grade. Whether those charges are true or rot it is clear that such abuses could arise very easily. Through "handling" the Inspection bureau the brokers could work a systematic swindle up on the growers and there would be no recourse. Under the present plan of testing grain the farmer has the advantage of competition between dif ferent buyers. If one company grades his wheat too low the fiirmer can turn to a different buyer and obtain Juftlce. Thus competition serves as a lever for the protection of the far mer. Abolish this system and set up a plan of state inspection and the farmer will have to accept the grad- Jaf of the bureau Whether that work Is honestly done or cot. The inspection plan has ali the earmarks of a game wherein the grower has much to lone but nothing to' gain. t ocean. That battle off the coast of Chile was a noteworthy triumph for the kaiser, though later offset by the German defeat off the Falkland is lands. The sinking of the Audacious by a German submarine and tbe de struction of the Bulwark ia tbe Thames added further glory to the Germany navy. Despite all this however, the Eng lish naval strength is so prepoader cus that .hn Bull can afford to feel easy as far as ocean warfare is con cerned. The British now have al moHt absolute control of the sea and nothing short of a miracle can chance the situation. But this control and surplus of sea power is not serving to keep the Germuns from doing spec tacular work when they get the op portunity. There is an unusual shortage of rain here for this time of the year. ditionx the dividends usually ran near forty millions a year. The weak point in the showing is that it Is an effort to prove that many different concerns engaged in one by any of the counties In tbe state t money, he cn become a public bene-J of Oregon except Multnomah and Umatilla. Umatilla Is one of the richest counties in the state, outside ; Multnomah county and here the levy j for road purpos-a Is only two and line of business can operate as ef fi-! cne-half mil la. none of which la taxed ciently as can one central company or truHL This is directly at variance with all the old familiar arguments about tbe savings brought ahout combinations. In the trust forming days this point was emphasized with creat force every day la the year Id against the property In Pendleton. The county court of Umatilla coun ty deserves the unstinted praise and rAinnuHditlnn nf vrv farmer and D' ! taxnaver In the county for w hat theT have aoromplished during the past two years. They have not of course with their small appropriation, been able t build a good road to every an -effort to Justify trut building. r,aI t lf the county at on. but they The statement was logical and was ' have made a good start and if they generally accepted hs true, doubt being regarding whether the thA ()nivM nal' tn" eui'Port and encourage ment to whl-h they are Justly en titled, we will see the KOftd work CO public or the truet would obtain the n and a few years other roada will benefits of that savin and if the pub- ! be completed to other parts of the lie received any of the benefits 1 county. whether they were sufficient to make i I'urmg the past four years the . , ... ... 1 court bere has constructed about 25 tip for the well known evils of nio-jmlu,, ftf th ,,r,t macajam roilis ln opoly. ,)le northwest I had a talk last Now the contention is made that a I week with a prominent citl n. of factor and tbe coming generations will rise tip and call him blessed If he would only come forward and show bis credentials. The county court has been attending road con vention! where they could come in contact with the best engineers. They have been reading and atudylnf the road question more perhaps than we all Imagine and have retained the rervicea of road builders for consul tation and guidance, and while I have not mentioned the subject to them, I will here and now guarantee that they will give the editor earnest and irayerfu! attention to any sugges tions that he may have to offer with a view to building better roads for Urn money. As Stated In the herlnnfnr t)i.r. " w..v. Will he more rnnt m.f. rnnatmi-u I Uncle Sam Itaa Ixvlaml War. On diseased and Impure meat. Gov ernment veterinarians Inspect the meat we sell and let nothing pa but whnt Is pure. Protect your home trade at the Oregon Market, phone 414. IN It)lM. The following described animals have been taken up by the chief of police of the City of Pendleton, to !t: One small red cow, about t year old. One bull, spotted, mixed Jersey, coming two In spring. 1 red heifer calf. 1 black heifer calf. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, coots and expenses I in the northwest next year than have I "falnst thrtn paid and they taken been built during the past 25 years, I 'hin ten days from the date Will Umatilla county do anything like! hereof, then at 2 o'clock f m on Does the War Caiibe Drouth? Reports from the v corporation working manl. Walla Walla, -who has made the trip middle states lndi-'fmIv at du.ld,.ant..,.,., c.n . : to Ppokane several times this summer .u r Vi at a'-' "'!-'- n make fcy autiimoWle anJ h. ,ald that tne mo uun w .rp n,on,.j. tn.,n t oouij when on dition there, Kansas I Umatilla county roads were the best th so-called efficiency bais and tbe stretches that he has traveled over. In particular being a sufferer. News raises doubt us to when people 11 1b Xru th'r ar om h"1 from Australia shows a drought in' v l:lf, ,:lilh , f.m ' r"d ,n I do doubt be repaired, but on the lg business sources. Eastern Oregon farmers may well be chary regarding the grain Inspec tion law proposed by lU-KWtt' TIiIm Portland brokers. In ITofWtdtiotl Considering tae fact thlr navy If outclassed two to one by the British 1 sea forces the Ger- lbe llusy . . : mans , .have . been German 'avy. making a remarkable ..... showing on water. They have shown efficiency In a defensive way by keeping their main fleet afloat despite the fact the Eng llsh home fleet, close at hand, is auf ficient to wipe out the German ships If they could reach them. But the Germans have also been aggressive as was shown by their dar ing attack on English coast towns yesterday. The damage Inflicted am ounts to nothing but the moral effect of that raid will be considerable. With the English coast guarded by hun dreds of warships and with adjacent waters mined It seems marvelous that such a move could have been carried out successfully. Nor la this the only instance where the Germans accomplished good re- substance the plan suits under difficulties. On the open looks to Inspection of fea they have made a better sbor arale by a state bureau Instead of by j ng than was to be expected und?r the various grain buying companies the clrcunihtances. The Kmden was throsf h their agents. j for weeks a veritable terror of the tne southern nemispnece. J'-ut in r.u- rope where war la on there- is snow J and rain in abundanoe, Judging froin' reports. . j Doeii tbe heavy caanonading that J Is underway ln Poland aaod Along bat . " 200 mile battle line in France create an atmospheric conditio mat pro duces excess rain in that aecrtlon? it is an old contention that heavy, gun fire will produce rain and bt is said I yiat every great battle of the civil ar was followed fey rainfall. ' If that theory is correct the is it not possible that the excessive rains in the war xone hare caused a short age in tne molnture supply ror tae remainder of the world and we may expect a lighter rainfall until UHties cease? FROM THE PEOPLE mm as ovu road i-oucy. A. whole, the road la a good one and ctigbt to be appreciated and no dvabt It is appreciated by the many who use it constantly. In this connection I want to call attention to an edlto rial that appeared in a local paper here a few days ago concerning tills aame road. In which the statement was made that thta road was vractl II. Ix Ueciarc (Xiutity CXAirt Is cally worthless, and "that the lower t.umtna io IHgi rrmie ,ot U, I cud of . th read was a bad as It riMreirM-ntation. - ; ; ould fotmiWy be and pot be Impar tiable." (I quote from memory, but Its part? If the farmers and t ixpay era get behind the county court nnd rlve theru support and encourage ment we believe a good showing will be made. If we hamper and nag them and oppose them along every line we can soon reasonably expect a cessation of operations. It la up to the friends of good roada to be alert an'd active. Toura truly, A. H. COX trie zutn day of December. 114, the said snlmals will be sold to the bitthest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the "ity Pound st the Depot Livery Stable, Cottonwood street. In ald f'lty f Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses t making sale. Dated this 17th day of December, X14. JOJJtf KZAU.NET, Chief of Police.. Pendleton, Ore., Dec. II, 11. Editor East Ofiegonlan:. There never was a time In the bia this Is the substance of the editorial. anyway. )' TCow such statements ought Mot to sro utirballer.ied Thev need tory of this coanty when seen a live-, refutation to (hone who bare trar if iriitiwi was ueing laaw-a "Ln tne question of "good roads good roads conventions rA the nmA lately hut tha sntachlef fa fact, ( to done with the farmers and taxpay are lln , tn ln remote tartji tit thm, ronntv ne.o everywhere; journals devoted to no ao not know the statement to be the subject are being published and untrue. This same remarkable edlto. ho, road engtaeera employed and cenault-! Pia, cloiu,a w jtn the statement that ed on the nubject and the best mth-j better roads could be constructed for f,rw and means determined for rarh i.. i i ... It rounds fanciful but truth is lormIJty Mch d,p,ndll of ro(rB. upo of kVVal to stranger than fiction and there may the topography of the country and jt, nature and character and knowa cnara. ier ot tne son. etc. There will how to build better read for leas be more miles of good roads complet- ed during the year 115 than during' - - . the past twenty-five years In this country. io voice is herd against be something In it. The East Ore gonian would like to get the views of Col. Wood and Col. Boyd upon this subject. the need of good roads. We have PADS Kl 0.8. A, The rrpat American home rem- long sin'e past the argumentative stage and are now up to the' prob lem or tuiuai construction or tne' , , . . , roads. Had this good work been &y Pt CO Kara IQT eUCfl started ten years ago in Umatilla' oa ,e kT,TUa wb nr. The Katurday Evening Post tries to show the Standard Oil Company makes more money When Can We since it was- divided Ueiiene Them? into many units than bounty, we might have been enjoying it formerly made tlm.e """'i"' roads to almoxt everv tmrt of the when working as one central mono- county, but urifortunaU-ly the work nOM, OjI'J.-', (jrC OT Malaria, U poly. The argument is based on the was not commenced until about three pf)B, "ni;liffltion, J3iJIius- htateriierit the various x:onipanies have paid sixty five millions in dividends (his year whereas under the old con- jeara ago. We are advised that a t.ix miil levyj for the construction and maintenance of the roads is tbe smallest levy made HOSTETTEP.'S Stomach Bitters Make Your Life Worthwhile N'e matter what your vocation-wether yoa are a profeaeloaal mn ' werchant, farmer, clerk, JaUr.r or hopsekecper-i, whttt 0(J knJW tlua counts Every man and woman should know about what is go mg on in the neighborhood where they live. You will add something to your knowledge if you - , Attend A. L. Sparlinrs LECTURE IS THE OREGOH WUN&Jtntmvjn, t 7.30 Mr. Pparllng, who la known under the non de plume rharie. I) throughout Oreat Pritalq and her over-sa possons'lons is , k ....... t.vOIJ..n. I." II, , . ... ! 1 the most brilliant English speakers ''s Paull I it n a i.l I u I Is at i.lui.. ( t .. . . i . - . . .... ' ytmtny una . v.w,,,. rxows wnai ne talks about and he can hand e hi- subject Mtr than rnyst speaker. Hemember place arid dale Oregon Theatre Tomorrow Night at7;30 Subject; ''Keonomical and ocla 'ondlt)ons of Kaslern Oregon u. niwy mm rring roiveq uy uHiraiia." Mayor Dyer will speak nt 5ro k of Ihe f hooj Hoard Will preside. Ci-ll I 'real. 'leneral adinlHslon ?S ''blldrcn and HIkIj Kchool students Ifle Tlctetu t. , 1.4. Du i-loies and 'iar and ews ritands. Ak your friends along.