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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1914)
page nam DATLT EAST OKEOONIAK PENDLETON". OTtEGON". THURSDAY. nFfiEMHER 10 1914. EIGHT PAGES if ; yr r RESOLVED That people MiC TritlR. GOOD luck by DOING THE BIGHT THING CONFIPENCE Or OUR PATRONS. QlARt DEAL ALWAYS WINS. WtVANTTZ) KEEP OUR. PATR0N5 vtu cant HAvr Bad luck bvdoin; The RIGHT THING 7 J We arc Join? the riqlit tLinp; giving full weight and full iwasure in pcxxi groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables and ask- on lv a lair price. in PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Court and Johnson Sts. Where all are Pleased Newsy Notes of Pendleton Take Over Mxwcu Agency. rne cuy auio Co. dii taken over the Maxwell agency for thU city from U V. Henderson who haa been han dllng these cars for the past few month. Cooked Food Sale. The Baptist Udlea will hold a ba- taar and sal of cooked food acroaa from the postofflce In the Brown fur. nlture store, Friday afternoon and evenlnr. Light lunches will also be erred. Tim More CM Purchased. Joseph Sheard of Athena has pur chased a model CZS Bulck auto from the Oregon Motor Co. and J. F. Wyrlclc of Helix and Charles E. Heard of this city have purchased Fords from the same concern. four escaped prisoners still at large In efefctlng their escape they assault. n a Deputy Sheriff George Croner. No charge had been filed against these two men before, the officers simply holding them on ius- picion Decause they had stolen prop erty In their possession. Elks to Eat Crab. The local Elks will enjoy a crab feed tonight after their regular monthly business meeting. They will also Initiate and enjoy a program of entertainment and a social session. Water pipe Freexo. Last night was the. coldest of the season so far and as a result, the plumbers have been busy today thaw Ing out froxen water pipes and re pairing burated pipes. Automobile owners, too, had to use hot water this morning before they could get their engines to work. A Basketball Assembly. Inspired by the game with the "Purple Giants " which Is to take place this evening, the students of the local high school held an enthusiastic meeting In the assembly room for a few minutes, where they sang high school songs and gave many of the old yells, which have stirred past teams on to victory. 1 ! Card of Tluinks We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors; also the Moose, Eagle and Redmen lodges for their many acts of kind Less extended us during our recent bereavement CHAS. E. SIIOCKET. JOHN' A. SHOCKET.. MR. AN'D MRS. W. G. (Adv.) ROGERT. The timber Industry represents 37 rer cent of the nnnual production of wealth in British Columbia. Toric Lenses are the best gnikl find lit them to give the wearer comfort and satisfaction. ALL WORK GUARAN TEED. Dale Rothwell Refracting and Manufactur ing Optician. with Hanscom. THE Jeweler P. 0. Bl.lg. Pendleton, Ore. 1'hone 329 J. The Place for Xmas Candies is The riaoe of Strictly Pendleton Industry. Our Candles are made to eat. Eastern randies are made to sell For Sweets to Eat The Delta. Stmlcnl Anticipate Vacation. The students of the local high school are looking expectantly for ward to the Christmas vacation. Good work has been accomplished by all this semester, and most feel the need of a few weeks' rest from books and activities before beginning' the long sDrln session. Many of the students expect to make visits to their homes during the holidays, some of me students living In other parts of the county and state and some In Idano and Washington. Pilot Hock Principal Out Report reaches here that Francis J. Woelfle, principal of the Pilot Rock schools, has resigned his posi tion and that his successor will be named m the near future. I The Christmas Spirit Has Taken Full 1 I Charge of The Golden Rule Store g Everybody crowding into this big busy store seem to be Happy, ff gthey have a right to' be happy. We have made every effort to' make p ft Xmas shopping a pleasure. Buying as we do in immense quantities as k we do direct from the manufacturers for spot cash for 70 big busy stores. We buy for much less than the one store merchants can expect to. Then K our modem methods of doing business enables us to sell our goods in Ji J5 many instances for less than our competitors have to pay for their's. & Better Investigate This, You'll be a Golden Rule Booster MEN'S READY TO WEAR XMAS Coldest Night of Year. Last night the mercury in the ther mometer sank lower than It has this winter, dropping within IS degrees of the tero mark, according to the official observer. Nor haa it raised much during the day, staying below the freezing point. At noon the thermometer showed 28 degrees above zero. GIFTS. A suit of Clothes would be very come in aarx I Dies at State Hospital. Erlck Hovlne, a FInlander commit ted to the eastern Oregon state hos pital seven months ago from Cold Springs, died this morning of gener at paresis and the body Is being pre' pared by Ralph Folsom for shipment to relatives In Portland. The man was EO years old. Automobile Took lire. A little excitement was caused on Court street In front of the Farmers' Union grain agency yesterday after noon about 4 o'clock when the au tomobile of James Porter took fire. Water was carried from the Koeppen Drug store and the flames extinguish. ed before much damage was done. Back from Mayo Bros. R. R. Lewis, mayor of Echo, arriv ed In Pendleton yesterday on No. 17 from Rochester. Minn., where for the past two months he had been under- eolnir treatment at the Mayo uros, j hospital He underwent an operation for ulcer of the stomach, chronic ap pendicitls and gallstones and is now roetnre- to health. For some time before he went back he had been suf ferlng a great deal, having been hard ly able, to take any food into Jls stomach, and now he is able to eat heartily. Mrs. Lewis was back with him. They went on to Echo last ev enlng. Face Charge of Assault James Allen alias John Williams, who escaped from the Pendleton city Jail October 10 and more recently from the Lane county Jail, will face a charge of assaulting an officer if re captured. Such a charge has been filed against him in Eugene, and also against Joe Thomas, the other of the me Mill Thsstra WHERE THE FAVORITE PLAYERS PLAY THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES TODAY AND TOMORROW Offers Victoria Cross' Famous Novel 1 CtT BP He Shop IN FIVE POWKUITL ACTS IVaturlng the well-known stars JSV. : ' ' A. ''' ...... I v .- ..... V V' "' v XIV . Clair Whitney and Stuart Holmes In a Sensational Visualization of one of the Most Talked of , Novels Ever Written. Return from Portland. Charles 11. Marsh and Roland Ol iver arrived home this morning from Portland. Whilo there Mr. Marsh, who Is Judge-elect, attended the open ing session of the state convention of county courts. Judge Muloney, Com missioners Waterman and Cockburn and Roadmaster Martin are Ftill in attendance at the convention. appropriate, terns of self stripe or neat mixed ! effects, everyone priced the Gold- vt..l . mm A aa AiA mn ril 1V.UIB WU), ., IK.ow, pTt i - ' . vu, uiuo rnso Buna iur men ore ; really wonderful values; you should not fall to see them, you will save from $5 00 to $10.00 on , blue serges at this big busy store 9.00, $12.30. $11.75, $18.50. An Overcoat would be a splendid gift at only $9.90, $12 50, $11.73 Then there are the Mackinaw Coats for any member of the family priced at a third less than elsewhere ...$3.98, $1.98, $3 90 Boys' Suits, buy the little fellow a suit for Xmas, he will appreci ate it besides Its the most eco nomical, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $1.98 Any of these wfculd be Men's ties In fancy boxes 39e, 09c! Then there are trains at S5c SUITABLE, XMAS GIFT BUG- GESTIONS. Why not a Tailored Suit? We are Jj showing some very nobby effects S at about half the price others $ would ask for no better values , $9.90, $1J.50, $16.30. It's about time you were buying 5. that new coat Just make her a rj Christmas present with one It Is sure to please, $7.90, $9.90, la.OU, SIS. 73. Misses' Conts In a snlond Id njtunrt ment of weaves and styles to se- Ot lect from, 12 to jg year sizes at $2.98 and up to $9.90. $ Children's Coats for the little tots l from 1 to 10 year sizes, $1.98, vtf $2.98, $3.98, $1.98. jJ Silk Petticoats would be appreel- 2 ated in a variety of styles and VV colors and priced at only $1.98, $2.98, $3.98. sniriwnkt for a present would b proper at no, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 75c Rramii Library Opened. This morng the County Librarian went to Adams to install the Adama branch of tlt Umatilla County Li brary. While the books, tables and shelves were being arranged, twelve people came In, registered and drew out books. ' The branch was opened this afternoon for regular business and the opening hours will be from three to four every afternoon and on Saturday evenings from seven to nine Sportsmen Return From Mooting. Wesley N. Matlock, president of the local sportsmen's association, and G. I. La Dow arrived home this morning from Portland where they attended the state convention of sportsmen. A number of recommendations were Incorporated In resolutions which will be presented to the legislature. The two which will affect the local sports men mont was those to reduce the aeer season from three months to two months, muklng It open on Sept. 1, and to Increase the groufe season two weeks by making it open on Au gust 13. values 2.V, 1."c 61c, 08c, All silk ties 60c and at Men's combination sets $1.23. Men's ties, Sox, suspenders, stick pin and elimp put up In fancy boxes $1.10 Handkerchiefs, 3 In a fancy box at 25c Boston hose supporters In Xmas boxes 15c Why not a pair of dress gloves at 98c, $1.49 House slippers in felt or leather at $1.49, $1.69 The boy will enjoy one of our Daisy Repeating Air Guns $1.23, $1.49 Drums, so appropriate 4c, 69c, 98c, $1.49. up to boy 19c, acceptable gifts, they are inexpensive g 8 ft 3 0S( 98c 69c, 49c, 69c. $1.23 Magic lanterns . , Tool chests Fur gloves for the 98c. Knickerbocker pants 98c. Why not a cap or a hat for the boy 2.V, 49c, 98c Flannel blouses or shirts 49c, 98c The Miss will be disappointed If the usual doll don't show up Christmas morning 23c up to $0.50. Doll go-carts, the collapsible kind 98c, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 Doll cradles done In white and old 69c, $1.23 Loll lawn swings 69c, $1,231 Books of all kinds, frnm th. nol le kind to the' story books for grown ups at 0 Fur sets In white, brown or tan mixed at $1 98, $2.98 up to $3.90 Mittens and gloves 25o Fur muffs would be very smart at $3.90. $7.90, $8.90, $9.90. Or a neck piece at about half you would have to pay elsewhere $1-49, $1.69 and . up to $11.73. Kimonas would be crepes, a suitable gift 98c, $1,49, $1.98 Vi F'$l 98IeU klmna " 98c ,' Why not a bath robe at these pri- CM $1-98, $2.98, $3.98 XI Tailored skirts would not be amiss V $3.98, $4.98, $3.90. ?3 j$ You c&n do U better at Kept Check; Lost Suit. W. M. Peterson. D. U Ballard, Roy Haley and O. E Krnith. local attor neys, were at rilot Rock yesterday to appear as count-el in the case of George Carnes vs. W. L. Mathews Larncs leased his opera house to Mathews and tried to oust Mm for falling to pay his rent. by the tenth or the month. However, Mathews Proved that on the 14th he had given a check for the rent and that the check had not been returned to him. The cuse was, accordingly, decided in favor of the defendant who was represented by Peterson and Ballard. i he case attracted quite a crowd of spectators. i;vi:uv woman somj.ti.mi; is iu:i: like halts at -likks SHOP WINDOW" TO SKI.ECT HICK TOY. Admission 15c Clifditn til 3000 women nullx- the box office at the William Fox AtidulMin theatre, ISroudua), on niatlnoos and evenings last week during the run of "Life's Shop Window" The Td was hit l.ire every tluy that five special Moli.-emeit vie eiua.-.ed l j.roscr-.c order mid to Keep the line, which exu'inlcd f'r a Vhn-lt and a lialf in ootiMc file, New York Tlrin-s, Oct. 15. iki.vt rir, i o :mj P i' -:'. AY C-'.T.r Admission 15s Chi'cren 5s Deeds RrlnR Dig Iteveniio. Two deeds filed this week with Re rorder Burroughs have netted the U. S. government considerable sums In revenue. According to the war tax measure each deed must be stamped at the rate of one dollar for each one thousand dollars consideration In volved. One of the deeds Involved $40,000 and the other $25,000 and were literally covered with stamps. Recorder Burroughs this morning re celved notification that all instruments except certificates of acknowledge ment to deeds, mortgages, assignments of mortgages or releases are taxable but that such Instruments as were executed and delivered prior to Dec. 1 were not taxablo even though thej be presented for record after Dec. 1. FARMERS WANT RAIN; FEAR FREEZING WEATHER We Lead Others follow TWO LAND DEALS INVOLVING OVER $65,000 PUT THROISH Two land deals Involving over $65, 000 have been consumated within the past few days, according to deeds filed for record with Recorder Bur roughs. Frank J. Reale and wife have sold to Fay S. Le Grow of Athe na for $25,600, 1320 acres lying about six miles northwest of Athena. In cluded In the transaction Is the whole of section 1, 160 acres In section 1. 120 acres in section 3, 40 acres In section 10 and 360 acres In section 11. township 5, north of range J4. The other transaction. Involving 1 40.000. transfers 897.45 acres In pci tlon 11. township 6, north of range ?.", from Justls Wado and wife to Kmcry Ptaggs nnd wife. The land lies obout five miles west of Milton. FRENCH OFFICIALS RETURN TO PARIS FROM BORDEAUX FAR IS, Dec. 10. The seat of the French government has been full re established in Paris today. N0 offi cial announcement of this has been made, however, and theoretically Bordeaux Is still the temporary cap Hal but all the government officials have returned from there. This meant that to all practical intents, this city was again the center of the national administration. lPdy Recovered from lire. WEST ORANGE, N. J., Deo. 10. A later Investigation did not mater ially change tho estimate of a seven million dollar los, with two million I-.isiirance, when the .Edison plant was destroyed by fire last night. The body of Wllllnm Troder was re covered from tho ruins. Another nan and girl are reported missing. Servians lxfcat AiiKtrlan. SALONIKA, Dec. 10 It Is offi cially reported In a NIsh dispatch that the Servians defeated the Aus trian, right wing, killing and wound .'ng 15,000. WfllSSaDin) Fa irony mm THE HERO OF "THE SPOILERS IN Tho MofflBtion o? lauid Corson0 . The Famous Tale of a Strong Man's Temptation, Transgression and Regeneration 3 l.OXG DRY SPFXL WITH COLD CAUSES GROWERS TO FEEL ANXIOUS, That the long continued dry weath er together with the present cold spell Is causing wheatralsers anxiety If plainly evident from statements made by farmers from all parts of the wheat belt There Is a shortage In moisture at present and rain would be highly welcome. There Is fear that If tho cold weather continues and no rain Is forthcoming considerable wheat may be frozen, thus making re- seedlng necessary. There has been no damage as yet and perhaps there will be none but the situation Just now is not reassur ing and It is causing farmers to lose some ot Lite enthusiasm they feel tver the high price of wheat. LISTEN! "The Redemption of David Carson" provides William Fornum with a strong rolo particularly adapted to his Individuality. David Carson is a rugged man with an abundance. of magnetism and spiritual power. For a while lie uses Ids gifts to rescue and redeem his stumbling fellow men; until a woman comes Into Ills life and Satan comes also. From tills time David degrades Ms power by using It to secure tho woman. Ho loses his faith, Rambles and drinks, and narrowly cHcaics lielng a murderer. At lust he emerges from tlio shadow and achieves tils regeneration. TODAY I IT SI FOR ONE DAY OfJLV Staged by Famous Players Co. nn TODAY AM C73 Performances Start on the Hour m