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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1914)
DAILY EAST OREGONI AN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1914. - - 1 - - -- - - , ' - - " PAOE SEVEN GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS STANFIE "MURDER CAR" IN NEW YORK'S LATEST GUNMAN MYSTERY KTOTTT PAOKS REELECTS KYLE AS I IAY0R OVER IF YOUR BACK HURTS OR BLAD DER BOTHERS YOU, DIUNK . IXT8 OP WATER When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with lot of drugs' that excite kidneys and Irritate the entiro urninary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless suits which remov es the body's urinous waste and sti mulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the Mood. In 24 hours they strain from It BOO grains of arid and waste so we can readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots or water you can't drink too much: also get from any phar macist about four ounces t Jad Baits take a tabiespoonrui in a glass or wa ter before breakfast each mornllng, for a few days and your kidneys will This was the first Ime that the la act fine. This famous salts Is madej dies had sorved on the election board, from the acid of grapes and lemon Mrs. C. W. Conner was one of the Juice combined with llthla, and has Judges and Mrs. John Bagan was a been used for generations to clean 'clerk. clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; Mrs. Clara E. Ilurd was defeated also neutralise the acids In urine so it for recorder by Jessie' Richards by no longer Is a source of Irritation,: 20 votes. thus endlnlg bladder weakness. R. M. Ling, R. H. Irwin and Jad Baits Is Inexpensive; cannot In!- J Wm. Heggeman were elected as mem Jure; makes a delightful efferves- j bf rs of the council. R. A Ilolte was cent llthla-water drink which every-1 re-electd treasurer over Noah May, one should take now and then. to who received one vote keep their kidneys clean and active. The LAdles' Aid held a Christmas Try this, also keep up the water drink, Ing. and no doubt you will wonder; what became of your kidney trouble i and backache. Australian Wool Gem imdon O. K. t-,tvt a T . .nnniinc.rl ' Mw. " - -- that the government would permit ex- j portatlon to the United States of Aus- trallan Merino wool bought durlnlg the present sales or at other times. I provided sattlsfactory guarantees wera furnished that the wool would not be forwared to hostile countries. sum of Ohio, fit of Toledo, Lara t'ounty Prtnk J. Cbrnry mikes oath that h b eolor partner of tbt form of K. J. Chenej k Co., doing builneja q the City of To ledo, Couotr sod Btate aforcaald. and that aalrt firm will pay the snm of O.NB HUN lnr.I IHd.I.AItH for each and erery caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the o of HALL 8 CATAltlflt rrn& IHA.VK J. CIIENET. Harora to before nit and tdbwrlbed Id njr prewwrc, this 0th day of December, A. II. lHbL (Heal) A. W. 0LKA8ON. Notary I'Dbllt FTall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly upon the blood and mo rona anrfar of the syatem. Bend tor tee tlmoolala, free. r. J. CI1FNET a CO., Toledo, 0. Snld by all Druirclata. Toe. Take Hall i Kamlly nils for eonatlpatloa CHICHESTER S PILL IUAj!'.D laV.II I IU f k' niEKIlfTb HOMES ItETTER IIEALTU AND EYESIGHT Let us wire yonr hme and In stall our inndorn Lighting Fix tnrea and Electrical InntsJIa tkuui all those requtremetiU ran be obtained. May we serve you? Electrlo and gas supplies, elec trlo light wiring, bell wiring, gas piping, motors and dynamos. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 I F votive not a Bryan I'll) ! I.i 4 1 Cold illi.r Tata e at See. I!"T r re T GOOD LIGHT Means BETTER BCSINKSS and still insist on rroniDiuon urinx, we carry Hills Bros. Blue Can, I and I pound cans, mils Bros. Frecmont Roast, 1 pound packages. J. N. J. B. in 8 and 3 pound ' cans. JOHN W. DYER, Enst AHa St. JIIMMIIIIIIII! IIIIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII 1 CITY LIVERY STABLE f taa . MBaaaaaaaaaMMaaaawaaaaaMaWMaaiaaaaMwaaaaaaaaMMWMMMawMaaaMaaMaa 9m Thompson Street Hotween Court and Alia. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiK-1 OPPIIIT IB. YATES XAMK IS WRITTKJV IN ON TKT4ET WOMEN ON HOARD FOR FIRST TIME. I'uir Set Serve an Judge aud dork Mrw, tiara E. Ifurd Is Defeated for Rocxirdr Tr"nurT Is IUv Ik1I IjuIIom' Aid Society Hold Chrlhtiiiax Salo OUu-r Notes. (Rperlal Correspondence.) STANFIELD, Ore., Deo. 10 The annual city election was held Tues day. Mayor Kyle was reelected. Mr. Kyle declined to run for mayor, but his many friends got busy and wrote his name on the ticket and he won over F. O. Tales by a large majority. Tills is the third term for Mr. Kyle. sale of fancy work Tuesday and realised ICS. o. M. Hendrlckacn and Nils Llnd of Grand Forks. North Dakota, spent several days here looking after thelr( land on the project. Klrkpatrlck was In rendition n" "r' 01 me eeg. Mrs w p Ward w attending to Bomo bugIneM affllrB , pcnj,etn 1 the first of the week. Father Butler and Father O'RIlcy f Hcrmlsion. were calling on frlendi Mr. and Mrs. George Atterbury are rejilcln over the arrival of a fine baby boy. RETORT IlIG KTRIKE AT C RM'PI.i: CREEK Lydia, the mtogulded heroine, says: . COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. Dec.7 , "Every woman has two natures Not since the first days of the Colo-' good and evil. The man and his wide rudo gold ruh has the Cripple Creek, knowledge of the world, his culture, mining dUtrlct been as excited as It his munle, makes an appeal to my over report that one of the richest cnec-s, to my mind, to me, then I am gold strikes in the history of the state happy. I am strong enough to re has been made there. Storl-s of fab-1 fBt that appeal; but when I am ulous treasure rlvallnig that uncover-. lonely and neglected as you know I ed when Wlnflcld Scott Straton dis covered the Independence mine end leaped Into Instant wealth were clrcu. lated. The strike hi said to have been made In the Cresson mine. some stories plnclnif the value of the ore so far taken out at $12,000 a ton nnd In some Instances. $30 "a pound. No clnflrmatlon has been obtained- Simultaneous with the reports I comes word that the Cresson Con solidated Mining company owners of the Creseon, has bought the Trlbl5 mine properties adjoins. The government Is erecting a new radio station at San Diego, Cat. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW lRl;;iST RAYS LADIES ARE; USING RECIPE OF SAGE tea and srLFiirn, llotr that Woo Ita fnlnr and 1 lint re. or when It fades, turns gray, dull and' lifeless Is caused by a lack of sul- phur In the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea ana, Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade or hair which Is so attractive, use only this cld-tlme recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix- a 1. 1 A ( sat r r a frV a BO-ccnt bottle of "Wyctir. Sage which dark. I ns ihe-hnir so naturally, so evenly. I hat nobody can possibly tell it has r that been applied. Besides, It takes off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and fall ing hair. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It, and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dlssppesrs; but what de lights the ladles with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. Democract "Wadeo," the King of them all In threes. Crescent 9, in 1 lb. packages. Also a full line of Crescent bulk Coffees and Teas. GROCERYMAN Phon 538 Livery, Peed and Sale Stable Good Rigs at All Times AUTOMOBILE FQR HIRE I Carney A Huoy. Props. Telephone- 70. life- ''JJU: .' h :,P( I V) : -'v sr" . uff low" Nil: The -coffee-colored" auto which used by the murderers of Barnet crime. The location of the car la ex was picked up by the police of New Baff, the poultry dealer, In making rected, to be followed by several ar York In their search for the vehicle their escape from the scene of the rests. Local Playhouses WHAT the Preu Agent Has to Say of Pretent and Coming nttisctiooi J rastlmo Totlay. "Life's Shop Window," from the most 'talked of novel ever written, rroduciyj in five reels of heart-throbs, tears and smiles. From the brilliant and virile pen of Victoria Cross. All star cast. Including Claire Whitney and Stuart Holmes. often am, the call of life, of the big world that Mr. Pelham represents, is too strong. I feel as though I were a prisoner, as though I must escape or go mad " Hodges says to Lydia: "My love hi not an lnatilt. What have I ever I asked of you for myself ? Do not compare me ieeiinic in my neari wun the thlnp this Telham dares to rail love? To get you for himself, he'd commit u crime. I know him. He would not stop at murder. Well you llften to me I am a better man than he is, and I too, would not top at murder to save you from your- n'ir." The vllllan, Eustace Pelham says "In our youth, with money In our hands we stand and stare into the brilliant shop windows of life. lie lore us stands the door of life's great bhop, crowded with wonderful, glit tering toys. Each toy is a destiny, a inrc-er, whatever you may chooe to call It a program of an Individual life. We niuy choose one toy, paying what we have, our youth, our minds, our beauty, but we can choose Just once, no more. Poor purxled youth, that is where the heartache conies, when you have bought your toy Hnd tan't understand that what you want, ed, what you were attracted by was i "wm w " one poor lime ining inai you cuuusc The critics say: "Just one big chunk of life." "A story told deli cately and skilfully." "Skilfully handled by producer as well as ac tors who were conscious that they were treading on thin Ice." "All the vitality of the story has been trans- ferrcd to the screen." "Life's Shop Window" is well worth looking Into. The exhibition fills the eye and stirs the emotions. It Is Inconceivable that such a display could have Deen as sembled without seriously shocking one's finer sensibilities. The result here Is a triumph." "Every woman some time In her life halts at 'Life's Shop Window.' to select her toy." Tlcture starts: Afternoons, 2:00, 8:15, 4:30; evenings. 7:00. 8:15, 9:30 p. m. Admission, adults, 15c; chil dren 5c. roy Wednesday and Thumlay. The Fletchers, In a Dutch comedy act will be one of the three acts for the above two days. They will make you laugh. We also have a musical act which ' 1a jrood, and another comedy act. All three of these acta are sure to please. . "The rieggnr Child." Two reel j American. WInnlfred Greenwood and Ed Coxen In a strong story. Mutual Weekly No. 8. Latest plc turea from the war tone In this num ber! a.PP! ,n Oregon, and other events. "Getting Asqualnted." Keystone ! Another bunch of Keystone excite ment I COLLIER CAESAR STRAINS HAWSERS WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. The collier Caesar, designated by the navy department to car ry the government exhibit for the Panama-Pacific exposition from Washington to San Fran cisco, made ready today for her Hturt on her long voyage through the Panama canal and up the Pacific Coast. CATTLE MARKET REMAINS WEAK (Courtesy Wednesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore Livestock buy ers were too busy today with the auc tion for prize stuff to pay the slhiht est attention to other lines. The mar ket in general is showing increased etrength for hogs and sheep, but con tinues weak for cattle. Hogs sold up to 17.25 In the North Portland yards during the last 24 hours and this Is the extreme top for quality. General hog market range: Lest light 37 0007.25 Medium light 8006. JO Good to heavy 6.6006.75 Rough and heavy 6 00 06. 25 Stockers 5 5006.00 Cattle Market (inlet. For cattle the market at North Portland continues extremely quiet There was only a small run reported In the yards over night, but these did tjot meet with much favor. General conditions were unchanged. General cattle market range: Selected steers 37.15 7.40 Good to prime 6-00 Good to choice 6 50 16.75 Ordinary to fair 5 7506.25 Pest cows 5 9006.00 Good to prime 5 6506 85 Ordinary 5.25 06.85 Ordinary 5-2505.50 Selected calves 8-00 Fancy bulls 6.25 0 5.75 Ordinary 4 0004.25 Sheep Position Firmer. Position of the mutton and Iamb trade Is again firmer. There were again sales of lambs around 37.25 today but better quality would have likely brought a fraction more. Ewes sold during the morning at 35. There was only a small run of mut ton in the yards at North Portland over night. General mutton market range: Old wethers 5.50 05.75 Best yearlings 6.90 05-75 Best yearlings 5 90 0 6.00 Best ewes 4.75 05. 00 Pest east mountain lamhs 7.30 Vallev llcht lambs 7.25 Heavy spring lambs .... 6.50 06.75 Valley light lamhn 7.00 07 15 IJvr-Mtot'k Shippers. Hogs Jensen Bros.. Roosevelt. Wash.. 1 load; A. W. Silsby, Ashland, 1 load; P. D. Sullivan. Alexander. Idaho. 2 loads; Charles Downer. 1 load; J A. Martin, Sterling, Idaho, 1 load. Cattle John Kaner. Rexburg, Ida ho, 1 load. Sheep J. T. Rees. McMlnnvllle. 2 loads; U. Gibson, Brooklyn, 1 load. Mixed stuff It. A. Hecker. Albany. 1 load hogs and sheep; P. J. Kopplln, Plalnvlew. 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. RESULTS TELL. Then fan Be No Doubt About the Results In rendloton. Results tell the tale. All doubt Is removed. The testimony of a Pendleton cltl sen Can be easily Investigated. What better proof can be had? Mrs. George W. Padgett, Box 529. Pendleton, Ore., says: "One of my family had spells of backache and at times he was laid up for a month. If he bent over or straightened up quickly, severe twinges caught him In the small of his back. His kid neys were out of order and he endur ed much misery. Doan'a Kidney Pills were recommended to him by a phy sician and they have never failed to relieve him of these aliments when ever he has used them. I have also used Doan's Kidney Pills myself and can recommend them as being a good kidney remedy." Trice 60 cents, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan"s Kidney Tills the same thai Mrs. Badgett had. Foeter-MUburn Co., rrops., Buffalo, N. T. CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES LOWER CHICAGO, Dec. 10 Wheat closed with a loss of 1 l-8c for December and 1c for May. Market opened with an advance of l-8c for the former and 1-tc for the latter. There was a somewhat better feel ing In the foreign trade and prices were generally higher. At home the trade wis Influenced chiefly by the good crop reports from Argentina. WHEAT. Dec Open, 116 7-8; high, 116 7-8; low, 115 3-8; close. 115 5-8. May Open. 121 5-8; high. 121 3-4; low, 129 1-4; close, 129 3-8A. $200,000 LOAD FOR BELGIANS IS READY LOS 'ANGELES. Dee. 9. The of ferings of southern California to the sufferers of war torn Belgium were being loaded into the hold of the steamship Cam I no, which lay In San Tedro harbor. The ship was expect ed to clear for Rotterdam. She will carry 600 tons of foodstuffs, valued at $30,000, contributed by southern Callfornlans and 4500 tons, valued at $170,000, offered by the northern central sections of the state. Court Rare Litigant. BUTTE. Mont.. Dec. 10. Holding that the company has no standing In ccurt because of questionable business methods, Federal Judge Bourquln dismissed the suit of the National Mercantile company of Vancouver, B. C. against State Auditor Keating. The suit sought to enjoin the enforce ment of Montana's "blue sky law." In dismissing the suit. Judge Bour quln held that the documents of the company, submitted in evidence ai the tr'al, satisfy the court that "they embody a scheme tending to defraud.' In e:ln!ssing the case, the court dll not pass on the constitutionality of the blue sky law. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to Uj or night Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 8TORS runeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Mala and Water streets. Telephone !. LVSURAXCK AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and tells all kinds, of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Fay taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre, C. H. MARSH, See. BENTLEY ft LEFFINQWELL. REAt state, fire, Ufe and accident Insur ance agents. Ill Main street P lions t4 LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT Dl scrtptlon for connty court, dren) court Justice court real estate, etc for sale at East Oregonian office. VETERINARY SntGEONS. C. W. LASSEN? M? D Ol'NTT Veterinarian. Residence telephone S7; office tellephone 10. YOU GO TO SPOKANE on the Northern Pacific Railway LEAVE PENDLETON 1:50 P. M. ARRIVE MOKANE 10 I M. FOR CHICAGO Close connection with through train, running via. Minneapolis ami St. Paul. Fast time TO ST. LOUIS Through train from Pacific Northwest, via St. Joe and Kansas City. The Famous Dining Car Service On all transcontinental trains. The Great Big Baked Potato Served on all dining cars. TO SEATTLE. TACOMA, EVERETT, BELLING1IAM. VANCOUVER, It. C. PORTLAND, and points beyond, have your tickets ' read via this route. ' Winter Excursion Fares TO FLORIDA During December, January, february. Return Limit May 31. Tickets Full Information Berths. W. ADAMS, Agtmt, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. Chilton A. G. Tbo teeoi 517 MAIN STREET t We have the exclusive Sale In Pendleton of the good old I. W. HARPER WHISKEY which baa Uken Gold Medal awards at New Orleans, 1885, St Loula. 1904. Chicago, 1895, Paris. 1900. 92 Proof at 10 Cents Drink or $4.50 per Gallon. BREDING. HANSEN 6 MILLER PenJJetoa Orego Open Dayl TH . c,en and Night p00Q Furmshed Meala 25c and up. restaurant "001 . Special Evening . connection Lunches. Gns LaFontatne, gteam neatcd Proprietor. FREE FOUR-IN-ONE 'ANNA BELLE DOLL" .Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10 to the East Oregonian office and eet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. No.. Pendleton, EAST OREGOXIAX PUB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name- Address- If sent bv mail add 2c for Dostsj. BE SURE AND STATE W HICH FEATURE IS WANTED ( ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET. ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. . JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER A SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; rooms I and 4, 8mltk Crawford burldlng. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms L I, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgagee and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith -Craw ford building. , S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNET at law. Office In Despaln building PHY8IC1AN8. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO petals physician and surgeon. Of flee Judd Block. Telephone: Offlct 14 1 W: ra1.1nc 111 J AUCTION EKRS. '-OL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONED makes a specialty of farmers' ttoc' 4Dd machinery sales. "Ths man t'at gets r.ou the money." Leave order t East Oregonian office. P. A. Portland, Ore. iff Ear coupon Ore.,. .1914 CO.. SECOND-HAND DEALFRS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NW and second-hand goods. Cask pa- for all second-hand goods bougk. Cheapest place In Pendleton to baj household goods. Call and get kit prices. Ill E. Court street Pksae I71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cas or give tra? for Umatilla countj farm, 0 to 0 per acre. Address, Box II, Athena, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION, wedding announcements, erabosse4 private and buslnei stationery, eta, Very latest style. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples TRESPASS NOTICES. STAlJAOn SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at r sonable prices at the East Oregon!, We have fine lot of stock cats that our patrons are allowed the free uM of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of ane tlon sale bills, cards and advertlnln We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an4 advertising complete that will assure you of having a sacceasful sale. &EAVER ENGRAVING . COMPANY '-vrr 1 mniAHti Ck(li7-I k. m - .wJt ( i- Wi'.'A V - :- -f-J- ..