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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1914)
PAOE RIX. ""f1 OREQQyiAWT PENDLETON, OKEQON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19U. ETOTTT PAOE3 GREGORY REGQMMEHDS For Your B The Signature of aby e Wit is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine m prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST MOl Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorb. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, 2 ARE ABLE TO LEAVE HOSPITAL AT WALLA WALLA ATHENA IlESIOENTS ARE OUT OP DAXGEH PEHSOXAL XEAVS OP THE TOWN'. (Special Correspondence.) ATHENA, Ore.. Dec. 10. Wm. Tompkins and Miss Mattie Coppock. who have been In' the hospital at Walla Walla, were able to come to their homes In Athena Tuesday. C. M. May was down from his mountain ranch Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. Henry Schmidt of Waitaburg, Wash., are visiting friends na visitor Wednesday Mrs. Geo. R Gerktng wu a Pen dleton visitor Tuesday D. McFadyen transacted business in Walla Walla Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Booher ol Weston, were Athena visitors Wednes day - A. B. McEwen and daughter Jes sica, wore Pendleton visitors Wednes day. Mrs. J. D Plamondon wa a visitor at the county seat yesterday. Matt Mosgrove was over from Mil ten Wednesday. Matt Turner of Weston wu In Athena Tuesday. Geo. W. Staggs and daughter, Mrs. Reamer of Weston, were Athena vis itors Tuesday. II M. Rice of Milton was an A the- JUDGES fcn Athena this week. RHEUMATISM GOES IF HOOD'S IS USED The genuine old reliable Hood '& ' Sarsaparilla corrects the acid condi tion of the blood and builds up the whole system. It drives out rheuma tism because it cleanses the blood thoroughly. It has been success fully us-ed for forty yaars. For rheumatism, stomach arc1 kidney troubles, general debility and all ills arising from impure blood, Hood's has no equal. Get h from your nearest drugsnst today. In A. J. Douglass of Weston waa the city Tuesday. Mrs. H. A. Barrett waa a visitor at the county seat yesterday Mrs. A. Klnnear of Weston waa 1n Athena yesterday. Mr and Mrs. K. C. McKenile or Weston, were Athena visitors yester- day Mrs. F. Graham of Weston was an Athena visitor yesterday. Mr. Bonewitz of Weston was In Athena yesterday. Earl SImonton of Adams was an Athena visitor Tuesday. About S00O electrical vehlclea are In use In Europe. The United States leads In the use of the electric auto lllilll!!!!!!!! 73 HHSB3 5-3 -3 One Pound of COFFEE with each sale of an ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Order for Coffee given on your grocer. Call and see the many Electrical Xmas presents Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service" ' Phone 40 HE BE FORGED TO RETIRE ATTORNEY GENERAL IN ANNUAL KKroilT IS FAVORABLE TO YOUNGER MEN. vu Aiienu io uie Business More i-rompuy. H Aver AniMiHmmi la Offered to the Statute Governing """'" uniiw ooai companies wnvr iixxinniciulatons. WARHINQTON. Dec lftv,ii.. Ing the policy of Supreme Court Ju- 116 Mcueynolds. his predecessor, ... .r, ucuerai uregory recom- m his first annual renort. published today, that federal ludrfis 7u years of age be "osltrlzed.' Bl1. "im me compulsory retirement rcu'e. while recognizing tb r,.nH tutlonil right of Judges to life tenure aunng good behavior. Grew held that If superannuated Justice fall to retire at 70 another vountror tmin should be appointed to takj active charge of his court. IV will Insure at all times the Pit-ence of a ludge sufficients r- th'e to discharge nromDtlv ani nd. Cuately the duties of the court." .aid Gregory. A recommendation, aimed chfafiv at jaVroado controlling coal wmmn. lea. presented by Gregory for amendment of the "commodities clause" act He said that evei ne povtri ment wins Its test ult a;?air.t the D. L. A w. ralu-OiH nr ui mwiuiary coal company, tin tirt mi iai. snort of Its puroae. Ilia tropttea amendment would pnhlolt rauronus rrom t-ansnortIiz 1r. Invr state commerce articles which they manufacture or produce, or which ore manufactured or produced bv any corporation they control, or having me same directors. ine report pointed out that wMT it la a crime to assault a federil of r;oer engaged In serving nrn no crime to kill him. Bn-viuq. of mis anomolous situation Gregory ask cd congress to amend the law re parking Interference with federal of- ncr. Hoping that the District of Cnlnm ma juvenile court may have model lews. Gregory recommended chimin or me local code. ' Gregory also urged nassace of lavr jrivlng broader search powers tr ip-.-rrai omcers seeking evidence against advertising swindlers, whom he said "worked great hardsnlps up. n me credulous poor." -lucr rei-ommenaauona were: i-Tt"i,iaiion empowering any rranl Jury called In a district to Investigate any crimes committed In any division or that district; limitation of exorbi tant attorneys fees In bankruptcy coses; construction of a new depart mental building. Concerning pending criminal char ges in thfc New Haven case, the At torney general said: "It must be borne ln mind that the federal gov ernment can Institute prosecutions ln this case only In respect to transac tions Involving restraints of trade or attempted monopoly, it has no power to Institute proceedings for punish ment of those responsible for the fi nancial irregularities brought to light, since at the time the lrregu larltles were committed. Improvident or dishonest management f.f the fi nancial affairs of a railroad com pany, created by a state, were an of fense only against the state and not the federal law." Commenting on the "telephone trust" dissolution agreement, Gregory held that a local telephone monopoly may be permissible If, In consolidation cases, all Interstate long distance concerns are served. The report noted 35 Indictments. 357 convictions. 5J acquittals and 4S discontinuances under the white slave law during the last year. Heavy work In anti-trust Investiga tions and prosecutions was also re ported. Gregory Btated that viola tions of the bankruptcy act have be come so numerous and flagrant that the flennrtment Ymm hppn tnrrtA ft 1 give them special attenMon. Doit Let This One Bounce Off Take this straight from Uncle, it won't cost you a red cent when you are ready for a tobacco that will absolutely satisfy that crav ing for a smartless, biteless smoke that smells sweet and clean and tastes good and wholesome, just you mosey around to the near est shop where they ex change pipe food for the coin of the Republic and ask for MMW the national joy smoke Coprnchl K. i K.rmJiU This is the one tobacco in these good old U. S. A. that's minus the tongue bite and broil Why? Because they're taken out by a patented process controlled exclusively by us. Buy a tidy red tin cf P. 10c, cr a toppy red bag, 5c, to carr, on your hip for pipe and cigarette ammunition; but for home and office use buy the joyous crystal-glass humidor that comes with a pound purchase of good old P. A. It keeps the tobacco pipe-fit and in prime smoking condition down to the last pipefuL Paste this little suggestion in your hat against Christmas the P. A. crystal-glass humidor makes a man-size gifty gift. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Yfautcn-Salen, N. C CONFERENCE AT EUGENE TO TAKE UP MANY TOPICS EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 10. Called for the purpose of hear- 4 Ing reports of committees that have, since their appointment at the regular session held last 4 May, been considering the un- employment situation, greater economy and efficiency In state administration, and the posslbll- 4 ity, financially, of developing and fostering more extensive use of electricity In the every day needs of the home, factory and farm through the creation of hydro-electric districts, a special meeting of the Oregon Commonwealth Conference was opened here today. The con- ference will continue over Sat- Sick Two Years With Indigestion. "Two years ago I was greatly ben efited through using two or three bottles of Chamberlain's Tablets," wrlttes Mrs. S. A. Keller, Ellda. Ohio. ' Before taking them I was sick for two years with Indigestion." Sold by all dealers. Adv. Victory Ills, Rays Hobson. WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Repre sentative Hobson asserted there was a majority of two ln the house rules committee for his proposed constitu tional amendment for prohibition. "The committee will report the rule next Tuesday," Bald Mr. Hobson, "with probably 18 to 20 hours' debate, which means a vote next Thursday. , PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells IIo'w To Opn Clogged Xos IriU and End Head-Colds. urday and the time will be spent 4 In the discussion of the recom- 4 mendations of the three com- 4 mittees. On Saturday committees will be reappointed each of which will draft the reeommenda- tlons of the conference upon Itg special problem and will 4 submit these recommendations 4 to the proper committee In the Oregon legislature which con- venes In January. The regular session of the conference Is held annually and Is participated In by citizens of all political parties and creeds. The purpose of the eon- gress Is to harmonize differ- ences, get united action from 4 such bodies as those dealing with labor or taxation, exchange ideas and start state and muni clpal uplift movements. 4 tes Department of Commerce, takes occasion to announce that the visit of E. A. Brand, an official of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, has been misunderstood on the Pacific Coast He Is not gath erlng Information for a recommenda tion on a question already determined. Colombia Curbs Wireless BOGOTA, Colombia, via, London, Dec. 8. The Minister of Foreign Af fairs ordered the removal of the hlghpower wireless station at Carta gena. Cartagena Is a Colombia seaport In the department of Bolivar, on a small sandy peninsula connected with the continent by an artificial neck of land. The operation of a wireless sta tion there has been the subject of en ergetic protests by the British gov ernment, which contended that the plant was being operated by Germans for the transmission of news to Ger man warships. Dolgd Frtwd la Vooimm. LONDON, Dec. 10. Heary Beigel of New York, was discharged In the Bow street police court, the prosecn tlon having ascertained that he la a naturalized American citizen. Belgel was arrested at a London hotel December 1 and taken to the How-street police court charged with being an alien enemy. In spite of the fact that he had aa American passport, he was remanded. Belgel Is well known In New York. fPills (ban's Pi: (eecham's pi ieohaa's Pift ichan's Pilli e cham1 a Pij Pilla Beechcn'a Pills Beechams Pills Beaohani'n Pil Pills Beechaa's Pills Beechan's Pills Beeohaa's pifl s Pills Pills Pills Pills f's Pills 's rs rs rs 's lanrs )hamrs Pills Pills Pills Pills Pills COLD STOKAGE BILL GETS PUBLIC HEARING WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Passago of the McKeller bill, providing for the regulation of the cold storage of food products, was urged at a pub lie hearing before the house interstate commerce committee today. Repre sentative Cullop, of Indiana, chairman of the subcommittee which had the bill in charge, waa confident todaj that it would be favorably reported V 5 jlly.llllUlil imwiininnwiTO'iiii lllullmiiliiilli.ii.illuil You feel fine In a few moments. i Vnnr fnM In foaflil ftntarrh will hn j gone. Your clogged nostrils will op- j bv the 'u'l committee, and enacted en. The air passages of your head!'nto law at thl esslon of congress. will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no Canal Zone U "Foreign hawking, snuffling, mucous' aiscnarg- WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 So far as es or dryness; no struggling for. the customs regulations go, the Pana- : breath at night. ma Canal zone Is foreign territory and I Tell your druggist you want a small open to the shlppllng of all nations. bottle of Ely's cream Kaim. Appiy,Tho distinctions Is of Importance to a little of this fragrant, antiseptic j commerce, Inasmuch as only Amcrl croam In your nostrils let It penetrate can owned ships are allowed to through every air passage of the between domestic or American ports, heard; soothe and heal the swollen A case ln point Is Honolulu which Is Inflamed mucous membrane, and re-j classed as domestic territory. Amerl Ilef romes Inntantly. can vessels have a monopoly of the It Is Jn.Mt what every cold and eat- trad between th Hawlian Islands nnii i)ff.-rer ned. Don't stay Htuff- and the mainland. d-up and miserable. I in this connection the United Sta-1 sham's Pills i cham' s Pills io ham' a Pills lohan'a pilla sham's Pilla sham's Pills chad's Pills reohazn's Pills loham's Pills teeohaa's Pills teeefcaa's Pills teeohaa's Pills. leohaa's Pills wohaa's Pilla loham's Pills ohaa's Pills lohaa's Pills i chain' e Pills achaa's Pills one (soon Oa Every Woman is good health and there must naturally dwell a wish to feel, and to be, as well as to look her best; but in the life of every woman certain condi tions cause suffering unless Nature is given help. Beecham's Pills have proved they are the best help any woman can obtain. This matchless and thor oughly tried remedy will tone your stomach, stimu lateyour kidneys and liver, regulate your bowels and remove the impurities which cause headaches, back aches, lassitude, extreme nervousness or irritability. Try a few doses and see how Beecham's Pills will help you to escape unnatural suffering and how with purer, richer blood will come brighter spirits, better health, a skin free from blemishes or sallowness. At all drufiUt, 10c, 2 Sc. Dirmctiona cf speca valaa to woman with momty htv echan's Pills Beeoham's Pills Beechaa's Pills Boeohaa'a Pi eoriaa's Pills Beeolna's Pills Beeoham's Pills Beeoham's P echaa's Pills Beeohaa's Pills Beeoham's Pills Beeoham's P pnam's Pills Beecham's Pills Beeoham's Pills Beeoham's P s Pills Beeoham's Pills Beeoham's Pills Beeoham's Pi s Pills B 09 c inn's Pills Beecham's Pills Beeolam'B Pi llljr Yarn's Pills Beeoham's Pilla Baaoham's V Lis Pills Beeoham's Pills Beechan - -frr--1- tfl r pin Pil Pill Pill Pilli Pillj Pills) Pillt Pil Pill Pil Pil Pill Pi Pill Pilli Pilli Pilli Pil Pil Pitt n riUa I Pills Pills1 Pillsi Pilli Pilli Pill Pill Pil Pil I