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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1914)
E10IIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREOONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1014. PAOE FIVE 1 J T TS T5- T T5 d 1 1 $ o bourne f fc jj Ohy flro U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rii 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 ii ci 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SO many nice Kimonas, Bath Robes, Waists, Dresses, Coats, Shoes, etc., etc., to say nothing about the splendid lines of Handker chiefs, Belts, Purses, Bags, Gloves Neckwear, etc. anc wins. THE ANSWER-New goods, Prices Right. It always Look here before you buy. Don't forgot ''Cohn'g Hat Shop" on balcony floor. Bring in your lint (if you don't wnnt a new one) ami have an ex port remodel it for yon. THE LADIES' STOKE. ii 3 u ii a ii a I ii 5 (Continued from page, two.) The Current Literature " Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. J. Bommervlllo, with Mr. Sommerville and Sirs. Oeorge W. Clarke aa hostess. Mrs. R. A- Rankin and daughter, MIhb Pcarlce Rank In, expect to leave next week for California to spend the winter with relatives. Mrs. C. B. Lyman, who has been living in Portland the past few years, has returned to Pendleton to spend the winter with her son. Kugene Ly man, and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Boyd. Mrs. Edith Malloy, who has been at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Haws Judd. for ' the past seven months, left yesterday for her home In Stewart. Iowa. She waa accompan. led as far aa Payette by her grandson, Leroy Judd, who will visit there with his father's parents. LIQUOR SUES WILL HELP PROVIDE THE. NEW REVENUE HIGH SCHOOL TO rLAY. (Continued from pare one.) Peters and Ttosooe Vaughan. for wards; Charley Russell and Charley Oordan. guards. Five men will be present to substitute In case of neeea slty: Ces MImms, Ned Fowler. Taul Kcrrlck, Irvln Mann, and "Cap" Mentrer. Lined up with the Echo "Purple Olitnts" are the well known Honklns brother. Coach Livingston predicts one of the fastest and best games ever play ed on the local floor, and has arrang. ed to entertain a large crowd of vis itors. The game will begin at 8 ' dork. The "Purple Olnnta" will come In this evening from Walla Walla wher Inst night they played the T. M. C A. team and wero defeated S7 to 15. The game, however, was a hard fought one. dkalt:ks nrnr will contrib ute THWrt SHARK TOWARD THE WAR TAX. The drinking populace of the Unit ed States will help defray the cost of government, according to the termi of the Internal revenue law known at the war tax measure. Additional In structions from Milt A. Miller. Inter nal revenue collector for Oregon, were received In Pendleton this morning by liquor dealers. Order blanks accom panied the Instructions and they will be required to fill these out, showing all sales made from October 23 and the stock on hand. They are required to purchase stamps to place upon the goods they sell or offer for sale. AH still wines, such as port, claret, etc., are taxed J at the rate of eight rents a gallon or one cent a pint. Champagnes or sparkling wines are taxed at the rate of 20 cents a quart, and liquors, cor dials or similar compounds at the rate of 24 cents a gallon. These stamps must be affixed to the bottles and cancelled. The bar bottles, from which drinks are sold over the bar, must be stamp ed every time they are filled. When refilled the old stamp must be re movd and a new one. Inscribed with the date nnd the Initials of the pro piiotor, must be affixed. The same applies to barrels from which liquors are sold. Wholesale dealers must stamp their barrels with stamps at the rate of eight cents a gallon. Tho dealers are not required t stamp their bottled whiskey and beer, the tax on thesw liquors being Imposed at the distilleries Or breweries LOCALS Advertising in Brief ii BATES. I'er line first Insertion 10 I'sr Hue, additional lusertloa. . . .6e I'r line, per month 11.00 No local taken for lens than -5c. Count 6 ordinary words to Una. Locals will not be taken over the 'phous and remittance must accom pauj ordsr. Of two million sheep annually grax. ed In the state of Utah, more than a million are on the national forests, or. Including lambs which are fatten ing for market on the forest ranges, over a million and three quarters. Emoke the La Tlma cigar. Phone I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. Good winter quarters for horses nd rigs at the Alta barns. Try the La Homer 10c cigar. For rent Furnished house. In quire 07 Willow or phone 332R. For sale Good dry wood. 610 Thompson street, or phone 173J. Wanted Good, clean rags at the East Oregonlan office. For rent 7-room modern house, 117 Orange street Inquire John Vert La Tlma cigars, made In Pendle ton. The Alta House, a good, popular, yet cheap place to atop. J. M. Sheph enaon, prop. Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address "W thla office. Good dry, black pine wood, IS. St per cord, tt.OO If tawed. Delivered. See B. B. Gervals or phone 771. Old papers for sale; tied In bundles. Good for starting flrea, etc. Ho a bundle. This office. For rent 9-room modern house, hard finished. Inquire 211 West Webb street Front room for rent In private res idence, close In, steam heat, hot and cold water. Phone 1JW. Try the West End Market for gro ceries and meats, 1301 W. Alta ct Phone 778. Free delivery. Satisfac lion guaranteed. j For sale 300 acre wheat and bar ley crop, one mile and half from Sparks Station at 84.75 an acre. G. C. Pursley, Pendleton, Oregon. For sale Two moJern cottages lo csted on east court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penlaad Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse, Office (47 Main street, phone 339. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. $2i0 takes It Inquire or address "A" this office. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, 1760 cash, balance on or before 10 vears. 7 1-J per cent. See Berkeley. For sale or trade, for larger place In eastern Oregon, or Washington, 8777 acres, well located and well Im proved. W. A. Wood, Monmouth, Oregon. Potatoes, cabbage and onions. Fine line of cigars and tobaccos. All kinds of soft drinks. Stationery ot oil kinds. A good sack of candy for the holidays.. Demott's Store, 521 Main street Ixift, strayed or stolen, from Judge Maloney ranch on reservation, one two-year told yellow Jersey' heifer, lrln(jlng. Branded half circle O U n left hip. Leave word at Gritman 111 os. Ifl Hll ! ' I A SJ Store J. n. Baker Is down from Meacham C. E. McCIellun Is In from his J,'S 8 nlper ranch W. E. Wilson of Salem is at fc't. George. O. E. Ktanficld of Echo was at the Pendleton last evening. Mrs. F. W. Beck of Heppner Is rcg- IMered at the Bowman. ! James Bell of Weston, Is In from hi hfiniA tnrinv in trnrmnr-f KiiulnAua i W, M. Melville of Echo, was am- 3$ nnir thA vfwltnr In fh Htv vautor. Yy1 day. T . n . . V . .. !. 1 1 . lot Rock farmer, was in the city yes terday. i K Fred Gross, prominent Athena far- A? today. ' Dr. F. D. Watts, Weston hardware merchant, was a visitor In the city yesterday afternoon. W. M. Blakely left on No. 17 for Portland to spend the wlntet Mrs Blakely preceded him last week. ales 8 8 MEXICANS WILL BE FORCED TO CONTROL THEIR FIRING 8 8 8 8 8 WASHINGTON', Dee. 10. Inntruc-, 25 tiona characterized by government of-1 X ficlals as "elastic" have been ,sent,& IXITKII STATES ARTILLERY MAY SHELL CITY IF THEY DISOBEY. Wohlenberg Departmen BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY llnusunllu Aduantooos q w For Friday and Saturday Vs off on any Coat in the store yi off on any Suit in the store $4.50 and $5 Shoes for $3.95 $4.00 Shoes for . . $3.55 $3.50 Shoes for . . $3.20. $3.25 and $3 Shoes for $2.85 8 :!8 18 General Bliss, who Is en route Naco, Arizona, from .San Antonio, was announced. While It was an nounced no act of aggression" was, contemplated, It was explained that government officials draw a dinUnc-r tion between aggretwlve and defensive action. - It was unaersiooo uai Bryan believes that if the Mexican realize a further failure to control tho direction of their fire may result In the shelling of Naco, Sonora, they will change their tactics and make certain their bullets won't fall on Am erican territory. 14 off on any umbrella in the store. $4.50 silk crepe de chine waigta for $3.95 Stntioncry in fancv boxes 35, 50, 65t 75 up to ?2.50. Perrins kid plovw, none better ?1.2o, ?1.50, ?1.75 and $2.00. $2.'J5 Soco silk petticoats in colors for 92.20 Fancv eift aprons for 35, 50, C5 up to 91.50. ART NEEDLE WORK PIECES 'selling from 25 and up. Including towels, pin cushion?, children's dresses, pillow tops, scarfs, bags, center pieces, aprons, etc. SILK AND SATIN KIMONAS. Thco are the most beautiful kimona3 shown in Pendleton. They come in princcs3 shape, some plain skirte, others with accordian pleated and drop. A most acceptable Christmas pi ft for a ladv, priced 900, 99.00, 912.50 and 915.00. BRING THE CHILDREN FOR A VIS IT TO OUR TOY DEPARTMENT. Where thousands of dolls and toys are ready for the boys and girls. Prices within everybody's reach, from 5 and up. Tt yz 77s YZ 7 v i7 vi ja. Save Fidelity Blue Trading Stamps WILLS USE OF IUS BATHTUB TO SERVANT Clgan-tlm lvm Troops. TAHTtYTOWN, N. T. Hec. 10. Ten million clfnrette :0.000 worth have been offered to the Bed Crow for the allied soldiers In France. Mlns Anne Denew Tauldlng an nnunced recently that this gift had been made to the Irvlngton and Ard.i- ley-on-Hudson auxiliary of. the Bed Cros. The P. Lorlllard company Is the donor. Bev. Cranston Brenton of New York, director of the Bed Cross society. Is arranging for forwarding the gift to France. Undo sam Involved. The government has Inspected our meats and approved them as being fresh, pure and wholesome. Have you thla protection elsewhere? Protect your health, rbone 444, Oregon Mar ket Adv. I If J til til 1 1 1 III t III I III 1 1 1 1 1 tl II 1 1 II II I M 1 11II II I III 1 11 1 1 1 1 (I Miff f 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 II 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1 11 (IKK for OASES More For Less .Money aJUah Potatoes, No. 1 stock, sack . Sweet Potatoes, fresh today, 7 lb. 25c OATS-Quaker Brand, Special pkg. SI. CO 10c aleTtiDS Week ! I Codfish, fresh stock, brick . . 25c Bananas, special dozen . . . 25c I Tangarines, sweet, ripe, good to eat. dozen 1 5c I Elating Apples, all sizes and varieties Potatoes, good quality, 20 lbs. 25c 5 Fresh lEggs, extra good, dozen 50c I I THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY I j Phone 476. 628 Main St. nuniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiiuinuiiiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiinuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimri Odd I Vllows' Xotlo. Umatilla Encampment No. 17, w-ill have an open meeting Thursday ev ening, December 10th. Grand Pat riarch O. WT. Wright will be present All members and Odd Fellows are requested to be present. By order of Chief Patriarch. Adv. Xotfc-o to ry. Th Schubert-Taylor Clothing Oom pany la dissolved. AU accounts must be raid at once. SCHUBERT CLOTHIXCJ CO. (Adv.) i:lk.H' (Ynb IVol Tonight. Come out tonight. Bill! Something doing! Initiation, crabs, refresh ments, music and program. Pendle ton lodge 2S8 wants to see you there. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE. (Adv.) CATTLE REPORTED TO HAVE DIED AS RESULT OF RABIES COYATES ARB BLAMED FOR THE SPREAD OF DISEASE IN COUNTY. That the rabid coyotes In thla and adjoining counties have spread the disease among the cattle and other stock of the county la becoming ap parent aa reports from outlying dls trlcts come Into the city. Henry Ire land, superintendent of the Whitman forest with headquarters at Sumpter, has reported the death of between 76 nnd 80 head of cattle In hla district within the past few weeks, presum ably from rabies. From the south end of this county reports come of animals dying of the disease also, James HascaU, who has a ranch on Stanley creek south of rilot Itock, reports the loss of four cows and a calf. Will Warner lost a colt, Brank Byrd a steer, a rancher by tho name of Koonts a steer and another by the name of Cable a cow. Thee men all have their ranches In the same community. When Stato Veterinarian W. H. Lytle was here last week, the loss of these animals was reported to him and, from the symptoms described, he pronounced death due to rabies. ' GLOVERS VILE, Dec. t "During the funeral' services ver my corpse I desire nothing said about myself except that I waa a sinner saved by divine grace," Is a provision In the will of Washington Frothlngham of Fonda, filed here,' The will leaves from $10 to $5000 to about 100 rela tives and friends. If the First Presbyterian church of Tribe's Hill does nnt have any plants or flowers In the church, allows no children to sing there Sundays and does not permit any prayer or song not contained in the Bible to be used In the church. It will get $150 yearly. Mary Mackay, who was Mr. Froth lngham's housekeeper, gets the use of her present quarters In Fonda, the right to use the front or rear door, tho use of the kitchen furniture and the privilege of bathing In tho family bathtub whenever she likes. A reward of $5 is offered to each person In the town of Mohawk or Glen who shall bring about the con viction of any person guilty of cruel ty to animals. HIDES HOSIERY IN NEW COURT TLEA CIRCLE WORK SLADE EASIER. Two Hundred WMctiera Got Outlines Offered by Stato University. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene, Ore., Dec. 10. O'Shea's "Ev eryday Problems In Teaching" Is the most popular selection so far among the Oregon teachers who are doing their compulsory reading circle work under direction of the etate univer sity. This Is the text upon which the state examination questions in theory and practice, for a state certificate. r t.HHPd Xext In demand are "Teachlns the Common Branches" (Charter) and "How to Study ana Teaching How to Study" (McMurry). Many teachers are asking outlines on three or even four of the books, al though reading of only one la pro vided for under the new school law. Two hundred teachers have receiv ed their outlines from the extension division of the University so far. but nine rountv superintendents have written that they wish to take advan-j tage of the university's offer for all the teachers of their counties, and by the time the offer has been present ed to all the autumn Institutes, most of the teachers of the state will be working off their reading circle re quirements under university direction basis of their net production waa in dorsed by the American mining con gress at the convention session here. This action followed spirited debate on the question. The ad valorem, or physical valuation, system was sup ported by R. C. Allen of Michigan, state mine appraiser. Protection for American copper shipments and the opening of ail pos sible markets for the metal by vari ous branches of the government was asked in the resolution presented by George W. Dorn'of Utah. The sub ject was referred to the resolutions committee. The in mining Investments was the sub ject of general discussion. Murder Cam Dismissed. PRINEVIT.T.E.' Ore , Dec 10. The case of Mollis B. Scogglns, who wa Indicted for first degree mured by her with the murder of ber husband, her with the muredr of her husband. A. G. Scrogglns. waa dismissed be cause of the critical Illness of the de fendant Mrs. Scrogglns U suffering from an attack of pneumonia, and her recovery Is pronounced impossible bf creation of public confidence' the attending physician. Mine Taxes D'sfuwcd. PHOENIX, Arlx., Dec. 10. Taxa tion of metalliferous mines on the WOMEN SUFFER FROM WAR MM. IDU'lwJlo X. DnceM. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Mrs. Ra thelle N. Ducas, wife of Benjamin N. Ducas, millionaire chemical Im porter, who was once reproved In court by Justice Gavegan for un wittingly exposing to view too much of a silken hosed ankle, appeared In the supreme court before Justice Blanchard to give further testimony to support her plea to have annuled a separation agreement by which sh agreed to accept $6000 a year for tho support of her ten year old son. ' T Ik us" mis of Women of Eurove Are I.en restitute, Unprotected v.u-1 m MiM-ry. The I etrta of the women of Ameri ca go cui to their blMers in Europe whj sre left in misery and want American women often suffer 't.-m ,ti.i:)i, ncuts that are purely fem inine. At .he first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life the one safe, really Iitlpful remedy Is Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. It is a woman's medicine and as such Its mighty and marvelous restor ative power is acknowledged the country over. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a true friend to women In times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their func tions. For headache, backache, hot flashes, catarrhal condition, bearing down sensation, mental depression, dlailness, fainting spells, lassitude and exhaustion women should never fall to take thla tried and true women's medicine. It's not a secret remedy for all the Ingredients are printed on the wrap per. Sold in either tablet or liquid form. A GREAT HOOK EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE "If you will pay the mailing char ges which are but a trifle," says Dr. Pierce, "I will send you my cloth bound book of over 1000 pages with color plates and numerous illustra tions and will not charge you a pen ny for the book Itself." Over a million copies of "The Peo ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser" are now In the hands of the people It Is a book that everyone should have and read and In case of accident or sickness. It Is so plainly written that anyone can understand It. Send 20 cents In stamps for mail ing charges to Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y-, and enclose this notice and you will receive by re turn mall, all charges prepaid, this valuable book. QYOEi Everybody's doing it! Buying it! Smoking it! La nn UUVLi th( 2 for 25c the entire all Havana cigar town is talking about i Wrapper, binder, fillerall Havana. A fine smoke and a local product. Lcl Homer the great 10c cigar. PATRONIZE 110 HE INDUSTRY Sold in Pendleton by all the following places: GRITMAN BROTHERS BOWMAN HOTEL GEO 11. DE MOTT CRESCENT SALOON MOOSE CLUB PASTIME BILLIARD PARLORS ''BILL" BOGART GEO. STANGIER BREWERY DEPOT SA LOON W. J. CONNERS TALLMAN DRUG STOKE OFFICE SALOON CHARLES COMPANY FRED BOOK PENDLETON DRUG CO. JAKE WELCH ANTON KRAFT SULLIVAN, HAYS L IlUS SEL SALOON ELKS CLUB QUELLE CAFE ST. GEORGE CAFE Ask for La Tima and La Homer at yourdealers