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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1914)
VKGV rem DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, DKfiKMnER 10, 1014. EIOTI7 PAOES I Gifts that will be cherished by everyone, f 8 8 1 i -r. i Slfe 1 ,n . -.Jam ST' s mUuSEFUL PRACTICAL AC- $ CEPTkBLE. Immense stocks of the i$ newest, smartest Styles, Materials S one Coloringr. Only 13 more shopping days remain MM il 3 3 KtS KtS7 flltf 3 Do vour shonnincr earlv before the - J t J. O J real rush begins enjoy better service, i broader assortments and avoid delay ana wait. 3 3 3 Double T.P.W Trad ing Stamps Tomor row 'til 2 P. M. There are but 13 more shop ping days loft do your ship ping now and share in three ex tra T. P. W. trading stamps. GIFT CERTIFICATES issuer to anv amount, redeem able in ANY part of the store at ANY time. Got them at cashier's desk on balcony. Jersey Leggings For women and children, black and red 63, 75, 85t? LEATHER LEGGINGS r children Hot COLORED SPATS, rrccn, prey, red, blue and black. Your choice 50 Childrens Coats Re , Wo offer the remainder of our stock of children's coats at a general reduction of 25 per cent, affording you a chance to save on needed garments right $A now when vou most need them. Cloth coats in fancy mixtures, plain cloths in navy, rod and Copenhagen. Plain box and cape models; sizes 2 to 14. Priced from $2.25 to $7.75 xa 3 M E R C K A N DISE EE- TURNED FOR EXCHANGE $ OR REFUND, .ML ST UL ACCOMPANIED BY OUR DUPLICATE SALES CHECK. Xmas Suggestions , slu-rt ones in all sizes rfnd colors. $1.25 to $2.50 5 K.-IIutton white, black and colors. Pair K S3.75 $4.75 Gluvo 1 air trt St. 50. j$ 20-1'utton. white oulv. Pair. J HANDKERCHIEFS $J Always acceptable to old or young, rich or t poor, a remarkable varietv. Price, 2 for 5 to S2.00 eac h. 55 HAND BAGS $r A much appreciated gift, especially one of X thiw new shapes - $1-25 to $7.50 x m BOUDOIR CAPS PC " These little accessaries have become a ne- ci-ssity, made of net, marquisette and lace.Jrim- ine.1 with ribbon, and flowers. Priced 33t to $2.00. OF MATERIAL USED IN MAKING f GIFTS WE CAN GIVE YOU AN UN- LIMITED SUPPLY. Laces, all widths and varieties from 5 the 3$ yard to $7.50. TIM 1 . .. I 1 4 t,.l., Ja,... worth up to $4.50. Special for holidavs at $1.49. OTHER BIG ASSORTMENTS of plain end floral designs in both light, and dark col orings. Priced, yard....- 25 and 35 Cords all color and sizes, yard 5 and 10 Ivory rings, white, red, light blue and pink dozen 10 Brass rings, all sizes, dozen 5 8 8 8 Caildrens Fur Sets i 3 We have an excellent assortment of children's y4 fur sets in lamb, angora, brown coney and imi- $J tat ion ermine. Nothing you could give would d please a child more. The prices rano from Vr $1.50, $1.05, $2.25, $4.50, $6.50 to 3 3 3 3 Brassieres Our stock of brassieres includes many dainty styles, affording a wide range from which to choose. They make practical and most accept able Christmas gifts. We have them in cluny lace and linen, silk suede and shadow lace, as well as manv pretty ones in plain models: sizes 32 to 48. Prices, "each 50 to $5.50 FREE! FREE! We will wrap your packages read for send- ing FREE. sj We will weigh, address and mail them for you FREE $ We will hold them here and send when you 3$ wish, relieving you of all worry nd responsi- i bility, FREE. g We will do everything in our power to make ?0l your Christmas shopping a pleasure to you, V FREE. Come and take advantage of all we offer. 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 8 "T.P.W. PURE FOOD SHOP"i CLEANLINESS. ECONOMY. SERVICE 3 rhones. 15. ' All Other Dents. 22 S? 7 ' ' REMEMBER ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF OUR COFFEE SALE. Do not over l..k this chance to lay in several weeks supply. GOLDEN WEST and M. J. B. COF FEE at greatly reduced prices. . J 1 pound cans 35. 3 pound cans $1.00. 5 jKund cans $1.50. CABBAGE Big bhipment, CROCKERY DEPT. NEWS, dozen sticks - 10 fresh firm heads, lb. 2 l-2 Plain white Dinnerware. TOASTED MAESIIMAL- APPLES A splendid stock to Dinner plates, set of C 65 LOWS, pound 35 75d Breakfast plates, set of C 45d Our and up. Cups and Saucers, set C- 80 CHOCOLATES, lb....... 60 2$ T. P. W. PERCOLATORS, Soup Plates, set of 6 ....... 55! TR SPFPT T ?S "'Mak better coffee," each Vegetable Dishes, each 20?, siiop F -VRT Y S $2.00. 30and40. -AiiLi . J B VNANAS Fine ripe fmit. Platters, each 30 XO. 1 WALNUTS, the choic- T P W trice pound... r UUEKihl Cooking ware, esi siock to De Had, the ?Q AM 3 3 3 3 pound Avnrflfe dozen 30? 10 piece sete, special.. yi.Vo SWEET APPLE CIDER, the CAN Di DLcl. bbti- Extra fancy BUDDED WAL- gallon 50 OESTIONS. XUTS, pound 30? SI OILVXGES-Frh shipment QUEEN VICTORIA CHO- pm ' ej - in today, the dozen- -O? COLA box ouf, - m V VW i GRAPK FRUIT Choice T O W N S E N JJ'S UlJVUi Florida fruit, the doz. Vo? tKVllh, boxes ouf, 51, lb. T. P. W. cloth each 75? CELERY Our famous Hood and $2. HAWAIIAN SLICED PINE- River stock, tender and PUKE SLUAK SUCKS stutt- APPLE, this brand for sale the bunck. - 10? exl with peanut butter, tho here only, G cans 05? crisp, Mil rfiLMlun COUPON Tho PooplGB Uorolioueo Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps COUPON (;hott Dhln't Know Ijam, DANVILLE, Ind., Dec. 10. OhosU that reveal rorgottfn will should not wult 41 yrurm before doing o, and he uprenie court of thui state has n,-rved notice to that effect. The cane waji one ItuukM ly Junper Craven iiBlnt Mh mother, Adaline Craveni. for the posefto!on larm. Tti farm had belonged Barker of to Mr Cravens' brother, Jasper Barker, who was killed In the battle at Marietta, Ga., In the civil war. Mrs. Craven held title to the farm and none ques tioned her claim until Japer Cra vens, the nephew, reported that hli uncle's ghj(t bad appeared to him end revealbd a wll! that was In the possession of an old comrade of Har der. Sure enough. th will whk found and the suit was brought successfully In the lower court. Hut the supreme court reversed the verdict because of the statute of limitations, and said: "While it may have been the Inten tion of the uncle to bestow upon the appellee the real estate, yet If he had the power to appear to the neph ew and disclose the exigence of the will, his failure to make the facto known for 44 years has effectually barred the nephew's right to recover." A new social club was organised In the city last evening. Jt Is the "Frollchen Deutchen" and Is compos, ed of the German students of the high whool. The meeting ws held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ' L. Power, with Ftaullen Edith Fower and Frau lien Haxel Wyrlck. as hostesses. The evening was very pleasantly spent In playing German games and singing German songs,, the vWnl solo of Dlet llef Struve In hla native tongue being the feature of the evening. Refresh ments consisting of hot buns, welner. wursts, glnper ale, pretzels, almonds, coffee nnj candy were served. The club looks forward to several other enjoyable meetings during the win ter. W St. Wakely left today for Tort land to Join Sfrs. Blakely In a winter tay In that city Mis Nettle Roulstone of Walla Walla, well known here. Is seriously 111 In Portlind. according to word re ceived by Tendleton friends. News has been reclved here of the marriage of Sfrs. TJzzle Jones of Poise, formerly of Athena, and W. P. Cavlness of Bontta. Oregon, at Caldwell, Idaho, on December 8. Sir. and Sirs. R. R. Lewis of Echo, visited friends and relatives here yes terday afternoon en route home from Rochester, Minn., dhere Sir. Lewis had been undergoing surgical treatment at the Slayo Bros, hospital. A yearly event that Is always large ly attended Is the Elks' minstrel show scheduled thlp year for December H and 17. The cast has already been chosen and, under the direction of Messrs. R. E. Chloupek and Lou Steelhammer, nightly rehearsals are now being held. . The second number of the city's winter leeum course will be the at traction Saturday evening at the high school auditorium. The enter tainment will consist of rapid car toon drawing, clay modeling and pi ano sketches by Rosa Crane, who haa been an entertainer extraordinary for the past quarter of a century. FLAGMEN TO BE HELD TO BLAME IN FUTURE FOR WRECKS 01 R. R. ENGINEERS NO LONGER THE 'K)AT" INTERSTATE COM. MISSION RETORTS. Many Other Points Are Touched In Annual Statement SIco Employed nt crossings Sluwt Ro Familiar With Rules of Uio KoimI Wooden Coach rs t'onUcnuicd. Sirs. McClain's Experience With Croup. "When my boy, Ray, was small he waa subject to croup, and I was al ways alarmed at such times. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy proved far better than any other for this trou ble. It always relieved Mm quickly. I am never without It In the house for I know It la a positive cure for croup." writes Mrs. W. R. McClaln, Blalrsvllle, Pa. For sale by all deal ers. Adv. rROPOSA 1, 1 S I" BM IITED. (Continued from page one.) i i by law, shall be equal and uniform. Taxes shall te levied on such In tangible subjects and In such manner as shall be prescribed by general law. Tangible property Khali be deemed to consist of all forms of property except money, having a physical ex istence, together with the right to use and operate the game. All othet property, Including money and cred its, shall be considered Intangible. The legislative asaembly and the people through the Initiative shall have power to impose specific taxes, Inheritance taxes and Income taxed In such manner and to such extent under uniform rules, as shall be pre scribed by general law. In explanation of the move, Sir. Strain said: Our constitution was made half a century ago. Since then a new set of economic conditions have arisen.1 As a consequence our tax Jaws are suited only to the assessment of phy sical property, such as real estate, livestock and the like. For this rea son our constitution should be so amended as to permit the creation of laws suited to the taxation of the In tangible forms of property which have been brought into being through modern business methods. There id nothing In this proposed amendment which can take away from any local government the tax able property on which It mainly re lies for support. Neither la there danger that luws which could be formed under this amendment would discriminate against any particular section of the state. As you know I do not have In mind any program further than to secure the amendment After that -I believe that the people through the legisla ture or the initiative will be sure to improve the present unsatisfactory, Inequitable methods of taxing intan gible property. This fact should always be kept In mind In connection with the tax ation of any form of liquid capital. It can be carried to whatever taxing jurisdiction the owner chooses, while real estate can not. Land must stay just where nature created It. Our laws now reach real estate and most other physical property pretty well. But they are not capable of dealing jUHtly or effectively with Intangible iroperty. Until some such amend ment as this shall be adopted our tax laws can never be much improved In this respect. The subject of the amendment was discussed Informally yesterday and upon motion of G. SI. Rice was re ferred to the board of managers for action. Rent for Kidneys Says Doctor, Dr. J. T. Neal, Greenville, So., Car says, that In his 30 years of experi ence he has found no preparation for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Pills Pain In back and hips Is an indication of kidney trouble a warn ing to build up the weakened kidneys, make them vigorous, riding . your blood of acids and poisons. Foley Kidney Pills will help any case of kidney and bladder trouble not be yond the reach of medicine. In EOe and II .00 sizes. Sold everywhere. Adv WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. No more la the engineer of the fast flyer the "gout" of big railroad wrecks. The Interstate Commerce Commission's annual report. Issued today, gave him a nearly clean bill of health. Where he used to bear the blame, a new victim has been raised the flagman, Ignorant of the company's rules. The commission pointed out that there has been a "considerable de crease in the number of collisions due to the failure of the englneman to obey the indications of the block sig nal." At the same time It held that It is unreasonable to expect freedom from wrecks when railroads employ flagmen of little, experience without any examlnatlon-as to their knowledge of rules. Strong recommendation was made for universal use of a system of auto matic train control in conjunction with other safety devices. During the year the commission In vestigated 63 train wrecks which caused death to 1(9 persons and In juries to 2.134. Improper fluging was given as the prime cause of wrecks. Inherent weakness of the truln order system was responsible In several cases, and the commission ad vised use of extra checks to safeguard aitatnst danger of forgotten Instruc tions Inspection and supervision of work of train service employees Is Improving, the report stated, but there Is still need for standardization of op erating rules. The report declared that there has been no material Improvement in bad track and roadway conditions which have been the cause of many wrecks no material Improvement. The commission's recommendations summarized, were: Construction of a building adequate for the commission. Use of steel cars In passenger ser vice and prohibition of nse of wooden cars between or In front of steel cars. Limitation to three years for filing of actions relating to transportation charges. Passage of appropriate and ade quate legislation for the commission's control of railway capitalization. Authority, explicit and emphatic, for the commission to examine .car riers' papers, accounts, etc. Establishment of a minimum pen alty of $100 for violation of the hours of service act The report pointed out a continu ance of use of cars In defective con dition and advised railroads to uc quulnt responsible employees with the safety appliance laws. Progress In work of the physical valuation of railroads was reported. Eight parties are now going over the roads ond the 'commission advises In creases of these parties. Satlsfactor5 proKress In surveying tentative routes for the federal raolroad In Alaska was also reported. Among the commission's larger In vestigations pending are: Probe of the flnanciul relations, rates and practices of the I & N. road, the Nashville & Chattanooga and others; Investigation of alleged rebates of the steel corporation; In vestigation of the Little Kanawha railroad; the Pere Slarquette. the C H & D.; the Dock Island; the car Icing subject; of cement, Iron ore and steel rates and transportation prac tices; rates and rules for telegruph ond telephone companies; and Inves tigation of revenues of carriers In "official classification" territory. The commission evinced Intention of seeking further Indictments of com panies billing coal to fictitious jcon cerns or destinations for rebllilng. It will also vigorously prosecute ship pers who falsely report shipments or give false weights. Early prosecu tions will be brought against rail roads that give concessions to ship pers through warehouses or similar devices. The commission said that If con gress would grant authority It could proceed to make uniformity of freight classification without injuring either shippers or carriers. NO.D3I n.oo ni I'in.HolMU.HdTi'P -I'latnl i-M lln. frS lu. Ipixi llnittaa (firistmas These are the seven gift suggestions you saw advertised in the Saturday Even ing Post. They are special values you will find at thisfThe Hallmark Store. N.Jt It 1 ILl Ptfl.ttuU' (kJd lop PUlxl Oold Vlri- Afe In. long. Rofoaa u.nn ii m iBUrliu SUvw Bud VM i wry f hirtnmi jilt. Each will solve one of your gift problems. Each will delight some one of your friends. They are shown exclu sively by us, and can be found nowhere else in this "city. Won't you come In and examine these and our hundreds of other charm ing gift suggestions for the Holiday season? No. O M) 12.00 SurllM SIItw T Hinluw f Iter? wUIt, C tui dmlfo. A iplatfM cOT -.0 0 o o o o 0 0 o o o o 0 .,' Bur1ln Hllrar Napkin Mark (actual M. llovr WM 1.00 No Ti II uriina Sdt Tally rtn. Vwt r UuiaTalif or I) CanloaUosk. fundi ' li aiwajra t)ane WAR TO COST THE DUTCH $80,000,000 THE HAGUE, Dec. 10. By April next the cost to Holland of the mo bilization made necessary by the Eu ropean war will amount to 135,000, 000 florins ($54,000,000). The cost of other war measures Is placed at 60,000 000 florins (124.000,000) and caring for the Belgian refugees at B, 000,000 florins (12,000.000). It Is estimated that the national revenue from ordinary sources will be 75,000, 000 florins ($30,000,000) less than last year. To cover the deficit Is It proposed to secure a loan of 275,000,000 flor ins ($110,000,000) to, add an extra percentage to all direct taxes and to levy Indirect taxes. Judging by the tone of the press, there is likely to be active opposition to these financial measures at the coming session of parliament and also to the proposed tax on tobacco. LtwIm Land Kale January 5. CENTRALIA, Wash., Dec. 10. The next sale oT state lands In, Lewis county will be held on January 5, at which time six tracts, fojir of 40 acres each, ono or 65 acres and one of 92 acres, will bo sold at auction by the county auditor. fioKVar imumJ Knfmvad Lkk &ruiu a&Md Uf ott M Mi.viaa, This store is able to offer you newest de signs and styles and exceptional values. We are the only store in this city privileged to sell Hallmark goods. This is The Hallmark Store and there is onlyone Hallmark Store in each city. This meant that ve tare al lied oar pardusiot power wit tlut of hundreds of other leading Jewelers thronjhoot the coontry la order to produce and tell hiss grade Jewelry, gold and illnt. wan, and other artklos tt mini 8WB Cost. This means to 70a better goods, better serrlce, better ralaet ,when jvapurctijett this store, y Royal M. S&wtelle Jeweler i EARL OF AXXF.SI.Y IS KILLED IN AEROPLANE LONDON, Dec. 9. Countess An r.esly received word from the front that the Earl of Annesly was killed while making an aeroplane flight ov er Ostend last Saturday. A German htiot brought the machine down and either the bullet or the fall proved fa tal Lieutenant Reevler, who accom panted the earl, also lost his life. .Inpnn to Cut ICxpon. TOKIO, Dec. 10. Japan's budget for the year shows estimated expen ditures of 656,000,000 yen ($278,000, 000), and a decrease In the revenue of $40 500,0.00 The war has caused a decrease of $8,500,000 In the customs. Curtail ments of expenses to be made In some departments of the government will permit of credits for two additional army divisions the completion of three dreadnoughts, the construction of eight torpedo-boat destroyers and two submarines, and the addition of ten torpedo-boat destroyers author ized last summer. Boy cr Girl? Great Q uestscn! This brings to many minds an old end tried family remedy an external ap plication known as "Mothers Friend." During the period of expectancy It Is ap plied to the ab domlnal muscles and Is designed to soothe the Intricate network of nerves Involved. In this manner It ha such a splendid Influence as to Juitl all cases of coming in ty its use mother-hood. It has been generally rec' ommonded for years and years and those who have used It sneak In hlghetit prelne of the Immense relief It affords. Tartlcu larly do these knowing mothers speak of the absence of morning sickness, absence f strain on the ligaments and freedom from tho many other dlntrrnaeg usually looked lorwnrd to with turn concern. There is no quohIIoii but what "luib-rs Friend" has a marked tendency -Vllevo the mind and this of itself in addition to the physical relief has given It a very wide popularity among women. You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at tlmoat any drug store. It lias helped hoHt of mothers to a complete recovery. It la prepared otdy by llradneld Iteg ilator Co., 301 Ijimnr Illdg., Atlanta, CM. Avoid tho many worthless substitute Earthquake Dfhtroyg Town in IVni. LIMA. Peru, Dec. . The small mountain town of Coracora, In the aiepartment of Ayarucho, about 300 miles southwest of Limn, was shaken by a severe earthquake. There were Kventl I'usuultUs. The town Is In ruins. SUH'RISES MAX Y IN PENDLETON The QUICK action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler l-ka, the remedy which be came famous by curing appendicitis. Is surprising Pendleton people. Many have found that this simple remedy drains so much foul matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipation, sour stomach and gas on the stomach almost IMMEDIATELY. Adlcr-I-ka la the most thorough bowel cleanser ever sold. Tallman Co , druggists. Adv. An Instantaneous electric water heater Is now made, which gives hot water on demand. By turning the faucet to the left hot water is obtain ed and by turning It to the right cold water flows. Camera Supplies Everything for the Amateur AGENTS TOR ANSCO CAN ERAS ANSCO CHEfJICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper "There's a Difference" Tallman 5 Go. Leading Druggbtt