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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1914)
f page main DAILT EAST OREOONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, PETEMnEU 0, 1014. EIGHT PAGES v RESOLVED That people make "foClR. CjOOD LUCK BY WE HAVE MADE 0UA$ iVNOTASlWlNGTHC confipence or OUR' PATRONS. SQUARE DEAL ALVAY5 WItfS. WEVANT15 KEEP OUR. PATRONS Yt)U CANT HAVE Bad luck pyDOiNd the right thing 7 ) n r We arc doing the right tliiug; giving full weight and full measure iu pood groceries, fresh 'fruits and vegetables and ask ing only a fair price. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Ir. Rent in Klamath Falls. Dr. James A. Best, member of the water commission, la visiting In Klamath Falls where he has property interests. Kyle Is Ro-cJeeted, James Kyle, mayor of Stanfleld, for several terms, was yesterday re-elected to that office, according to Horace Walker, who Is In the city today. Few change in the admlnaltratlve of. flees were made by the election.- Water Commission Meets, The water commission held Its monthly meeting last evening but transacted little business save audit ing of regular bills. It Is expected that the city will realize upon the re cently voted bonds soon after which full settlement will be made upon the ulna line contract. The answer to the complaint recently filed against the city and water commission by Jeffrey ahd Bufton will soon be ready to file. years has been In Baker where he had many matches and won a reputa. tlon as a clean and square sportsman. Mr. Wewto vtr A'ccy Low. Mrs. Ida M. Westover, who has been Buffering from appendicitis for some time, Is reported to be very low today. Has Auto Hearse, Ralph Folaom now has an automo bile hearse, the first In the city. He had the body of his old hearse mounted upon auto trucks and re decorated in gray. Mr Wrestle Here Jan. 7. Joe Helnrlch, well known wrestler who Is now employed as candy mak er at HohBack'a. may meet Doc Roll er, noted Sealtle grappler, in this city on January 7 it he can find some one tn promote the match. Roller is to make a tour of the northwest and is hnnkln engagements now. Heinricn is a clever man on the mat, having .nma rf thA best men in the ,,nt,v pn-i he believes he could make things very entertaining for the fans if he could get Roller as an op nnn.nt. Helnrlch for the past five n mm IS mmm if you could buy two gifts at about the price of one wou ldn't you call it economy? ar Th&tV&bout the way we are selling our everyday needs and Xmas gifts at this Closing Out SaleJI Fancy Neckties in Holiday Boxes ' cut to 29 Fancy Holiday Boxes Suspenders cut to I 29 Fancy Holiday Boxes Suspender and Garter Set, cut to 57f A large variety of Initial Hand kerchiefs iu ?i!k and linen at . irk-es cut to 15c, 19 and 3D? each Combination Set3 of Handker chief, Sox and Tie and a great variety of useful articles very appropriate for Christmas gifts will be found here at money saving price. Suits and Overcoats for men and 1kvs' arc reduced almost one half. ' if Formerly II. Main and Court Streets SORI II. Wessel Store. Pendleton, Oregon We Pashms WHERE THE FAVORITE PLAYERS PLAY THE HOME Of GOOD PICTURES LAST CHANCE TODAY The General Film Company Presents This Lubin Masterpiece The House Next Door IN FIVE PARTS Ethel Clayton and George SouleSpencer Featured Same cast that appeared in "Lion and Mouse." "Third Degree,", "The wolf" and the same producer, Barry O'Moore, we do not hesitate to say that "The House Next Door" i3' one of the best pictures ever in the city. Read Photoplay Column for Synopsis Picture starts 2, 3:15, 4:30 p. m. afternoons, 7,8:15, 9:30 p. m. evenings Admission 15c Children 5c Coming Thursday and Friday "LIFE'S SiiCP WINDOW" Committees Meet This I. M. President Tulhnan of the Commer cial association has called a' meeting of the board of managers and of the street and roads committee of the an soclatlon for 3:30 this afternoon to discuss Important mutters presented to the association. Odd Fellows' 0en Meeting. An open meeting for all Odd Fel lows will be held in the I. O. O. F. hall tomorrow evening In honor of O. w. Wright of Albany, grand patri arch of the grand encampment who will arrive tomorrow on nn official visit. The Odd Fellows are planning to make the occasion an enjoyable one. GERMAN AVIATORS DROP 5 BOMBS ON DOVER, ENGLAND NEW YOrtK. Deo. . German avl atora recently dropped five bombs over Dover, England. Thla Informa tlon reached -the New York office of the United Press In mall advice from Ita London bureau. The damage waa slight and no one was killed. DAL MINSTREL SKQV OF ELKS C0"iX8 DEC. 16-17 IHGGEST MUSICAL PRODUCTION OF SEASON TO HE STAGED 11V LOCAL LODGE. O'Connor Prefers Oregon. Sheriff Taylor has received word that Richard O'Connor, the man ar rested here and sent to California to answer a charge of safe blowing and possible murder, la willing to return to Oregon to plead guilty to blowing a safe In Medford. In the California! Job the nlghtwatchmnn, Powell Emlgh, was murdered, and O'Connor doesn't like to chance the consequences. Indian Princess Marries. Josephine Show-a-way, 17 year old daughter of Paul Show-a-way, he reditary chieftain of the Cayuses and one of the best known Indian farm ers on the reservation, was married The biggest musical extravaganza and mirth-provoking entertainment of the season will be staged at the Oregon theater on the evening of De cember 10 and 17 when the local Elks put on their annual minstrel show. This Is what they promise and their promise Is a bond to deliver the goods. Under the direction of R. E. Chlou- pek and Lou Steelhammer, the Elks band hits already gone into training for the event. Rehearsals are being held almost every evening. The chorus, the largest yet assembled, and the end men and the soloists have all been selected, their songs and parts asslgnd and altogether a good start lias been made. There .will be some familiar faces in the minstrel line-up and some of the beat voices in the city will be heard. The blackface end men are all comedians of experience and re nown, Jim Estes, Bob Fletcher, Buck Buchanan, Jack Gibson, Lee Drake, Bill Bailey and Bill Livingston. The balladtsts Include In their list Glen Scott, Willard Bond, Walter Rose, George Baer and Messrs. Simmons and Eilmond. The chorus will be 23 strong. Some of the number will be the following: Dick Mayberry. Frank Hays, John Dickson, Garland Gray, Nat Kimball Charles Vlnier, Walter Freeman, Jess Owens, George Phelps, Clarence Bean Tl:iv Crvstal. Lawrence Frazlcr. Hal If it's a Xmas Gift From The Golden Rule its correct in quality and correct in price. Do you roalizo this Big Busy Store sella Christmas goods just liko evcrytliing else, for leaa ? Timely suggestions for the Christmas gift givers: Umbrellas for gifts..... $1.08, $2.49, ?2.08, ?3.40, ?3.08 Manicuring and toilet 'sets 08, ?1.08, ?2.40, ?2.08, $4.08 Shaving sets for men 08, 91.08, $2.40, $3.08 . lies, Horn, Handkerchief, Stick Tin and Clasp seta at G9, 08, $1.23, $1.40. Men's ties in fancy boxea, 7fc and $1 values 30, C0t Men's hotiso slipprs, nothing more acceptable $1.40, $l.CO Ladies' felt slippers always good gifts 08, $1.25, $1.40 Handkerchiefs done up in fancy boxes 25, 30, 40f CO, and 08. Character Dolls, Clown Dolls, Bisque Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Kid Body Dolls, all sizes from the tiny little 1 dolls with hair up to the lteautiful life pize dolls at $0.00. Doll Sulkies, Doll Buggies, Doll Swings, Chairs, Cradles, Beds, Toys, games, dishes, books. It's a real Fuirie Land. you CAN DO BETTER AT C71C 4& -JC fVnnvfnr WE LEAD OTHERS .. FOLLOW yesterday to Mitchell Thompson, a young Indian who since the death of j Corby, C. O. Reinhart, Harold Brock, his parents, has been making . Cecil Cole. Glen Storie and Brooke home with Captain Pompktn, the In dian police Judge. They secured a license from the county clerk yester day afternoon and the father's con sent for the marriage of his daughter accompanied the affidavit. Folio to Day Walla Walla. Echo, which has nlways been on the basketball map of Umatilla county In big letters. Is going to have bigger honors than the county championship this year. The first game of the team's scehdule will be tonight In Walla Walla with the Y. M. C. A. team of that city. The Echo boys have been playing together for sev eral years and have a team hard to vanquish. They call themselves "The Purple Giants." The team was In Pendleton yesterday and played at Weston last evening. Al Knhiht Buys Leases. At Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Knight of this city, returned yes terday from Alberta, after having closed up his business affairs there, and he and his wife will make the Permanent home here. He has pur chased leases on several hundred acres of reservation wheat land near Cayuse and will engage actively In the farming business here. For the past several years he has been farming near Strathmore, Alberta, part of the time for himself and part of the time as manager of one of the largest ranches In that country. Dickson. SQUAWMAN CHARGED WITH INDIAN'S COW WALTER GILMAX GIVEN HEAR. IXG TODAY IX JUSTICE OF' PEACE COURT. UNITED STATES CASH SPEXT I OU WOUNDED LONDON', Dec. 9. There Is much Interest in the operations of "St. Dunstan's hospital" at Roulogne, which is officially styled "Hospital 13." which Is controlled by the war office. Miss Ivy Gordon-Lennox, maid of honor to the queen, with her mother, Is now waiting on the wound ed there. Supplies of all sorts for this hospital are provided by Mrs Otto Kahn of New York. Another American benevolence which Is doing splendid work Is that of which Professor Eliot Norton, the Harvart archeologlst, is In charge. Professor Norton has 20 motor ambu lances to bring French wounded from the battlefields to the base hospitals. The drivers and orderlies are all young graduates of American univer sities. One of these young men had to handle with vigor some German non-commissioned officers who had held up his ambulance. The action of the young man elicited approval from a German colonel who happen ed to be passing by. "Young man," he said In perfect English, "you appear to have had John L. Sullivan as your professor at Yale. I compliment you." Walter Gllman. a squawman on the reservation. Is this afternoon being given a preliminary hearing In the Justice court on a charge of stealing a cow from Powaakee, a well known Indian. This is the formal charge against him but the officers believe he has for a long time been stealing cattle from the Indians, butchering and selling them. Twice before he has been arrested and charged with the larceny of horses or cattle but each time the grand Jury has failed to Indict him. Sheriff Taylor and his deputies have been working upon the case for some time. They found one hide hidden In a haystack at his place near Cay use and claim that the dim brand of the Indian Is on It. Other hides from which the brand had been cut and heads from which the ears had been looped have also ben found at his place. The officers believe he did not detect the brand on the hide they have thus accounting for his failure to re move It. Gllman, xho Is a white man about 38 years old, Is married to the widow of Abraham Lyman, the Indian who was burned in the city Jail several years ago. 2 Killed In Auto Accident. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 9. George Brand, vice president of the Grand Rapids Brewing company and William Veit. secretary of the Veil Manufacturing company were killed when their automobile overturned at a curve on Reeds kake boulevard. MAN ESCAPING AT EUGENE SAME WHO ESCAPED HERE IDENTIFICATION IS COMPLETE WAS ARRESTED SHORTLY AFTER ROUND-UP. James Allen, one of the four men who recently escaped from the Lane county Jail at Eugene after overpow ering Deputy Sheriff George Croncr and one of the two still at large, has been positively identified by local of ficers as one of the two rnen who, on the early morning of October 10 ot this year, escaped from the Pendle ton city Jail. The pictures and de scriptions received leave no doubt that they are one and the same man. Allen, who gave the name here of John Williams, was arrested shortly after the Round-up by Special Offi cer George Meeker for passing liquor Into the city Jail. His partner, John O'Brien, had previously been arrest ed for a like offense. Upon being searched, knives and other cutlery were found in their pockets and served to connect them up with the burglary of a hardware store in Prosser, Wash. An officer from Prosser arrived on the evening of October , Identified the two men as the ones wanted there and arranged to take them back the following morning. How ever, when the Jail was opened In the morning, they were not there. During the night they had made a saw out of a table knife and had cut through the Iron bars of a window, making their escape about 2 o'clock In the morning. Since then nothing has been heard of them. While held In Jail here, Officer Manning took their pictures. E B. Wood, chief special agent of the O.- W. R. St N., who Is here today, and Sheriff Taylor, both have pictures of Allen taken In Eugene. A compari son of the two removes all doubt that they are of the same man. His escape from the Eugene Jail was made In company with three other prisoners going under the names ot James Clergy, Forrest Dougherty and Joe Thomas. They seized Croner when he entered the Jail to lock them up for the nlkht dis armed him and tied him up. Allen Is supposed to have been the one that took the gun. Dougherty and ClergJ have been recaptured and are now In the penitentiary, but Allen and Thorn as are still at large. The Place for Xmas Candies is The Hm-e of Strictly Pendleton Industry. Our Candles are made; to eat. Eastern candlin are niado to sell For Sweets to Eat Tho Delta, Toric Lenses are the best We grind and fit them to give tho wearer comfort and satisfaction. ALL 'WORK GUARAN TEED. Dale Rothwell Refracting and Manufactur ing Optician. with Hamcom, THE Jeweler I 0. Bldg. Pendleton, Ore, rhone 329 J. SIIIIIH11 I That Great New England Drama No Peace Prize Tills Year. CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Dee. 9. The noble peace prize committee de cided to award no peace prize this year. Turkish Cruiser Repulsed. PETROGRAD, Dec. 9. The Turk- Ish cruiser Breslau, formerly of the Kaiser's navy, appeared off Sevasto pol Monday, It was announced, but was repulsed by Russian cruisers in the harbor and by aviators who at tacked It from overhead. FRANK RESENTENCED TO RE HANGED ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 9. Leo M. Frank, convicted of the mur der of Mary Thagen, a 14 year old factory girl, was resentenc ed by JuriRo Hill to bo hanged January 22 Another statement protesting his Innocence was Is sued by I'rank. s LMltl Staged on the Rugged Coast of Maine 3 li F7,i V hi 1 'ill i Admission 15c and portraying strong New England characters, nothing has been spared to make this story realistic to the last de gree. The scenes taken on the schooner taating out to sea in tho storm, tho fight at tho foot of jjio lighthouse stairs and tho Christmas reunion in the last act, all combine to make a great film. ' IN THE CAST ARE CIIAS. A. STEVENSON AND VIOLET HORNER TOD A Y The Alta Theatre Don't miss tho enjoyment this play will give you. Children 5c EE3 11 E3 p3 IS 3