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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1914)
..." y ETOTTT PAOES DATL7 EAST OREOOKTAN. PENDLETON'. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. TWr.MP.F.U 0, lfo4. PAOE SEVEN Try a box of that Embassy Lawn Linen .48 Sheets 48 Envelopes All for 25c at KoepJpeiTs The Drug Store That Serves You Best Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLEScSr HOT TAMALES CHILLI COII GflRllE -SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8U. Pbons 117 Pendleton. Or CHICAGO WHEAT CLOSES AT LOSS CHICAGO, Dee. 9. Wheat cloaed l-4c up to l-4c down. Thin trad did not respond an well aa uhubI to bulllMh nwa. In addition, there was help for the Boiler Jt wheat In the Im proved weather map and the lower Liverpool cable with every Indication of less urgent foreign demand. Ex port clearance) fell down bharply from the big output of Monday and the primary movement waa about 300,000 bushels larger In receipt than shipments. There la enough help for the growing crop In the aoft wit weather to put an end to any anxiety over the growing plant It waa a sluggish speculative trade In corn. Thla trade, waa promised 875 cara for the day. Late In the aesnlon aales of 4(0,000 bushels were reported to go to More. Thla sug gests a Black shipping' demand Sample market waa eaaler. Dip In oata prices from 47 3-4 'to 47 l-2c In December and 62c to CI 5-8c In May. The only active buying waa early In the shape of local covering. Cash and commission houea were on the aelllng aide and cash aa well aa futurea were showing heaviness. WHEAT. Pec Open, 116 1-2; high. 117 1-2; low, lit 3-4; clone, 116 3-4D. May Open, 121 68; high, 121 7-8; low, 121 l-i; close, 121 3-8B. AMERICA WHOLLY UNPREPARED FOR WAR NEUTRAL ORCHESTRA AT PERSIAN GARDEN NEW YORK. Dec. 9. On account of frequent war discussions and con sequent Internal dissensions among the muMlclana at the Persian Garden, Joan Sawyer, director of thla popu lar dunce rendeivous, haa dispensed with their eervlcea and engaged an entirely neutral orchestra, which after three daya of rehearsals, will make Ua Initial appearance. Includ ed In the new organization, which will furnish the dance music at the Persian Garden, are two Spanish vio linist, a Chlneae clarinet player, a Swiss eornetlst, an Alabama banjo twanger, -a Hawaiian trap drummer, an Italian 'cellolst and a Norwegian trombone virtuoso. I . ; " - i- fj.: . - J. V:?Wr& :'Cr ; :-.vlirZ William W.lS W V&aoxi General LEONARD WfaOQ Taat the United StaU-a la wholly Bnpreptred for war, and. In fact, haa not njrre than one-tenlh the number of aoldiera needed for the regular ar my in caae of war. la the contention of Mujor Generala Leonard A. Wood, former chief of the general ataff, and now eommander of the depurtmtit of the eaat, and W. W. Wotherapoon. president chief of the general ataff. General Wood aaya a foreign enemy could land troop la the United Statea aomewhere between Boston and the Cheaapeaka Bay, If the navy could not hold them off. General Wood'a atate raect waa made In an interview, while the position of General Wother apoon la contained In hla annual re' port He goea considerably farther than did Representative Gardner of Massachusetts In hla recent speech in the house. The chief of ataff aaya the United Statea haa only 49,9(8 men and 2.738 officer fit for fighting. PORTLAND YARDS FOLLY SUPPLIED (Courtesy Tueaday'a Journal) PORTLAND, Ore. Ten earn of live stock were received in the yard overnight but the yards were to full that they were unloaded at the noon hour. The arrivals conflicted gener ally of breeder Muff for the show. There waa no general change Jn the hog markot at North Portland. Late yesterday afternoon salei were made In a few Isolated instances aa high aa 37, but tho general market for tops remains at $4 90 aa previ ously reported. General hog market range: Pest light ;.90V. o-J Medium light -8' Good to havy .6U Rough and heavy 00ft.2a Btockcra 5.60su Cattle 5farket Unchanged, Conditions in the cattle market at North Portland ore showing no change. Weakness continues ror everything except euperlor quality and even these are showing lesa strength than formerly. The huge receipts of yesterday have naturally had a very bearish effect upon the Ideas of klliera and they are determined to keep the price down to the minimum. market range: I7.157.40 Acmaed Woman In le SAN' FRANCISCO. Ie 9 Mra. Iva May Il.-nry, arrested vn a warrant secured by Poster Kello' on a chart," of obtaining money under fulsu pretense, wm dismissed In po lice court after Kelley. Xhe only wit ness called, hud concluded his testi mony. Motion for dlmuiwal waa made by the profwcutln attorney. iinuiiiuiHiiii'tiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiuiiuiiMwiiiiiiuiiiiniuMiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiuiiiiiuitui before you build I no matter if it's a home, a barn. out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior get my prices 1 i a H ! If you want it cheap or good, we can nil your order MILL WORK TO ORDER The greatest itock and variety in Umatilla County of Ilritlan Ha inoo Airmen LONDON, Eng.. Dec 7. There ai more thHn 1000 certified flying men n tho rolls of the Royul Aera club. TVe ear book Just issued plvea the nanus of 954 and 77 have bee added to the rolls since the book wm com piled. More than Sbfl members are at the Iront with the Prillh army and navy, myl of them altaehed Ik the flying corps. HAK IMPERILS V. S.. SAYS M t I.EI.LAX Local Playhouses JUHT the Preti Aeot Haa to " Say of Praaent aad Coming Attiactieiia J& J& Pa time Today. "The House Next Door," by the au or of "Peg O" My Heart." A Lnbln tliotoi)lay masterpiece In five part. Pact Is Offered Holland. BERLTX, Dee. 9. The following Information la given out by the offi cial bureau. A special dispatch from Gothen burg, Sweden, aaya a South Danish commercial newspaper report that In 1949 Great Britain threw out a feel er to Holland about the possibility of concluding a military convention Holland declined, because such a ronrse would be Incompatible with her neutrality. Aa a reply to Holland General cattle Selected eteers . Good to prime Good to choice .50G8 75 Ordinary to fair 6 75 8 8.25 Bet cawa 5.3O0.OO Good to prime 5.65 0 6 85 Ordinary 5.25 0 5.50 Selected calvea wo Fancy bulls 5 25 57 5.75 Ordinary 4.00zs Mutton Market Very Strong. Situation In the mutton trade U again strong at all leading livestock centers In the country. At eastern stockyard marketa today there waa a complete reversal of the tone of yes terday when so much weakness waa shown and valuea went a-skldding at an alarming- rate. In eome quartera the opinion la ex pressed that eastern klliera really made a big cleanup yesterday by their bearish tactlca, having a liberal aup ply offered them for which they cut valuea unmercifully. Now that they have grabbed their supplies, the, mar ket haa a natural upward tendency. Locally the mutton situation la full of strength. While valuea here are still somewhat out of line even at the recent advances In the price, the alt nation la gaining strength every day. General mutton market range: Beet yearlings 35.9006 00 Old wethers 5 50 5.75 Bert ewea 4.25 04.75 Best east mountain lambs 7.30 Valley light lamba 7.25 Heavy spring lambs 6.500 6.75 Valley light lamba .. . . 7.00 S 7.15 1 Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, piaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. aw a Wood and Rock Springs Coal p pjMBjaaBBBBaBaBlBllllllaaBalBa I B. L. BURROUGHS I S p.Ufon PUninff Mill an'! Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 iltltlllHUllll llWlliniIUHIWllniHHHIIIIIHHIHHUHIIIIIHIHllinit: I100DI.ES, CHOP SUEY, GIHIIA DISHES rHTTY'Q KWONG HONG LOW sj?JPiL JL W U West Alta St., Up tain, Phone 433 Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street rL " """""" i G-nE-t- FOUR-IN-ONE niLX "ANNA BELLE DOLL" coupon ninT rr amd five of theee Coupons properly sifrned and 10 to the East Orcgonian office and fot a ,Fouin-One" muslin cutout feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. Pendleton, Ore.,- .1914 Wn EAST OREGONIAfl i'Vli UU., Ilerewith please find five "Four-in-Ono" Coupona and lOf for which please pive me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name.- Addreea.. If sent by mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED v. Ethel riaT.ton. Gorea Saula Snencer. I Anslo-Delglan agreement waa oeaiciuciea, wnereupon tionana ioru-: Irof, George Ti. MtClcllnn. PltlNCKlVN, Dec. 9. In address ing the International Policy cluK. Proftiwor Gwrge Ti. McClollan. for mer mayor of New York, said: "NoS. Mralghvoned clrcumsUirrces. ITIrtca, his Gaston Bell and Florence Williams featured. The sUry opera at tee home of Sir John Cotswolt, who with hla wife and two children. Cecil and Ulrica 1?ep up fair arpcaraw.-e of rather j'oor aristocracy. In the park the children p'ay with Adrian and Esther Jacobson, children of Isaac Jacobson, a humble but hanest Jewish rtialr maker. The Christian parenta chide their children for playing with "Jew Mn brats." Sir Jchn'a aCalrs are In bad condrion and hia attorney in forms him that he is likely to become bankrupt. A patent lawyer notifies the chair maker that a machine Jacobson haa Invented had been granted a patent. Fifteen yeara pass, the children have mwn to n.nturlty nd the chairmak er now woulthy lines In a mansion nvK'. door Sir Jrf:m Cotaxvolt. the children not forgetting their old play ma.s renea ncquah.tance i.nd fall In lot all around. Cevll Cotswolt is ar tfcrfiy woohig Esther Jacobson atid Jacobson Is paying sweet cotrrt to tbe gorgei'is Vlrica Cotswwlt Then curnfs the cbi."h of race and religions snd lioth of -the fat Vers opeTi deadly opposition toithe love affairs of their chlldvcn, wha still met clandestinely. The fiKht is a long and hard one, but; the liners are still true to their troth.; Cecil Cotswolt develops a wonderful voice and though the -family are In fled Flushing. Income Tax In Favor. LONDON, Dec 9. The Petrograd correspondent of Reuter'a Telegram ccmpany, writing nnder date of Thursday, aaya: "A meeting of prominent econom iata and leading reprasentatlvea of Russian commerce and industry ap proved today of a temporary Impoal tlon of an income tax to balance the lees to the government of the revenue formerly derived from the aale of vodka, tralfic in which haa been pro hibited. "Count Sergius WW opposed an Income tax and favored Instead a levy on the owners of big estates and an Increase la the existing taxee.-" Ilrhlgrc to be Built GLASGOW, Dec. 7. Structural engineers and bridge builders through out the country are being requested to stand ready to rush repair work In Belgium and France. Thla la ac cepted as evidence of the favorable position of the allied troops. -s- ;ute of Ohio, rlty ef Toledo I.tira County Trink J. Chenrr miik-n oath that b la tenlor partner tit taa frra of KV t. Oieney a Co., doing buslnm In tba City of To- ido. County and niata aroresttlil, nil mat old firm MI yJ tl lum-nf o.MC III -DliKli DOM.Ali f- r each and eerr raaa f Cararrh that rsnnnt tn rrid b the ua A HALL a L ATAIi it II (Tit t'KANK J. rilKSFT. Bworn to bfnre ma and .it-rilil la my pr'nnre, this 8tb day of I-embr, 4. 1. ins. (deal) A. W. r.I.RASOM. Nuiary T'lhlle. (lall a Catarrh Cin-e la takrn Internally and a-ta dlrwtly upon tha blond and am ?nna anrfarm of tba ayitera. Head for taa Uaionlila. fr. K. I. C IIP.NET CO., Toledo, O. lold b all liniL'vlats. 75e. Take Hall's Family 1'IIIa for conatlpatloa. DRESS WARM AND KEEP FEET DRY TKI.I.S ItHEUMATISM SUTfntFJW TO TAKK SALTS) AXI UtTP RID OF t P.IC ACID Rheumatism la no respecter of age, sex, color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human affliction it is one of the most painful. Those subject to rheumatism should eat lesa meat, dress aa warmly aa possible, avoid any undue exposure, and above all, drink lota of pure water. P.heumatlsm la caused by uric acid which la generated In the bowels and abaorbed Into the blood. It la the function of the kldneya to filter thla acid from the blood and cast It off In the urine; the porea of the akin are also a meana of freeing the blood ot thla Impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the akin porea are clos ed, thua forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric add which keeps accumulating; and circulating through the system, eventually settling In the Joints and muscles cauaing stiffneas. soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four , ounces of Jad Salts; put a tableapoon ful In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate urlo acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthia-water urlnk which overcomes uric add and la beneficial to your kidneys as weU. Stok Burned In Fir. ASTORIA. Ore., Dec. 9. Fire, sup posed to have started from spontan eous combustion, destroyed a large barn on the.farra of Frank E. Tea ton, near North Beach, Wash., 5 tons of hay, 45 hogs, six calves and a number of farming Implements. The loss la estimated at $6000 with 11500 Insurance. During the fire Dick Dietrlck, a farm hand, waa se verely burned about the hands and face while endeavoring to rescue some of the livestock. 0 COFAr, , CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR! mutter who wins the preat war. It ! alrittORt bertitn that nt some not far distant data we shall be confront ed with the alternative of abandoning th Mfnrnn da'trlne or flirting to maintain It. If we abandoa It wa will be tronoedeO that the I'nlted Statea Is only a second claaa power at the mercy of all the awawerlng bullies of ithe earth." AN OLD RECIPE TO' DARKEN HAIR tance oid sends her brother to Italy lor tultm, thla much against the wishes of the old baron, -who deares Wat .hla son shall never become a pVayer or ias he cells It a mountebamk. Cwil and Esther part with vows of eternal constancy. ' Picture starts afternoons 2r0, 3 IS. 4:30. Evenlns, 7:00, :15, 9:l. Admission, adults 15c. Chttdren t- SACK TEA AM Sll.lTU K Tl'UX CUAY, FAIi:i HAIR DARK AND GIX)SSY. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brlnga back the natnrnl col or and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff. Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture waa to make It at home, which ia musay and troubleaome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." You will get Inrgc bottle for about 50 cents. Everybody uses thla old, famous re cipe, because no onu can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, ns It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair; tnklnir one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hulr disappears and after another application or two your hnlr becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look yenra younger. Cos? WeOncjdny and ThnrNlay. The Fletchers, In A Dutch comedy act win be oao of the three ivcts for the above two days. They will make you laugh. We also have a musical act wlilch la good, and another comedy act. All three of these acta are sure to please. "Tho Beggar Child." Two reel American. Winnifred . Greenwood and Ed Coxen In a strong story. Mutual Weekly No. 8. Latest pic tures from the war aone In thla num ber; apple day In Oregon, and other events. "Getting Asqualnted." Keystone. Another bunch of Keyatone excitement FRATiatXAij ORDERS. FENELETON LODGE !- (1 A. F. and A. af, meets tkc first tad third Mondays ol each mwntk. All vlaitmg brother are invited. ATTORNEYS. FCiVERAZi DIRECTORS. JOHN a BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and li sensed embalmsr Ops-oette joatofffee. Funeral parlor two tfuneral cara. Calls responded to day r eight. Pbeee Tt. RALEY A RALEY. ATTORNETS AT .aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. .Office In Despaln building CARTER A SMYTH E. ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Compear. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funaral director and Ucenaed em balraer. Moat modern funeral parlor. morgue and fsnerai eara. Calls re sponded to day or sight. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. UISCIIANCE AND LAND BUSINESS PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neya at law; rooms I and 4. Smltk- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. Edlon Ponounevs Ills Act NEW YORK, Dec. 7. In papera on file In tho United Statea District Court, Thomas A. Edison the invent or saya that he no longer haa any faith In the neuralgia remedy which ho Invented In 1879. On the strength of his admission made in an equity ault. Judge Rose In tlie United States District Court, Company from using Edison's picture in advertisement of the preparation wheh the company aays Is the old Edison mixture. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO- MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on nitr and farm property. Buys and tells ail kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage bustnesa. Pays taxes and makes tnveatmenta for non residents Writes firs, life and aeci 1ent Insurance. Reference, any bank la Pendleton. JAMXS JOHNS. Pres. C H. MA.RSH. Sec BENTLEY A LEFTTNGWELL, REAL eatate, fire, Ufa and accident lneur ance agents. 115 Main street Pkone 404 LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY Da scrlptlon for county court, clrcul court. Justice court, real estate, et for aale at Eaat Oregonlan office. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates aettled. wUls, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN N II and second-hand goods. Cask sa'v for all aeoond-hand gooia bougk'. Cheapejt place la Pandletoa tt tuj household gooJa Call anj get sis prlcea lit E. Court street. Pka 171 W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT cask or give trat? for Uwatllla countj farm, !0 to tea per acre. Address, Box 11, Athena, Or. MlbOELLAXEQCa, ENGRAVED CARDS. I-WITATIONs, wedding announcementa emboaaas private and bualnesa etatiooery, ate, Very latest style. Call at Kaet Or gonlan office and see samplee S. A, LOWELL. ATTORNEY AVn oonaullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office in Despaln building PHYSICIANS. H. 3. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathle phrslflan and surgeon. Of fit Judd Block. Telephone: Offloa t1 W: reatdanoa Kit J VETFKIN ART KUR(UXS. C W. LASSEN. M. D V. OUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office tellephone 10. AUCTIONEERS. COL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONPirP makes a specialty of farmers' etoel and machinery ea'.ea. "Tha man tba gots you the money." Leave order t East Oregonlan office. TRESPASS NOTICES. HTATJ.ioje SEASON CARDS and SALE RITJJ of every description printed at r.a. sonable prices at the Eaat Oregonlan, Wt bare a fine lot of stock cuts thai our patrons are allowed tba free ua of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR. egonlan makes a specialty of sue tlon sale bUla. carda and advartlalng. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will aaaurs you of having a eucceaaful aale BEAVER TNGK AVI fJG ... rOMPAWY' ,1 L