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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1914)
EIGIIT PAGES DAILY EAST ORKGONIAN. PENDLETON', OREGON", WKDXKSDAV, DKCKMBEK 0, 1914. PAGE TTTRET! 2forT If it DUDLEY 2tf inches high NORMAN 2Y inches high ARROW COLLARS CLOSE fitting, graceful styles with smartly cat curved fronts, that admit of easy cravat tieing. CLUETT, PEA BODY ft CO., Iwc. Makers, Troy, N. V. ROSS CRANE TO ENTERTAIN WITH CARTOONS HERE SECOND NUMBER OF LYCEUM COURSE AT HIGH SCHOOL IS SATURDAY NIGHT. Pendleton and Row Crane will get together Saturday evening. The fa mous cartoon I it, clay modeler and "lTory tickler" la to give one or hi Inimitable entertainment! at the high school auditorium as the aecond number of the winter lyceum course and to many this number will be the moit enjoyable of all. Here la what the Wauaau (Wli.) Dally had to aay of Crane after he had appeared there: "Rom Crane waa here laat night He waa advertised aa a cartoonlat and a modeler In clay. The program promised an "Art Recital." and the proipect of a good entertainment fill ed the auditorium. What Is he? He made pictures with a few atrokes of the crayon that caused roars of laugh ter. Is that being a cartoonlat? He mixed clay with hli hands and threw it with a reckleas abandon at an easel, and lo! the form of a man, the types of nationalities and the feature of well-known characters appeared Is that being a "modeler In clay?" He sat at the piano and ranged at will between the ridiculous and the sub lime, between the hilarious and the pathetic. Did that entitle him to take tart la an "Art-Recital?'' "His handiwork could not be Im proved upon, for It was the stroke of a matter hand. Like magic chaos gave way and the lines carelessly drawn assumed definite form and shape, and In turn appealed to the laughing, the tender and the Impres alve side of humanity. And why? Be cause the soul of the true artist wai buck of It alL" , RIGID ECONOMY VJLL BE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF U.S. BRITISH OPEN FOR AITACK OH THE M F; SUUB FRO UH ORDER OF RELEASE FROM ASYLUM HOLDS Resinol heals itching skins RESIKOL OINTMENT, with Rriinul Soap, ttopi itchier. loiUntly, ouiclly and easily heal the rooit ci.trcning cairt of ec tenia, rash or other tormenting skin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimplei, LlackheaJi, red ncts, rouglincn and dandruff, when other treatment hava proven only a waite of time and money. Beware of Imitation!. Ralml Ointnwnt and ftmrinol 8op are old byvrnydrufKMt. ,,'riiUIpt.l'", luaiool,, Mil., Iirilm trial SALEM, Ore., Dec. I. The su preme court held that the circuit court had Jurladlctlon In the case or Charles Sneddon, committed from Coos county to the state hospital for the Insane here, and ordered released by the circuit court, and upheld tho crder for his release. Sneddon was first adjudged Inaanc by the county court of Cooi county ond ordered conveyed to the hospital. Complaint had been made against him by hla wife. Fncddon appealed to the circuit court where a motion to dismiss hl appeal wan overruled. A jury irisi ny, was bad January 10. 19H. and a verdic t returned that he was of sound mind. Tlun It was ordered tnai no be discharged from custody. The circuit court overruled a mo tlon to set uslde the verdict on the around that It had no Jurisdiction of the subject matter. The supreme court finds that there Ih an appeal from the adjudication on Insanity by the county coun. n that It was not an error to grant a trial by Jury In the circuit court America Asks to Probe. WASHINGTON, Dec. . American Minister Relnsch at Fekin has been authorized to eonfer with the Russian minister there with a view to having American missionaries In Siberia In vestigate the condition of German prisoner In Siberia, reported to be suffering great hardships and priva tions. The Mate department acted at the request of the German govern ment. A colony of German merchants and sympathisers In China Inaugurated the movement for the relief of these iTiKoners. addressing an appeal to Berlin. It is supposed that the pris oners are some of the German civil ians who were scattered throughout Sihi-riu when the war broke out, and who have been rounded up and plac ed in detention ramps. THE REASON IS THE RECENT ELECTIONS-MANv RETURN TO PRIVATE LIFE. Cos a PUb of Money to Keep Up Appearances Jn Warfilngton ri W',Apo KcWrfi W1U Try to gave All They Can of Salary May NeU the Money 1 (By Burton K. Standlah, Written for the United Press i WASHINGTON, Dec. Y-Rlgid economy will be the regime In some quarters In congress the next few months. This will be Irrespective of what the administration may do to ward economy. This particular brand will be strictly personal; and for the mo part will prevail on the demo cratlc side. OoTIl an,Wer "the recent 'lections.1 Quite a few of the boys are going back to the quiet of private life. Many of the familiar figures In the social ... ui me capital, must now retrench fo more can they frequent the tango Parlors, nor do much entertaining; on their own account. For going back to private life means a financial readjustment. They ant to hoard what th.v ., i-OO annual salary In the brief time remaining. 8ome of them need a nest egg" to carry them over until hey can re-establish themselves In the ordinary walks of life, and that's he answer for the retrenchment that la now going on with a ven geance among legislators. It's a gay life, this being a con gressman. More Interesting even than he proverbially Interesting life of the newspaperman. But take It from any congressman-It costs a l w t0 kwp up PParance. In Washlngton-and then, too It cost, another nice piece of change to rn for office. Statement, now on file show that the boy, ho were heater, and the boys who come back victor ous nil put out a pretty pen n. In every rase, practically. t u bound to nick the ordinary con gressman's roil am! If ' in for the session In the f.Tof -houW 115. he just simply has sr. t u he or ANOTHER ADVANCE BV THE AL LIES IH REPORTED IX CAP- TURE OF TOWN. Italy Has Kent RHnfowment to Libya Troop Anxiety Is Relieved to be Felt Over Turkey's Activity In Egypt, Although Italy's Territory Not Endangered. AMHTERDAM, Dec. . The Brit ish have captured Paaschenndaele on the railroad midway between Ypres and Routers. This represented an other advance by the allies, opening the way for a flank movement against the Germans toward Menln. LONDON, Dec. 9 Italy's dispatch of reinforcements to Its troops In Libya was taken as Indicating some snxlety let"Turkey's activity against Egypt may lead to unrest on the Italian side of the Egyptian-Tripoli-tan frontier. It was not thought here such apprehension had much Justifi cation since the Turks have nowhere reached a point nearer than six or seven hundred miles from Italian territory. MUCH LAUD 111 BE CLEARED SEEDED Oil UMATILLA PROJECT NEW 20 YEAR COXTRCT WILL RESULT IN ACTIVITY AM ONG SETTLERS. Work Already Is Started and More ' Than 2,000 Acre Will be Sown to Alfalfa Next Spring Visitors Who See Project Next Year Will Hardly Recognise It. (Special Correspondence.) HERMISTON, Ore., Dec. . Owing to the many advantages to the land owners on the Umatilla project through the new 20 year contract put . ... r- . - m .--.-- r.n.l.t1nl out Dy oecreuiry vi jijichui i auRiui K. Lane on behalf of the federal gov ernment, there will be a large amount of land cleared and seeded during the present and coming season Owing to the comparatively short period previously allowed by the gov ernment In which one was required to pay his contract charges as well as the malntalnence and operating charges many land owners did not develop their holdings as promptly as was anticipated by the reclamation officials. To remedy this condition Secretary Lane secured the enactment Into law the present one, which gives Artie and Pains of rheumatism sra such' promise to the early develop not permanently, but only temporar-l rnent of these arid lands. The clear II v. relieved by external remedies, ing and grading Is now going on over Why not use an Internal remedy the whole project and the amount of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which corrects land which will be seeded to airaira th ariditv of the blood on which next BDrlna will 1 approximate more the than two thousand acres, all avail able teams on the project are now engaged In this work. People travel- UNITFD STITES GITS '"g mis country nei jear m iw AMMUNITION ORDERS y recognize me cnangea appearance. Rheumatism depends and cures disease? Adv. on the NEW YORK. Dec. 9 The Ameri can output of death dealing missiles has increased 1000 per cent since the European war began. Orders for such enormous quantities of ammunition have been placed in this country by foreign governments that double day and nltjht shifts ure employed In every eastern factory, a prominent arms manufacturer admitted. Because of these conditions, it was declared. If need for such ammunition Id arise, the United States would p its present supply within a automobile a necessity. 5 $5 5 -55 5& 35 3i . V-.4 I 8 fi fi for Christmas Shoppers with the greatest and grandest line we have ever displayed Here you will find Presents of Sense, worth and Lasting Quality . DIAMONDS, CUT GLASS WATCHES KINGS CHAINS SILVERWARE CLOCKS UMBRELLAS CHARMS PINS reverse act nn Ab.i rather they are dolus- It MoIet Restaurants Prised. wki C0,ngMI,,a' ho used to find " " seuest hotels hardly ..UUBu ,or meir heavy funds now are beginning to realize that some of the quiet littu r..f.,.,.. with neither fancy menus nor fancy bank accounu. Moreover, the gen tlemen who were hailed as social fa vorites, either throush "lanty or through the influence of """" enienainmg, are beginning to learn that home sweet home really. fter all. la nce Bon of a pIaee even though a bit quiet at times. Some of them, too. are beginning mai pernaps an is a luxury Instead of Yes, Ifs a hard winter But therea another side to the sto. ry. Some of the best little two-fisted spenders Washington has ever known are coming back to thA ni session of congress. They will loos- - up wun meir change, and the present restricted flow of currency will be again at flood tide. In times past, they were notable for their free handed liberal way of doing things for their own enjoyment and that of their friends. All reports concerning the Some Hack" club Indicate that their dispositions have not changed. ne of the most notable of this re turning coterie of good follows and good spenders js Representative Wil liam McKlnley. Hla excursions to Norfolk nnd vicinity linger In the memory of many Washlngtonlans as real live affairs. "The Jamestown Survovors" Is nn organization that rprung'up from the passengers on his excursion to Jamestown. They have congregated her since McKlnley quit politics and every ope of them Is looking forward to his return and the "good old days." "Uncle Joe" on Uic Job. Then, too, there Is Dan Lafean of Pennsylvania, who Is coming back to the house. "Dan" Is known as a royal good fel low. He thinks nothing at all of get ting up n dinner for one hundred of his friends, and they are always gay parties. They aren't really society functions, for Lafean Is democratic. He picks out newspapermen and oth era for his friends on his big ban queta. And "Uncle Joe" Cannon will be among those present. Washington has been comparative! dead and dull since the old republican war horse quit his favorite haunts. The green table In his private card room wltl again have Its devotees and things will be looking up again In the vll lage. week and be compelled to use the "hand-to-mouth system" to feed Its guns of this caliber. Within tho last few weeks the de mand has grown to such an extent that hundreds of orders have been turned down, despite willingness of agents to pay highly Increased prices Try This for Neuralgia. Thousands of people keep on suf fering with neuralgia because they do not know what to do for it Neu ralgia Is a pain In the nerves What you want to do Is to soothe the nerve Itself. Apply Sian's Liniment to the surface over the painful part do not rub It In. Sloan's Liniment penetrates very quickly to the sore, Irritated nerve and allays inflammation. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have It In the house against Colds, Pore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Tour money back If not satisfied, but It does give almost Instant relief. Adv. It will be seemingly a new country Although money Is said to be scarce and hard to get the activity of local people seems to contradict such ru mors. Among those who are cleaning and seeding land and their acreages are: Htanfleld Hros., 40t acres west of town; Chas. Skinner of Pendleton 160 acres In the northeast end of the project; W.'W. Felthouse, recently of Spokane, 50 acres; W. T. Roberts has 160. acres In course of preparation I north of town; John Wilson on the west side of the Umatilla river is reeding 60 acres, also J. H. Strohm 160 acres on the west side. Kick and Pensel are preparing 65 acres north of town; A. W. Purdy 40 acres In the east end and H. C. Parks In the same locality. Spinning Bros. In the north west of the project are seeding 240 acres for Capt. Dobler and an Al aska Co. F. M. Miller, formerly of Seattle will seed 200 acres; Roy Raley of Pendleton 10 acres? In small acreage tracts of from 5 to 10 acres there will be about 200 acres. The transformation of the landscape will render It almost unrecognizable (OI.IJXS A IT.D JOIPKR. A HERMISTON MEN WILL SPEND TWO DAYS HUNTING PARTY GOES TO WHEAT FIELDS .NEAR COLD SPRINGS FOR OUTING. Toilet Articles, Souvenirs, Etc. Select your pre.ynts Now nnd have thorn laid away for you. k. L. SCMAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. HEADACHE IPS, HA GONE C2G Main Street. Telephone 323.T Dr. James Headache Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package. Nerve-ruck ing, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache Pow ders which coBt only 10 cents a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, surest headache relief in tho whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the npony and distress now! You can. Millions of mon nnd women have found that headache and neuralgia misery is needless, uct what you ask for. J4444 mm l4l ', i'iiisS (Special Correspondence.) HERMISTON", Ore., Dec. 9 Messrs Wilson. Henson, Haney and Adams left for a two days hunting trip in the wheat fields near Cold Springs. The trip will be made In the Henson car. Mrs. Mary Clark left Monday for Minneapolis to spend the winter with relatives. Mrs. H. G. Newport returned Sat urday afternoon from a two weeks visit in Portland. ' Mrs. J. F. McN'aught returned home Sunday morning after a three weeks visit with friends and relatives In Se attle. Mrs. Harry Hull. Mrs. Tete McXabb nnd little son and Mrs. Harry vDryer were shoppers from Umatilla Satur day. County School Superintendent Young was an overnight visitor In this section Monday. Word was received from Pendleton this morning of the arrival of a ten pound boy to Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Scroggs of this city. Miss Virginia Todd was the Sun day guest of Mrs. A. G. Means In Umatilla. A large crowd attended the Friday night dance given In the Mercantile Hall on that evening. uien Mccorkeu or stanrieia was among those from the neighboring town attending the high school play Friday evening. RuWrars Want to Fltfht. SOFIA. Dec. 7. So discontented are Bulgara generally at the attitude of the government In hesltatlnlg to side openly with Russia that many of them have Joined the Russian army. They will fight under their country man, General Radko Dmitrleff who has command of a cavalry division. Ray Collins. Veteran twlrler of the Boston Red Sox, who is reported to have Jumped to the Federal League. Collins' MINISTERS PLAN PEACE CONGRESS ' rnme was included in the list of 22 leaguers given out in St. Louis nsj having signed to play with the out- 1 laws during the summer of 1915. RICHMOND. Va., Dec. 9 Arrangements for a world's peace congress are expected to be perfected at the annual meeting of the executive com mittee of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America which went into ses sion here today. Practically all the protestant denominations ore represented. Preliminary plans propose that messengers be sent to visit the Christian churches of Europe to convey the good will and sympathy of the Christian churches in this country. The meeting will be in session fur throe das. Ir Money-Saving Size A handy, useful package Our New Airtight 5-lb. Tin Special Price $1.50 30 A Pound During M J B- Coffee Week Only MJ'B packed by special process in this airtight tin, will keep fresh and hold its strength and flavor. Vou Take tto Chances , Our Guarantee Is Your Protection o Our 5-133. Tilt vtrrrM vmn- Gorman Railroad Li Cut. LONDON, Dec. 8. The Paris cor respondent of the Times sends the following: "I have reason to believe that the French have seriously Interfered with the German communications between Meta and the Woevre region. Their long rage guns some days ago de stroyed a German convoy which was entering Pagney, 12 miles southwest of Metz, and now the bombardment of Arnevllle, 10 miles southwest of Metx, has cut the line serving the German railway head at Thlaucourt." Russian Terms Rejected. BERNE, Dec. S. A disputch from Prague says that after the full of Lemberg Austria tried to open nego tiations for peace with Russia. They were broken off. however, In the face of Russian demands, which, were the cession of Galicla to the pro Posed Polish kingdom, the cession of Bosnia to Servla, the constitution of the empire on a federal basis, the (rant of autonomy to Bohemia and Croatia and the rupture of the alli ance with Germany. Ecuador Is Not IUajimmI PARIS. Dec. 7 The Ecuador legs tlon here announced that the allega tions that violations of neutrality were taking place In the Galapagoa ixl an da have been Investigated by Ecuador. It declares that the government Is nt responsible for any violation whl-h may have taken jlare. The dltan:i and Isolatlim o? th hi, mils have pre vented a vigorous supervision. IF you&re not a Bryan Democr&ct and still insist on Prohibition Drink, we carry Hills Bros. Blue Can, 2 and S pound cans. Hills Bros Freemont Roast, 1 pound packages. J. X. ft J. B. In 3 and S pound cans. "Wadco," the King of thm all in threes. Crescent 9. In 1 lb. pckBgf. Also a full line of Crescent bulk Coffees and Teas. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St,