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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1914)
r page nam DAIU EAST ORKflQXTAy. POnLF.TOX.OTCEOON. TUKSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1914. EI0T1T PAGES THg ;-w few f it ' I ' 1 1 ;; r t". w We are loinpr the riirlit tiling; pivinpj full weight and full measure in pood Groceries, fre?h fruits and vegetables and ask ing onlj a fair price. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. JJCKRAB3ITS Will FURNISH CHRISTMAS DINNER TO W lllti SHOOT IS REIXG FLAWED rOU DAT BEFORE XMAS IX THIS COUNTY. Umatilla county Jackrabbita will furnish the riece de resistance upon many a Christmas table In Portland If the plans now under way are car ried out and indications are that they will bo. The biggest shoot ever held In Oregon U planned for the Sunday before Christmas and It will take In every locality in the county where the long-eared rests thrive. J. U Miller, traveling Passenger agent of the O.-W. It. & N".. suggest ed auca a fi'ioot to E E Cleaver of this city, statins' that the Associated Charities of Portland would be glad to receive a shipment of rabbits for distribution among the Portland poor and also stating that the railroad company would carry the shipment without charge. Mr. Cleaver at once began to ar range for the shoot and his plans have proceeded so far that there seems every likelihood that they will be car ried out. He has taken the matter up with prominent residents of Echo, Stanfield, Butter Creek. Hermlston and Umatilla and from all but one of these sections has received assurances . of co-operation. The Place for Xmas Candies is The Ilat-e of Strlc-tly Pendleton Indu-try. Our Canilio are made to eat. TjisteTn randhn are made to cl Ir Sweet to Eat The Delia. He WHERE THE FAVORITE TODAY and TOMORROW The General Film Company Presents This Lubin Masterpiece LN FIVE PARTS Ethel Clayton and George Soule Spencer Featured Same cast that appeared in "Lion and Mouse." "Third Degree," "The wolf" and the same producer, Barry O'Moore, we do not hesitate to say that "The House Next Door" is one of the best pictures ever in the city. Read Photoplay Column for Synopsis Picture starts 2, 3:15, 4:30 p. m. afternoons, 7, 8:15, 9:30 p. m. evenings Admission lie Children 5c RESOLVED That people aiaKc ThC(R.GooD luck by DOiNj THE RIGHT THING WE HAVE MADE QJR$ W HOT mSMQ THC CONFIPENCE OF OUR, PATRONS. SQUA&Z DEAL ALWAYS WINS. WE. VANT lb KEEP OUR. PATRONS 7UU tEU HAVE .jr- Bad luck bv DOiNJr5 RIGHT THINC v s7 i As planned the shooting parties will not merge but each one will bo given a section to cover. Ralph Stanfield has agreed to lead a party out from Echo, Mayor James Kyle has agreed to head a similar party out of Stan field and Fred Fullington of Umatilla has promised to organize a party to march out of Umatilla. J. II. Strohm has been asked to lead a party out of Hermlston and, while he Is expected to agree, no word has been received from him yet. Q. I. La Dow of this city will organize an auto party In Pendleton to go out Into the Stage Gulch country, and Mr. Cleaver him self will head another party to take the local In the morning, get off at Hlnkle, put In the day shooting; and return on the evening local. His par ty will be met by Pete Sheridan of Butter Creek with wagons which will follow in the rear of the party and pick up the rabbits. Mr. Cleaver believes the shoot will not only provide rabbit stew for hun dreds of poor people in Portland but will also furnish a good day's sport for Umatilla county sportsmen and at the same time eliminate many rab bits. He believes the combine kill should amount to 6000 rabbits. Last Trolly Rail Laid. OREGON CITY, Ore.. Dec, 8. The last rails connecting Mount Angel, Oregon City and Portland by a mod ern electric lnterurban system were laid on the Willamette Valley South ern. There were no ceremonies. Although trains can now be run from Oregon City Into the Marion county city on the Willamette Valley Southern, the road is far from com pleted, and It will prohably be at least a month before a schedule Is adopted. Poles to carry the trolly wires have been erected to Molalla. 19 miles from this city, and th wire has been trung within a fewnilcs of that town. From Molalla to Mount Angel the route t-hows only little curviture. Passenger coaches have been re ceived in Portland end ure beins as-M-mbled ready for delivery. White pine and yellow pine are the ! woods moft used for boxes, and each ' contributes more than a billion feet to the box Industry annually. A new store In Pendleton. All I r.ew etock and the greatest variety of gift suggestions in Umatilla county. P.ead the large advertisement on page In this paper. PLAYERS PLAY Pgiifssii Next Newsy Notes Deliver Two Cars. The City Auto Co., has just deliv ered two Maxwell 25 autos to F. O Lucas of Weston and Charles Kirk 01 Aintaa, More Walk to Bo Built. Permits for 350 feet of concrete sidewalk were Issued yesterday by Re. corder Fits Gerald, one for ZOO feet on Railroad street to Maple, Nolen and Dunlap and one for 160 feet on Pine street to E. Dunlap. Taken Old Position. D. S. Robinson, who left here re cently for Sheridan, Wyoming, to ac cept a position in a clothing store there, has returned to Pendleton to take his old position In the Schubert clothing store. With the retirement of Carry Taylor from the firm, Mr, Schubert sent for Mr. Robinson. Improving Orphcura Theater. K Manager Harry Medernach of the Orpheum theater today closed his playhouse temporarily to make Im provements. He will make many al terations In the interior, making It more modern and attractive and will install some new fixtures. Dr. Med ernach has decided to remain In the picture business In Pendleton and his Improvements are evidence of his faith both in the business and in the city. 'Pendleton Spirit Prevails." In a Baker paper, Secretary John O. Hoke of the Oregon Woolgrowers' Association, which met In convention here last week, accounts for the suc cess of the convention by the state tnent, "the Pendleton spirit prevail ed." He stated that all of the mem bera seemed Imbued with the charac teristic spirit of the Roundup City, and when contributions were asked to wipe out the deficit, every one re sponded with enthusiasm. Midget Team Reorganized. According to custom, the basketball men of the high school under 120 Dounda have assembled and elected their officers for the midget team for th romtnor season. Among the men qualified for office were Henry Lat ourelle, Ernest Crockett. Ernest Boy- 1AM T ..1. C..1A Tlurtrtn flrllllh. Tom Garret; all or wnom are iciier men. Ernest Crockett was elected manager and John Snyder captain. They will practice three nights out of each week, on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Games will probably be arranged with La Grande. Milton, and perhaps Union; but no definite sched ule has been arranged yet. Morgan's Death a Siirprl1. Coming as a surprise and shock to hU many friends in this city was the news of the death of Clifford L. Mor gan In Portland Friday. He died sud denly of heart disease. A few of his closest friends In this county knew that he was subject to attacks but were not prepared to learn of his death. Mr. Morgan first came to this county during the early days of the government project to run the hotel there but later became a colonizer and. In this capacity, made fifteen or twenty trips across the continent. He was Instrumental In bringing many families to this county. Before mov ing to Portland Mr. Morgan and his wife made their home in Pendleton for a year or more, living In the Judse Cean home on Tustin street. Captain Is FJeled. Sheldon Ulrich. star end on me high ' school football team for the past two seasons, will captain the 1915 P. 11. S. team. At a meeting of the team last evening, he was practically the unanimous choice of his team mates for the position Ulrich is only a sophomore this yyr and the se lortinn t,t a second year man to the captaincy is so unusual that It is a strong testimonial of the popularity of Ulrich among his fellows and of his ability as a player. Though he is a lightweight, his playing has been remarkable during the past two sea sons. Only three men of the 1914 team will be lost by graduation. They are Captain Brock, tackle, Charles THE HOME Or GOOD PICTURES Door of P endleton Kusseii and guard, Clarence Bean. T0 ii meir positions there will be plenty of second string material. Dlvoreo Is Granted. A decree of divorce by default was granted yesterday In the case of Mary Louise Lampkln vs Elvln Lampkln. Bought an Auto. Lee Brown, of the Pendleton Cash Market, has purchased a White Steamer from the local agent handl Ing that cur. Former Resident Here. Mr. and Mrs. T. B." Wells former residents of this county and well knowa here, are over from La Grande to visit for a few days. Mormon Elders May Colonize. io .vornion elders from Union county were here today and have gone to Butter Creek, supposedly to look over land suitable for a colony of Mormon settlers. Mortgage Is Foreclosed. Judge Fhelps has handed down an order foreclosing the mortgage on Freewater property involved in the suit of J. S. McLeod vs. Randolph R. Collins and Rosa Collins. The am ount of the mortgage is $1184.70 plus Interest. Charity Meeting Tonight. The meeting for the organization of an Associated Charities will be held this evening at 7:30 In the city hall and all charitably inclined people who wish to aid in forming a perma nent organization for the relief of the needy are requested to attend. More Hour Received. A few more contributions to the Hour shipment which Is to be made from Pendleton to Belgium for the relief of the women and children of that country have been made today. Amonff thtt nha.plK... I- n, . ii ,1 ,"",c,a -naries Hamilton who donated a barrel. Sues for Wases. Mrs. J. r. Johnson of Freewater. who alleges she was employed by the Weber-Busseli Canning Co. as care taker of the plant at Freewater at 310 a month, today filed suit against the company to collect $2S5 which Rhe claims as wages. S. D. Peterson Is her attorney. Shoekey Funeral Tomorrow. I he funeral of the latn Mr Si.rh J. Shockey will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Episco pal church. John Shorkov n t the two surviving sons of the deceas ed, arrived thi .. .1 tun land, California where h i t..i. dispatcher on the Southern Pacific. Kid See Pictures Free. tome 8j0 school children nf PnnriL. ton enjoyed a moving picture treat yesterday afternoon at the Alta th. ater. Their teachers escortprt hm to the theater where 'The Patch work Girl of Ox" was unreeled for mem through the courtesy of h management Suit to Defend Title Frank J. Beale today started milt against A. W. Ocobock to clear the title to forty acres in section one, township 5. north of range 34. He alleges he is the owner of the land and that defendant claims pome title to it through an alleged sheriffs sale In 1895. Carter & Smythe filed the suit. Appointed Administrator. M. J. Keating of this city has been appointed administrator of the estate of Dan Feters, who died In 1897. The widow of the deceased man, Mrs. An nie Horan, applied for an adminis trator. The estate left by Mr. Pe ters ta valued at something over 5, 000. f.'o to Portland. Charles II. Marsh, secretary of the Hartman Abstract Co. and county Judge-elect, and Roland Oliver, Inde pendent grain buyer, left last night for Portland. Mr. Marsh will prob ably attend the meeting of county courts there. Judge Maloney and Roadmaster Martin will leave tonight nnd County Clerk Sallpg will go down tomorrow. With Judge Phelps and! Treasurer Bradley going down, there will be few county officials left here. $30 Fine and 20 Days. A 850 fine and a 20 day Jail sen tence was Imposed this afternoon upon a man giving the name of F. C. Mar tin who was arrested on a charge of immoral acts and practices. Upon complaint of the landlady of a local rooming house he was taken Into cus tody for registering himself and it woman, not his wife, as man and wife. The woman was not appre hended. Will Help Multnomah Judge. Upon Instructions from the supreme court of the state, Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps will leave tomorrow for Portland where he will assist the Judges of that district In clearing up their docket. Judi?e Phelps has dls - rosed of all matters In his own court for the present and expects to remain In Portland through this week and next. The elimination of Judge C'leeton In Portland has cau-jg ed a great congestion of litigation In tho Multnomah court and calls for help are being sent over the state to the other judges. McDIil Wonts Job Too, J. B. McDiil, former superintend ent (it tho poor farm here, is a candi date for the position of superintend ent of the .tate training school nt Salem. This is tho position that Is to l.ecome vacant soon and various reports from Falem and Portland dur- Inif the lHt few weeks have credited Captain C. A. Murphy of the state hospital, tin hclnx In lino for tho pliirn. However a petlt'on asking for .vejwi'H appointment has been cir culated and it is -said has been presented to the state board. E. W. McComas, former republican chair man here. Is said to be bucking Mc Dill. Since resigning as poor farm superintendent McDIil has been funn ing in Alberta and came down Just before the recent election to work for his friend ex-Judge GUIIIund. Gym ('Ins to Reorganize. The business-, men's gymnasium class which has met during the win ter months for the past seven or eight years, will be reorganized tomorrow evening and resume meetings three times a week on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays between the hours of 5 and t. The class meets in the gymnasium in the rear of the Com mercial club rooms. Slay Remove Rolieel. Mrs. Catherine Starr, sister of Ru dolph Scheel, well known reservation farmer who was recently declared insane and committed to the eastern Oregon hospital. Is here and plans to remove her brother to a private san itarium for treatment. She has se cured the consent of Supt. McNury and of J. A. Fee. recently appointed guardian of Mr. Scheel. TANK STEAMSHIP BURNED AT SEA; 34 OF CREW LOST LONDON', Dec. 8. Two survivor terribly burned, out of 36 sailors of the tank steamer Vedra, burned at sea, landed at Barrow, England. The vessel was bound from Mexican ports for Barrow and was sighted already nearly destroyed by fire off Waney Islands. Rescuers took off two men. The othe 34 perished. BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT IS FINANCIAL SUCCESS $23 NETTED WHICH WILL GO TOWARD SUPPORT OF CIVIC COIT"EE CLUB. - school activity. The benefit entertainment given at Since A. C. Hampton accepted the the Alta theater last evening In be- Position of principal of the local high half of the Civic Coffee club fund school In 1907, there has been a reg proved very successful both financial-, ulnr. record breaking routine of ac ly and otherwise. As a result of tho complishments In this activity, effort, $25 is added to the club fund. Through his Influence the high school the receipts last evening above ex- became a member of the Stato League penses going to the fund. 1 In 1908. but that yoar there was a The picture program consisted of the Paramount picture. "The Patch- work Girl of Oi" and was alone worth the price of admission charged. This program was supplemented by a number of excellent musical and lit- erary selections by local people, the opening number being a selection by aicuonaid s orcnestra. Miss Irmaiee was sent to Eugene, Oregon to corn Campbell rendered two vocul solos In pete In the finals for the champlon a beautiful manner and Mrs. Ada t.hln of the state, where it was defeat. Losh Rose entertained with several readings rrom Uiiey. two vocal se- lections by Mrs. J. S. Landers were cordially received and the same was true of a group of songs by Mrs. J. R. Dickson. Garland Gray and Wal- Hartwell and Lyman Rice was again ter Rose were the male vocalists. Mr.l,ent to Eugene for the finals, and Rose taking the place of the quartet this time brought home the state which was prevented-from appearing, trophy, a beautiful silver cup. In He sang In splendid voice and was uu Mr Hampton sent a third team roundly applauded. The pogranv composed of James Hartwell. leader, closed with two selections, "Some- ciaud Hampton and Chester Fee to where a Voice Is Calling." and th fiaaIai Dut tMn ilm the CUD WBJ "When Night Falls." by Mrs. Carl iOHt by a two t0 one decision. power- I In 112 there was a lack of ma- The ladles interested in the benefit tprlB, and tnat year no team WM performance today express pleasure chown and there WM a ,u , ,he over the success of the affair and have r(.K11ar forensic routine of the high tendered a vote of thanks to Mr. 8hoo, unt mJ wn(n a fourtn ,eam Slype for the use of the theater. , comp08pj of Verna, nackmnn nJ PENDLETON HIGH WILL PUT OEBHTIKG TEAM IX FIELD WITH EXCELLENT RECORD PAST. LOCAL SCHOOL TO TRY FOR HONORS. IX With a record such as no other of the hundred high schools in the state interscholastlc debating league can approach. Pendleton high school will ajraln'thls year put a team on the platform to compete for champion-' ship honors. Inasmuch as both mem- That Great New England Drama 3 Staged on 3 S gj - c jHf g g gs : 3 g g 3 gp gr: es Admission 15c I SHOP EARLY! Is timely advice to the Xmas Gift Giver. Do you realize just how near we are to Xmas? Won't be long and the selections will be broken. Some timely suggestions at prices you can afford to pay. Our policy is to sell you the same grade goods for less. Why not a bath robo at $1.98 $2.08, ?3.08. Or a kimona at these priee.i, 08, $1.08, $2.08, $5.00, $7.00. Nothing mloro appropriate than furs for Christina x jrifts. Muffs $3.08, N $5.00, $G.OO, $8.00, $0.00. Children's fur seta at about half the price olhcra would nsk vou $1.08, $2.10, $2.08, $ 1.08. Tailored skirts real $0.00 val ues at $3.08 $7.50 values at. $1.08 $10.00 values at $5.00 Shirt waists of lawn, em broidered voile, silk crepe, taffeta or mcssalino 08, $1.08, $2.08, $3.08. Silk hose are alwavs acceptable 40 08. " . Box stationery at 10, 15, YOU CAN DO BETTER AT -r bers of the champion team of last j 'er re in school, prospects seem vry bright in this department of lack of material, and there was no I team to compete for the state honora ' In 1309. however. Mr. Hampton, j acting as debate coach, produced a re- J markabie team composed of Frank ' Kngdhal, and Roy Roland, with Har-I old Warner as leader. This team won J every debate In w hich It engaged, and j ed by a two to one decision. This j was the first team which competed n the state league. i mo another team composed of, ret..r Crockett as leader and James' leader, and Clarence Bran, succeeded ! in overthrowing all opposition and wiu sent to Eugene, where they car- ! rled off tho state cup for the local hlch school. i I'Hrw'liml Hnmrlnn t Vi a lncnl Mirto schorl has won distinction throughout 'the Ftatc as u debate poach, and nj , great deal If not all of tho supcksm of j Pendleton high school In this activity I has been due to his efforts to place j the local school In the lead In this 1 line of activity Kaiser Restrict Drink. AMSTERDAM. Dec 8 Germany ha. taken a leaf from the czar's book in' declaring through an official order that tha sale of alcoholic beverairej the Rugged Coast and portraying strong New England char acters, nothing has been spared to make this story realistic to the last degree. The scenes taken on the schooner beating out to sea in the storm, the fight at the foot of the lighthouse stairs and the Christmas reunion in the last act, all combine to make a great film. In the cast are Chas. A. Stevenson and Violet Homer TODAY TOMORROW The'flHa Tlioolro r,:,:::::;: r.1 1 1 1 l -, ', ,; Don't miss the enjoyment this play will glvo you. Children 5c lOf, 25, 40 08.. Mackinaw coats for men, women and children at $3.08, $ 1.08, $5.00. Why not an overcoat, better let us show vou our values, $0.00, $12.50, $11.75 Or a suit of clothes would not Iw out of the way on A Christmas tree $7.00, $0.00, $12.50, $14.75 Boys knickerWker suits at $1.08, $2.08, $3.08, $1.08. Xeckties in fancy boxes 75c and $1.00 values 40f, G0. Shaving sots and military brushes 08, $1.08, $2.40, $2.08. Handkerchiefs 3 to a lox 25 Handkerchiefs 4 to a box 30 Fur glove with long gatinfr lets 08 $1. 10, $1.08, $2.10. E LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW ....fWi,,. Is strictly forbidden In the eastern province The order came as the result of recommendations made by courts martial, which tried several cases of desertion. In almost every instance the soldier declared that he acted un der the Influence of drink. The Boise national forest In Idaho had 30 fires during the past summer, et 28 were held down to less than 10 acres, and of these 16 were leas than one-quarter of an sere. The su pervisor says this success was due to a lookout tower, and to efficient telephone and heliograph service. Toric Lenses are the best Vc priml nnd fit them to pive tho wrnror comfort nnJ cat i.-fact ion. ALL WOKK GUARAN TKK1). Dale Rothwell HofracMnp nnd Manufactur ing Optician. wkh HanacMR. THE Jeweler P. 0. UMjr. Pendleton, Ore. Phone 329 J. I of Maine 1