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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1914)
, .. I ... T1T0TIT PAOKS DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OTIKOON', MONDAY, DKCEMHER 7, 1914 PAOE SKVKM BUYING SNAP IS CAUSE OF RISE rrjiion of dullness at cm. CAGO I VH.U) WH with moderate reaction. CHICAGO, Dec. 7 There was buy Inf iftP 10 wheat trade nt the opening with December well over thr high nnd closing on tho tharp upturn of Friday at $1.16 3-4. A period of dullness followed with moderate reaction to 11.16 3-R nnd 11.11 3-8 for May. , The, surprise for tho trade came JtiHt before the clone when December win marked up quickly 1c to $1.17 3-8, the May again going to tho high polnt'of tho morn Inf. At top figures, tho spread be tween the two month was narrowed to I l-2c nnd at the clone 11.17 and $121 8-4. the difference was 4 8 4c. Minneapolis decreased stocks 5000 bushels over night, the first cut . In that quarter for many weeks. Rosarlo cables claim unsettled Argentina weather for the early wheat harvest. Regarding of the dull speculative trad for Saturday, local cash houses sold 140,000 bushels to exporters. Cash wheat shipments are being made from Minneapolis to Interior points LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR t hK GRANDMA'S SAGE TEA AND sulphur ui oii'i: and no. BODY WILL KNOW. In both Hiring and winter wheat states. Spurt of strength' In corn on first rades established prices at 65c for December Hnd a split under 69 l-2c for May. The Liverpool caldo quoted futures 8 4d liigher, based on ad vancing prices In Argentina. Received houses again had reports of light country offerings. Sample market ruled steady to l-2c higher. Many Illinois points are reporting feeders Anxious buyers of about all the corn that can be shipped. Cosh Bales were 130,000 bushels, Including 65,000 bushels to exporters. Dullness was lurgely responsible for a reaction to iibout Friday' price at the close. Moderate bullish demonstration to lay In out to about-48 to 48 3-Sc for December, nnd C2 l-2o for May, with a reaction ut thp close to 48 l-2e nnd 52 l-2c. Cash prices held firm, shipping sale 105.000 bushels. INavlni'Ms marked the provision trade for the session with a decline In May pork under $18.60 at the low point. WHEAT. Dee Open, $1.16 3-8; high, $117 3 8; low, $1.16 8-8; close, $1.17. May Open, $121 3-8; high, $121 3-8; clos.', $1.21 $-4B. DEAD WOMAN MADE TO TJREATIJE AGAIN The use of Page and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er time. She used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect Hut brewing nt home Is mussy and ut of date LOS A NO ELKS, Dec. 6 By grasp ing the heart of Mrs. Walter Akers, fand artificially restoring Its pulsa Hon, Mrs. C. S. Hutchinson and P M. Williams brought their patient lark from the land of the dead. Mrs. Akers died, they said, during an operation. She had been dead 10 minutes, Dr. Williams said, When Dr. Hutchinson, reaching through the ab dominal Incision that had been made, grasped her heart and gently manip ulated It. Simultaneously, Dr. Hutch. In.'on worked to restore respiration. Their efforts succeeded, and the op eration was completed successfully. Mrs. Akers. it was admitted at the hospital where she lies, was testing rnslly today. Local Playhouses WHAT the Preu Aint Hti to Say of Present and Coming Atfaactioni A? V J Sale of TIiiiIht Offered. PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 5 The district forester at Portland. Oregon. Is offering for sale eight million board Nowadays, by asking atj feet of timber on the Tongass National any drug tor for a 60-eent bottle of Forest, Alaska. The timber consists "Wyeth' Sage and .Sulphur .Com- (,f sitka spruce and western hem pound," you, will get this famous oldiWk, and Is situated on Cowle river. recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Ita splendid for dan druff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well known downtown drunKlst says It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. Tou simply damp en a sponge or soft brust with It and draw this through Tour hair, taking one atrand at a time. Ry morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two It becomes beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. CHICHESTER S PILL PI IS it tl-rlm-trrt lllaMaJ llr; I'illam li4 " "4 - W mJ .lk I I IKII4M. V T.L. - - mi S.. rift mt 9MI V M. Mm Mt i.;m riilsnu eitk'-l' !. I.-I,'l0.l4' I nt the south end of Rerner's Ray, on the mainland near Lynn canal. The timber is now being advertised fnr the receipt of competitive sealed bids, at the rales of $1.00 per M. for Sitka spruce nnd 50 cents per M for western hemlock. The agreement with the forest service for the sale of this timber will allow approximately three years for cutting nnd removal, and an optional Increase In the origi nal stumpnge rates, not to exceed CO cents per M. may be made by the district forester after the first year of the cutting period. OrplicuiiH Sunday and Monday. "Mlruge," tho. twelfth instalment of the "Tray O' Heart." "Her Own Home," Eclair. Mildred Is forced to leave her old home when ber father dies unci she goes to the city and secures a position us steno grapher. Pustlmo Today, Yesterday, "A Gentleman from Mississippi," featuring Tom Wise, had It first screen appearance In this city nnd will be shown for the last time today. Thomas Wise, ac knowledged .without a superior and few peers on the American stage to day appears at his best In this pic ture. As the senator, Mr. Wise per sonifies the kindly jolllety. the Im peachable honor and steadfastness of purpose which has surrounded the "southern gentleman" from time Im memorable in story books and on the stage. If not actually In real life. It Is none other than this same susceptibility to the wiles of woman that come near proving his undo ing, In the face of a great resolve and nn heroic sacrifice, he almost lets a designing society-woman-lobbyist lead him from his purpose and un do all the good he has performed In ears of applying himself to his Ideal. Picture starts 7:00, 8:10 and J:20. Admission, adults, 15c, children 5c. llanley llle Taptuso Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. William Hanley, progressive candidate for the United States senate, filed hla final campaign expense account, showing contributions of $10 000,715 and ex lenditures of $10,326. mainly In ad vertislng Oregon In weekly newspa "n) MoiKlttV-TueMlay. Klindt Prothers, In their comedy acrobatic act are one continual laugh for besides being very skillful acrobats they are comedians us well No one could help but laugh at their funny nnticH; that is a very pleasing act all through. We have a fine singins team on also, consisting of a man nnd a boy; they sing some of the old favorites and the war song "It's a long, long way to Tlpperary," The laughing song makes a tyt. "A Romance of. Old Holland." 2 reel Rroncho. A stirring tale of ad venture on land and sea. The story Is supposed to take place among the Dutch In Holland, nnd the settings nnd costumes are In keeping with the Ktory. The ocean scenes are very fine. "A Denver Romance." Thanhauser This picture was taken In Denver and how interesting scenes around the city, which have been skillfully work ed into the story. "Among the Mourners," Keystonei More Keystone nonsense In which the gang of knock-down artists make the usual amount of laughs. NURSE SLAYS MILLIONAIRE IN LOVE MYSTERY Miss Heda Rurgemelter, who kill ed. Otto Koelher, a Texas millionaire, at the left. Mrs. Emma Dashchel, for whose protection she says she fired. Relow Mr. Koehler. SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 7. The at tention of the aouthwest I centered In the mysterious slaying of Otto Koehler, one of the wealthiest men In Texas, by Heda Burgemeister, a beautiful trained nuree. The tragedy occurred In the nurse's cottage here. The millionaire and the nurse are known to have been very friendly during the last three years and it 1 believed by the police that a proposal on the part of Koehler that they ter minate their intimacy resulted in a quarrel and the subsequent murder. When neighbor broke Into the cot tage and found the girl with a smok ing revolver In her hand bending over the dead body of Koehler she said: "I shot him to protect myself and a friend," her friend being Mrs. Er ma Daschel, who was visiting her at the time of the tragedy but who de clares she was not In the room when the shooting occurred." MiiiuiMnmiiiiMiiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniui: before you build I 1 no matter if it's a home, a barn. ' out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior get my prices I If you want it cheap or S good, we can nil your order MILL WORK I TO ORDER The greatest stock and 5 variety in Umatilla 5 kMS'lSCx County of 1 Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts 1 and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. 1 Wood and Rock Springs Coal I B. L. BURROUGHS I 1 Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 iiiiiintiimiimi immiiiiimiiiuimiimimimimimii iiimmmmiiimmiiiim: coupon race FOUR-IN-ONE PIIEIC ..ANNA RELLE DOLL' Brirwr or sond five of thtse Coupons properly Bipncd and 10 to the East Oroironian office and cot a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna m-n uvu Pendleton, Ore.,.. .1914 XT- rv. - ----- EAST OREOONIAIn l ull uu,, .1n. Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give mo a "Four-in-One" muslin cutout feature or "Anna Bell Doll." Name.. Addrcea If sent hy mail add 2o for postage. BE SURE AND STATE WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED Sick Headache. Silk hdndache Js nearly alwayi caused by disorders of the stomach Correct them and the periodic attacks of sick headache will disappear. Mrs. John lllfhop of Rosevllle, Ohio, writes: "About a year ago I was troubled with Indigestion and had sick headache that lasted for two or three days at a time. I doctored and tried a number of remedies but noth ing helped me until during one of those sick spells a friend advised me to take -Chamberlain's Tablets. Thl medicine relieved me In a short time." For sale by all dealers. Adv. Oxt-woks Arc lauded FETItOGRAD. Dec. 5 Count Leo Tolstoi son of the famous novelist, writes in the Novoe Vremya newspap er his impressions of the Cossacks. "Coiwack bravery" he says, "knows no bounds. Their little horses are Just like their masters, and they are performlnlg wonders. I know the ense of a Cossack who, meeting a (German patrol much larger than hla own, galloped off at full speed across the track where tho German officer was about to pass, with the object ot meeting him. In this he succeeded, and at the critical moment he whis pered to his hore the sacramental Copsack expression, Kshc' Kshe". "Tho horse came to a dead stop, but the German could not pull up so quickly, and he brushed past. As he did so, the Cossack with perfect self pvses;lon and calculation, rose In stirrups and drove his lnnce through hla adversary. The Cossack is now ly ing wounded In one of the Polish hos pitals. His horse Is dead. The wound he considers a small matter, but the death of his horse has nearly broken his heart. "The stamina and enurance of these men are scarely less wonderful than their bravery. I have seen at this same hospital a handsome young trooper with a shock of raven black hair, who Is recovering from a terrib ly mangled hest. He was not wound ed by the enemy, but fell down a steep A! - " "V-x- - " t vi- ' ". - v-w ..--r ::: . , . s- ' 1 ' - - , 11 .7 -'";--'".' '.; -1 'v;;;.i ;'v:5 (; v :p., ' ' ; ? A i -J I 1 h r:r-- . ; v.r. t-vU: : . 4 8 &fY y-jl ft, r i'l STI-MMxIIIP l IM'M.I-JI Oi l" MldliK PHIf.ADBf.PHf A, D--C. 7 -The stennmhlp (ireat Nortlirn. a thre million dollar vrwel built by the Crampi l t' ply between Astoria and iin Krun rlseo for the C, Northern Pacific steurnhl was blown anhore off Burt Mif flin In a forty mile Kale tuns, after working two and a half hours, pulled the vetm I off and It stcanieI out to sea on It! four day trial trip. SPOR TS SPOHT CHATTER. X (Ry Hal Sheridan, written for the . United Press.) NEW YORK. Doc. 5. Killing the fitfht game in California, may be fino for civilzation, but It will be pretty tough on the fight gamo experts and the real champions. When the last twenty-round battle Is fought on the coast, lt,wlll mean that there will be left only one place In the United States where that length fight can be pulled off New Orleans. Tills will mean that there will be vastly more "championship battles" of ten rounds length pulled off than ever before. In a ten round fight, the best title-holder that ever lived, stands more phow of losing his battle than In a longer affray. Then round fights very seldom end. via the sleep route and everyone knows how light ly decisions are hurled about after a battle, In which neither side wins decisively. It doesn't take a professor In ap plied mathematics nor a man with Sherlock Holmes sense In the science of deduction to figure that under oiiv. the woods, prairies ravine. He was hurled down thetPpP,anj ejttoR will be full of champs, near side of the bottom with his horse the. pair rolling over and over. The doc- tors say that nobody but a Cossack could survive such an experience. champs and cheese champs, claim ing all the titles In this world nnd the next. If fight managers remain un changed, and at present writing there "What Is death to such men." It Is mg a,1!0iutely no hope for the bet nothing. Only deeds count with them ter along this line, they will lay In the heat of battle a Cossack feels pftns to R m,e even ,f only one flght throunhout his whole being that for him nothing la Impossible. There Is no obstnele he cannot surmount, no enemy he cannot vanquish. With such an army Kussla is bound to march to victory." expert out of a down says aner a scrap, that would have received a de cision had a decision been made. We hesitate to make any sugges tions regarding possible ways In which ... . i i t. .. . .. II n.n. .tin Plot of Nippon Will Meet I ' lne crru. - TOKIO, Dec. 7. The Imperial ns immi m.i, ,,. invene today, ac. inroaiy, ior u-m However, Japanese Diet will convene today, ac cording to official announcement, published recently. Teace prize pinned on us, should we stop hesitating and sug gest, we say that If the National LeaKue really ousted Murphy, the Am erican I.engue big Hill Devery and the Children's Cough Children's .Colds Itntl. Am KCrtoil whn nn of vour little ones shows' Federals Gllmore. It ought to be even symptoms of an approaching cold, j up and time to shake hands all give It Dr, Pell's Pine-Tar-Honey at i around, once. It acta quickly, and prevents the cold growing worse. Very heal-i The secret Is out. Harvard's slic ing soothes the lungs, loosens the' ccks, despite the loss of Prlckloy was mucous, strengthens the system. It's explained by a Crimson grnd the guaranteed. Only :.'c at your drug-j other day. Prlckley's appendix, kept KM. Puy a bottle today. in a bottle, was surreptitiously car- Puklen's Arnica Salve for sores. rled to New Haven by two superstltl Adv. cus undergrads who had access to where it waa kept Those two times that Yale threatened to score, the bot tle was unwrapped and held on high. Believe it or not that's the way it was told to ua. Lehigh produced the best drop kicker of the season in Cahall, who booted the leather over 14 times In seven games. KII.P.AXK TO FIGHT AS A LIGHTWEIGHT AKRON, O., Dec. 7. Chamrlon Johnny Kllbane, the Cleveland feath erweight, will Invade the lightweight ranks when he fights Joe Mandot of New Orleans. Articles were signed last month In Cleveland for a twelve round bout and each man agreed to make 133 pounds ringside. This 'will be the first time that Kllbane has stacked up against a tcnotcher in the lightweight ranks. Killed in Explosion. DALLAS. Ore., Dec. 7 While cleaning out a shed In the rear of his store last night, A. D. Cook, post master of Parker, was Instantly kill ed by an explosion of dynamite. It is believed Cook either stumbled while carrying a 60 pound box of explosive, or accidentally dropped It He was literally blown to pieces. In-irno Pill I'noVr Way. ROSEI5UP.O, Ore., Dec. S W. W. Cardwell, reprsentatlve-eert from. Douglaa county, la preparing an "in iuranco" bill which he will submit to the consideration of the stat legis lature at Its session In January The measure proposed by Mr. Caldwell will be brief and will simply provld that Insurance companies operating in the state of Oregon will be respon sible for every dollar of Iwmrane they write, unless fraud la proved. Mr. Cardwell aaya the present In surance laws are lame and that It la next to Impossible to recover on contested policy. tt of Ohio, city of Toledo, l.imi loopty . a. Frtnk J CbnT mikts oeth that be to nl'f prrcer of the frn of f. i. Cbney k Co.. doing btMloM In the City of To ledo. Conoty snl State aforwall. snd thst u:1 nr. ii alii iar tn turn or I'KKU IK)M.Al:H f'.r eerlj snl ery rase of Catarrh that rannot be rnred by the aae A UALL8 t ATAICKI! CfltK. HtA.VK J. CHENET. Hwom to brfore me and aihwrlbed la my prmrnre, tbla 8th da ot December, A. I. IMS. (Heal) A. W. f?LEA5OT Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cnre ! taken latemally in seta directly uo ihe bld sod din nia inrfarm of tbc ajfteox SQd fur tec tlmoaU!. free F. J. CriEXEY k CO., Toledo, O. Sold br all liruri'lata. TDe. Take Hall's family Pill for cncatlpattoa. ACID IN STOMACH SOURS THE FOOD says excess of hydrochlor ic acid is cause of in-digestion: A well known authority states that stomach trouble and indigestion la nearly always due to acidity acid stomach and not aa most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive Juices. He states that an excess of hydro chloric acid in the stomach retard digestion and starts food fermenta tion then our meals sour like garbage In a can, forming acid fluids and gas es which Inflate the stomach like toy balloon. We then get that heary. lumpy feeling In the chest, we eruc tate sour food, belch gas, or hav heartburn, flatulence, waterbraah, or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive) aids and Instead, get from any har macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast while it Is ef fervescing, and furthermore, to con tinue this for one week. While re lief follows the firct dose, It is im portant to neutralize the acidity, re move the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thua promote a free flow of pure digestive) juices. Jad Pa! Is Is in expensive and made from th acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lthla and so dium phosphate. This harmless salt) Is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY f FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTORNEYS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 52 RALEY RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT JL A. F. and A. M meets At Office in American National first and third Monday of Bank Building. ch monta. All visiting brother, ar. A rE ATTORNEY AT 'PTltd- law. Office In Despaln building. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. CARTER St SMYTH E. ATTURNBY9 . at law. Office In rear of American " un- 'i '; 112.21'' "1.,"". V National Bank- building. JOHN & BAKER. FUNERAL Dl- rector and licensed embalmer jxmE3 B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor jaw, office over Taylor Hardware two funeral car. Call responded to company. day or night Phone T8. PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR- S. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE lw'. room S and 4. Smlta- ' Funeral director and lleenseJ em- Crawford building, nalmer. Most modern funeral parlor. a AIL.FY ATTORNEY morrue and funeral car. Call re- DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY "ended to day or night Corner t law. Will practice in all UU Main and Water streets. Telephone J. "f Meral court. Rooms 1. 1. 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY - "r'."r.Trt?,r" at law, estate settled, will, deeds. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKE mort ud contracU Co,. reliable abatracU of UU. to a 1, f lands In Umatilla county. Loan oi . city and farm property. Buy ano ' sella all kind of real estate. Doet FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY a general brokerage business. Pay at UWt office In 8mlth-Crawford taxes and make Investment for non- buildlnf. resident Writes fire, life and accl- '. lent Insurance. Reference, any bank S. A, LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND In Pendleton. eonsullor at law. Office In Deepaln JAMSS JOHNS, Pre. building. C H. MARSH, Sec ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY BENTLET LEFFINGWELU REAL Pmw ln puJtp estate, fire, Ufe and accident lnnr- PHYSICIANS. ance agent, lit Main street Faon -aro-.rt-,,-, ,-i-.-r-r-r-m 404. H. 8. OAR FIELD, M. D HOMEO - - - . am. - . . . pathle physician and surgeon. Of LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DS flee Judd Block. Telephone: Office crlptlon for county court, clrcal S4l W: reeldence tit J court Justice court, real estate, ete -.- . - 1 . .. for sale at East Oregonlan office. AUCTIONEERS. VETERINARY SURGEONS. COU W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEBJ mskea a sreclslty of farmer' etec C. W. LASSEN. M. D V. COUNTT and machinery sales. "The man th Veterinarian: Residence telephone a-ets you the money " Leave orde' 17; office tellephone SO. at East Oregonlan office. SECOND-HAND DEALFHS. V. STROBLE. DEALER LN Kl' and second-hand good. Case a-. for all second-hand goods bougk' Cheapest place ln Pendleton to ba household goods. Call and get ale price. 11 E. Court street Pkeae 171W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT case. or give tratf for Umatilla county farm, 120 to $60 per acre. Ad dree, Box IS. Athena, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVTTATIONe wedding announcement, mboa4 private and buslnesa stationery, ete. Very latest style. Call at East Orei Ionian office and uunple. TRESPASS NOTICES, STALLIO!. SEASON CARDS and SALE PILL of every description printed at rea onable price at the East Oregonlan. We have a fin lot of stock cut that our patron are allowed the free um ot AUCTION SALES THE EAST OK egonlan makee a specialty of aae tlon sale bills, card and advertlaln. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk ane advertising complete that will eHur you of having a successful sale j BEAVER .ENGRAVING ! COM F'ANY "''jy" tV-rfrJT V i';'- i !