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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1914)
' CAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREOOXTAN. PENDLETON. OTxEflON". MONDAY. DKCKMHER ETOTIT PAOER 11)14. VDOL MARKET H AS RESULT OF I1 STAGE PIA1 II MOST T f, i Ml STRONG MISTO STUDENTS I) l; I Golden West I Coffee Week ;'! All This Week H 110 SHORTAGE III PRODUC SUCCESSFUL i Better Coffee for Less i i ! I I Rft..tPr1 .nrl PrLl Al WAY? I I 1 inOreeon FRESH! ! O Regular $1.10 OQJ r 'I t I 5 POUNDS $1 CA i Rfr$1.75tPltJU 1 POUND or feUZ: At Your Grocer's fi THE BEST iWiPt :! ! 7ts Guaranteed StUlW& ft$f I Closset & Devers llgOFFElt 'tlv'!t i Iff SCARCITY OF SUPPLIES SHOWN AT AM, CENTERS MAY HE ACUTE. All finultvi Are Affected Conditions Next Y'ear Promise to Re Influenc ed by present Situation Embargo Plaoe Portland Mills In Awkward Position. "THE CAPTAIN OP PLYMOUTH" PUT OX HY HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS IS GOOD. Xo Efforts Kiwrcd to Make Ploy a Suecros In Every May Stajro Set ting and Scenery Made by Loeal Talent All participant Take lie- hiHvtlvo Paru Well. The OlJost and Largest Coffee Roasters in the Northwest. Oojspt&drfm i K rANQt 5EATTLC ? PL WK SELL C.OIJ)EX WEST COFFEE .SEJ: OIU LARGE WINDOW DISPLAY. The Peoples Warehouse PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 7. The ex tretne atrength of the wool market on the North Pacific coast and In the Atlantic seaboard markets U not due to any local conditions, but to world wide shortage of supplies. That this shortage will become much more acute next season and will probably bo severe for many years. Is Indicated from the reports received from various portions of the world. With domestic woolen interests eager to contract fleece In interior of th Pacific northwest at S3 cents a pound and even better reports heard, the price of wool promises to make entirely new high records during the 115 sales season. The following report of the foreign situation, wtilch comes from Theodore Jaeckel, United States consul at Stav- anger, Norway, Is of vital Interest: The embargo placed upon the ex portation of wool by England, which country prior to the war supplied all the wool consumed by the woolen mills In Norway, has placed the local mills In a most awkward position. Unless the situation can be remedied In the near future, elttier by lifting the embargo, at least so far as the exportation of wool to Norway is con. cerned. or by the success of the ef forts to procure wool from South Am erica which are now being made by the woolen mills, the latter will soon have to close down. In this district It is stated that none of the mills have a supply in hand sufficient to last more than two months. A meeting of the textile manufact urers of the country was called to dls- cuss the situation, and to take con certed action In this extremity, at Chrbtlanla. It Is believed that the proposal will undoubtedly be made to send a representative to Buenos Ay res to purchase wool In large quan tities for the mills here. In the meantime the Norwegian government Is endeavoring to per suade the British government to lift (Special Correspondence.) IIERMISTON, Ore.. Dec. 7. "The Captain of Plymouth" given Friday evening at the high school by that student body was most successful from every point of view. , The play, which is considered dlf flcult for the amateur and which proved too much for some of the larger towns In this section was stag ed well by the local school. Mrs. II. M. Gunn was responsible for the great success as she spared no efforts to bring out every char acter. She was assisted In the mu sic by Mrs. F. A. Phelps and Mr. F. M. Guivlrts In the Indian war dances. The stage setting and scenery were made principally by one of the stu dents. George Prlndle, being assisted by others of the school. It Is Mr Prlndle's first attempt at work of this kind though he has before shown remarkable alent The back ground was the Atlantio In the distance with thick forests on the side while in the immediate front la the seashore. ine setting was log cabin and evergreen trees which added much to tne effect of the different scenes. Gordon Shotwell as Miles Standlsh, Henry Gunn as John Alden, George rnnaie as Elder Brewster and War ner Blakeslee as Erasmus, Miles' right bower, were the male stars of the cast while Marlon Leek as Pris- cilla. Alice Lambert ns Katonka, an Indian princess, and Fannie Todd as Mercy, an early American girl were the principal characters among the girls. The costuming of the puritan men rnd maidens and of the soldiers, In dians and squaws, in the choruses "ere striking and applicable. The most picturesque scene was the Indian war dances, at dusk, when the Indian chiefs and their bands held ceremonial dances around their cap. tives, Miles Standlsh and Erasmus. All that seemed to be lacking in XO KEIH CTJOXS IX RANGES TO BE FEARED PORTLAND. Ore. Dec 5. A a whole, the range in the national for ests of Oregon and Washington Is now In such splendid shape, that no GOOD NEWS. Many Pendleton Readers nave II card It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast." and in thousands of bad back sufferers in Pendleton, are glad to learn where relief may be found. Many a lajne, 'weak and aching back is bad no more, thank to Doan'a Kidney Pills. Our citlitns are telling the goo 3 news cf their experience with this teste! remedy. Here is an example worth reading: Jo."-ph E. Magfert. 613 Lw!s St.. Pendleton, Oregon, says: "I fe,'t quite miserable from a dull, drigsin; bak&che, cauned by heavy lifting. A friend said that perhaps my kidneys were causing the trouble and told me to try Doan"s Kidney Pills. I used three boxes in all and was complete ly cured. I gladly confirm all I aaU about Doan's Kidney Pills when 1 recomroenaea tnem some years ago A short time ago when I again need ed a kidney medicine, I took DoanV Kidney Pills and one box fixed .n In good shape." Price tOc, at all dealers. Don't elmply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Masgert had. Foster-Milburn Co. Props., Buffalo, N. T. fears need be felt that reductions in me grazing privilege will te neces sary for years to come. Only very intensive agricultural conditions and a heavy demand from settlers will Justify it. hen the forests were created, it was found that the range was heavily overstocked and overgrazed. This necessitated heavy reductions In the cumber of stock. Reductions were made for two reasons: (1) To stop aamage to the range, and (2) to pro vide grazing privilege for deserving settlers. For the past four or five years, however, no reductions havt been made for any purpose. While at times reductions hare been con sldered. and even notice given to that effect the step has never been taken the embargo on the exportation of carrying out the romance of the play wool to Norway. The Norwegian was that Miles did not marry the government aiso nas piacea an em- Deautlful Indian princess, Katonka pargo on me exportation oi wooi anu and that he could not do for Tn ... 1 1- .1 1 1 . . wuuifii Bouua, auu ail wuui ui uutfiu I If HOW never told him trt iniu me country w in iiicitriuie ri . - i inn iirnraAdsi r a . consumed In Norway. The manufac- nh,nv 7 v l"la,nmem turers have sent to the Norwegian J1 t0 ?bou' ? to be foreign office their unfilled contracts I, " , " ' f"?' Bln,e for th. rmrrh., f wool In England. h thlS g0od 8tart hope to be - r ' - - - " anTA tr ft..mnllni. a . In nrAar t faMlltat. in Mehnnra of --'"vu iuvu toward es views between the two governments (The Large.! Sal f Aaf Medici la U World) to secure prompt relief from INDIGESTION or BILIOUSNESS, before these troubles become chronic before they rob you of your health, strength and happiness. Authorities know that most serious sickness es begin In disordered conditions of the organs of digestion, and it is to correct such conditions that Beecham's Pills are specially adapted. Try a few dotes of this matchless remedy and you will know why Beecham's Pills are universally recognized as the best corrective for indigestion and biliousness. Let this famous family rem edy cleanse your system and purify your blood and then your food will nourish you and make you healthier and stronger and you will know what it is to be free from the headaches, the weakness, the stomach pains, the bad nights, the low spirits, which show you need reliable, effective, gentle, curative help w BSDSadflSuie At All DruffbU, 10, 25c. Dinttitni if Sfridl Vtlni It Wm$n with tvtrj hx. tabllshlng permanent good In this di rection. WE COULD FIGHT SO MIXITES. ANYWAY WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Major General otherspoon, chief of the army staff, declares In his annual re port that the United States coast de fense forts have ammunition enough on hand for only a 30 minutes' battle. NEGRO PAGEANT WILL 111'. SHOWN Sick Two Years Willi IndijTewUon. "Two years ago I was greatly ben efited through using two . or three bottles of Chamberlains Tablets," wrlttea Mrs. S. A. Keller, Ellda. Ohio. Before taking them I was sick for two years with Indigestion." Sold by all dealers. Adv. ST. LOUS. I,.e. 7 Tho evolution iif the negro from the s.ivnge to his present state Is to be portrayed at the Coli seum beginning tonight, by 5''J negro actor. The portrayal bus for Its title: "l'an-Amerlcan Klrmess Pageant of the Negro Race," will run for ekht nights and is described, according to the advance notices, h a page ant which will take the negro through savagery, plantltlon days, the civil war and the peri od of development following the civil war. concerning the lifting of the embargo as to exports to Norway. One of the owners and the man ager of a Norwegian woolen mill, a Yorkshire man with generations of I experience In the woolen industry be hind him, and with large connections in Bradford, states that at the last sale held In London, some years ago no Argentine wool was offered, and very little Australian; that the Ar gentine clip generally comes into the tvinrlnn niArket In SeDtember and '.or the reason that reductions will be October and usuallv nuite a blfof the io;-.uere-j or.iy as a last resort wner II other methods of Improving the have failed. Th t n-t service has advocate' tintMHy nfw methods of handling f-'orU. It has also FDent Liree sum' n oriey In examining the range in orl-r to f.,rm'Jlite plans for Its re?t COLONIALS LAXDED OX EGYFTIAX SOIL LONDON, Doc. 6 The landing of troops from Australia and New Zea land on Egyptian soil to aid In the country's defence against Turkey waa announced here. Mr. With MK Iain's Einerleiii'e Croup. "When my boy, Ray. wns small he was subject to croup, and I was al ways alarmed at such times. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy proved far better than "any other for this trou ble.' It always relieved him quickly. I am never without It In the house for I know It Is a positive cure for croup." writes Mrs. W. R. McCIaln. Blalrsvllle. Pa. For sal by all deal crs Adv. Australian in October, though the bulk of the latter clip Is not offered until December. At Bradford he was informed that no reason could be as- smnc-d for the failure or tne Argentine clip to come Into the market, nor could he learn of any shipments from South America in the near future. He uses. The question of scientific man- txpre,ssed it his opinion that unless U. wo TUfr VtO IKH f Rl 'AT In '23)49 2 811 i ' 'an GOODl N LIGHT Means BETTER BUSINESS CIIKKRKVL HOMES BETTER HEALTH Hpemer.t his been brought to th? at' it-nuon or stocKmen, ana their co operation requested. They have re spondej heartily, with the re.iuit that the range throughout the district hat greatly increased In carrying capaC' ity. Grazing permits have increased since 1310 from 1.377 to 2.S14. and no reductions have been necessary to provide range for this additional 43 new permittees. A mntoiir Wireless Snppremcd. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 6. From large shipments of wool reach Eng land soon the British embargo will not be lifted until the BritUh clip is ready for market next summer. He adds that the Norwegian clip Is prac tically useless for his mill (a yarn factory), owing to the uneven charac ter of the wool as to length and to its bristlelike hardness. It la used chiefly In the manufacture of the cheaper grades of cloths, blankets, etc. This mill manager himself has only sufficient wool on hand to last another six weeks and will be glad to hear from American dealers who eriv the beginning of the great war to I can supply him with "tops." He Is date 1400 amateur wireless stations! Prepared to take 100,000 kilos (22,- on the Pacific coast have been closed 408 pounds) per week until July, and will pay cash. The wool should be combed. , the better to enforce neutrality. Com merclal flat Ions have not been Inter fered with. Numberlss complaint K(.ssu TO cARE FOR' num. me oeingerenis ui lujipuwu o cret stations have resulted in not one discovery. INVESTMENTS OF ENEMY Preicnbed bf pbysiciant for nineteen years AND EYESIGHT Vrt us wire your hutnc and In stall our molern LliMulm; Fit tarn a ltd Eletlrh-nJ lntalla ittm all Uire requirement i-au he ubtolriexl. May we serve J on? KWtrle and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring btll wiring, gas t:iing. motors and dynamos. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 K Oral the skin treatment that acts instantly YOU don't have to wonder if Rcsinol is doing vou good, you Inozv, because the nrst appli cation stops the itching and your tortured sLin feels cool and com fortable at last. Won't you try the easy Rcsinol way to heal eczema or other ikm-cruption i KciuoI ! io nearly flcth-cdorcl that itcn be used on eipr,icd surfaces villi'jut attracting undjc attention. R'nul la 6,!.l by n'l i',ntrf j. J'ur nmn nri'l (tiI chI.h t.l J f ri .ric Vf.Uj W PETROGRAD, Dec. 7. An Imperii at ukase Issued authorizes the Min ister of Finance to take control of the expenditures and receipts of societies, companies and enterprises founded or operated in Russia by subjects of Ger many, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The ukase expressly prohibits, with out the special authorization of the minister of finance, the payment, de livery or transfer of any ready mon ey, papers of value, silver, gold plate and precious stones that may be own ed by subjects of the countries men tioned. It is provided that all pay ments to subjects of Germany, Aus tria-Hungary and Turkey, who chance to be outside of Russia, but possess their commercial establishments or real estate, shall be effected In Rus sia through due legal process. in which to do your gift buying, before CHRISTMAS rom now V MUTUAL FILM COMPANY TO BE HEARD TODAY WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 The su preme court today granted a hearing in the suit of the Mutual Film Com pany of Ohio against the Ohio State Industrial commlsHlon today. The 'U'-e r.ns taken from its regular place "n the enl'-ndnr. - The Mutual 1'llm company In this easo is attacking the ! trovlnt pift'ire law of Ohio, F"ekintr to j ;n V'-r.t H.s enforcement by the Ohio PONT be compelled to choose your gifts frc the "picked overs". Visit the stores n and have your presents laid away. Watch the Columns of the East Oregonian carefully for gift suggestions from those who are prepared to supply you, and " h. in 7. ItV jsh .VI- in ir.'l tt i:.l toininl.'ffclon.