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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1914)
DAILY ft A. ST OKEOONTAN. PENDLETON", OREGON", MONDAY. DKf'F.MRKR 7, 1914. PAGE TTTTvFR JM I0RY OF ft - ELKS HONORED BY THE LOCAL LODGE SUNDAY IIIANCIS GALLOWAY OF THE DALLES DELIVERS ADDRESS OF THE DAY. Kervlnw Conduct! by J. V. Tall man, KxsJUmI Kulvr of Iahu Lodge, As sisted by Staff of Officer Iro pruin of Vocal and Instrumental NuiiIkmh Given. s V V4 EIGHT PAGES 1 . DEPARTED 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .8 8 11 a7 Af deadly for Christmas Shoppers with the greatest and grandest line we have ever displayed Here you will find Presents of Sense worth and Lasting Qu&lity DIAMONDS, CUT GLASS WATCHES RINGS CHAINS SILVERWARE CLOCKS niHRELLAS CHARMS PINS Toilet Article?, Souvenirs, Etc. Select your presents Now and have them laid away for you. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith. 720 Main Street. Telephone 326J rvWWW;WZA Zg Z 2S "V, Z , 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 s VIS CABINET IS OUT IN PORTUGAL AS LAWMAKERS MEET MKMIIKRS IK) NOT WANT TO RE ASKED QIESTIOX AIJOtT MOBILIZATION, LISBON. Dec. ".The Portuguese cabinet reslgner. Premier Machade, who was the only minister present when the parliament convened, salt) the reason waa the manner In which the lawmakers questioned them con cerning the Portuguese army mobl Ixatlon. He denied that Germany had offered an explanation of Its troops Invasion of Angola, a Portuguese pos- alon In South Africa. (.RM JUtV MAY ACT ACiAIAST XIGHT RIDERS BOWLINO (JRKEN. Ky, Dec. 7. Indictment of several well known lo cal Kenturcklans is expected as the result of the action of a grund Jury called to meet here today to Investi gate depredation committed by night riders. Itecent raids of the riders resulted In the death of several people, the firing of several houses, and the de struction of thousands x of dollars worth of property. One of the riders found hanging to a tree Is alleged to have been murdered by his own companions. The Portland Gas & Coke Co will lay its mains around Mllwaukle on account of an ordinance cutting the price of their gas to 11.00 per 1.000 feet. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLESc&? HOT TMiALES CHILLI COH GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS BKRVICH TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bta Phone MT Pendleton, Ore Danlsli Standard High WASHINGTON, Doc. 7 Only one person In every thousand In Denmark is unable to read and write, compar ed with seven out of every thousand In the United States. This fact 1s disclosed In a report by H. W. Fogt of the Federal Hureau of Education, of his Investigations of school con ditions in Denmark. It Is shown al so that of 260 000 Danish children of school age only 370 failed to attend school during 1911. Mr. Fogt declared that compul sory school attendance between the nKes .r 7 nnd 14 Is so strictly en- forced In Denmark that "the few who persist In avoiding their legal rospon- In most appropriate manner and with an excellent speaker In Francis Gulloway a memorial orator Pendle ton Lodge No. 23 S B. P. O. E. honor ed the memory of Its departed mem bers at the Aha theater yesterday afternoon. . The service was conducted by J V. Tttllmun, exalted ruler of the local lodge assisted by the staff of officers. Miss Eula Orandberry was the vocal 1st and gave three pleasing selec tions during the program. Khe has a rich clenr soprano voice. A violin solo "Houvt-nlr," was rendered by Mr. B. A. McDonald. Mr. Galloway Is a speaker of un- usual force and eloquence and his ad dress yetiterday gripped the audience from the first syllable to the last. In part, he said: A beautiful custom of our order calls us together today. The elev enth hour of a fast fading year sum mons a mighty host about the antler- ed altars of a sorrowing brother hood. This la the Elks hour of com munion when we are again In fancy and In spirit with those of our broth ers whose names have been called but from whose voiceless lips no audible reply has come. With mellowed hearts and reverent mien four hundred thousands . Elks pause at this appointed time to pay affection's tribute to lives which en dure as enriching examples. We' are today reculling the virtues of our de- arted brothers, Inscribed on the tab- ets of love nnd memory. Their faults were traced In shifting sands and ob literated ere written. It Is Indeed appropriate that our day of memorial should come when the cold blasts of winter have strip ped the trees of their sheltering eaves, and have plucked from their stems earth's choicest flowers. The anlshlng verdure, the sombre shades on mountain and meadow mark the end. the dissolution, the death of na- ure's annual offering. Nature her self has donned the garb of grief. Death has long been the theme ot poets, philosophers, theologians ana orators. Death itself we can in some measure understand, and we accept It as a solemn but constantly recurring fact. What follows death has been the great unsolved mystery of the ges. During; unnumbered centuries the human mind has struggled with that thought It has elicited man's profoundest philosophy. Man's dark est uncertainties and his subllmest hopes and faith; his greatest happi ness and his worst dlspair are built around that thought. The Persian Omar puts it thus lp from Earth's center through the seventh gate, I arose and on the throne of Saturn sate; And many a knot unravelled by the road. Hut not the Masterknot of human fate " When the soul of some dear Vela live or friend poes to explore for It self the "mterious real from whose bourne no traveller returns'' the ten direst chords of the hiimnn heart lire nnd torn. Mth clasped hands ffl-i-(fm2ij Ann nn7 "J Is 1 hIMiuIch are punished o severely r nt 1. n 1. m i in.-, are Kino, cnougn 10 cnange , bleeding Knuckles we knock up toil HliMild. HC rtHl." QIC tU illl" bueJ with the value of education, he kl 'ifsiif ill MoneySavnsf Prices This Weeh Only 1-lb. 3-lb. 5-lb. Tins 55 -f;oH50 I II IO if! Packed by Special Process iriAirtighr Tins h Preserve ib Flavor You Take no Chances OurGuarante Protect tor YourGrocer will refund Hie full price you paid forM JBif does nor pieaseyour rasre ncfmalter how much you fiaveused ouhof me can x MJbin.our5lb.tin is SOt a lb. they will go to any keep their children ex- In nya, that tretnlty to school. The secret of Denmark's high place In educational affairs, according to Mr. Fogt. lies In the hold the teach ers have upon the entire people. The teacher has high social rank. Is a leader In both church and state, and Ls Invariably pensioned for disability or age. The tliflinbcrlnln's Cough Itemed)- Mother Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy to my children when they have colds or coughs," writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Vandergrlft, Pa. It always helps them and Is far superior to any other cough medicine I have usod. I advise anyone In need of such a med icine to give It a trial." For sale by all dealers. Adv. I F you are not & Bryan Democract and still insist on Prohibition Drink, we carry Hills Bros. Blue Can, 1 and I pound cans. Hills Bros. Freemont Roast, 1 pound packages. J. N. A 3. B. In 2 and 3 pound cans. "Wadco." the King of them all In threes. Crescent 99, in 1 lb, package. Also a full line of Crescent bulk Coffees and Teas. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St. . Phone 536 mm Ak for "CENTURY EDITION" Sheet Music Ptnndnrtl and classical, foreign ami American Com nosers; f nit edi tion puhlulird. All aradwi: lor tmclnnR, drawins-niom or concert. Cscd and recommended in leading Sclioe.s and Conservatories. 70c a Copy Rtgardlesi of FuUithn' Prictt (M "Ontunr " 1V.11W t.f nnn ,.i;,x Wo carry the line. SSSWARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE, PE0NBDeLcEoTNON HOPPLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES rniPV'S, KWONG HONG LOW JTVJL W . 116 West Alt St., Upit.vr. Phone 433 on the portals of the tomb. With tear drained eyes we stare Into the vacant beyond; we cry aloud for a whisper, a sound, some sicn from the after world. but all In vain. "Strange is It not, that of the myri ads who Before us passed the door of Dark ness through Not one returns to tell us of the road. Which to discover we must travel too." Logic has little consolation then: the philosopher becomes a child and his theories playthings; the wizard's potion can not reach and heal the wound left In the heart of friend ship by all powerful and persistent death. But man has faith. "How dismal the home of the dead unrelieved by the prospect of Immortal life. Hope reaches from man's last resting place a stream of light gorgeous with prom ises of immortality which, beginning upon earth, extends far into the mys tic realm of eternity." If I were a poet gifted with a pow er of words to portray the moat piti able form of life, I should choose as my theme, a man without hope or faith, wandering aimlessly, Good leas and alone, over the dreary deserts of his daily life. The Elk has faith. He believes that the annual recurrence of foliage, fruits and flowers, the mysteries of birth and death, nre part of the Master plan; he believes that all the beauti ful and happy forms of life, that brave men and fair women, and little children exist for something more than to be annihilated; to be brought to nn abrupt and everlasting end. We do not ask our brother what faith was Implanted In his childhood plastic mind at his sainted mother's knee, we care not what creed our brother holds. we do not ask htm In what shape or likeness he hopes to find his maker; but we do requiro that he shall believe in the existence of a Supreme Being; and that he shall, always In the presence of his Supreme Being, believe and practice the all comprehensive and tolerant religion of Justice, Brotherly-love, Charity and Fidelity. Our order enjoins respect of home and seeks to protest It In all its pur few, very, very, few, Is It permitted to have their names and deeds sing led from the invisible host and re called beyond the flying moment of a generation. But a nation owes not its permanent greatness nor a people their real happiness to the occasional men of genius' who now and then ap pear to rise above their human kind like snow-capped peaks above sur- ity. It enjoins respect of woman and j rounding piuins. Hie true greatness believes In all that elevates and en- j ot a nation and the true happiness of nobles her. ' 'Home Sweet Home" Is I a l'H'le are derived from those qual the dearest song that ever breathed.1 ltles which constitute the true great from human lips, and in all time there' ne-,s d true happiness of the aver- have been no nobler examplars of : a8e individual. Hy the every-day CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Boars the Signature charity. Justice, love and fidelity than sister, daughter, wife and mother. To the divine Institution of home we swear fealty and faith and upon the brow of pure wamanhood we place the crown of reverence and devo tion. The true Elk believes in the doc trine of cheerfulness. He does not look for gloom; Uit prefers the light; neither will he fill the sky with clouds when the sun is shining. He fully realizes all the seriousness of human existence, without using that as a pretext to wear a dejected coun tenance or to shun the bright spots of earth. ' Henry Ward Beecher once said that if he could only succeed in making an audience laugh, he could then easily move It to tears. Laugh ter and tears are closely akin. They are of the heart rather than of the brain and do not come at the will's bidding nor cease because Judgment may declare them foolish or useless They are Inspired by emotion and i answer to the call of mirth or sorrow os the sea answers to the wandering 1 wind. The mirthful rippling waves far out on ocean's smiling face are moved by the same breath as those that moan and- sob along the shore. Since tho last memorial services of Pendleton lodge No. SS, six names have appeared upon the memorial tub let. Probably every present member of this lodge holds some close precious memory of these last six departed brothers. Next year other names will follow theirs and as ' we meet year after your to perform these serious but pleasant rites, the time soon comes, when these last six names will recall to no l'lk then living, n per sonal recollection, or any individual imaue. The longing to be remem- lives of every-day people Is determ ined the final course of nations and the destiny of mankind. My brothers, within a few short days, as time is measured, your names and mine will appear on the memor ial tablets within our halls. It is idle for us to hope that our individual lives and deeds, our strength and our weakness, our virtues and our follies may long be noted by the living. His tory will fade into fable, facts will become clouded with doubt. Inscrip tions will moulder from tablets and statues will fall from their pedestals. But through all the mulatlons of time the sentiments and principles of brotherhood, of charity. Justice,- love and fidelity, with all that they com prehend and Include, will remain as long as there are human minds and hearts, and souls. If our lives, how ever brief or obscure, contribute In any degree to the happiness, the hopes and the destiny of mankind; we shall have earned the greatest eulogy and epitaph a human beihg can deserve: ''He loved God. he loved his coun try, he loved his fellow-man." Ftmmo Rulics Roundup. j used In feeding stock this winter and RAKKK. Ore.. Dec. 5. A hurried! has resulted in low prices In the Ba- round-up of cattle has started in thejker market big stock district of the Upper Burnt j River country, where sudden coldj Wounded lUink Railway, weather has frozen the watering pla- GENEVA. Switzerland. Dec. 5 ces for the animals and has left them The number of wounded soldiers ar suffering on the range. Virtual ab- riving by train at Dusseldorf. Luxem sence of snow has kept the ranges) bourg. Cologne and Kolmar is so great good for grazing and stockmen have; that many ammunition trains on the sept tneir nerds on the range much i way to the front have been sidetrack- later than usual. Rouse Bros., John Grossen, C. A. Putts and Charles Cole have started out with their men to bring the cat tle to shelter. There is an abundance of hay for feeding in fields this sea son. The late season makes It appar ent that less hay than usual will be ed, according to advices reaching Ge neva. This has been going on for the last It dajn. German doctors are having a. hard time caring for these wounded, made up of French, English and German soldiers, but all are being treated alike. EXPERT TO DESCRIBE THE SOCIALISTS' PART IX WAR Your Child's Cough is a Call for Help. Don't put off treating your Child's Couph. It not only saps their strength, but often leads' to more serious ail ments. Why risk ? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery ii vast the remedy your Child need It is made from Pine Tar mixed with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams. Will quickly check the cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad the Couph or how long standing, Dr. King's New Discovery will stop it. Just get a 50c bottle from your Drutr- fciow. uive ji lo-wgni ana you will Answer it with Dr. King's New Discovery. It is Pleasant, Soothing, Healing. notice an Improvement to-morrow. Here's proof. M. J. Parncll, Whites, boro, Texas, says: "I can recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for it saved my Child's life. She win taken with a cough and given up to die five time-i. One 60c bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery cured the cough and saved her life." Excellent for Children and Delicate Women. It is Mild, Pleasant and effective. Trial bottle mailed on receipt of it in stamps. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO.. 639 North Broad Street. Philadelphia, Pe. BOSTON. Dee. 7. The attitude of the socialists In the present war will be described by William English Wal ing before club. the Twentieth Century Hard Odds People whose Mood is pure are not nearly so likely to take hard colds as are others. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the Mood pure; r.nd thl.- great inedUine recovers the in-red i-.ii.l reported lv the l vm-r after j system alter a cold us no other medi-. we are dead Is instructive. V. t, to cine does. Take Hood's Adv. : Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street