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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1914)
PAOETWO DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PEXDLETOX, OREGON'. MONDAY. PECEMPER 7, 1014. ETGir fAOES Come to the Christmas Store 1 STORES Christmas I 3 77ie fforc u;i7A Ac greatest 3 stoc&s of new, smar, rcsA goods 3 rractical Lhristmas gifts foj SOCIAL NEWS SHOULD BE PHONED BY 10 A. M. EACH DAY . t : V i SILS c,th Smith. daughter or r.,- SZ:iS3:1!S LASTTIME HORSE IIODZ REOCCUPIEO BT w.kwMbf UU 141 tOll fi freshman this year, according to J il . ... VYiword received bj- friendi here. sidered) than other stores willy r. Ullt Mrs Howard Halley of Walla WulU attempt to offer1 vntt ' uest of her w Wl ViMr Thomas Thompson, ar.d fur 1 j t- r3 GOMES I I K S5.00 Boys Suits $3.95 H (' .i fr yf-u to luv your loj a r n;it f r ('l.ri-:ijj.i, an cxct ptioual v pood suit v i:h tv " pair of pant.-. A bargain at $5.00. .vjf i ll ri.-- $3.95 g Dress Skirts 1-3 off gX-w Hi. J Iain and pleatt-d tunics, made cf -.j-!in. -nrr, pnmela and taffeta. Colors crt navy. im- n, l-nwn and LlacL Regular size jb ii-', .'J t-. Oat size waists CO to 3C. $ S5.00 will sro for S3.35 7.50 Skirr- will ro for S5.00 110.00 Skin- will p for $6.65 Skirr-'will go for S9.35 515.00 Skirts will p for $20.00 Skirts will for & $12.50 8 IK $10.00 $13.35 S1.75 Outing Flannel Night Gowns S1.59 All co.or-, ink, hlue, brown, rrreen, red. etc. A vt rv fjt-ciai value, buy early. Choice $1.59 whom several delightful affair were given, has returned to her home. Extra Special nnrm TUESDAY, DEC. STIL DOlIiLE T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS $ Till 2 ftVUnV P V In order to hasten Christmas shopr-in and $ i encourasre inorninjr shonpinc we offer rw T 12 ; Mi5 EtheI B'l d V V . fp , , ' c'Iler lw a. SI 'and Mr P. T. Belt, i. w. tradiryr stamps instead of one, with all Franrueo to re i-n rarenacs. in t mi-s tins opr.rtuaitv to 3 gather T. P. W. trading mmps. " Buy Him a Sweater Mr. and Mm. Edgar W. Smith and young Kn. Edgar I Smith, Jr.. re turned this afternoon to their home in Portland after a two week! vtjlt here. daughter of Mr. left today for resume her vocal ftudies. Xearlj evtrv man nU one. Xothin- could 3? ! he more acceptable. You'll find here just the vu ii- ivn wanting tv. :nfnrv.t; ' leri-eys and Y-nMc. T.,v),t ..i: i heavy weight in tan, -rev, blue, red, etc. M&ckinaws Thp most lobular irannent this vear is the Tnackina-. Our stock of them is 'larse anl chow. Extra well tailored, full cut and per fect fitting $5.00 to $15.00 xor men, women, lys and pirls. Mrs. Pen L Burroughs, Mrs. Henry V. Collins and Miss Edna Thompson, all of whom have been visiting In Portland, returned to Pendleton yesterday. Mrs. John E. Montgomery, Mrs. L X. Johnson. Mrs. L. Xorvell and Mra M. J. McDermltt and family motored to Went "n today to be the guesta of Mrs A. J. Mlntyre. PENDLETON Woolen Mill Goods 3 8; j Pen Vr ! cart ! ilayed. The rooms ' g I clusters of roses an Mrs. C. S. Jackson entertained with a bridge tea Thursday arternoon ior he t-le-isure of a number of former dleton teol'le. Four tables a AT HEW YORK EXHIBIT GOOD OIJ) IOIvniX IS PAST PASS ING OIT OP EARTHLY VSKFIXNESS, Bisgct Society junction In Metrop olis Probably Will Be 8ccn for LM Time T'lls Wcrlt Procrcxls of Promt Sliovr to Go to the Red Ooma socloty. (By Carlton Ten Eyck. Written for the United Press-X XEW TORK. Dec. 7. Beglnnlnr with today the newspapers are filled with cartons, quips, cranks and al lusions to that fast-disappearing ani mal, the horse. For this Is Horse Show week, probably the last that this city will see. It was only through the rublle spirited action of a few F ORGES AFTER DESPERATE ENCOUNTER lirsSIAX STKOXGHOLD IN PO UND TAKEN' FOK SFXOXD TIME IN" CASU'AIGN. Ilrport of RuwJan Victory Is Declar- a (troDf coutitntHHi aa tlowa is n err ooi iTmptonu, Un nor tod repcited cold. SCOTTS EJU LSION Is helping thousands every day; Its rare oil-food enriches the blood, aids the lunrs-It it a atrensih-sastainlns; tonic free from alcohoL thy it. u J uns. Horn, In Weston. Ixcember S. to the wife of Harry Mlnnkk, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllain Driscoll have pone to I)yton, Wash., to visit rela tlvr for a short time. They will aft erward go to Hlkard, Wash., to spend the winter. Their son, Royal Drlsioli accompanied them. Roy Klllgore, who recently went to Portland with the Intention of enter ing the navy, failed to pass the re quired examination, consequently wa compelled to return home. Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Warren of Kolatus. Wash., are visiting Mra. wealthr men that the show was mad, th Present war began. possible this year for they guaran- L! Figured In I.t? Anion, teed the enterprise against financial loss With Its passing. If paw It must the German operations agalnit y ar- cd to Re Ffcbe by IU rtin Caar' Warren.a mother. Mrs. Elinor War- iToori irave Many ixmn on ren of thl- clty 4nd wllj remain un tie Vld-CaniraUm In Galiola t aftef the n0uaayi. ProgTew xwvorablyv Mr and Mr)l, William Graham , spent Sunday visiting their son Her- BERJJX. Dec. 7. It la officially man Graham on -wild Horse, three announced that the Germans occu- mIpi wuth of town ( pied Loda Sunday, The Misses Annlce Rarnea anfl Lods Is a fortress of the second DaI))V Waadingham. teachers In ru clasa. but was one of Russia's main ' dlj,trc,g bevond Athena, spent points of defense In Poland, ranking h(, Wf.ekpr)i wth thelr parents, with Warsaw. Quite a number of Weston Odd The latest . occupation of the city FfIIowg visited the Adams lodge last by the Germans Is the second tlnre Paturjajr evening and report an en- they have taken the stronghold since j0yaie time. The girls' basketball game played I here Friday evening betwean Wea- It was on Lodz that one line of ton and Echo resulted In the Echo VTm- T rruWnvv! ?T 05 0Ur rtment is MOST COM I LETh m every detail, T.ATII KOEEb, ladies' or cents, any izp and r v r Indian Steamer Ku-, Slumber KoW Go-Srt vM .1 TC...CoUTc:h Cov' weit ar,,! lin.l tLr-v mA-P. T?Ff FAfP.PT? ' ; WJ r.verv size, S . i- c -r' i . Wiit'T 1 J v-mj" t-uarts on tneK? p-rls to any g I'int in I. S. Made into a RHGl.LAR ehntmas package. J Only 15 More Shopping Days 'til Christmas A very short time in which to pet all of your x piu reaav. uo all your tnoppin? and senl vour paclarr. ' DO YOUR SHOPPING XOW j- Leave your j'ackaires here and we will see that 2 they are mailed or expressed at any time you vm may wi?K V ci nar onoes icr nomen k $2.85 WILL BUY OXE OF TITE BEST WEARING SHOES ANYBODY CAN SELL FOR THE MONEY. It lias a pood solid l-ttom on it, not clumsy, but durable. Medium height heel, either lace or button $2.85 8 8 i or Eor $3.-45 we can pive you Dr. Darliners cus-hion fK'le in sies up to 'J and wide assuring comfort to the wearer. Another at $3.45 is a lipht weipht flexible sole kid uprer and button, rlain toe. a recrular g drese heel, for $3.-45 Phoenix Silk Hose Whether for si'ter, mother or prandmother, a pair of ilk ho?e will be appreciated. For pl-tr or mother. There are all color?, also black and white, and prandmother will be de liphter with a pair of those comfy cashmere lined black one?. Phoenix silk W, j.air 75 to $2.00 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Bath Robe Blankets Just the right size for a bath robe. Made of heavy material, beautiful coloring, floral cf- i ana Indian rooe desipns. Comes r-ox witu cor.I and $2.75 to S3.25. one in tassel complete. Each, were redolent with d on the tea table vajja bowl of th Madame Aaron Ward : roses were effectively arranged. Mrs. Arthur ritn, Airs, tamufi siocum, Mrs II F. Johnson and Mrs. Thomas G. Halley presided at the samovars, and asfifcting about the rooms were Mrs. Francis Jackson, Miss Helen Gregg, Sllss Harriet Johnson, Miss Gwendolyn 5mlth and Miss Frieda Paruh. Those who played bridge were Mrs. Slocum. Mrs. Robert Townsend, Mrs. Lebls. Mrs. P.aeder, Sirs. Albert Warx weiler. Mrs. Fish. Mrs Halley,Mrs. Moses Paruh, Mrs. Seth Catlin. Mrs. Edwin Eurk, Mr. William Schultz, Mrs. T. C. Taylor. Mrs. H. F. Johnson. Mrs Ellen Wrench and Miss Smith. Portland Journal. , j there will disappear one of the great est society runmona in tne country. ! Tradition has built up around the Horse 5how the same air of distinc tion that cling to the first nlsht at saw pivoted, and from which the ln- tearn being defeated by score of II to R The receipts of the evening wero mm il 3 4 Figured Jap Silk For wai,ts, neplipee, head throws and the like, washes like linen, fast mm -i,; pround with pink, Ii-Lt blue, lavender, etc.. 8 il 8 8 8 floircr;, 27 inches ija Tlie'vuri 50? 85.00 Mens Shoes 15.00 il il il r y-TnZil '0U ab,e t0 fin(1 a tter shoe for ?o.OO than what we have to offer you for a dress or a work shoe. The one shoe we s-ll most of is the calf skin olucner Klasy Last. Drill lined and leather lined in he.iw nr ve,pht Always 1 $5.00 & .nOtlier prr-eAlr.Txt :. ir i . ajni- j- n iui-4iiuin neavy tan reindeer stock, leather lined, 1-2 double sole $3.00 Niagara Maid Silk Underwear Will please the most fastidious. Separate pannents.. Union suits z. . $1.75 to $2.50 $3.75 to $5.00 T.P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP il ii as il i? vaders fell back two weeks ago, when, $:5. After the game the Echo flrla news of a sweeping Russian victory j ere given n reception at the home I was reported from Petrograd. of Miss Gladys Kmlth. ' An official statement from the. The weather has been gradually the opera. It Is an old Jest that the German general headquarters, given' petting colder for several days past women and not the horses are on dls-! out wag as follows: j a heavy fog prevails trees play but It Is true. For the magnlfl-j "The report given In the Russlanand shrubbery ore leglnning to glls ter.t gom'ns. the costly Jewels and ot statement of November tt that the ten with frost. course the handsome women all I German attacks in the vicinity of i The children of Luther fhellenber- I New Tork society women are hand-; Czenstochowa failed, with many cas-'ger are affected with croup. Home (If you oelleve me ae- uanies io me uermnni, is ian, asr. too airm. innii niuunvni l.rlous society reporters) and the truth tlng quite the contrary. j Couse creek, are visiting Mr. Kin pretty young girls make an attractive RuJani Leave Many Dead. i rteTB parents, Mr. and Mra. Alexand scene. This year's show will be af "Xhe aUack of the Seventeenth j Klnnear of this place, little dlfefrent than the event of pre-j Corps, which approached to . vlous years. The proceeds of the within (S yards of our lines waa re- Bobart 8. Towne, owner of the present horse show will be turned pulsed, the Russians taking position l Ur l-dne mine. In Jarkson county, er to the Red Crow and White Crosj , further back and leaving a larce "1 devolop the property and build Societies the unusual conditions In number nf killed mil nuntei I railroad to connect with the Bullla Europe suggesting that proedure. "From Vienna It Is officially re- line. been doomed to go for many years ttl'l am iiaunl he the scenic back- Mrs. Lee Moorhouse returned last' ". ... th. d!arnonj. and satins. week from Portland where she where low-browed pickpockets sat a Madison Square Garden another ported thst small engagements near! old New Tork Institution that has.xymbark. Galllcla. have leen success. the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Oliver P. Morton, for several weeks. A- number of young people of the month ago to see the Fix Day Bicycle Race, dienlfled society matrons now discusa the latest tenor or the newest play aa they look somewhat abstract- high school set enjoyed a dancing fd)v over the tanbark arena. party Saturday evening at the home of Mr. an l Mrs. Fred E. Judd. their son, Henry Judd, being host. Mrs. Thomas F. O Brlen was hos tess Friday afternoon to the ladles of the Luncheon Bridge Club. Oh. yes, of course, there will he horses present but then, you know, Jt Is Just a bit old fashioned to ttlk of horses. Only the old foggys talk about horses. It's getting to be quite ful. - "The position In southern Toland Is unchanged. The battle continues in northern Poland. ' . "Southeast of Arandjelovac there Is stubborn fighting, without decision. Three hundred prisoners were taken yesterday." Hitman In Galit la Attacked. The Official Press Bureau aald: "Nothing of note has taken place in T FOR TIRED SORE, ACHING FEET i Ab ! what relief. No more tired ft; no more burning fort, swollen, bad stnell- -. . . . the war area east of the Maxurlan ! wrl.T "T- . nHJ r,n 10 Ij.kes. where the enemy remained or bunions. No matter what milif The t.attle ronnl Td ! lak. '", Jour tvi hopelessly middle-class, you know, to: ln . POU w. h.d ,lr,c,.,, ,nlo.r hl even mention home. Thev call up - . . , .u tne sun you ve . i - I iMMiinern j uianu iiiere is no tnns! picture or gamonng on me ra , the situation r-h-r! official commune- J" " : t: ?a : ,7 araw irr. w"OM- . u?r' Bi' from Vienna was received here ... . . ; ; mem on m Bnt De maie or some pictures, a splendid musical program will be presented. The annual Christmas sale of the Presbyterian church was held Satur- tricd without cettini; relief. Just ue "TIZ.-"TIZ-' draws brave horse In battle but horses, as j .. baUe ,n po,and proRre. ; r ; a genera, prorosu.on. are .aooou , lng faVorablv. Ruwlan force, tin, ml.ich puff subjects f-r conversation. Mayh , marchlnK to Gallcla were attacked by up t!.c f it that Is why the horso show Is dylns; , Au(ltr,an flnd c,rman ,r00p.. w!-T!Z" is mas out. Or. perhaps the passing of the- f . rl,linn, :.i. ..Tt7- ?. ns. rrsn.l; "TIZ" day afternoon at the home of Mrs. - h , mnr. human anj more real! ' . t. a t i .... .. . . i irai tram i. Bujurn uu urvi "nn,infM, arter all. tnan tne oiaen i proved very much of a success. The "In the PnrnafhlAna there hm heen will etire xmir i uavs wnen iney were uraien. vrr- iu.i wi. . . i ., ... .M..rtr. u-a. lore anrf the sal ' . ' . . j ....... riinn,, s mi . ...... " worsea. fiuri in i c iwriru i ' netted the church a considerable sum 'pntj) ftn(1 overcome under the hot of money. ,,, of Juij. ' Z PHONES 15. NOW IIEKE )ur jrreat 'ale of GOLDEX WE.ST STEEL CUT COFFEE. Commenc ed this morning with a rush. Bv far tlie fm-aWt cffee sale ever held in Pendleton. L" i00 LBS. GOLDEX WEST COFFEE on sale at prices so jrreatly reduce. You should lay in several months enpply. If yon can't -me to our store use the phone. Here are the prke FOR OXE WEEK OXLY: 1 LP. CAXS, PEG. 45, SPEC 35 3 LP. CAXS, PEG. $1.25, SPEC $1.00 LP. CAXS, PEG. $2.00, SPEC $1.50 CLEAXLIXESS,- ECOXOMY, SERVICE ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS 22 IIODIDAY CAXDIIIS-Onr bi? shi-ment of holiday candies is here. Its none too rarlv to select yours now. Our Candv Girl charsrr; of this department tomorrow in 8 8 coueoa j il il il FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT-Estra choice & ripe fruit. "Special, the dozr-n f)." ZZ MARSIIMALLOW CREME for frostinirs, lcimrs, etc., the can 10 ?6l SWEET APPLE CIDER, the pallonJT 50 HAWAIIAX SLICED PIXUM'PLE the ex- g tra fancy jade, sold reIar 25 can. T. ?2 i'. w . price, 2 cans 45 $2.40 Sj il The down cans Of Interest here was the majrlage In the Central Christian church of , I'KXII .FTO rTI.KS Walla' Walla last Wednesday of Miss' ASTONISH Dltl GGlsT Merna DePeatt of Athena and Lloyd, We sell many good medicines but v (.-mith r,t T-n Porto Cltr Iowa, wre are told the mixture of buckthorn The brirte a daughter of Mrs Mln-' bark glycerine, etc.. known as Artier- j r.le DePeatt, has many friends In l-ka. Is the best we ever sold. Pen Pendleton and In her home town ls dleton folks astonish us dally by tell one of the most popular of young la-' lng how Ql'ICKLY Adler-I ka re dies. Only a few friends witnessed lleves these troubles almost IMME the ceremony. Following the wed-; PIATELT. We are glad we are ding the bridal couple. Miss Zelma' Pendleton . agents for ' Adler l-ka DePeatt. the bride's sister, and Mr. Tallman & Co., druggists Adv. and Mrs. David T. Stone motored to the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott hear Athena where and Mrs. Smith left yesterday for La' crowded Third-avenue "L" train at Into Peskla Stelburg. haji been re- you'll ncer limp or draw up your faco pulsed with the loss of 500 prisoners." , in pain. Your shoes won't seem tight. j an'1 your fr t will never, never hurt or I Fwuiim nr urea. et a 2 oi-nt box at any drug cr department tore, and pet relief. EPWORTH LEAGUE ENJOYS PROGRAM AT WESTON HOME M KM REUS ARE DEI.IGHTITI.LY KXTKUTAIXEI) OTHKU NEWS NWEJi OF TOWN. Crowds on Car Kill Roy. NEW TORK. Dec. 7 An over- Porte to make their home. the rush hour recently was responsi ble for probably fatal Injuries to Ju lius Rothholx, 1, of No. 1051 Boston road, the Bronx. " The youth was riding on a plat- Try Thin for Neuralgia. Thousands of people keep on suf ferlng with neuralgia because they, form at the rear of one of the cars. do not know what to do for It Neu raigia is a pain in tne nerves. vnaijfam, M packed lt WM difficult for you want to do Is to soothe the nerve one to breathe and Impossible to move Itself. Apply Slan's Liniment to the about . i . A - aunace over me pa nrui pan oo ni A the tra,n neJir(tA the One Hun- ruh It in. Moan s Liniment peneiraie Th!rty-lghth street station very quickly to the aore. Irritated .PVeraI mon and Women tried to leave nerve and allays Inflammation. Get th-e Mp of whch nothnoI, wajI rId. a bottle of Sloans Liniment for 25 ng e VM forCf(, th(, Kat( The train took on additional passen gers at every station and finally be (Special Correspondence.) WESTON. Dec. 7. On last Satu: day evening the Epworth League of the Methodist church held lta regular monthly business meeting at the home of Claude Price one mile north of town. After the business session short musical and literary program was rendered as follows: Duet by Miss Laura McBrlde and STOPS HEADACHE. PI, NEURALGIA Don't suffer! Ct a dime pack of Dr. James Headache Powders. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays to Trzce. Save Your T. P. W. r'adinz Stamps cm. OKI covoo s il 8 with a dozen men piled against him. cents of any. druggist and have It In the house-agalnst Colds. Sore and tred ,o open ,he 1 ItlA ItrrtAnf -Vftllr mr.npv hnrlr If not satisfied, but It does give almost Instant relief. Adv. JiILI SON OF FRIEND THINKING HIM THIEF ATLANTA. Ga, Iec. 7. James P. Callaway, a prominent business man nd rlub man, was shot and instantly Ulled here by W. R lent of a shoe manufacturing com I -any. The killing took place In Car hart's apurtment In a faihlonaLTd residence eectlon t the city. Car I art Immediately notified the police and surrendered. t'arh.rt snld he thought 'Callaway was a burglar. He told the police thnl be arid his wife returned to their band, who shot the man as he was climbing over a rear porch balus trade. Callaway waa a brother of Frank E. Callaway, an attorney and president of the Atlanta Southern Association baseball club. The dead man Is said Carhart, presl- jt0 nave teen a pergonal friend of Car. cart and Carhart s son, Louis. II INTER HXEI SI 00 FOR VIOLATING GAME LAWS GOLD REACH. Ore . T)ec. 7 r;. f. Wilhlte, of Agnes. this county, ar retted lact week by Deputy Game was tried In Judge Stafford's court. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty and Wllhlte was fined $100 and eosts. He will probably serve It out in Jail. Game Warden Adams by his methods of enforcing the game laws has done more for law enorcement In Curry County then all preceding game wardens combined, according to statements made by officials hers which swings inward, but was unable to do so. Men and women who wanted to leave the car became Impatient at the itelav. fenrlna- thev would he enr- XEW BISHOP TO PERFORM ritt, tarihr llntown. rrmln a HIS FIRST PIBLIC ACT. wdire several men and women push- 1 ed toward the' gate and In doing so WASHINGTON. Dec. 7 Thomaa picked Rothholi up bodily and Hung Tou can clear yoor head and relieve a dull, splitting or violent throbbing headache in a moment with a Dr. James' Headache Powder. Thi. Miss Josle Lavender: vocal solo. Mrs. headache relief acta almost E. M. Smith; Instrumental aoloa were 'ally. Send aome one to the drug store rendered by the Misses Ruby Price. now or o'me package and a lew nio Lena IJeuallen and Thurston. Read-, I"fnU "r you take a powder yon Ings were given by the Misses Odessa Wl" bonder what became of the head Klrkpatrlck. Lottie Brandt and, .Mne u?,, ""J, P'n- Mop suffer Artoned Davenport, after which an i"?u' n'dl. Bo sure you get what hr.nAl.tMM w-.. mwUA w psnment t s l'e hour end Mr.;Vardrn J. 7. Adams, rharged with 'rhrt aw a ninri leavliig the room 'having In his possession mutilated t her .-he c.lled to her hus- tr hides, demanded a Jury trial, and Cattle Klnsr Ends Life?. ELKA, Nev., Dec. 7. John C. Co ble, a former Wyoming cattle king, and formerly part owner of the Irwin Brothers Wild Weft chows, shot and J. Shaha, rector of the Catholic Uni versity, will perform hla first public act as a bishop when he administers the sacrament of confirmation to a class In St. Martin's church. "Bishop Shahan was raised to the See of Ger manlcopolls In Asia Minor, at the Ca thedral In Baltimore, on Sunday, No vember 15, by Cardinal Gibbons. him over the gate to the station plat form Win Protect Prohl Ijiw. Tt'CSON. Arizona. Dec. 7. Bishop Henry Cranjon of the Catholic dlo ese of Arizona, New Mexico, admit ted he has engaged counsel to con tent the constitutionality of the am endment providing for statewide pro hibition In Arizona, adopted on No vember 3. The proposed suit, lt was No Profffwavc party Here. SALEM, Ore., Deo. 7. The pro-; said will bo based on the contention gresslve party ceased to cxlflt In Ore- that the new law prohibits the use of gon today as a result of the election, j wine at sacrificial ceremonies and To retain the Irtentlv the Dftrtv should therefore la nn unconstitutional da- killed himself In the lobby of an Elka have polled 11,819 votes. Instead 8,- nlal of the rights of religious organ hotel. I J21 progressives voted. , Izatlons. slstlng of sandwiches, cake, coffee and pickles. Miss Sylvia Beathe, saleslady In Mosgrove'a at Athena, spent Sunday visiting relatives In Weston. Rev. W. A. Orr of Milton, presiding elder, occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday morning In the absence of the regular pastor, Rev. N. W. Wood. who Is helping In revival services at Boise Idaho. Mr and Mrs. James Fuson attend ed the funeral of Warren McKlnney nt Helix. Friday. Mra. Ross Kennedy of Pullman, Wash., la visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. John O'Harra. near Weston. She will remain until after the holidays. Work la progressing rapidly on the basement of the Methodist church, which when completed will be of great benefit inasmuch aa all churcn and League aoclals, quilting bees and business meetings of all kinds will be held there, Mrs. Harry Turner who recently underwent an operation and has been In St. Mary'a hospital during the pat six weeks, waa able to come home last I Friday. Mrs. L. L. Rogers of Pendleton la i spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mra. J B Dupula. Camera Supplies Every thin for the Aaataur AGENTS rOR AflSCO CAIIERAS A!1SC0 CHEMICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper "There' a Difference' Tallman & Go. Leading" Drutfgltti