r PAGE EIGHT TUTT.T EAST OTCFGOXTAN". PENPLETOX. OREGON. SATURDAY. nKfKMttF.Ti 1014. EIGHT PAGES I M y" -JK m Til I f 1 J' RESOLVED That people AiAKe: ThGR. CjOOD luck by DOINfi DC RKjHT THING WE HAVE MADE 0UR$ by not abusing thc confidence orou& patron 5. Square dfal alway5 wins. WtVANTTD KEEP OUR. PATRONS vtu Cant have! Bad luck BYDOiNd J'v theright thing 1 h ' ) Wo aro Join tho rijrlit tliin?; civinp full weight and full measure in crxxl prevents, fresh fruits anJ vegetables and ask ing onlr a fair price. PHONE 96 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are Pleased Court and Johnson Sts. j Newsy Notes of Pendleton To Winter In California. Peter Tachella, well known farmer, and his wife left on No. 17 today for California where they will spend the i next three months. Bury Man Who Was Shot. The man shot and killed by Charles Peterson of Cajuse In self-defense early In the week was burled at 01 ney cemetery yesterday. Nothing whatever has been learned of his Identity. Landlady Pays $100 Fin. Convicted of sailing liquor without a license. Mildred Adams, landlady ot the Empire rooming house, was yes terday fined $100 In police court She stood trial but the evidence of two men showed they had purchased beer from her. Snow at Mcham. Supervisor Schmitt of the Wenaha forest reserve, stopped off In Pen dleton yesterday to attend the wool growers' convention en route back to Walla Walla from Meacham. He re ports some snow at Meacham. Su pervisor Cryder of the Umatilla for est was also here from Heppner to attend the convention. Farm House Burns Down. Charles Heard, local Insurance gent, has received word of a fire that TtiursHav nUht burned the handsome farm house of Alfred Bloomer, nine, miles south of Pendleton, To inc ground. The fire started from an un known cause while the family was vis iting with neighbors about 9 o'clock The Pistil WHERE THE FAVORITE PLAYERS PLAY THE HOME OF GOOD PICTURES TODAY Lubin Presents TODAY Kalem Presents "The Stolen Yacht" "The Widows Might" in 2 parts. A Society Dr&ma kfeatur- A Screaming Comedy Featuring ing Velma Whitman John Brennan "HEARST-SELIG NEWS" War Drives Millions from Native Land. First pictures show Admission IOC women and children real suffers Admission 10c I I Sunday and Monday William A. Brady Presents Tom Wise in a five-part Masterpiece A Gsntleman from iississippi : '1 A r -L The Trials and Pleasures of a New Senator. When Teddy Roosevelt saw this picture he said "It's Bully." PICTURE STARTS SUN DAY 2, 3:15, 4.30, 5:45, 7, 8 :15, 9 :30 P. 31. ADMISSION, ADULTS, 15; CHILDREN 5 Tuesday and Wednesday TDK CJKNKRAL FILM COMPANY PRE SENTS THIS U.'IiLV MASTKIU'IECE IX FIVE PARTS. "The House Next Door" KTIIFL CLAYTON AND CiEOUGE SOULE SPENCER FEAT UR El). Same cast that ajioarcl in "Lion and Mouse.'' "Tliinl Di'iirrc," "Tlift Wolf." and ilie fiuint; jmnluccr. l!.H-rv O'M'-t.'. W- d ii-l li''itiit- snvih' t "THE IIOl'SE NEXT IK)OR" (.ih of tin- ! '-t pift'in-J ever in I lie city. Thursday and Friday THE MOST TALKED OF NOVEL EVER WRITTEN. "Life's Shop Window' From tho Brilliant and Virile Pen of Vic toria Cross. Produced in 5 I eels of Heart Tlirolw, Tears and Smiles. ALL STAR CAST INCLUDING CLAIRE WHITNEY, STUART HOLMES Sl-ilfullv handled hy rodupcrM as well as actors v were conscious they were treading on thin ic". 99 In the evening ami when discovered ,hud such a start that it could not be controlled. Fractlcally all of the con tenta perished with the house. Mr. Uloumer'a loss waa about $3000 and he waa protected by Insurance to the extent of $2600. Buys Buick Roadster. William Hale of the firm of Ilale A McAtee, haa purchased a C-S Bu ick roadster from the Oregon Motor Co. Secure Judgment. Judgment for $57 plus $20 feea was granted touy In the case of Guy C. Horner vs. C. C. Millard. Han Alleged White Slaver. Deputy U. S. Marshal Dave Puller la stopping off here today with a prisoner by the name of R. S. War ren ffhom he arrested yesterday In Wallowa county 'on a white slave charge. He will take him on to Port land tonight. DELEGATES PLEASED WITH RECEPTION AT THE DALLES MKMUKHS OF STATE FAKMERS' t'.MO.V AUU1VE HOME LAST KVKX1XU. Law and Order League Elects. The Pendleton Law and Order League held a meeting last evening and organized for the ensuing year with R. H. Wilcox aa president and W. W. Harrah the retiring president, aa vice president. riiotogrnivlis Are Taken. This morning the Waltsburg basket ball team composed of Emma Scher er, Elma Thompson, Ruth Coburn, Ruby Ward. Clephane Gulllford, Ea ther Scholl, and la Wells, together with their coach, MUa Snell, appear ed at Bowman's studio and posed for basketball pictures. Xed Baldwin Here. Edward D. Baldwin, private secre tary of Congressman N. J. Slnnott end who as private secretary to Con gressman Ellis, spent some time In Per.dleton, was here yesterday and left this morning for the east. He has been In The Dallea and Walla Walla recently visiting. Remonstrances Aro lllcd. Five remonstrances against the ap pointment of a farm expert were filed today by Henry J. Taylor, who, with J. B. Kennedy, circulated them. Mr. Taylor states thut there are between 400 and 500 signatures to the remon-ctrances. Find Employment for live. Through the agency of the Civic Coffee Club five more Idle men yes terday found employment and touy several others were likewise success ful In getting work. Those back ot the Institution believe that it Is prov ing to fill a real need and will prove even more successful after It la fairly established. Files Answer to Suit. Denying most of the charges in the complaint and claiming that she has always worked hard to assist her husband and contending that there Is not sufficient facts In her husband's suit to justify a separation, Mrs. Ed ith Hughes yesterday filed her ans wer to the divorce suit filed several days ago by her husband. Full of praise for the manner In which they were treated by the peo ple of The Dalles the local members of the delegation of the state Farmers' Union meeting arrived home last ev ening. They declare The Dallea peo ple fairly outdid themselves In tho manner of entertainment activities. The chief feature of the entertain ment program waa a banquet served in the opera house at which 520 peo ple were seated. The banquet waa served by the students of the high achool and waa a big affair- During one afternoon of the session a parade was held wlthUOO people In line. A motion picture machine took pictures of the gathering. At the annual meeting there were 100 regularly accredited delegates In attendance and 300 visiting delegates. The three days' session waa lively throughout and the program waa the beat the union has ever had. Dele gates were present from all over Ore gon and from southern Idaho. In addition the president of the Wash ington state organization waa there and the vice president of the nation al organization, A. C. Swift of Ba ker. O. A. C Endorsed One' of the features of the meeting according to those returning was an enthusiastic endorsement of the work of the agricultural college and of the farm demonstration work now being carried In cooperation with thee partment of agriculture The plan of having county farm demonstrating experts waa fully endorsed. The sub ject of rural credits was another top ic discussed while matters pertaining to legislation from the coming legis lature were left in the hands of a legislative committee. Of the Umatilla county delegates A. R. Shumaway and F. A. Sykea, re turned yesterday morning; C. P. Strain, .R O. Earnhnrt, C. C. Con nor and M.r Gentry returned last ev ening and W. W. Harrah went to Portland for a visit before returning. In addition to the officers elected and mentlone in this paper yesterday, C. C. Connor was elected as fraternal delegate to visit other organizations with which the farmers organization la allied. AyliiU Refuses to Help. BERLIN. Dee. 5. Rome reporta Abyssinia has declined the Anglo French demand to send troops to fight the Turks in Egypt. Ready-to-Wear Clothes for the Little Miss at prices you can afford to Pay. Why not get something to wear as well as some thing to play with? It's appropriate besides it's economy. NoM&tterWhat the Price, You Can Buy It For Less At The Golden Rule Store. Wool dresses for the- miss, sizes 0 to 14 years, of handsome quality bluo scrgo with whito pique collar and cuffs, pood $5.00 value, Oolden Rula price, 3.08. ' Velvet corduroy dresses, handsomely made come iu blues, and browng aL ?3.08 Boulevard velvet dresses, so cuto and. yet bo serviccavle for tho littlo one, readily worth $0.00 ; our every day pr. ?-l.o Children's coats, niuko the littlo ono happy with one of theso chic styles at Lwo, ?2.08 ?3.1)8, ?4.08, $5.00. Fur sets for the little ones in white, black, browns or mixed nt 91.08, ?3.08, ? 4.08, ?5.00. Why not a pair of felt "GPjJJ tliev aro so eumfy and only -Of , eOf , OS, ?1.25. you can do 3tit&o(dc(7iuCc OTHERS Or i.r.f.;c- V FOLLO BETTER AT r J Pood Your Chickens Corn CHEAPER THAN WHEAT Good Eastern Corn, whole $ 1 .80 cwt. cracked $2.00 cwt. Pendleton Roller Mills All kinds of Giain and Millfeeds-good clean Oats I " ALTA C-3 flfl Will Siwak on Au-tmlla. James Faul, for 20 years a resi dent of Australia and engaged In the stock business there, will make an address Monday evening in the high school auditorium to the students and general public In connection with the agricultural department of the high school. He will discuss the sheep and other livestock buslnc'a of Aus tralia. Mr. Paul has the reputation of being a very Interesting speaker. .Mr..Furln;t'8 Story. The East Orcgonlan Is In receipt of a weekly letter from Charles Wel lington Furlong stating that Harper's Weekly haa notified him the maga zine will carry a sketch of the Found up and some photographs In the is sue of December 12 which will be off the press about December 9. There is considerable local Interest In the story, Inasmuch as Mr. Furlong at tended the Round-up this year as the representative of Harper's Weekly. Mrs. Caroline Hogs DIPS. Succumbing to a long Illness from dropsy, Mrs. Caroline Rogers, wife of a former well known stockman, died at her home In this city early this morning and the body is being prepared at the Brown parlors for shipment to Echo for Interment by the side of her deceased husband. She was 53 years old and a native of Yamhill county, Oregon. She Is sur vived by several children, one of whom, Judd Rogers, lives In this city. County Courts Will Meet. County Judge J. W. Maloney, Com missioner 11. M. Cockburn and pos sibly Commissioner H. A. Waterman will leave next' week for Portland to attend the fifth annual convention of the Oregon State association of coun ty Judges and commissioners which will be held In Portland on Dec, 9, 10 and 11. Among the matters to be dlscusHed at the cohvenMon will be the care of tho Indigent poor,- the problem of the unemployed and the good roads qucHtion. I TODAY TODAY 1 "The Lion ' off. Venloe" By the Makers of "Quo Vadis" H Staged on the canals and among the palaces of that wonderful Old J m World City, Venice Italy- A romance of strong interest m M runs through the play If in ' m See the Beautiful Spectacular Pageants The Manriage of the Sea The Orsini Wedding Procession j Big in Conception Big in Educational Value Big in Execution g The Most Beautiful City of the Old World Brought to You H Although we are paying a very large price for this picture we will only charge the usual prices. The play with its costumes, preperties H and settings is "guaranteed correct by City of Venice. Admission Only 15c 1111111S I THlLTA THEATRE E3 m E3 Eagles Have Hlg Time. Last night was a big night for the EE local Eagles, It not only being the oc- g caHlon of the annual election of offl-. 3 cers hut of a banquet and social ses-! Ej sion also. The election proved a splr-' p lied one and resulted In the follow-' g2 ing selections: Jlmes Hlmes, worthy 3 111 culilrnf IT A Anderson worthy 'vice president; M. A. Ferguson, wof 'thy chaplain; V. Stroble, secretary, j Ed Hayes, treasurer; Dr. H. S. Oar-! I field, aerie physician ; Oeorge Haw I trustee; M. K. Long, Inside guard: s i Charles Hanke, outside guard. Over ' 100 members were present and a so- g f.!n m'HxIon and banquet wns held aft- er the business meeting. J. T. Hinkle ff TIi.rmlMlr.n flrnt worthy nresldent cr of the loml aerlc, was present as a Sp special guest. fi SUNDAY SUNDAY "The Patchwork Girl off Oz," By L. Frank Baiim-Author oi "The Wizard of Oz.,1 A Beautiful Photo Extravaganza Nothing Like It Ever Produced Before Some thing old and young will enjoy. Full of Photo graphic Illusions. Admission 15c Children 5c NOTICE: Due to Elks Memorial Services being held in our Theatre in the afternoon we will start our performances at 6 P. M &3