DAILY EAST OTtEGONIAN, PEyDLETON", OKEOON, EATrTRPAV, NOVEMBER 21. 1914. FTOTTT PAGES ttUJIiiilUlilllilUIUIlUliil TF you would have your wife drive in perfect safety, comfort, style, avoid all disagreeable mechanical troubles, arid at the lowest cost to you, 1 66 c; in tJ LmwmmI LT1J 50: o) 1U L PAOEFOUIl ...11 iiiitiitimtiiiiimimmv miiiiimiiimm mmmnmmm n ill iiiiiiiiiiinnnniiiiiiiiiiinmnmiiiinmmmiiiininii! jj DUICK is not only built on the most beautiful lines, but has no equal, at, or far above it's price, for Power, Speed, Comfort, Durability, De ll pendability, Fuel-Economy and Low Up-Keep. It not only "Gets There" but it "Makes the Round-Trio." On Dast performance we must N guage our future dependence. Buick is the "Record Breaker" and always courts comparison. J A. ? Q sold by the Oregon Motor Garage within the last three months. These owners have all investigated other makes. Take advantage of g-f AJ&Q J A their knowledge. Ask them. It is expensive to exoeriment with cam that have never been thoroughly tried out on our hills and roads. A lsJIkJ -3 f MODEL C-36 BUICK ROADSTER, F.O.B. Pendleton 51400 MODEL C-37 BUICK Touring Car, F.O.B. Pendleton 31450 1 MODEL C-24 . SHOO ; Snappy stream line roadster. Tlie 3 Uuvl edition or Uie Bl'ICK road S hi or that was sold oat months before H the end of last season. 1 MODEL C-25 51150 3 A roomy, luxurious, flve-passcaser t3 touring car. Tlie Ideal family car finish and appointment the finest, even to the smallest detail. Model C-55 Buick "Six $1850 To the 1915 Bl'ICK Model C-33 Belongs the di.stlmlion of being tlie most perfectly bal anced automobile on the market today. Tlie ideal six t-hould have an abundance of power without excessive weight. It should U economical In operation, it should repre sent the most artistic and luxurious design possible In a motor car. FORD ROADSTER, the busy man's hurry-up car. A runabout of unending convenience. Once you use one it Is hard to realize how you ever got along without it. F. O. B. Pendleton $509 FORD TOURING CAR. If you can t afford an automobile yon can afford a Ford. Cheaer to maintain than a driving team. Carries five parson gers and when it goes It gets Uiero $359 Enormous Output Gives , You More Car For Your Money T HE Bl'ICK annual output Is 55.000 cars and the rora output 300,000 curs. Tills enormous out put of these two mammoth Dlnnta enables tha manufacturers to sell their cars at far below the coat of construction of most automobiles. Buick and Ford are in a class by themselves. Take advant age of this fact, Mr. Prospective Buyer and get more car fuf your money than others can offer you. All five models of these cars now on display at this garage. We will be pleased to demonstrate them at your convenience. B. F. Trombley, Proprietor j oil i mm mn m imrmmrc mm m mm n lillilillillUiailiillillllllilllilillllllliiiUllUililtlllUllilllll iQOn MOT0H CAR AG Telephone 4 OS. 110-121 W. Court St IIIIIIIIillllH wmmmm " IM.HMIM IIMtUHa- , M N f . f T 'imummn llililliliiuili, AS 1XDETENDEM NEWSPAPER. Published lllly and Semi-Weekly at Pea- dieton, Oregon, by the AST OKKUONIAS ITBLISUINQ CO Official County Paper. Member Cnlted Press Association. Catered at the poetofflce at Pendleton, Oregua, as second-class mall matter. telephone ON BALE IN OTHER CITIES. Imperial Hotel News bund, Portland, lawman Newt Co.. Portland, Oregon. ON FILE AT dingo Bureau. lw Security Bolldlng. Washington, D. C, Bores a, 6tl. sour teentn street, N. W. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dairy, one year, by mall. . $3 00 Illy, six months, by mall .5U Illj. three month, by mall 1.2 Iwlly, one moeth. by msll .60 IIH, one jesr. by csrrkr T.ou Iielly. eis months, by carrier 7 lsl!y. three months, by carrier l-B-j Illy, one month, by carrier -' Kemf-Werklj, one yesr by msll l.o'J aeml-Vevkly. six months, by mall.... .J5 Heml-Weekly, lour mouths. bT msll... -0 HOW TO WIS. It takts a little courage, And a little self-control. And some grim determination, If you want to reach the goal. It takes a deal of stirring. And a firm aod stern set chin No mutter what the battle, If you're really out to win. Thet the German casualty list al ready contains 180,000 names was slated In press reports InrredlblA. from Europe yesterday. That report seems In credible bul if true what a horrible r a hen almost a million men have leeo slaughtered on one side, and the ar scarcely started. A human llf in valued undi-r the statutes of Ore son at 17,001). Upon that basis a million men are worth, from an earn U standpoint $7,000,000,000, so Ger-1 There is no easy path to glory. There's no rosy road to fame; Life, however we may view it, i no simnle tarlor game. But Its price calls for fighting. For endurance ana lor grit, For a rugged disposition, And a "don't-know-wher-to quit" Tou must Uke a blow or gtva one, Tou must rink and you must lose, And expect In the struggle You will suffer from a bruise. Hut you must not falter, If a fight you once begin. He a man and face the battle That's the only way to win. Nell Boranson. many has lost seven billions in human flesh thus far in addition to the cash cost of the war. The war god takes a colossal sac rifice. According to news stories in the Oregonian and other Portland papers earnest attention All For Economy is t6 be given by And Reform. the coming legis lature to the mat ter of throwing present state appoint ees out of office so their places may be filled with men who rendered vali ant work In the recent election. So sealous are the crusaders that it is even proposed to change some of the laws in order to accomplish their purposes with all speed. For instance the Insurance commissioner who holds hnder the law until 1917 and who has some notions about state Insurance, may be Mtct:-1 at onre through leg islative action In order to get rid of other mm ahead of time it Is pro posed to abolish their offices and then revive them again so as to get new men In the coveted places. Inasmuch as the laws under which these men now hold office were enacted by re publican legislatures of the past or by the people at the polls the line of action seems unusual. However, we have a new legislature pledged to economy and reform and a governor-elect of the same po litical faith. Therefore great results are to be anticipated and no doubt the relief of the "suffering Belgians" of the G. O. P. Is a necessary step towards the splendid goal of reduced taxes and a Greater Oregon. One political problem that may be upon us immediately after tha war Is that of Immigration. Immigration happily not a parti- After tlie War. san problem. Some believe that demand in the old world will keep labor there, but we are Inclined to think Immi gration to the United States nest spring will be enormous. If so, the question la bound to become acute. Can we accept it, with no better ar rangements for digesting It? Can we make better arrangements for digest ing it 7 And connected with this is one other matter bearing on American business after the war. Violent radi cal changes In politics and industry are practically certain in Europe after peace Is established, and they are not at all improbable even auring me war. Shall we escape? It depends on the wisdom with which great capi talists act ,now that the legislative fight is about over. Even in England, at war as she is, this principle is in everybody's mind. One of the fore most economists In the world ex pressed to us the other day the opinion that cooperative buying in England would show a great Increase at once. In England, of course, the situation is Inexpressively acute; and Important, therefore, is any Intellectual step for ward in the mechanism of industry, since It helps to ward off a danger a thousand times more pressing than any fortunate American yet knows. Harper's Weekly. "Where MacGregor sits there Is the head of the table," Is being quoted to show that in the next Penrose -and congress Penrose will Cannon. be the minority leader In the senate and Joe Cannon their guide in the house. This will be true whether or not those men are the titular floor leader.. They are the ablest men of their Party in the national legislature. Or at least they are the most shrewd about interpreting the mission of their party which of late years has con sisted distinctly in service to privilege. The explanation of why republican leadership does not fall naturally In to the hands of men of the progres sive group like La Follette is found In the fact those men do not suit the in terests that put up the money for the party war chest They are too much like the Wilson democrats In that they have some desire, to serve the touniry. renrose ana cannon are hardened against anything of that sort and may be counted upon to stay Put. Liverpool wheat prices are basic and may be safely followed; the Chicago and Portland markets are often af fected by temporary local conditions it Having had a street car accident Pendleton la absolutely In the metro politan class. It is well to heed the postal sug gestions about . marking Christmas parcels; ditto the early shopping slo gan. The great and momentuous Issue In Oregon today Is being fought out "t Corvallls amidst much yelling and tooting of horns. The weatherman should cither give us some enow or stop this bluffing business. Life imprisonment is moro severe than death and it will save tragic mistakes. Senator Lodge wants trouble with Turkey; why don't he go over there. Our bowling team generally gives a good account of itself. Wanted, TUds. For filling 4594 cubic yards of dirt i.nd gravel at Weston Popular Spring Dam. Plans and specifications can be teen at the City Recorder's office, Weston, Oregon. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be opened at 7:30 p. m. Nov. 23, 1914. Attested: E. O. DEM OSS, (Adv.) City Reoorder. Notice to Public. Owing to repairs being made on one of the auto street cars, the service to state hospital and north side will bo discontinued until further notice. Car going to St. Anthony hospital will Irave every hour Instend of the half hour as at present PARKER TAXI CO. United Artisans, Attention. Alpha Assembly No. 9, United Ar lns, will hold an open. meeting on Tuesday evening, November 24th. Su preme officer will be present and all members urged to be in attendance. UY ORDER MASTER ARTISAN. (Adv.) IllDil tolFMl E3 za MOTOR CAR HERE IT IS It Speaks for Itself Uncle Sam Involved. The government has Inspected our meats and approved them as being fresh, pure and wholesome. Have you this protection elsewhere? Protect your health, phone 444, Oregon Mar ket Adv. Thanksgiving Masquerade. Eagle-Woodman hall, Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, November 25. Cash prizes for best sustained character; also for best costumes, lady and fen tleman. Secure your costumes and compete for the prizes. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE MAN. AGEMENT. (Adv.) Hiss Uao P&ulson Teacher of.... Vocal Piano : and Pipe Organ Graduate of Win on Conservatory of Mask and pupil of Hugh OwniJMui. Bac of Wales. STUDIO 709 Garden St. Phone S43 3. I'XIT POWER PLANT Cone Clutch. MOTOR Four-cylinder, cast en bloc 3 7-8-ln bore by 4 1-2-Inch stroke. 30-35 II P. Water Cooled. Centrifugal Pump. RADIATOR Tubular Type. START ICR t.KXKR ATOR Single unit. 12-volt, 40-imp. Battery. 1 1 IG II-TFASIO.V M AGX F.TO Waterproof. LUBRICATION Splash and force feed. GASOLINE SYSTEM Pressure feed. 15-gallon tank hung on rear. REAR AXLE Full-floating. Removable cover plate to give access to differential. TRANS MISSION Selective sliding gear type three speeds forward and reverse. Vana dium steel gears heat-treated. TIMKF.N BEARINGS thruout. Including wheels and differ ential. S. R. O. BALL BEARINGS In t clutch and transmission. STEERING .GEAR 17-lnch wheel. Irreversible nut and sector type. DRIVIv Left side; center con trol. WIIEEI.IIASH 110 Inches. BODY Real five passenger, comfortably Upholstered in ' genuine grain leather, with deep springs and natural hair, SPRINGS All Chrome Vana dium steel, self lubricating. PEN HERS Exceptionally handsome oval design. RUNNING BOARD AND FOOT BOARDS Wood, linoleum covered and aluminum bound. WHEELS Hickory; demount able rims. 82 by I 1-1 Inches. TIRES Straight side type-Non-skid rear. WINDSHIELD Rain vision, clear vision and ventilating. TOP One-man type, Mohair cover with Jiffy curtains and boot IJGHTS Electric: head (with dimmer and automatic focus ing device), tall and dash. INSTRUMENT BOARD Car ries full equipment of oil pres sure gauge, gnsollne pressure gauge and pump, battery gauge, switches and speed ometer. Speedometer driven from transmission EQUIPMENT Electric Horn, Robe Rail. Li cense Brackets Foot Rail. Tools, Demountable rim mounted on rear. SHIPPING WEIGHT Approximately 2200 pounds. riUCB 1785 f. o. b. Detroit. . Prifc f. o. h. Pendleton with the following extra equipment: 1 extra inner tube, 1 pair woed chains, 1 extra casing, .with tiro cover, on the extra rim. Highest Priced Fixe man High Ten sion Magneto. ' Jones CO-Mlle Speedometer. 3 t-i3 Highest Priced Wlllard Storage Bat tery. One man top. Clear Vision Venti lating Windshield. Orders are Being Received By PENDLETON AUTO G O. 3 812 Johnson Street. Agents for Umatilla County. GASOLINE REDUCED TO 20 CENTS Phono 541 e3 m Hi . fcra : u C3 E 3 i 3 I i II