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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
page ncin DAILY EAST OREGOXTAX, PEXPTVETOX. OKEOON, MOXDAY, 2, 1014. EIGHT PAGES Our BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS 3J ' 'XSy . ' i -I i STANDARD GROCERY GO. "Lcrr a!J are Picas? J Dala Retail CmCLKH Classes Ground and Fitted Less;:s?caac4 M S&art Xj6u Ws Smkm THE Ji.ti All vork guaranteed DROP IX JLND THT CXT3. HOT LUNCHES AND DRINKS SERVED AT Ali, EOrELS- CHILI COS CAEAE S.WDW1CHT5 HOT TAMALES , CoITee. E;t:U.-t. Ciooolne, EetX Tea. Etc. Orpheum . Theatre SPECIAL FOR Tuesday and Wednesday Only "SHADOWS" Twopzit Irr.-p Feature Ii vhicli Klr: Haot enacts the pirt cf every c!i racier In trie cast and there are ten cisllnct characters The greatest nove!i ever attempted in motion pictures. You have never seen anvthing like it MTiere tL ft tor tut P"u j'trt Fly Jl'L-u in n- j-e.. At: i , ' t ' . . .. v. COMING TUESDAY Marie Core!!i s "VENDETTA" A Masterpiece in 5 parts COMING ATTRACTIONS AT THIS THEATRE ARE i- tie Vizi thi: thaIi? r - . i - Itr.T of the real creamery ili, cle tist u full crviin ml e--r fiat an? re- ,' !? t triil- Yon will , lir rr-l da. FHOXE 96 Court aaJ Johnson Sts. HsEEHT TFJUS STRIKES A TEAM CF F0U3 KOHSES W-i croaeirg tie O -W. R. ft N. tri-k at Ci.tit street about 5 o' tlvvk t-is afrerrotn, tie fonr horse !na c5K.Il Porter was struck by a frigt traia arl t of t horses wre tJired they were t .r i a tiiri w.ll ljo probably i-e u t shot. Th fcrth escaped r.icit trjry. Vr. Porter was driT iz.g h-s Ifi3 in: 3 the city w-en the tn a r iawa c;-oa fcfm. Tie Petit irdistry at H-urisiarg re-re.-re-i a tg booet frcta the recent Lliss Lias Paulson Teacher of.... Vocal PiMio and Pipe Organ Ccsle cf Wlso Caerratary ci Use :ai scpS cf H Jjh (Vm M- 3ac ef MtU. STUDIO 709 Garden St. 3THEATRE TODAY - ; 'THK VY.V-YMXKYM," Vi'i'ij'.. 'iti ',ffn.t; Antonio, Xor- a:: amkki:an jikikkss" fr.-'ji r' -.". 'ST, ELMO." uvy: j'foi' wisitow," - nn; r,ii. i jjkwni me," A ! r ".tU ',4'i i'.'l fi.iit.f th r I'ji lnni) UlA Newsy Notes Arthur Gibson and Earl Couttt prnt yrnterday shooting In the vi cinity of Prospect Farm anj return- . 1 .,W kl. ....... Marriage IJvt.e I-cmcd. Saturday afternoon two marriage licensee were Issued, one to Onral Duncan and Mamie Riley and the other to William IL McKlnney and W"l!!muth Fuson. KrK X. J. Slnnott Ilerr. En route from Washington on a rush trip home for a brief campaign tour. Congressman N. J. . Slnnott reached here yesterday morning and left tnltr for The Dalies. He made strops in Baker an 1 La Grande also. rr ftoun.1 Over. Mike Lingren. charged with burg lary not in a dwelling, has been bound over to the grand Jury under 1109 and Gus Carlson, charged with i robbery, has been bound over under JSIl bonds. These two men were ar rested br Deputy Sheriff Hiram Shreckhlse of Huron and It Is charg ed that they robbed the tents of la boring men at that place. Lonktac for Robbers. Sheriff Taylor has been notified to keep bis eye open for two men who robbed a work camp at Towal on the North Bank road seTeral nights ago, getting away with S1C0 In money and some clothing after they' had bound and gagged all of the members of the camp and had seriously wounded the foreman- The two men had been fed at the camp daring the day and had returned at night to rob their t benefactors. Bnrd Jantper ruck. This afternoon E. J. Crawford charged with defrauding a hotel i keeper, is before Justice of the Peace! Parkes for a hearing. The complain-J Ing witnesses are Mr. and Mrs. H. H. CopelanJ who conduct a boarding hous here. K H. Menke who was wanted on the same charge, settled up bis account and was not held Both' men were arrested at La Grande and Crawford was brought back by Dep-1 uty Shriff Eftes. FWtion 'lglt Rport. As u.uU at election time the East ree-'nian will flash election returns on the street tomorrow night until rr.iJrlcht or later. Complete returns w.'.l be secured through the Western I'nion and from the East Oregonlan mrrtrindnts over Umatilla county. Th ii'.lnt ns available will be se-(U'-iil anl the service will be free '.rom tijj r'gardin? any of the con t.t. T!ie wet and dry vote will be s-cure l along with news or the 1m-pnr-jr.t contests for office. The pui-Tl? Li Invited to watch the returns ss rihe j fvn the screen on the Ma-s-jnic tullling. Mwirat A-Mtiibly Held. This morning the first monthly stu i?r.t t-o-iy meeting as provided for un.ler the new amendment to the M-'h sth'Kl constitution took place in th auj.torium. The coming game with Wi'iU Walla next Friday was the h:f subject under discussion, and Gamble of the agricultur al drartment gave an enthusiastic j.-Ach on school spirit In which he that before he came to Pen :ton he had heard that Pendleton h ch i notd throughout the state r rrff"S as the most loyally, enthu-t- i-t:c j'ly supported school In the, Tickets for the Walla Walla r.T, w-re d:tributed among the f ;!-.' f.jr file, and the first !' :m attraction of the season was i- r.- :nr-1 for Thursday r.Iffht at the h'rh h !. auditorium. T I'Uy f"C t1tani(Unli!p. l'rr,-i';::i county has been divided '.- t' -ti"M the wet section. ! t'r.e eaj-t section for the purpose cf 5?ii r.g the county hiKh school t.iB;Ii in basket ball, the tfjn.f fr'.m which towns will rom amor.? th-mIveg for the chsm-li- r.s' ! of their section. The east n- tion crsLrts t,t Fernlale. Milton. V.r'Tt tr.d Veton, and they will Th Hove of Good Picture! of Pendleton llkewU compete within their section for the championship of the east part of the county. The winners of the sections will then play two games to decide the winners of the combined east and west sections and the win ners of the combined sections will then compete with Pendleton high school in two consecutive games for the championship of Umatilla county. E. W. Hamman of Echo arranged the schedule for the west section and 8. J. Neterer of Freewater arranged the schedule for the east section. . Daughter Is Horn. A baby ulrl was born Saturday ev ening to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Averlll Has r Jeweler. Herbert Green has accepted a po sition as Jeweler and watchmaker with A. L. Schaefer. Younr Couple to Wed. A marriage license was Issued to day to Herbert W. Calfee and Miss Helen E. Whipple, both of this city. Buys in Lou's Cafe. At the auction sale of Lott's Cafe Saturday afternoon. R. Alexander bought In the fixtures and stock for $500. The cafe had been closed by the creditors of the proprietors. Pars Balance of Fine. . Helen Cutter, the chorus girl who has been serving time In Jail on a charge of Immoral acts, this morning paid the balance of her fine and was released. The three street walkers were also released and the woman's Jail Is again empty. Was Former ttotball star. J. O. Convlll, the Portland superin tendent of parks and boulevards who has been secured to superintend the construction of the Pendleton natato. rium, was formerly well known In the football world, having been coach of the Pacific University team. Holibacb Funeral Hold. Services over the body of Jacob Hohbach, who died Saturday after a brief Illness, were held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the Folsom chapel and later the body was taken to Portland for interment there to day. A large number of friends of the deceased were present at the fu neral. KIIN Hue liui'k. When Teddy Hausnlrth returned from his hunt on the North Fork of Meacham creek, he brought back with him a fine seven-point buck that dressed 20s pounds, almost as large as the one the Matlock party brouifht back several days ago. With Hauswlrth was John Zoller. The deer has been on exhibition today In the Empire Meat Market. Hallowe'en IfootllunM Do Damnre. Taking advantage of the spirit of Hallowe'en, some hoodlums Satur day evening made excursions about the city, leaving damage In their wake. At the residence of C. H. Rosenberg the fence was ad most en tirely destroyed and other similar work has been reported. If the of fenders are caught they will be pros ecuted. For the most part the young sters of the city Indulged In harmless pranks. W. C. T, I. Coiwts Error. At a meeting of the ladios of the local W. C. T. U. this afternoon, ac tion was taken to correct an Impres sion hich they claim has bern given enit regarding their officers. The of ficers of the county orsanlzation ni vouched for at the mertln? nre Mrs J. C. Woodworth, presidf-nt. and Mrs. ;. Hub? secretary, and of the Pen dleton organization. Mm. A. Lowell, president Mrs. fj. W. Rui?g vice-president and Mr.i J. If. Haley Heoretary. Mi-ntlfiocl Wrrng Woman. Although Saturday afternoon they Identified Florence ."earcy positU'ely as the woman who had sold them li quor, J. Curtwrlght nnd I. H. Kran clier tills morning Just as positively denlej she w;is the woman. Accord ingly the complaints charging Mrs. Searcy with selling liquor without a license and keeping a bawdy house were diKinlKxed and later similar complaints were filed against Gladys Kent another colored lodging keeper. Want Guardian .plnl'l. Judge James A. Fee, wh,o has been acting u attorney for Rudolph Sheel. reservation farmer who was committed to the asylum last week, has asked the county court to ap point a guardian for the demented man Inasmuch as he has valuable property. Judge Maloney has set November 12 as the date for a hear ing. Eheel has been farming the William Caldwell 320 acres on the reservation. Recently he won a Judgment In the circuit court for $2, 462 40 ,ut there Is a motion entered for a new trial. The petition sets forth that the defendant In the suit tried n mikn a settlement with Hhee after the latter had been ta ken Into custody, Hheel has no rel atives In this county. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY INSTITUTE BEFORE CLOSE ifucy op prehident WIION KNDOIlftEII IIV 1VAtHV.HH. Endorsing ths peace policy of Pfllnt Wilson, recommending the paxaujfe of the measures re-establishing the Weton and Ahland normal ' hools, going on record as In favor iif the proUMtlon Hinendinent and i opposlfg h f I COO esemptlon liil Nnd Die riieHnir to buve the piibll't M-rvp'S corporations pay luxes direct ly to the stale, the teachers of Cma ti.'la county at the close of their an- ti'Ji) Ifixtll'Jte FHturly Hdopted res- olutlons which bear upon the election tomorrow. The peace plan of President Wilson Is characterised us one of the great educational movements of the age, and the licensed saloon Is branded as chief among the agencies that op pose the best welfare of the youth. Both the tax measures referred to above are characterized as Inimical to the upbuilding of the schools Inas much as they decrease the community revenue. State Superintendent J. A. Church ill Is glowingly enJorsed and recom mended for unanimous support at the election and the work of County Su perintendent I. E. Young Is also heartily recommended. The full text of the resolutions will be published later. rxsiccFAsii r. hi: cm k(;i;s UlltKGULAHlTIFS AT POLLS i John A. Hennessy, who was unsuc cessful In his fight to be named as a candidate for the governorship of the state of New York, has come forward with a charge that Tammany dist rict captains practiced irregularities at the polls. He says his watchers re port that Tammany men nut at tables in polling places and handed sample ballots with crosses opposite the names of the Tammany candidates to voters. Hennessy holds this to be a violation of the election luw which provides that no electioneering shall go on within 100 feet of polling places. A contract has been let for extendi slon of the Oregon Eastern for 40 i BE CALLED BY I KULIX, Nov. 2, via The Hague The declaration by the Sultan of a ' "holy war" against Crilihh. French. ! Russians and some others may be ex pected Immediately, the Turkish am bassador announced. 1'nofficial advices Indicate the Ar abs in Tripoli already arc attacking the Italians. I ERLIN, Nov. 2, wireless via Say vllle. German successes In rclKlum and France, Austrian victories in Galicla and a general)' ralblng of Mo hammedans to the standard of the sultan, were reported In an official; statement Issued by the kaiser's gen- I erul staff this afternoon. The battle; in northern France was: reported Increasingly favor ible from , the ilerman standpoint. I The statement said: "Sundays re-I ports show the French have been ' driven across the Alsne near Solssons. Letters from the front describe the conflict between Nieupont nnd Ypres as the fiercest of the war. The losses I On Itoth Klflf.M llfivn tu.i.n ttvl rcnw.l u i heavy. "Exploits of the Turkish fleet In the IMack sea, which bombarded Odessa and Sevcastapol, destroying two Ku.isiun warships, lit transports and ceveral oil tankers, have created great t-nthuslustn. WAR MAY TURK SH RULER 1 ulJJJIIiNJ!!Ji;iilf!JJu::!JilIliI!;liJJ:f!J,;ni;:lUJ!llillu 1 PURVEYORS OF PARAMOUNT SERVICE '3 :3 TODAY DAXIKL FROIIMAX l'renonti "Aftermath" Starring VIIKJIXfA l'EAKSOX and OWEN MOO UK in Uio powerful domestic drama of Ameri can lifo Htaptyl in New York City and shows gome beautiful Xew York City Bccneii, ADMISSION' 15?; CIIILDKKX 5 'it I Election Returns will be given by us tomorrow night until a very late hour. A comfortable seat and warm room, good pictures and latest news ALL FOR TEN CENTS Crouds flock to this Dig Busy Storo for wonderful values in high grado merchan dise. No matter what the price, you can buy it for less at The Golden Rule Store. Good weight colored outinp; at 0 l-4 Extra heavy outing in whito and colored 8 1-3, 10f, 12 12. Percale, 28 to 30 inches wido O 10, 12 l-2. Fearless apron checks 3 Amoskeng apron checks at G l-l. IIouso lining 4$, 'Ileavv ltrown muslin 0 1-1, 7 12, 8 l-3. Illcuchcd, 3C inch muslin Hojx bleached muslin 7 l-2 Lonsdnln bleached muslin at 8 13. IJerklev Xo. CO cambric at 12 1 2. Lonsilale nainsook 15 8-4 Pppcrell or Foxcroft blenched sheeting -1- 21fJ 0-4 Pepperell or Foxcroft bleached sheeting . 23 Pillow tubing . 15, lGe TOU CAJf DO BETTER AT lltEXCH PUKSI DKXT'S WIFK A WAK NUHSK !53 i s k 1.. V - ' . Mme. Poincare, wife of the French president who Is spending four hours each day acting as a Red Cross nurse to the wounded soldiers In the hos pitals of Bordeaux, the new French cnpltnl. CHICAGO STOCKYARDS ARE CLOSED; OTHERS TO FOLLOW DISCOVERY OF FOOT AND MOLTII DISEASE; LEADS TO DR AS. TIC ACTION. CHICAGO, Nov. 2 The Cnltea States bureau of animal Industry or dered the Chlcngo stock yards closed today !ecaun of tho discovery of new cases of foot and mouth disease. Aftrr tonight no CHttle, sheep or hogs will be received or shipped to! the local market until further notice.' loiter Dr. Ramsey, chief field In spection of the federal bureau of anl-i mal Industry ordered closed all the stockyards In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan after 10 tonight. Exception was made regarding live stock en route to Chicago. This will be handled the same M heretofore. The stockyards of Omaha, Kansas Y ci?PJf?AlTf1R U iulsn U uil TOMORROW "A Royal Impostor" in five acta nnd filmed in natural colors. This is what other theaters would call a fea ture, hut we are not fftin to charge "feature prices." "War Stricken Louvain" Is a picture from tho war zono showing the. effects of the death struggle, Don't miss it ADMISSION' 10?; CHILDJtEX 5? Good Bizo blankets 40, C0 Extra largo cotton blankets at 08, ?1.40, 91.08. Full sizo wool nap blankets in white colored or fancy plaids at 91.08, $2.08 Largo sizo wool blankets at ?2.08, 93.08, 9 1.08. Full sizo comforters at OSf, 91. io, 91.O8, 92.10. Extra large funcy comforters at 92.08, 93.10, 93.08 All feather pillows 40, 70t, 08?, 91.10. Pillow Mips 10 12 l-2f, 17 1 2, 2 1. Full sizo hheets... 30, i9f Extra lariro she't8 without scams GOf, 73, 837, 01. Percnlo 0 1.4 lOf4, ani 12 1 2f. Flnnneletts 10, 12 l-2f, 15. WE LED OTHETtS FOLLOW City, South Ft. Paul and other smaller western meat centers wers not af fected by the order. Following the order the price of live hogs jumped 2t cents per hun dred. The International live stock show scheduled here for December was abandoned as the result of the quar antine. Duidi liny Hour Heavily. NEW ORLEANS. Oct it What Is said by local railroad officials to be the largest consignment of flour to ft single consignee, from an American port Is Is being concentrated here for the Netherlands' government Al ready H4 carloads, shown on railroad way bills as 4,722,000 pounds, have arrived. An equal amount soon will be In transit, It Is said. The flour was milled In Kansas nd It Is understood will be transport el to Europe In vessels of the Holland American line. Cottage Grove la to have a depot miles from Riverside, park. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. . 1000 acres, 2S0 set to alfalfa, two ' good houses, two barns, and two fine orchards, concrete dam and ditches, water runs the year round. School house and church on premises. In order to make ft quick sale the price has been put down to 132 SO per acre, half cash, long time at I per cent on balance. " fc. T. WADE. Pendleton, Ore. Subdivision Work. Drafting a Specialty. GUY R. Q'fJELVEHY.C. E. GENERAL ENGINEERING. Surveying and Mapping. Hydraulics, Irrigation, Estimates Furnished. Basement American National Bank Bldg. Pendleton Abstract Office. Phono 78J w. IP 63 C-.3 iimtiimmmtimmmmrmmfimmiiim iiillllll!llillliililli!lll!il!i!l!!!liiliiiu,iiill!lii mm 3 mini t