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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
EIOITT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN-, PENDLETON, QUEZON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1914. PAGE SEVEN vvtm Among the Election Tuesday, The Republican Ticket Tha Republican party haa the reputation, upheld and sustain ed ty the records, of living up to 1U campaign pledges and plat forms. Each and every man on tha ticket Is pledged to an eco nomical, tax-reducing, efficient administration. They are each and every one men of ability, honesty and Integrity, well quail fled to administer the affairs of the offices to which they aspire, and If elected their individual reputation and standing is a guarantee that they will do so. This ticket is submitted to the voters with the greatest confl uence, with pride and the firm conviction that they will find it measuring up to every expecta tion and requirement. It Is a ticket well worthy of the un animous support of every con scientious man and woman In the State of Oregon. The num here opposite each name are the same as will appear on the official ballot. Consider it care fully. U N. J. SISNOTT, Representative in Con gress. IB R. A. IlOOTn, United States Senator. 15 JAMES WITUYCOMBE, For Governor. te TIIOS. D. KAY, Sute Treasurer. St IfEXnY 3. I1EAS. tO HENRY U nKSSOX It LAWRENCE T. HARRIS M THOMAS B. McDRlDE Justices of the Supreme Court. (Four to be elected) 41 GEORGE M. BROWN, Attorney General 44 J. A. CHURCHILL, Superintendent of Puhlic Instruction. 48 JOHN II. LEWIS, State Engineer. 49 O. P. IIOFP, Commissioner of Labor Statistic and Inspector of Factories and Work Shops. 83 FRANK J. MILLER, - Pimm!cs!rtniir of the Rail- road Commission of , Oregon. K4 GEO. T. COCHRAN, Superintendent of Water Division No. 2. 65 C. A. BARRETT, Senator 19th Senatorial District. (Umatilla. Union and Morrow Counties.) 58 J. N. BURGESS, Senator 20th Senatorial District (Umatilla County.) 0 ROBERT X. STAN FIELD, Representative 22nd Dis- ' trict- (Umatilla County, Mor row County.) 61 J. T. HINKLE. 42 ROY W. RITNER, Representatives 23rd Dis trict. (Umatilla County.) 65 T. P. GILLILAXD, County Judge. 60 L. L. MANN, County Sheriff. 72 FRANK SAUNG, County Clerk. u n. s. BtttnoroH. County Recorder. 76 C W, ' BRADLEY, County Treasurer. 19 WILLARR BRADLEY, County Surveyor. tl J. T. BROWN, County Coroner. BS 11. M. COCKBURX. County Commissioner, 80 JOE II. TARKES Justice of the Pence, Pendleton District. 88 TIIOS. SMART, Constable, Pendleton District Respectfully submitted to the consideration of the voters by tha County Central Committee. FRANK S. CUM Chairman. LEE MOORHOUSE. Scc'y. Headquarters, Rooms 1 and 2 American National Pank Building, Tendlcton. Orrgtm. (raid Adv.) Candidates November 3rd, 1914 DEMOCRATIC TICKET We call the attention of the voters to tho Democratic ticket at the General election, No vember 3, 1914. It Is composed of horieet, capable, upright and efficient citizens who will make honorable public servants and reflect credit upon the respec tive offices to which they axpire, if elected. They all believe in rigid public economy, lower tax es, a higher utandurd of public morality, civic purity, digni fied law enforcement and strict performance of official duty. For Representative in Congress ind Congressional Dist rict, 13. .SAM EVANS. For IT. S. Senator, Oregon 16 GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Present encumbent. For Governor, 22 CHARLES J. SMITH. For Stato Treasurer 27. .B. LI E PAGET. Justices of tho Supreme Court 32 T. IL CRAWFORD 33 W.M. (iALOWAY 38 WM. M. RAMSEY 40.. W. T. SLATER For Attorney General 43 JUIIV J. JEFFREY Supt. Public Instruction 46 J. A. CHURCHILL State Engineer 48 JOHN II. LEWIS ' Commissioner of Labor 49 O. P. HOFF 1 For Commissioner of the Railroad Commission 52 FRANK J. MILLER For Joint' Senator, lth District. Umatilla, Union and Morrow Coun ties. 66 JOSEPH N. SCOTT, For Senator, 20th District, Umatilla County. 57 D. C. BROWNELL, For Joint Representative, ::nd District. Umatilla and Morrow Counties. 59 GEORGE II. BISHOP, For Representative, 23rd District, Umatilla County. 63 A. W. SIMMONS. 61 HENRY J. TAYLOR. For County Judge, 67 CHARLES II. MARSH For Sheriff, 70 T. D. TAYLOR I'resent encumbent. For Count v Clerk, 71 T. C. FUAZiEH For Countv Treasurer, 78 It. O. HAWKS For Surveyor, RO J. If ENGLISH For Coroner, 82 ItETTA E. WOMBAIGH Independent but endors ed by Democrats. For Countv Commissioner, 81 LOU HODGEX For Justice of Peace Tendleton District. 85 N. BERKELEY CONSTABLE. Pendleton District. 87 J. M. DEATHMAN We Invite the careful atten tion of the voters to this ticket. It, Is one In the Interest of tax puycrs and good government. WILL M. PETERSON. Chairman. W. N. MATLOCK. Secretary. (Tald Adv.) Glendalo has Installed . lighting system. street The Only Candidate Who Guarantees to REDUCE OFFICE EXPENSES VOTE 78 X R. O. HAWKS For County Treasurer .Mr. Hawks is an excellent penman and bookkeeper and It elected will strictly observe office hours and guarantee to cut down the Expense of Collceting Taxes $100.00 per month. (Paid Advertisement ) Vote for an Experienced Man FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR on the Democratic Ticket J. R. ENGLISH Ten Years in Government Service as Apslwtant Examiner of Surveys. Southwestern States; U. P. Deputy Purveyor, District of Minnesota; IT. s. neoloptcnl Purveyor, Montana; U. S. Reclamation Engineer, Oregon; Government Surveyor, Philip pine Islands. (raid Advertisement) CATTLE MARKET IS LOW (Courtesy Hunday'a Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Cattle market price at Portland have been some what too low all this season as com pared with competitive stockyard markets. For some reason, at present unexplained, there has been a very unusually wide spread between tne prices here and those at Omaha, Kan. us City and Chicago. ' During the lust week the market here haa reflected further weakness with ad.iltlonal shading of prices. In a very limited way steers could prob ably have been sold up to 7 for tops here during the week but the bulk of the good stuff failed to bring within heurlng dUtuiice of this figure. Killers hud more cattle offered them during the week and the heavy liquidation from the country natur ally caused buyers to sit on the price lid. General cattle market range: Selected steers Good to choice I6.&097.00 Good to choice 6. SO Ordinary to fair Best cows Good to prime Ordinary .Selected calves Fancy bulla r 5 .6 6.6 tit) Ordinary 4.0004.25 $100 Reward, $100. The readers ot im paiwr Kill m pleased (o leara lUal tliere la at least one dreaded jlwae (bat sclents baa been able to car lo sll Its itag, sod tbat is Catarrh. Hall a latarra Cure Is tbc ouly poaltlTi cum no auon to (be mwlkal fraternity. Catarrh Ixlng a rvantltutlui,ai dlaeaae. re cjulrra a constitutional treatment. Italia catarrh lure la taken Internally, acting dlrat'ily upon the blood and mucous sur face of tba aratem, tberrbr destroying tbc foundation of tba dlaeaae, and giving tb uaiivut atrenxtn ij building up me consti tution and auistlng nature in doing Its ora. 'i be proprietors tare ao uiucn faltb in lis curative powers tbat tbe offer On Hundred Dollars for any rase tbat It falls iv cur. Bend for Hat of (eatituualala. tddresa P. J. tllfcvsy A , loledo, Ohio. HuiU by ail lrt(-lst. 73e. Its Halle fauiliy 1111s for eooatti.atfoa. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR YOU CAN BRING BACK COLOR AXD LUSTRE WITH SAGE AND SULPHUR, When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is muasy and trou blesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeths Sage and Sul phur Compound." You Just damped a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing all gray hair disappears, and, aft er another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant Tou will also discover, dandruff Is gone and hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all tie Ire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and lookihajJ wrltten a letter to Cardinal Lu years younger. VOTE 56 X JOS. N. SCOTT Athena, Oregon Democratic Candidate for STATE SENATOR Nineteenth District. Morrow, Union and Umatilla Counties. I stand for honesty in public life, economy, veto of separate items, more power for the governor to en force laws and against log-rolling testation. (Tald Adv.) EAST OREGOIIIAfl Delivered to your home by carrier 65c a Month II'Y Market Is Steadier. At an advance of a dime over the price obtainable for similar quality on Monday, the swine market c loeJ the week at North Portland with tops selling readily around $7. There was a smart decrease in offering of hogs. in the yards as compared with lust week's big totals but the movement this week was somewhat heavier than the normal. Hog Market conditions at stockyard point east of the Rockies have been somewhat erratic recently but the cloning at Chicago this week was 17. 65 for tops while Kansas City was up to $7.E5 and Omaha was but fraction ally l-f for best quality. Just what hue become of the "boosters" who loudly proclaimed that North Portland hog prices would never go below South Omaha but would generally bo above the Chicago parity, Is unexplained. General hog market: Bent light 7.00 Medium light 6. 8096.89 Good and heavy 6.75 Rough and heavy 6 00 9 6.25 Mutton Demand Is Good. For killers, the market for mutton and iarnr, howed a rather good tone' in the North Fortiand yarJs during Jjjthe week. Total run wm 'compara- tlvely small, being .but 3386 head. ''.compared with 6758 head last week 'nd 7236 head this same week a year ag0 Generally speaking, there was no change in mutton or Iamb prices in the local yards during the week. General mutton market: Bent yearlings 15.50 J 5.60 Old wethers 6 25 95.35 Best ewes 4.3594 50 Best east mountain lambs 6.00 Valley llirht spring lambs. 5 65 5. 85 Heavy spring Iambs 6.00 9 5 50 IS CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Wheat closed l-4c lower. There was considerable snap to the buying side at the outset Saturday because of the decidedly strong Liverpool cable 1 l-2d higher Broomhall was inclined to be bullish, reporting heavy taking of all offers of cargoes at 3 l-2d to 4d higher, English trade was a little uneasy over future supplies because of the rup ture between Turkey and Russia. Re ports from Kansas City early in the day claimed large export sales round ed up late Friday. The deposition of the trade was to even up and take profits after the first hour. May touched $1.22 7-8 which was exactly 6c over the low quotation of Thurs day and surely the market was en titled to the reaction. . There are some reports of Heslan fly from the south west which cannot be ignored. The primary movement continues large and Is against bullish enthusiasm at this time. Duluth reported active buying of December against eastern acceptances. At the close there was a claim that Chicago nouses had worked 400.000 bushels via the gulf, presumably southwest wheat WHEAT. December Open. 116: high. 116 3-4: low. 115 1-2: close, 115 3-4A. May Or-n. 122 3-8; high, 122 7-8; low, 121 1-2; close, 121 5-8. ' FaIIc Irks Pretender, PARIS. Oct. 29. The Duke of Or- l leans, pretender to the French throne con. archbishop of Rhelma, saying that his exile, which never before had been 60 hard to bear, had pre vented his making earlier a protest hK:iin.n the bombardment of the Rhelms cathedral. Being the son of those who for centuries had crowned their kings In the cathedral, the duke snys that his regret over the damage to the edifice is extrme. The Utter then complains that the law acts as a bar to Ms fighting for France. It Really Roe Relieve lieiimati-iin. Everybody who is afflicted with rheumatism In any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute yon feel pain or soreness In a Joint or muscle, bathe It with Sloan's Lini ment. Do not rug it. Sloan's pene trates almost immediately right to the seat of pain, relieving, the hot tender, awoolen reeling ana ma King the part easy and comfortable. Get) a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25, cents or any druggist and have it in j the house against colds, sore and swollen Joints, rheumatism, neuralptn, j sciatica and like ailments. Your' monev bnik If not satisfied, but It does give almost instant relief Adv. Clio k Wns No Good. B ALBANY. ire.. tci. - KawUnps. dealer tn stationery, learn ed that he had been swindled out of 10 when a check for that tmount cn Ladd &. Tllton's bank of Portland was returned unraid. A few days ago a man giving the name of R. L Lane purchased from Rawllngs IS 50 fountain pen for 13 50, tender ed a check in payment. Mr. Raw llngs took out for the pen and pave the remainder in cash. Caundians Fear Invasion. PUFFALO. N. Y.. Ort. SO. The board of trade of the village of Fort Erie. Ont.. opposite Buffalo, has asked the Dominion government to station troons there. The nearest militia ! force Is now doing: guard duty on the Welland canal. The possibility r.f n raid by German sympathisers from the United States was openly discussed at the last meet ing of the village council, and the nc j tion of the hoard followed the failure I of the council to take action. Keniarkable Cure of (Xmp "Last winter when my little boy had croup I got him a bottle of Cham berlain's Court Remedy. I honestly believe It saved bis life." writes Mrs J. R. Cook. Indiana. Pa. "It cut tie phleirm anil relieved his cotighln spells. I am most graterul for what this remedy haa done for him." For i-ale by nil dealers. Adv. HI MARKET MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS TAKE A TABLESPOONIT'L OF SALTS IF BACK HURTS OR BLADDER BOTHERS, We are a nation of meat eaters anJ our blood Is filled with uric acid says a .well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of thla irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the ellminatlve tis sues clog and thus the waste is re tained in the blood to poison the en tire system. When your kidneys ache anJ feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging yoM to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weath- get from your pharmacist about four ounces of JaJ Salts; take a U blespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast each morning and In a few days your kidneys will act fin This famous salts la made from the acld ot grapes and lemon Juice, com- bined with llthia, and has been used for generations to neutralize th acid in urine so it la no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not Injure; makes a delightful effer vescent Hthia-water drink, and no body can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE Ne. It JU A. F. and A. U. meota t AA first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN 8. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postoffic. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 7t. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE ETORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Host modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or nlgbt Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone IS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts ot UUe to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sella all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any back In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre. C. H. MARSH. See. BENTLET A LEFFINGWELL, REAL astute, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. IIS Main street Phone 414. LI rFR T AND FEED 6TABLK. CITT LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street Carney ft Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Goo rig at all times. Cab Una In eonnee tlon. Phone 71. VETERIN ART SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTT Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. 4TTORNTTS. RALET A RALET. ATTORNETS AT .aw. Office In American National Pank Building. ; Jb Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian J 4l TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ji ! A Qaick and Handy Reference for Busmess and Home J : Trl- TeLy ADTOS FOR HIKE & TAXI SERVICE Parker Taxi Co.. in front French Ret 9S-12 AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES. REPAIRS Stone Garage, 727 Johnson St AUTO SUPPLIES, II UPSON CARS City Auto Co., 722 Cottonwood BU1CKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS Orepon Motor Garape, 119-21 W. Court. CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Quelle Cafe. 626 Main St. CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works, 20 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co.. eor. Main & Court 20 El 1-rTKIO WIRING AND FIXTURES S. L Vauirhan'e Electric Store. 831 Main ....139 OARAGES Pendleton Auto Co., 812 Johnson GPOCERIES Grav Bros. Grocery Co., 825 Main St.. GKOCLRIES Standard Gwcry Cx, eor "Virt iiinininiriiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iniiiiniuniiiiiiiiiiiniiiii!i;iinKiMi!:;ii:i:iiiniiiHni!i before you build no matter if it's a home, a barn. 1 out-building, or a remodeling of I your house or store interior m J" i fi ra v . 7 . , - mm Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand cement, roofing, etc. Wood and Rock Springs Coal 1 )B. L. BURROUGHS I Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 S riinnnniiiiimininiiniiiiiniiiMiiMiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiinininuiniinnniinmminnjc JAMES A- FEE. ATTORNET AT law. Office lo Deepaia building. CARTER SMITH E, ATTORNMT8 at law. Office) In rear ot Americas National Bank balldlng. JAMES B. PERRT. ATTORNET AT law. Office oyer Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4, Bmlta Crawford balldlng. DOUGLAS W. 3 AXLET ATTORNET at law. Will practice la ail state and federal courts. Rooms 1. S. I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNET at law, estates aettied. Wilis, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room IT, Bckmldt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNET at law. Office la Smlth-Crawfard building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consu 11 or at law. Of3ce In Dear; sis balldlng. ROSCOE P.. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Deepak bullllr PHYSICIANS. H. 8. GARFIELD. M. D. H0MX3 rathie physician and surgeon. Of flee JoM Block. Telephone: OfZce 141 W: r-jdJenc Sit J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V; STROBLE, DEALER IN Jvl anj second-hand foods. Cash a for all second-hand goods bocgh' Cheapest place In Pendton to ta, household goods. Call an! gt kli prices, til E. Court street Pass 271W. AUCTIONEERS. CCL. W. P. TOHNKA, AUCTIONEn makes a specialty of farmers etocl j and machinery sale. The man the' j gets you the money." Leave crflert I t East Oregonian offlca "A Telephone Livery. f.H5 f0.jrt gL MEATS AND POULTRY Sanitary Market. S05 E. Oirt PIANOS AND SEWING MAIII s FOR SALE OK RENT. Jese Ftilir, 2C1 Min .408 .110 1 - 2 EL Alta 169 PORTRAIT PJIOTOGRAPJIEI; C. S. Wliwlor. 2"0 E. Al'a St PIANOS. PIION(RAPIIS, SHEET MllC. LI NING WarriV Mu-i. K.-u.. 812 Main Ft .. .541 rjIOTOGRAPIIS is evOIUIN(i GOODS. LlCYCLL-d. MOTORCYCLES A JohHn I jlkiu'i r r get my prices 1 If you want it cheap or good, we can fill your order EE MILL WORK I TO ORDER 7 lie greatest ttock and variety in Umatilla 5 County of AUCTION SALES THE EAST OSV g onlaa makes) a epc!Jty of a me tlon aala bills, caxis ami adrertUU Wa eaa foralsh aoctlonar, dark mmA ajrertliinf complete fkat win aaaarv yon of aarlng a en or, To! asO. AUCTION SALES THE EAST 0 egoalaa makes a apedafty of v tloa aalo hills, card and adrertaatas. We eaa famish auctioneer, clerk ra aaYeruaiag complete that wQ 7ok of taring a STaccaasfal MTSCEIJLANTOra. ENGRAVED CARDS. DTOTATIOXA wedding announcement i-n V a f private aal bailneaa stationary. ta Very latest style. Ca3 at East Orw ff onlaa ofT.ce and sample. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS a SALS BOU of every descriptloa priate4 at rea sonable price at the East OregonVsx. W hare a f!n lot of etock catj that onr patrons are allowed the free as of. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY or glT tra for Umatilla cooaty rarm. izt to tit per acre. Adi Box II. Athens, Ore. LEGAL BLANKS Or EVERY De scription for county court, drcxa court. Jaatlce court, real estate, etc for sal at East OregocUa ofSca. T iSE AV E X E ,N 3JAV I ,M G l cc .v: r-an. v I - .1 a-ifi-xx.a...-. 1 'i it rmt-r1 HARDWARE AM) TIN WORK The Tar lor Ilardvrare Co., 741 Ua:n St. 6? JEWELRY AND WARTnTEPATma Walker Jewelry, S16 Main S:rvt. ZZ1 LIVERY 4t 24 -tit ic ve;r s V:- ail f 4