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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
TAGE .SIX. DAILY EAST OREQONTAy, rENT)LETON, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, lflU. ETOTIT PAGES Camera Supplies Everything for the Amateur AGENTS rORi AXSCO C AH ERAS MSCO CHEHICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be devrioped5 printed J I on CyLo paper "There's a Difference" Tollman &lGo. Leading Druggist MisTAKi-.x ix)it iu:i:k. MAN IIAM.Y VOlMEl) Con Dang Low CHOP SUEY CUIXESE KTTLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean - and up-to- date; FIRST CLASS SERVICH i TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Eta. Phone SC7 Pendleton. Ore. ORAXTS PASS. Ore.. Oct. St. Harry Iwlj, a pioneer of southern Oregon, naa shot anj probably fatally wounded by hi brother Ernest Lewis, on Friday. ho mistook him for a deer, according to word receiv ed here. The wounded man was car ried IS mllea through the moun tain! before medical aid was obtained. HUNTER RETURNS FROM TRIP WITH BEAR a. n. tiiomsox ;kts imwx in MOl NTAIXS OTIIKH XKWS Of THE TOWX. ncmc xanit and ripe Co. ot Fortinnd has Installed the new wa ter system at Molatla. MOTHER! IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED IP CROSS, FEVERISH, COXSTTPA' TED, GIVE -C.XJFORXU SYRUP OP FIGS. a larauve today saves a alck child tomorrow. Children alraply will not iaae me time from play to empty meir uoweis, wnicft become cloned up with waste, liver g-eta aluggUh; stomach sour. Look at the tongue. Mother! If coated, or jour child la listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ali ment, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours all this constipated poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that la ne cessary. It should be the first treat ment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. A ale your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Flggs." which has full directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." A SHARP 0H.1AND Wa&a,ia Beer Prevails All Over-WHY? Because It la a splendid beer. It has the delightful aroma, the rich flavor, the effervescence and the tang that characterirea the high Qual ity brew. Try a case of KJoster Bran bottled beer. On sale at OFFICE SALOOX CRESCENT BAR BREVTRY DEPOT SALOOX BOWMAN BART !iHU!I!l FELL Pendleton Cleaning Works BIGGEST AXD BEST FOR GOOD WORK (Special Correspondence.) ECHO. Ore., Nov. I. A. B. Thom son returned home Wdnilv a hunting trip In the mountains. A fat young bear was part of the tro phies of the hunt. His friends were treated to bear steak. The Ladles' Aid of the M K church held their regular election of officers on Thursday at the home of Mrs. j. it. Koonts of this place. The snowing officers were elected: Mrs. I. II. Gobhel. president; Mrs. p. w, nenciipy, vice president; Mrs. V. .-Mnomers. treasurer;, Mrs. Wm. Esel styne. secretary. Prof William Ford, principal of the rmatllla public school, is here visit ing with his former clasmate, Attor ney J. 8. Danforth. Prof. Ford and Mr. Danforth attended the Valpartao conege in Indiana, together. atlas Arlie Rounsoln. teacher at th Thomson school on Butter creek, left Wednesday evening for Pendleton wnere she attended the teachers' In auiuie. men she goes on to Milton to visit her mother. . . . Auarew warner. district au periniendent of the M. E. church was down from Walla Walla on Wed nesday evening and held the regular quarterly business meeting. Kev. Harry Gelvln. former castor or the M. E. church of this place, was nere the first of the week visit Ing at the C. J. Gulllford home. Miss Daisy Lee of Milton Is here visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. O Cannon. D. C. Brownell of Umatilla. Ore, was a business visitor here Friday. Mrs. c W. Preagnets and little daughter Catherine, of Stanfleld. vis Ited with friends here yesterday Mrs. Bert Mulllns returned home the first of the week from a visit with relatives at Clarkston, Wash. Walter Lehman, agent for the In terior Warehouse Co., at Pendleton, was a business visitor here Tester day. Mrs. Claude Helms of Pendleton returned home the first of the week after a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hatstead. Mrs. Wm. Easelstyne and Mrs. J. S. Danforh spent Wednesday visiting In Stanfleld. Dr. W. M. Davis has rented the Ripper store building and converted it into a suite of rooms. Dental par lors In the front and housekeeping rooms tn the rear. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rethlefsen left Friday for Hood River where they will visit a few days before going on to th 'r home In Portland. Local Playhouses What the Press Agent Has to Ray of Present and Oouiluf Attractions, Important. Bear In mind that Chamberlain's Tablets not only move the bowels but Improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all dealers. Adv. Our cjuipmer.t and patrons satisfactorily, you. knowledge enables us to serve our We Satisfy others we can satisfy Ladles' ar.d Men's Garments Cleaned and Pressed. HATS REBLOCKED Our wagon calls for and delivers work. 20 1-2 E. Alta Phone IS) 116 W. Court Phone 4SS fciill.illti!i 623 Main St. Phone 90 Columbia LiquorStore H. PETERS. Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSERS OF Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught Budweuer and R&inier Bottled Beer. California Wine 1.25 Gallon FREE COUPON FOUR-IN-ONE ANNA BELLE DOLL" !rin or s'uJ five of tlicse Coupons proporly signed and 10 to tlio Oit'':iian office anl tret a "Four-iii-Chie" muslin cutout feature or "Anna lie! Doll'' feature. No.. Pendleton, Ore., 1914 EAST OKKGOXIAX PUD CO., Herewith pla(j find fivo "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please ive me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Dell Doll." Name. If Address cent lv mail juld c fr l'"stnire. D1-: SUU K AND STAT K WHICH FEATURE IS WANTED Ostond Soallne Vacated. WASHINGTON. Oct. SO. The sea front at Ostend has been ordered va cated by German military authorities and the population Is taking refuge farther inland, according to a dis patch from American Consul Albert Johnson, dated yesterday at Ostend and sent by special measenge. to Plu'm, Holland. Orphount TucNday-Wtxliwtflay Kxtra! Extra! For thetie two days only, one of the greatest novelties ver attempted In pictures and which cost a. fortune to produce. King Hug got la featured In the biggest thing he has ever done. He enacts the part of very character in the cast and there are ten different characters. He pluy the hero, the villain, the elderly gentlemen, the coachman, the dctec tive, the poor old woman, the ricn woman, the Innkeeper, the turnkey and the policeman. Time after time he appears simultaneously on the screen In different characters. You have never seen anything like It and you cannot afford to mitw it. The title of this wonderful two-reel feature "Shadows," an Imp production. "A Lucky Deception," two part Nes tor comedy, featuring Victoria Ford and Eddie Lyons. Bob and Lee, col lege cnums, get In a scrape and get arrested. They are expelled from col lege and Bob's father Informs him he must marry and settle down In months and receive $50,000 or else get out Lee decides to masquerade as his fiancee and In due time they marry. The end la exceedingly fun ny out they finally both win wivei and fortunes. You must see this to appreciate It. Cony .Monday. , The One-Armed Duo In a noveltj musical act will be the vaudeville at traction for tonight. These two men each of whom have but one hand play various musical Instruments In a very skillful way. "The Spark Eternal." Two reel Kaybee. A story of the New York gunmen and the regeneration of a girl and a man. There are many exciting events In this picture and the ending is unusually fine. Tne final Impulse." American. A speedy story of life In a construction camp, with Winnifred Greenwood and Ed Coxen In the leading roles. "Bill Joins the W. W. W. s. Kom Ic. One of "Bill" series of slam bank comedies that are making a great hit throughout the country. pastime Today Only. "Booties Baby," Edison in two purl. An adaption from the novel by John Strange Winters. Robert Con ness, Herbert Prior, Mabel Trunnellr and Bliss Milford arc featured. 'The Peacemaker," Vltagraph. Van Dyke Brooks. Antonio Moreno, Con stance and Norma Talmadge are fea tured. 'An American Heiress." Lubin. A heloved adventurer picture featuring Arthur V. Johnson and Lottie Brlsco. Coming tomorrow Tuesday, "Ven detta," from the world famous novel by Marie Corelll. Says Barrymore in the New York Morning Telegraph. Not a single thought Is overlooked by the producer In making this wonder ful subject. "Vendetta" Is in a clas 1th "Quo Vadls' and considering that the book Is translated fnto French, German, Russian, Persian, Greek and Hindustan the picture should be equally interesting In all parts of the globe. .OOK FOR I. VST HOIK OIM.ILAXD FAKE ST11T (Continued from page 1.) GOOD NEWS. Many Pendleton Header Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels .fast," and In thousands of bad back sufferers In Pendleton, are glad to learn where relief may be found. Many a lame, weak and aching back Is bad no more, thanks to Doan'a Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with this tested remedy. Here Is an example worth reading: Joseph E. Maggert, 15 Lewis St., Pendleton, Oregon, says:" "I felt quite miserable from a dull, dragging backache, caused by heavy lifting. A friend said that perhaps my kidneys were causing the trouble and told me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I used three boxes In all and was complete ly cured. I gladly confirm all I said about Doan's Kidney Pills when 1 recommended them some years ago A short time ago when I again need ed a kidney medicine, I took Doan'k Kidney Pills and one box fixed .no In good shape." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Maggert had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. HEADACHE SIS. en gone Dr. James' Headache Powders give instant relief Cott dime a package. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moment to Dr. James' Headache Pow ders which cost only 10' cents a pack are at anr druz store. It's the quick est, surest headache relief In the whole world.' Don't suffer I Believe tne niony and ditrnm now I You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache and neuralgia . miaery is needle. Get what you sale ' for. of five and a half rents per pound for steel. The new Matlock street bridge ost six cents per pound. It Is esti mated by men who should know what they are talking about that the Eberhart graft on the county, above ordinary profit, on the 33 bridges will run to more than 120,000. The Vmntilla Rrldce. The rmatilla bridge deal was the rawest performance under the Eber hart system The county originally had a contract for a good high true bridge 530 feet long complete, to be built at a fairly reasonable cost. The contract was cancelled on the ground the bridge was too short and a new contract was made, directly In viola tion of law. for a bridge only 390 feet long, or 110 feet shorter than the or iginal bridge. This bridge Is poorly built, becomes submerged during high water and cost at least 16000 more than It should. Statements to this ef. feet are made by engineers galore Eberhart admitted to A. B. Cooley In- made $5000 on the bridge above a reasonable) profit. He told another man he had made a profit of $7001 oil told, on the bridge. plnn Substituted. Lost Thursday this paper published sworn statements from Oeary Kim brell, county surveyor, and J. W. Kim- brell, former county surveyor, saying they had absolute proof plans were substituted on six bridges built by Eberhart In 1909. By tnl" substitu tion of plans after the contract was awarded, Eberhart built lighter bridges yet was paid full price and made a profit of $1030 above the ex cessive price he was already gettlns through the absence of competition That the Umatilla bridge was let In violation of the law Is plan upon the face of the transaction. Glllllnnl claims the bridge was built by the county Itself under a superintendent. The plain facts shown by the county records prove the bridge was erected under a contract, tho Atlas Bridge Co having the contract to erect the bridge complete. That contract has been published repeatedly and the East Oregonlan has a photograph of the original contract which anyone may see. How a grand Jury two .years ago came to "white wash" tne umatma bridge deal was explained by this pa per Friday. If in doubt on that point read that story. That Judge O. W. Phelps when district attorney did not sanction the Umatilla bridge deal Is proven by the testimony he, Judge Phelps, gave gefore the grand Jury two years ago. That topic is covered In another story upon this page to day. V ! (coping Up With Undo Sam IN the last thirty-seven years of nati onal progress, the Bell Telephone has played an important part. Out of the pubjic's demand for uni versal service has grown the Bell sys tem, covering the entire country with one great intercommunicating system. Today there are more than 7,500, 000 telephones connected by. 1 4,000, 000 miles of wire in the Bell system, and every day the service is extended to meet the ever increasing needs of the people.t Every Bell Telephone it a Long Distance Station THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH GO. CHICHESTER S PIL& it 1 :.!. ir 4Mrwrt J I;rtiiJjf I'liia in r. 4 tU infttia V ' - M r..H l..vC Ki!4a. V Trie n f'fs KBf f fur " ! a. r .l.ic'r .rrtl HOODI ES. CHOP SUEY, CHIHfl DISHES GOrVS KWONG HONG LOW Vi A W 116 Wet Alta St., Upitalri, Phone 433 A EiBitel PUT YOUR UVj AW VOTE AGAINSTi nn o) 3 For Representative in Congress (SAMPLE BALLOT) S VoH lor Or 13 RICHARD ROE For United States Senator "" sSbX 18 JOHN DOE Vy 19 RICHARD ROE y ' For Governor t V i 22 JOHN DOE L 23 RICHARD ROE k For aa Amendment of Section 2, Article IL Etc 300 Yes Vo YES or SO 301 No For Coostihitloaal Amendment of Sectioa 302 Yea 303 No For Amendment of Section 6, Etc, 304 Yea 305 No Initiated kr autlierfty TUTICNAL 320 Y azT7 r-?g- 321 f 1"! sMTir jwr laKtated by ttftiiortty off Nra. l and ROOM VCNTILATIOfl 322 Yes 323 No Initiated ky Joeeph H. A TIOnAL ALsEf. jA r J k t jr Vot YES or NO iti EIGHT HOUR DAY or FE,.W0a:(ERS. Etc Vo YES or NO 332 Yea pnoiiiDiTiorj corssTiTu. ilT, Etc., Vo YES or NO MS i a Coastitational Amendment initiated by Paul Turner, etc. ABOLISHING DEATH PENALTY, etc, 334 Yea Vot YES or NO 339 No ll'ald Adv., Taxpayers & Wage Earneri' League of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.) i