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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
s EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKF.OfmAN", PENDLETON, OKFOON, MONDAY. XOVKMIiER 2, 1914. PAOR FIVE Vote For As the Lost -place to Trade if it is anytlan in Dry Goods, Indies' RoaJy-to-Wcnr, JlVicrv, Underwear, Shoes, Corsets, Millinery, etc., that pu may need. All prices based on "a sell it now" and not "a sale later" plan. Vc price our Merchandise so as to keep it moving and do not havo to put on a sale to- move it. THE LADIES STORE VOTE 701 Main Street DIAMOND W We" and favoral,1r known brand of ahelf AMOSCAT goods feature the extensive line carried by the delmonte ......East End Grocery Fruits, Vegetable and all other neceMltlea always to be found here. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN E. Alt EC No Rent. Just Taxes. Phone 631 llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli- ONE TRIAL WILL MAKE TOU A STEADY PATRON. AT I HOHBACH'S I 1 Modern Lunch Room 5 nrcavkfast, commencing at 6.00 o'clock a. m. Hot Merchant's Lunch E -11:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. MENU. BOUILLONS .... 10c Clam Bouillon 10c Chicken Bouillon . Malted Clam 10o SALADS AND RELISHES ). 10c Sweet Pickles .. 10c' Ripe Olives Chicken Salad 20o OYSTERS 60o Oyster Cocktail . 50o Oyster Stew . Tomato . Bouillon Beef Bouillon Queen Olives Totato Salad pan Roast Olvmcla Fry Olympla Raw 60c SANDWICH IIS Ham Sandwich 10c American Cheese Sandwich.. 10c Plmetta Sandwich ... 10c Sandwich 10c Swiss Cheese Sandwich 10c Ham nnd Egg Sandwich 15c Fried Ham Sandwich 10c Club House Sandwich - 35c Roaxt Beef Sandwich lOo specials Hot Waffles 10c Chile with Beans - !0c Baked Beans 10c Our Own Special Tamales....- 15c Hot Hamburger Sandwich. 10c Hot Roast Beef Sandwich, Hot Cakes Chile Con Carnle 10c ISc S HOT DRINKS Single- Orders S 5 Coffee . lOo Chocolate 10c Tea - - 10c H Malted Milk lOo Hot Lemonade .. 10c s Milk Punch 16c Hot Grape Punch 15c s Ambrosia Punch ............ .... 15c Hot Egg Chocolate 15c E 5 En Malted Milk 16c Hot Cocoa Cola - 10c Z S Coffe, Tea or Milk with orders. 6c cup. E 5 Ice Cream served at fountain and sold In bulk to order the year 5 'round. ' E OTTO UOIIDACII. Prop. Phone SO. . 231 East Court Street. E I tllll tlllllllllll III I II IIII 1 1 1 1 I IMIII11 1 1 1 1 liilfillllll Itll Mil II I till 1 1 1 1 1 II II II I II 1 1 M I II 1 1 Once A Customer. Always A Customer" THERE'S A REASON "Pure foods Low Cash Prices "Service POTATOES Buy now, tho price is riidit, full weight, Xo. stoek, sack $1.25 HOOD PJVER SITrZENISEKGS IVst apple for winter keeping, largo size, box .. $1.23 SWEET POTATO ES Fresh, smooth stock, Rood even size, 7 1-2 pounds for - 25 CABBAGE Solid heads, for kraut, quantity price, 100 IK for ... $2.50 Fresh Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Blue Squash, lb $ Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Green Peppers, Lettuce, Greens, etc., fresh today. Minco Meat Regular 15c size, each - 10$ THE SPECIALTY Phono 470. "S&yres" X SAYRES J) He 10c lOo 10c lie 50c Brown Gravy - 15c Try our Victoria Chocolates. Turnips and Onions. No. 1 Bulk Minco Meat Puro stuff nothing lacking, lb 20 Kraut Mado from the choic est cabbage, quart! 10$ Nut Butter, lb 20V Jelly, in bulk, raspberry fla vor. CASH GROCERY 628 Main St, LOCALS Advertising in Brief HATKH. Ir line first Inaertloo lOe I'er line, additional Insertion. . . .6c I'rr Hut, per month 11.00 No local taken for lent than 'Jjc Count 0 ordinary words to Una. Locals -will out be tk-n over tb 'pnone and remittance muat accom pany order. Good winter quarters for horses and rigs at the Alta barns. Wanted Good, clean rags at tht Cast Oregonlan office. Fashionable dressmaking at (13 W. Court. Thone 26IJ. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 121 Stonewall Jackson. The Alta House, a good, popular, et cheap place to stop. J. M. Steph enson, prop. Wanted Experienced Rlrl for gen eral housework. Inquire ,514 LewbJ. Phone J33J. Five room house for sale on north side. Corner lot Improved. Address W" this office. ror sale Span of marcs, 6 years old, weighing 1200 pounds each. In quire III Vincent street. Woman wishes position as house keeper. Neat and good cook. Call 409 E. Court street. Wanted to rent Furnished or un furnished house or rooms, modern. Apply Schaefer Jewelry store. Man and wife wish work, any kind. In hotel or boarding house Call or address 403 E. Court. Good dry, black pine wood, 15-50 per cord, IS. 00 If sawed. Delivered. See B. B. Gervals or phone 771. Five room house for sale. Nine blocks from Main street. Modern conveniences. Address "C" this of fice. For sale, cheap A late 1914 mod el, water power washing machine Only used a few times. Address Mrs. Maud Van Graven, Helix, Ore. Old papers for sale; tied In ban ties. Good for starting fires, eta. 16c bundle or two bundlea for 15a This office. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street Inquire of Walters' mill. Try the West End Market for gro ceries and meats. 1301 W. Alta St. Phone 771. Free delivery. Satisfac tion guaranteed. For sale Five shares capital stock, "Bank of Stanfleld. Discount book value for quick sale. Address P. O. Box 415, Grand Forks, N. D. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, cloM to school. 12600 takes It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. I have two stock ranches that I will trade either or both tor a general store or dry goods, clothing or gro ceries. Address owner, I. A. White ley, Council, Idaho. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van nd storage warehouse Office 147 Main street Phone III. Several small farms on Umatilla river particularly adapted to hogs, dairy or poultry, 1760 cash, balance on or before 10 years 7 1-2 per cent See Berkeley. Just Like Government Bonds. Uncle Sam has placed his stamp ot approval upon the meats we sell as being pure, wholesome and free from Infection. If you want good meat, phone 444, Oregon Market Adv. Rtrwt 0r Tickets on Sale. Street car tickets now on sale at French Restaurant General tickets, 22 for $1.00; school children's tickets, 30 for 1100. Good during school hours only. Adv. House for Sale. Five room house with corner lot on north side, for sale. House In good condition with all modern con veniences. Lot Improved. Good view Address "W" this office. Dcvlnniatory Contest Monday. The ladles of the W. C. T. U. an nounce a silver medal declamatory contest for Monday evening at 8 o' clock in the Methodist church. The following Is the program as arrang ed: Opening voluntary, Mrs. A. J Owen; scripture and prayer, Rev. T F. Weaver; "Twin Ballots." by Lois Swnggart: "The Stray sunbeam," by Najllno Blakely; cornet solo by Mr. Stubbs; "The Old Man's Account ot the Meeting." by Vera Taylor; "Two Portraits" by Leila Hodshlre; "The Two Glasses." by Edwin Kirtloy; "My Son," by Verna Taylor; "The Panther,' by Francis Rose; recitation by Ruth Terpcning and a number by the boys nnd girls' chorus. Everybody Is Invited. Adv. School Building at Auction. The board of District 92 will soil to the highest bidder for cash the old school building In Despnln gulch on Tuesday, November 3rd. . Sale will take placo at 1 o'clock p. m. at the school building. C. F. BLOOM. Chairman. BRADY HOWDYSHELL, (Paid adv.) Clerk. Dance ami Election Returns Tuesday. Public dance and announcing ot elect hm returns Tuesday nlsht. No vember 3rd. In Moose hall. Music by t'nlted Orchestra. Admission 50c. Given by Loyal Order of Moose. Pub lic cordially Invited. Adv. W. O. W. Attention. Tendlcton Camp No. 41 will hold Its rcKular meeting Monday evening. November 2. Important business; class Initiation. Good eats. By order of tho campaign committee. J. r. WALKER. (Tal.l Adv.) . Clerk. Tinker mill. taxes are to be cut to 5 If Willi L. W, JoKxe of Salem is at the Pendleton today. L. P. Norvell was In from his home at Helix Saturday. Col. H. O. Newport was up from Hermlston yesterday. T. E. Ghormlpy of Helix wan a Saturday visitor in the city. Glen E. Scott was In from his ranch north of the city yesterday. Horace Walker, former county commissioner, Is up from Stanfleld toJay. O. D. Tecl of Echo was a weekend visitor In Pendleton, stopping at tho St. George. George A. RobMns, editor of the Pilot Rock Record, is In from his home today. Kenneth O'Loane, traveling repre sentative of a leading paper house, is making Ft-ndlcton a visit today, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawthorne of Irrlgon wore guests of the Pen dleton yesterday, Mr. Hawthorne Is a civil engineer. H. W. Peterson of Portland, trav eling freight and passenger agent ot the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Is In the city today. James A. Cooper, who conducted Bingham Springs during the past summer has returned from that resort with his livestock and will either eel them or pasture them. JUDGES AND CLERKS NAMED FOR ELECTION TOMORROW The revised list of Judgf-g and clerks of the Pt-ndleton polling places is as follows: No. 37 T. J. Tweedy. Mrs. C. H. Martin. Mrs. D. D. Phelps, R. O. Hawks. 8. R. Thompson. H. B. Whit man. No. 38 W. R. Campbell, C. W. Brownfleld. E. E. Baltezore. R. W. Ayers, Bell Wilner, J. 8. Beckwith. No. 39 R. H. Wilcox, Norma Al b.way, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, Mrs. A. D. Frost, .R M. Mayberry, J. T. Lam birth ' No. 40 N. Berkeley. Kate B. Owen, Mrs. L. L. Rowland, Frank Hays, n. E. Cook, Charles O. Rlnehart. No. 41 DotiKlas Belts. C. P. Miller. C. A. Cole, George Carney, R. E. Chloupeck, Joseph Murphy. No. 42 J. L. McPherson. N. D Swearlngen, Claud Penland, Earl Gil liland. J. U McAtee. Ella M. Caven dish. No. 43 George M. Shaw. J. A. Gibson. R. N. Endlcott. Sam For hhaw. J. H. Morris, H. N. Morrison. No. 44 M. R. Yates, Thomas Hof fer. J. W. Klmbrell. Richard Hensen, G. Newman. Mrs. A. B. Chapman. No. 45 Marlon Jack, Will Moore. Helen F. Robinson. C. K. Cranston Helen M. Fairbanks. J. S. Johns. No. 46 Fred Searcy, Elizabeth Landers. W. J. Stockton. Leola M. Brown, Mrs. J. C. Neal. Roland Oli ver. Ho. 31 la In the Eastern Oregon hospital precinct The polling place Is located at north of the Lee street bridge. The Judges' and clerks here are: S. O Shaw. Ed Morgan. R. H. Patton. William Sutherland. J. Z. English, W. E. Welco. HEAD OF PORTLAND PARKS SAYS PENDLETON FINE TOWN "CHEAT LITTLE CITY" IS COM MENT OF SUPERINTEND ENT COXVILL. Pendleton Is a great little city." This was the comment made yes terday afternoon by J. O. Convill, su perintendent- of parks and boulevards in Portland, after he had been taken for an auto ride over the several miles of paved streets, and had visited Round-up Park, the city water works, the eastern Oregon state hospital and had made a general inspection of the city. Mr. Convllle Is much impressed with Pendleton and thinks that it is char acteristic of the city that It should be the first In the state outside of Port land to plan a public natatorlum, parks and playgrounds. Though he has never seen the Round-up, he Is an ardent booster of it and believes Pendleton should by all means per petuate it. Having been secured to superintend the construction of the natatorlum at Round-up Tark. Mr. Convill will spend considerable time in Pendleton during the next few months and the ladles of the Civic club plan to make use of him In their campaign of civic Improvement. ANOTHER CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEN FIRST WHITE CHILD D. I. STEWART OF SUSANVILLE. ORE., IS RIVAL OF S. T. PHILLIPS. Not S. T. Phillips of Weston but D I Stewart of Susanvllle, Ore., was the first white child born In Umatilla county, according to Hurl Stewart of this city, a brother of the Susanvllle man. Noticing In the East Orepon ian that Mr. Phillips claimed the dis tinction of being tho first white na tive of this county, the local man has come forward to dispute the claim Mr. Phillips was born at the point now Known hs Caynse In 1S52 while Mr. Stewart claims his brother's birth took place nt Meacham on Sept, 15. isr.o. The Stewart family was nt that time completing a trip across the plains and wont on to the Willamette valley, returning to this county In 1S60. D. I. Stewart was raised here but, quite a number of years ago moved back to the valley. His brother, Harl Stewart has, however, lived In the county since I860. I NYE ill BUYS FARM CLARENCE ADAMS SKLLK PROP ERTV NEAR PILOT ROCK OTHER NEWS, (Special Correspondence.) PILOT ROCK, Ore., Nov. 2 Clar ence. Adams has sold the land and belongings known as the Owlngs place to Harry Whlttaker of Nye, the con sideration not being known. Bert Whitman of Pendleton was here on buHlness Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Etter spent Sat urday at Pendleton doing some trad ing. Mrs. A. C. Cooper find daughter. Lillian, were visitors at Pendleton for a few day this week. Coming as a surprise to many of their friends. Jack Hodges and Miss! Chambers were married Thursday at Pendleton. From there they went to Walla Walla to spend a few days and then they will return here to make their future home. Mr. Hodges Is a young business man of this town, navlng only arrived here about two years ago and pur chasing the feed mill from Tane James. But Jack Is a rustler and having secured so much business It was necessary' to erect a new mill flour mill. In connection. MUs Chambers Is a sister of Mrs- John Wynn of McKay and who for merly lived In Portland. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams were In town Friday from their ranch near Nye. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Etter motored down to Pendleton Friday Marvin Roy attended the wedding of Jack Hedges at Pendleton Thurs day. Flovde Miller and Arthur Bond motored over to Walla Walla Wed hesday returning home Thursday night. Roy RItner of Pendleton was on of t'e spenkers at the republican ral ly Thursday evening. T. P. Gllllland left Friday for Pen dleton on business. Artbur Wetsel was a business vis itor at Pendleton FrIJay. Dr. Parker of Pendleton was call ed here Thursday night to attend lit tie Lawrence Edwards who is quite 111. Mrs. George Campbell spent Friday nt the county seat doing some shop plner. Mrs. T. F. Rov was a visitor at Pendleton Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mathews o Stewart creek were In town Wednes day dolne some shopping. Rer. Weaver of the Christian church of Pendleton raid Pilot Rock a short call Wednesday. The school teachers of this district nr attending- the teachers Institute at Pendleton this week. Georee Cflrnes was a business vis Itor nt Pendleton Saturdav. Mr Clarence Adams Is visiting Mrs. E. T. Fanning for a few days. Asqitith Makes Appeal. DUBLIN. Oct. 31. The meeting addressed by Mr. Asquith In the Man sion House, on Friday, was a great historical event, measured even by the exacting standards of these notable times. John Redmond and other rationalist leaders like Mr. Dillon and Mr. Devlin kept their pact In the spir it of "God Save England. Too." Thev sent forth their appeal for the army nnd the flag, for the em rlre nnd its cause, tor the Celtic man hood of a race proved on a hundred flel,t nrM In manv armies to be as good a fighting stock s the earth knowg nnd as capable of generous Idealism. Mr. Asquith came out strongly for an Irish brigade In the w-ar. HattletJiip Gun Bursts. LONDON, Oct. SO. A dispatch to the Central News from Rome says: "The captain of an Italian steamer which has Just arrived at Naples from Trieste reports that on the voyage on the Adriatic he observed an Austrian dreadnought under way for Tola, the Austrian naval base. The dread nought had come from Cattaro, where during a recent action, one of her eight-inch guns burst, causing a ma gazine to explode. The vessel was seriously damaged. Her turret was blown up and there were rents In her sides." HIS FIGHT THE CLOSEST OF ALL James W. Wndsworth, Jr., the New York republican nominee for United State senator, tvhosc popularity in Up state counties was all that saved him from defeat at the hands of W. II. Calder. The final count showed that Wadsworth had been nominated by a majority of 100.000 ail of which came from up state districts. ; I , jf ,0 - J .. ;':' ,"2 ? I ! K:fl if fiic MMO Knows Bath Roomand Plumbers Supplies Carried in stock and installed for you In a workmanship manii'r, af fording service, convenience and looking right as well. Our work guaranteed. BEDDOW Phone 202. To make preliminary preparation toward commencing the construction of a swimming tank and wading pool at Round-up Park, J. O. Convill, su Derlntendent of parks and boulevards in Portland, was here yesterday and during the afternoon met in consulta tion with the committee from the Commercial association and ladles clubs which has the project In charge. Mr. Convill has been secured by the committee not only to plan the nata torium but to superintend the con struction work. He Is recognized as one of the most practical and experi enced men In this department of pub lie work in the west and the commit tee feels Itself very fortunate In se curing his services. This city being the first in the state outside of Port land to undertake the building of an natatorlum. Mr. Convill was Rial lo assist aa he Is very enthusiastic over providing of places of public amuse ment. There la still a considerable amount of monev vet to be raised to Insure the building of a satisfactory pool but the committee feels that there Is a unanimous public sentiment back of the rroiect and that little difficulty will be encountered in securing the necessary funds. Tool of Concrete. As r-lanned by Mr. Convill. the swimming pool will be 100 feet long by 60 feet wide and will vary in denth from two feet to nine. With these dimensions 233 people can be accommodated In the pool at one time. The pool itself will be built of concrete but will be enclosed by a wooden structure. It will be roofed with canvas which can be rolled up during the morning to allow the sun's rays to warm the water and unrolled again In the afternoon In order to protect the bathers. x An now planned there will be dress ing rooms at each end of the pool, one for ladies and one for men. There will be 30 dressing compartments In each room, each one accommodating flvo nonnlp and runnine down the center of each room will be a double row of Individual lockers, 150 In num ber. Thus, after the bathers have donned their swimming suits, they will hang their clothes In the lockers, the keys to which they will have about their necks. Shower baths will probably be Installed for use aft er the plungs nnd it Is possible that electric hair dryers will also be In stalled. life Saver at Hand. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Convill, it is probable that there will be two people In charge of the swim ming pool at all times, an attendant to supply towels and suits, and a life saver and Instructor. To provide i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRELIMINARY FUNS FOR LOCAL mm TANK ARE UNDER NAY 3 I We received a sample line I of Frazer & Co. s Furs. 1 We don't intend of handl- ing any, so are closing this 1 out at about 1 HALF-PRICE I THE LEADER I Corner Main and Court Streets 1 ilium 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M i ( j j 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 !t ( i ! i j i t. i j i r j 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j i j ( f i ( r i iE his business, h ran sae "' unnecessary expensn ami "ci.rne-back" tro'iMo on tit Job he does fur you. WIT ARE PLt'MIUNU srrxiALisrs. We maintain the only ex. fliifdvu plumbing shop lit Pt-ndleton- We employ ex pert plumber who are ii"t "Jacks of all trades," but hn make a special Mudy of sclent, flc plumbing that I up-to-date and that Is worth tho good money y-vi spen-l for it. & MILLER "Always Awaiting Your Call." W. Court and Garden St. funds for the pa'ylng of these employ es, special nights may ba set aside for bathing parties or small charges may be made for all bathers. These and) other details will bo decided upon later. It Is probable that some afternoons wWl be set aside exclusively for la dles and others for men but mixed bathing will doubtless be allowed In the evenings. Bathers will probably be required to furnish their own suits but they must conform to certain re quirements, for. as Mr. Convill point ed out. If bathers are permitted t wear whatever they please the swim ming togs will range from "a prom ise to a full suit of clothes." Availing Pool, Too. The swimming pool will be con structed on the north side of the park along the levee. The driveway to the grove will pass directly In front of It and. across from the driveway, an open wading pool will be constructed. The overflow water from the city res ervoirs which now enters the park at the southeast cornor will prob ably be conveyed to the pools through an open pebble brook and it Is the Intention to convey the wa ter from the pools to the artificial Inke and moss pools. Ultimately It is the Intention to build a public playground adjoining? the wading pool. At the meeting held In the Com mercial club rooms yesterday after noon the general plans were thresh ed out and an interchange of Ideas had. Mr. Convill left for Portland on the midnight train but will rrobably return next Sunday. Clalim Water Was Inf-tl. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Oct 30. Grow ing out of the tyrhoid epidemic of last winter. G. A. and Sarah A. Dickie, desidents of Centralia. have brought suit against that city for $25,000 damages. It la alleged that after the Centralia city commission had purchased the water supply sys tem of that city from the Washlng tonLOregon corporation. It sold tht Dickie family Infected water. ILLEGAL VOTERSBEWARE Fifty dollars reward Is offered for the arrest and conviction of anyone voting Illegally in Pendleton on Tues day, November 3 The Anti-Saloon League and the Law and Order League have deposited 3250 In a bank to meet this expense. LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE. (Paid adv.) 1 1 1 iiiiiummiiiiimmiiimiiiniiiiiiii 91