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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
PAGE TWO TUTTT EAST OKEflOXIAN. PENDLETON". OTCFr.oy. MONDAY, NOV KM HI-R 2, 1011. EIOHT PAGES 'J I WEN PARTY IS EHJOYAeLE AT ADAMS a Come to The Peoples Warehouse for Cold Weather Needs Our Stocks are complete and remember whatever you buy here is the the best for the price, no matter what the price You'll find all the newest things here first always The biggest, newest, cleanest most desirable stock of wearables in Pendhtnn. Waisfc Cliarminff new waists of crepe de clino, with lonr sleeve, low nock and wft Cullars, flown in white and colors. Price 54.00 to 18.00 New models in i.IaiJ and stripe taf ftta in vote effect?, finished with white collars; daintv model in chiffon: full run f f fizw ?2.9S to $8.50 Lingerie Waists Xcw lingerie wai-t', ju-t ' receive, 1. Made of mile and lawn, daintily trim med with lace and cmlroiderv, low neck and Ion? sleeves, finished with roll collars and flare collar?, sizes 34 to 44. Priced from OS? to ?2.23 SHOES That wear longer. S h oe s That fit Utter. Shoes That cost less for the quality. 4 Shoes That are made in 6tyles and weights for every purjwse of service. Sh o e s That les.-en the hih cost of living in that you have to buy fewer pairs. S h o e s Velvet Mandarin Jumpers Made with chiffon sleeves, the very latest thing out, navy and black, beauti fully made, smart styles ?5.00 and 7.50. Robe Land Cloth An ideal cloth for batJand slumber robes. Comes 30 to 36 inches wide, in rl line patterns for children as well as grown ups. All colors. The yard C5 to 50?. From the Peoples Warehouse are guaran teed to give you satisfactory service. $2.00 Duvetine$1.49 A splendid wearing dress or suit fabric. All wool, heavy nap finish, 52 inches wide. Comes in national, ocean blue, wine and purple, worth ?2.00 yard. Special this week..... r ?1.49 Boys9 Fall and Winter Clothes that will satisfy you Those parents who have not yet supplied the clothing and furnishing needs of their boys for Fall and Win ter will find it to their advantage to vmt our very complete boys' de partment. There you will find all of the best styles, materials and pat terns in the various garments. BOYS' COMBINATION" SUITS $5.00. Boys' combination suits with two pairs of knickerbockers. Tlcve are mado of fancy cheviots in a good range of colors. They have Norfolk . style of coats made with pleats, stitched belt and patch pockets. Your choice S5.00 Our Celebrated "Best-Ever" Suits for Boys $4.50 to $10.00 Bo sure to see our celebrated "BesteviT" Suit-. They have long been known as the lt 5iblc values obtainable. They come in plain and fancy worsted., blue serges, etc. There is no Ik tter suit made for school service. The trousers are lined with linen, patent buttons, taped seams. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WINTER OVERCOATS. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OVERCOATS in all the most lHpnlar materials, stvles and colors of the m'oii mid in nil sizes. Price ".. ?1.00 t 918.00 BOYS' AND LITTLE TOTS' OVERCOATS in Russian. Balmacann ami school overcoat styles. S'liie are plain, others are belted. Guest Toweling In all linen huck toweling in pnest width, comes in plain and fancy, best quality. Its none to early to start Christmas fancv work. The vard 30 to 35?. couoi J The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PA YS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS m COUPON Faille Poplin A beautiful silk fabric for dresses, in a two tone effect. Conies 40 inches wide and all shades f.r street and evening wear, soft fiinMi, draes well, exclusive dress lengths. The yard $2.50 "GHOSTS" UKICOMK UIMS ' - OTHER NEWS XOTKS OF TIIK TOWN. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, ore., Oct. 2. Eileen Ib.wl lng returned to her school In IVndle ton after spending the greuter jurt of the week at home. A Hallowe'en urty wan given at the home of Eileen Howling Satur day ev nlrig. The manner In which, the different event of the evening were carried on were quite amusing. The hostesses met their friend ut the- door drisiicd n "Kh"Kt." After the KUeotM hud all HKHemliled, trlck.i HtiJ other ainuxlnic 'ntuntft" were cirrleJ cn. Another part of the program taffy pulllnK." After frolkkln about for some time the KUentM de parted, all declarlmt they had had a very enjoyable time. U n. W'oodwurd und wife made ti trip to Pendleton to do tome ahop plnif In their car. J. O. Hales and family made a trip to the emmty peat Saturday t do ome trading. J. V. Ft-hnfer wa In town t g.r fume chopped barley, Ike Chrlntipher' and family were vlKltora at the county feat Suturday. They made the trip In their car. O. H. Heeder ha finished h! fall needing. ('. U Woodward I now dtaklnf hid ground getting It ready for iprtnt; Flawing. Matt Delnlng l now making a new concrete garage which l Hx!9. EN mer Pell In manapT of the work. William Johnson In now Timtln? John Ulums. F. H. Huderman ha a ten mule team working the mad. J. II Ksgers and wife made a trip to Tcndleton hnt wetk In their car t' j do some trading. I P. M. Itrown and wife drove to th I county teat to do pome chopping. Klennor Stockton returned It her cchool In Helix Sunday. ' Mrn. Ixe Cowger of Coin. I.wa. the guet of her rl.iter, Mn. Lena. Chesnut. The skaters met again Friday even lng to enjoy themselves. A good I crowd attended and all present hsd a very enjoyable time. A crowd of I young people came up from Pendleton to attend the skating. Klleen Howling led the young peo- I pie's meeting Sunday evening The meeting was on "The w ork verse " Among thNe who vloited at the i county seat Saturday were I M. Mor i rlson and family. ;rant Marquis, city drugcl.t. T. O. I'.lrhardson. postmast ed and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. IJetiallen Mrs M. A. Daker and Mrs Mabl Mci'Villum went to Athena Saturday to do some shopping. srtTK.KilSTS M'OIIK HJIXT IX ( I.KVKIiAXD CLKVEL.AXD. O.. Nov. 2. Suffrage leaders of C'uyhoga county announced today that three impartial Judges were unable to find one unanswerable log ical anti-suffrage argument among the hundreds that were offered In a ccnten which closed todav. The contest, which was for a prize of fifty dollars, was open to all male voters of Cuvhogi county who thought they could tc!l In 1mi than ;fo words why women should not vote. IK'AL IHUGfilsT MARKS MAXV nUKNDS Tallman & Co. report they are msk. lng many frlen la through the QUICK benefit which Pendleton people re eelve from the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.. known ita Adler-I ka. Thla remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and It I Is the most thorough bowel cleanser known, acting POTH on the lower nnd upper bowel. JVST ONE DOSE of Adler-l-ka relieves constipation; nnd gas on the stomach almost IM MEDIATELY Tallman L Co drug gists. Adv. WRECKAGE OF RHEIMS CATHEDRAL SOCIAL NEWS SHOULD BE PHONED BY 10 A. M. EACH DAY : Mrs. Arte C. Hampton la hostess the furnace, but each Is not always the this afternoon to the South Hut I case. Every time a room Is swept liridge club. I more or 1-j.g dust falls through the grating, only to be forced up again Mrs G. M. Le!er returned triisiby the heat or by the Jarring or tne furnace when the coal is riiornli g from a weekend vbit In Port land. One of the novel and enjoyable Hallowe'en purties was that Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Manuel Friedley. Juanita Frled ley and Mlsa Beulan Touor being bos-tesjii-i to a number of high school stu dent. The decorations were typical of the occalon and Hallowe'en pas t;ftien wre enjoyed until a late hour. shaken down. The registers are very easily removed, and If you will brush the dust out from time to time you will hare do more trouble from this source La Wnldlng I .ate I'at-lilon. Lace weddings are the latest fash Ion, says a Detroit FTee Pres writer. Instead of having the wedding gown of i-himmering white satin, the bride plans ne wholly of lace, or else so The members of th Moose lodge ! heavily trimmed with lace that scarce ae pWi.nei a aance In their hallM' any of the foundation fabric can rr,.v ,i-.nin uru ih niMti I d!cerned. The mesh ned not be Seattle Woman Guilty. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2. Mrs. Mary Hogan Is guilty of manslaughter for shooting and killing her husband, James J. Hogan, doorkeeper at the Orpheum theater In the foyer of the theater on the evening of August 23. according to the Jury which returned a verdict In Judge P.onald's depart ment of the superior court this morn ing. The maximum penalty 1j 20 years In the penitentiary. -tiior will receive the returns from the el ection our the Mate between nutn ! -is. expensive. mrrTEU hahies The rrusade for better liable hn spread from coast to coast, had tn ken firm hold of American Mothers. Few women realize how much the ill health of the mother Influence the un born child both physically and mental ly. Women who suffer from mysterlou Tt,ere are any number of pains, backache, nervousnes, ment Mr. snd Mrs. W. IJvingston are re reiving congratulations upon the t irth of a son Friday nu-bt. Mr. Liv- ifgMon Is the new instructor tn sci- nee aiid athbtic mentor at the high bo(d The Duplicate Whist Hub is being entertained thi af-rnoon at the home of Mik J. It. Dickson on the south bill Home Hints and Recipes rmiehine lace which look exceedingly well, especially among the half-made robes. Or the bodice in net may be covered with a lace bolero, and the skirt, also In net. carry a lace flounce applied at the hips and falling to the feet. At a lace wedding the bridesmaids wear inexpensive white lace frocks over colored slips matching the fchade of a ation girdle, and white malines or organdie bats. The women among the nearest kin of the pair to be mar ried wear gowns of black Chantill" j or Spanish lace veiling mauve, pearl gray or black silk, or of dull silver or Kold lissue. depression headaches, etc., shoul rely on i E. Plnkham's roots anl herbs, which for nearly forty years 1i!ls been the -standard remedy for the ailments. Adv. Dllkt CollH- up IYomi Ili'glxU-r. The ff'ut objection some people l)i to bout"- beati-d by hot air is Knit i he rooinai are never free from rtut-t n, Good Housekeeping. It is oo,nioii) thought that the dui-t which rises from the regluters come from CASTOR I A For Xitfknti and Children. Hi Kb j Yea Kara Afwzjs Bwgfc t llotli hide Confident. fEATTLE, Nov. 2 Leader on both side of the statewide prohibiti on fight, expressed confidence of th? outcome Tuesday, following one of the hottest political battles ever waged In the state of Washington. M. Dickinson, president of the Oregon State Hotel asmirlatlon, who baa been one of the Washington slate wet leaders, declares the state will remain wet by several thousand majority and that counties now dry will give wet majorities. Georrs K. f'otterlll head of the in ternational ort'.'irilznilori of Good Tern plnr In satisfied that Washington 1m Mif- 1 in the ory column. Neither ldej w til ghe oof f.g-jp n c.r.c'crnlr.g the probable majorities. r;nidy In On Cnrjt. i SALEM, Ore , Nov. 2. James Gra dy wan arrested nt Turner an 'I brouirht to the county Jail here to re main there whl'e sn investigation Is made of hi record. Oradv was round peddling several new hoes, a dozen pocket knives, razors, pocket combes and kid end the theory of Sheriff Esch the good were stolen from where. Another Veteran fiot-n. GHF.HALI3. Wash.. Nov. 2 An drew ft Robbing a veteran of the civ. II war, died suddenly st his home on Folsoin street after sn lllne of a week from rheumatism of the heart. The deceaOfj wan f,1 year of age. Mr. P.ohbln was a soldier In the Sixty-sixth Ohio Infantry during the civil war. f ': CrA Q&&&& v. Pctnd Supidy Runs Iw. EnrssELS, Oct. SO The Germarr troops In Central Helgium have vlr. tually exhausted their petrol supplv Oil Is Issued now only to high offi cers nnd then In small fuantit,- The. 'ermans selred larse tjuuntltle of oil fuel here, but shipped It back to Ger many. Apparently they are now un. able to secure a return of thi oil The Germans Hre reiiMt10nli:t. many second-rnte horse hlch thrv formerly had ignored and also hur-e. vehicles. lit-t RoldcT Reported PEATTI.K. Wash.. Nov. 2 A of poll.emen. heavily nrnir(1 w,r r.u-nea 10 Meadow Point, a few miles north of Golden Gate Park. In the northern limits of vuie. following a report that the remaining member of tm gang of Scdro-Woolley bank rob bers was seen in that vicinity 'aterrti Is un excetvlve secretion.1 nee,,rririftnlei with chronic Infliimrrm. i Hon. from the rnuroii menbr-ine. ffoo l's Sa r:i u: rllla aits on the mil- colli merr.brnne through the blood redu'eK Inflammation, ejd'iblli'hes 1 fli'drnl of Jtlielin ant shown to I' 'tliy M'-tion, find radically cure 1'VI' le n but little damaged by the fill f,f r,,tarrh, Adv. Gumt.n bombardment of three weeks Although the general line of the ago, detail picture show that trie most of the nrt gem for whkh the cathedral wn noteworthy were dam aged beyond repair by the German shells. This Photograph show the detail of the damage done to the beautiful figure of the saints which ornamented the cathedral facade. SICK, SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION OR GAS TAPE'S DIAPEPmx- MAKES IT. SET STOMACHS lX HM) . IN 11VB .MI.MTKH. Wonder what upset voe v. which portion of the food did the damage do youT Well, don't r. If your aiomach la in a revolt If sour, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate ha fermented Into atubborn lumps; head dlzry and achea; belch gasea and acids and eructate undi gested food; breath foul, tongue coat, ed Just take a little Pape'a Dlapepi , and In five minute you wonder what became of the indigestion and dla tres. Million of men and women today know that It la needles to have a. bad Btomach. A little n. caslonally keeps thla delicate organ regulated and they oat their favor ite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't tak c.ta of your liberal limit without ri.bei. Hon; if your food U a damns: in- Btead of a help, remember the quick est, urest, most harmless relief Is Papc's Dlapepsln which cost onlv fifty-cent for a large case at druir torea. It'a truly wonderful It di gest food and sets thing straight so gently and easily that It is realu' astonishing. Please, for your aake, don't go on and on with a wev ordered stomach; lt' so unnecessary . 1